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ABE International Business College

Las Pinas City



A Capstone/Dissertation

Presented to the Faculty of the School Computer Studies, ABE Las Piñas

RCS Building Alabang-Zapote Road, Las Piñas City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Marcelo, Justine F.

Valenzuela, John Michael M.

June 2021

ABE International Business College
Las Pinas City

ABE International Business College
Las Pinas City

This Capstone project becomes a reality with the kind support and help of many

individuals. We would like to extend our sincere gratitude and appreciation for all the

hard work and dedication they have given us.

To our Adviser Mr. Dexter I. Mercurio, whose valuable guidance has been the ones

that helped us patch this project and make it successful, her suggestions and his

instructions has served as the major contributor towards the completion of the project.

To our families who have helped us with their valuable suggestions and ideas

has been helpful in various phases of the completion of the project.

To our friends and classmates who we have shared our work for the whole

session of completing this project. We are grateful for the constructive cooperation we

have had and for the willingness to compromise that has been show for the purpose of

producing a good project. Thank you for the entire laugh and every stressful day that

brighten up our day.

ABE International Business College
Las Pinas City


The purpose of this study is to address a solution to the difficulty that has been

occurring in a barangay. The idea was to introduce information system to help solve the

problem. This paper provides an efficient and effective way to record and manage

information that is needed of every barangay. The Barangay of Pamplona Uno has a

thousand records of resident that they use on settlements, residential issues and for

police reports. According to the secretary of the barangay Pamplona Uno, they used a

manual writing or recording of residents information save in their logbooks and it is used

every time a resident or complainant report an issue. The researchers conducted a

study about Barangay on using manual process. It is time consuming in terms of

recording that may cause inconvenience. The researchers decided to conducted a

study and develop a system, "Computerized Barangay Information System" to provide

an overhaul of the manual system that the barangay is been using. The WEB BASED


program which contains features that records and manages information specifically a

resident information database, an Residents Page, Blotter Records & Settlement

Schedule dashboard, and a dashboard for Issuing of Barangay Certificate. The

researcher of this system uses an descripted method to make sure that the user is

updated with the system changes and also identify their cases immediately. The

implementation of the system can help the barangay organize their settlements and

resident information in a system with an online storage suitable for keeping credentials

and keeping other unwanted users of interfering with the system. With the help of this, it

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Las Pinas City

will reduce human errors and processing time, thus it can boost productivity and result

into a high quality of product produce. This can result in a system well integrated

process that can perform much faster and more accurate than the manual system.

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Las Pinas City

Table of Contents


 Title Page ……………………………………………………….. 1

 Approval Sheet …………………………………………………. 2

 Acknowledgements …………………………………………….. 3

 Abstract ………………………………………………………….. 4-5

 Table of Contents ………………………………………………. 6-7

 List of Tables ……………………………………………………. 8

 List of Figures …………………………………………………… 9

 List of Appendices ……………………………………………… 10

 Definition of Terms ……………………………………………... 11-12


1.1 Introduction ……………………………………………………13-14

1.2 Project Context ……………………………………………….14-15

1.3 Purpose and Description ………………………………….…15-18

1.4 Objective of The Study ………………………………...…….18-19

1.5 Significance of the Study ……………………………...…….19-20

1.6 Scope and Limitation ………………………………………...20-22

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Las Pinas City


2.1 Foreign Literature ………………………………………….. 23-26

2.2 Local Literature ……………………………………………... 26-31

2.3 Foreign Studies …………………………………………….. 31-38

2.4 Local Studies ………………………………………………... 38-45

2.5 Synthesis ………………………………………………......... 46-48

2.6 Technical Background ……………………………………… 48-49


3.1 Software Design, Products and/or Processes ………….. 50-57

3.2 System Architecture ……………………………………….. 58-60

3.3 Conceptual Framework ……………………………………. 61-62

3.4 Use Case Diagram …………………………………………. 63-64

3.5 Cost Benefit Analysis ………………………………………. 64-67

3.6 Requirement Analysis ……………………………………… 67-68

3.7 Data Flow Diagram …………………………………………. 69

3.8 Context Flow Diagram ……………………………………… 70

3.9 Block Diagram.………………………………………………. 71

3.10 Reference ………………………………………………….. 72-73

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Las Pinas City

Table 1 – Operational Cost ………………………………….……… 53

Table 2 – Development Cost……………………………...………… 53

Table 3 – Maintenance Cost ……………………………………….. 54

Table 4 – Total Development Cost………….…………...………..... 54

Table 5 – Benefits of the System...………….…………...……….… 55

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Figure 1 – Agile Software Development Method………………...… 42

Figure 2 – System Architecture……………………………...………. 46

Figure 3 – Conceptual Framework (IPO)………….…...………....... 49

Figure 4 – Use Case Diagram.........………….…………..……….… 51

Figure 5 – Data Flow Diagram ……………………………….…...… 57

Figure 6 – Context Flow Diagram……………………………...…… 58

Figure 7 – Block Diagram...............………….…………...………......... 59

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Las Pinas City


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Las Pinas City


• Barangay Clerk Position in the barangay that is responsible for issuing of

certificate in the barangay.

• Composer is a dependency manager for a PHP programming language that

manages the dependencies of PHP software and required libraries. ... Composer

runs through the command line. The main purpose of the composer is to install

the dependencies or libraries for an application.

• Desk Officer Position in the barangay that is responsible for Managing the

blotter records and settlement schedule.

• FileZilla software program is a free-to-use (open source) FTP utility, allowing a

user to transfer files from a local computer to a remote computer. FileZilla is

available as a client version and a server version.

• HTTP is a protocol which allows the fetching of resources, such as HTML

documents. It is the foundation of any data exchange on the Web and it is a

client-server protocol, which means requests are initiated by the recipient, usually

the Web browser.

• MySQL is a freely available open source Relational Database Management

System (RDBMS) that uses Structured Query Language (SQL). SQL is the most

popular language for adding, accessing and managing content in a database. It

is most noted for its quick processing, proven reliability, ease and flexibility of


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Las Pinas City

• Xampp is an abbreviation for cross-platform, Apache, MySQL, PHP and Perl,

and it allows you to build WordPress site offline, on a local web server on your

computer. This simple and lightweight solution works on Windows, Linux, and

Mac – hence the “cross-

platform” part.

• Visual Studio Code is a streamlined code editor with support for development

operations like debugging, task running, and version control. It aims to provide

just the tools a developer needs for a quick code-build-debug cycle and leaves

more complex workflows to fuller featured IDEs, such as Visual Studio ID.

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Las Pinas City

ABE International Business College
Las Pinas City


Project and Its Background

1.1 Introduction

The Barangay Pamplona Uno is a part of Las Piñas that is highly urbanized and

easily located in the borders of the city; the barangay is being popularized by over

18,000 plus residents according to a national census. Common everyday lives of its

residents are based on their lifestyles and livelihoods. The researchers found this

opportunity to offer a web system to their barangay to help with the records of

Pamplona Uno’s resident by giving them a system easily to use and has a security

capability fit for the environment of the barangay.

The Barangay of Pamplona Uno has a thousand records of resident that they use

on settlements, residential issues and for police reports. According to the researchers

the barangay Pamplona Uno uses a manual writing or recording of residents information

save in their logbooks and it is used every time a resident or complainant report an

issue. The researchers decided to conducted a study and develop a system,

"Computerized Barangay Information System" to provide an overhaul of the manual

system that the barangay is been using and also introduce new features such as

security, calendar or etc. According to Victor T. Hernandez (2010) said that nowadays,

during the rising popularity of automation and advancement in technology, one of the

most basic components of our government is unfortunately left behind: the Barangay

unit. Every aspect of the Barangay’s processes and services are still done manually:

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Las Pinas City

from filing and recording a complaint, checking the records before releasing a barangay

certificate, to filing records of incidents that happen in the barangay. This somehow

obsolete method of filing records and complaints presented several problems.

Once the system has been implemented the manual recording of resident

information can be reduced for a much more convenient way by providing a user profile

which can be used by the residents even they won’t go outside of their homes and also

the system can be used offline To ensure the resident information is well kept and

organize from its database. The feature of the system that can be beneficial is the print

a record from which is directly automated once the Resident decided to print a

settlement from the system, the employees can easily print settlements from a request

of a resident.

1.2 Project Context

The Barangay Pamplona Uno, Las Piñas City, Metro Manila has almost around

18,000 populations according to the census. With the increasing populations, there’s lot

of problems occurring in the barangay most especially in comes of recording data of the

residents, filing a complaints, issuing clearance and etc.

Barangay is aspiring to adopt technological ways in accomplishing

responsibilities to create change in the lives of people. It means replacing human efforts

with machines to keep track of the advances of the technology.

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Las Pinas City

The proponents conducted a study about Barangay on using manual process. It

is time consuming in terms of recording that may cause inconvenience. This is the

reason why the proponents will develop the WEB BASED BARANGAY INFORMATION

SYSTEM FOR BARANGAY PAMPLONA UNO. This is a program which contains

features that records and manages information specifically a resident information

database, an Residents Page, Blotter Records & Settlement Schedule dashboard, and

a dashboard for Issuing of Barangay Certificate. The implementation of the system can

help the barangay organize their settlements and resident information in a system with

an online storage suitable for keeping credentials and keeping other unwanted users of

interfering with the system. With the help of this, it will reduce human errors and

processing time, thus it can boost productivity and result into a high quality of product

produce. This can result in a system well integrated process that can perform much

faster and more accurate than the manual system

1.3 Purpose and Description

This main purpose of this study is to help the Barangay Pamplona Uno to solve

their main problems in relation to information systems. Conventional processes are still

being utilized in the said barangay that could lead to various problems particularly

unsecured files so this web-based information system could help the community in

easing the IT processes. The researchers decided to conducted a study and develop a

system, "Computerized Barangay Information System" to provide an overhaul of the

manual system that the barangay currently uses.

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Las Pinas City

Technology gives a way to expand our knowledge, lifestyle and the capability of

being effective in terms of service. To computerized is an innovation that takes a

particular organization to equipped in this digital age some of the advantage of having a

computerize system are: it lessens the process of large volume of data that are need to

be done at a particular time; it will lessen the risk of having errors in creating a

document or report then alternating or recreating a document can avoid; most of the

offices are having hard time to find and keeping the file in their storage room because in

finding a file in a bulk of file in the storage generally a paper based file is expensive in

office space; computerized systems make it easier for different individual to access data

at a less time-consuming and faster way of gathering data or information of a particular


The Web-Based Barangay Information System for Barangay Pamplona Uno of

the researchers has a four modules: the Residents Page, Barangay Residents

Information Module, Blotter and Records Module and Certificate Issuance Module.

[Barangay Residents Information Management]. This module will record and display

the resident’s information, requested records such as the barangay certificates and if

the resident residing in the barangay has committed any offense before. The secretary

of Barangay Pamplona Uno can edit some information about a resident and can add

resident’s information to the system. The collection and registration of residents’

personal information will include the following: the full name of the resident, the

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Las Pinas City

nickname, birthday, birthplace, gender, family group, address, contact information,

occupation, and if the person is alive or dead.

[Blotter and Records Management]. This module will contain and show any blotter

records that has been recorded. This module is used to set a schedule when the blotter

must be settled. The desk officer will handle this module. The record contains the

incident type, incident date and time, incident narrative, complainees, complainants,

victims, respondents and settlement schedule. In addition to these details, various

information such as the identity of the individuals involved, statements regarding the

matter and cause of the incident, and agreement between both parties should also be

recorded in the system.

[Certificate Issuance Management]. The barangay clerk is authorized to approve

create, edit and update the information regarding in the release of requested certificate

and to display the list of transaction that the barangay has made. Information needed to

record on this module are personal information such as name, address, age, date of

issuance, and certifications that are being requested. Certifications that could be easily

accessed on this module are barangay certificates, certificates of indigency, good

morale certificate, travel passes certification, and other related permits.

[Resident Approval]. This module will filter the users account and allow the Barangay

Clerk to accept if the user is a resident of the barangay and will approve the account

that being created by the resident. And it will decline if the user is not a resident of the


[Residents Page]. This module will allow the resident to create there account in the

residents page so that they will easily request a certificate and will also provide the

barangay information that is designed to keep the resident informed about the barangay
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Las Pinas City

updated announcement. The Barangay Clerk are the ones who can approve the

residents account. The barangay staff are the ones who can add and edit the

announcements. In the record, a barangay official will create a post regarding to the

announcements and they will choose who can see the post. Various announcements

like disaster preparedness, schedule of distribution of goods and monetary assistance,

garbage collection timetable, evacuation protocols and announcements, cancellation of

classes, different barangay programs to be executed, and others, could easily be

viewed by residents after a barangay official has posted any relevant information

regarding these.

Information System is the combination of the software and hardware

infrastructure and well-trained personnel to manage, disseminates data or information.

Collection of data that are organized and stored to create information that can be used

into future use. An Information System is one of the product of the technology, it will

help the organization to cope with the technology we have. We can say that technology

makes our lives easy, making different processes easily done in our desired time –

helping us to avoid time-consuming transactions and keeping important files in a

secured and accessible system.

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Las Pinas City
1.4 Objective of the study

The general objective of the study is to develop a web based barangay

information system for Pamplona Uno in an innovative way for recording information

and posting announcement in efficient way.

Specific Objectives;

 To Create a Website for the Barangay Staff and Residents Page

 To Create a Resident Information List Dashboard

 To Create a Blotter Records & Settlement Schedule Dashboard

 To Create a Certificate Issuance Dashboard and Residents Approval Dashboard

1.5 Significance of the study

The importance of this study is to provide a new way for recording the barangay


The results of the study will be of great benefits to the following:

Barangay Staff and Officials

This study will give some insights to the establishment of having a computerized

system. They will be able to understand the advantages of having a computerized

system by having a more secured system, organized database and on the fly printing

with this study, they will be able to improve the effectiveness of their recording of

information also giving them an access to the system specifically the resident

information list which can identify the track records of when this person have

requested a barangay clearance already and in addition if ever that person has any

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Las Pinas City
records in the blotter the admin can tell revoke that person to have a barangay

clearance and giving access to

improve the situation of the points of interest of the resident blotter in a better

approach and type the information obtained and put it within the barangay website

database lastly giving them an opportunity to enhance the process of issuing of the

barangay certificate for the resident or who wants to get a certificate from the Barangay

and the barangay clerk will easily know if the resident been issued a multiple times.


This study will benefit the Resident of the barangay and they will have an access

to the Residents Page and to allow them to request a certificate. And also aware in the

everyday announcement of the barangay so that they can participate to the past and in

coming events.

For Future Researchers

The benefits of this study to the researcher are the experience they will get in the

process of developing a system. This study can improve the researcher’s ability and

develop their skill through finding the problem of an organization and developing a

solution. This may also work as their practice to achieving some future goals of

becoming a professional.

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Las Pinas City

1.6 Scope and Limitation

The Researchers want to provide and develop a Web Based Barangay

Information System for Barangay Pamplona Uno since the Barangay does not have an

official Barangay website and the Barangay Official, Residents need a website that

contains important information and helpful features and functions to lessen the hassle

they are experiencing in accessing and getting various documents and information that

they might need in various personal and professional endeavors.

Information, either personal, contextual, or experiential, are to be gathered and

recorded in four modules that encompass the whole facet of the said program which are

barangay Residents Information Management, Blotter and Records Management,

Certificate Issuance Management and Residents Page.

The proposed Web Based Information System will enable the Secretary and Barangay

Official to post informative announcement about the Barangay in the Residents Page

that can Update, Delete and Create new contents. In the Blotter and Records module,

the desk officers only can record the information needed. The Certificate Issuance

module will manage by the barangay clerk where they are authorized to create, edit and

update the information regarding in the release of requested certificates and to display

the list of transaction that the barangay has made. The Barangay Resident Information

module display and record the resident’s information such as the full name of the

resident, the nickname, birthday, birthplace, gender, family group, address, contact

information, occupation, and if the person is alive or dead. Requested records such as

the barangay certificates and if the resident has any bad records in the barangay. Only

the secretary can handle it.

ABE International Business College
Las Pinas City

This study can be viewed using a computer by accessing the official barangay

website. Resident can also use a mobile browser to access it via cellphone and browse

the Official Barangay website there. The project is expected to complete and meet the

requirements of the system by the first quarter of 2021, which would be in May 2021. It

is also designed to be deployed to the Barangay Pamplona Uno located in Las Pinas

City. This project was carried out through interviews with the Barangay Captain of the


The researchers aim to create functional web base informational system to

Barangay Pamplona Uno, Las Piñas City that will:

 Monitor and save the information of the barangay

 Updating of files or record of the residents

 Printing of (Barangay Clearance, Permits, and Certificates etc.)

 Saving ordinance, residence information, and blotter reports.

The limitation of the project however is that the barangay officials are the only

authorize personnel to access and to input or to manipulate the saving or updating the

information of a specific resident for credentials. The only access of the resident is to

view the Residents Page where they can see the announcement of the barangay in

order for them to be updated.

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Las Pinas City


Reviews of the Related Literature and Studies

In this chapter, data and information about related topics and articles gathered from

published books and other sources are compiled to justify and give support to the

importance of the proposed Computerized Barangay Resident Information Management

with Issuance System.

2.1 Foreign Literature

2.1.1 Community Management

As IT has become less of choice but more of a requirement for individuals and

computers play a crucial role in assisting people in organizing, storing and retrieval of a

huge amount of information, and making them readily and instantly available. IT as a

tool enables us to do more tasks, thus making it a vital commodity especially in working

environments such as a Barangay.

When firms develop more technologically-oriented processes, they must become

more conscious of security and control issues close to their information systems and

safeguard the resources more strictly than ever before. As our civilization develops and

the domain it entails become contingent on computers and information systems more

and more, firms must put out a better resolve in making their systems not vulnerable

and more reliable. Software is a relatively new industry, less than fifty years old, and it

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Las Pinas City

has spent much of that time trying to figure out how to create reliable software

applications with minimum errors. While much wonderful work has been done in a

relatively short time, software remains a weak link in our advanced technological society


Despite its weaknesses, one primal advantage of software development is its

benefits in data management and information systems processes. The easiness it gives

to communities worldwide is a manifestation of how the technology improves the daily

lives of modern individuals.

But due to increasing population of the world and the convetional practice of

using manual systems, every resident spends a lot of time during filling of personal files.

There are certain cases and circumstances that some of the documents and files in the

community were lost and torn, hence, the staff will have to begin finding or searching

the files in the shelves or cabinets and to produce again a new copy in the computer if

lost or torn and that calls for another effort to comply or prepare (Saayo, 2008). To

answer this dilemma, according to Tinn (2010), the modern computerization

improvements responded to the call of innumerable organizations, offices, or any

workplace, to help and ease their daily operation

Dioso (2011) stated that computer assist careful intelligent planning, organizing,

actuating and controlling .This maybe observed from the past that they monitor

production activities, solve scientific problem and help arrive in tentative answer to a

multitude of involve conditions. (2012) stated that the study of automation

is important in the sense time that minimizes the time and effort normally exerted in

manual process. Reyes (2015) said that task would be time consuming to accomplish

manually and more practical with the aid of computers field in cabinet. According to
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Las Pinas City
Flores (2012), the automation is described simply as the substitution of machine control

of human.

Furthermore, according to Conde (2007), posited that the manual process of

inputting records and manual handling of information and reports of the residents is very

laborious one.

According to Saayo (2008), claimed that due to increasing population of the

community and the community currently implementing the manual system, every

resident spends a lot of time during filling of personal files. There are certain cases and

circumstances that some of the documents and files in the Community were lost and

torn, hence, the staff will have to begin finding or searching the files in the shelves or

cabinets and to produce again a new copy in the computer if lost or torn and that calls

for another effort to comply or prepare.

According to Jennifer Rowley (2015), information systems are a tool to support

information management. Information systems are increasingly being used in

organizations with the objective of providing competitive advantage. The information

systems used by organizations can be grouped into different types such as transaction

processing system, management information system, decision support system,

executive information system, expert systems and office information system.

Information Technology has heralded the advent of the information society. The

information society may be a “virtual society”. The concepts of the electronic classroom,

the electronic office and electronic library have been explored.

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Las Pinas City
According to Forman (2017), continuing innovation in technologies can lead to

organizational changes that range from improvement of day to day operation and for

easy access it provides for the end users

Gold Chager et al (2013) said that computer as a device for processing

information knew web-based system plays a significant role in their lives, but few are

aware of just how pervasive role is that the creation of the computer made the easier to

accomplish task than by doing it manually, to have the direct access on straightforward

answer just monitoring record where in the needs of computer make possible for

everyone to get data in a particular need.

In a nutshell, this has increasingly become a way to distribute data administration

from the government, especially the local government unit. This system uses

administrative data in the creation and distribution of valuable community and social

indicator data to different individuals, social service organizations, community

development professionals, and planners (Culhane& Breuer, 2008).

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2.2 Local Literature

2.2.1 Barangay Management

In this study, the limitation of the proposed system is cannot generate a barangay

clearance to an unregistered requestor because the requestor has no record yet in the

system so the requestor needs to fill up the form. The system cannot serve a multiple

person at a time because the system is only suitable for one person at a time. The

system will not have an online update because it’s a LAN base system. The other users

cannot able to view the information of the citizen because they need to secure the

information of a particular citizen only the barangay officials that are in charge can view

the information of the citizen. The system cannot generate the particular CTC no. for

Barangay Clearance.

According to Victor T. Hernandez (2010) said that nowadays, during the rising

popularity of automation and advancement in technology, one of the most basic

components of our government is unfortunately left behind: the Barangay unit. Every

aspect of the Barangay’s processes and services are still done manually: from filing and

recording a complaint, checking the records before releasing a barangay certificate, to

filing records of incidents that happen in the barangay. This somehow obsolete method

of filing records and complaints presented several problems.

In most barangay, records were kept in logbooks which could either damaged or

get lost. Logbooks also make it difficult to search specific report or record. Skimming

through several logbooks for a certain report can be tedious and takes a lot of time. This

will slowdown proceeding, investigations and inquires that need the production of that

information. Security and integrity of the information also present another set of

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problems. It is difficult to keep track of redundant record or even update the proceeding

of a case.

Also, logbook can be easily taken out of the office or rip off pages without anyone

noticing it. Victor also said that one solution seen to minimize these problem is the

automation of barangay processes. This will improve the efficiency of filing reports and

complaints in the barangay level.

Storing barangay information in a central database allows for easy storing and

updating records. Retrieval of records will also be faster, translating to faster transaction

time. With the records readily available in the server, this will allow concerned

government agencies to gather data for planning and development. Furthermore,

automation reduces the use of paper. (Sweep Barangay Connect)

According to Jose (2010), Technology must be studied first as a separate

subject, and then applied in other learning areas as a tool of learning how to learn. The

application of the computer skills to the other learning areas is a curriculum policy that

stems from the principles that teaching learning must not be textbook-driven, and the

educational process should take advantages of technological development including the

application of ICT in different aspect in our society, where appropriate. A barangay

modernization programmed will equip citizens with facilities in a fast and convenient


The Philippines is generally composed of more than forty two thousand

barangays nationwide. Barangay as the smallest political unit serves as the primary

implementer of developmental programs, projects and policies. The nation's public

service delivery system will falter at the grass roots without the inspired and dedicated

work of the barangays. Barangays at the bottom level of the bureaucracy has more

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ABE International Business College
Las Pinas City

people engagement compared to other government units. Thus, the empowerment of

individual barangay could eventually lead to a stronger, more resilient and more

prosperous society.

According to the Local Government Code of 1991 envisions local government

units to be self- reliant and effective partners in the attainment of national development.

As such they should have programs, project, activities and services for the benefit of

their constituents. To do so, this requires information. Therefore, data is indispensable in

sound decision-making.

To perform effectively, each barangay should maintain database holding different

information about the barangay such as population, records on the disbursement of

funds, grievance cases filed, houses constructed in the community and citizen’s socio-

economic profile. However, these tasks could not be carried out by the Barangay

Chairman alone. Thus, with the power vested on him as the local chief executive, he

appoints the Barangay Secretary and the Barangay Treasurer to serve as his hands in

dealing with administrative and fiscal relations.

The Barangay Secretary performs most of the administrative operations of the

barangay. Though, selected barangays already made use of computers and electronic

devices to carry out official transactions, conversely, most are still caged with the

manual-based operations. Clearances and certifications are prepared with less to no

base-line data to assure reliability. This opens the risk for nonresidents to take due

advantage of this process flaw.

ABE International Business College
Las Pinas City

Most barangays depend on the master list of voters as issued by the

Commission on Elections as basis for issuing certifications. However, at times, foreign

residents are still able to seek these clearances though not officially registered on the

barangay. And having no readily available accurate barangay statistics, programs and

policies tend to discount inclusiveness. In addition, weak barangay data management

and monitoring hinder the implementation of selected local programs as barangays lack

reliable and accurate baseline data.

An information service provides a way to electronically access, retrieve, and

transmit that information. San Carlos City is a third class city in the province of

Pangasinan. It has 86 barangays and one of these barangays is Barangay Turac.

According to the 2010 census, it has a population of 175,103 people, making it the most

populated city in Pangasinan and entire Region 1. It is politically subdivided into eighty-

six (86) barangays.[1] Barangay Management Information System for San Carlos City is

an online and offline system to keep, process, retrieve and update Barangay and City

Hall information through a secure network interface. It is designed to handle a wide-

range of information relating to barangay profile, constituents profile, barangay

clearances, barangay disputes/cases, barangay activities, and barangay legislation and

City Hall’s required reports from the barangay. It covers all the functions, activities and

transactions of the barangay which aims to provide complete and accurate information

for the barangay and city hall management and stakeholders.

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According to Nestor (2016), barangay represent the government at the grass root

level. They are considered the epitome of what the government can offer and are the

court of first help of the general populace.

According to Henczel (n.d.) calls this as information audit, focusing on the

information sources, resources, show and how information contributes to the objectives

of an organization like barangay.

The effectiveness is achieved when management style is moving to mutual

participation of employers, and enhances the organization to achieve efficiently and

effectively its services to the people.

This study aims to be solution to the problems stated and to enhance the quality

of service a barangay office offers to its clients. Furthermore, this serves as an

awakening factor for all government offices, from highest to lowest levels, to be in line

with the government's view of globalization and competitiveness in today's information


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Related Studies

2.3 Foreign Studies

2.3.1 Community Management System

According to Dawne Walker (2018), a community-based information system

(CBIS) is a dynamic system that includes information on how data are collected, how

they flow, how to assess and improve data quality, and how the information is used. A

CBIS involves data collection, management, and analysis of health and related services

provided to communities outside of facilities.

According to Bryan (2006), emphasized that information system is a set of

people, procedures and resources that collects, transforms and disseminates

information in an organization to do’s ends rely on many types of information system

(IS). They might include simple manual information system and informal system and

also computer based information system that uses hardware, software

telecommunication and other forms of information technology (IT). In other words,

information system through science and technology will help improved services and

transactions in establishments, barangays, offices and communities.

According to Freeman, A. & Hyland, P. & Freeman, M.B. & Kautz, Karlheinz.

(2013), Community information systems have the power to transform communities.

However, without fully understanding the pre-requisite factors affecting community

information system viability, and the complex relationships between these factors,

communities struggle to manage such projects in a way that leads to viable systems

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that deliver real benefits. It represents the generic factors that inform viability (i.e.


active membership, funding, awareness, and system design and functionality), and also

considers the impact of community context.

According to Kautz, Karlheinz (2013) Community information systems have the power

to transform communities. However, without fully understanding the pre-requisite factors

affecting community information system viability, and the complex relationships between

these factors, communities struggle to manage such projects in a way that leads to

viable systems that deliver real benefits. This paper develops and presents a Model of

Community Information System Viability Pre-requisite Factors, based on both existing

literature and the study of three community information system projects. This Model

represents the generic factors that inform viability (i.e. leadership, active membership,

funding, awareness, and system design and functionality), and also considers the

impact of community context. This study argues that the viability of a Community

Information System cannot be considered in isolation. All factors are directly impacted

by the value of the Community Information System to the community. Management can

also heavily impact on the success of a Community Information System.

According to Jennifer Rowley (2005), information systems are a tool to support

information management. Information systems are increasingly being used in

organizations with the objective of providing competitive advantage. The information

systems used by organizations can be grouped into different types such as transaction

processing system, management information system, decision support system,

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executive information system, expert systems and office information system.

Information Technology has heralded the advent of the information society.

According to Francesca Tessarollo (2010), a good information system is

significant for the proper functioning of every organization. Nowadays, organizations

have to manage many data and pieces of information and have to meet the needs of

the market in an increasingly precise and fast way. To do all this in the best possible

way, companies need an efficient information system. To organize and manage the data

and information the organization must have a good information system. The data and

information must be accessible timely, and every time the users need it. In this way, the

users or employees in the organization can have access to the information needed in

real time and can make a decision in a fast way. Within the organization and it was

understood with the use of IT information, procedures, peoples, and documents.

Organizations and users should be aware of many things that can information system

can offer. The information system has different jobs that can be completed for the


According to Dennis Culhane (2013) Community information systems are

becoming an increasingly common way to distribute administrative data from local

governments. These Web-based systems are using these administrative data to create

and distribute valuable community and social indicator data to concerned individuals,

social service organizations, community development professionals, and planners.

Using the infrastructure provided by Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software

and the Internet, these systems distribute important and detailed neighborhood data via

maps, tables, and sometimes downloadable files. Some also provide analysis tools for
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users to manipulate or extract key neighborhood indicator data. Such systems have

become popular in some municipal agencies because they are inexpensive and don't

require desktop GIS software or expertise (Hillier, McKelvey, and Wernecke,


According to Shima Beigzadeh (2011) a web-based system customized to serve the

need of a community, named Taman Keramat Permai (TKP) in Malaysia. The system is

designed to replace a paper-based process that gradually become unmanageable due

to the increasing large volume of data. Features of the new system include online

recording of forms, database query functions, electronic authorization,update, manage,

and monitor the progress data and activities included in TKP. We describe the design

principles and introduce a functional component diagram for the system. The system is

implemented on Windows platform using open-source software such as PHP4, MySQL,

and Apache. Performance of the developed system is assessed practically and an

efficient, and user friendly operation is demonstrated.

This system facilitates Barangay management by enabling the client Barangay to

maintain their resident records as complete and up-to-date as possible and as easily

accessible for verification, monitoring and reference purposes based on the available

residents’ census data kept by the client Barangay. Data provided by this system in the

form of comprehensive reports are invaluable for planning, program implementation and

related purposes.

According to Liao et. al, (2007), Computerized Resident Information

Management System as of today is changing what people learning upon such as with

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the burgeoning of the database and easy access of the information and transactions

that the residents needed. Through this new informative medium, resources of varying

quality and provenance on virtually diverse computerized information matter now

available to the barangay. The strong implication for computerized resident’s information

is that skills in effective coding of information should occupy more value and more

important place within the modern technology wherein the adoption of Computerized

Resident Information

Management System is more valued for prosperous barangay techniques. From the

perspective of the secretary of the barangay, Computerized Resident Information

Management System incorporates enormously increased potential for encoding

information in database. Furthermore, the resident information management systems do

provide greater range of ways through which the barangay can easily access the

resident’s information as well the transactions being done inside the office.

Storage of records has always been a fundamental objective of information

systems. However in the past decade managing sensitive information throughout its

lifecycle from creation to destruction "or archival” has become of significant importance.

She increasing awareness of the impact of technology on privacy has added

momentum to the need to have better enforcement of records retention policies.

Organizations today not only have to comply with regulations but also have to maintain

a balance between operational record keeping requirements minimizing liability of

storing private information and customer privacy preferences. This work will not attempt

to define the term “record” in the broad context. Instead the term will be treated in all its

generality and then applied to the world of relational databases.

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According to James A, O’Brien there is many kinds of information system in the

real world. All of them use hardware, software, network, and people resource to

transform data resources into information products. Some are simple manual

information system where people use thing such a pencil and paper, or even machines

such as calculators and typewriters. Today’s technology influenced by computer,

everywhere you go and everything you do can be manipulated through computer

transaction. Other fields incorporated computer in their processes computerization has

drastically change the appearance of today’s office but with the computer technology

growing rapidly the change

continue every day in office around the world. The use of computer technology is

continuously evolving because technology doesn’t stop unless human kind is satisfied

based on the foreign literature computers are very helpful tool now a day they can make

work easier and efficient.

According to Valer, (2010), the main purpose of creating this system was to

provide an easier and effective way of managing resident’s information using a more

effective computerized information system in order to have faster record transactions in

the barangay, to help keep the records of the barangay tanod (peace and order) and be

prevented from loss and destruction and to be more specific and accurate in viewing the

barangay residential status through the help of the residence locator. The system

served as an instrument for the barangay to increase good governance and better

performance. The system was develop on VB.NET, and used mySQL Database.

The barangay officials will benefit by having a computerized management

information system which can record reports, data and information much easily, store all

information in an accessible database, faster retrieval of any information, eliminate

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redundancy on records and have a locator map that can help for planning purposes and


As the global environment ages, the emerging trend for Information Technology

has risen above the surface of development initiatives. As a process innovation, it lies at

the center of streamlining processes both in the public and private sectors. It becomes

less of a choice but more of a requirement for individuals, as computers play a crucial

role in assisting people in organizing, storing and retrieving huge amount of information.

It likewise serves as a tool which enables its users to do more tasks, hence making it a

vital commodity especially in working environments. The application of information and

communication technology for improving governance by enhancing government's role in

service delivery, public administration, and the promotion of participatory democracy

has been gaining momentum in many parts of the world.

According to Ong Carpio (2010) Barangay is where the initial planning and

implementation of projects and undertakings in the community take place but ironically it

has the least amount of available information that serves as baseline for planning and

policy implementation. The Barangay Management System or e - barangay is a web -

based management system which shall reinvent barangay management from a

traditional and centrally dependent unit towards a more inclusive and citizens-oriented

scheme. It essentially aims to streamline existing administrative processes in terms of

requesting documents, filing complaints and generating apt and accurate local statistics.

2.4 Local Studies

2.4.1 Barangay Information System

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This study focuses on the records management system of the said Barangay. The

Barangay treasurer/secretary is the one who performs permits, certificates transactions

community tax, business taxes, and other fees. They are also in charge of keeping

tracks of the records, capture and maintain up-to-date records of all issuance

transactions and daily, monthly, yearly reports. These records are sufficient for various

purposes that required an appropriate, consistent and secured storage of files. The

system that they are using until now is a manual based process for all services to its

constituents. They manually handled transactions daily; specially get Barangay

clearance, certification, cedula and permits. Before the accomplishment of the task the

constituents who request must undergo a long process. Same through with storing of

files, updating, accessing of data and recording the expenses, they used folders and log

of papers for its storage. The staff encountered difficulties and long procedure in

retrieving, recording, computing and processing of financial and accounting data.

Thus, the researchers proposed Barangay the records management system that

will give safer storage of financial records, fast retrieval of files, maintains reliability and

accuracy, and faster tracking of files. Proposing software for the records management

system is very useful to the staff, from hand written records and manual issuing of

barangay clearance and certificates, as well as the income and expenses reports into

an automated processing system.

The recommended system will give safer storage of financial records, fast

retrieval of files, maintains reliability and accuracy, and faster tracking of files. Proposing

software for the accounting system is very useful to the staff, from hand written records

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and manual issuing of barangay clearance and certificates, as well as the income and

expenses reports into an automated processing system. (“Barangay Resident Record

Management and Certificate Issuance System,” n.d.). The proposed will have a critical

impact on both inhabitants of the Barangay and Barangay representatives who

oversees the framework as well as the Barangay itself. Their usage is to alter the

strategy and handle that the Barangay acclimated in keeping their records. This will too

guarantee that all the records will be intaglio and overhauled (Lado, Maloloy-on, Perez,

Rizaldo, Tacocong, 2017).This system facilitates barangay

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management by enabling the client barangay to maintain their resident records as

complete up to date as possible and as easily accessible for verification’ monitoring and

reference. It consists of Automatic Business Process which facilitates processing of

Barangay Clearances and others such as charges which are sources of Barangay

revenues. It also allows other Barangay related functions such as blotter reports and

other related services. Forms and Reports that prepares and prints Barangay Permits

and Certifications. Standard based conforms with Local Government Code Sec. 394

which provides that each barangay maintains updated record of residents for easy

identification of updated reference on the Local Barangay Statistics (Mirasol, 2015).

The purpose of this study is to maintain complete and up to date. Which is easily

accessible for verification’ monitoring and reference purposes. Also they can automate

record keeping process in order to produce efficient and accurate report and proper

automated file management. The system assurance that the file will be protected and

safe for and it also require authorization before someone can access the system. This

will ensure that the file will securely store in the system and makes back-up data of the

file if technical accidents occur. It can also generate report to the municipality about the

status of the Barangay. The propose study will have a significant effect on both

residents of the Barangay and Barangay employees who manages the system as well

as the Barangay itself. Their implementation is to change the method and process that

the Barangay accustomed in keeping their files. This will also ensure that all the records

will be intact and updated (Lado, Maloloy-on, Perez, Rizaldo, Tacocong, 2017).

In this study Marvin Samiento (2008) stated that the Barangay Clearance

Application System (BCAS) is one of the Barangay Application System that will enable

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the barangay to process, print and store all application for barangay clearance in a fast

and most efficient way.

It was developed originally for Barangay Net Alliance and first implemented in

select pilot barangays in Cebu city. The System is one of the e-Barangay services that

are offered free to print as well as the cost of two day training to help them in the use

and upkeep of the system. The BCAS enables the barangay to process a computerized

barangay clearance in a fast and efficient manner. Printed Certificates, containing

pertinent data and photograph of the applicant will be processed automatically.

In addition, the information is stored in a database for storage and retrieval. The

data base is web enable so the BCAS can be used to cross check whether applicants

have records in other barangay. This feature will be activated once all databases from

barangays are link to internet.

This study focuses on the records management system of the said Barangay.

The Barangay treasurer/secretary is the one who performs permits, certificates

transactions community tax, business taxes, and other fees. They are also in charge of

keeping tracks of the records, capture and maintain up-to-date records of all issuance

transactions and daily, monthly, yearly reports. These records are sufficient for various

purposes that required an appropriate, consistent and secured storage of files. The

system that they are using until now is a manual based process for all services to its

constituents. They manually handled transactions daily; specially get Barangay

clearance, certification, cedula and permits. Before the accomplishment of the task the

constituents who request must undergo a long process. Same through with storing of

ABE International Business College
Las Pinas City

files, updating, accessing of data and recording the expenses, they used folders and log

of papers for its storage. The staff encountered difficulties and long procedure in

retrieving, recording, computing and processing of financial and accounting data.

Thus, the researchers proposed Barangay the records management system that

will give safer storage of financial records, fast retrieval of files, maintains reliability and

accuracy, and faster tracking of files. Proposing software for the records management

system is very useful to the staff, from hand written records and manual issuing of

barangay clearance and certificates, as well as the income and expenses reports into

an automated processing system.

The recommended system will give safer storage of financial records, fast

retrieval of files, maintains reliability and accuracy, and faster tracking of files. Proposing

software for the accounting system is very useful to the staff, from hand written records

and manual issuing of barangay clearance and certificates, as well as the income and

expenses reports into an automated processing system. (“Barangay Resident Record

Management and Certificate Issuance System,” n.d.). The propose will have a critical

impact on both inhabitants of the Barangay and Barangay representatives who

oversees the framework as well as the Barangay itself. Their usage is to alter the

strategy and handle that the Barangay acclimated in keeping their records. This will too

guarantee that all the records will be intaglio and overhauled (Lado, Maloloy-on, Perez,

Rizaldo, Tacocong, 2017).

The Barangay Profiling System is appropriate for the use of barangay

employees, who have access to profile information of barangay residents for the direct

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reports and also departmental organizational staffs that have business need for this

information for their business unit. The Barangay Profiling System is responsible for an

effective and efficient approach for barangay employees and residents. It will help them

accomplish task faster and also it eliminates the need of a large staff. It will provide

profile-based information on residents.

The interest of investigating the research topic is a good example of a computer

generated process, this can lessen the workload and provides information needed by a

resident. As a result, it will benefit not only the barangay employee but the

administration as a whole. (“BRGY. Profiling System – Documents,” n.d.)

In his ponder Marvin Samiento (2011) expressed that the Barangay Clearance

Application Framework (BCAS) is one of the Barangay Application Frameworks that will

empower the barangays to prepare, print, and store all applications for barangay

clearance quickly and most effectively. It was created initially for the Barangay Net

Union and to begin with actualized in select pilot barangays in Cebu City.

The framework is one of the e-Barangay administrations that are advertised free

to the barangays. In expansion, the data is put away in a database for capacity and

recovery. The database is web empowered so the BCAS can be utilized to cross-check

whether candidates have records in other barangays. Algara (2015) in a study on

Barangay Inhabitant Record Administration and Certificate Issuance Framework

expressed that this ponders centers on the records administration framework of the said

Barangay. The Barangay treasurer/secretary is the one who performs licenses,

certificates exchanges community charges, commerce charges, and other expenses.

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Comes about of the study appeared that the respondents considered their

barangay [villages] venue exceptionally valuable in serving as a setting for gatherings

and as a source of data almost their barangay and its inhabitants. Be that as it may,

they felt that the data accessible within the barangay corridor were not sufficient to be

the premise for arranging and in reacting to the unending demands they get from other

LGUs [neighborhood government units]. Too, the encompassing offices are required to

change to superior serve their clients.

The forms included within the execution of a BIS [barangay information system]

in a region included BIS Group arrangement; data require recognizable proof; collection,

encoding/tabulation, examination and introduction; and capacity and overhauling of data

concerning the barangay's history, topography, demography, and financial circumstance.

Early completion of the BIS exercises was influenced by the instructive fulfillment

and training gone to by the LGU authorities. Authorities Paderes, A.S.; Lazaro, S.C.;

Baltazar, E.G.; Ponce, A.R. (2010)

Concurring to Nestor (2016), barangay speaks to the government at the grass-

root level. They are considered the exemplification of what the government can offer

and are the court, to begin with offer assistance of the common people. Medel (2015)

specified that a manual data framework is one that does not depend on any

computerized frameworks and a computer-based data framework does.

This study supports the proponents’ proposed framework by employing a

database innovation for Barangay Unang Sigaw’s Computerized Barangay Inhabitant

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Data Administration with Issuance Framework; this will offer assistance them to have an

exact data almost their inhabitants which they can utilize for their reports that will offer

assistance them in their up and coming LGU gatherings.

In a study by Martinez (2018) The Computerized Barangay Data Framework is

suitable for utilize of barangay representatives, who have get to profile data of barangay

inhabitants for the coordinate reports. Besides, departmental organizational staffs which

have commerce require for this data for their commerce unit can too advantage. This is

often mindful for a compelling and efficient approach for barangay representatives and

inhabitants. It'll offer assistance them finish errands quicker and would moreover

eliminate the requirement of a huge staff. It'll give profile-based data for inhabitants.

In connection to the proponents’ framework, the proponents’ framework will be

prepared with a module that will keep up resident’s data and a module that will be able

to form commerce grants with ease. It can offer assistance to the barangay to speed up

their handle for issuance of ID, clearance, and grants.

These modules will offer assistance to the barangay in ways of rushing the

Method additionally reduce human mistakes in recording data. Algara (2015) in a think

about on Barangay Inhabitant Record Administration and Certificate Issuance

Framework expressed that this considers centers on the records administration

framework of the said Barangay.

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2.5 Synthesis

The Philippines is generally composed of more than forty two thousand

barangays nationwide. Barangay as the smallest political unit serves as the primary

implementer of developmental programs, projects and policies.

According to Victor T. Hernandez (2010) said that nowadays, during the rising

popularity of automation and advancement in technology, one of the most basic

components of our government is unfortunately left behind: the Barangay unit. Every

aspect of the Barangay’s processes and services are still done manually: from filing and

recording a complaint, checking the records before releasing a barangay certificate, to

filing records of incidents that happen in the barangay. This somehow obsolete method

of filing records and complaints presented several problems.

In accordance with this, the proposed system entitled “WEB BASED BARANGAY


to make their work easier, more convenient and also they will save more time in

updating or saving information.

According to Saayo (2008), claimed that due to increasing population of the

community and the community currently implementing the manual system, every

resident spends a lot of time during filling of personal files. There are certain cases and

circumstances that some of the documents and files in the Community were lost and

torn, hence, the staff will have to begin finding or searching the files in the shelves or

cabinets and to produce again a new copy in the computer if lost or torn and that calls

for another effort to comply or prepare.

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As we are living in a modern era, adapting the changes in our society or

community can help us a lot to fulfill our duties in the best and fast way that we can do.

The proposed study aims to make a web based information system that will aid this kind

of inconvenient way of recording and saving documents and files in the barangay

According to Francesca Tessarollo (2010), a good information system is

significant for the proper functioning of every organization. Nowadays, organizations

have to manage many data and pieces of information and have to meet the needs of

the market in an increasingly precise and fast way. To do all this in the best possible

way, companies need an efficient information system. To organize and manage the data

and information the organization must have a good information system. The data and

information must be accessible timely, and every time the users need it. In this way, the

users or employees in the organization can have access to the information needed in

real time and can make a decision in a fast way.

In conclusion, by creating a web based information system like the proponents


PAMPLONA UNO”, can help this barangay to adapt in the changes brought by the

technology. The implementation of the system can help the barangay organize their

settlements and resident information in a system with an online storage suitable for

keeping credentials and keeping other unwanted users of interfering with the system.

With the help of this, it will reduce human errors and processing time, thus it can boost

productivity and result into a high quality of product produce. This can result in a system

well integrated process that can perform much faster and more accurate than

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the manual system.

2.6 Technical Background

The researcher addresses in this chapter about the tools and the program

languages that been use and its brief explanation of the process to create this web-

based barangay information system. And the system was create convenient for the

barangay Pamplona Uno. And the main reason to create / finish this information system

is to cater the needs of the barangay and satisfied them.

The Researcher uses the First we use Composer to create a laravel project v8.12

a php framework we use in this project. Composer is an application-level package

Manager for the PHP programming language that provides a standard format for

managing dependencies of PHP software and required libraries. We used it to install

laravel other plugins for this project. Our project is in Laravel v8.12. And Visual Studio

Code after we create a laravel project we use visual studio code to edit the code and

open this project. Is a free source-code editor made by Microsoft for Windows Features

include support for debugging, syntax highlighting, intelligent code completion, snippets,

code refactoring, and embedded Git. And Xampp After creating a laravel project we

need to use a server. So we use xampp (APACHE) as PHP server XAMPP is a free and

open-source cross-platform web server solution stack package developed by Apache

Friends, consisting mainly of the Apache HTTP Server, MariaDB database, and

interpreters for scripts written in the PHP and Perl programming languages. We used it

as PHP server. And MySQL is an open-source relational database management

ABE International Business College
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system. Its name is a combination of "My", the name of co-founder Michael Widenius's

daughter, and "SQL", the abbreviation for Structured Query Language. Then the

researcher use a FileZilla which is a free software, cross- platform FTP application,

consisting of FileZilla Client and FileZilla Server. FTP software used to upload files from

domain host. It can be opened also in other browsers like Google Chrome, Mozilla

Firefox, Opera Mini, Microsoft Edge and others as it only requires an internet in order to

open and access the system.

Minimum hardware requirements

 Windows 7 to 10 any version (x86/ x64)

 Primary Hard Disk – 120 GB Total

 RAM – 2.00 GB

 Processor – Intel Core i3 (1st Gen)

People ware

 Computer Literate

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Methodology Results and Discussion

3.1 Software Design, Products and/or Processes

The Researchers conduct a procedure for collecting and analyzing the information. In

this study the researchers use informative and Descriptive method to gather

information, to ensure the progress of the project and to gather a useful information that

can help the researcher to identify and solve the problem. In this capstone project the

most important information needed of the researchers is the knowledge of the barangay

captain, barangay officials and the resident. The inspiration behind an errand

circumstance investigation is to recognize issues within the undertaking's concentration

domain, recognize reasons for the issues, and make answers to resolve the current


According to Hossein Nassaji (2020) descriptive research methods have been very

common procedures for conducting research in many disciplines, including education,

psychology, and social sciences. These types of research have also begun to be

increasingly used in the field of second language teaching and learning. The interest in

such methods, particularly in qualitative research, is motivated in part by the recognition

that L2 teaching and learning is complex. To uncover this complexity, we need to not

only examine how learning takes place in general or what factors affect it, but also

provide more in-depth examination and understanding of individual learners and their

behaviors and experiences. This will also help the Barangay to evaluate what is needed

to meet their resident standards and also to improve their barangay in more coming

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years. This is a huge help in identifying the different needs and expectations of the


The Barangay Pamplona Uno is located at Las Pinas City that provides an environment

of sustainable growth through the provision of effective and efficient services and good

local governance that will improve the quality of life of the people in the barangay. This

project can help the Barangay Captain of the Barangay and its Secretary by providing

their needs and make a better website for their resident.

Project Design

Descriptive method is used because we aim to create a system that the people in the

barangay can use and will truly help them in their daily lives as it gives them information

and features that they can access through it though some features are only authorize to

the barangay officials since it has a log in page that provides security to the data

inputted in the system and also the officers or staff in charge of the system can

manipulate those accounts in the log in page on what data or information in the system

that they can access.

Researchers utilized the main advantage of descriptive research on this process in

order to help ascertain the research context’s prevailing conditions and underlying

patterns. Due to the conversational research method and the use of interview and some

aspects of qualitative observation, researchers observe variables involved and

conducted an in-depth analysis about this matter. Through this, the researchers also

validated any existing conditions that may be prevalent in this community regarding their

information system and data management processes.

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 Through online conversations, researchers were able interpret discussions and

exchanges that describe, evaluate, or document behaviors and information with


to the thesis topic. Ultimately, respondents were also able to portray everything from

reactions, understanding, and feelings regarding this project.

3.1.1 Data Gathering Procedures

An interview consists of a researcher talking with another person in order to gathers

data about a phenomenon of interest and exchange of ideas about the subject.

The individual responding to the researcher’s questions, often referred to as the study

participant, may be asked to share experiences, ideas, interpretations, perceptions, and

suggestions, known as data, to assist the researcher about the system Being made for

the client. The following entry provides information about preparing for, conducting, and

following up an interview.

3.1.2 Interview

Interview is generally a qualitative research technique which involves asking open-

ended questions to converse with respondents and collect elicit data about a

subject involving the needs that they want to put in the system.

Interview Process

Interview is the key component in the development of the system, as it gives us an idea

and information that we need to create the system that the client needs. One of the

researcher went to the Barangay Hall of Pamplona Uno and talked to the barangay

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captain about the primary and main problem that they are facing day-to-day and what

will the researcher needs to create for the Barangay to help them for the new improving

way of methods that can use so that the work flows easily and functionally. The other

researcher went back to the Barangay and interviewed the secretary Mr. Romeo

Soriano Jr. They talked about the modules that the researchers will going to make for

the system.

3.1.3 Direct Observation

Direct Observation Process

It is exceptionally vital to investigate the activity each day for the subject of the study.

The activities of the clients and the organization can be recorded by this handle. The

researcher does not intermingle with the people being observed, but or maybe analyzes

and archives the circumstance and response. The researcher will see the Issue

particularly within the barangay. It gives a closer understanding at the concern and lets

the researcher distinguish the issue to the proper arrangement. The observation

process involved a week-long daily schedule of visiting the barangay office and learning

more about their daily processes and transactions in serving their constituents. Other

services were also observed such as barangay hall meetings, discussions with

individuals residing in their barangay, and getting to know more about the

documentation processes of the staff.

The researchers also noted the daily situations in the barangay. It is observed that the

barangay office only uses logbooks to record all the information which is relatively time-

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consuming and does lack security. The barangay spends a lot of money to buy logbooks

and there are no space for a lot of logbooks in their barangay that results to

inconveniences on their daily undertakings.

Group Discussions

The researchers had a group discussion together with the barangay captain, secretary

and barangay clerk. It happened on February 18, 2021 at 7 o’clock in the morning. The

discussion last for almost 2 hours.

The discussions are all about the modules that are going to input in the system and

about the security of the system because it is confidential that contains the resident and

barangay information. The barangay told the researchers to input all the logos and

backgrounds of the barangay. They discussed also on how long the system will be finish

and how long they can use the system. As per the discussion, the barangay can use the

system if they pay one thousand and five hundred pesos per year for the domain.

Agile Methodology

The researchers presents this methodology on how the system integrated in

terms of System Design, Testing and User Evaluation. According to research the agile

method is a people-focused, results-focused approach to software development that

respects our rapidly changing world. It’s centered on adaptive planning, self-

organization, and short delivery times.

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3.1.4 Agile Software Development Method





Figure 1 – Agile Software Development method

The methodology starts from the planning phase and ends with user

feedback, user feedbacks identifies the system results if the researchers needed to

improve or fix any future developments of the system.

Agile Process

Agile methodology is a type of project management process, mainly used for

software development, where demands and solutions evolve through the collaborative

effort of self-organizing and cross-functional teams and their users. The researchers

Intention of using this methodology is to commit to the users the proper information

saved on the system, researchers conducted tests and re-runs to ensure the

capabilities of the system is met well by the barangay standards

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Phase 1. Structure Planning

This phase of the method, the researchers conceptualize and create a blueprint

about the barangay needs in terms of system adaptation and enhancements by the

proposed system.

Phase 2. Web Designing

Based on the barangay confirmation of the system’s development, the researcher

proposed the overall web design of the system from the barangay, the design consists

of system functionalities in front and back end technologies and also the main system

structure based on the manual process that the barangay usually used.

Phase 3. Development

The development of the system is conceptualize in the form CMS (Content

Management System), the researchers use this approach to quickly developed the

system on time and also apply changes upon the users feedback with the CMS user

friendly functionalities.

Phase 4. Bug and Testing

The researchers conducted several test and fixes to improve the system for the

user’s needs, with the system design and development environment. Researchers use

several tools and IDE’s to fix bugs and errors in this phase. The researchers also

conducted testing on few several testers who are capable of using the system and

understand the flow of the system.

Phase 5. Presentation

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This phase concludes several testing of the system’s capabilities in the outcome

of several testing the researchers present an operation ready system even though

future updates are possible upon the barangay’s request.

Phase 6. Feedback

Upon the successful testing and presentation of the system, the researchers will

answer to any user feedbacks and the barangay’s needs to completely improve the

system functions.

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3.2 System Architecture

Figure 2 – System Architecture

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3.2.1 System Architecture

[Barangay Residents Information Management]. This module will record and display

the resident’s information, requested records such as the barangay certificates and if

the resident residing in the barangay has committed any offense before. The secretary

of Barangay Pamplona Uno can edit some information about a resident and can add

resident’s information to the system. The collection and registration of residents’

personal information will include the following: the full name of the resident, the

nickname, birthday, birthplace, gender, family group, address, contact information,

occupation, and if the person is alive or dead.

[Blotter and Records Management]. This module will contain and show any blotter

records that has been recorded. This module is used to set a schedule when the blotter

must be settled. The desk officer will handle this module. The record contains the

incident type, incident date and time, incident narrative, complainees, complainants,

victims, respondents and settlement schedule. In addition to these details, various

information such as the identity of the individuals involved, statements regarding the

matter and cause of the incident, and agreement between both parties should also be

recorded in the system.

[Certificate Issuance Management]. The barangay clerk is authorized to approve

create, edit and update the information regarding in the release of requested certificate

and to display the list of transaction that the barangay has made. Information needed to

record on this module are personal information such as name, address, age, date of

issuance, and certifications that are being requested. Certifications that could be easily

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accessed on this module are barangay certificates, certificates of indigency, good

morale certificate, travel passes certification, and other related permits.

[Resident Approval]. This module will filter the users account and allow the Barangay

Clerk to accept if the user is a resident of the barangay and will approve the account

that being created by the resident. And it will decline if the user is not a resident of the


[Residents Page]. This module will allow the resident to create there account in the

residents page so that they will easily request a certificate and will also provide the

barangay information that is designed to keep the resident informed about the barangay

updated announcement. The Barangay Clerk are the ones who can approve the

residents account. The barangay staff are the ones who can add and edit the

announcements. In the record, a barangay official will create a post regarding to the

announcements and they will choose who can see the post. Various announcements

like disaster preparedness, schedule of distribution of goods and monetary assistance,

garbage collection timetable, evacuation protocols and announcements, cancellation of

classes, different barangay programs to be executed, and others, could easily be

viewed by residents after a barangay official has posted any relevant information

regarding these.

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3.3 Conceptual Framework

The Researchers made the graph system of the think about, it appears in the

diagram on how the framework streams. This system will illustrate the Input, Handle and

Yield of the Clients and Admin.

Figure 3 – Conceptual Framework (IPO)

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To create a system, there are input requirements to consider. For knowledge

requirements, the researchers have a web development skills and programming skills. In

software requirements, they used Composer, Visual Studio Code, XAMPP and FileZilla. For

hardware requirements, the researchers used mobile phones, laptop and desktop.

In the process of creating the system, the researchers used the Agile Software

Development Method. The first phase of the Agile Method is the Structure Planning –

Investigation of the Study, the second is the Web Designing – Screen Layout, the third is the

Development – Programming/Coding, the fourth is the Bug and Testing – Testing of the System,

the fifth is the Presentation – Presentation of the System and the last is the Feedback –

Gathering Feedback for the Improvement.

After all these process, the output is the Web Based Barangay Information System and

will go under evaluation.

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3.4 Use Case Diagrams

Use Case Diagram the utilization of the proposed system and to visualize the framework on
how the actor will interact in the usage of the system.

Figure 4 – Use Case Diagram

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This part will discuss the figure 4 shown above:

Barangay Clerk. The Barangay Clerk can only access the Residents Approval

Dashboard, Clearance Issuance Dashboard, list of transaction and the printing of


Barangay Official. They can only access the Dashboard. They are the one who can

post any announcements.

Desk Officer. They can access the Blotter and Records Modules. They are the one who

can add blotter complains records and they monitor the settlement schedules.

Residents. They can Request a Certificate and view the News/Announcements and
Events in the Residents Page.

Secretary. They can access the resident information. They are the one who can add

and edit some information of the residents. They can handle the accounts of barangay

official and they can limit what the barangay official can access.

3.5 Cost Benefit Analysis

The Cost benefits analysis is the assessed fetched and whole of the sum

taken a toll and benefits of the System.


Operational costs are the costs related with the operation of the barangay or

the operation of a gadget, component or piece of hardware. They are the taken a toll of

an organization's assets utilized fair to preserve its presence.

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Operational Cost Duration Cost Total Amount

Maintenance Fee 12 Months 500 6,000

Electricity 12 Months 800 9,600

Computer 12 Months 15,000 15,000

TOTAL ₱ 30,000

Table 1 – Operational Cost


Development cost are the costs brought about by a company to inquire about,

develop and present unused item or benefit. Costs for advancement are commonly

alluded to as costs for investigate and improvement.

Development Cost Duration Cost Total Amount

Programmer 6 Months 10,000 60,000

Computer or Laptop 15,000 15,000

TOTAL 75,000

Table 2 – Development Cost

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The maintenance cost is the cost that is going to pay for the maintenance of the
system. It includes the website domain.

Maintenance Cost Duration Cost Total Amount

Website Domain 3 Years 1,500 4,500

TOTAL ₱ 4,500

Table 3 – Maintenance Cost



Total Development Cost 75,000

Total Maintenance Cost 4,500

Total Operational Cost 30,600

TOTAL 110,100

Table 4 – Total Development Cost

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Benefits of the Systems Amount/Value

Efficiency of work 13,750

Ink 1,700

Pad Paper 2,900

TOTAL ₱ 18,350

Table 5 – Benefits of the System

3.6 Requirement Analysis

Requirement Analysis may be a software designing handle that parts the contrast

between framework level engineering requirements and program plan. Prerequisite

Examination may be a handle that characterizes client desires for modern program or

framework being built or adjusted. In program designing, names such as collecting

prerequisites or capturing prerequisites are very regularly alluded to freely.

Barangay Pamplona Uno used a manual process in keeping the records of

barangay information such as the resident information, barangay certificates and blotter

records which is a time consuming and will face some difficulties in terms of the retrieval

of information and the manual procedure for the issuance of requested information that

is done manually in the Microsoft word which is become inefficient and through the

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distributions of information and barangay announcement that is done outdoor wherein

its prior to increase the exposure of individual and probably not advisable in this kind of


Functional Requirements

The system must provide information for the secretary and resident about the

updated announcement of the barangay. The system must allow the barangay official is

to post, edit and update the content of the barangay information.

Non-Functional Requirements

The system must guarantee that a few pages will not available to view by the

unauthorized user and resident. The system must be a responsive website for the

resident. The system must support the different web browser such as chrome, Mozilla

Firefox and Microsoft edge. The system must be able to access in different devices

such as smartphone, laptop and computer.

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3.7 Data Flow Diagram

The data flow diagram is a perceptible representation of how the information

proceed through the data framework modeling and its process. Data Flow Diagram

is additionally utilized as a preparatory step to set up a rundown of the system

without going into profundity, which can be further, improve.


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Barangay Staff

Figure 5 – Data Flow Diagram

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3.8 Context Flow Diagram

The context flow diagram is a representation of the system structure and on how the
users and entities will interact.

Figure 6 – Context Flow Diagram of Barangay Website for Barangay Pamplona Uno

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3.9 Block Diagram

The Block Diagram may be a visual representation of the system, it will provide

the usage of the system. A block diagram is specialized flowchart that able to show the

utilization of the system and used by the developer to visualized the interaction.

Figure 7 – Block Diagram for Users

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3.10.1 Unit Testing Plan

The projected outcome matches the actual outcome, according to unit testing.

The entire test must be completed, else the unit test will fail. Unit testing is an important

tool in the toolkit of any competent software developer, according to Kolodiy (2014).

However, writing an effective unit test for a specific piece of code can be challenging at


Unit testing is a step forward from stand-alone testing that takes place in the

middle of unit testing. Each study focused on a single element that is new or has been

changed. A unit test is sometimes known as a module test since it examines the many

code components that make up the program. Unit tests likewise emphasize

effectiveness and consistent high quality, and the passing and exit criteria for each

module or specific module may be the same. Prior to the framework combination, unit

testing is performed in the test domain.

3.10.2 User Acceptance Testing

User Acceptance is the process of clients addressing the framework and

agreeing to adhere to the acceptable conditions. User acceptability testing is a word that

is similar to beta testing. A consumer will always find an arrangement of charges that

will trigger a mistake someplace, regardless matter how secure an application is once it

enters UAT (Unstructured Testing).

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3.11 System Software Evaluation

Over time, the importance of quality in software development has grown. To

remain competitive, the software industry has delegated system development

throughout time in order to minimize costs and speed up software development.

These are five other software attributes that define the utility of the software in a

given context:

Reliability: The system will equip the Barangay Pamplona Uno administrators and

barangay staff with the necessary tools. The reliability characteristic establishes the

system's capacity to maintain service provision under set terms and conditions for a

defined amount of time once it has been configured and delivered.

Usability: It's a simple system to utilize. Learnability (the ability to learn how to utilize a

system or program) is an important sub-characteristic of usability.

Efficiency: This feature is about the resources utilized by the system to achieve the

required functionality.

Maintainability: The system in question is easy to maintain and update. The

maintenance characteristic concerns the ability to detect and remedy a malfunction

inside a software component.

Portability: The program's ability to respond to changes in its environment or to its

specifications is measured by this function.

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