A Level H2 Math Dunman High JC2 Prelim 2020i

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DHS 2020 Preliminary Exam H2 Maths Paper I

I 3x'2*(3x-2)2
The geometric series is given by
'4x4x4x *(3'.2)t *...where-,*0.
Explain why the sum to infinity exists for
| < ;r < l, and find its value in terms ofx. t5l

I The equation of a curve C is given by

y3 + ry-x2 =L
(i) Find the .r-coordinate of the point at which the tangent is parallel to the x-axis t4l

(ii) Showthat (rr'" 4#.ur(*) +29{-z=0.

Given that the value of
S *en x=O is #, find the Maclaurin series fory, up to and
including the term in .r3. t3I

3 The complex number z is such that arg(z) = -! and the complex number p has modulus of 2

and an argument of f;. ltis also lnown that arg(te-z)=!. Let W arrd Z be the points
representing the complex numbers w and z respectively.

(i) By using an Argand diagram with reference from the origin O, show that
angle OW --$ radians. l2l
(ii) Hence or otherwise, find z and w in the form of a+bi where a and D are real constants.
kave your answers correct to 3 sipificant figures. i3]

4 The curve C has the equation y = * * -!- , whero a and 6 are non-zero constants.
x- z
(i) State the condition(s) required for a and 6 for this curve to have tvro tuming points. t2)

(ii) Given that a=0, find the range ofvalues that y can take, in terms ofa. t4l

(iii) The inequality

AX*- l dX*m
where a>0,6<0 and mlsa positive constant, has the solution set

{xelR:r<0 or x>2}.
Find z in terms of D. tzl

BP- 107

5 The diagram below shows the graph of l,=f(r). It cuts they-axis at A(0,4), has aminimum
point at B (1,0) and a maximum point at C(-0.5,-3). The equations of the horizontal
asymptote is l, = I and vertical asymptotes are .r = -1 and .r = 1 respectively. Moreover, when
x --0,

) = f(r)

o x
B( 2,0)

c?4.s, 3)
l(0, )

x=-l .r I

Sketch, on separate diagrams, the graphs of

tt y=r(1,-1), t3l

(ii) / = t3l
(iii) y = f'("x), t3l

ofall the asymptotes, coordinates ofany points of inlenection with

stating clearty the equations
both Les and the coordinates of the points correspondng to A, B and C (if any and when

BP- 1 08

6 (a) With reference to the origin O, the point P has coordinates (pr , pt , pz) alld the point p
has coordinates (qr , qz , qt).

By considering OP-OO , show that

, ,2,. 2
\pflt+pzQz+p1q1t =\p\ +pt2+pt2',t\qt1+gz7 +gt1,). l2l


With reference to the origin O, the points I and I are sltlcb that OA = a ail, OB =b .

) -------+ ?
It is given that -,
"34 OX =-;a, Oy =1b and the line Olr'bisects the lineXYatthe point M.

(i) Find the vector OT io t"r-. of a and b. tI l

(ii) Find the ratio AN : NB. t4l

7 (a) Find

O) Use integration by parts to show that

! @ - n) sin2x dx = -)@ - n) *"zx +L shr2x + c,

where c is an arbitrary constrnt.

Hence use the result to obtain the exact value of 7 (r
I, - zr)
lsin 2.rl dx. t7)


r#_=i(+ *).(* *) t1l
Using the method of differences, show that
(. 2r+e 23 3ft)3fl) I
* 4,. ryr, ur- n- rl, il f ,1, * z )*, *3 t4l

(iii) Explain wh t j"# is convergenr and find its exact value. t2)
(iv) Using the resutt in part (ii),' d"au." )--?I1]- t3l
BP- 109

9 [It is given that a sphere of radius .R has surface ar:ea 4rR2 and volume fnR], ana a cone of
radius r and height i has volume {rr2ft.]

An ice cream company produces ice cream in the shape of a sphere with fxed radius 4 cm, placed
in a right cicular waffle cone with top radius r cm and height i cm. The ice cream is in contact
with the sides of the cone, and the top of the ice cream is at the same level as the opening ofthe
cone (see diagram). Assume the cone is ofnegligible thickness.

I ,1

(i) Show that r = 12)
(ii) To improve customer satisfaction, the volume of the empty space inside the cone should be
as small as possible, thus the volume of the cone should be minimised. Using differentiation,
find the exact minimum volume of the cone. t5]

(iii) when the ice cream is taken out of the freezer, the ice cream stads to mel! while remaining
spherical. Given that the surface area of ttre ice cream is decreasing at a constant rate of

* , *' / min, find the rate of decrease of the vohrne of the ice cream 4 minutes after it
had been taken out ofthe freezer. i5l

BP- 1 10

I0 (i) Use the substitution x=3sind to showthat

IJ J;= 6,=!!\6n\f .J',"' (f), *nere o<xo (3. t4l

The shaded region in the diagram below is enclosed by the curve i*\=t for x>0,
the y-axis and the two lines starting from the origin O, each making an angle a with the x-axis.

Given tlat t^" =tr andl is the point of intersection between the line in the first quadrant and

the curve, show that the coordinates ofl is (A,Jr) ta

(ii) Show that the area of the shaded region is kn, where t is a constant to be deternrined. t3l

A toy is made by rotating the shaded region completeiy about the y-axis.

(iii) Find the volume of the toy. i3l

(iv) The toy is now firlly enclosed into a cylindrical shape container. State the smallest possible
dimensions of the container, assuming that it is made of a material of negligible
thickness. tU


11 A curve is defined by the parametric equations

uu 2

u-1' ' u-l ,

fot u*1.

(i) Find the equation of the tangent to the ourve at the point with parameter z. t3l

Two distinct points P and p on the curve have parameten p and 4 respectively.

(ii) If the tangents atP and O have the same y-intercept, show that P+4=0. t3l

(iii) Show that 9- = ry:2 Hence frnd the range of values of r for which the curve is concave
dr (r - l)'
upwards. t4l

(iv) Given that P and Q lie on the line y=J, find the values ofp
and q, where p<q.
Show that the area of the region bounded by the curve and the line / = 5, is given by

r ,-.,-,)(#')" Hence find this areq giving your answer correct to 2 decimal

places. t4l

BP- 1 12
DHS 2020 Preliminary Exam H2 Maths Paper 2

Section A: Pure Mathematica [40 marks]

I (a) The fi.rnctions f and g are defmed as follows

f :x+-+h-x, xeR, x<7,

g: x s-+ (x-2)o +2x2, wherc reiR,.r>-2.

(i) Show that the composite firnction gf exists and define gf in a similar form t2l
(ii) Find the range of gf. t2l

@) The fimctions k and kh are defined by

k:.rt+r-5, where reR,

kh:xr+x2+a, where xelR, ,r>.6,

where a is a positive constant.

Leave your answers for the following parts, (b)(i) and (ii), in terms ofa.

(i) Find h(x). t2l

(ii) Explain why h-rexists. Hence or otlerwise, find h-'(-r) and state the domain of h-1.

2 The line hasequationr:(10-3A)i+(4), -3I+(1

/1 - 2 )kwhere 2 is a real parameter and
the line /z has equati- _v +5 2-z
? 72
(i) Detennine whether lines /r and /u intersect . l2l
(ii) The position vector of the points A aad B on line /r are such that ).=-l arrd ).=l
respectively. Find the length ofprojection ofTE onto lz. l2j
(iii) Find an equation ofthe plane p that includes the origin O and the line /1. l2l
(iv) Find the cartesian equations of the planes such that the perpendicular distance from each
plane top is J011. lzl
(v) Find the exact coordinates of the point of intersection between the line Iz and
theplanep. t3l

BP- 113

3 A stone is released from a drone for an experiment. The stone falls vertically and the distance,

metres, that the stone has fallen in time r seconds is measured. It is given that.x
: ana $
-r "& O = O

when r = 0.

(i) The motion of the stone is modellod by the differential equation

dr' \drl
t ol n
By substituting v = , show that the differential equation can be writte" =
$ ^# ;

(ii) Find v in terms of , and hence find x in terms of t. t4I

lYou mav use the,.rolt, ["1,-I d-r=h(e'+e')+c, where c is an arbitrary constant.]

J e" +l

(iii) A second model for the motion of the stone is suggested, gven by the differential equation

f = 10e-'.

Find r in terms of t for this model. t3l

(iv) Given that the stone is dropped from a height of 100 m, determine which model will predict
that the stone will reach the ground first. tU

BP- 1 14

4 (a) (i) Using ei' = cos d + i sin 0 and the trigonometry formulas, show that
(et4Xetq)=e(s-q). L.t

(ii) Hence find the least positive integer value of n such that the complex number i^ 5

purely imaginary. t3l

(b) The graphof f(x'1=f -7*z +l7x-15 is shown below. I1 cuts the:-axis at x=3.


(i) Without the use of a graphing calculator, show that the roots ofthe equation of f(x) = 0
Lre tn, zo and z, where m is a real constant and zo and z, are complex constatrts to be
determined. t4I

(ii) The complex number w is such that w = zo +.2,(zo - 2.,) where X is a real number.
By considering an Argand diagram or otherwise, find the least value of lwl when ,1

varies. l}l

Section B: Probability and Statistics [60 marks]

5 There are four houses in a particular school. A sports camival is organised in the school.

Each house sends 2 students to compete in a 100-metre race during the sports camival.

(i) Find the number of ways to arrange the students in a row at the starting 1ine, if students
from the same house must stand next to each other. t2)
(ii) A house is considered the winner if its 2 students are in the top 3 placing. Assuming the
students cross the finish line one after another, find the number of ways for a particular
house to be the winner and the last 2 students belong to the same house. t3l
Each house has a captain and 4 teachers.

(iii) The captain and 3 teachers fiom each house are selected to play a game in a circle. Find the
number of ways to arrange them if the teachers from the same house must stand next to
each other, and tlle captains must not stand next to one another. t3]

BP- 1 l5

6 Arthur rolls a biased die and a fair die, each with 6 sides labelled I to 6. The probability ofscoring
x on the biased die is lx , where & is a constanL

(i) Find the value of ,t ill

The random variables B and F are the scores from a single roll on the biased die and fair die
respectively. The table below shows the probabilities of obtaining the respective values
ofB and F.

B I 2 4 5 6

t. I 1 1 1
I -k
6 i k
i k
i k

k !* 1
;J k !1,
3 3 t 3

3 I
k Ik

2 2 2 2
4 ?r k k ;5 k ;J k
3 3 3

5 5 5 5
6 6
i k

6 k k k k k

(ii) Complete the table by filling in the missing probabilities. t1l

(iii) Showthat r(r > r)=f. t2l

S is the random variable denoting the product ofthe two scores.

(iv) Find r(s=s la > r') 12)

(v) Arthur observes that P(S=5)=t, corresponding to the cases {r=s, r:t} -a
{B=L.P=5}. Write down two other values of s such that P(S = s)= 6, -616"
corresponding cases for each value ofs. t2)

BP- 1 16

7 The manager ofa factory claims that his workers take an average of 3,5 minutes to complete a
particular task. Sixty workers are randomly chosen and the time taken, x minutes, of each worker
is measured. The results are summarised by lx:216, ZQ-i)2 =S.at.

(i) Calculate unbiased estimates ofthe population mean and variaoce ofthe time taken. t2l
(ii) Test, at the 1% level of signifrcance, whether the manager has understated the average time
taken. You should state your hlpotheses and define any syrnbols you use. t5]
(iii) Explain the meaning of 'at the |Y6level of significance' in the context of the question. []
Another n workers in the same factory are randomly chosen and combined with the sixty workers
into a single sample. For the combined single sample, it is known that the mean time taken is
3.55 minutes.

(iv) Given that the manager's claim is not rejected for a 2-tail test at the 10% level of significance,
find the largest value of n. You may assume that the unbiased estimate of the population
variance ofthe time taken ranains unchanged. t4l

8 An air force consists of of fighter planes. Each plane carries and releases 8 bombs
a large number
at one time to destroy a designated enemy target. Based on past records, the proportion ofbombs
hitting an enemy target is p.

(i) State, in the context ofthe question, two assumptions needed for the nurnber ofbombs from
a plane to hit an enemy target to be well modelled by a binomial distribution. l2l
Assume now thag X, the number of bombs from a plane hitting an enemy target has a binomial

(ii) If E(X)+Var(X)=6.5, show that p=0.567 corectto 3 decimal places. t2l

(iii) Out of 30 randomly chosen planes that were despatched, estimate the probability that the
average number ofbombs per plane hitting their targets is less than 5. 12)

A mission is considered a success if an enemy bridge is destroyed.

(iv) 4 bombs must hit a bridge before it is destroyed. Find the probability of a successfirl
mission for aplane. [2]

(v) 20 planes are randomly despatched to destroy 1 bridge each. Find the probabitity that at
least 13 but fewer than 19 planes'missions are successful. l2l

BP -117

9 In this question you should state the parameters of any distribution you use.

A company operates a call cenke which offers call-in technical support service for ther
customers. The customer calling in will be placed on a queue before a technical support ofEcer
can render the service.

The waiting time of a randomly chosen call, in minutes, is normally distributed with mean and
standard deviation as given in the following table.

Mean Standard deviation

Peak hows 9 1.5
Off-peak hours J 0.5

The time taken by the technical officers to render the service to a randomly chosen customer, in
minutes, is normally distributed with mean and standard deviation as given in the following table.

Mean Standard deviation

Minor problem 15 5
Intermediate problem 30 10

The time taken to resolve the problem for a customer is the sum of the waiting time and the time
taken to render the service. You may assume that the waiting and service times are independent
of each other.

(i) Find ttre probability that a randomly chosen customer who calls in during off-peak hours
for a minor problem can resolve his problem in less than 20 minutes. t2)
(ii) Find the probability that out of 3 randomly chosen customers who call in during off-peak
hours for a minor problem, at least one customer can resolve his probiem in less than 20
minutes. l2l
(iii) A group of 5 randomly chosen customers call during off-peak hours and face a minor
problem. Another group of5 randomly chosen customers call during peak hours and face
an intermediate problem. Find the probability that the difference between the average time
taken by each group of customers to resolve the problem is at most 30
minutes. L4l

The company decides to send its technical support officers for training. After the training, the
time taken by the technical support officers to render the service for an intermediate problem has
the distribution N(p, &).It is found that the time spent on 8% of the problems serviced by the
offrcers is less than 16 minutes, while 20% of the problems require more than 34 minutes.

(iv) Find the value of p and of o, giving your answerc corect to 3 significant frgures. Justifu
whether the training was effective. l4l

BP- l18

l0 In every round of a television quiz, a contestant is given one sample each from four different
brands of instant noodles. The task is to match the sample to its brand correctly in a blind taste
test. Since the samples look and taste similar, it may be assumed that the contestant guesses

(i) Write down the total number of distinct ways that a contestant can make a guess. tl]
(ii) Show that the number of distinct ways for a contestant to correctly guess exactly two out of
the four brands is6. []
The random variable Xrepresents the number of samples which a contestant matches correctly to
its respective brand.

The table shows the probability distribution ofX

x 0 1 2 3 4

P(x = x) p _t
3 lt 0

(iii) Explain why P(X = 3) = 0. t1l

(iv) Find the values ofq and r. Hence show that p=t. l2l

For each sample matched conectly to its brand in each round, a contestant is given $50.

(v) Find the expectation and variance of the prize money won by a contestant in the first round
of the contest. t3l

A contestant who matches correctly all four samples to their brands in the first round will advance
to play the second round, otherwise, the quiz will terminate at the end ofthe first round. Thus a
contestant can play at most 2 rounds in the quiz.

(vi) Find the expected total prize money a contestant will eam. t2)



o_ 2020 DIIS H2 Math Prelim Exam Solution (Paper l)

Qn Suggested Solutiotr
I Tho gpoootrio sorias har a ooncmor latio, / - 3r - 2

1. r.1
SurI to infrdty
3, -2
tz:r(t -r)

On Sugq€sted Soludotr
2(i) y3 +rx,-x'=t ...11;
Diffcreo iato \Tith lespoot to,,
g,,9+ v+x9-2x=o ...0\
'dx' d,
Por i"atrEeut.!6rallol to.r-*1r. 9 = g=, = 2"
Substitute l, = 2r into eqn (1),
8l +2x1 - x2 =1
s/+l -l=o
Froa GC, x = 0.462 (3 s.f.)
(ii) Differe#iate (2) wrtr:
l+3+.x !!*9g-r=o
'('#*'(*I )dx dx.' dx

(rr' -,)9 - or[9)'

- * z9- z =o Gro*o)
t dxz d, \drl
dy I d,y 2
Whenx=O, / =1,
dr 3' dr1 3
Urved srat
tv 2O
;i = , ,
/ r\ (z\x' ( zo\,'
- l- +l - l- +
'v=t+l\ --3)lr+l\3)2t \27 )3t
-1 1,10,
= l--.x+ -r +-.)r- +,..

4(D Both a and 6 are positive or both d and , are negative
3(D Let tr ard Z be the points represorting the complex numbers w alld z rEspactvely.
v v il a" v
ZW tcflref,efbth'
.w coEplcx nlnlrb€r 19- z i\r.v-
2 i
Conesponditrg aflgles
! l ofparEllel liDes
.i ..'
o I
$C(w - z\ ,
.3- . _. _
zt-\ '. x=2
ofht cpp. ,6gl.sxshov/n) 2
lOnZ =1-L=L (Ert ogto oftrisoele = slEt N
@Zv =: (&gle of equilatlral A) dvb
dx (x -2)'
2 oz
sinlOZW sialOWZ For tuminc Doint!- I =o
202 b
,fr 1t
(x - 2\'
OZ =0.597'72 (t*z)'=!
,r.,) a
w=2 ( cos-+lsln = Jr(l+i) = t.4l + 1.41i
4 i) ,=,,8
z= (059772) (- , ) + isln |))=0,,,-0.,"' Therofore a and , must have the rarBe sigr for two tuming points to exist.
Alternadve 'v=or+-L
/ / n\ .. / n\l 1..v5
, =,["".l._]./*,,.l._]J./ ='( y(x -2) = ax(, - 2) + a
22 ax'-(2a+y)x+(o+2y)=o
r, The dis6iminant murt be > 0
I I i
w-z = Jz(t +i\- rl (n.*')
)- 62 )( J2' -'-2) ax'-(2a+y)x+(a+2y)=o
(2a+ y)1 -4o(atzy)>o
J' + .62 4a' + 4ay + y2 - 4a7 -Bay > O
3 y'-4av>o
J' 2 y(y-4a)>0
/- -\ - -E fa>o, th€n y<O ot y24a.
'\' J2 -L2)l= J2+::r Ifa<O, ftet ya4a a y20.
le -Ji =.fi, patrt(t)).
Alterr.ttr6 (if calculu! was uscd h
t=059772 ti
1/=1.41+l.4li Forb=a, x=2rl==l or 3. ThcadoE, = 0 or ,la.
z = 0.299-0.518 i
lfa>q th.o y30 or y24a.
lfr<q ft€a y<4a ot y>0,
solution (iii) Method l: Craphical
3 !
Partnofl-eeming FO
Partngrleamlng 16E o

o- (ii) ,
c0 v

,l l
- r(r)

t, o,
x=2 (0,-+)
from thc graph, nr = -|
Metiod 2
,-2 r = f'(:r)
- 2) < n(r -2)'1 'y=0
nx1-(4n+b\x+4n+2b>0 -2,0)
" (qn+b\ l4n+2-b\
x._-a+t t>u
Shce the solution sot is e R:.x < 0 or .r > 2)
- {.x
6um of roots = 2+0 = 2 (or you catr ule produot of roots)

(qn+b\ -
+ n=-ib
Otr Sugqested SolutioD
-=, 6(a) Using scalar product,
Qn Susse8ted Sohtion -- /t - "...t \
s(i) OP oa=llollool(,se)
(t't'* ne,* ne,)= pr'+Pr'+Pr' 4t ' + qr'1 + qr2 coso

(ac, * p,c, * p,s")' = (ni * t * t)(ei to,'+q"')coz'0

(nq,, p,q,* p,q,)' <(A'+ p,'+ p,')(c,'+c,'+q,'1) (slowo; ( cos'zr<l)
o (b)
A'(r,4) 2
3 4
r( -.-.\ r
OM ox+oY l=:r+"-b
2[ )3 8
x=2 (ii)
oN=koM =:k +'-Ph wlIlere ke
Noter (1, -4) is a sharp poiot 38
Order of harDfomation: (1) Replaoe, by lrl (2) Replaco, by, - 1 Let AN: NB = 7:1- 2,

Otr Sugge8ted Solution
So, Ol,,r = (l _ ,). + ,b 8(D r ')*f
RHs =1f1-
Vcclors a ard b alc rct psrallcl ,nd tron-zaf,o: '
2\x x+2) \x+3 x+2
1*= t - *=!t 351
8? 21 2(x+2) r+3
L(9r\=r-,, - ,,='t7 3(/ + 5r+6) - 5(r' + 3r) +2(xa +2*)
3\3./ 2x(x + 2)lt +3)
;, AN:NB=9:8
= - .o'!,',' -. = , = ., LHs (shor!)
On Suqgested Solution 2)<x + 3)
2r(x + 2Xx +3) 4x +'1!,9
7(a) 4 Alt rn.five (p.rtbl fr.cdo!.I
I I +co8 4x 2t+9 1B C

I & ,(x+2xx+3) x x+2 x+3

t --------i-
-d, + Tcoe' 2x -1
=:-='1=.+ (c.ver-up nJe)
= zJs*' zt ax 2x 2(r+2\ ,+3'
3(t r \t+t/ r l )| (shorn)
=_t __-
=z(1,^2,).c 2\x .x+2 ) \x+3 ,+2)
(ii) J. 2r +9 -_-
= lsn2x+ C
(b) (, - 8i12, d,
J 'r) dv^ 2 4r +2'Xt +3\
* a, dr _$f3rr_r).rr_r')
= t, -,r(- j*'2,) jj*'2, r+2) +2) r
&=t u
fi12\r \r+1
2 I I
= -j(r- r)coezr+j$rzr+ c Ghown)
I 1
r +

y = sitr2.x 3lt
B 1 I
3 + 1 +
4 I +
,, 1
n+l n+l
i (.r - r;lcin z.tl ax l l
3[- l r l It+tf ___
I =_t t+_____
2L 2 n+r z+21 (z+3 3 )
-! -.! 23 3/ l \ 3/ I \ I
(r-c)siazr ax- (r-r)si!2r dx (shown)
J,' J,' t2 2\n+r) 2\n+2) n+3
o' , -., (-L)- o,(--l-)- o,--!= - o.Il€rc6 !€des oorvors€or
[-]t,-,r*"r,.]*ri -[-it,-'l-"r. l."r,i . *) 2j+9 23
lfi ,7 t(r +2Xr +, 12
-l.l-t.J-l --+-
4 -=_ II
Psrtn6rL6amlng F\)
Partnoteaming 172 N)

o_ (iv) Solution
-a 2r +7 2r+7
c0 e(, Using similsr triatrglos,
2v+zyl -t\ t (r+2)(r-lX.+l) Alternrdve
Jr'*' n-q
2r+7 rh
t ('-lxr+l)(r+2) l6(r'z +h')= r'2(h-4)' 4 J(h-4), -4,
2(t+l)+7 (rcDlacerwithr+l) r'(h'-Bh)=l6h'
-'f + 2\(r+3) /=g tsho!e!)
,?a 4t 16h'? Jh' -Bh
2(r +1) +1 ' " - h,_8h
T r(r +2)(t +3)
../=+ (showtr)
2r +9 ll
T r(r+2Xl+3) l(3X4) ^th' -8h
(.' />o)
23 3/r\ 3/ 1 \ I ll I
(ii) l,et volume of cole be I/
n+2 12
a- zln ) z\n+r ) +--- y =lr1h
l-: t_t-_t
/1\ 3/ 1 \t+- l
I 2 \n) 2\n+l.l n+2 = 1"[
- ffi I,
Altcrtrrtlve t.dlo[!)
FIom ( ), rcn(
J- 2r+9
23 3il I \ 3r' I \ I - 3li-sj
Art+z\fu+3) 12 2\rrlJ 2\n+2) n+3
Roplao. r witb r-l dv t6n(2hQ-8)-h'1\
'{+ 2(t 11.9 B3f l\3f l) +-I dI- 3 l. (l -8)'--l
/i. (,rx,-r+D(,-r+, n- rl, -1 f 11,., n+3
) t6n( h' -t6h)
€! 2r+7 B 3( | 3/ l \ l - 3 | o-8tt.l
30 +2\(t1 -1\ t2 2\t+t ) 2ln+2 ) n+3 *16)
l6n(h h
.!- 2r+7 B 3(l _t3/ l \t+- 1

- 2o +z\<tt -t) t2 2\,t ) 2\a+t) n+2 (r -8F


-a b+1 For stationary pointr, =0

AlO +2t(r' -r\ .'. i=0 or h=16
23 3lr I 212\+1
t2zl, );(*) t+2 (2 +2')(2' -l\
, 3fr) rf I I V
l6', (| rc' \t=-stz" cm,
-'-r.;l-rl ,+l n+2 [16 8_/ 3
h l6- 16 16.

sistr of
gI 0

.- ,'is Biaitnum at }=16


Partnod-eamlng 174
(iii) Let (, ,{ and R bc the volum€, curface ares atrd radius ofthc icc cresm sphore Qn Suggested Solutlons
raspaotivoly. flilu t =lsia0
dAn aa; dr=3cosOdd
=J'"r.6 -r,i"'a 1r*ra
d, 16 l=*o,3sind=)to
v.=!*' Y=4nn.. =,|, '3cosr.3cosd dA
dR =d=sinjA
=9!o ' coe' o ae
1= 4,d.' 4=r* x=0 3sind=0
dR =;!o 'co32e+td0 *0=0
dvt _dyt .dR .dA
dl d.R d,4 d, [Y.4"''
l I =22 [sirdcocg+df'+
=4oR".8nR ( t6
32 [?,FT.*-'1]
=?.FrGf .;.h'(?) r""*',
At t=0, A= 4x\41) =ar.
Siace tana = 3,
tt t =t, telo-(*n) =25{
Equarioo of liac above.x-oi"' y = ? I- 11;
using a;t, = .1|!1
t*L=, --- ,r,
*=ff 94
subctiot€ (l) inro (2):
" "9 tnt=1-2r'=g

Ji-ss" x=;i {siace x>o\, y=;xft=J2

dv. " [Ei= -_crn./min
dr 32116 t2E ..
r(t../r) Gh.*tr)
aa,a o66""or"" oaro,uor" = @ crn'/min (or 0.392 (3 s0) (ii)
ti l, -,- * = ;a E. ;,'"' (#) = :. ?
2 J
Area of shaded regioa = 2
j LltJr-l d,-;t# )( Jz 3)
l2l 9 + 9t
I'L i 8 t;}
=3 +'-:! -3
33 wharE t
=-,I = -

= 22.1 units
Exact arswer: 24rt 1-
li @
ParlnorLeamlng no
Partne eaming
176 5
o- Qn Sugqested SolutioD
('9 The smatlost possible diEen6ions ofthe cylindiical containor will be oftadius
dl **d d,y b -D1 2O -t) - x(, -2)2(r -r)
heiqht 4 units. d/ (, - l)'
On Sussested Solution 2(r -l)[(r-l)' - ir(, - 2)]
r 1(i) I (r-l)'
11-l 2
drI dy (r-1)'
a=-a:f du (" -r)' Siooe curve is ooncavo upwaral6,
dy u'-2u dlv - 2
---a>(r=-_>t -
dy dx' (x -l)'
Then G:F = u(2-u)
dr dx 1

a -@-f
.. oqustion oftatrg€ot at poir with pailrot€t L (iv)
!-=*r-^(,--Y\ u-l
'"- u-l 'f u-l) u1-5u+5=O
Frod GC: r = 1.3820 or 3.6180
=,tZ-Ar-4:t ': P<q,let.P=138,q| q =3.6180
7i -t' u' drll
' -=--=5(tr=--d/
d,/ (r, - D' (y - D'
,l-l u-l
Rcqut€d @a
y=u(2-Or*+? a'
y :
u(2 -u)x + u'2
(ii) At P with paramoterp, y= p(2- p\x+p2 =rfft-*)(-#r)' 'S),,
At ritrtotcopt, t=0: y=p'
. . = -
taEgent &t P cuts thc raxis 8r (0, pt f#(. a, r,m*,r
) -,4)(#F)
And taDgcnt at O cuts th€ faiis at (o,q'?) = 1.43 unit' (3 s0

Sincc semo /-intorcopt,

p'=qt + p=Xq
'. pobtsP a[d 0 arc distitrct,p *4

' P+q=0 (shosd

From, = --1-.a.a,-, = l= u= -!-
lr-l .x -l

dx r-l\ x-1,/
x l'z(x-t)-.r)
=,-t[ ,-l ]
xG-2\ (ahown)


Partn6rL€6mlng 178
t- 2

On Solution
o- 2020 DHS II2 Math Prelim Exam Solution (Paper 2)
c0 2(i) /lo\ f-3\
S€cdon A: Pure Mrthem.dct [40 mrrk ]
l+l*rl + l, ;.n
[,J [-,J
Or Sussested Solution
1(eXD &=(0,6)c4=(-2,co) ,,,=[i).,[i),,..
.. gfeaist.
Ifthe lines interseot,

* :, n(Ji- -z)' +2(7 -,\, x e*', x<7

(ii) Df = (--<o,?) -5 R, =(0,o) --r-+ R =[3,o)
, [i].,[]l [;]..[;]
y-d,)-(,-21'+21 61t+37=7
21t + 1= -l
Solvitrg lha6c gsvo oo uaique solutioug forl 8rld ,, Thcrcfole thc two lincs have Do
7 @s
arld thuswill not inl€.sect. lines
(ii) /7) / l3\ 1-6)
Alt€rtrative ;;=l,l-l-,1=l * |

y=s(x)=(J7-r-21 +2(7-.r) l.,l l.-, t,l

Looglh ofprojoction of E onro Iz

r + Rir =[3,.o)

oxi) k(h(,, =,' +o EUI

(ii) A.ny horizolt l liney=s, a6p cut! thc curve, = h(r) at mosl oocc + h is a one-one (iii)
ftmctioa h-l orisb. 1eR
Lct y= h(r)
.r = h-t(y)
Let tho normal ofthe roqut€d plaDe be B where
=,lt-s-" or -$-5-, (q ,, J5) -t
h{(r) = rG:3; "=[te]'[i]=[ 3l1
hr(r)=.,[-JI], r€, r>10+d
Hence, an equadon of the rquircd plaae:
AIt n.tlvc
lt(h"(,))=k(,) -l or x-'|y-3lz=0
r 7 =0 + -r+7!+3lz=0
(h"Gr'+ a =r-5
(iv) The tclo plancs are:
h"6) =1613-a or tr-'(r) = x-5-a (.":*"a '.'q. =4 =(.6,-)) f-l\ l'-l\
hi = .,f-JI! ("./
= Jiou *o ,liy'=-^,
hj(x) r > lo+a I
. ..il0l1 ./l0l
.x-7y-312 =-l0ll and x -7 y -3b = l0ll
DHS 2019 Y6 6 I]2 MlrL PElib P2 M.* Sch@ z
Pertnofl-eamlng 180
3 4

(v) On Suggested Solution

f 3+ 6r \ /-l)
Where 12 andp htersect, I ro(e"
-s-i "ll t l=o ,_ -r) &
I z*zp.Jllr./ )+l e''
6p -35- 49tt+ 62+62t! =0 x = l0h(e'+e-')+d
u Whetrr=0,.r=0
'7 0 = l0h(oo +eo)+ d
d= -l0la2
H€nce the rcqutod coordinetes are
r=toh(d +e-)-loh2
(_14. ,r. _ll) (iii)
[ 7 7) 9=,0"-
InEgrating wlt r,
3(D dx dv d'x Idt =-ro.-'+e
dt dt dt' Integratiflg wrt ,,
dr' t dr, q,'1r* 1= 6., = 6 r,16 9=O
to{*r'=too a= l0 rad r=-10
.x = loe'+l0f-10
dv - -
_=_ loo-v'? tshownl (iv) Model 1: .r= l0h(e'+e ')-10h2
d1 l0
(iD Model2: r =10e-' +l0r-10
dv 100-v' (Modol 1)
Whe,r, = 100, r= 10.0 (3 sD
dt 10 Whenn = 100, r= lt.0
(3 Bf) (Modol2)
I dv I Model 1 Fedictr thst the stone will rcach tbc Broud first.
100-v'& l0 Alt rrrdve
IrtcSrathg both sides wrt ,,

100-la,= rtIl0 a, .x = 100
llo+vl I
t .hl---------l +c Model I
-20 ll0-yl= -, l0 l
Model 2
llo+vl- -!.,.. l
[o-,1- "

= *".* = r"', wtere l=to&

ffi t
g,lhro r=t=6
l= 9.'d,
FroE the graph, thc Model I hterse.ts with r = 100 al aD carlio! time than Model2. Hcace,
!9 = 7":rot Model I predicts that the stone will reach the Bround 6lst.
,l: I
l0+v=e"(10-v) Or Suggcrted solution
v+ctv=10c4 -10 4(rXi)
,=-;r;- = (cos{ + i sin a, ) (cos A, + i sin a,)
= cos4cos4 -sin4 sin r, +i(sin 4cosr, +cos4 sillrr)
dx t0(e" -l) = cos(4 + ar)+isin(4 + r!)
e'zt +l
= e'(c*c) (sho\ tr) .E
PartnerLearning FO
142 @
CW 6

Sectlotr B: Probability and Statistlca [60 marks]

o- (iD
m ('"*) ="{c{)"=",#, Sussested Solution
s(i) AA BB CC DD
1Ln +r\L Wsys = 4! x2' = 384
l0 =or '2 4l : araoge thB 4 pairs of students
! =py a11l 2a : anange eaoh pair of studetrt8 ftom sarne boure
2 ',2
l;l (ii) : House A is the wimer
5 5TIr 6TIi 111 gT'r
(2k + I )
'1 B C B C D D
Leastvalue of, = 5 (when t=3)

L.8t 2 Btud.lts
4(bxi) J-?f+l7x-15=0 ofthc 4
By oonjugrte root theorEltr, ady I oftb. 3
(.r- 3)(.r-(c + ni)Xx- (a -ri)) =0
By coEDariag coofEoionts,
/ -,'
3(d+bi)(o-bi)=ls + a1 +b1
ways = rq x 2rx a! x( c,x zt) = 86a
3+(o+bi\+(a-bi\=7 - 2o=4
(iii) Wsy!
,.a=2,b=fl = (a- l)! x('q x3!)'x 4t:47'775744
.'. ra=3, zo =2 + i, zt =2-i
(4-l)l: anaago tic 4 gps of3loaoho$ itr a
r! ctcle
(ii) Let W, h di Z rptasont the complex numbe$ w, zo 21. o
^id 1'q xlt)r : anange the 3 out of 4 selected toachers
v 4! : Erege the 4 csptaias ccc
ABCD - teachers, T - captains
On Suesested Solutions
6(D k +2h+3k+4h+5h+6k =l
t= 2tI
Zt (i') \r 1 3 4 5 6
Recogtrizo that tr must lie on line passirg lhougb h nd Z, silco w i8 s point or1 the line
k k L k h
i.e. w=zo+7(zo-z), I
6 Z 6 T i i
since lr1 i! tho distaft. of w from tte origi& lho loast vatue will be l e 6hort 6t diGtinc€ of
1 I I
2 l-r 11
Ore origia to the line l.e. lnl=Z. J 3 3
3 I
Allemrdve 3 1k 11 k -k 1k
w=Z+i+ ),(2+t-(2-i\) 2 I 2 i 2
2 2
=2+i(l+27\ 4 k ?k ?k
1 3 3 lk lk T
uio lu,l = Z .rfrer, ,1, =
5 5
5 I k Ik 1p k
6 6 6 Z ;k
6 I k k k k k

Paalnerloamlng 184
'7 8

(iiD (iii) There is a probsbility of 0.01 we may wrcngly coDclude that the msnagcr hrs unddstated
P(8 > r) =!t*z the avoDgo tiDle taten, when in fact he has not.
3 f,**t.f,**a.l**s.r (rD Ho : p= 3.5
k Ht: p *3.5
35 I 5
Uader Hq Siacc sa6plc oizr = ,t + 60 is 18.8e, by Cedtral LiEit ThcoEm
3 2l 9
(-- )I aDDmxrmetelv
(iv) P(8,= 5'r l) x-N I J.5.-295(,32
P (s= 5 r, r) = i l. +60)J
' P(B>F) From sarnple,
1k 7 =3.55, s = and srmplc eize = r +60
I J@Ii9i
514 I-cvel of eigaificaace: l0 %
Rej..-t I{o ifp-value < 0. I
(v) Th€re are 2 othcr possible value,s ofs : 8, 36
For thc manager's clai4 Dot to bc rcjected, ]r-value > 0.1
< -3.5 <t.6449
\J' 1 3 4 6 For t=8 : -1 _6449
x\ 32
(5) B=4,F=2 ot B=2,F =4
I I 3 4 6 295(n+ 60)
2 2 4 6 (8) 10 t2
3 3 9 t2 15 18
since r is positive, .rr.sg8
4 4 CD t2 16 20 24 B=6,F=6 {'95\1760)
5 l0 I5 20 25 30 Herlce n<57.4 + tbe larg€st, = 57
6 6 t2 18 24 30 36
|.6449 < <t.6449
Sueeested Solution 32
7(i) I 29s(n + 60)
Unbia.sed estimate oflhe populatioD mean, l=!=l.S
3.5s -3.5
Ulbiased ostilrrata ofthe population variance,
, , (,-i\l 6.4 32 295(fl+60)
60-1 59 295 56 1.6351 < 1.5449
(ii) Let Xbe the tirne takeD for a raldomly chosen worker to complete the task
Int ll ir the population mearl time taken for a workq to coEplote the task 58
E t.649t > 1.6449

Ht: p> 3.5 + the largost rl :5?

Uuder lfu, Sinco 4= 60 is larg., by C€Etral Limit Theorem,7 3.5, Qn Suggeeted SolutioD
60 8(i) Th6 probability ofc.ch bomb hitting its tsrgct is const at alp.
approxioarely. @! bomb's aocuracy is indepcndent of each other.
? r< (iD IJtxd€motr thc numb6 ofbombs hiting the t rgcts, out of 8.
Test Statistic: Z=" i'; -N(0,1) x B(8,p)
|fr/ np +npL- i=6.5
\ /60
Irvel of sigiificrnc€: l% 8"+8p0-p)-6.5
Rcjcc-t 16 ifp-valuc < 0.01 8p7 -l6p +6.5 =O
Usiag Gc,Fvaluo : 0.0093a (3 s.f) p=0.5669 or p=1.43(rejeo{ad1.0<p<l)
= 0.557 (3 @) (shon'D)
Sincr p-vsluc < 0.01, we loject Ho .nd corclude tbat that€ is sD.ffici€ot evidroc€ ar l%
level that the has undemtated the time taken. (n

Partngrloamlng (,
ParlnerLeamlng ,166
(v) 10

o- (rii) MetLod I P(v <20)=0.65459

c0 x - B(8,0.567) = 0.65s (3 sD
E(x)=8x0.557=4.536, (ii) P(at loart one customer can rcsolve his Plobl.m iu < 20 mins)
vsr(x) = 8(0.567X0.433) =1.9641
: I * P(no oDe catr &rolvo ihe problem in < 20 mins)
=| - P(h 220)xP(YzZ 20)xP(l/, >20)
Sinc€ ,, = 30 is lrrgo, by C€rltsl Limit Thootm, =l-P(I/>20)13
l 9gl) =l-tl-0.654691'
I - N[n.srr.
l. l0./"&rDroximarclv = 0.95883
Rcquircd probability = P(i < s)= 0.9651I = 0.965 (3 O = 0.959 (3 !f)
Method 2 Ahcrpadve
I*t Tdsnoto tho nunb€r ofboEbo hittilg tho targob, out of 240. l,et.4 b€ tlrc nultrbor of oustomerd, out of 3, who call in duriag off-peak hours for a minor
u - B(30x8,0.s57)= V -B(2A0,0s67\ problem and oan rosolve his problom ia lose than 20 mias
Reqlrilad gobability l-B(3, 0.55459)
=P(r < 30x5) P(,{>1)=1-P(,{=o)
=P(r<l50) =0.95883
=P (Y <r4e) = 0.959 (3 d)
(iir) Irt trbe thc time takc! to resolve the prcblem for a customer who calls in dwiog poak hours
= 0.96043 = 0.960 (3 s0
(iv) with an intermediat€ Foblem
x- B(8,0.567)
Roquired probability W=X+I
=P(x>4) r- N(39,r02.25)
=l-0.22888 Y\+L+Y\+Y.+Ys 4+W1+ry+Wa+W
=0.17112=0.77t (3 sf) - 5
(v) Fddoto tho Dumbel ofplaios with succ€$ful Ei68ions, out of 20
B(20,P(X >4))
7 - N6r, s.os1 7 - N(rs, zo.ls)
V -fr -Nezt,zl,
-Y - B(20,037112)
=P(I3<r<18) t(lv-wl<x)
( -30<r -7 so )
= 0.96167-0.065809
= 0.89586 =0.896 (3 sD =0.96265
= 0.e63 (3 sf)
On Sugg€sted Solution
(iv) l,et C b€ the time tak€E (i! oin3) for the technical support officer to londer the service for an
e(D I-,et X alld y bo tlo {aiting time (in oins) of a randomly chosen oall during pe.k and off-poak
i-ntoun€diato problcm after tho taining.
hours ftspcotivoly.
C - N(l,o?)
x-N(e, l.s') and Y-N(3,0.5') P(C<16)=0.08

Irt M rd 1 bo lho tiae takto (in Eiruto6) fq the techioal su!,pdt officcr to &6dor thc P - 15- u = 0.08
( )
servicG for a Binor rnd id€trmcdiato prDbkm rEsP€ctivoly.
M-N05,5').!d / -N(30, rd) 16- tt
Let Fbo tho time takcn to tcsolve tho prcblo& for a custohor who calls itr dEing off-peak Y(Z,Y)=o.z
hours with a mitror ploblem. p( z ja- P\=o.z
r/-N0t,2s.2s) !:-t =n.ga162 -421
Partn€rLgamlng 188
lt 12

Solving cquatior (1) and (2) simultaleously, we get Var(M) = Va{50r)

p = 2?.3 and d= 8,01 (3 sf) = 2500var(r)
= 2500(1) = 2500
The Eaining was effectivo a5 the mo6n time and standard deyiation after tairing is loss thao
tho timing bcfore tainiag.
Exp€ctaiioD atrd vsfiance of the p ze motroy wotr by s contestad in the first rou[d of the
cont€,st is $50 and 2500 (in $') rcspectively.
Qn Suggested Solutiono
: (o Let Wbe the offrom th€
10(i) Number ofpossible guesses 4l = 24
0 50 r00 200 250 300 400
(ii) 2 br&d! od of4 bratrds is oorrect = 'C, = b I
Plw = w) I I I
(iii) Ifthc cotrEstant got th€ sequcnoc oftte brard dgit for 3 braDds, he would havc gotten the
it f ' )fi)
fourth onc conect a! well.
, i (a
)(;) \ z+./[:./
(;)(i) uI )
q= P(X =2)=;=; (Chooso 2 bralds to be comctly oErchod) B(w)

r =P(x =qt=!=L = so(1)*rool1)* I [roo(1)*rro(l)*r*l,I)-*o(1))

' 41 )a \3,/ \4/ 24\ \8/ \3/ \4,i \24))
D=P(X =O\= l-!-1- I =52.08
' 34248 =1 I
Altaruaive Expectod toral prize money
Method l: i
=e@t+ u(E(M))
4!8 =:i(50)
(3 wsys to match tho ln bland irconoody, say to brandxtrcxt 3 ways to ohoose an inconoct
brand for food itertr from h,rsnd X thcn only obe way to mstch thc r€st inc.(€ctly) E)eccted total pdze 6orcy is $52.08

Merhod 2:
Let Bt, Bz, Br and Br bc the brend6. I,et Sr, 52, St, Sr bo thc eamples.

Cas. l: Sl and52inBl &82

Number ofways = I

Case 2: Sl or 52 in Bl & 82.

Number ofways = 2 x2:4
Case 3: Sl strd 52 oot in Bl & 82.
NMbor of ways:2 x 2=4
p(x +4+4
= o\=l
4!8 =1
p=|, q=l rmdr=$.
(Y) I
E(& = 0(i) + lG) + 4+) + 3(0) + 4(*) =
vai(x) = E(x') -(E(r))l
=d(t)+f (f r 21(+) + 3'1 (o) + 4r (*) - r
I-.t tho rlsdoo variablo M dcloic thc prize monoy won in first roud.
= 508(,r)
= 5(l) =50 ul
Painorlgamlng (,
190 N)

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