CHAPTER 1 (RESEARCH) Working Students

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College of Saint John Paul (II) Arts & Sciences

Mercedes Bldg., Junction, Ortigas Ave. Ext. Cainta, Rizal

Tel: (02)8 442-8546 Email:

The Struggles of Working Students at College of Saint John Paul II Arts and Sciences

towards Work and Studies during the Academic Year 2022 – 2023: A Quantitative



Navarro, Cherry Mae V.

Estores, Trixia Mae E.

Estacio, Jan Andrea Mhae

Lagrada, Christian Aaron

College of Saint John Paul (II) Arts & Sciences
Mercedes Bldg., Junction, Ortigas Ave. Ext. Cainta, Rizal
Tel: (02)8 442-8546 Email:



I. Introduction

Many students today encounter financial issues and must work while attending school to

support themselves financially. These kids are known as working students, and they face a

variety of problems that might make academic success difficult for them. Balancing work,

school, and personal life can be difficult, and it can have a negative impact on their physical and

emotional health. Working students' problems are a growing concern, as they confront multiple

obstacles that impair both their academic and personal lives. The purpose of this study report is

to shed light on the obstacles that working students encounter, how they manage their duties, and

how this affects their academic progress.

II. Background of the Study

Working while in school is primarily driven by the need to balance the budget: to pay for

challenges in several forms of student aid; to increase income to provide better support in future

goals or to better comprehend understudies. It furthermore enables students to share the

responsibility for covering their own costs. The examination gives them a sense of financial

independence and develops skills in account management. A study led by Endsleigh (2015),

revealed that 77 percent of students are currently working part-time, or 80%. to assist them with

their educational expenses. Working while a student is challenging. most likely in striking a
College of Saint John Paul (II) Arts & Sciences
Mercedes Bldg., Junction, Ortigas Ave. Ext. Cainta, Rizal
Tel: (02)8 442-8546 Email:

balance between your social life, family time, career, and school. Figuring out ways to deal with

the pressure that comes with being a working undergrad and making sure you have at least one

night off each week can help you feel less stressed.

Filipino students are nevertheless able to provide for their financial needs by working

despite their financial difficulties. Online jobs paid corporate internships, fast-food crew

positions, and school jobs are the job alternatives for Filipino working students, according to The

Working Student (2022). Filipino students struggle because they must maintain academic

performance to avoid receiving a failing grade and achieve the standards in their work to keep

their jobs.

According to the most recent statistics from the Commission on Higher Education, there

are currently about 216,000 students in the Philippines balancing employment and study

(CHED). A working student makes up around 8% of all college students in the Philippines

(ABS-CBN News, 2010). Just half of the employed student’s complete college, as many struggle

to focus, others are ill, and others give up due to financial difficulties according to CHED (2010).

Students often work to help with expenses, to fulfill an immediate or basic need, or to

support their fellow students' future goals according to the findings of the study conducted by

Williams (2014). In addition to these reasons, there were negative effects of working while

learning and according to the findings of the study of Darolia (2014), when students take less

classes because of work obligations. As a result, the students thus lost confidence to enroll, are

quitting, and have begun to obtain secure employment.

College of Saint John Paul (II) Arts & Sciences
Mercedes Bldg., Junction, Ortigas Ave. Ext. Cainta, Rizal
Tel: (02)8 442-8546 Email:

III. Statement of the Problem

A. General Problem:

What are the struggles of working students at the College of Saint John Paul II Arts and

Sciences towards work and studies during the Academic Year 2022 – 2023?

B. Specific Problem:

1. What are the reasons for the working students from College of Saint John Paul II Arts and

Sciences to work and study at the same time?

2. What type of struggles were experienced by the working students at College of Saint John

Paul II Arts and Sciences?

3. How do working students from College of Saint John Paul II Arts and Sciences balance work

and studies?

IV. Conceptual Framework


Work Studies

Financial Academic
Working Students at College of Saint John Paul II Arts and Sciences
Academic Year 2022 - 2023
College of Saint John Paul (II) Arts & Sciences
Mercedes Bldg., Junction, Ortigas Ave. Ext. Cainta, Rizal
Tel: (02)8 442-8546 Email:

V. Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The study focused on the struggles faced by working students at the College of Saint

John Paul Art and Sciences. The study aims to identify the experiences of working students as

well as their motivation in life to continue working and studying simultaneously, even if it causes

them problems. Also, to investigate how working students dealt with their struggles and


The study's primary location will be the College of Saint John Paul Art and Sciences. A

quantitative research design will be used, which involves the collection and analysis of numerical

data. The study will be conducted among the target respondents which are working students,

specifically from the College Department, aged 18 and up, male and female within the academic

year 2022-2023. The sample will be selected through purposive sampling, and only students who

are currently employed will be included.

Data gathering will be done with the use of a survey questionnaire. The survey will be

designed to gather information on the demographic characteristics of the participants, their work

and study habits, the challenges they face in balancing work and studies, the impact of work on

their academic performance, and the coping mechanisms they employ.

VI. Relevance of the Study

This study seeks to figure out how working college students manage their time and strike a

balance between their obligations at work and in the study. The following are benefits of this

College of Saint John Paul (II) Arts & Sciences
Mercedes Bldg., Junction, Ortigas Ave. Ext. Cainta, Rizal
Tel: (02)8 442-8546 Email:

Students. This will guide them in determining whether the knowledge and abilities

gained in the program will be valuable to them in their future professions. It will also inspire

them to value and follow their chosen path.

Faculty. To the faculty member it is also important cause they are the one who will guide

the students about their situation and the faculty is the one who knows better about this kind of

struggles of a working student. In addition, the teaching role of faculty members reflects their

centrality in addressing the primary educational mission among colleges and universities. As

faculty members teach, they disseminate and impart basic or applied knowledge to students and

assist students with the learning process and applying the knowledge an also one reason for that

is students tend to be more motivated to learn and be engaged in the classroom when their

teacher likes and cares about them. Positive teacher-student relationships change student

behavior, and in this study, we found building those positive relationships leads to better

teaching, too.

Academe/School. This has a First this study is important to all this study will also

motivate them to manage their responsibilities towards school and work so that their academic

performance will not be affected in favor of their work or vice-versa. Lastly, to fully understand

the experiences of a working student and to help the students shortly to understand what it takes

to work while studying.

College of Saint John Paul (II) Arts & Sciences
Mercedes Bldg., Junction, Ortigas Ave. Ext. Cainta, Rizal
Tel: (02)8 442-8546 Email:

Researchers. The results of this study will be a helpful resource for researchers who

want to establish accurate standards for the Bachelor of Science in Office Administration degree.

Overall, this research study will aid College of Saint John Paul II Arts and Sciences itself:

the students, Administrators and Staffs, Professors and Future Researchers in providing a

consistent and coordinated method of making their work accessible.

College of Saint John Paul (II) Arts & Sciences
Mercedes Bldg., Junction, Ortigas Ave. Ext. Cainta, Rizal
Tel: (02)8 442-8546 Email:

VII. Definition of Terms

Academic – usually holds an advanced degree or a terminal degree.

Avoid – keep away from or stop oneself from doing.

Alternative – one of two or more available possibilities.

Assist – to give support or help

Aspirations – a hope or ambition of achieving something.

Accommodations – something supplied for convenience or to satisfy a need.

Barrier – a fence or other obstacle that prevents movement or access.

Balancing – keep or put in a steady position so that it does not fall.

Career – an occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person's life and with

opportunities for progress.

Crucial – being a final or very important test or decision.

Comprehend – to understand something completely.

Catalog – a complete list of items, typically one in alphabetical or other systematic order.

Challenging – to dispute especially as being unjust, invalid, or outmoded.

Confidence – feeling sure of yourself and your abilities

College of Saint John Paul (II) Arts & Sciences
Mercedes Bldg., Junction, Ortigas Ave. Ext. Cainta, Rizal
Tel: (02)8 442-8546 Email:

Career Prospects – the probability or chance for future success in a profession.

Critical – expressing adverse or disapproving comments or judgments.

Commitment – the act of giving, or putting something in the trust of another.

Dreaded – regarded with great fear or apprehension.

Difficulties – a thing that is hard to accomplish, deal with, or understand.

Explore – in order to learn about or familiarize oneself with it.

Experience – the fact or state of having been affected by or gained knowledge through direct

observation or participation.

Financial Aid – money to help pay for college or career school.

Financial Literacy – the ability to understand and effectively use various financial skills,

including personal financial management, budgeting, and investing.

Fulfill – carry out a task, duty, or role as required, pledged, or expected.

Figuring – be a significant and noticeable part of something.

Goals – an objective or target that someone is trying to reach or achieve.

Head-start – an advantage granted or achieved at the beginning of a race, a chase, or a


Impact – the action of one object coming forcibly into contact with another.
College of Saint John Paul (II) Arts & Sciences
Mercedes Bldg., Junction, Ortigas Ave. Ext. Cainta, Rizal
Tel: (02)8 442-8546 Email:

Inquire – ask for information from someone.

Independence – freedom to make laws or decisions without being governed or controlled by


Juggling – to give enough time or attention to all of them.

Maximize – make as large or great as possible.

Monetary needs – relating to money, especially the total amount of money in a country.

Motivation – the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way.

Obligations – an act of making oneself responsible for doing something

Obtain – to gain or attain usually by planned action or effort.

Responsibility – the state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of having control

over someone.

Student – a person who is studying at a school or college.

Striking – attracting attention by reason of being unusual, extreme, or prominent.

Struggle – to make strenuous or violent efforts in the face of difficulties or opposition.

Significantly – in a sufficiently great or important way as to be worthy of attention.

Simultaneously – existing or occurring at the same time.

Structured – arranged according to a specific plan.

College of Saint John Paul (II) Arts & Sciences
Mercedes Bldg., Junction, Ortigas Ave. Ext. Cainta, Rizal
Tel: (02)8 442-8546 Email:

Support – to agree with and give encouragement to someone or something because you want

him, her, or it to succeed.

Toll – to have a serious, bad effect on someone or something.

Time Management – the process of organizing and planning how to divide your time between

different activities.

Understudy – one who is prepared to act another's part or take over another's duties.

Unforeseen – not anticipated or predicted.

Valuable – a thing that is of great worth, especially a small item of personal property.

Workload – the amount of work to be done by someone or something.

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