Activity 1 - Science, Technology and Society - Navarro, Cherry 1st Sem

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Activity #1: General Concepts in Science, Technology and Society

1. How do you define Society in your own thoughts?

- Individuals generally belong to organized communities with customary laws, customs, and
values. For instance, here is where people develop their preferences as neighborhood
2. Elaborate on the development you want happen in your society using science.
- Transportation is the advancement I wish to see in our society due to science. We frequently
run into transportation issues. Due to traffic caused by a lack of substantial vehicle flow or
traffic disturbances on the highways, we arrive late for work and school. Because of this, I
wished for more scientific advancement in our society's trains, roads, and automobiles.
3. What do you think of science? Is it use for bad or for good? Explain your thoughts.
- For me, science is beneficial because it is always present—even when we are not in school—
in our homes, communities, and everywhere else. Science has greatly benefited us,
especially now that pandemics and viruses are spreading worldwide since it provides us with
knowledge about preventing virus infection. Nothing is accomplished without science, as is
commonly believed.
- Some persons claim that science has made life easier for most people, while others claim
that it has made life more difficult.
4. If you are a scientist, what will you be able to create?
- What could I develop as a scientist if I were one? Maybe I'll start the process that will help
others who struggle with anxiousness and overthinking. Both affect me now, and I've been
struggling to deal with them for years. Therefore, even though it won't be able to cure me, I
wanted to build something that could at least decrease the symptoms. I believe it's okay to
accomplish anything or create something that can be one of your benefits because having
those two causes me so much suffering.
5. What is the impact of science to humans?
- Science has made life easier for man, enabling him to pursue societal issues like ethics,
aesthetics, education, and justice, establish cultures and improve people's lives.
Science has caused changes in moral values and fundamental philosophies by fundamentally
altering our methods of communication, our ways of working, our homes, our clothing and
food, our modes of transportation, and even the length and quality of our lives.
6. What is the relationship among science, technology, and society? Cite at least 2 examples.
- Technology and science are the most significant gifts society has ever received. Science has
advanced ever since the industrial revolution. The development of technology has greatly
benefited society. Science and technology have helped the organization expand. The
development of transportation means like electronic railway lines helped the community by
providing better transportation. Most things were analog, but owing to science and
technology, we are becoming more and more digitalized every day. Human communication
has increased in scope thanks to the development of telephone and radio services. Because
society is necessary for science and technology, producing specialized instruments and
equipment has helped achieve significant goals. Modern industries are indispensable to
society. Tech and science are essential to humanity. Individuals' development of computers
as works of art was a significant step that would greatly benefit the community. We may
leverage ourselves by using a computer to learn important information that will improve our
lives. Science and technology's influence can be seen. Many individuals worldwide, including
academics at colleges and universities, have taken the initiative to investigate the
connection between science and technology.

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