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1. An autobiography is the story of a person’s life written or

told by that person.
2. It is usually written in first person using personal pronouns
like I and me.
3. It should have a suitable heading/ Title example :
Autobiography of a School Bus
4. It can be divided in to three (or four) paragraphs.
5. Word limit 100-120 words
6. Para 1 Introduction
Para 2 Main Content (perceive things through different sense
Para 3 Conclusion
Example 1

Autobiography of a Book
I am a book and I am made up of pages that come from wood
pulp. It takes a long time for me to come to my final shape.
Many words are printed on my pages. Sometimes pictures,
maps tables and figures are also drawn. I feel brand new and
very smart the day I am given my final touch.

I reach the book stall and am placed on the display window.

Sometimes people stop by to look at me. I can tell at once
whether or not they will treat me well. If I go into good hands,
I remain clean and intact. I live for a long time. But if a
careless person buys me, my pages are torn and I am scribbled
upon. I feel very sad if this happens.

My main aim is to give pleasure to whoever reads me. I can

become a very good friend of my owner too, if I give him great
enjoyment. All I want is that whoever hold me should treat
me gently and with care. I hope everyone will begin to do so.
Write Draft 1 for any one topic given below
Autobiography of a Laptop
-Para 1 born in a ________ factory, features, owned by _____
Para 2 incident - careless handling, theft, lost in transit
Para 3 conclusion
Autobiography of a School Library
Para 1 I am a library situated in the basement of MRIS-46
Gurgaon. Infrastructure ( no. of books, how they are stored,
librarian, housekeeping staff)
Para 2 incident
Para 3 Conclusion

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