Basic Competencies 1

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Session Plan (BASIC)

Sector : Tourism
Qualification Title : Bread and Pastry Production NC II
Unit of Competency : Participate in Workplace Communication
Module : Participating in Workplace Communication

Learning Outcomes :

1. Upon completion of this module, the trainee/student must be able to:

LO1 Obtain and convey workplace information

LO2 Complete relevant work related documents

LO3 Participate in workplace meeting and discussion

A. Introduction:
This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitude required to obtain, interpret and convey information in
response to workplace requirements.
B. Learning Activities

LO 1: Obtain and convey the workplace information

Learning Content Presentation Practice Feedback Resources Time

 Accessed specific  Read  Self check  Compare to answer  Information 1 hr

relevant information (Answer key sheet
information from Sheet. written  Instructor check  Reference
appropriate question) evaluation and books
 Reportorial
sources recommendation  manuals
 Participate in  Perform
 Used effective effective  writing
questioning, active communic materials
listening and ation
speaking skills to  Interview
gather and convey
 Used appropriate
medium to transfer
information and
 Used appropriate
non verbal
 Used define
procedures for the
location and
storage of
 Carried out
interaction clearly
and concisely

LO 2: Complete relevant work related documents

Learning Content Presentation Practice Feedback Resources Time

*Completed range of  Read  Self check  Compare to answer  Information sheet 1 hr

forms relating to information key  Manuals
(Answer written
conditions of  Instructor aid
Sheet. question)  Instructor check
accurately and legibly  Lecture –  Practical evaluation and  Reference books
demonstration performance test recommendation
*Recorded workplace
data on standard  Participate in  Interview
workplace forms and group
documents discussion
*Used basic  Interactions
processes for routine
*Identified and
rectified errors in
recording information
on forms/documents
*Completed reporting
requirements to
superior according to
enterprise guidelines
LO 3: Participate in workplace meetings and discussions
Learning Content Presentation Practice Feedback Resources Time

*Attended team  Read  Self check  Interview  Information sheet 2 hrs

meetings on time information  Books
(Answer written  Instructor check
*Expressed own Sheet. question) evaluation and  Instructor aid
opinions clearly and recommendation  Reference manual
 Lecture –  Perform
those of others are
demonstration instruction on job
listened to without
 Participate in sheet
*Consistent meeting group  Interview
inputs with meeting discussion
purpose and  Interaction
established protocols
*Conducted workplace
interaction in a
courteous manner
appropriate to cultural
background and
authority in the
enterprise procedures
*Asked and responded
questions about
simple routine
workplace procedures
and matters
concerning condition
of employment
*Interpreted and
implemented meeting

C. Assessment Plan
 Written examination
 Observation with oral questioning
 Demonstration with oral questioning
As the above activities are completed, the trainee/student will document the action performed in the progress chart.
D. Trainor’s/Teacher’s Self-Reflection of the Session
 Identify the strong points/ interest of the trainees/students.
 Identify the weakness of the trainees/students.
 Ask the trainees/students for their feedback with regards the procedure performed.
 Ask the trainee/student on how they want the trainor to deliver the next competency in order them to
understand it more clearly

Prepared By:

Mariam M. Salonga

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