Physics Notes AJk 9th Class Chap1

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CAD Paniola Azad Kashmir 2018

Physical Quantities and Measurement

1. What is physical quantity? Give example of three physical quantities.
All quantities which can be measured are called physical quantities and
they consist of their magnitude and unit. E.g. Length, mass, time,
2. Choose the basic physical quantities and derived physical quantities
from the following: Speed, amount of substance, Temperature,
Volume, Time, Area, Density, and Length.
Basic Physical quantities and derived one are as follow:
Basic Quantities Derived Quantities
Amount of Substance Speed
Length Volume
Time Density
Temperature Area
3. Why speed is called a derived quantity?
Speed is called derived quantity because it depends on two other
quantities such as Distance and Time which are base quantities itself.
4. What problem would we face, if volume is chosen as fundamental
quantity instead of length?
If volume is chosen as fundamental quantity, then we won’t be able to
express smaller quantities such as length, area easily.
5. Which prefix represents the biggest value- mega or giga? Also mention
their values.
Giga represents the bigger value than Mega.
Prefix Symbol Values
Giga G4
Mega M
6. The radius of hydrogen atom is approximately 40pm. What will be its
value in mm?
Radius of hydrogen:
40pm m
Since 1

Prepared by: Asher Kabir |

CAD Paniola Azad Kashmir 2018

7. Explain the statement, “A micrometer screw gauge measures more

accurately than a vernier caliper”?
A micrometer screw gauge measures more accurately than a vernier
caliper because screw guage can measure upto 100th part of a millimeter
whereas vernier caliper measures upto 10th part of a millimeter only. In
other word, it’s due to the difference of least count between the two.
8. What do you know about plasma?
Co-existence of gaseous and ionized state of matter is called plasma
which is the fourth state of matter.
9. If the zero of circular scale in a screw gauge passes the zero of linear
scale then explain how we can correct our reading?
If the zero of circular scale in a screw gauge passes the zero of linear
scale, then this is negative zero error which can be found out by
multiplying the number of divisions of circular scale, that has passed the
datum line, by least count of screw gauge. Negative error is then
subtracted from each reading to get zero correction.
10.How can we find the volume of a small metallic sphere?
We can find the volume of a small metallic sphere by micrometer screw
gauge. Basically, it measures the diameter of a sphere. Then using the
following formula we can calculate the radius first.
R = d/2
And then volume of a given sphere is found by this formula.
V = 4/3πr3
11.When are zeros in a certain figure significant?
 Zeros between two significant digits are significant such as 88703.
There are 5 Sig figures.
 Trailing zeros to the right of decimal place are significant e.g. 54.0.
There are 3 significant figures.
12.How many significant figures are there in 19.5120g?
Since 0 lies on the right side of the decimal place, therefore, it must be
considered significant. Hence the number of significant figures in
19.5120g is six. 2

Prepared by: Asher Kabir |

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