Jaxx Tsa Techday

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Tech Day
By: Cole Regna, Julian Otero, Makena
Mugambi, Riley Parker
Design Challenge

The challenge was to design and build a

robotic rover that will navigate an obstacle
course, deliver a tennis ball, and return to
the starting point in the shortest time.
Robots must meet the criteria and
constraints set forth.
Robot can use Acceptable Robots must fit Any weight
no more than 6 robot within a 14” added to the
motors: VEX, construction cube (WxDxH). robot must be
FLL, or any DC materials They may securely
Motor. include VEX, expand beyond attached to the
FLL, or other their starting robot.
robotic platform size constraints.

parts or custom
created parts

Constraints and
Teams may be Robots may not The robot must
requested to be modified be student
submit to during the constructed and

random event. They can NOT from a pre
inspections by be repaired with assembled kit.
event personnel. referee For example, RC
Refusal to approval. No devices from a
submit to the significant box may not be
inspection will changes can be used
result in
Prediction of your Prototype
After brainstorming our group made a prediction for the rover. We
had predicted that the rover would be able to properly move
down and over any obstacles that would be presented to it, and
that it would have a working claw that could close, open and
Scientific Principles
We used the principle of friction on the tread for wheels and that made
sure that the robot didn’t fall when it went over object and when it lifts

μ = F/L

We also used the inverse relationship of speed and torque in order to

make sure that the arm was not only powerful enough to pick stuff up
but also not tear itself apart

ω = 0.5 ωn and 𝜏 = 0.5/ 𝜏s

Materials used to Build Prototype
For Jaxx we used Vex V5 block code to program his movements, we used
aluminum materials such as C channels, Side tracks, one by’s, and a
claw to make up his base and upper body. For movement we used a
caterpillar belt and tracks instead of wheels. In order to transfer the
code to the robot we had used a V5 Brain, and 4 motors in order to
properly control all parts of the rover.
Testing Results
Reengineering Prototype
For our reengineering, we had to rebuild JAXX from the ground up with
new motors, due to the fact that the former motors were too weak for us
to properly use JAXX efficiently. This upgrade led to faster claw and
more moveable claw, easier vehicle movement, and an overall faster
JAXX. After further work with JAXX we had been able to improve his claw
strength which allowed him to hold bigger objects more efficiently.
Engineering Careers Related
Robotics Engineers: Software Engineers:
They work with automated machines, They design and create computer
and solve problems that a human cannot, systems and applications to solve
or in an environment a human cannot. real-world problems.
More pictures
Tech Day
Tech day was in perry georgia at the state fair, we drove there on a
bus and submitted our robot. Unfortunately we were not able to
compete due to only one robot allowed from each school. We then
enjoyed the rides and food for the next few hours.
Things we learn from this challenge
1. When programing and coding you need to make sure that the
electronics can pair properly with correct coding system.

2. We learned that we needed to manage time correctly. We ran into

many problems due to time.

3. We learned to use the proper tools and items such as proper keps
and screws.

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