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(Class: 8th A + B)

Unit -1 ICT Fundamentals

1. Make a physical Model of Data Communication Cycle and Demonstrate its


2. Demonstrate network switch , Router NIC and Wireless Access Point to the Students

and explain their functions

 Network Switch :- Network Switch is a Device that allows Computers in a

Network to connect with one another using wired commendation

 Router :- A Router is Network Device which connects two or more LANS . It

forwards incoming message using the best route towards the destination.

 NIC :- NIC is Network Interface Card that allows a Computer to connect to a

network to access hardware / software resources including internet.

 Wireless Access Point:- Wireless Access Point is network device that is connected

to a wired network and allows communication devices to transfer data wirelessl

Unit-2 Digital Skills
Unit -3 Algorithmic Thinking and Problem Solving
1. Write pseudo code that tells a user that the number they entered is not a 5 or a 6.

Line -0 Declare variable isfive

Line-1 Read isfive

Line-2 If (isfive = 5)

Line-3 Write "your number is 5"

Line-4 Else if (isfive = 6)

Line-5 Write "your number is 6"

Line-6 Else Write "your number is not 5 or 6"

Line-7 Stop

2. Write pseudo code that performs the following: Ask a user to enter a number. If the number is
between 0 and 10, write the word blue. If the number is between 10 and 20, write the word
red. if the number is between 20 and 30, write the word green. If it is any other number, write
that it is not a correct color option.

Line-0 Start

Line-1 Declare Variable “colornum”

Line-2 Write "Please enter a number"

Line-3 Read colornum

Lone-4 If (colornum >0 and colornum <= 10) Write blue

Line-5 else If (colornum >10 and colornum <= 20) Write Red
Line-6 else If (colornum >20 and colornum <= 30) Write Green

Line-7 else Write "not a correct color option"

Line-8 Stop

3. Give a Pseudo code of rolling dice program between 2 players , turn by turn . If dice rolls a 6 ,
the same player rolls the dice again

Line-0 Start

Line-1 Declare Variables Player1 , player2

Line-2 If (player1 = 6)

Line-3 Repeat rolling dice player1

Lone-4 else if (player2 = 6)

Line-5 Repeat rolling dice player2

Line-6 else repeat step-2 to 5

4. Develop the Pseudo code that execute the above Pseudo code 10 times , count the score of
the players and announce the winner or match drawn : in the end .

Line-0 Start

Line-1 Declare Variables Player1 , player2 , Count

Line-2 If (player1 = 6)

Line-3 Repeat rolling dice player1

Lone-4 else if (player2 = 6)

Line-5 Repeat rolling dice player2

Line-6 else repeat until count = 10

Line-7 if score of player1> player2

Line-8 Winner is Player1

Line-9 else Winner is Player2

Line-10 if score of player1= player2

Line-11 Match drawn

Line-12 Stop

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