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Teaching Dates and Time MAY 8 – 12, 2023 Quarter 4


I. OBJECTIVES 1. Identify the common 3. Write an in – depth 1. Define Literary Criticism and the Structuralism and 4. Define other literary approaches:
elements of a narrative. evaluation of a story in the Formalism Approach. - moralist
2. Evaluate sample critiques form of a critique. 2. Differentiate Structuralism from Formalism Approach - Marxist
about works of fiction. 3. Critique a literary selection based on the - feminist
Structuralism and Formalism Approach - historical
5. Evaluate the author’s message in
their literary work.
A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of how world literature and other text types serve as vehicles of expressing and resolving conflicts among individuals or groups; also,
how to use strategies in critical reading, listening, and viewing and affirmation and negation markers to deliver impromptu and extemporaneous speeches.
B. Performance Standard The learner proficiently delivers an argumentative speech emphasizing how to resolve conflicts among individuals or groups.
C. Learning Competency/ (EN10WC-IIIg-14) Compose an Independent Critique of a Chosen (EN10RC-IIIa-22) Critique a literary selection based on the EN10RC-IIIa-22) Critique a literary
Objectives Selection following approaches: Structuralism or Formalism selection based on the following
- moralist
- Marxist
- feminist
- historical
II. CONTENT Composing an Independent Critique of a Chosen Selection Critiquing a literary selection based on the following Critiquing a literary selection based on
approaches: Structuralism or Formalism the following approaches: Moralist,
Marxist, Feminist and Historical
1. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from English 10: Quarter 3 – MELC 3 English 10: Quarter 3 – MELC 4
Learning Resource
Other Learning Resource

A. Reviewing previous lesson or In your previous lessons, you Continuation of the lesson There are different elements of Continuation of the lesson Have you been critiquing a literary
presenting the new lesson were able to learn how to the story. These are the selection using the various
compose an argumentative characters, setting, plot and approaches? What literary type have
essay as well as use a variety of moral lesson. These elements you critiqued? Did you do it well?

writing techniques. For sure, you help to understand the content
are now equipped with of the story.
knowledge and insights in
constructing effective
paragraphs and essays.
B. Establishing a purpose for the Take a look at these jumbled The teacher will divide the class The teacher will go back to the activity
lesson letters and try to rearrange into four groups. The Activity is “Jumbled Bee”.
them. titled “Jumbled Bee”.
Rtucqiie 1. Each group will be given a set
Dirtouncnot of jumbled letters.
Nusiclonco 2. Mix and match the letters
Salinsya accordingly to reveal the correct
3. A literature about related to
the jumbled letter will be given,
for you to be able use as your
scaffolding in
answering the activity.
4. A 3-minute time will be
allotted for the activity
5. Once completed a member of
the group will present the
assembled words to the teacher.
6. Every correct answer is
equivalent to a single point.
7. Literary texts are given as
your clues to guess.
C. Presenting examples/Instances Our lesson for today is to Welcome, Future Literary The teacher will present the objectives.
of the new lesson compose an independent Critics!
critique of a chosen selection. For today’s lesson, it is about
literary approach criticism.
If you are asked to critique an There are various approaches or
article, a reading selection or an styles in analyzing a literary
essay assigned by your teacher, piece or what we call literary
what do you usually do? Do you lenses.
simply give negative - Structuralist/formalist
observations? Do you give your - moralist
personal reaction on the given - Marxist
article? Or do you analyze and - feminist
evaluate the reading selection? - historical
This time, let us take a closer
look on the definition of an
independent critique.
D. Discussing new concepts and Discussion about Critique and  The students will Discussion on the other literary
practicing new skills # 1 its Parts discover the definition approaches
of literary criticism - moralist
using the pictograph. - Marxist
 Discussion of - feminist
Structuralist / Formalist - historical
E. Discussing new concepts and  Discussion on the
practicing new skills # 2 elements of the
story to help
understand the
content of the
F. Developing mastery The students will read a selection The students will read and
(leads to Formative Assessment 3) entitled, “The Necklace by Guy de analyze the excerpt from
Maupassant” and will also read a the story “God Sees the
sample critique based on it. Truth but Waits” and
answer the questions that

G. Finding practical application of ACROS-TIQUE The students will read and The students will read some literary
concepts and skills in daily Complete the acrostics of the critque the story and fill in selections on each type of literary
living word “CRITIQUE” by writing the boxes with own ideas. approach and answer the questions
important points you have learned that follow.
about the topic. Write in complete
sentences for each letter.
H. Making generalizations and The students will be asked of the The students will recall all The teacher will ask the students about
abstractions about the lesson following questions: the lessons and fill in the the other literary approaches and their
"Did you understand our topic for blanks. definition.
today's class?"
"Now class, let’s recall the parts The following are the
of a critique. What are these?" things I learned about the
1. The two literary
approaches are:
2. The Formalism
approach refers to
3. The Structuralism
approach refers to
I. Evaluating learning TRUE or FALSE. 4 items only. IDENTIFICATION. Tell IDENTIFICATION
Write TRUE if the statement is which literary approach is
correct, and FALSE if not. used in the statements.
1. Critiques may follow different
formats but they generally have MULTIPLE CHOICE.
the same content or foci.
2. A critique is intended primarily
to point out the faults or flaws in
3. It is alright to not give a
summary of the story critiqued
because the readers are most
likely familiar with it already.
4. A critic is encouraged to write “I
think…” or “In my opinion…” in
his/her critical essay.
J. Additional activities for Read the selection “THE TWO Research for the other
application or remediation BROTHERS” by Leo Tolstoy and literary approaches or
compose an independent critique styles in analyzing a
of it. Apply the tips on making an literary piece or what we
independent critique effectively. call literary lenses.
Be guided of the rubric while - moralist
doing the activity. Write your - Marxist
composition on a separate sheet - feminist
of paper. - historical

A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to

require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other

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