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The Effects of the Timing of Corrective Feedback on the

Acquisition of a New Linguistic Structure

Article  in  Modern Language Journal · March 2016

DOI: 10.1111/modl.12315


99 1,664

1 author:

Shaofeng Li
Florida State University


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Working memory in second language acquisition and processing View project

Language aptitude: Advancing theory, testing, research and practice. By: Wen, Skehan, Biedron, Li & Sparks (Routledge, 2019) View project

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The Effects of the Timing
of Corrective Feedback on the
Acquisition of a New Linguistic
University of Auckland University of Auckland
Applied Language Studies and Linguistics Applied Language Studies and Linguistics
Auckland 1142 Auckland 1142
New Zealand New Zealand
Shanghai International Studies University
Shanghai 200083
People’s Republic of China
Fudan University
College of Foreign Languages and Literatures
Shanghai 200433
People’s Republic of China

The article reports on a study investigating the comparative effects of immediate and delayed corrective
feedback in learning the English past passive construction, a linguistic structure of which the learners
had little prior knowledge. A total of 120 learners of English as a foreign language (EFL) from 4 intact
classes at a Chinese middle school were randomly assigned to conditions: immediate feedback, delayed
feedback, task-only, and control. The 3 experimental groups attended a 2-hour treatment session where
they performed 2 dictogloss (narrative) tasks in groups, each followed by a reporting phase in which
they took turns telling the narrative to the class. The 2 feedback groups received either immediate or
delayed corrective feedback in the form of a prompt, followed by recasts of utterances containing errors
in their use of the target structure. No effect for the corrective feedback was found on elicited imitation
test scores, but both the immediate and delayed feedback resulted in gains in grammaticality judgment
test scores, with immediate feedback showing some advantage over delayed feedback. We interpret these
results as showing that the feedback only aided the development of declarative/explicit knowledge and
that the advantage found for immediate feedback was due to the learners using the feedback progres-
sively in the production of new past passive sentences, whereas this did not occur in the delayed feedback
Keywords: feedback timing; immediate feedback; delayed feedback

1977) was descriptive in nature, documenting

RESEARCH ON ORAL CORRECTIVE FEED- the various strategies that teachers used to
back (CF) spans a period of almost 40 years. correct errors, and while there has been contin-
Early research (e.g., Allwright, 1975; Chaudron, ued interest in the discourse features of CF (e.g.,
Seedhouse, 2004), much of the more recent re-
The Modern Language Journal, 100, 1, (2016) search has been experimental in nature, driven in
DOI: 10.1111/modl.12315 part by a practical need to identify the most effec-
0026-7902/16/276–295 $1.50/0
tive way of correcting second language (L2) learn-

C 2016 The Modern Language Journal
ers’ errors and by theoretical issues concerning
Shaofeng Li, Yan Zhu, and Rod Ellis 277
the role of negative evidence, input, and output gained popularity in the 1970s. These emphasized
in L2 acquisition. positive or nonjudgmental assessment in order to
Four recent meta-analyses that have synthesized “promote a positive self-image of the learner as a
experimental CF studies (Li, 2010; Lyster & Saito, person and language learner” (Ur, 1996, p. 243).
2010; Mackey & Goo, 2007; Russell & Spada, The advent of communicative language teaching
2006) all reported sizable effect sizes, indicating in the 1980s led to a distinction being drawn be-
that CF assists acquisition. The meta-analyses also tween ‘fluency’ and ‘accuracy’ (Brumfit, 1984)
investigated a number of variables that moder- and the instructional practices involved in each.
ate the effect that CF has on acquisition: the re- Teachers were often advised to avoid immediate
search setting (laboratory vs. classroom), the tar- correction during ‘fluency’ work. Hedge (2000),
get feature (pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, for example, observed that teachers’ notes accom-
pragmatics), the type of feedback (implicit vs. ex- panying course books frequently instruct teach-
plicit; input-providing vs. output-prompting), the ers to leave correction until the end of fluency
length of the treatment (short, medium, long), activities. Scrivener (2005) suggested that teach-
the durability of the effect (immediate vs. delayed ers should make a list of the errors that occurred
post-test scores), learner variables (e.g., age), and during a fluency activity and address them when
the types of outcome measures (comprehension the activity was over. Immediate correction dur-
vs. production; constrained vs. free response). No- ing accuracy work, however, was not just approved
tably missing from this list of moderating vari- of but strongly recommended. Thus, the general
ables, however, is the timing of the feedback, position in mainstream language pedagogy was
that is, whether correction took place immedi- “if the objective is accuracy, then immediate cor-
ately (i.e., ‘online’ more or less as soon as an er- rection is likely to be useful; if the aim is flu-
ror occurred) or was delayed (i.e., took place after ency, then lengthy, immediate correction that di-
the oral activity that served as the context for the verts from the flow of speaking is less appropriate”
correction was completed). The reason for this (Scrivener, 2005, p. 299).
omission is that, to date, there have been insuf- Theoretical positions in second language ac-
ficient studies investigating the timing of CF to quisition (SLA), however, view immediate correc-
make meta-analysis possible. tive feedback during fluency work as not only
The purpose of the study reported in this ar- desirable but as especially facilitative of inter-
ticle is to contribute to the ongoing research language development. One claim, derived from
on oral CF by investigating the effect of timing. Long’s (1996) Interaction Hypothesis and the im-
We compare the effect of correcting past passive portance he attached to focus-on-form (Long,
errors while learners were performing commu- 1991) is that immediate feedback consisting of
nicative tasks with the effect of correcting errors recasts (i.e., reformulations of erroneous learner
committed in the performance of the same com- utterances) creates a “window of opportunity”
municative task but after the task was completed. (Doughty, 2001, p. 257) for learners to carry out a
In the following sections, we consider both the cognitive comparison between their own attempt
practical and theoretical grounds for investigat- to express a particular meaning and the correct
ing the timing of CF, the limited L2 research target language form required to do so. This en-
that has investigated the timing variable, our ables learners to construct a form–function map-
choice of corrective feedback strategy (corrective ping that can potentially be incorporated into
recasts), and the types of tests we used to measure their interlanguage systems. From this perspec-
learning. tive, recasts are seen as especially beneficial be-
cause they are unobtrusive, they provide learn-
ers with the correct form in a brief time-out
from semantic processing, and they facilitate the
In a seminal article, Hendrickson (1978) ad- noticing-the-gap that Schmidt (1994) argued is
dressed five central questions about CF in lan- necessary for acquisition to take place. Immediate
guage pedagogy, one of which was when learner correction by means of recasts, so the argument
errors should be corrected. In the audiolingual goes, provides learners with the kind of input data
method, teachers were expected to correct im- needed for the development of linguistic compe-
mediately after an error had been committed in tence (i.e., implicit L2 knowledge).
order to prevent bad habits from becoming en- Immediate correction also receives support
trenched. However, this practice was challenged from a different theoretical perspective. Accord-
by advocates of the humanistic methods that ing to transfer-appropriate processing (TAP), “we
278 The Modern Language Journal 100 (2016)
can use what we have learned if the cognitive pro- (i.e., it occurs outside the communicative events
cesses that are active during learning are similar in which the errors were committed), these the-
to those that are active during retrieval” (Light- ories can be construed as disfavouring delayed
bown, 2008, p. 27). Lightbown went on to suggest CF.
that this can explain why linguistic forms learned Quinn (2014), however, refers to theories in
in isolation are not available for use in commu- cognitive psychology that provide a rationale
nicative interaction. When learners experience for delayed CF. Preparatory attention and mem-
using linguistic forms communicatively, deeper ory theory proposes that learning is enhanced
processing occurs than when attention is purely when complete attention is given to the task at
on surface form. In immediate CF, learners are hand rather than divided between multiple tasks
required to process receptively and/or produc- (McDaniel, Robinson, & Einstein, 1998). It also
tively those linguistic forms needed to express suggests that when learners perform a difficult
what they want to say, which activates learning task they will realize they lack crucial informa-
processes in a context where they are primarily tion and thus are more likely to pay attention
focused on communicating. In accordance with to this information when it is subsequently made
TAP, the learning that takes place in such a con- available to them. In this way the link between
text will be available for subsequent use in spon- retrospective and prospective memory is estab-
taneous communicative events. In contrast, in lished, making learning possible. This theory
delayed CF there is a temporal disjunction be- suggests that learners might be better off just fo-
tween the act of communicating and the receiv- cusing on meaning when they perform a challeng-
ing of correction so that the processing involved ing task rather than dividing their attention be-
does not occur under real operating conditions, tween meaning and form as happens when they
thus encouraging metalinguistic understanding process CF, and thus correcting errors is better
rather than the development of true linguistic delayed until they have completed the task. The
competence. reactivation and reconsolidation theory (Nader,
TAP provides a theoretical rationale for im- 2003) also suggests that delayed feedback may be
mediate correction consisting of both output- preferable. Research based on this theory shows
prompting (e.g., requests for clarification or elic- that when memories are reactivated in conditions
itation) and input-providing types of CF such that make them susceptible to change, their labile
as recasts. That is, it does not make any claims state allows for reconsolidation. Reconsolidation
about which type of CF is most beneficial. Lyster is retrieval-induced and occurs in both declara-
(2004) drew on skill-learning theory, which pro- tive and procedural memory systems. Quinn notes
poses that acquisition begins with a declarative that both immediate and delayed CF can insti-
representation of a linguistic feature, which is at gate the retrieval and reconsolidation of linguis-
first reinforced through mechanical type practice tic forms but argues that delayed CF is better
exercises and then proceduralized and eventu- equipped to do so because it allows more time
ally automatized through production practice un- for both retrieval and reconsolidation to take
der real operating conditions (DeKeyser, 2007). place.
Lyster argued the case for prompting learners To sum up, several SLA theories point to an ad-
to self-correct while they are communicating on vantage for immediate CF, namely that it ensures
the grounds that this would facilitate the pro- the activation of those cognitive mechanisms
ceduralization of those grammatical forms that responsible for the development of linguistic
learners had already partially acquired. His study competence (i.e., implicit knowledge). Delayed
provided evidence that prompts were more ef- feedback may aid only the development of
fective than recasts. However, it is difficult to explicit knowledge. Thus, some SLA theories
see how prompts can assist learners’ acquisi- dispute the advice of language educators that
tion of new grammatical features. In this case, feedback should be delayed in ‘fluency’ work. In
input-providing feedback (as in recasts) is surely contrast, theories from cognitive psychology do
needed. offer a rationale for such advice. They suggest that
All three theoretical frameworks support the delayed CF may be preferable because it removes
immediate provision of CF of one type or an- the need for concurrent attention to both mean-
other, but they do not explicitly address delayed ing and form and because it is better able to foster
CF. However, given the emphasis they place on the processes of retrieval and reconsolidation in-
the contextualized processing of CF and given volved in the development of both declarative and
that delayed CF is necessarily decontextualized procedural memories.
Shaofeng Li, Yan Zhu, and Rod Ellis 279
COMPARATIVE STUDIES OF IMMEDIATE Lavolette, Polio, and Kahng (2015) reported no
AND DELAYED CORRECTIVE FEEDBACK difference in accuracy in new writing between a
group of L2 learners who received immediate and
Hattie and Timperley (2011), in their concep- delayed feedback. However, in this study the ‘im-
tual analysis of feedback studies in education, dis- mediate’ feedback was only provided after stu-
tinguished feedback about task, where the feed- dents had completed writing, not while they were
back indicates whether performance on a task writing. Shintani and Aubrey (2016), however, did
is correct or incorrect, and feedback about pro- compare feedback given while the students were
cess, where the feedback addresses the students’ writing—delivered by means of Google Docs—
choice of strategies for accomplishing a task. Re- and delayed feedback given shortly after they had
viewing the substantial body of educational re- finished writing, and they reported that in a de-
search on feedback, they concluded that feedback layed posttest, the immediate feedback resulted
about task is more effective when it is immediate, in greater accuracy in the use of the grammati-
especially when the learning task involved is an cal structure targeted in this study (hypothetical
easy one. In contrast, delayed feedback is more conditionals).
beneficial for addressing process issues. Arguably, Aljaafreh and Lantolf’s (1994) often-cited study
feedback on language entails feedback about task investigated the oral CF directed at errors that
rather than process. It is directed at concrete individual learners had made in a piece of writ-
items (i.e., the specific errors that learners make) ing. In accordance with sociocultural theory, the
rather than how a task is approached strategically. researchers argued that to be effective the feed-
For these reasons, the educational research points back needs to be graduated (i.e., fine-tuned to the
to an advantage for immediate feedback in lan- learner’s developmental level by identifying the
guage learning. least explicit type of correction needed to enable
In contrast to the interest in the timing of feed- a learner to self-correct an error). They provided
back in educational research, there has been very evidence to suggest that over time less explicit
little attention paid to it in SLA. The focus has feedback was needed to enable students to self-
been almost exclusively on immediate feedback, correct their errors, which they saw as evidence of
with very few studies of delayed CF and even fewer learning. The learners first completed a piece of
that have compared the effects of immediate and writing and then were asked to read aloud their
delayed CF. An interesting descriptive study by written text and were stopped and corrected
Rolin–Ianzati (2010) investigated how two teach- whenever an error occurred. In effect, then, the
ers of L2 French went about providing delayed study points to the effectiveness of immediate oral
feedback following a role-play activity. She identi- feedback.
fied two different approaches that correspond to Two studies (Siyyari, 2005; Varnosfadrani,
the input-providing and output-prompting types 2006) compared the effect of immediate and
of feedback found in immediate CF. That is, in delayed oral CF, reporting no difference in their
one approach the teacher provided the correc- effect on learning. However, both studies suffered
tions, while in the other the teacher elicited cor- from major design problems making it difficult
rections from the students. The teachers were to reach any conclusion with confidence. In
systematic in the approach they chose, with one Varnosfadrani’s study, for example, CF type (im-
teacher preferring the first approach, and the plicit vs. explicit) was confounded with CF timing
other teacher the second for most corrections. (immediate vs. delayed). A third study (Quinn,
Rolin–Ianzati did not investigate whether the type 2014) was well designed. In this laboratory-based
of delayed feedback had any effect on learning. study 90 intermediate-level adult learners of
However, it was useful as a guide to how input- English as a second language (ESL) were ran-
providing delayed feedback could be given. domly assigned to immediate, delayed, and no CF
Written CF is more or less invariably delayed, conditions. The grammatical target was English
as it is provided after learners have completed passive constructions. In a pretest–immediate
a piece of writing. Research on delayed written posttest–delayed posttest design involving an au-
CF shows that it is effective in helping learners ral grammaticality judgment test (GJT), an oral
achieve greater accuracy in new writing (Bitch- written error correction test and a written error
ener & Ferris, 2012), although there is uncer- correction test, the learners completed three
tainty as to whether it contributes to the de- communicative tasks. The immediate and de-
velopment of linguistic competence (Williams, layed feedback consisted of a prompt that pushed
2012). Two written CF studies compared the the learners to self-correct followed by a recast.
effects of immediate and delayed feedback. There were statistically significant improvements
280 The Modern Language Journal 100 (2016)
resulting from all three conditions, but there of this study—is a hybrid corrective move con-
were no statistically significant differences be- sisting both of a prompt that performs the dual
tween conditions. In other words, not only was function of drawing the learner’s attention to the
the timing of the feedback of no significance problematic nature of the production and elicit-
but, in this study, feedback itself conferred no ing self-correction, and of a recast that provides
learning advantage. the correct form in the absence of self-correction.
Thus, whereas the educational research This hybrid feedback package, which is called cor-
reviewed in Hattie & Timperley (2007) demon- rective recast by Doughty and Varela (1998), en-
strated an advantage for immediate feedback courages the learner to retrieve the correct form
directed at task goals, the SLA research, meager from his/her linguistic repertoire and scaffolds
as it is, has failed to find any difference in the the learner’s performance when the need for as-
effect of immediate and delayed feedback on sistance arises.
L2 acquisition. The education research exam-
ined feedback in relation to ‘knowledge’ and MEASURING LEARNING
‘understanding’ in content areas of the school
curriculum whereas the SLA research investi- Of central importance to any study investigat-
gated feedback on learners’ use of language ing the effects of CF or any other type of form-
while they were primarily focused on commu- focused instruction is the distinction between
nicating. It is possible that feedback—including explicit and implicit knowledge. R. Ellis (2005)
the timing of the feedback—functions differently defined explicit knowledge as knowledge that is
depending on whether learners are engaged conscious, metalinguistic, and typically only avail-
in intentional knowledge-learning (as in the able for use in controlled processing. Implicit
education research) or incidental skill learning knowledge is knowledge that is tacit, procedural-
(as in the SLA studies). ized, and thus available for automatic processing.
R. Ellis (2005) reported a psychometric study
investigating whether tests could be designed
to provide relatively separate measures of these
two types of knowledge. The results of the study
Much of the SLA research on CF has been di- suggested that an oral elicited information test
rected at investigating the relative effects of differ- could be used to measure L2 learners’ implicit
ent CF strategies. Ellis and Shintani (2014) clas- knowledge and a grammticality judgment test (in
sified these strategies in terms of whether they particular, the ungrammatical sentences in this
are input-providing (e.g., recasts and explicit cor- test) afforded a measure of explicit knowledge.
rection) or output-prompting (e.g., clarification A criticism of form-focused instruction research
requests and elicitation) and also according to is that all too often learning has been measured
whether the corrective force of the feedback is ex- by means of discrete point tests or GJTs (Norris
plicit (e.g., explicit correction and elicitation) or & Ortega, 2000), which bias learners to the use
implicit (e.g., recasts and clarification requests). of their explicit knowledge of grammatical rules.
Research investigating these different strategies Drawing on these results, we included an oral
has been motivated by both practical and the- elicited imitation test (EIT) and a GJT in the
oretical concerns and has been surrounded by study in order to investigate whether immediate
considerable controversy, as reflected in Goo and and delayed CF had differential effects on the
Mackey’s (2013) defense of recasts and Lyster and two types of knowledge.
Ranta’s (2013) response. The results of research
to date are not conclusive. Overall, explicit CF ap- RESEARCH QUESTIONS
pears to be more effective than implicit CF, but
there is plenty of evidence to show that both re- The study aimed to contribute to research on
casts and prompts are effective. Summing up the CF in two main ways: by comparing the effect of
research, Lyster, Saito, and Sato (2013) argued immediate and delayed CF and by investigating
that “a variety of CF types is probably more effec- the effect of CF on the acquisition of a grammat-
tive than consistent use of only one type” and that ical structure of which the learners had no prior
“it may not be necessary or even possible for re- knowledge. The study sought to answer the follow-
searchers to identify the single most effective CF ing research questions.
strategy” (p. 21). RQ1. Does immediate and delayed CF result in
A potentially ideal CF strategy—the type of the acquisition of explicit knowledge of
feedback provided in the instructional treatment the English past passive construction?
Shaofeng Li, Yan Zhu, and Rod Ellis 281
RQ2. Does immediate and delayed CF result in school, which was based on the national curricu-
the acquisition of implicit knowledge of lum mandated by the Chinese Ministry of Educa-
the English past passive construction? tion, the passive construction is introduced in the
RQ3. Is there any difference in the effect of im- second semester of the 8th grade, several months
mediate and delayed CF on the acquisition after the current study. Second, the passive voice
of (a) explicit and (b) implicit knowledge
is a late-acquired and linguistically complex fea-
of the English past passive construction?
ture (see Quinn, 2014). It is argued (Ju, 2000;
Qin, 2008) that the English passive voice is espe-
METHOD cially difficult for Chinese EFL learners because
of the lack of inflectional morphology in Chinese
and the difference in the formation of the pas-
The participants were one hundred and twenty sive voice between the two languages. Whereas the
8th-grade learners of English as a foreign lan- canonical structure of the English passive voice is
guage (EFL) at a public school in southeastern “Subject (receiver of action) + Be + Past Partici-
China. They were aged between 13 and 15, with an ple + By + Agent (performer of action),” in Chi-
average age of 14.1 years. The learners, who were nese it is “Subject (receiver of action) + Bèi (pas-
later divided into four groups, were from four in- sive marker, similar to ‘by’) + Agent (performer
tact classes, with class sizes ranging from 55 to 60. of action) + Verb.” For example, if translated into
These four classes were randomly selected from English, the Chinese version of the passive sen-
a total of 18 classes in the 8th grade. Each of the tence “He was arrested by the police” would be
resultant groups consisted of 30 learners and, de- “He by police arrest le (aspect marker).” An in-
pending on the type of treatment they received, terview with four 8th-grade English teachers prior
the groups were labelled immediate feedback, to the study also indicated that the passive voice
delayed feedback, task-only, and control (details was one of the most challenging structures for stu-
for each treatment condition are provided sub- dents at this level. The focus of the study was only
sequently). One-way ANOVAs detected no signifi- the form of the past passive, and no attempt was
cant differences between the four groups in their made to teach other forms of the passive voice.
mid-term exam scores, F(3,111) = .09, p = .97;
pretest scores on the GJT, F(3,110) = .47, p = .70; Instructional Treatment
or pretest scores on the EIT, F(3,98.59) = 1.60,
p = .20. Tasks. The learners in the three experimental
The learners attended six 40-minute English groups received 2 hours of instruction consisting
lessons on a weekly basis. A longitudinal ob- of two consecutive sessions with a 5-minute break.
servational study carried out by one of the au- In each of the two sessions, the learners com-
thors (Zhu, 2015) at this school revealed that the pleted a dictogloss task in which they listened to
learners primarily received traditional grammar- a narrative presented by PowerPoint and read by
based and teacher-fronted instruction, with lim- the instructor, worked in pairs practicing retelling
ited exposure to communicative teaching. All par- the narrative to each other, and were then called
ticipants had Chinese as their native language. on individually to tell the story to the rest of the
The learners reported that they had studied En- class. The decision to use tasks of the same type
glish for 4 to 11 years, with an average length of was motivated by research that points to the ben-
6.1 years. efits of task repetition in alleviating learners’ pro-
The instructor for the treatment sessions was cessing burden and facilitating attention to lin-
one of the researchers who at the time of this study guistic forms (e.g., Gass et al., 1999).
was a PhD student with 11 years of EFL teaching The steps for implementing the tasks were as
experience. She had worked at this research site follows:
for more than 3 years on another project and thus
was familiar with the instructional setting, but she (1) Preparation. At the beginning of each
had not taught these learners prior to this study. treatment session, the instructor went
through a list of words on a PowerPoint
Target Structure slide that would appear in the subsequent
narrative task together with the students.
The English past passive was chosen as the tar- Then the instructor asked two brainstorm-
get structure for two reasons. First, the students ing questions relating to the topic of the
had not received any prior instruction on this task to arouse the learners’ interest and ac-
structure. According to the curriculum of the tivate their schematic knowledge.
282 The Modern Language Journal 100 (2016)
(2) Presentation of input materials. After the pleted. Including a task-only group makes it possi-
preparation, the learners listened to a nar- ble to distinguish the effects of feedback from the
rative told by the instructor three times. effects of performing communicative tasks alone.
First, the instructor told the narrative
Input Materials. Two narrative texts (see Ap-
orally to provide the learners with some
pendix A) were used in the treatment, one for
initial understanding of the content. Then
each dictogloss task. One, which was composed
the instructor showed the narrative on
by the researchers, was a report of a car accident,
PowerPoint, each slide containing one
and the other was a story about an earthquake in
or two sentences with vocabulary annota-
Haiti, based on a story from Reader’s Digest. The
tions. The instructor read the slides aloud
two texts were seeded with 30 cases of past pas-
and, after finishing each slide, paused
sive (15 each), out of which 18 involved regular
for 5 seconds before moving on to the
verbs and 12 irregular verbs. We consulted the
next slide so that the learners had an op-
textbooks for the learners and two experienced lo-
portunity to process the input material.
cal teachers when developing the materials. These
The learners were provided with a list
texts related to topics the learners were familiar
of cue words—nouns and verbs from the
with and were comparable in length with those
narrative (e.g., child–injure)—that could
in the textbook. All the vocabulary was checked
be consulted during the presentations
against the current and previous textbooks and
of the narrative and which the learners
the words that the learners had not been exposed
could refer to later in the pair work.
to were pretaught and annotated when the stories
Finally, the instructor repeated the nar-
were presented on PowerPoint. Prior to the study,
rative a third time orally to consolidate
the tasks were piloted with a group of 8th-graders
the learners’ knowledge of the content
(n = 16) to fine-tune the linguistic and procedu-
and familiarize them with the language
ral aspects.
(3) Pair work. After listening to the narrative Feedback. Immediate feedback was oper-
three times, the students worked in pairs ationalized as corrective recasts (Doughty &
to practice retelling the narrative to each Varela, 1998), where an erroneous utterance was
other, and they were also asked to add an repeated with the error highlighted via prosodic
ending to the narrative which was to be emphasis to encourage self-correction, followed
shared later with the rest of the class. by a recast that reformulated the wrong utterance
(4) Public reporting. After the pair work, the without altering the meaning. The feedback was
students were called on to tell the narra- implemented as follows:
tive to the class in collaboration with their
partners, with one student in each pair
telling part of it before handing it over to (1) The teacher repeated the whole sen-
his/her partner. The partner then com- tence, highlighting the passive error with
pleted the story and reported the ending prosodic emphasis and paused 3–5 sec-
they had agreed on earlier. onds for self-correction on the student’s
(5) Wrap-up. The task cycle ended with a brief part. For example,
whole-class discussion of which group’s Student: The driver was arrest.
story ending was the most interesting. Teacher: The driver WAS ARREST?
(Teacher paused 3–5 seconds for self-
This study involved two feedback groups that correction)
performed two dictogloss tasks following the steps (2) If the student made a self-correction, the
previously described and received CF on their teacher confirmed and signalled for the
non-target-like use of the English past passive, a student to continue:
comparison group (task-only) that did not receive Student: The driver was arrested.
feedback and only performed the tasks, and a con- Teacher: OK. Go ahead.
trol group that did not receive any treatment and (3) If the student’s response still contained
only took the pretests and posttests. The two feed- the error or if there was no response at all,
back groups differed in terms of when they re- the teacher reformulated the whole sen-
ceived feedback: The immediate feedback group tence, highlighting the passive part:
received online feedback as they performed the Student: Yes, the driver arrested.
narratives whereas the delayed feedback group re- Teacher: The driver WAS ARRESTED
ceived offline feedback after the tasks were com- (slowly and emphatically).
Shaofeng Li, Yan Zhu, and Rod Ellis 283
Errors and Treatment in the Two Feedback Conditions

Duration of CF Instances of CF No. of Errors No. of Presenters

Feedback Task 1 Task 2 Task 1 Task 2 Task 1 Task 2 Task 1 Task 2

Immediate 497.44 391.86 32 18 38 22 14 9

Delayed 845.8∗ 19 17 30 20 11 12

Note. ∗ In the delayed feedback condition, CF was provided after both tasks were completed.

Delayed feedback was provided after the com- Lyster, 2004; Yang & Lyster, 2010) has treated dif-
pletion of the second task, and the procedure was ferent prompts as equivalent on the grounds that
the same as that for immediate feedback except they all push learners to self-correct. It might also
that in delayed feedback the teacher initiated the be argued that delayed feedback is more explicit
corrective episode by quoting a wrong utterance than immediate feedback so that any difference
a learner had produced when performing the in the effects of the timing is just a reflection of a
tasks. The errors that were corrected were those difference in salience. In fact, efforts were made
recorded by the teacher and another researcher to ensure that the immediate feedback was salient
who sat in the class during the students’ task per- to the learners through prosodic emphasis. While
formance. The delayed feedback was provided as some recasts are implicit in nature, corrective re-
follows: casts are clearly more explicit. Also, any difference
in the degree of explicitness is an inherent fea-
(1) The teacher quoted a learner’s erroneous ture of the timing of the feedback. As we pointed
sentence and asked him/ her to correct it. out in the introduction, investigating the timing
For example, “Tom, you said ‘The driver of feedback is of obvious pedagogical significance.
wanted to run away, but he stopped by a We argue that the timing of feedback needs to be
policeman.’ Can you say it correctly?” The investigated in an ecologically valid way and that
teacher then paused 3–5 seconds for a re- attempts to rigorously control for inherent differ-
sponse. ences that arise from the timing of feedback are
(2) If the student self-corrected the teacher inappropriate.
stopped there. Otherwise the teacher pro- Table 1 provides the information about the in-
ceeded to step 3. structional treatment in the two feedback condi-
(3) The teacher reformulated the sentence, tions including the length and instances of feed-
highlighting the passive part, “he WAS back treatment, the number of errors, and the
STOPPED by a policeman.” The teacher number of learners who committed an error. As
then moved on to the next error. can be seen, the duration of feedback and num-
ber of presenters are very similar between the two
The feedback in both conditions consisted of groups, although there are slightly more instances
an output-prompting move that encourages self- of feedback and more errors in the immediate
repair followed by an input-providing move that feedback condition.
provides positive evidence, thus catering to both
Lyster and Ranta’s (2013) claim that prompts en-
gage learners in deeper cognitive processing of Testing
the linguistic target and to Goo and Mackey’s
(2013) claim that recasts facilitate the learning of Treatment effects were measured via an un-
new structures. timed GJT and an EIT, which were intended to
While every attempt was made to minimize the provide measures of the learners’ explicit and im-
differences between the immediate and delayed plicit knowledge of the target structure, respec-
feedback, the timing of the feedback inevitably tively (Li, 2013, 2014). The GJT asked the learn-
led to some differences. For example, it could ers to judge whether an item was grammatical
be argued that prompts differ in the delayed and or ungrammatical and correct the error if it was
immediate feedback in that the former consti- ungrammatical. The EIT required each learner
tutes an elicitation and the latter a repetition to verbally repeat some sentences (grammatical
of the learner’s erroneous utterance. However, and ungrammatical) presented in an aural mode.
previous research (e.g., Ammar & Spada, 2006; Both tests had three versions—pretest, posttest 1,
284 The Modern Language Journal 100 (2016)
and posttest 2—and the three versions were cre- injure on my way to school today”), of which 30
ated by randomly scrambling the same items. concerned the past passive (the target structure),
Both tests included 30 target items: Twenty con- and 10 were distractors. Half of the target items
tained regular verbs and 10 irregular verbs; 20 (n = 15) were grammatical and half (n = 15) un-
were old items that targeted verbs from the treat- grammatical. Previous research reported no dif-
ment tasks, and 10 were new items, with all the ference between learners’ responses to grammat-
new items targeting regular verbs. The old items ical and ungrammatical items in an EIT (Erlam,
were equally distributed between the two tasks 2006). The statements were comparable in length
(i.e., 10 each), and the two tasks also contributed (each containing around 10 words) and complex-
an equal number of regular and irregular verbs. ity. The stimuli, read at a normal speed by a na-
To minimize the possibility of the learners trans- tive speaker and recorded using a digital recorder,
ferring their answers from one test to the other, were presented via DMDX, a free software pro-
the sentence stimuli in the GJT were different gram used in psycholinguistic studies to present
from those in the EIT, but the contexts for the auditory stimuli and to control or record reac-
obligatory use of the target structure were the tion time. During the test, the learners heard the
same in the two tests. statements one at a time, and after hearing each
Based on the results of a pilot study where 24 statement, they were asked to decide whether it
learners from the same cohort performed the was true, not true, or whether they were not sure,
two treatment tasks, three types of errors were and then repeat the sentence in correct English
included in the ungrammatical items: (a) no regardless of whether it was true of their per-
“be,” as in “Tony badly injured in a fight with a sonal life/experience. One point was given if a
friend,” (b) bare verb, as in “Two men kill in the response contained the correct form of the past
accident,” and (c) no past participle, as in “This passive, and because self-corrections may involve
morning Helen was knock down in the street.” the use of explicit knowledge, only first attempts
To validate the test items, nine native speakers of were scored. A reliability analysis showed that the
English, who were either applied linguists or ex- Cronbach’s alpha for the EIT was .68, .76, and .77
perienced ESL teachers, were invited to respond for the pretest, the immediate posttest, and the
to and comment on a large pool of sentences in delayed posttest, respectively.
terms of grammaticality and wording. The piloted Unlike previous studies (e.g., Ellis, Loewen, &
items were composed by the researchers using Erlam, 2006) where reaction time was not con-
vocabulary from the learners’ textbook and the trolled, thus increasing the chances for learners
treatment tasks. to access their explicit knowledge, in this study a
The GJT was developed and presented via time limit was imposed on each item. The learners
an online computer program. The test included were required to judge the veracity of a sentence
40 items, 30 of which related to the past passive and then repeat it within the time allocated, af-
(the target structure), and 10 of which were dis- ter which the program moved on to the next item
tractors relating to structures the learners had regardless of whether the previous item was re-
been taught, including the third person –s, sim- sponded to. Because the items in the test varied in
ple past, comparative adjectives, and prepositions length, the reaction time allocated for each item
of time. Among the 40 items, 35 were ungrammat- was based on the average time taken to complete
ical, 5 were grammatical, and all 30 target items each item by 26 learners from classes other than
were ungrammatical. The use of ungrammatical those selected for the main study.
items in a GJT as a measure of explicit knowl-
edge was based on Gutiérrez’s (2013) finding that Procedure
learners’ responses to grammatical and ungram-
matical items load on separate factors, with the The study spanned 3 days. On Day 1, the
former tapping implicit knowledge and the latter learners took the grammaticality judgment and
explicit knowledge. In scoring the learners’ an- elicited imitation pretest. One week later, on
swers, one point was given if an ungrammatical Day 2, the experimental groups received the in-
sentence was judged to be ungrammatical and the structional treatment, followed by the immediate
correct form of the passive construction was sup- posttests while the control group just completed
plied. The internal reliability for the grammatical- the tests. On Day 3, 2 weeks later, all learners
ity test, indexed by Cronbach’s alpha, was .91 for took the delayed posttests. To minimize the po-
the pretest and .96 for both posttests. tential modelling effect of a written test on an oral
The EIT consisted of 40 statements relating to test, the EIT always preceded the GJT. Through-
the learners’ personal experience (e.g., “My knee out the study, all four groups of participants
Shaofeng Li, Yan Zhu, and Rod Ellis 285
Means and Standard Deviations for the Grammaticality Judgment Test

Pretest Posttest 1 Posttest 2

a b
Group n M SD n M SD n M SD

Immediate Feedback 28 1.89 3.30 30 9.43 8.19 29 6.90 8.20

Delayed Feedback 29 1.31 1.79 30 8.70 9.45 28 3.79 4.10
Task-Only 28 1.29 1.80 29 4.62 5.69 29 5.03 6.79
Control 29 1.69 1.98 28 2.46 2.63 29 2.21 2.48

Note. a The number of participants ranges from 28 to 30 across groups and tests after outliers were removed. b The
highest possible (full) score is 30.

continued with their normal instruction, the hoc pairwise comparisons. Because the assump-
learners and their teachers were never informed tion of homogeneity of variances of ANOVA was
of the purpose of the project, and the teach- violated in most cases, the F test was performed
ers did not provide any instruction on the target using the Brown–Forsythe adjustment, and the
structure. post hoc comparisons were conducted with the
Dunnett T3 corrections. In pairwise comparisons,
Analysis in addition to using the p value to evaluate the
significance of a difference in mean scores, the
We elected to investigate both total accuracy
effect size in the form of Cohen’s d was calcu-
scores for past passive and accuracy scores sep-
lated to show the magnitude of the difference. Co-
arately for regular and irregular past participles
hen’s d is primarily based on mean difference and
in past passive constructions. The decision to
thus overcomes the limitation of the sole reliance
examine regular and irregular past participles
on the results of null-hypothesis significance test-
separately was motivated by research that has
ing (i.e., the p value), which is sensitive to sam-
shown that the acquisition of these differs. Ullman
ple size and prone to Type II error. Following
(2001), for example, proposed that irregular past
Cohen’s benchmarks for interpreting effect sizes,
verb forms are lexical and thus stored in declara-
.2, .5, and .8 were considered as small, medium,
tive memory (i.e., they are explicit) whereas regu-
and large effects, respectively.
lar forms can eventually be computed in procedu-
ral memory (i.e., they involve the implicit system).
From this perspective, the clearest test of whether RESULTS
the feedback contributed to the learners’ implicit
Grammaticality Judgment Test Results
knowledge was the effect it had on passive con-
structions involving the regular past participle. Overall. The descriptive statistics appear in
To prevent misleading conclusions resulting Table 2 while the group means are graphically
from the influence of extreme values, outliers in displayed in Figure 1. These results show that
each group in each test were identified and re- (a) the learners’ pretest scores were very low (the
moved prior to analysis. To identify outliers, raw group means ranged 1.29–1.89 out of 30), sug-
scores were transformed into z scores (standard- gesting that they possessed almost no knowledge
ized scores for which the mean is zero and stan- of the English past passive, (b) there was very little
dard deviation is 1), and any score 2.5 standard between-group variation in the learners’ pretest
deviation units above or below the mean was con- scores, and (c) all learners performed better on
sidered an outlier. To explore whether the learn- the posttests than the pretest, and (d) the experi-
ers’ test scores varied as a function of the type of mental groups showed higher scores than the con-
treatment they received and the timing of tests, trol group on both posttests.
a mixed design repeated measure analysis of vari- The repeated measures ANOVA showed a sig-
ance (ANOVA) was conducted, with group (treat- nificant effect for time, F(2,214) = 40.84, p <
ment type) as the between-group variable, and .00, for group, F(3,107) = 3.13, p = .03, and
scores on the pretest and the two posttests as the for time × group interaction, F(6,214) = 57.32,
within-group variable. If the initial mixed design p < .00. These results indicate that the scores
ANOVA detected significant main or interaction of the learners were different across the three
effects, one-way ANOVAs were conducted to lo- time points, that overall there were differences
cate the source of significance, followed by post between the four groups’ test scores regardless
286 The Modern Language Journal 100 (2016)
Group Means on the Grammaticality Judgment Test Over Time


Group Means
Task + Immediate Feedback
5 Task + Delayed Feedback
Task Only

Pretest Posttest 1 Posttest 2

of time, and that the performances of the four TABLE 3

groups in relation to each other were different at Post Hoc Comparisons for Treatment Effects on the
the three time points (for example, the task-only Grammaticality Judgment Test∗
group was outperformed by the delayed feedback
group at the time of the immediate posttest but Posttest 1 Posttest 2
at the time of posttest 2, the reverse was true). Group Contrasts d1 p2 d p
Of primary concern is whether significant differ-
ences existed between the four groups’ posttest Immediate Feedback 1.11 .00 .74 .03
scores and whether the differences were due to vs. Control
the difference in the treatment they received. Delayed Feedback vs. .95 .01 .58 .41
The results of a one-way ANOVA revealed that Control
there were no significant differences among the Task-Only vs. Control .58 .35 .63 .22
Immediate Feedback .02 1.00 .39 .37
four groups in their pretest scores (which sug-
vs. Delayed
gests that any between-group differences in the Feedback
learners’ posttest scores are attributable to the in- Immediate Feedback .59 .07 .17 .92
structional treatments), but there were in their vs. Task-Only
scores on the two posttests. Post hoc pairwise com- Delayed Feedback vs. .52 .27 −.23 .95
parisons (see Table 3) found that at the time of Task-Only
posttest 1, both the immediate and delayed feed-
Note. ∗ The F tests for the posttest scores were performed
back groups scored significantly higher than the
using the Brown–Forsythe adjustment and the post hoc
control group, and the differences were associ-
comparisons were conducted with the Dunnett T3 cor-
ated with large effect sizes. At the time of posttest rections. 1 Effect size (Cohen’s d). 2 Results of null hy-
2, immediate feedback was the only treatment pothesis significance testing.
group that significantly outperformed the control
group. Although the task-only group also showed
higher scores than the control group on both
Mixed design ANOVAs showed that, for both
posttests, the differences did not reach statistical
regular and irregular verbs, there were significant
significance. However, there were no significant
effects for time and group and for time × group
differences between the three treatment groups
interaction (see Appendix B for details). For both
in their scores on either posttest, although the ad-
verb types, one-way ANOVAs did not detect signif-
vantage of immediate feedback over task only was
icant differences between the four groups in their
near significant (p = .07).
pretest scores, but there were significant between-
Regular Versus Irregular Verbs. An analysis of the group differences in their posttest scores. The
groups’ scores for regular and irregular verbs was learners’ posttest scores were subjected to post
undertaken to ascertain whether the effects of hoc pairwise comparisons to investigate the com-
treatment were different as a function of verb parative effects of the different treatment types
type. The means and standard deviations, orga- on regular and irregular verbs. The results re-
nized by group and verb type, appear in Table 4, ported in Table 5 show that at the time of posttest
which shows that the two feedback groups per- 1, both feedback groups performed significantly
formed better on regular verbs than irregular better than the control group for both regu-
verbs on the two posttests. lar and irregular verbs, and the mean score for
Shaofeng Li, Yan Zhu, and Rod Ellis 287
Means and Standard Deviations for the Grammaticality Judgment Test: Regular Versus Irregular Verbs

Pretest Posttest 1 Posttest 2

a b
Group n M SD n M SD n M SD

Immediate Feedback Regular 28 .06 .13 30 .34 .28 29 .34 .28

Irregular 29 .07 .10 28 .21 .21 28 .15 .21
Delayed Feedback Regular 29 .04 .08 30 .31 .33 29 .31 .33
Irregular 29 .04 .05 30 .25 .28 28 .08 .09
Task-Only Regular 28 .04 .07 28 .14 .17 28 .14 .17
Irregular 29 .07 .10 29 .14 .19 29 .13 .21
Control Regular 29 .06 .08 28 .09 .11 29 .09 .11
Irregular 29 .04 .06 29 .06 .09 29 .05 .07

Note. a The number of participants ranged from 28 to 30 across groups and tests after outliers were removed.
b Percentage scores were used because of the unequal numbers of regular (n = 20) and irregular (n = 10) verbs

in the test.

Post Hoc Comparisons for Regular and Irregular Verbs on the Grammaticality Judgment Test∗

Posttest 1 Posttest 2

Regular Irregular Regular Irregular

Group Contrasts da pb d p d p d p

Immediate Feedback vs. Control 1.13 .00 .75 . 01 .76 .03 .48 .11
Delayed Feedback vs. Control .93 .01 .88 .01 .63 .25 .38 .64
Task-Only vs. Control .45 .83 .57 .23 .59 .43 .58 .27
Immediate Feedback vs. Delayed Feedback .03 .99 −.27 .99 .25 .76 .27 .48
Immediate Feedback vs. Task-Only .77 .01 .31 .72 .27 .65 .06 1.0
Delayed Feedback vs. Task-Only .63 .08 .54 .42 .03 1.0 −.19 .77

Note. ∗ The F tests for the posttest scores were performed using the Brown–Forsythe adjustment and the post hoc
comparisons were conducted with the Dunnett T3 corrections. a Effect size (Cohen’s d). b Results of null hypothesis
significance testing.

immediate feedback was significantly higher than statistics reported in Table 6 showed that overall
that for task-only in the learning of regular verbs. there was little difference in the learners’ perfor-
At the time of posttest 2, the only significant mance on the old and new items.
difference was found between immediate feed- The one-way ANOVA did not detect signifi-
back and control in the learning of regular cant differences between the four groups’ pretest
verbs. On both posttests, the two feedback groups scores for either old or new items. Mixed de-
(in comparison with the control group) showed sign ANOVAs found that for both old and new
larger effect sizes for their performance on regu- items, there were significant main effects for time
lar verbs than irregular verbs. and group and significant interactions between
Old Versus New Items. An analysis was conducted time and group (Appendix B). One-way ANOVAs
to investigate whether the treatment effects in- and post hoc T-tests (Table 7) showed that at
cluded new items or were restricted to old items. the time of posttest 1, both immediate and de-
Recall that the GJT included 30 items, out of layed feedback groups outperformed the control
which 20 concerned verbs that appeared in the group on both old and new items while imme-
treatment tasks and 10 involved new verbs. Among diate feedback worked better than task only on
the 20 old items, 10 targeted regular verbs and 10 old items. At the time of posttest 2, only the im-
irregular verbs; the 10 new verbs were all regular. mediate feedback group performed significantly
Given the difference in the learners’ performance better than the control group in the learning of
for regular and irregular verbs, the analysis was old items, and there were no other significant
only conducted for regular verbs. The descriptive differences.
288 The Modern Language Journal 100 (2016)
Means and Standard Deviations for the Grammaticality Judgment Test: Old Versus New Regular Verb Items∗

Pretest Posttest 1 Posttest 2

c d
Group n M SD n M SD n M SD

Immediate Feedback Olda 28 .46 .96 30 3.40 2.81 28 2.18 2.45

Newb 28 .79 1.68 30 3.40 3.01 29 2.62 3.13
Delayed Feedback Old 29 .31 .66 30 2.90 3.02 28 1.21 1.47
New 28 .39 .78 28 3.30 3.74 29 1.96 2.32
Task-Only Old 28 .50 1.00 29 1.32 1.70 29 1.93 2.43
New 28 .25 .58 29 1.62 2.18 29 1.72 2.47
Control Old 29 .45 .69 29 .97 1.40 29 .62 1.05
New 29 .72 1.19 28 1.07 1.27 29 1.03 1.29

Note. ∗ All new items are regular verbs. a Items that appeared in the treatment tasks. b New items. c The number of
participants ranged from 28 to 30 across groups and tests after outliers were removed. d The highest possible (full)
score is 10.

Post Hoc Comparisons for Old and New Items on the Grammaticality Judgment Test∗

Posttest 1 Posttest 2

Old New Old New

Group Contrasts da pb d p d p d p

Immediate Feedback vs. Control 1.08 .00 .97 .00 .82 .02 .64 .09
Delayed Feedback vs. Control .88 .02 .90 .02 .57 .41 .62 .33
Task-Only vs. Control .20 .95 .57 .81 .67 .06 .59 .71
Immediate Feedback vs. Delayed Feedback .12 .98 −.09 1.0 .40 .39 .13 .39
Immediate Feedback vs. Task-Only .90 .01 .47 .07 .12 .99 .13 .99
Delayed Feedback vs. Task-Only .71 .09 .50 .21 .02 .69 .00 .69

Note. ∗ The F tests for the posttest scores were performed using the Brown-Forsythe adjustment and the post hoc
comparisons were conducted with the Dunnett T3 corrections. a Effect size (Cohen’s d). b Results of null hypothesis
significance testing.

Means and Standard Deviations for the Elicited Imitation Test

Pretest Posttest 1 Posttest 2

Group na Mb SD n M SD n M SD

Immediate Feedback 27 1.78 1.87 28 2.86 2.26 29 4.10 3.45

Delayed Feedback 26 1.19 1.49 28 2.96 2.67 29 3.31 3.12
Task-Only 29 2.28 2.28 29 3.03 2.43 30 4.00 2.85
Control 28 1.64 1.68 30 2.53 2.36 29 2.83 2.33

Note. a The number of participants ranged from 28 to 30 across groups and tests after outliers were removed. b The
highest possible (full) score is 30.

Elicited Imitation Test Results are plotted on the graph in Figure 2. It can
be seen that the learners’ scores were low on
The EIT aimed to gauge the learners’ implicit the pretest as well as the two posttests, with the
knowledge of the target structure. The means group means ranging from 1.19 to 4.10, and
and standard deviations for each group over that all groups improved from the pretest to the
time are displayed in Table 8, and the means posttests.
Shaofeng Li, Yan Zhu, and Rod Ellis 289
Group Means on the Elicited Imitation Test Over Time

Group Means
Task + Immediate Feedback
Task + Delayed Feedback
Task Only

Pretest Posttest 1 Posttest 2

A repeated measures ANOVA revealed a sig- EIT posttests. If these tests are taken as measures
nificant effect for time, F(2,200) = 41.42, p < of explicit and implicit knowledge, respectively,
.00, but there was no significant effect for group the conclusion is that the feedback contributed
(treatment), F(3,100) = .92, p = .81, or for time to the learners’ explicit knowledge but not their
× group interaction, F(6,200) = .92, p = .43. One- implicit knowledge. This result differs from some
way ANOVAs found no difference in the groups’ other studies that have investigated the effects of
pretest scores, F(3,109) = 1.57, p = .20, in their recasts (e.g., Mackey & Philp, 1998; Révész, 2012),
scores on the immediate posttest, F(3,114) = .25, which report results showing that recasts lead to
p = .86, or in their scores on the delayed posttest, improved accuracy in the kinds of language use
F(3,116) = 1.20, p = .31. The significant time ef- (e.g., free oral production) likely to tap implicit
fect was due to the increase in the learners’ over- knowledge. Why, then, did the corrective recasts
all performance from the pretest to the posttests. in this study not lead to improved performance in
These results suggest that the improvement in the the EIT?
learners’ posttest scores in comparison with their There are a number of possible answers to this
pretest scores was attributable to practice effects question. One is that the EIT failed to capture
and that there were no effects for the instructional gains in implicit knowledge. The test differed
treatments. The data were subjected to further from the EIT used in other studies (e.g., Zhang,
analysis to explore the impact of other variables 2015) in that it was administered via computer
such as regular versus irregular and old versus rather than face-to-face and that the response
new, but the analyses failed to detect any signifi- time for each sentence was restricted. The aim was
cant treatment effects. to make it difficult for learners to draw on their
explicit knowledge, but it is possible that the EIT
DISCUSSION was simply too demanding on these learners’ pro-
cessing abilities to capture any changes that had
We begin by considering what the results show taken place in their implicit knowledge. A sec-
about the effect of the feedback on the learners’ ond explanation is that these learners were not
implicit and explicit knowledge of the target struc- developmentally ready to acquire the target struc-
ture (past passive). We then provide answers to ture. The past passive is morphologically com-
the research questions by examining the differen- plex (Williams & Evans, 1998) and difficult to
tial effects of the immediate and delayed CF on acquire. The third explanation is that the instruc-
the learners’ explicit knowledge. tion provided in this study was insufficient to ef-
fect development of implicit knowledge. It con-
Effects of the Instruction on Learners’ Explicit and sisted of two tasks completed in the same lesson
Implicit Knowledge lasting only 2 hours. Arguably, more intensive in-
struction is needed to have any effect on learn-
The two tests used in the study—the GJT and ers’ implicit knowledge of a difficult grammatical
the EIT—were intended to provide measures of structure such as the past passive. The final expla-
learners’ explicit and implicit knowledge of the nation is that the learners in this study were accus-
target structure (past passive). The results of these tomed to learning explicitly, so that even though
two tests are clear-cut. The immediate and de- no explicit instruction was provided, they used
layed corrective feedback resulted in statistically the input from the tasks and the feedback pro-
significant gains in the GJT posttests but not in the vided to construct a metalinguistic representation
290 The Modern Language Journal 100 (2016)
of the past passive, and that the effort they put knowledge. In other words, there was no evidence
into achieving this blocked the incidental and im- of the symbiotic relationship between explicit
plicit processes that lead to implicit knowledge. and implicit learning that Long claimed recasts
This last explanation can also account for why the foster.
instruction had a very clear effect on the learners’
acquisition of explicit knowledge, as measured by Is Delayed Feedback Effective?
the GJT. We will now turn to consider the research
questions but only in terms of the effect that the Learners receiving the delayed feedback scored
two kinds of feedback had on the learners’ explicit significantly higher than the learners in the con-
knowledge. trol group on the measure of explicit knowledge
when the effects were tested immediately after the
Is Immediate Feedback Effective? treatment, irrespective of learners’ prior knowl-
edge, verb type, and whether the verbs appeared
The results showed that on posttest 1, the learn- in the treatment. The effects, however, were not
ers receiving immediate feedback outperformed sustained after two weeks. These results lend some
the control group in the GJT, regardless of their support to the pedagogic position outlined in the
previous knowledge, of whether the verbs were introduction, namely that delaying feedback until
regular or irregular, and of whether the test items learners have completed a communicative task is
were old or new. However, the effects of the im- desirable. However, the fact that the effects of the
mediate feedback were less evident in posttest 2. delayed feedback were not sustained suggests that
Much of the previous research involving im- the learning that results from delayed feedback
mediate feedback (e.g., Ellis et al., 2006; Yang & was shallow and that the declarative representa-
Lyster, 2010) has investigated the effect of recasts tions of the past passive that the feedback gener-
on structures of which learners already possessed ated were quickly lost. One anonymous reviewer
some prior knowledge and reported results that pointed out that the larger effects of delayed feed-
show it was effective. Doughty and Varela (1998) back at the time of the immediate posttest may
reported that corrective recasts—the type of re- also be due to the closer time proximity between
cast used in this study—were also effective in im- the treatment and the test.
proving learners’ accurate use of past tense. How-
ever, Long (2015) argued that recasts are needed Is There Any Difference in the Effects of Immediate and
for the acquisition of new linguistic features and Delayed Feedback?
went on to list their advantages: They provide
feedback that (a) is contextualized and motivat- This is the core question. Pairwise comparisons
ing because it is the learner’s message or linguis- of the posttest scores failed to show significant dif-
tic performance that is at stake, (b) is contin- ferences between the effects of the immediate and
gent and caters to the learner’s internal syllabus, delayed feedback. However, a closer look at the re-
(c) displays the error and the correct form in jux- sults suggests that the immediate feedback was su-
taposition so the learner immediately notices the perior: (a) Its effect sizes were larger than those
gap, (d) alleviates the learner’s processing burden of delayed feedback in 9 out of 10 pairwise con-
and increases the chances for a focus on form by trasts when each feedback type was compared with
only modifying the incorrect part while maintain- control and in 8 out of 10 contrasts when the two
ing the meaning, and (e) “capitalizes on a sym- feedback types were compared with each other,
biotic relationship between explicit and implicit and (b) the significant effects of immediate feed-
learning, instruction, and knowledge” (p. 317). back were sustained after 2 weeks, while the ef-
Goo and Mackey (2013) have also emphasized fects of delayed feedback were only present in the
the need to “examine L2 targets to which learn- immediate posttest. Again, though, these advan-
ers have never been exposed” (p. 153). This study tages for immediate feedback were only evident in
constitutes a start in this direction. the GJT; that is, they applied only to the learners’
The pretest showed that the learners had no explicit knowledge of the past passive.
or only very limited knowledge of the past pas- In the introduction we noted that a num-
sive. Immediate feedback in the form of correc- ber of SLA theories lend support to immediate
tive recasts helped them to learn this structure feedback: the Interaction Hypothesis, focus-on-
and to some extent maintain this learning over form, transfer appropriate processing, and skill
time. However, a caveat is in order. As already acquisition theory. We also noted that theories
noted, the immediate feedback only contributed in cognitive psychology (e.g., preparatory atten-
to the development of the learners’ explicit tion and memory theory and reactivation and
Shaofeng Li, Yan Zhu, and Rod Ellis 291
reconsolidation theory) predict that delayed feed- be traced to the methodological differences be-
back will be more effective. By and large the re- tween the two studies: (a) Quinn’s study was con-
sults of this study provide greater support to those ducted in a laboratory setting, while this study
SLA theories that support immediate feedback. was carried out in the classroom, (b) in Quinn’s
However, these theories were formulated to ex- study a recast was provided regardless of whether
plain how learners develop the procedural ability the learner was able to self-correct, while in this
to use those linguistic features they have acquired study a recast was only provided when self-repair
in free communication (i.e., implicit knowledge). failed, (c) Quinn provided pretreatment instruc-
In fact, this study failed to demonstrate that ei- tion on the target structure but this study did not,
ther type of feedback contributed to the develop- (d) the learners already had considerable prior
ment of implicit knowledge. Thus, what is needed knowledge of the target structure in Quinn’s study
is an explanation of why the immediate feedback but not in this study, (e) in Quinn’s study not all
was more effective for the development of explicit feedback in the delayed feedback condition was
knowledge. delayed because feedback was also provided be-
We suggest that the explanation lies in the dif- tween tasks, so the so-called delayed feedback for
ferent processing demands required by the two one task served as pretask instruction for the sub-
feedback conditions. It should be noted that there sequent task, thus confounding the immediate–
was no difference in the time between the errors delayed distinction. We argue that our study con-
and feedback. In both immediate and delayed stitutes a methodologically sounder comparison
feedback the feedback was provided immediately of the effects of the key variable, the timing of the
following the error. The difference lay in the con- feedback.
textual nature of the feedback. In the immedi- We note that the results of our study do mirror
ate feedback condition, learners received feed- those reported in Hattie and Timperley’s (2007)
back on the errors they had just committed as they synthesis of feedback studies in education re-
struggled to reconstruct the narratives. In the de- search. Hattie and Timperley reported an advan-
layed condition, the utterances containing errors tage for immediate feedback directed at inform-
were presented one at a time out of context. In ing students whether they were correct or incor-
the immediate condition, the feedback was linked rect (what they called ‘feedback about task’). We
continuously to the learners’ attempts to tell the argue that the feedback in this study was directed
story and to produce passive sentences. That is, at factual correctness and that, like the feedback
the learners had the opportunity to use the feed- that occurs in subject learning in general, it facili-
back they had received when producing new sen- tated the intentional learning of declarative infor-
tences involving the past passive as they contin- mation.
ued to tell the story. In the delayed condition the
learners were not required to produce their own CONCLUSION
sentences, only correct sentences that the teacher
presented to them. Skill acquisition theory can This study was undertaken to contribute to the
help to explain why the contextualized condition growing body of research on CF by investigat-
was more effective. DeKeyser (1998) talked about ing a variable that has received scant attention to
the importance of learners using their declara- date, the timing of feedback. It also sought to ex-
tive knowledge as a ‘crutch’ to support their at- tend current research by investigating the effect
tempts to communicate. In the present study, this of feedback on a grammatical structure that the
did not appear to aid proceduralization of the L2 learners had no or very little prior knowledge
past passive (i.e., no effects on the imitation test), of. The study compared the effectiveness of im-
perhaps because the ‘practice’ afforded by the mediate and delayed feedback consisting of cor-
two tasks was insufficient, but it helped to em- rective recasts on learners’ acquisition of English
bed the declarative representations of the target past passive. The pretest showed that the learners
structure more deeply in the learners’ memo- had almost no prior knowledge of this structure.
ries, which were therefore better sustained over Both immediate and delayed feedback proved fa-
time. cilitative of learning this new linguistic structure
Finally, we note that the results of this study with some evidence pointing to the superiority of
differ from those of other studies that have in- immediate feedback. However, the effects of the
vestigated immediate and delayed feedback—in feedback were only evident in a GJT indicating
particular Quinn (2014), which reported no dif- that it only contributed to the development of
ference in the effect of the timing of feedback the learners’ explicit knowledge. This is, perhaps,
on learning. The difference in the results can not so surprising. The learners had almost no
292 The Modern Language Journal 100 (2016)
knowledge of the target structure. If the process role that recasts play in the acquisition of implicit
of learning a structure such as regular past verb knowledge of new grammatical features.
forms, which may eventually be processed in pro-
cedural memory, involves an initial explicit repre-
sentation of it, as claimed by Ullman (2001) and ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
N. Ellis (2005), then, in the short term, feedback
of any kind can only be expected to contribute
We would like to thank Professor Dingfang Shu from
to such a representation. We found no evidence
Shanghai International Studies University for his gen-
that the feedback had any effect on the learn- erous support throughout the project. We would also
ers’ implicit knowledge of the regular past verb like to extend our sincere gratitude to the students and
forms. The learners would have needed substan- teachers at Huanan Experimental School in Danyang,
tially more opportunity to use and receive feed- Jiangsu Province, China, for their involvement in vari-
back before they could compute these forms in ous aspects of the study. In particular, we would like to
procedural memory. In other words, our study is acknowledge the following individuals for their support
perhaps best interpreted as showing that the im- and assistance: Suorong Zhang, Xuping Wang, Wen-
mediate rather than the delayed feedback assisted zhong Wang, Yun Wu, Yufang Yin, Bin Ding, Mingdi Li,
Huijun Chen, and Wenjun Zhou.
the initial stage of acquiring both irregular and
regular past participle forms.
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Shaofeng Li, Yan Zhu, and Rod Ellis 295


ANOVA Results for Different Verb Types and Target Items

Time × Group
Time Group Interaction

F p F p F p

Regular Verbs 40.63 .00 3.55 .02 5.11 .00

Irregular Verbs 20.86 .00 2.89 .04 3.33 .01
Old Items 39.98 .00 4.30 .01 6.04 .00
New Items 30.24 .00 2.81 .04 2.83 .01

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