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Name: Jelly Fe Turga

Year & Section: BSSW 3R

Date: August 25, 2022

The ecosystem and ecology are connected. Ecosystem is the

dependent of organisms in their environment and vice versa.
If there’s no organisms there’s no someone to manage the
environment and if there’s no environment there will be no
existing organisms because organisms needs environment to
live longer in an area. Ecosystem consists of all of the
living and non-living things functioning together in an
area. And human are those have a great demand on the
environment. Our resources are from our environment. We get
more benefits from the environment. And sometimes organisms
needs to adjust according to the environment to maintain the
balance of relationship of each other. Human grow and
developed according in their environment. Human developed
the identity and norms of everyone that we must maintain and
stay connected on how they are benefits with their
environment. But sad to say that human overused the
environment. And today, the environment is no longer safe.
The ecosystem got worst.

Ecology created to study the relations of organisms to one

another and their physical environment. To study on how
organisms working with each other and on how they used their
physical environment.

As a social work profession, we used PIE or Person-in-

Environment to understand the environmental threats to human
well being. As you noticed, that human are no longer
sustained the natural world. Maybe, because human got
changed, the values and the approaches are no longer
maintained. And the social work created to expect to help
human and their behavior towards with their environment. So,
ecology and social work must stick together to get deeper
understanding on what happening on the human and with their
environment. To help shape the view of the world, on how
they think, and responding with it.

Despite in our experiences it is connected with our

environment. So, studying the bio-psycho-social functioning
of an individual, groups, and communities it must look
further on the environment of every one that gives impact
themselves. To look the changing relationship in our
society. And to signify the important role of everyone for
the equilibrium. Applying this concept, social work will
understand the on how the system affects individuals.

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