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Precipice – a very steep side of a mountain or cliff: a point where danger, trouble or difficulty


Irrelevant – not important or relating to what is being discussed right now: not relevant

Impertinent – rude and showing a lack of respect

Cynical – believing that people are generally selfish and dishonest: dishonest and selfish in a
way that shows no concern about treating people fairly

Maniac – someone who is violent and mentally ill: a person who behaves in a very wild way: a
person who is extremely enthusiastic about something

Frail – having less than a normal amount of strength or force: very weak: easily damaged or

Spewing – to flow of something in a fast and forceful way: to cause (something) to flow out in a
fast and forceful way

Enlightenment – the state of having knowledge or understanding: the act of giving knowledge
or understanding

Noteworthy – important or interesting enough to be noticed: deserving attention

Tenacious – not easily stopped or pulled apart: firm or strong: continuing for a long time: very
determined to do something

Debunk – to show that something (such as belief or theory) is not true: to show falseness of (a
story, idea, statement etc.)

Stereotype – to believe unfairly that all people or things with a particular characteristic are the
same: generalization

Flourish – to grow healthy, to be healthy: to be very successful: to do very well: to hold up and
show (something) in an excited and proud way

Deceitful – not honest making or trying to make someone believe something that is not true

Fester – to become painful and infected: to become worse as time passes

Depreciation – to cause (something) to have a lower price or value, to decrease in value

Stampede – a situating in which a lot of people try to do same thing at the same time

Quirk - an unusual habit or way of behaving: something strange that happens chance

Asylum – protection or security given by the government: a hospital for people who are
mentally ill
Refuge – shelter or protection from danger or trouble

Abide – to accept or bear (someone, something bad or unpleasant, etc.) to remain or continue:

Dissipated – given to or marked by dissipation

Dissipation – the process of slowly disappearing or becoming less

Dissolute – used to describe someone whose way of living is considered morally wrong

Accumulated – to increase gradually in amount as time passes

Infirmity – the quality or state of being weak or ill especially because of old age: a disease or
illness that usually lasts for a long time

Facade – the front of the building: the way of behaving or appearing that gives other people a
false idea of your true feelings or emotion

Inadequacy – the quality or state of being in adequate

Inadequate – not enough or good enough: not adequate

Isle – island or islet

Veracity – truth or accuracy: the quality of being truthful or honest

Annotate – to add notes or comments to (a text, book drawing etc.)

Compulsory – required by a law or rule: having the power of forcing someone to do something

Exasperated – to make someone very angry or annoyed

Charlatan – a person who falsely pretends to know or be something in order to deceive people

Creed – a statement of the basic beliefs of a religion: an idea or set of beliefs that guides the
action of a person or group

Enforce – to make something happen: to force or cause something

Rigorous – very strict and demanding: done carefully and with a lot of attention to detail

Inclusive – covering or including everything

Comply – to do what you have been asked or ordered to do

Sentiments – an attitude or opinion: feeling of love, sympathy, kindness, etc.

Mischievous – causing or tending to cause annoyance, or minor harm or damage, showing a

playful desire to cause trouble
Understate – to say that something is small or less important

Prohibit – ordering (someone) not to use or do something, not allowed or forbidden

Scruple – to be unwilling to do something because you think it is improper, morally wrong, etc.

Humiliate – to make someone feel very ashamed or foolish

Prevalent - accepted, done, or happening often or over a large area at a particular time:
generally or widely accepted

Suave - behaving in a relaxed, confident, and pleasant way in social situations: smooth

Hagel- to talk or argue with someone especially in order to agree on a price

Commence - to begin

Consequent - happening as a result of a particular action or set of conditions

Subsequent - happening or coming after something else

Servile - very obedient and trying too hard to please someone

Prejudice - an unfair feeling of dislike for a person or group because of race, sex, religion, etc.

Astray - off the right path or route: away from what is right, good, or desirable

Descendant - moving or directed downward: proceeding from an ancestor or source

Merit - a good quality or feature that deserves to be praised: the quality of being good,
important, or useful: value or worth

Derogate - to insult (someone or something) :to say or suggest that (something or someone) is
not important or worthy of respect

Requisite - needed for a particular purpose, essential or necessary

Quinine - a drug that is made from the bark of a tree and used especially to treat malaria

Circumstance - an event or situation that you cannot control: a condition or fact that affects a

Averse - having an active feeling of repugnance, dislike, or distaste

Susceptible - easily affected, influenced, or harmed by something

Inure - to cause (someone) to be less affected by something unpleasant: to cause (someone) to

be less sensitive to something unpleasant
Acquainted - having personal knowledge of something: having seen or experienced something

Ardent - having or showing very strong feelings

Indebted - owing something (such as money or thanks) to someone or something: in debt

Persevere - to continue doing something or trying to do something even though it is difficult

Diligence - steady, earnest, and energetic effort: persevering application

Dissension - disagreement that causes the people in a group to argue about something that is
important to them

Ignorant - lacking knowledge or information

Affable - friendly and easy to talk to

Conduce - to lead or tend to a particular and often desirable result: contribute

Enamour - to cause (someone) to be loved or admired

Integrity - the quality of being honest and fair

Wayward - tending to behave in ways that are not socially acceptable

Intuition - a natural ability or power that makes it possible to know something without any proof
or evidence: a feeling that guides a person to act a certain way without fully understanding why

Overrate - to rate, value, or praise (someone or something) too highly

Horde - a large group of people

Scavenge - to search through waste, junk, etc., for something that can be saved or used

Phantom - something that is not real and exists only in a person's mind

Blunt - saying or expressing something in a very direct way that may upset some people

Virtual - very close to being something without actually being it

Optimism - a feeling or belief that good things will happen in the future

Kaleidoscope - a changing pattern or scene: a mixture of many different things

Silhouette - a dark shape in front of a light background

Isolated - separate from others

Hypocrite - a person who claims or pretends to have certain beliefs about what is right but who
behaves in a way that disagrees with those beliefs
Odyssey - a long journey full of adventures

Snicker - to make a short, quiet laugh in a way that shows disrespect

Sneer - to smile or laugh at someone or something with an expression on your face that shows
dislike and a lack of respect

Might - power to do something: force or strength

Enrage - to make (someone) very angry: to fill (someone) with rage

Envy - the feeling of wanting to have what someone else has

Devastate - to cause (someone) to feel extreme emotional pain

Gallant - showing courage: very brave: large and impressive

Sheer - to turn suddenly

Martyr - a person who is killed or who suffers greatly for a religion, cause, etc.

Proclaim - to say or state (something) in a public, official, or definite way: to declare or

announce (something)

Treason - the crime of trying to over throw your country's government or of helping your
country's enemies during war

Galloping - quickly developing or increasing

Incompetence - lack of the ability to do something well: the quality or state of not being

Dishearten - to cause (a person or group of people) to lose hope, enthusiasm, or courage: to

discourage (someone

Acquire - to get something: to come to own something: to come to have (something)

Acquisition - something or someone acquired or gained

Breakthrough - a sudden increase in knowledge, understanding, etc.: an important discovery

that happens after trying for a long time to understand or explain something

Vary - to be different or to become different

Inversely proportional - related so that as one becomes larger the other becomes smaller

Glade - a grassy open space in a forest

Grieve - to cause (someone) to feel sad or unhappy

Dowdy - having a dull or uninteresting appearance: not attractive or stylish

Alimony - money that a court orders someone to pay regularly to a former wife or husband after
a divorce

Despise - to dislike (something or someone) very much

Errand - mission: a short journey that you take to do or get something

Eccentric - person who acts in strange or unusual ways: an eccentric person

Nonchalant - relaxed and calm in a way that shows that you do not care or are not worried
about anything

Nuisance - a person, thing, or situation that is annoying or that causes trouble or problems

Dork -a person who behaves awkwardly around other people and usually has unstylish clothes,
hair, etc.

Dummy - looking real but not functioning or able to be used

Outcast - someone who is not accepted by other people

Elope - to run away secretly to get married

Curt - said or done in a quick and impolite way

Cuss - curse

Contusion - an injury that usually does not break the skin

Hesitant - slow to act or speak especially because you are nervous or unsure about what to do:
feeling or showing hesitation

Baffled - extremely confused or puzzled

Swamp - to cause (someone or something) to have to deal with a very large amount of things or
people at the same time

Fuss - to show that you are annoyed or unhappy

Verdict - a judgment or opinion about something

Slow witted - slow to learn or understand things

Reluctant - feeling or showing doubt about doing something: not willing or eager to do

Stingy - not liking or wanting to give or spend money : not generous

Immerse - to make (yourself) fully involved in some activity or interest

Sickening - causing a strong feeling of disgust

Prototype - an original or first model of something from which other forms are copied or

Astonished - feeling or showing great surprise or wonder

Nudge - to push (someone) gently with your elbow in order to get that person's attention

Conceited - having or showing too much pride in your own worth or goodness

Legible - capable of being read: clear enough to be read

Vegan - a person who does not eat any food that comes from animals and who often also does
not use animal products (such as leather)

Tentative - not definite: still able to be changed

Leer - to look at someone in an evil way

Lucid - very clear and easy to understand: able to think clearly

Abrupt - characterized by or involving action or change without preparation or warning

Exuded - sweat

Drawl - to speak slowly with vowel sounds that are longer than usual

Arouse - awaken

Rhetorical - of a question: asked in order to make a statement rather than to get an answer

Ought - obligation

Grotesque - very strange or ugly in a way that is not normal or natural

Adorn - to make (someone or something) more attractive by adding something beautiful

Befit - to be suitable to or proper for (someone or something)

Coif - to cut and arrange someone's hair

Berate - to yell at (someone) : to criticize(someone) in a loud and angry way

Sated - to end (something, such as hunger or curiosity) by providing everything that is required
or wanted

Hedonism -the belief that pleasure or happiness is the most important goal in life

Expunge - to remove (something) completely

Epitome - a perfect example: an example that represents or expresses something very well

Deviate - to do something that is different or to be different from what is usual or expected

Shindig - : a big party

Riotous - very exciting, fun, or full of energy

Notorious - well-known or famous especially for something bad

Fathom - to understand the reason for (something)

Deviant - different from what is considered to be normal or morally correct

Illicit - involving activities that are not considered morally acceptable

Nit picking - minute and usually unjustified criticism

Knead - : to press and squeeze (a person's muscles) with your hands

Abhor –the feeling of hatred or loathing for

Terrain - land of a particular kind

Gradual - moving or changing in small amounts: happening in a slow way over a long period of

Lean - to incline, deviate, or bend from a vertical position

Scowl - to look at someone or something in a way that shows anger or disapproval

Coy - having a shy or sweetly innocent quality that is often intended to be attractive or to get

Self- esteem - a feeling of having respect for yourself and your abilities

Ego - the opinion that you have about yourself

Impeach - to charge (a public official) with a crime done while in office: to cause doubts about
the truthfulness of (a witness, testimony, etc.)

Jeopardize - to put (something or someone) in danger

Allegory - a story in which the characters and events are symbols that stand for ideas about
human life or for a political or historical situation

Catastrophe - a terrible disaster

Anticipated - expected or looked-forward to

Bummer - an unpleasant experience (such as a bad reaction to a hallucinogenic drug)

Stun - to surprise or upset (someone) very much

Vague - not clear in meaning, stated in a way that is general and not specific

Tolerate - to allow (something that is bad, unpleasant, etc.) to exist, happen, or be done

Disobedience - refusal or failure to obey rules, laws, etc.: a lack of obedience

Restraint - way of limiting, controlling, or stopping something

Swell - to become larger than normal

Extemporaneous - made up or done without special preparation

Ambiguous - able to be understood in more than one way: having more than one possible

Indifference - lack of interest in or concern about something: an indifferent attitude or feeling

Fluster - to make (someone) nervous and confused

Manifest - able to be seen: clearly shown or visible: easy to understand or recognize

Defiant - refusing to obey something or someone: full of defiance

Defiance - a refusal to obey something or someone: the act of defying someone or something

Lure - an appealing or attractive quality: a device used for attracting and catching animals,
birds, or especially fish

Generosity - the quality of being kind, understanding, and not selfish

Embezzle - to steal money that you have been trusted with

Meticulous - very careful about doing something in an extremely accurate and exact way

Frustrate - to cause (someone) to feel angry, discouraged, or upset because of not being able
to do something

Peculiar - not usual or normal: not well: somewhat ill

Chunky - heavy, thick, and solid: somewhat fat: having a short and strong body

Address - to speak to (a person or group)

Mortify - to cause (someone) to feel very embarrassed and foolish

Slender - thin especially in an attractive or graceful way

Hypocritical - characterized by behaviour that contradicts what one claims to believe or feel
Engrossed - to hold the complete interest or attention of (someone)

Smug - having or showing the annoying quality of people who feel very pleased or satisfied with
their abilities, achievements, etc.

Torment - extreme physical or mental pain: something that causes extreme physical or mental

Hierarchy - a group that controls an organization and is divided into different levels

Lucrative - producing money or wealth

Delinquent - young person who regularly does illegal or immoral things

Punctual - arriving or doing something at the expected or planned time

Crud - a dirty or greasy substance: something unpleasant or worthless

Naive - having or showing a lack of experience or knowledge: innocent or simple

Hideous - very ugly or disgusting

Aspire - to want to have or achieve something (such as a particular career or level of success)

Ludicrous - very foolish

Recur - to happen or appear again: to occur again

Exemplary - extremely good and deserving to be admired and copied: serving as an example
of something

Tacky - somewhat sticky to the touch: not having or exhibiting good taste

Scram - to leave immediately

Scrumptious - very pleasant to taste

Demerit - a mark that is made on the school record of a student who has done something

Theft - the act or crime of stealing

Rampant - used to describe something that is very common or that is spreading very quickly
and in a way that is difficult to control

Accomplice - a person who works with or helps someone who is doing something wrong or

Anonymity - the quality or state of being unknown to most people: the quality or state of being
Irrational - not thinking clearly: not able to use reason or good judgment

Rational - based on facts or reason and not on emotions or feelings

Dimwit - a stupid person

Upstart - a person who has recently begun an activity, become successful, etc., and who does
not show proper respect for older and more experienced people

Ease - freedom from pain or trouble: comfort of body or mind: lack of difficulty: a relaxed and
informal way of behaving

Thus - in this way or manner: like this

Awed - amazed

Peripheral - of or relating to the area that is to the side of the area you are looking at

Extraction - the act or process of getting something by pulling it out, forcing it out, etc.: the act
of extracting something

Onward - to or toward what is ahead in space or time

Benevolent - kind and generous: organized to do good things for other people

Generous - freely giving or sharing money and other valuable things: providing more than the
amount that is needed or normal: abundant or ample

Cobbler - a person who makes or repairs shoes: a dessert made of cooked fruit covered with a
thick crust

Emphatic - said or done in a forceful or definite way: speaking or acting in a forceful way

Dim witted - not intelligent

Persuade - to cause (someone) to believe something

Grief - deep sadness caused especially by someone's death

Bereavement - the state of being sad because a family member or friend has recently died

Cicada - a large insect

Spiteful - having or showing a desire to harm, anger, or defeat someone: having or showing

Pessimistic - having or showing a lack of hope for the future: expecting bad things to happen

Rock bottom - the lowest possible level or point

Repent - to feel or show that you are sorry for something bad or wrong that you did and that you
want to do what is right

Accountable - required to be responsible for something

Waver - to go back and forth between choices or opinion: to be uncertain about what you think
about something or someone: to move back and forth in an unsteady way

Awful - extremely bad or unpleasant: causing feelings of fear and wonder

Condescending - showing that you believe you are more intelligent or better than other people

Inferior - of poor quality: low or lower in quality: of little or less importance or value

Complex - having parts that connect or go together in complicated ways: not easy to
understand or explain: not simple

Terrible - very shocking and upsetting: very bad or unpleasant

Scuffle - to fight briefly and usually not very seriously: to move quickly and with short steps

Gibberish - foolish, confused, or meaningless words

Trivial - not important

Frugal - careful about spending money or using things when you do not need to : using money
or supplies in a very careful way

Dilemma - a situation in which you have to make a difficult choice

Independence - freedom from outside control or support: the state of being independent

Revolt - to fight in a violent way against the rule of a leader or government: to act in a way that
shows that you do not accept the control or influence of someone or something

Hispanic - coming originally from an area where Spanish is spoken and especially from Latin
America: of or relating to Hispanic people

Grace a way of moving that is smooth and attractive and that is not stiff or awkward

Empower - to give power to (someone): to give official authority or legal power to (someone)

Invincible - impossible to defeat or overcome

Insufficient - not having or providing enough of what is needed: not sufficient

Carcass - the body of a dead animal: a person's body: the remaining parts of an old vehicle,
structure, etc.

Precocious - of a child: having or showing the qualities or abilities of an adult at an unusually

early age
Witchcraft - magical things that are done by witches: the use of magical powers obtained
especially from evil spirits

Lacklustre - lacking excitement or interest

Propagate - to make (something, such as an idea or belief) known to many people: to produce
(a new plant)

Reactive - done in response to a problem or situation: reacting to problems when they occur
instead of doing something to prevent them

Unsophisticated - not having or showing a lot of experience and knowledge about the world
and about culture, art, literature, etc.

Sophisticated - having or showing a lot of experience and knowledge about the world and
about culture, art, literature, etc.

Petty - minor not very important or serious: relating to things that are not very important or

Defamation - the act of saying false things in order to make people have a bad opinion of
someone or something: the act of defaming someone or something

Gut - relating to or based on emotions: not based on logic or reason: affecting people's

Regardless - in spite of difficulty, trouble, etc.: without being stopped by difficulty, trouble, etc.

Greasy - covered with grease or oil: dirty from grease or oil: wet and slippery

Sleazy - dishonest or immoral: dirty and in bad condition from being neglected: not decent or
socially respectable

Neglected - not given proper or necessary care or attention

Aggressor - invader, a person or country that attacks another: a person or country that starts a
fight or war

Vent - to express (an emotion) usually in a loud or angry manner

Marvellous - extremely good or enjoyable

Reconstitute - to form (an organization or group) again in a different way

Dally - to form (an organization or group) again in a different way

Legacy - something that happened in the past or that comes from someone in the past

Threshold - the point or level at which something begins or changes

Tedious - boring and too slow or long

Obstruct - to slow or block the movement, progress, or action of (something or someone): to be
in front of (something): to make (something) difficult to see

Exotic - very different, strange, or unusual

Conservation - the careful use of natural resources (such as trees, oil, etc.) to prevent them
from being lost or wasted

Encourage - to make (someone) more determined, hopeful, or confident

Shack - a small house or building that is not put together well

Contemplate - to think deeply or carefully about (something)

Obscure - not well-known: not known to most people

Illuminate - to supply (something) with light: to shine light on (something)

Ponder - to think about or consider (something) carefully

Utter - complete and total

Repel - to keep (something) out or away

Consolation - something that makes a person feel less sadness, disappointment, etc.

Sedative - tending to calm, moderate, or tranquilize nervousness or excitement

Stagnant - not flowing: not active, changing, or progressing

Resumption - an act of starting something again after it has stopped, an act of resuming

Timid - feeling or showing a lack of courage or confidence

Scum - a dishonest, unkind, or unpleasant person

Unerring - always right and accurate: making no errors

Dignity - the quality of being worthy of honour or respect

Avid - very eager: wanting something very much

Eager - very excited and interested: feeling a strong and impatient desire to do something or for

Chimpanzee - an intelligent animal that is a type of ape and that lives mostly in trees in Africa

Mimic - person who copies the behaviour or speech of other people

Dis - to treat (someone) with disrespect: to be rude to (someone)

Decisive - able to make choices quickly and confidently

Rebel - opposing or taking arms against a government or ruler

Crumble - to break down completely: to stop functioning

Trample - to treat other people's rights, wishes, or feelings as if they are worthless or not

Enchantress - a woman who uses spells or magic: a sorceress or witch: a very interesting or
beautiful woman

Enchant - to attract and hold the attention of (someone) by being interesting, pretty, etc.

Subtle - hard to notice or see: not obvious

Modest - not too proud or confident about yourself or your abilities: not showing or feeling great
or excessive pride of clothing : not showing too much of a person's body

Unnerve - to make (someone) feel afraid or upset and unable to think clearly

Negligence - failure to take the care that a responsible person usually takes: lack of normal
care or attention

Thug - gangster, a violent criminal

Obnoxious - unpleasant in a way that makes people feel offended, annoyed, or disgusted

Smite - to hurt, kill, or punish (someone or something)

Queasy - having an unpleasantly nervous or doubtful feeling

Gutsy - very tough or brave: showing courage

Intimidate - to make (someone) afraid

Gullible - easily fooled or cheated; especially: quick to believe something that is not true

Eventually - at some later time: in the end

Critique - a careful judgment in which you give your opinion about the good and bad parts of
something (such as a piece of writing or a work of art)

Brazen - acting or done in a very open and shocking way without shame or embarrassment

Perky - lively in manner or appearance

Indecisive - not able to make choices quickly and confidently

Pigsty- a place where pigs are kept: a dirty or messy place

Puke - to empty what is in your stomach through your mouth

Face palm - to cover one's face with the hand as an expression of embarrassment, dismay, or

Petrify - to make (someone) very afraid

Fantastic - extremely good: extremely high or great

Resilient - able to become strong, healthy, or successful again after something bad happens

Adversity - a difficult situation or condition: misfortune or tragedy

Refugee - someone who has been forced to leave a country because of war or for religious or
political reasons

Crooked - not honest

Diversity - the state of having people who are different races or who have different cultures in a
group or organization

Catalyst - a person or event that quickly causes change or action

Terrifying - causing great fear

Astonishing - causing a feeling of great surprise or wonder: surprising

Hoard - a large amount of something valuable that is kept hidden

Dazzling- brilliantly or showily bright, colourful, or impressive

Rigid - not able to be bent easily: not easily changed: not willing to change opinions or

Pathetic - causing feelings of sadness and sympathy: very bad, poor, weak, etc.

Phenomenon - someone or something that is very impressive or popular especially because of

an unusual ability or quality

Pace - contrary to the opinion of — usually used as an expression of deference to someone's

contrary opinion

Spontaneous - done or said in a natural and often sudden way and without a lot of thought or

Minimalist - of, relating to, or following a style in art, literature, or music that is very simple and
uses a small number of colours, parts, materials, etc.

Inequity - lack of fairness: unfair treatment: something that is unfair

Discourage - to make (someone) less determined, hopeful, or confident

Haughty - having or showing the insulting attitude of people who think that they are better,
smarter, or more important than other people

Intensive - involving very great effort or work

Fascinating - captivating: very interesting or appealing

Opaque - not letting light through: not transparent: difficult to understand or explain

Contraction - the act or process of making something smaller or of becoming smaller

Impurity - an unwanted substance that is found in something else and that prevents it from
being pure

Evaporate - : to change from a liquid into a gas

Dike - a bank or mound of earth that is built to control water and especially to protect an area
from flooding

Kindling - dry twigs, pieces of paper, etc., that burn easily and are used to start a fire

Combustible - able to be burned easily

Mischief - behaviour or activity that is annoying but that is not meant to cause serious harm or

Redeeming - making a bad or unpleasant thing or person better or more acceptable

Ape - to copy or imitate (something or someone)

Conch - a type of shellfish that lives in a large shell which has the form of a spiral ; also : the
shell of

Consumption - the use of something (such as fuel)

Comprehension - ability to understand

Hypothetical - involving or based on a suggested idea or theory : involving or based on a


Barely- in a meagre manner: plainly

Compromise - a way of reaching agreement in which each person or group gives up something
that was wanted in order to end an argument or dispute

Compensate - to provide something good as a balance against something bad or undesirable

Caress -to touch (someone or something) in a gentle way

Cradle - to hold (something or someone) gently in your arms or hands

Serene - calm and peaceful

Nape - the back of the neck

Burden - duty or responsibility

Vile -evil or immoral: very bad or unpleasant

Therapeutic - producing good effects on your body or mind

Halt - having a manner of walking that is impaired by a limp : lame

Thrust - to make a sudden, strong, forward movement at someone or something with a weapon

Elated - very happy and excited

Condemn - to give (someone) a usually severe punishment

Detoxify - to remove a poisonous or harmful substance from (something)

Vindicate - to show that (someone) should not be blamed for a crime, mistake, etc.: to show
that (someone) is not guilty

Morbid - relating to unpleasant subjects (such as death)

Psychedelic - suggesting the effects of psychedelic drugs by having bright colours, strange
sounds, etc.

Dean - a person whose job is to give advice to the students in a college or high school and to
make sure that they obey the school's rules

Cease fire - an agreement to stop fighting a war for a period of time so that a permanent
agreement can be made to end the war

Guild - an organized group of people who have joined together because they share the same
job or interest; especially: an association of people who made or sold goods in the middle Ages

Refrain - to stop yourself from doing something that you want to do

Citation - a line or short section taken from a piece of writing or a speech

Liberated - freed from or opposed to traditional social and sexual attitudes or ways of behaving

Portion - a part of a larger amount, area, etc.

Grasp - to take and hold (something) with your fingers, hands, etc.

Vivid - seeming like real life because it is very clear, bright, or detailed: very bright in colour
Intimidating - causing feelings of fear, awe, or timidity

Purse - : to form (your lips) into a tight circle or line

Distort - twist: to change (something) so that it is no longer true or accurate

Whatnot - any of the other things that might also be mentioned

Inevitable - sure to happen

Evade - to stay away from (someone or something): to avoid (someone or something)

Haywire - not working properly

Insatiable - always wanting more: not able to be satisfied

Wrath - extreme anger

Tame - not wild: trained to obey people

Fond - feeling or showing love or friendship

Prestigious - honoured

Euphoria - a feeling of great happiness and excitement

Cushion - a soft object or part that is used to make something (such as a seat) more
comfortable or to protect a surface from damage: a soft pillow, pad, etc.

Ironic - using words that mean the opposite of what you really think especially in order to be

Insensitive - showing that you do not know or care about the feelings of other people

Extravagant - more than is usual, necessary, or proper: very fancy

Panther - a large, black wildcat

Hyena - a large animal of Asia and Africa that eats the flesh of dead animals

Aviator - the operator or pilot of an aircraft and especially an airplane

Evocation - the act of bringing something into the mind or memory: the act of evoking

Wane - to appear to become thinner or less full

Monotonous - used to describe something that is boring because it is always the same

Yonder - at or in that place: over there

Rite - an act that is part of a usually religious ceremony

Burrow - a hole or tunnel in the ground that an animal (such as a rabbit or fox) makes to live in
or for safety

Advent - the coming of Christ at the Incarnation

Frisky - very playful or lively

Apathetic - not having or showing much emotion or interest

Viand - an item of food; especially: a choice or tasty dish

Slaughtered - the violent killing of a large number of people

Intimate - having a very close relationship: very warm and friendly: very personal or private

Ordain -to officially establish or order (something)

Promulgate - to make (a new law) known officially and publicly

Irk - to bother or annoy (someone)

Vain – too proud of your own appearance, abilities, achievements, etc.

Decipher - to find the meaning of (something that is difficult to read or understand)

Matrimonial - of or relating to marriage

Ethereal - resembling heaven: seeming to belong to another world

Beguiling - agreeably or charmingly attractive or pleasing

Grimace - a facial expression in which your mouth and face are twisted in a way that shows
disgust, disapproval, or pain

Grim - having a very serious appearance or manner

Rubicund - having red or pink skin

Stance - a publicly stated opinion: a way of standing

Menace -a dangerous or possibly harmful person or thing

Tiptoe - with your toes touching the ground and your heels raised up

Muddle - to cause confusion in (someone or someone's mind)

Sardonic - showing that you disapprove of or do not like someone or something: showing
disrespect or scorn for someone or something

Ravish - to seize and take away by violence

Palpable - obvious and noticeable

Sly - clever in a dishonest way: showing that you know a secret

Dispassionate - not influenced or affected by emotions

Succumb - to stop trying to resist something

Glisten - to shine with light reflected off a wet surface

Triumphant - resulting in victory or success

Ravishing - very beautiful

Penetrate - to go through or into something

Sparrow - a common type of small bird that usually has brown or grey feathers

Infidelity - unfaithfulness

Turmoil - a state of confusion or disorder

Cunning - getting what is wanted in a clever and often deceptive way

Entreaty - a serious request for something

Fraud - a person who pretends to be what he or she is not in order to trick people

Indestructible - impossible to break or destroy

Osmosis - an ability to learn and understand things gradually without much effort

Mummify - to preserve (a dead body) by treating it with oils and wrapping it in strips of cloth

Astonishment - a feeling of being very surprised

Wobble - to be or become unsteady or unsure

Affectionate - feeling or showing love and affection

Audacious - very confident and daring: very bold and surprising or shocking

Enthusiastic - feeling or showing strong excitement about something: filled with or marked by

Absurd - ridiculously unreasonable, unsound, or incongruous

Compliance - the act or process of doing what you have been asked or ordered to do: the act
or process of complying

Perishable - likely to spoil or decay quickly: not likely to stay fresh for a long time if not eaten or

Forfeit - to lose or give up (something) as a punishment or because of a rule or law

Nausea - the feeling you have in your stomach when you think you are going to vomit

Seize - appreciate

Flaunt - to show (something) in a very open way so that other people will notice

Perception - the way you think about or understand someone or something

Genuine - actual, real, or true: not false or fake: sincere and honest

Ridiculous - actual, real, or true: not false or fake: sincere and honest

Disdain - a feeling of strong dislike or disapproval of someone or something you think does not
deserve respect

Transfix - to cause (someone) to sit or stand without moving because of surprise, shock,
interest, etc.

Ecstasy - a state of very great happiness: extreme delight

Gloat - to show in an improper or selfish way that you are happy with your own success or
another person's failure

Endearment - a word or phrase that shows love or affection

Clutch - to hold onto (someone or something) tightly with your hand

Torrid - very hot and usually dry

Melancholic - very sad

Delightful - very pleasant: giving or causing delight

Silver lining - something good that can be found in a bad situation

Bask - to lie or relax happily in a bright and warm place: to enjoy the attention and good feelings
expressed by others

Shudder - to shake because of fear, cold, etc. of a thing : to shake violently

Irresistible - impossible to resist especially because of strength or attractiveness

Covetous - feeling or showing a very strong desire for something that you do not have and
especially for something that belongs to someone else

Deter - to cause (someone) to decide not to do something: to prevent (something) from


Latter - coming or happening near the end of a process, activity, series, life, etc.
Meek - having or showing a quiet and gentle nature: not wanting to fight or argue with other

Binge - a short period of time when you do too much of something

Archaic - old and no longer used

Deed - something that is done: an act or action

Lamented - deeply missed

Recipient - receiver: a person who receives something

Jejune - not interesting: too simple

Ingenious - very smart or clever: having or showing ingenuity

Eloquent - having or showing the ability to use language clearly and effectively: clearly showing
feeling or meaning

Vulgar - not having or showing good manners, good taste, or politeness

Compassionate - feeling or showing concern for someone who is sick, hurt, poor, etc.: having
or showing compassion

Loathe - hate someone or something very much

Outwit - to defeat or trick (someone) by being more intelligent or clever

Inculcate - to cause (something) to be learned by (someone) by repeating it again and again

Sane -having a healthy mind: able to think normally

Prudent - having or showing careful good judgment

Delectable - very pleasant to taste or smell: very attractive

Render - to give (something) to someone

Dire - very bad: causing great fear or worry

Coquette - a woman who likes to win the attention or admiration of men but does not have
serious feelings for them

Seldom - not often: almost never

Elude - to avoid or escape (someone or something) by being quick, skilful or clever

Utmost - greatest or highest in degree, number, or amount

Grungy - shabby or dirty in character or condition

Throttle - to choke or strangle (someone)

Auction - a public sale at which things are sold to the people who offer to pay the most

Ogle - to look at (something) in a way that suggests strong interest or desire

Imply - to express (something) in an indirect way

Vixen - an angry and unpleasant woman

Spurt - a short period of time: moment

Brute - very strong or forceful: very harsh

Urge - to try to persuade (someone) in a serious way to do something

Regal - of, relating to, or suitable for a king or queen

Gape - to open widely

Dwell -to live in a particular place

Wimp - a weak person who lacks confidence, courage, etc.

Mere - used to say that something or someone is small, unimportant, etc.

Perceive - to notice or become aware of (something)

Nevertheless - in spite of what has just been said

Persist- to continue to do something or to try to do something even though it is difficult or other

people want you to stop

Docile - easily taught, led, or controlled

Fickle - changing often: changing opinions often

Faith - strong belief or trust in someone or something

Supper - the evening meal

Pushover - an opponent that is easy to defeat: something that is easy to do

Grumpy - easily annoyed or angered: having a bad temper or complaining often

Lurk - to be in a hidden place: to wait in a secret or hidden place especially in order to do

something wrong or harmful

Mnemonic - something (such as a word, a sentence, or a song) that helps people remember
something (such as a rule or a list of names)

Dreary - causing unhappiness or sad feelings: not warm, cheerful, etc.

Rebellious - refusing to obey rules or authority or to accept normal standards of behaviour,
dress, etc.: having or showing a tendency to rebel

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