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Mind Bloggind Experiment

How to make a Juice bottle

Step 1: Find a base for the valcano.

Step 2: Attatch a full, un-opened juice

bottle to the base.
Step 3: Build tha volcano
around the

Step 4: Paint the volcano.

Method 2: Using the bottle and
Step 1: Gather the necessary

Step 2: Position the volcano in a large,

outdoor area and open the soda bottle.
Step 3: Prepare a whole roll of
To drop into the bottle.

Step 4: Release the mentos into the

bottle and run.
Method 3: Using Baking soda
and Vinegar
Step 1: Gather the necessary

Step 2: Combine Vinegar, Water, and a

squirt of dishwashing liquid.
Step 3: Place the volcano on a
Covered table or a linoleum floor.

Step 4: Add a spoonfull of baking soda

to the mixture.
By: Adithya B2 FCE

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