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Wastewater collection system design

using Bentley Sewergems
Dr. Rohan Nalawade
Bentley certified Trainer
Content of Training
Day 1
• Fundamental of Sanitary Engineering
• Fundamental of Hydraulics of Sewage Network
• Sewer Gems Connect edition Interface and Features
• Basic Hydraulic Modelling of Sewage Networks
• Q and A
Content of Training
Day 2
• Steady State and Extended Period Simulation
• Scenario and Alternatives
• Hydraulic network design and optimization

Day 3
• Advanced Network Development tools in Sewer Gems:
Model builder, Load Builder & T rex
• Case study and Field Issue resolutions
• Q and A
Fundamentals of Sanitary Engineering

Wastewater is defined as “the spent or used water of a community or

industry which contains dissolved and suspended matter.” (American
Society of Civil Engineers. 1982).

The words wastewater and sewage are used interchangeably .

The pipes conveying the wastewater are referred to as sewers.

Fundamentals of Sanitary Engineering
• The largest sewers are usually referred to as trunk sewers or interceptors.

• interceptor are those sewers that intercept flow that formerly was discharged
directly into streams but is now transported to treatment facilities.

•A main (sometimes called a collector) is the term used to describe most sewers.

• In some locations, laterals are the smallest sewers; in others the term refers to
the piping from the customer to the main in the street.

• A relief sewer describes a sewer installed to provide extra capacity to a part of

the system that was overloaded.

• Pressurized pipes fed by centralized pump stations are referred to as force

mains or rising mains.
Fundamentals of Sanitary Engineering
• Pressurized
pipes fed by pumps from individual customers are called pressure
sewer systems.

• Pumps are contained in structures known as pump stations or lift stations.

• Wet wells are underground chambers that store wastewater waiting to be


• Manholes or access structures provide access to the sewer for cleaning and other
maintenance activities.

• Diversion chambers and junction chambers are structures in which flow can be
mixed or split. In combined sewers systems, flow can be split between that
going to treatment and that going to an overflow.
Fundamentals of Sanitary Engineering

Wastewater collection systems are designed to collect and transport wastewater from
domestic, commercial, and industrial sources.

Infiltration is water that enters the system from the ground through defective pipes,
pipe joints, connections, or manhole walls. Inflow is water discharged into the sewer
from sources such as building and foundation drains, drains from wet or swampy
areas, manhole covers, cross connections, catch basins, or surface runoff. Collectively,
these flows are referred to as infiltration/inflow or I/I.

Rainfall-derived inflow and infiltration or RDII is the component of the sewer flow that
is above the normal dry-weather flow pattern. It represents the sewer flow response
to rainfall or snowmelt in the system.
Fundamentals of Sanitary Engineering
Types of Conveyance

• Partially full gravity flow – there is a free water surface in the pipe.

• Surcharged gravity flow – the depth of flow in the gravity pipe is above the pipe
crown because of a downstream control.

• Pressure flow in force mains – sewage is pumped along stretches where gravity
flow is not feasible, such as from one gravity drainage basin to another.

• Pressure sewers – each customer has a pump that discharges to a pressure sewer.

• Vacuum sewers – flow is pulled through the system by vacuum pumps.

Fundamentals of Sanitary Engineering
Types of Conveyance
Fundamentals of Sanitary Engineering
Types of Conveyance
Applications of Sewer network Modelling
• Long Range Master Planning
• Design of new sewer systems or the expansion of existing systems
• Rehabilitation Studies
• Water Quality Investigations
• Operations
• Regulatory Compliance
Fundamentals of Hydraulics of Sewer networks
Two types of modelling runs are performed for collection systems
• Steady Flow
• Unsteady Flow

Steady State
Steady-state models assume constant flow rates at each point in the system and can be
thought of as a snapshot in time of the changing conditions of the system.
Although flow in a wastewater system is not actually steady, the primary interest of the
designer is to determine whether or not there is sufficient capacity to convey the peak
Steady-state models are ideal for predicting these peak flows. In addition, steady-state
models can be used to determine if the velocities at lower flow rates are sufficient for
Fundamentals of Hydraulics of Sewer networks
Two types of modelling runs are performed for collection systems
• Steady Flow
• Unsteady Flow

Un-steady state
For larger systems or systems with widely varying flows, such that pump cycling or
storage in the pipes is significant, simulation of unsteady-flow conditions becomes
important. This is accomplished by routing flows through the system by solving the
complex hydrodynamic equations.
Steady gravity flow Hydraulics

• Steady Uniform flow

• Steady Non Uniform flow

• Gradually varied flow is the term for gradual changes in flow

properties along a channel.
Steady gravity flow Hydraulics
Fluid Properties
• The most important properties of liquids are specific weight and fluid viscosity.

Domestic sewage is considered to be water in terms of its hydraulic characteristics.

However, some characteristics of sewage require special consideration, including the
• Pipe corrosion and/or coating and grease buildup need to be addressed in
establishing pipe roughness factors.
• Transport and settlement of solids may affect hydraulics in some situations.
• Centrifugal pumps used in sewage pumping must be wastewater rated, which
indicates that they include more corrosion protection and clogging-prevention
features than normal, clean-water pumps.
Steady gravity flow Hydraulics
Fluid Properties
Density, viscosity, and kinematic viscosity of water
Steady gravity flow Hydraulics
Fluid Properties
Velocity and Reynolds number
Steady gravity flow Hydraulics
Fluid Properties
Velocity and Reynolds number
Steady gravity flow Hydraulics
Fundamental Laws
• Conservation of Mass
The mass entering a system is equal to the mass leaving that system, plus or minus the accumulation of
mass (i.e., storage) within the system.

• Conservation of Energy
flow is considered steady and incompressible, and it is generally sufficient to apply the principle of
conservation of energy in a much simpler way using what is commonly known as the energy equation.
The expression most commonly applied expresses energy on a unit-weight basis (that is, as energy per
unit weight of fluid), so the change in energy between two points 1 and 2 is given by

The Manning equation, the Darcy-Weisbach equation, and the Kutter-Chézy equation are the most
commonly used methods for computing head losses in sewers.
Steady gravity flow Hydraulics
Manning's Equation

The Manning equation is used almost exclusively for open-channel design, while the Darcy-Weisbach and
Kutter-Chézy equations are sometimes used in parts of the world.

The Manning and Kutter-Chézy equations are slightly handicapped by the common assumption that the
roughness coefficient is merely a function of the physical roughness of the channel walls (a property of the pipe
Manning's roughness values for Conduit materials
Darcy-Weisbach Equation.
The Darcy-Weisbach equation was developed using dimensional analysis and by balancing wall drag and gravity/pressure
forces. It is valid for Newtonian fluids, which include most common gases and liquids. The equation for full-pipe flow is

Kutter-Chézy Equation.
It is probably the oldest constitutive relationship for open channel flow. The roughness component, C, is a function of the
hydraulic radius, friction slope, and lining material of the channel. The Chézy equation is
System Loading

• Dry Weather Wastewater Flows

• Wet Weather Wastewater Flows
System Loading
• Dry Weather Wastewater flows
Wastewater (also called sanitary or dry weather) flows are the intentional discharges into
the collection system. They may originate from residential, commercial, institutional, or
industrial sources.

A common procedure for estimating wastewater flow are

• The unit load method, where sources that generate flow are counted and multiplied by
an appropriate factor to estimate flow.
• Method uses the amount of water used (demand) corrected for consumption.

In a top-down approach, total flow to the wastewater plant is divided among model nodes
based on some rules.
In a bottom-up approach, loads are determined at each customer point and other inflow
points, and the aggregate should equal the total flow to the plant.
System Loading
Sources of data for dry weather flows
System Loading
Definitions of flow rates

Most sewer laterals and mains are designed to convey peak hourly flow rates. A steady-state model based on
peak flows may be used in the design process.
In the absence of site-specific data, peaking factors are used to calculate design wastewater flow rates from
average flow rates.
Diurnal curves
Diurnal curves
System Loading
• Wet Weather Wastewater flows

In response to storm events, wastewater collection systems of all types receive

flows in addition to the base domestic, commercial, and industrial wastewater
flows. The effects of these wet weather flows are a major consideration in the
design, operation, and management of wastewater collection systems.

Storm water enters both combined and separate sewers via intentional and illicit
connections and system imperfections. Overflows occur when loads exceed a
system’s hydraulic capacity. These overflows have a negative impact on
environmental quality and public health.
System Loading
Wet Weather Wastewater flows

When an area is urbanized, more of its precipitation falls on impervious surfaces. Instead
of infiltrating into the ground or being taken up by vegetation, a large portion of storm
water or snowmelt runs off roofs, roads, and parking lots, trickles down drainpipes, and
enters drainage or sewer systems.

It may then be conveyed through extensive systems of combined sewers or separate

storm sewers, perhaps to treatment facilities, and finally to outfalls (outlet pipes) where
it enters streams, rivers, and lakes. Rainfall that filters into the ground can also enter
sewers, even separate sanitary sewers not intended to convey storm water runoff.

In the context of wastewater collection systems, wet weather flow usually refers to the
storm water or snowmelt runoff that contributes directly to a combined sewer system, or
to the flow in excess of dry weather flow that enters a separate sanitary drainage system
through defects in the pipes or manholes.
Waste water Hydrograph
The sanitary sewer wastewater flow hydrograph can be
divided into three basic components:
• Groundwater infiltration (GWI) usually enters a
sewer system through sewer service connections and
through defective pipes, pipe joints, connections, or
manhole walls. GWI may vary seasonally, but it is
usually considered to be constant over the duration of
a single precipitation event.
• Base wastewater flow (BWF) enters the collection
system through direct connections and represents the
sum of domestic, commercial, and industrial flows.
• Rainfall-derived infiltration and inflow (RDII) is the
wet weather flow portion of the sewer flow
hydrograph. RDII represents the flow above the normal
dry weather flow pattern; it is the sewer flow response
to rainfall or snowmelt from the upstream catchment.
Modelling Wet Weather Flow
Wet weather modeling separates runoff into two parts: The runoff generated as a result of a precipitation
(the runoff volume) and the portion of runoff that enters and is routed through the collection system
Modelling Wet Weather Flow
Combined Sewer System Hydrology
Rainfall Data

• Rainfall varies in both space and time. Depending on the characteristics of the particular storm,
rainfall duration. Therefore, collection of rainfall data at more than one location within the study
catchment is important to understanding the wet weather response characteristics of the
collection system.
• Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) data: The intensity of rainfall is the depth divided by the
duration of the event.
Rainfall Data

• Rainfall hyetographs – a plot of rainfall depth or intensity as a function of time.

Loading Options
• Sanitary Dry Weather flow Loading
Unit Load: Unit type & Count
Hydrograph: Flow Vs Time
Pattern Load: Base flow & Pattern

• Inflow Wet Weather Loading

Hydrograph: Flow Vs Time
Pattern Load: Base flow & Pattern
Unit Load: Unit type and count

• Patterns are associated with unit load already defined

• Pattern setup accessed from component-pattern setup
• Default is ‘fixed’
• Last value of pattern must be equal to first value
• Assign pattern to nodes in sanitary/inflow load control center
Basic Hydraulic modelling of sewer network

• Entering Data
Change structure type to box structure.
Change Inlet type to Inflow Capture curve. Use CB Inlet Data.txt.
Basic Hydraulic modelling of sewer network

• Entering Data
Inflow (Wet) Collection – New- Hydrograph Load --MH1 Inflow Collection.txt.
Basic Hydraulic modelling of sewer network

• Entering Data
CM 1 & CM-2
• Change the Runoff Method to Unit Hydrograph, the Loss Method to SCS CN and
change the Unit Hydrograph Method to SCS Unit Hydrograph.

Soil Conservation Service - Curve Number (SCS - CN)

Conduit Table
Control structure
CO 9
Properties Editor, change the Has Start Control Structure? value to True.

Click on the dropdown for Start Control Structure and select <Edit
Conduit Control Structure>.

Conduit Control Structure dialog that appears, click the New button and select Weir from the

Change the Crest Elevation to 94.50 ft. Change the Structure Top Elevation to 97.00 ft. Change the
Weir Length to 2.00 ft.
Global Hydraulic Model Data
• File- Hydraulic Model Properties
Defining Storm Data
Components tab- Storm Data> Storm Data

For generating graph use Storm Event Data.txt

Fore Global storm data – go to Global storm data

and select the option
Adding Sanitary loads
Component tab- Loading- unit sanitary (dry weather) load command
Use area method

For MH-3 sanitary load -Unit Load - Unit Type and Count command - Enter
6.5 in the Loading Unit Count.

For MH-3 load pattern load to 7200 GPD

Apply pattern through Sanitary Load Pattern.txt

Change patter-Pattern setup

Calculations options-pattern setup- pattern setup-1
Types of Solver in Sewer Gems

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