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1) Natural gas is formed by the decomposition of organisms deposited on the seabed, millions of

years ago. The matter was buried deep underneath many layers of sediment over the hundreds of
years it then got heated by all the pressure of the sediment above this is called compression. A lack
of oxygen then made the matter react and turn into hydrocarbons.

2)a) most of the natural gas supplies around the world are in many different places. There are 1686
reservoirs that hold natural gas in Russia this is nearly 60%. Next is Iran with 1191. Other countries
with good amounts of natural gas are the US Canada, Australia and China. As we can see in the
diagram Europe holds little natural gas reserves.

b) the issues with the distribution of natural gas across the world are that it is very uneven
throughout the world. This means that the places with more energy will be able to progress faster
and will be richer as they can sell It to the countries that have less gas.

3) Fracking or hydraulic fracturing is the process of drilling down into the earth and then injecting
water, sand and chemicals into the rock. This creates cracks into the rocks and the sand then keeps
them open. Through the cracks then escapes the natural gas and this is collected and then used.

4) advantages: Creates jobs, makes energy cheaper, compared to coal it produces half the carbon
dioxide per unit of energy. Disadvantages: Fracking has a negative public opinion 40% of people
were opposed to it. It uses a lot of energy. The process firstly begins with trucks delivering all the
equipment and this creates air and noise pollution, the fracking fluid can leak, and the harmful
chemicals can get into groundwater supplies making them unusable also there is large volumes of
toxic wastewater. Where should that water go. Around 3% of the gas is leaked during the process
this has a massive effect in the environment as the gas leaked is methane which has 25 times more
effect on the atmosphere than Carbon Dioxide. Some earthquakes have been linked to fracking.

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