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Air Link Building, Domestic Road, Domestic Airport, Pasay City 1301 Philippines


3RD Term, A.Y. 2021-2022
For Lang I – Basic Foreign Language
Prepared by: Ms. Miki Kaneko


Directions: Read each question carefully, and plan what you will answer before you begin
writing. Answer must be in paragraph form, well-organized and briefly written.

How has geography influenced the history of Japan?

The Japanese relied on the water for many parts of their everyday lives due to location.

For the resources they need, trade with China and Korea became critical. Cultural.

transmission between Japan and China began around 100 B.C.E. through commerce and

Compare and contrast European and Japanese feudalism.

European feudalism predated the Japanese system by centuries, beginning in the 9th and 12th centuries, respectively.
Because the Japanese emperor did not have complete authority over the local nobility, the European system was

more centralized than the Japanese system. European feudalism was based on Germanic law, but Japanese feudalism
was based on Chinese Confucian law.

Unlike the serfs of European knights, the servants of Japanese samurais did not tend to their land.

Land ownership was a fundamental distinction between the two regimes. As recompense for their military duty,

European knights received land from their lords, and they had direct authority over the serfs who farmed the land.
Japanese samurai, on the other hand, did not possess any land

What cultural traditions emerged during the Japanese feudal period?

Edo culture refers to the time of Japanese history that corresponds to the Tokugawa shogunate (1603–1867).

Tokugawa Ieyasu, the first Tokugawa shogun, picked Edo (modern-day Tokyo) as Japan's new capital, and it grew to

be one of the world's largest cities and a vibrant urban culture. In literature, Basho created the haiku form,.

while Ihara Saikaku wrote virtuoso comedic linked-verse and amusing novels; in theater, both kabuki (live actors) and

bunraku (puppets) amused the populace (samurai, for whom theatregoing was forbidden, often attended in disguise)


What changes took place in Japan during the Tokugawa shogunate?

The shoguns of Tokugawa Ieyasu ruled over 250 years of peace and prosperity in Japan,

which saw the creation of a new merchant elite and increased urbanization.

They also attempted to isolate Japanese society from Westernizing forces, notably

Christianity, in order to defend against outsider influence

Why did Japanese rulers decide to cut off Japan from the rest of the world?

The shogunate implemented and enforced the sakoku policy, according to popular belief, in order to eradicate

the colonial and religious influence of Spain and Portugal, which were seen as a danger to the shogunate's security.

and peace in the archipelago.

Describe the role of the Daimyo in feudal Japan.

From the beginning of the Kamakura era in 1185 to the conclusion of the Edo period in 1868, Daimyo were feudal
lords who ruled over Japan's provinces as heads of formidable military bands. As freshly emerged bearers of political

power, this military elite cultivated cultural traditions acquired from the court.


What is a Tsunami?

Tsunamis are massive waves that occur under the sea as a result of earthquakes or

volcanic eruptions. Tsunami waves do not grow in height as they go further into the

As the depth of the water declines, the waves build up to greater heights as they go

Define the term Bushido.

Bushid is a samurai moral code that governs their attitudes, behavior, and way of life. There are many different

varieties of bushido, all of which have evolved over time. Bushido is also used as an umbrella word for all samurai

culture's norms, customs, ideas, and ideals. It is closely related to the European concept of chivalry, although there.

are significant variances

Describe the role of the Samurai in feudal Japan.

The samurai (also bushi) were a Japanese warrior class that emerged in the 10th century and served in the military

until the 19th century. The samurai were elite and highly-trained soldiers adept at using both the bow and sword.

Samurai and samurai culture may have been overly romanticized since the 18th century as the epitome of chivalry

and honour, but there are many examples of them displaying great courage and loyalty to their masters, even

committing ritual suicide in the event of their lord's defeat or death.

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