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Welcome to BlueAge!

This is a MegaWad for Doom 2 and is limit removing

Made in 1 1/2 years
Made with Ultimate Doom Builder
Made by Me (Skronkidonk) and DCGRetrowave

Map01 - Welcome to the wad! This is the first map I've ever made for Doom! This map
has undergone alot of changes in the past year but I think it has cameout to be a
great first map =)

Map02 - This map has stayed to true to what it was when I first made it. I really
wanted to make this massive cave map but this was my second map ever so my
abilities limited me to doing that.

Map03 - One of my favorite E1 Maps, love the music, and probably has one of the
most odd sort of layouts compared to most of the maps in the set.

Map04 - This map was fun to make. I remember thinking these giant moving pillars
(Which is supposed to be some water refinery) were the coolest thing ever. The
outside area went through the most changes in the map.

Map05 - This is the first map you get the rocket launcher so thats fun. The last
fight can be brutal if you aren't expecting it, but its really easy to escape out

Map06 - Long map with a short midi, I was actually gonna put this map in decinos
map contest! but it took me one more 1 year to finish the wad so rip. This map was
originally HORRIBLY broken, I used to play test this in GZDoom because I didn't
know it changed alot of the code, and when a friend played it in PRBoom+ the game
got a intercepts overflow since the giant pyramid in the middle was one unit and
went up 1 in height.

Map07 - If you don't like this map, be grateful it wasn't the original map07...

Map08 - This used to be an extremely dull looking map, still probably is but I
definitely bumped up the visuals over time. Fun one to speedrun since there is like
3 doors and no keys.

Map09 - One of my favorite songs of the whole set, I really like the choose your
path gimick and to be honest it could be better but its fun.

Map10 - Original map was not good at all, but it did have the first cyberdemon...
which now it has multiple on UV lol.

Map11 - I love this map, never heard this midi in a doom map before and I think it
fits the map greatly. The visuals remind me of Alien Vendetta which I absolutely
love and I personally think the gameplay is fun. The last room you could just skip,
so my solution was to make it timed.

Map12 - The first slaughter map you'll play. (I guess its slaughter idk) Has a 90s
look to it which I love. Originally going to be a Archvile maze map which still
shows from the beggening, but it dragged on, wasn't fun, and didn't work properly
so I changed it. How it would work is you would kill the mastermind in the
cathedral then teleport in the maze and finish there. But after the Squonker team
played it I decided to change it after realizing how lazy the map was.

Map13 - This used to be one of the worst maps of the set in my opinion but I feel
like I quickly changed that due to fixing gameplay. The last room used to have no
invulnurability, there used to be two cyberdemons on the ledge, and the rocket
launcher ambush was absolutely unfair.

Map14 - The most badass midi of the set (Thanks Doomkid for remaking this B&B midi)
the last room is inspired by The Factory from Doom 2. Enjoy the view at the end

Map15 - The midi holds a special place in my heart because of where it comes from,
this was originally gonna be the first map where you get the BFG, but I decided to
add one to Map11 due to its insanity.

(Map31 - This map is supposed to be an old UAC base kinda thing, idk how it
resembles one but thats how the story goes so yeah lol. Used to be the hardest map
of the set, but now there are harder maps.)

(Map32 - This map went through ALOT ALOT ALOT of changes. all the fights used to
drag on, which they still kinda do... but its alot better now. The outside cliff
area is one of my favorite visual pieces of the set.)

Map16 - A really fun one to make, idk why but SOD somehow inspired the visuals of
this map.

Map17 - If you are a speedrunner, I feel like you would like this map... The first
time I found out about toxic touch I made the beggening of this map, but then I got
bored of this cave idea so I decided to make this underground base sort of thing.

Map18 - One of my favorite maps of the entire wad, the mysterious music, the
massive castle, the gardens, it all flows together in my opinion. Gameplay is kinda
weak though.

Map19 - Remember when I said the gameplay was weak in the last map? Not this one.
also this map is pretty easy to speedrun.

Map20 - Supposed to be an adventurous kinda map, thats all I gotta say

Map21 - This is where the wad really kicks up the blue theme, your on their planet
now and they are relentless so be ready.

Map22 - Map22 went through several ideas, but they all had the main premise to be a
slaughterish map. I personally think this is one of the best looking maps of the
entire set and the outside room is inspired by AV and KSutra.

Map23 - This one is an oldie, also when through lots of changes, some will love and
hate this map. The last room used to suck so I upgraded it a bit by making it more

Map24 - This one isn't even Blue lmao, its pretty tough though and looks great.

Map25 - Classic tech base map, this one was quick to make, not much to say

Map26 - (DCGRetrowave) Blue Nocturne is the start of Blue Age's final episode (the
blue one :D). This is definitely one of the hardest maps in the WAD, but it's not
super long so it shouldn't be too hard to beat saveless :D. One section of the map
is a tech base-style remake of E2M8 from the console ports of DOOM (the versions
based on the Atari Jaguar port). The MIDI is my own remix of "Into Sandy's City,"
titled "Into Retrowave's City." I included a lot of funny pain elementals in this
map because they are my favorite :D. Also, if you notice some stuck pain
elementals repeatedly getting crushed, you're either playing in a port like GZDoom
or have the wrong compatiblity settings because they're supposed to be ghost
funnies :D :D :D :O :D. This map was a blast to make and I'm honored to have been
given the opportunity to contribute to this excellent megawad!
Fun fact: The name of this map is a reference to a special move from Street Fighter
III: 3rd Strike :

Map27 - This map was really fun to make, never made a map like this so I had alot
of things and ideas to expirement with. Probably has the most creative fights of
the set.

Map28 - This was the most recent map to make, and is also the hardest.

Map29 - God this map takes a long time to save but is really fun to play in my
opinion. I wanted this to be the goliath of the wad but its actually not even that

Map30 - The final map, hope you enjoyed the wad at this point and I hope you play
more of me and DCGRetrowaves work!

Skronkidonk and DCGRetrowave

Track list
1. ??? (got it off of VGMusic but can't remember which game.)
2. They're going to get you (Doom E2M4)
3. CCCool - Rise of the Triad
4. Between levels
5. Donna to the Rescue (E3M2)
6. Jade Runs - Tokyo Xtreme Racer Zero
7. Shawns got the Shotgun
8. Final Fantasy Tactics - Espionage
9. Chrono Cross - Dead Sea ~ Tower of Ruins
10. Hell Revealed II OST - 15 "Killing Spirit"
11. Earth Temple - The Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker
12. Nobody Told Me About Id - E2M8
13. Dust to Dust - Alundra
14. Stairway to hell - Beavis & Butthead SNES
15. Red Beast - Tokyo Xtreme Racer Zero

31. Blood Jungle - Final Doom TNT

32. ??? (got it off of VGMusic but can't remember which game.)

16. Castlevania SOTN: Crystal Teardrop

17. Collosia, Chamber 2 - Secrets of Evermore
18. Viper Manor - Chrono Cross OST
19. On the Hunt (E1M6)
20. Deaths Bells - TNT Evilution
21. Descent 2 OST - Briefing
22. Heretic - River of Fire
23. Demons on the Prey (E1M7)
24. Agony Rhapsody - Final Doom TNT
25. Ys (Famicom) - Mountain Pass
26. Into Retrowaves City
27. Chrono Cross OST 3-03 Fates ~ God of Fate
28. Old RuneScape Soundtrack: Spooky
29. Stonekeep - Gate of the Ancients
30. Stars - Stuart Rynn (MAP31 SOD)

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