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1. Think: Individually, the participant will determine if the specified act is a terrorist act based
on his understanding of the law.
2. Pair: Then, the participant will pair with another participant.
3. Share: The partners will then discuss their thoughts about their answers and fill out the
matrix below by indicating the applicable laws and penalty for the indicated crimes committed.

One group will be asked to share its output.

Designation of the Crime and Imposable Penalty

Crime Age of Victim: Under 16 years 16 years old but 18 years old and
Committed old or demented under 18 years above
Acts of lasciviousness committed
against children exploited in
prostitution or other sexual abuse
Sexual assault committed against
children exploited in prostitution or
other sexual abuse
Sexual intercourse committed
against children exploited in
prostitution or other sexual abuse
Rape by carnal knowledge
Rape by sexual assault

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