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(Approved by AICTE, NEW DELHI and Affiliated to JNTUK,KAKINADA)

Name of the Student:

Name of the College:

Registration Number:

Period of Internship: From: To:

Name & Address of the Intern Organization:

An Internship Report
Payment Gateway



M.Narayanamma (20NN1A1295)
R.Srikala (20NN1A12B5)
N.Gnana pujitha (20NN1A1280)
G.D.Venkata Ahalya (20NN1A1277)


Associate Professor



(Approved by AICTE, NEW DELHI and Affiliated to JNTUK KAKINADA)


We here by declare that the work described in this community service project work
entitled “Wheather App with Express and Node.” which is submitted by us in partial
fulfillment of the academic requirements in Bachelor of technology in the Department of
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY to the Vignan’s Nirula Institute of Technology and Science
for women, affiliated to Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada, Andhra
Pradesh is the result of work done by us under the guidance of B.Swathi sri, Associate
Professor. The Work is original and has not been submitted for any degree/diploma of this
or any other university.




(Approved by AICTE, NEW DELHI and Affiliated to JNTUK KAKINADA)

Official Certification
This is to certify that___________________________________ (Name of the student)Reg.No.
Has completed his/her internship in ________________________(Name of the intern
organisation) on ________________________________(Title of the Internship) under my
supervision as a part of partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of
_________________________________________________________________________(Name of the

Faculty Guide

Head of the Department

Certificate from Intern Organization


The completion of any project depends upon cooperation, coordination and combined
efforts of several sources of knowledge. This report acknowledges a number of
guidance, supervision, stimulation and a lot of inspiration from numerous people.
First Of all, we thank the almighty for the blessings that have been showered upon us
to complete this project work successfully. Our grateful regards to our beloved Principal,
Dr.P.Radhika for her constant support and motivation.

We are thankful to Dr.V.Lashman Narayana, Associate Professor, Head of the

Department of information technology, for her extended and continuous support,
valuable guidance and timely advice in the completion of this project thesis.

It is our privilege to express our sincerest regards to our project guide, Dr.B.Swathi Sri,
Associate Professor, for her valuable inputs, valuable guidance, encouragement, whole-
hearted cooperation and constructive support through out the duration of our project.
We take the opportunity to thank all our lectures who have directly or indirectly
helped our project. We pay our respects and love to our parents and all other family
members and friends for their love and encouragement throughout our career. Last
but not the least we express our thanks to our friends for their cooperation and



Contrary to popular belief, an internship isn’t about organising a filing cabinet or fetching coffee
for your boss. The responsibilities of an intern has evolved. In many internships programs, you’ll
find yourself working on project, managing a small team and even working along some
executives. It’s important you enter your internship with the right mindset. If you don’t know
what to expect from your internship role, you’ll be better prepared and know what you need to do
to succeed. Also, carrying out your intern responsibilities successfully will assist you in building
up a potent skillset that will shine in your next role.

An intern is a trainee who has signed on with an organisation for a brief period. An intern’s goal
is to gain work experience, occasionally some university credit, and always an overall feel for the
industry they’re interning in. Internships may be paid, partially paid, or unpaid. However, there
has been an increase in the number of paid internship opportunities, woo! The engagement period
may range from a handful of weeks up to 2 years. With longer-term internships, you’ll almost
always be compensated in some way. The compensation may include a monthly wage,
accommodation, travel expenses, and a food allowance. Other benefits could be a stipend gym
membership or even a personal laptop. It’s also not uncommon to receive a full-time offer upon
completion of your internship with a company. Studies show that employers like to hire interns
and use their internships as well to source new talent for their company.

The genesis of Talentio in 2016 is the fructification of the market need to have access to realistic,
measurable, reliable, and industry-oriented training programs that DELIVER RESULTS. Backed
by a team of strong Leaders who have over 2 centuries of expertise in leading organisations like
IBM, Indian Airforce, Merittrac, TCS, Tech Mahindra, LG Life Sciences, FastBooking India
(Subsidiary of ACCOR) in the areas of Talent Management, Talent Acquisition, Employee
Engagement, Learning and Development, the organisation is having the right understanding of
what is required to help the students to get their dream jobs. They have become thought leaders
by virtue of their contributions in the above areas to the industry at large.
Our scientific approach to training driven by Data Analytics focuses on Driving Right Behaviour,
Right Training for Right Group, ensuring trained graduates who could be productive for
industries from day one. The most trusted and dependable one-stop solution training partner for
delivering results in skills development. The values of these organization are Integrity, Passion,
Ownership, Excellence and Innovation.
They firmly believe in the age-old saying “Where there is a Will there’s a Way“, we, therefore,
focus on developing the Will, while we build the Skill in our students. They act as Enablers to
the students in their journey to get equipped to be gainfully employed. There programs focuses
on Habit Building for it (Habit Building) is the foundation of all Success. They don’t believe in
the quote “One size fits all”, our programs are highly customised and based on the current levels
of the students and the requirements of the colleges. However, if the college wants to choose any
of our “off-the-shelf” training programs, they have a variety of programs that they can choose
from. The centric approach for training focuses on the key matrices like placements, Reduction
of training cost, Increase in high package salaries, Better job profiles and Better recruiting brands



Day& Brief description of the Person

Daily activity incharge
Date Learning Outcome Signature

HTML Introduction & basics. Basic Knowledge &

Implementation of HTML
attributes, heading tags
and other basic tags.

HTML Styles and Formatting & Implementation of HTML

HTML forms. styles and creating HTML

HTML CSS, HTML Links, Images & Implementation of CSS

Tables. styles in HTML (Inline
styling, internal and
External styling.

HTML tables, list and Blocks & Building a static

Inline. webpages by including
some tables and styles.

HTML Frames , Classes & ID. Implementation of Class

and ID attributes.

HTML Semantics and Including the file path

File paths& Layout. describes the location of a
file in a website’s folder


Objective of the Activity Done: To get knowledge and implementation of HTML, CSS

Detailed Report:
HTML is the most common markup language for web pages. It provides basic
instructions for how to display text, images, links, and other content on a page.
HTML also provides instructions for how to link one page to another page or site. The
HTML standard was created in 1990 by Tim Berners-Lee while he was working at CERN
in Switzerland.

HTML provides the basic structure for content on the web. It consists of tags, which are
enclosed in angle brackets, and it contains both content and metadata about that
HTML tags are what add meaning to your HTML code, and they tell browsers how to
display your content. Tags come in pairs of opening and closing tags, such as <tag
name>, </tag name>, which tells a browser that everything between these two tags
should be displayed as a tag name operation wants.

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used to describe the look and
formatting of HTML documents.
It’s a very important part of the website development process that helps create a
consistent experience for users. It can be used to specify fonts, colors, spacing, layout and
other aspects of the web page’s presentation.

It’s a very important part of the website development process that helps create a
consistent experience for users. It can be used to specify fonts, colors, spacing, layout and
other aspects of the web page’s presentation.

• CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets.

• It is a set of instructions that tell browsers how to display content on the page.
• It can be applied to HTML or XML documents.
• It can also be embedded in an HTML document as a style tag with the
type=”text/css” attribute.
• CSS is often used as a styling tool for web design and development.

CSS describes how HTML and XML documents are presented on screen, on paper,
in speech, or on other media.
CSS styles can be applied to any HTML element. These styles are usually applied to the
HTML element’s class attribute or ID attribute.


Day Person
& Brief description of the daily Incharge
Date Learning Outcome Signature

JavaScript Introduction and Differences between let &

Comments & Variables (let & const) const and Implementation
and Datatypes. of basics JS statements.

JavaScript Operators and Functions. Implementation of JS

functions and Operators.

JavaScript Arrays & Array Methods Implementation of JS

and about Bigint. Arrays & it’s Methods.

JavaScript Strings & String Methods. Implementation of JS

Strings & it’s Methods.

JavaScript Dates & Date formats and Implementation of Date

JavaScript math(random) object and date formats
also usage of Math objects
in programs.

JavaScript iterative & Conditional Implementation of

statements. looping statements and
conditional statements.


Objective of the Activity Done: To get Knowledge and implementation of JS language.

Detailed Report:
JavaScript is most popular programming language of the web. JavaScript is to program
the behaviour of web pages. It allows us to make web pages more interactive whereas
HTML and CSS just give structure and style to the web pages. The first ever JavaScript
was created by Brendan Eich at Netscape and has since been updated to conform to
ECMA-262 and later versions.

In this JS session we have gained knowledge about the JavaScript variables, comments,
operators and their implementation. we have implemented the different methods of
arrays and string which are present in JS. The dates and the date formats are
implemented using JS.

JavaScript is a lightweight due to the fact that it has low CPU usage, is easy to implement
and has minimal syntax.JS runs in the browser even though it has complex logic to get
JavaScript helps to create the dynamic websites. It consist of functions which are treated
as objects. They may have properties and methods just like another object.

We have understood that JavaScript was created in the first place for DOM manipulation.
Web Development can be made using the JS by adding the interactivity and behaviour to
static sites .Web applications ,server applications can be done using the JS programming

Not only websites , but JavaScript also helps in creating games for leisure. JavaScript is
being used in all possible devices and applications .It can also be used to build an
application for non-web contexts. The features and uses of JavaScript make it a powerful
tool for creating mobile applications.

Based on the knowledge gained on JS we have started to implement the basic websites
using JS at the initial stage and developed a dynamic website using all the elements of
the JS.
We also tried to create a web application of our own choice using JS .
The main Objective JS which is a scripting language is enabling us to:
• Create dynamically updating content.
• Control multimedia
• Animation of images


Day Person In-

Brief description of the daily
&Da Learning Outcome Charge
te signature

Static webpage-(basic) Creating structure with

HTML, style with CSS and
making it interactive with

Hosting a static website. Creating a SIGN-UP page.


Website with CSS frame work. Creating a website with a

CSS frame work.

Website with bootstrap. Creating a website with


Portfolio website. Creating a Portfolio


Resume Website. Creating an online resume


Objective of the Activity Done: Wheather App with Express and Node

Detailed Report:
In this session We create a Wheather App Using Express and NodeJs
We create a Wheather App shown in below in this Session.

Wheather forecasting is very necessary for our daily lives.It helps us to prepare
And make plans depending on the expectations.Many wheather stations are placed
Around the world fetching real-time wheathers element data.

This data includes six elements,such as precipitation ,wind,atmospheric,cloudiness,

And temperature. With these, you can analyze trends and know the prediction of
tomorrow’s data or forecast the weather.Most of these large chunks of data are
processed at base stations using powerful and sophisticated systems. They then share
this data, (either analyzed over a long time or real-time data) through APIs. Companies
that do this includes OpenWeatherMap and Dark Sky.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to build a beautiful weather app using
OpenWeatherMap API.pressure, cloudiness, and temperature. With these, you can
analyze trends and know the prediction of tomorrow’s data or forecast the weather.

Most of these large chunks of data are processed at base stations using powerful and
sophisticated systems. They then share this data, (either analyzed over a long time or
real-time data) through APIs. Companies that do this includes OpenWeatherMap and
Dark Sky.


Day Person In-

Brief description of the daily
& Date Learning Outcome Charge

Node-JS Introduction & Node-JS Basic Knowledge about

Modules. Node-JS and it’s Modules.

Node-JS HTTP Modules. Implementation of Node-

JS HTTP Modules.

Node-JS File System. Implementation of Node-

JS File System Modules.

Node-JS URL Module. Implementation of

Node-JS URL Modules.

Node-JS NPM Implementation of

Node JS NPM Package

Node-JS upload files. Implementation of

Formidable module.


Objective of the Activity Done: To get Knowledge and implementation of Node JS.

Detailed Report:
Node.js is an opensource server environment.Node.js allows you to run JavaScript on the
server. Node.js is a very powerful JavaScript-based platform built on Google Chrome's
JavaScript V8 Engine. It is used to develop I/O intensive web applications like video
streaming sites, single-page applications, and other web applications. Node js is initially
developed by Ryan Dahl.
Node.js is open source, completely free, and used by thousands of developers around
the world. Many of the basic modules of Node.js are written in JavaScript. Node.js is
mostly used to run real-time server applications.
In this session we have learnt the features and main objectives of node js.Node.js is built
on Google Chrome's V8 JavaScript Engine, so its library is very fast in code execution.
Node.js follows a single threaded model with event looping. Node.js is highly scalable
because event mechanism helps the server to respond in a non-blocking way.
We have gained knowledge on the HTTP modules ,Node js file system modules ,node js
URL modules, npm packages ,formidable module of node js .Node. js is sometimes
misunderstood by developers as a backend framework that is exclusively used to
construct servers. This is not the case; Node. js can be used on the frontend as well as the
backend. NodeJS to build dynamic websites and web apps. Current Node. js examples of
major websites thriving thanks to its platform include the likes of Netflix, PayPal,
LinkedIn, and more. These names are not underground by any means.
There are many applications that can be made using node js such as real time chat
application which is mostly used now a days, IOT, E-commerce platform, websites with
server-side rendering ,command line tools and many more .Initially we have tried to
implement few applications using NodeJS and tried to implement an application of our
own choice .
The node js provides better efficiency and overall developer productivity as :
• code sharing and reuse.
• Speed and performance
• Easy knowledge sharing within a team
• A huge number of free tools


Day Person In-

& Brief description of the daily
Date Learning Outcome Charge

Express-JS Introduction. Basic Knowledge about


Express-JS Routing. Implementation of

routing an express-JS
[Implementation of

Express-JS HTTP methods Implementation of HTTP

and DELETE).

Express-JS URL Building. Implementation of

routing an Express

Express-JS Templating. Implementation of ‘PUG’

which is a very powerful
templating engine.

Express-JS Authentication. Creating a single pape

using Express-JS.

Objective of the Activity Done: To get knowledge and implementation of Express js

Detailed Report:

Express js is a node js web application framework that provides broad features for
building web and mobile applications. It is used to build a single page,multipage, and
hybrid web application .It’s a layer built on the top of the Node js that helps manage
servers and routes .It was developed by TJ Holowaychuk,StrongLoop and many others.It
was initially released in November 2010 and is currently on major version 4 of the API
Express js was created to make APIs and web applications with ease. It saves a lot of
coding time almost by half and still makes web and mobile applications are efficient. The
main features of express js is that it is fast server -side development, middle ware,
routing ,templating ,debugging.
There are many advantages of using express js .Few of them are express js is fast to link
it with databases like MYSQL,MongoDB etc.It allows dynamic rendering of HTML pages
Based on passing arguments templates.
There are many applications that can be done using express js .Real time chats ,complex
single page applications ,real time collaboration tools , streaming apps,microservices
architecture.We have developed few applications using both express js and node js and
implemented it .
The main objective of creating Express js frame work is:

• Time efficient
• Fast
• Economical
• Easy to learn
• Asynchronous


Day Person In-

Date Brief description of the daily Learning Outcome Charge
activity signature

React-JS Introduction and Conditionals. Basic Knowledge on


React-JS ES6. Basic Knowledge &

Implementation of ES6
(ECMAScript 6).

ES6 Variables ,Classes & Arrow Implementation of ES6

functions. Classes and Arrow

ES6 Array methods and Operators Implementation of Array

and Modules. methods and some

React render HTML & React JSX. Implementation of

function & React-JSX.

React Classes,Props & React CSS Styling react using CSS.


ObjectiveoftheActivityDone:To get knowledge and implementation of React JS


The React. js framework is an open-source JavaScript framework and library developed

by Facebook. It's used for building interactive user interfaces and web applications
quickly and efficiently with significantly less code than you would with vanilla
JavaScript. React was originally created by Jordan Walke. Today, React has over a
thousand open source contributors.
React is a front-end JavaScript library. React is capable of making API calls (sending the
request to the backend), which deal with the data. React cannot process the database or
the data source itself.React is a front-end JavaScript library. React is capable of making
API calls (sending the request to the backend), which deal with the data. React cannot
process the database or the data source itself.
React’s primary role in an application is to handle the view layer of that application just
like the V in a model-view-controller (MVC) pattern by providing the best and most
efficient rendering execution.
There are many important features of React js which we have understood through this
session.They are JSX(java script Extenssion) which is the combination of HTML and
Javascript , Virtual DOM , One – way Data Binding , good performance , condtional
statements and its components.
Through this session we have gained knowledge on real time applications which uses
the React js to improve its performance and efficiency. Few companies which uses react
js are Bloomberg , Facebook , Uber Eats, Discord,Instagram.
The major advantages of using React js are:
• Build Rich User Interfaces
• Offer Fast Rendering
• Offer Better Code Stability
• ReactJS Is Very Flexible


Day Person In-

Brief description of the daily
&Da LearningOutcome ChargeSig
te nature

MongoDB Introduction. Basic Knowledge on


MongoDB Query API. Basic Knowledge on

CRUD Operations &
Aggregation Pipelines.

Create Database. Creating& Connecting to

the Database using

CRUD Operations & Aggregations. Implementation of CRUD

Operations &

MongoDB & Node-JS Database Implementating a

Interaction . Connectivity between
MongoDB & Node-JS

MongoDB Schema Validation. Basic Knowledge on

MongoDB Schema


Objective of the Activity Done:To getknowledge on Mongo DB and its implementation

Detailed Report:

MongoDB is a source-available cross-platform document-oriented database program.

Classified as a No SQL database program, MongoDB uses JSON-like documents with
optional schemas. MongoDB is developed by MongoDB Inc. and licensed under the
Server Side Public License which is deemed non-free by several distributions. MongoDB
is a document database. It stores data in a type of JSON format called BSON.MongoDB
was founded in 2007 by Dwight Merriman, Eliot Horowitz and Kevin Ryan.

MongoDB is a document database used to build highly available and scalable internet
applications. With its flexible schema approach, it's popular with development teams
using agile methodologies.MongoDB is widely used for storing product information and
details by finance and e-commerce companies. You can even store the product catalogue
of your brand in it. MongoDB can also be used to store and model machine-generated
There are many important features that we have learnt through this session.Few of them
are :
• Ad-hoc queries for optimized, real-time analytics.
• Indexing appropriatelyfor better query executions.
• Replication for better data availability and stability
• Load balancing.
There are many applications that can be developed using Mongo DB connectivity.One of
them is Aadhar Project.It is using MongoDB as its database to store a massive amount of
demographic and biometric data of more than 1.2 billion Indians. MongoDB is being
used for the storage of images in the Aadhar project.
Advantages of using Mongo DB are :
• Full cloud-based developer data platform.
• Flexible document schemas.
• Widely supported and code-native data access.
• Change-friendly design.
• Powerful querying and analytics.
• Easy horizontal scale-out with sharding


Day Person In-

Brief description of the daily
&Da Learning Outcome ChargeSig
te nature

Prototype of Project. Deciding and Preparing a

USING MERN(MongoDB ,Express-JS,
React-JS & Node-JS)’).

Building UI of the App. Creating a Guest Page,

Home Page and Profile
Page etc.

Set-Up server. Set-up Server and

Dynamically render

Implementing Authentication. Creating a Sign-up and

Login pages for users.

Routing and MVN patterns. Implementing routing and

MVN patterns.

Database & It’s Connectivity. Building models for

database & connecting
database to server.

Day Person In-
& Brief description of the daily
Date Learning Outcome Charge

Introduction about Socket.IO Implementation of


live chart using Socket.IO Building a live chart using


Validate the Project. Adding Validators and

Security features to the

Project Completion. Successfully Completed the

“Social media web
Day–10 application using MERN”.



WEEK–8 & 9

Objective of the Activity Done: PROJECT:

“ Wheather App Express and Node.js”
Detailed Report:
We Build this wheather App Express and Node.js(ExpressJS,ReactJS and NodeJs).The
main objective is to Build a full stack web application - OurApp (a social media app)
using Node.JS, Express.Js, EJS (Template Engine for server-side rendering).

Our App is a simple real-world application where users can write short tweets, follow
each other and also chat with each other.
Project Stages
We can divide the project based on the stack used:
• HTML, CSS, Bootstrap: Building the UI of the application
• Serving HTML dynamically and use of EJS (template engine)
• Familiarising the NodeJS environment
• ExpressJS: Framework for creating servers.
• Socket.IO: Building live chatting feature.

Task 1

Prototyping the Application and environment setup :

• Explore the OurApp's demo
node.js must be installed on your machine. You may use npm or yarn to get
started h the necessary dependencies' installation for this project er later in this

• A MongoDB atlas account to manage your data in the cloud.

t familiarised with chrome dev tools. Elements panel in the dev tool can be used
to ect DOM or CSS (Optional).
• This is a Node.js app built using Express.Js framework to build the web server .
Task:2 OpenWeatherMap
When you want to play around with APIs, OpenWeatherMap is a great place to start.
They actually have 11 different APIs (all related to weather) that you can access.For this
project we’ll be using the Free ‘Current Weather’ API. Head on over to this link and sign
up for an account. All you need is an email address and password.Once signed in, select
the API keys tab. From Here you can Create a Key on the right hand side of the page. Enter
a name (anything works) and select generate. Your API Key will appear on the left. Copy
this key for later. Task
Task 4
Using FireBase database with Express server by following the MVC
• At this point of the project, the integration of the database must be
completed. You should have got an idea about the MVC architecture
which we will be building from the next task. Get hands-on with

Task 5

Implementing user registration and login

In this task, we will be building the authentication for the app. Let's divide this task into
smaller steps: 1. Building models for users. 2. Hashing the password before storing it in
the database. 3. Implementing session-based authentication. 4. Using Gravatar for User
profile photos.

Task 6
Implementing core functionalities of users
In this task, we will be building the core functionalities of the app. Let's divide
this task into
smaller steps:
1. Building the model for posts.
2. Letting users create and edit their posts.
3. Letting users follow each other.
4. User dashboard will consist of posts of the other users that they follow.

Task 7

Implementing the Wheather app:



Describe the work environment you have experienced

A work environment in a job description by creating an accurate picture of what potential

employees can expect by explaining your company's core values and the experience of current
employees. You can also get into the company's brand, history, target audience, and goals for the
future. For example, an office will have workstations, IT equipment and printing facilities. A
hospital will have several different departments, each with its own specialist equipment.

The furnishings will also impact the work environment. Every employee experience is comprised
of three environments: the physical environment, the cultural environment, and the technological
environment as seen below. We have all heard of corporate culture and the many ways to
describe it.

Describe the Real time technical skills you have acquired(interms of the job-
related skills and hands on experience)

Technical skills are the abilities or the knowledge you need to perform a specific task. They are
often considered a hard skill, or a skill you learned through education or training. The interesting
thing about the modern job market is that almost everyone needs some technical skills to do their
jobs. Technical skills are important because almost every profession requires some form of them.
With the rise of computer technology and globalization, everything from the food service
industry to real estate comes with technical skills.More and more, technical skills differentiate
candidates during the job application process. A good candidate may have a few necessary skills,
but a great candidate will have several technical skills that proves they are ready to contribute
right away.Technical skills also keep employees sharp. By continuing to develop your comfort
with new technologies, you expand your abilities and grow as a professional. The real time
technical skills are Data analysis, Coding and programming, Social media skills, Project
management and Technical writing.In these we are mostly concentrate on coding and
programming skills. Coding and programming often go hand-inhand, but they’re not the same
thing. Coding is basically taking regular language and translating it into something the computer
understands. Many people have a remedial understanding of a little coding, like using HTML to
create page breaks or underlining.Programming is more involved as it’s part of software
development and includes planning, design, testing, and deployment. Not every profession needs
coders and programmers but those computer jobs sure do.We have learned programming
technical skills-HTML,CSS and JAVASCRIPT. Apart from this, other technical skills that
organizations should look for in Node.js developers is their proficiency when it comes to
managing the workaround of asynchronous programming.We also learned other technical skills
like Express.js ,React.js and MongoDB.We also developed static web page by using all above
Technical skills.

Describe how you could improve your communication skills

Communication skills are the abilities you use when giving and receiving different kinds of
information. Some examples include communicating new ideas, feelings or even an update on
your project. Communication skills involve listening, speaking, observing and empathising. It is
also helpful to understand the differences in how to communicate through face-to-face
interactions, phone conversations and digital communications like email and social media. Active
Listening :
Active listening means paying close attention to the person who is speaking to you. People who
are active listeners are well-regarded by their co-workers because of the attention and respect
they offer others. While it seems simple, this is a skill that can be hard to develop and improve.
You can be an active listener by focusing on the speaker, avoiding distractions like cell phones,
laptops or other projects and by preparing questions, comments or ideas to thoughtfully respond.
Adapting your communication style to your audience:
Different styles of communication are appropriate in different situations. To make the best use
of your communication skills, it’s important to consider your audience and the most effective
format to communicate with them.
In friendships, characteristics such as honesty and kindness often foster trust and understanding.
The same characteristics are important in workplace relationships. When you’re working with
others, approach your interactions with a positive attitude, keep an open mind and ask questions
to help you understand where they’re coming from. Small gestures such as asking someone how
they’re doing, smiling as they speak or offering praise for work well done can help you foster
productive relationships with both colleagues and managers.
Confidence :In the workplace, people are more likely to respond to ideas that are presented with
confidence. There are many ways to appear confident such as making eye contact when you’re
addressing someone, sitting up straight with your shoulders open and preparing ahead of time so
your thoughts are polished. You’ll find confident communication comes in handy not just on the
job but during the job interview process as well. Giving and receiving feedback Strong
communicators can accept critical feedback and provide constructive input to others. Feedback
should answer questions, provide solutions or help strengthen the project or topic at hand.
Volume and clarity: When you’re speaking, it’s important to be clear and audible. Adjusting your
speaking voice so you can be heard in a variety of settings is a skill and it’s critical to
communicating effectively. Speaking too loudly may be disrespectful or awkward in certain
settings. If you’re unsure, read the room to see how others are communicating.
Empathy: Empathy means that you can understand and share the emotions of others. This
communication skill is important in both team and one-on-one settings. In both cases, you will
need to understand other people’s emotions and select an appropriate response. For example, if
someone is expressing anger or frustration, empathy can help you acknowledge and diffuse their
emotion. At the same time, being able to understand when someone is feeling positive and
enthusiastic can help you get support for your ideas and projects.
Respect: A key aspect of respect is knowing when to initiate communication and respond. In a
team or group setting, allowing others to speak without interruption is seen as a necessary
communication skill. Respectfully communicating also means using your time with someone else
wisely—staying on topic, asking clear questions and responding.
Understanding nonverbal cues: A great deal of communication happens through nonverbal cues
such as body language, facial expressions and eye contact. When you’re listening to someone,
you should be paying attention to what they’re saying as well as their nonverbal language. By the
same measure, you should be conscious of your body language when you’re communicating to
ensure you’re sending appropriate cues to others.
Responsiveness :Whether you’re returning a phone call or sending a reply to an email, fast
communicators are viewed as more effective than those who are slow to respond. One method is
to consider how long your response will take. Is this a request or question you can answer in the
next five minutes? If so, it may be a good idea to address it as soon as you see it. If it’s a more
complex request or question, you can still acknowledge that you’ve received the message and let
the other person know you will respond in full later.

Describe the technological developments you have observed and relevant to the
subject area of training(focus on digital technologies relevant to your job role)

There is plenty being written about the bright future digital technologies are purportedly bringing
to the business world. But when it comes to jobs and careers, the conversation gets gloomy.
Expect plenty of jobs to be automated or supplanted by artificial intelligence, they tell us from
truck drivers to journalists to doctors and even lawyers. The rise of digital has ramifications for
every job, and the transition to a digital economy will carry its share of pain. At the same time,
embracing the forces of change can also open up new opportunities. It's a matter of knowing
where to look, and how to embrace the changes. For those working in companies with inspired
and forward-thinking management, there will be a lot of support on the journey. If your
company's management is less than inspired or mired in calcified thinking, it may be time to start
thinking more entrepreneurially. Digital technologies demand a range of skills, from cloud
architecture to social media. Many occupations, such as scientists, now require some level of
programming skills. The role of digital technology in a company’s long-term development is to
avoid undesirable experience in the normal situation and continue being competitive in
forthcoming markets.
This offers a comprehensive study on the role of digital technologies and its important impact on
employees in the competitive world. A measure for the role of digital technologies and employee
experience was built and tested for its reliability and validity. Descriptive statistics were used to
understand the importance of digital technology and its impact on the employee experience in
Indian firms.The results show that if a company has to thrive through these testing times, the
only solution is through the integration of technology into their organizational structure. The
results also show that technological resolutions offer sustainable compensations across the
business segments, and companies should emphasize investing in updating employee’s skill sets.
Through the survey, it was also evident that organizations and institutions irrespective their size
or market share had to incorporate employee development including basic technological know-
how apart from technical skill sets.



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