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Arthur Joyce P.


Using Online Learning Platforms in Teaching

by Anna Lorraine H. Tamayo, LPT, MaEd

It has been almost two years since the pandemic surprisingly aggravated the world. This
has led to the entire shift of how people live and work. It would be a financial mess if there
would be a full halt due to the pandemic. That is why people are adjusting to the new normal of
living. Most transactions and works are now done via online platforms. This is to limit the social
interaction between people and also to practice social distancing. As long as the pandemic is
still continuing, most activities will be done online. As with education, authorities have decided to
continue the academic year using online learning platforms and modules.

As we all know, modules are for students who struggle with obtaining an internet
connection at their homes. On the other hand, online lessons are for those students who have
an internet connection at their disposal. But the problem with online lessons is that they may
have an internet connection but connection is unstable. Teachers then need to be creative and
innovative to think of ways on how to deal with these new challenges.Online learning platforms
provide a safe learning environment where students can take online courses. It is a system of
information wherein they can do certain educational activities. Some of these online learning
platforms are Kahoots, Jamboard, Padlet and of course Google. In Google, there are several
platforms that are being currently used by many. Google Meet pretty much works the same as
Zoom. A number of people can conduct a video conference and this has been helpful in having
a lesson. The problem with Zoom is that there were issues regarding its security. Some
students and teachers have experienced inappropriate videos from uninvited people. In Google,
we can also produce presentations, documents and spreadsheets. These can all be saved
safely in Google Drives which is accessible anytime and anywhere. When it comes to exams,
Google Forms are widely used by teachers. This is also used in surveys or feedback after

Online learning platforms have its setbacks and breakthroughs. But we cannot deny the
fact that these platforms have been of great help during this pandemic. It has helped us create
strategies for more efficient delivery. With practice and experience, teachers can choose which
platform works the best for the activities and lessons being planned. This does not come easy
and it requires investment in time, effort and even subscriptions to fully benefit from the services
of the platform.

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