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Republic of the Philippines


F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines

College of Education

NAME: ___________________________________________________________ DATE: ______________________

GRADE: __________________________________________________________SCORE: _____________________

ACTIVITY: Electroscope

LEARNING COMPETENCY: The learners should observe the movement of electric charge
by observing the aluminum foils reaction to conduction.


In this science activity you will explore how well materials around the house produce
static electricity by making a simple, homemade electroscope (an instrument that detects
electric charges) and testing it out.


Metal hanger (uncoated) or copper wire Glass jar Straw

Scissors Cardboard Electrical tape Hot glue gun

Pliers Piece of Styrofoam Piece of wool

PROCEDURE: Preparatory Work

 Cut a 3-inch piece of the straw.

 Trace the opening of your jar on the cardboard and cut out
the resulting circle.

 Punch a hole through the center of the circle that is big

enough to fit the straw through.

Pierre S. Lalaqui/BSED/Sciences
Republic of the Philippines
F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines

College of Education

 Insert the straw into the hole and firmly secure it with
hot glue.

 Cut the straight part off the metal coat hanger.

 Use the pliers to twist one end of the wire into a spiral.

 Insert the straight end of the wire through the straw and
create a small hook on the other end of the wire.

 Cut out two drop-shaped aluminum pieces, about 1-2

inches long. At their top, cut out a small hole.
 Flatten both aluminum pieces and hang them on the
hook of the wire. Make sure they both touch each other.

 Place the wire with the aluminum pieces into the jar and
tape the lid to the jar with electrical tape. Now you have
completed building your electroscope.

Pierre S. Lalaqui/BSED/Sciences
Republic of the Philippines
F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines

College of Education



 To test your electroscope, create some static electricity by rubbing the

Styrofoam on a piece of wool. Rub the Styrofoam several times with the wool.

Question: How do you think this creates electric


 Quickly hold the electrically charged Styrofoam close to the coiled part of the
metal wire on your electroscope. Be sure not to touch the wire! Watch what
happens to the aluminum pieces inside the electroscope.

Question: What do you observe?

 Now, remove the Styrofoam from the vicinity of

the wire.

Question: What do you notice?

 Charge the Styrofoam again by rubbing it against the

wool and this time touch the metal coil with the
charged Styrofoam. Then remove the Styrofoam from
the coil.

Question: What happens this time?

Pierre S. Lalaqui/BSED/Sciences

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