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PH300S,600S-SERIES Parallel Operation PH300S,600S Parallel Operation Contents 1. Introduction 2. Precautions 3. Connection Circuit of Parallel Operation 4. Cautions for Wiring 5. Parallel Operation 6. N+1 redundant Operation Sail, 13/M4P/ 78 | AM NEMIC-LAMBDA PH300S,600S-SERIES Parallel Operation S228 1. INTORDUCTION PH300S, 600S series are applicable to operate in parallel with an extemal circuit using CS signal terminal There are 2 different kinds of parallel operation, (1) Parallel Operation It Is possible to enhance the output when load ‘current can not be supplied by only one power ‘modulo oF to improve the reliability by derating ‘the output power of each module. (2). N+1 Parallel Redundant Operation For power supply that is required high reliability, it Is possible to achieve the requirement by using N+1 units of power modules for the load ‘of Nuits, In N+4 units of parallel operation, even through fone of the power modules is felled the performance of the system shall be maintained ‘because the other units cover the failure module ‘and share the load currents. 2. PRECUATIONS ‘There are several basic cautions and warnings in parallel operation of PH800S, 6008 series. + Externally attach a control circuit of parallel operation in each power module. + Available to use 11 units maximum of power ‘modules in identical model (same output power ‘and veltago.) + Use specified components follow by explanations of basic connection in Instruction Manual at input and output side. + Set the accuracy of the output voltage within 4% to adjust the output voltage, * Sot tho maximum load current below 95% of ‘sum of the nominal output current values. + Use same length and size of output load lines between power module and load in paralio! connection, 3. CONNECTION CIRCUIT OF PARALLEL OPEARTION (@) Basic Connection Circuit of Parallel Operation Paral! Operation ccontal Great ot Paral! Operation Figure3-1 Basic Connection Circuit of Parallel Operation cob RE wv al BE El nay oe pone Gene Figure3.2 Control Circuit fo Paral Operation PH300S,600S-SERIES Parallel Operation S224 Basie circuit connection is shown in Figures-1, For ‘control circuit of parallel operation, individually ‘connect a cifcuit shown in Figures-2 to each PH3O0S, 600$ series of power module of parallel operation. () Control Circuit of Peraliel Operation ) Parallol Operation {n case that the output of PH modules are ‘connected in parallel without control circuit of parallel operation, current starts to flow from a power module with higher output voltage as Increasing the load current. This state may be ‘continued until the output voltage drops to be equal to the other modules by dynamic load or descending voltage in load wire or high output ‘module becomes over current protection condition and output voltage decreases. Do net operate in such conditions because the foad may be unbalanced and charges to only one power module. To attach control circuits of parallel operation, the load current in each power module can be ‘monitored, and the output voltage of modules with less load current may be increased, Then the load current may be balanced (2) Terminal Explanation of Figures-2 cs CS terminal of each module shall be connected. Shorten a wie length trom CS terminal to At input terminal as much as possible to avoid noise affects. Unavoidably the wie is long, then altach a ‘capacitor (approx. 1yF) between CS terminal and ‘Viermina Negative voltage is generated at CS terminal in Proportion tothe output current. Figure3-3 shows {an example of characteristics of C8 terminal voltage {when CS terminalis opened) Under full {oad condition GS terminal voltage may be approximately -20mV to -80mV basod on -V terminal (-100m\ to -300mV for 28V, 48V output model) CS terminal voltage can be exprossed a8 Vex =-F, 2, by descend of intemal voltage of power module FR: Components of Resistor at internal output Side of PH module 1, : Output Current of PH module Temperature cosicient of, is almost same resistance rate of copper and approximately 4000 pmrc. For CS terminal voltage is a small voltage in negative polarity, Op-Amp At (1/2) is amplifier inverting shown as Figure3-2. For al of PH ‘modules to be in parallel operation, VR shall be adjusted to oquaize wth the voltage at A point at full load, Setting voltage of A point is 3V to BV, and the seting accuracy is within 2%. Voltage adjustment of A point can be adjusted with PC torminal of open circuit. ° “18 CS Terminal Vottage (mV) Output Current (%) Figure3-3 Characteristics of Output Current vs, CS Terminal Voltage (Example : PH300848.5) -~v It is signal ground of CS terminal voltage. A part from the wire to the load, it shall be connected hear output terminal. Equalize connection method and disposition to -V terminal in each module. ‘to Control Circuit of Paralle! Operation Figures-¢ -V Wiring Example 1oG 10G terminal in each module shall be connected. 10G termina in PH module generates LOW output with open collector output at normal operation. In control ciscuit of paraliet operation, connection of PC termina would be cut off by tuning off MOSFET Q1 to uso redundant operation when 10G terminal of PH module abnormally generates HIGH output. PH300S,600S-SERIES Parallel Operation 2222) Vee Its power supplement terminal to contro circuit of parallel operation. Connect 12+1V of stable DC ower supply botwoon -S terminal and. Voc terminal. Control circuit of paraliel operation in out of the above Vec voltage range may be cause of mis-operation such as unstable ioad balance. For modols more than 12V output voltage, Vac can bo supplied by +V showm in Figuro3.5. Curront consumption per module in control circuit of parallel operation is approximately 10mA Attach a ‘capacitor (CE : 104F} for by-pass noise of power supply between Vec terminal and -S terminal in ‘each contol circuit of parallel operation Ccontel Greuit of eral! Operation Cont Creu of Peale! Operaten Figure8.5 Example : V,. Is supplied by +V Pc It is control terminal for parallel operation. tis connected in all of PH modules in parallel ‘operation. Shorten a wire between PC terminals as ‘much as possible. Unavoidably the wire is long, then use twist pair wire or shield wire to avoid noise affects. When PC terminals in parallol operation are ‘mutually connected, voltage of all PC terminal is, the average of PC terminals at open circull. +Input ‘side of intemal Op-Amp At (2/2) of parallel ‘operation in proportion to the output current in the ‘module is supplied. At -input, voltage in proportion to average of total oulpul currents of all the module is supplied. This Op-Amp makes output voltage of PH module with less output current rise by TRM terminal and activates output current in PH module balance. TRM TRM terminal in each PH module is connected Connecting TRM terminal, control circuit of parallel operation adjusts the output voltage of the ‘module and balance the output current It fs GND level of control circuit of parallel ‘operation. internal circuit activates based on -S. It shall be connected to -S terminal of PH module. 'S connection between modules is to be connected one point of earth to avoid electrical potential aitference ot each -S terminal of PH module by voltage drop due to output current. (9) Component Selection Refer to following items to select components in control circuit of parallel operation Op-Amp (A) Use a Op-Amp which has singular power operation and its input common mode voltage range trom OV, Moreover, it shal be low input off set voltage. For an example, uPC842C\NEC) is one of available Op-Amp. Transistor - FET (Q1 - 3) FET (Qt) uses as analog switch. Uso N channel ‘small sighal MOS-FET for general purpose (rated more than 28V, SOMA) Use NPN smal signal type for transistor (Q2 - @4) (rated more than 25V, Soma) Capacitor (C1 - C6) For choosing capacitor(s), refer to values expressed in Figure3-2 and values for each component shown in Table3-2. Use film capacitor or coramic capacitor which has good temperature characteristics. ‘The tolerance shall be fess than +5%. PH300S,600S-SERIES Parallel Operation =e Resistor (R1 - R23, VR) For choosing capacitor(s), refer to values expressed in Figure8-2 and values for each ‘component shown in Table3-2. The tolerance shall be less than +5%, \Values for each Component Values of Capacitor C1, Resistor Rt - Ra, R19, 20, 23, and Variable Resistor VA1 depend on model. Refer to Table 3-1 for components in PH900S260-"and Table3-2 for components. in PH600S280.", PH3008280._PH300S48 aav{_sv| rav| iv] 2a] ev aay c1_| oot | temp | tice soa» | vamp | sep i | vac] tae] 1a] ar] se] 7a] rae fo | ne{ sae] sae] ome| sik] zou] 104 F_| sox | som | soo | sok | 780] avon | 750 fa _| 0%} t20% | sou | s7ox| aoe | sion | ark fi | ax | soe] soe] sox] oor | sox] ow 0 | sex| tam] vs) tsk] sok] tek | 154 as | woe] sox] sim] 47%] ace] ron) 00 vet | sox] sok | 00% | ra0%| aoc | s00K | 200k “Table3-1 PH300S280, PHSOOS48 Values for components Circuit of Parallel Operation In Control PH6008260 asv|_sv| tv] sv] 2a] av] sev Others Values of capacitors and resistors ate recommended values to operate power modules which have components used in basic connection shown in application note. This values may sometimes differ from the optimum values because of components at input and output side and wiring environment. Confitm the performance of the circuit using actual module whon each value is determined. 4. Cautions for Wiring Wiring from Input of AY (1/2) to CS and -V terminals shall be minimum length. Be aware of hoise affects for At (1/2) makes small voltage ‘amplify tens to hundreds times. ‘Also, load wire to united point of each load wire ‘rom output of the power supply shall be minimum length too. Long wiring can be cause of mis: operation cf control circuit of parallel operation. Unavoidably the wire Is long, then attach an ‘approx. 11F capacitor between -V termina and -S terminal. f -S wiring is close by and parallel to load wire, tse shield wire or twist pair wire to connect -S to - V and also -S itself, Without any measure, electrode of -S may be unstable by influences of load wire and mis-operation may be occurred, 5. Parallel Operation (2) Parallel Operation to enhance the output and to improve the rellablty c1_| sea | soe | 0p | a30p | cen | some | soe Ar_| sze| sae] sak] orm] sam] 75k | 10 fe_| sacl rae] sae{ are] sik] rae] 1% a_| sor} seox| 220%] sean | erox | 2oox | sok | zon | 200% | 270K | anc | seoi | 240K | aso rie | su] soe] soc] soe] cox] son | sox Rao | sex | rae] rox| ese] tek | se | t54 fea | sec] rae] im] ame] ac] san | seo romaine | | Hf Te H.. vet | sor] sox] oom | soo | zone | soo] roc Table 3-2 PHE00S280 Values for components in Control Circuit of Parallel Operation igre Patel Operation PH300S,600S-SERIES Parallel Operation 6. N+1 Redundant Operation AT Tea es ha) (@) Net Redundant Operation aprmegomn) | LTT FS J J T Fipno6-1 Net Rehr! Operon Figur-2 Parale! Operation at programmed out vlogs (©) Parallel Operation with adjustable output () Connection of Net Redundant Operation at vetoge programmes cup ete wtnneange 4 T sf | tow oo comowent | HY tH Te tt ran Open Fie 62h Raid pion aves. Srnec toe “mono PH300S,600S-SERIES Parallel Operation 2225 (©) Net Redundant Operation with adjustable output voltage

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