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In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Inquires, Investigation,

and Immersion

(Quantitative Research)

Proposed by:








April, 03 2023
Chapter I



The service industry provides good service quality to its customers to attain a

sustainable competitive advantage. The expanding market segmentation brought

about by more developed economies has now significantly altered consumers'

purchasing preferences for a wide variety of goods and services. On the other hand,

customer satisfaction depends on the quality of service at the restaurant (Jalilvand et

al., 2017). Thus, service quality is a relatively contemporary concept as it creates a

first impression on consumers and affects their perception of quality (Lai, 2015). In

addition, if the importance of the relationship between service quality and customer

satisfaction is decreasing, then companies should be aware of this situation and

reassess how they allocate their resources to become more efficient in terms of their


Nowadays, the restaurant industry is a fast-growing industry in every country

on the globe. So, in order to provide the best food and service quality, the industry

should make efforts to make service quality a benchmark for every customer to gain

a competitive advantage in the restaurant market. In Pakistan, the restaurant

industry is fast growing, and there is a need to briefly look after the phenomenon of

customer satisfaction and service quality in order to make it good and healthy for

people (Murad & Ali 2015). On the other hand, in the UK, a study was conducted in

fast food restaurants regarding customer satisfaction using the SERVQUAL

dimensions (Nguyen et al., 2018). The study of Nguyen et al. found that tangibles
such as reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy had a significant

positive effect on customer satisfaction. In addition, in Australia, a similar study was

also conducted by Lee and Hing. They measured the quality of restaurant operations

using the SERVQUAL dimensions. However, both the study of Nguyen et al. and

Lee and Hing only considered the SERVQUAL dimensions as a factor in determining

customer satisfaction (Ong et al., 2022).

However, there is a general agreement among researchers that the concepts

of customer satisfaction and service quality are extremely interrelated. Although

satisfaction and service quality have similar meanings, they are distinct. Qin and

Prybutok’s (2008) investigation of service quality and customer satisfaction in fast

food restaurants in China using a modified SERVPERF instrument, incorporating an

additional dimension (recoverability), found that the antecedents of customer

satisfaction at the fast-food restaurants in China were service quality, food quality,

and perceived value (Tan, et al., 2014).

Further, in the changing global context, many people want to taste different

foods if they can afford them. So, organizations like restaurants are always ready to

welcome a variety of customers with the best hope that they can satisfy them. A

trading organization, either a restaurant or another organization, always thinks about

its service because service is the ladder of success (Caralde, 2015). In the

Philippines, the effects of customer service quality and product quality on customer

satisfaction and loyalty were studied (Altejar and Dizon, 2019). Referring to the

study, it stated that product quality and customer service quality promote customer

satisfaction and loyalty. Moreover, the study shows that product quality and

customer service play a great role in building customers’ satisfaction and loyalty

(Altjehar & Dizon, 2019).

Most of the studies conducted regarding service quality and customer

satisfaction were centered on the analysis of its performance. Such studies were

only focused on product quality and customer service and did not consider the

importance of factors that influence service quality and customer satisfaction.

Therefore, the specific objective of this study is to determine the level of service

quality and food quality in the services offered by the restaurants and to measure the

effect that service quality has on customer satisfaction, as well as whether service

quality has any significant relationship to customer satisfaction in restaurants in

Barangay Tibal-og.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to assess the level of service quality and customer satisfaction

of restaurants in Barangay Tibal-og.

Specifically, this research seeks to answer the following question.

1. What is the level of service quality of restaurant in Barangay Tibal-og? In

terms of:

1.1 Tangibles

1.2 Reliability

1.3 Responsiveness

1.4 Assurance

1.5 Empathy

1.6 Food Quality

2. What is the level of customer satisfaction of restaurant in Barangay

Tibal-og? In terms of:

2.1 Food Quality

2.2 Atmosphere

2.3 Service Quality

2.4 Convenience

2.5 Price and Value

3. Is there a significant relationship between service quality and customer

satisfaction of restaurant in Barangay Tibal-og?

Null Hypothesis

The researchers shall test the null hypothesis at a 0.05 level of


Ho: There is no significant relationship between service quality and

customer satisfaction of restaurant in Barangay Tibal-og.

Theoretical Framework

Customer satisfaction is often the effect of sufficient service quality, where

service quality is defined as the customer’s perception of the businesses’ long-term

service performance. In the minds of consumers, service quality often includes the

quality of the product and/or the service itself, the demeanour and behaviour of the

employees, how willing the business is to be flexible and responsive. The theory of

service quality and restaurant Empirical studied of service quality, and restaurant

highlight discussion of reliability and empathy are the most common elements that
highlight in restaurant services studies. Studies conducted by Lee et al. (2007)

investigated the internal service quality of restaurants in Jordan found reliability and

empathy are significant to increase the restaurant performance and customer

satisfaction. Another finding found that reliability and tangibles are also elements to

promote more customers to the restaurant (Chowdhary & Prakash, 2007).

Furthermore, Chowdhary and Prakash (2007) claimed elements of assurance and

empathy are needed to have good communication and interpersonal relationship

between this customer satisfaction and service quality. With those elements

mentioned strongly convinced the restaurant to deliver high service quality to

customers. However, the restaurant service quality is difficult to evaluate as the

different assessments made to different service, theme, and operation of the

restaurant. Therefore, the elements of service quality might be useful to drive the

restaurant owners or managers to upgrade and deliver high service quality to the

customers (Chowdhary and Prakash, 2007).

Conceptual Framework

The figure below shows the flow of the study.


 Tangible
 Reliability  Food Quality
 Responsiveness  Atmosphere
 Assurance  Convenience
 Empathy  Price and Value

Figure 1. Conceptual paradigm on service quality and customer satisfaction of

restaurant in Barangay Tibal-og.

Review of Related Literature

Service Quality

The term service has been defined differently in service quality literature.

Service quality has widely discussed in the foodservice industry, and most of the

owner of the restaurant agreed that the service quality is one of the competitive

advantages for them to offer to the customers and compete with other competitors.

Throughout the service quality, a restaurant capable of increasing their customer

satisfaction, gain more profit, attract more numbers of customers, and create loyalty

among the customer (Ha & Jang, 2010; Razak et al., 2019).

In addition, service quality evaluation by customers is a vital piece of

knowledge for service providers directed at boosting profitability, strengthening

organizational capabilities, and promoting themselves further dynamically in the

market (Jain and Gupta, 2004; Omar et al., 2016).

Further, quality of service is the secret to maintaining reputation by satisfying

vales customers for grabbing business opportunities in the markets. It is a vital

element that helps an organization seize new opportunities in the world in which it

works (Ali, Dey, & Fileiri, 2015).

In the minds of consumers, service quality often includes the quality of the

product and/or the service itself, the demeanor and behavior of the employees, how

willing the business is to be flexible and responsive (Sundbo, 2015).

Therefore, service quality is a changing aspect of service management within

businesses. Consumers are changing and so are their expectations regarding their

purchasing experiences (Brophy, Blackler & Popovic, 2015).


The first indicator of service quality is tangibles. Tangibles is physical

evidence and representations of the service, other customers in service facility.

Thus, physical environment of a hotel or restaurant can strengthen the brand image

of a company, reshape customers’ perceptions, and directly influence customer

satisfaction. According to Hanaysha (2016), all tangible and intangible elements

inside and outside of the restaurant are included in the concept of physical

environment, including temperature, lighting, scent, noise, atmosphere, and music.

Tangibles are especially important to service delivery firm's as they are crucial

variables to developing strong, positive and inspiring customer association and

experience, through its proprietary assets He also suggested that a well-maintained

physical environment can serve to maintain a restaurant’s existing customer base as

well as attract new customers (Naidoo & Hanaysha, 2016).


Reliability refers to the ability to perform dependably and accurately according

to the promised service. The process in which service provider remains faithful in

rendering services to its customers can be considered as the reliability dimension of

service quality. According to Parasuraman (1985), reliability is the ability to perform

the promised service in a dependable and accurate manner. In other word, reliability
is the ability to perform the promised services in a dependable, accurate and fully

responsible manner, without negligence and failure (Rahman et al., 2019). Trust is a

belief in the reliability. In other word, it is one party expectation that other party will

behave in a certain predictable way in a given situation. If the other party doesn´t

behave in an expected way, then the trusting party (customer) will face the more

negative situation (Khadka & Maharjan, 2017).


The process in which service providers react quickly to resolve customer

problem positively within a given time is called responsiveness. This dimension of

service quality is perceived through the people aspect of service quality. It is the

willingness and readiness to punctually and quickly carry out services, to be there for

customers and to be available when assistance is needed. Be ready and responsive

in organizations is an example of good ethic. However, employees need to give extra

commitment that will result in customer’s satisfaction and an increase organization

performance (Blery, Kaura & Rahman et al., 2019).


According to Van Iwaarden et al.,(2003) assurance includes competence,

credibility, security, knowledge and courtesy of employees and their ability to inspire

trust and confidence. Assurance operates via four items that are the employee’s

skillfulness in providing services, courtesy towards customers, ability to create

confidence in customers, and expertise when responding to customers’ questions

(Rahim et. al., 2015). Being knowledgeable about their work scopes and tasks can
directly motivate employee to become better in their performance with their work and

increase customer satisfaction.


Empathy includes access, communication, understanding, caring and

individualized attention that the firm provides to its customers and employees (Van

Iwaarden et al., 2003). It is the continuity from the previous dimension of service

quality. When an organization has its tangibility, reliability, responsiveness and

assurance in operations, automatically the last dimension of this model will also

appear. When an organization understands and cares about their customers, they

will definitely know the situations and problems that their customers are having

(Rahman et al., 2019).

Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is the real difference between service expectation and

service real achieved. Omar et al., stated that customers who perceive their

experiences in terms of value, either hardness or utilitarian, tend to express their

opinion by recommending the same experience to others. In a restaurant setting,

when customers perceive the value of the dining experience highly in terms of

cognitive aspects and affective, they are more likely to recommend the restaurant to

others (Omar et al., 2016).

On the other hand, customer satisfaction is the result of the correlation

between a customer’s assumption and a customer’s feelings. By way of explanation,

customer satisfaction is identified as the distinction between assumed quality of

service and the customer’s involvement or feelings after having perceived the

service. Customer satisfaction helps customers communicate their needs straight to

the sellers. Customer satisfaction is very important because it helps to learn about

the business strengths and weaknesses. Business holders can just know their

strengths and weaknesses and make the progression. Not only this, also customer

satisfaction also helps to appropriate resources for eventual strike or satisfaction.

Furthermore, it supports to show calmness about making better quality of products

and services to both the employees and the customers. It does not help tol earn

about strengths and weaknesses but helps it also to persuade competitive strengths

and weaknesses (Caralde, 2015).

Moreover, customer satisfaction is one of the most studied topics in marketing.

It is an aspect that is the main goal for most organizations, and is often a consistent

theme in practically all organizational efforts. Customer satisfaction is therefore the

result of consumers being fully content with the general experience of a purchase,

which includes the service quality among other aspects of the purchasing experience

(Hertzberg et al., 2020).

Food Quality

Food quality is very significant in

determining customer satisfaction
(Zhong and Moon, 2020). Food
quality is undoubtedly crucial to
ensure customer satisfaction in a
restaurant (Putra et al., 2020). A
high level of food quality is a key
marketing strategy that can satisfy
and retain customers and boast
an easy buying experience for them.
(Zhong and Moon, 2020). In a study
conducted by Al-Tit (2015),
food quality became the main
determining factor for choosing a
restaurant. Food quality refers to
several aspects, including food
presentation, taste, menu diversity,
health, and freshness (Hanaysha,
2016). Meanwhile, Serhan and
Serhan (2019) stated that food
quality, beverage, taste, freshness,
nutritional aspects, and portion
measurements are categorized under
food quality measurement.
According to Son et al. (2020), food
presentation or food display, also
referred to as visualization,
is the art of processing, arranging
and decorating food on plates to
increase appeal. Customers’
interest in food starts from their
point of view first before finally
consuming the dish (Spence et al.,
Food quality is very significant in
determining customer satisfaction
(Zhong and Moon, 2020). Food
quality is undoubtedly crucial to
ensure customer satisfaction in a
restaurant (Putra et al., 2020). A
high level of food quality is a key
marketing strategy that can satisfy
and retain customers and boast
an easy buying experience for them.
(Zhong and Moon, 2020). In a study
conducted by Al-Tit (2015),
food quality became the main
determining factor for choosing a
restaurant. Food quality refers to
several aspects, including food
presentation, taste, menu diversity,
health, and freshness (Hanaysha,
2016). Meanwhile, Serhan and
Serhan (2019) stated that food
quality, beverage, taste, freshness,
nutritional aspects, and portion
measurements are categorized under
food quality measurement.
According to Son et al. (2020), food
presentation or food display, also
referred to as visualization,
is the art of processing, arranging
and decorating food on plates to
increase appeal. Customers’
interest in food starts from their
point of view first before finally
consuming the dish (Spence et al.,
Food quality is very significant in
determining customer satisfaction
(Zhong and Moon, 2020). Food
quality is undoubtedly crucial to
ensure customer satisfaction in a
restaurant (Putra et al., 2020). A
high level of food quality is a key
marketing strategy that can satisfy
and retain customers and boast
an easy buying experience for them.
(Zhong and Moon, 2020). In a study
conducted by Al-Tit (2015),
food quality became the main
determining factor for choosing a
restaurant. Food quality refers to
several aspects, including food
presentation, taste, menu diversity,
health, and freshness (Hanaysha,
2016). Meanwhile, Serhan and
Serhan (2019) stated that food
quality, beverage, taste, freshness,
nutritional aspects, and portion
measurements are categorized under
food quality measurement.
According to Son et al. (2020), food
presentation or food display, also
referred to as visualization,
is the art of processing, arranging
and decorating food on plates to
increase appeal. Customers’
interest in food starts from their
point of view first before finally
consuming the dish (Spence et al.,
Food quality is very significant in
determining customer satisfaction
(Zhong and Moon, 2020). Food
quality is undoubtedly crucial to
ensure customer satisfaction in a
restaurant (Putra et al., 2020). A
high level of food quality is a key
marketing strategy that can satisfy
and retain customers and boast
an easy buying experience for them.
(Zhong and Moon, 2020). In a study
conducted by Al-Tit (2015),
food quality became the main
determining factor for choosing a
restaurant. Food quality refers to
several aspects, including food
presentation, taste, menu diversity,
health, and freshness (Hanaysha,
2016). Meanwhile, Serhan and
Serhan (2019) stated that food
quality, beverage, taste, freshness,
nutritional aspects, and portion
measurements are categorized under
food quality measurement.
According to Son et al. (2020), food
presentation or food display, also
referred to as visualization,
is the art of processing, arranging
and decorating food on plates to
increase appeal. Customers’
interest in food starts from their
point of view first before finally
consuming the dish (Spence et al.,
The first indicator of customer satisfaction is food quality. Food quality is very

significant in determining customer satisfaction (Zhong and Moon, 2020). Food

quality is a restaurant selection’s most important factor, and it is considerably related

to customer satisfaction (Ozdemir & Caliskan, 2015). Food quality is undoubtedly

crucial to ensure customer satisfaction in a restaurant (Putra et al., 2020). A high

level of food quality is a key marketing strategy that can satisfy and retain customers

and boast an easy buying experience for them (Zhong and Moon, 2020). In a study

conducted by Al-Tit (2015), food quality became the main determining factor for

choosing a restaurant. Food quality refers to several aspects, including food

presentation, taste, menu diversity, health, and freshness (Hanaysha, 2016).

Meanwhile, Serhan and Serhan (2019) stated that food quality, beverage, taste,

freshness, nutritional aspects, and portion measurements are categorized under

food quality measurement. According to Son et al. (2020), food presentation or food

display, also referred to as visualization, is the art of processing, arranging and

decorating food on plates to increase appeal. Customers’ interest in food starts from

their point of view first before finally consuming the dish (Spence et al., 2016).

The second indicator of customer satisfaction is atmosphere. Customers’

perception of product, atmospherics, and service are closely related to their

emotions (both positive and negative), and behavioral intentions based on the

consumption experience in the restaurants. Ambient elements (such as sound, smell,

taste, touch), design elements (such as store decoration and layout), and social

elements (such as interaction with member sta ff) can extensively impact customers

behavior (Almatore et al., 2018).


The third indicator of customer satisfaction is convenience. In terms of

customer outcomes, convenience responds to satisfaction (Kim, 2020) and even

convenience in relation to satisfaction, which in turn affects consumer outcomes

(Hsu, Chang et al., 2018). Previous studies devoted to the subject revealed an

indirect positive relationship between consumer comfort perceptions and their

customer intentions towards the service provider, with the mediating factor being

satisfaction-in other terms, convenience has an indirect influence on satisfaction

results of consumer behaviour.

Price and Value

The last indicator of customer satisfaction is price and value. The concept of

value for money also influences customer satisfaction. From a customer’s point of

view, price is best defined as a "sacrifice" resembling a condition for obtaining a

product or service during a purchase transaction (Han et al., 2019). In the context of

university cafeterias, customer satisfaction is related to price and value fairness

(Serhan & Serhan, 2019). The price should be reasonable for the quantity of food

served, so that the customer will feel that the food and services received are

commensurate with the price, which results in customer satisfaction (Osman et al.,

2018). Therefore, the price (value) of food and services is just as important when

compared to other service dimensions (Serhan & Serhan, 2019).

Relationship between Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction

The relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction is often

mentioned in previous literature (Ali & Raza, 2015; Angelova & Zekiri, 2011; Kuo,

Chang, Cheng & Lia, 2013; Naik, Gantasala & Prabhakar, 2010; Siddiqi, 2011 ). Kuo

et al., (2013) states that companies often enhance their service quality as a way to

increase customer satisfaction. It has become a popular trend to retain a high

service quality throughout several different industries, and the market is moving

more and more towards a state where consumers demand better quality, regarding

both services and products, in order for them to be satisfied (Angelova, 2011;

Hertzberg et al., 2020).

Moreover, a study conducted by Allan (2016), found that service quality

positively affects brand loyalty, where customer satisfaction serves as a mediator

between good service quality and brand loyalty. By using the SERVQUAL

measurement of service quality as a foundation, Allan (2016) states that the five

components of SERVQUAL needs to be partially fulfilled in order to induce a positive

effect on customer satisfaction, and consequently brand loyalty. In the study

conducted by Yang et al. (2017) done on the clothing company Superdry, stationed
in Taiwan, they agree with the point Allan (2016) is making, where they also state

that service quality has a positive influence on customer satisfaction.

The relationship was further established in more recent research, such as Ali

and Raza (2015), which determined that the elements of SERVQUAL has a

significant and positive impact on how satisfied customers feel.


This research is made to provide crucial information and knowledge regarding

the chosen topic, "Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction of Restaurants in

Barangay Tibal-og." The vital results of this investigation are highly significant for the


Restaurant Owners. This study will benefit restaurant owners as it enlightens them

on how to run their businesses effectively. It is also beneficial for them, as it helps

improve the effectiveness of the strategies they are using and gives them an idea of

how they can improve their services, which could help improve the quality of the

services they offer and provide insights on how they can formulate a better strategy

to increase customer satisfaction.

Customer. This study will benefit the customers, as they will be able to understand

how important the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction is

in restaurants. It is a measurement that determines how their purchasing behavior

can reflect on the quality of the services offered by the restaurants or if the services

are enough or not to meet their expectations.

Future Researchers. The findings of this study will help future researchers gain a

better understanding of service quality and customer satisfaction. They will be able
to have a background on how customer satisfaction affects the quality of the services

of any business. They can use this study as a guide if they replicate it. They could

also add or eliminate some data if they want this study to become unique and

extraordinary, as they will get learnings from it and may use it in real-life situations.

Scope and Delimitation

This research focused on the service quality and customer satisfaction of

restaurant in Barangay Tibal-og. This study aims to determine a correlational

relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction of restaurant.

Therefore, it focuses on the level of service quality and customer satisfaction on the

services offered by the restaurants and to measure the service quality has on

customer satisfaction, as well as if service quality had a significant relationship to

customer satisfaction of restaurants in Barangay Tibal-og. A quantitative research

method was used to gather close-ended responses from individuals and groups.

Question types primarily include categorical (e. g. "yes/no") and interval/ratio

questions (e. g. rating-scale, Likert-scale) used to gather information. This

quantitative research method aims to describe two variables, which are service

quality and customer satisfaction and their relationships. Descriptive correlational is

use in research studies that aim to provide static pictures of situations as well as

establish the relationship between different variables (Ivy Panda, 2022).

Definition of Terms

The following terms was defined conceptually and operationally based on how

they are used in the study.

Service Quality. It refers to a focused evaluation that reflects the customer’s

perception of specific dimensions of service, reliability, responsiveness, assurance,

empathy, tangibles, satisfaction on other hand, is more inclusive: it is influenced by

perceptions of service quality, product quality, and price as well as situational factors

and personal factors (Caralde, 2015).

Customer Satisfaction. It refers to the result of the correlation between a

customer’s assumption and a customer’s feelings. In addition, customer satisfaction

is identified as the distinction between assumed quality of service and the customer’s

involvement or feelings after having perceived the service (Caralde, 2015).



This chapter presents the explanation about procedures which are taken in

this study in order to find out the answer to the research questions. This research

apply a quantitative approach with correlational design. This chapter includes

research design, research locale, research respondents, data gathering procedure,

research instruments, and data analysis.

Research Design

This study employs a correlational approach and a quantitative research

methodology. Quantitative research measures numeric variables or quantities and

provides a response to the how many, how much, and how frequently queries.

Correlational research design to establish the relationships between two variables.

This method was used in order to determine if there is a significant relationship

between the service quality of restaurants and customer satisfaction in Barangay


Research Locale

This study was conducted at the municipality of Sto. Tomas, specifically

Barangay Tibal-og, in the Division of Davao Del Norte, Davao Region (Region XI),

Philippines. The respondents answered the survey questionnaire at the selected

restaurants. The researchers chose the place of implementation as it helped the

researchers gather the necessary information while also making the respondents

feel at ease.
Figure 1. Map of Sto. Tomas Davao del Norte

Research Respondents

The researchers gathered data from customers because they could provide

the data needed by the researchers to come up with true results. Quantitative

research, as the name suggests, is primarily about numbers. It generally involves

surveying a large group of people (usually at least several hundred and often

thousands) using a structured questionnaire that contains predominantly closed-

ended, or forced-choice, questions. The researchers will selected 200 customers, a

restaurants diners with at least 2 or more time who visit in the restaurant and were

selected through convenience sampling. Convenience sampling (also known as

"haphazard sampling" or "accidental sampling") is a type of nonprobability or non-

random sampling where members of the target population that meet certain practical

criteria, such as easy accessibility, geographical proximity, availability at a given

time, or the willingness to participate, are included for the purpose of the study. It is

also referred to as the subjects of the population that are easily accessible to the

researcher (Etikan, 2016).

Data Gathering Procedure

To gather the data needed for this study, the researchers did the following:

Firstly, the researchers seek written permission from the assistant principal,

restaurant owners, and customers to conduct this study. Secondly, informed consent

was provided to the respondents for their permission to participate. Third, the

researchers distributed a survey questionnaire to the respondents titled "Service

Quality of Restaurants and Customer Satisfaction in Barangay Tibal-og".

Additionally, the data will be collected and organized. Then, request cooperation and

ensure that all collected data will be handled with strict confidentiality. Lastly, the

researchers will collect the answers to the questionnaire for data analysis.

Research Instrument

To measure relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction of

restaurants, this study employed the standardized questionnaires of (Yen Nee Ng &

Monividol, 2021). Survey questionnaire used as a tool to accumulate the data to

determine relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction of

restaurants. The survey questionnaire of service quality and customer satisfaction of

restaurants are divided into four sections that asked customers to express their

satisfaction level. Further, the instrument undergo content validation by our research

adviser and research panelists.

The researchers used the Likert’s scale ranging from “Strongly Disagree” to

``Strongly Agree” or 1-5, to measure the agreement of the customer.

The criteria of the 5 levels of Service Quality:

Score Meaning
1 Always Manifested
2 Oftentimes Manifested
3 Sometimes Manifested
4 Rarely Manifested
5 Never Manifested

In interpreting the response of this study, the following range of means were
used for service quality.

Range Description Level Interpretation

4.20 - 5.00 Very High The measure of service quality on restaurants
are always manifested
3.40 – 4.19 High The measure of service quality on restaurants
are oftentimes manifested
2.60 – 3.39 Moderate The measure of service quality on restaurants
are sometimes manifested
1.80 – 2.59 Low The measure of service quality on restaurants
are rarely manifested
1.00 – 1.79 Very Low The measure of service quality on restaurants
are never manifested

Score Meaning
1 Very Unsatisfied
2 Unsatisfied
3 Neutral
4 Satisfied
5 Very Satisfied
The criteria of the 5 levels of Customer Satisfaction:

In interpreting the response of this study, the following range of means were

used for customer satisfaction.

Range Description Level Interpretation

4.20 - 5.00 Very High The measure of customer satisfaction on

restaurants is very satisfactory
3.40 – 4.19 High The measure of customer satisfaction on
restaurants is satisfactory
2.60 – 3.39 Moderate The measure of customer satisfaction on
restaurants is moderately satisfactory
1.80 – 2.59 Low The measure of customer satisfaction on
restaurants is dissatisfactory
1.00 – 1.79 Very Low The measure of customer satisfaction on
restaurants is very dissatisfactory

Research adviser and experts validated the adapted and modified

questionnaires. Before distribution, they were first validated by its clarity of directions

and items, the suitability of items, adequateness of items per category, presentation,

and organization of items, attainment of purpose, objectivity, and evaluation scale.

Data Analysis

The researchers analyzed the quantitative data gathered from the

standardized survey questionnaires through the use of the following statistical tools:
Mean. To determine the level of service quality of restaurants and

customer satisfaction in Barangay Tibal-og.

Standard Deviation. To determine the level of service quality of

restaurants and customer satisfaction in Barangay Tibal-og.

Pearson Correlation Moment Coefficient. To determine the

relationship between service quality of restaurants and customer satisfaction in

Barangay Tibal-og.



This chapter presents the results and analyses findings of the study entitled

Service Quality of Restaurant and Customer Satisfaction in Barangay Tibal-og.

Table 1. Level of Service Quality of Restaurants

Statements Mean Descriptive Equivalent


 Appearance of
2.30 .727 Low
physical facilities.

 Appearance of
2.27 .687 Low

Using disposable
2.31 .682 Low

 Seating availability. 2.24 .741 Low

 Parking availability 2.25 .779 Low


 Performing the
2.25 .779 Low
promised service.

 Accurate charge. 2.26 .851 Low

 Dependable and
2.27 .829 Low


 Willingness to help
2.30 .727 Low

 Exact time of service

2.27 .687 Low

 Prompt service. 2.31 .682 Low


 Knowledge of
2.25 .779 Low

 Courtesy of


 Employees’ abilities
2.26 .851 Low
to trust.


 Convenient

operating hours.

 Convenient location


 Completely

packaged food.

The table above shows several statements discovering the service quality of

restaurant in Barangay Tibal-og. Based on the data presented, the 8th statement

exhibited the highest mean of 2.37 described as Low level which mean that this

statement is sometimes observed. While the sixth statement has the lowest mean of

2.15 described as Low level meaning that this statement is sometimes observed.

Furthermore, online shopping usability revealed an overall mean of 2.2623 and a

standard deviation of .44986, with a descriptive equivalent of low.

Table 2. Level of Customer Satisfaction

Statements Mean Descriptive Equivalent

Food Quality

1. Overall quality of
2.30 .727 Low

2. Taste of food
2.27 .687 Low

3. Eye appeal of the

2.31 .682 Low

4. Freshness of the
2.24 .741 Low

5. Nutritional content of
2.25 .779 Low
the food.

6. Variety of menu



7. Cleanliness of facilities.
2.25 .779 Low

8. Dining room
2.26 .851 Low

9. Level of comfort in the


10. Staff appearance.

12. Service hours. 2.30 .727 Low

13. Convenient location. 2.27 .687 Low

14. Short walking

2.31 .682 Low

15. Parking convenience.

Price and Value

16. Good value for the

2.25 .779 Low

17. Appropriate portion


18. Reasonable price

2.26 .851 Low

19. Overall value of the

dining experience.

Table 2 above showed several statements discovering the customer

satisfaction in Barangay Tibal-og. Based on the data presented, the second

statement exhibited the highest mean of 2.45 described as Low level which means

that this statement is sometimes observed. While the first statement has the lowest

mean of 2.21 described as Low level and can be interpreted as sometimes

observed. Moreover, customer satisfaction has an overall mean of 2.3549 and a

standard deviation of 0.58355 which has a descriptive equivalent of Low.

Table 3. Relationship between Service Quality of Restaurant and Customer

Satisfaction in Barangay Tibal-og.

Variable r- value Interpretation p- value Decision

Service Quality of 0.250 Low Positive 0.00 Reject the Null

Restaurant and Correlation Hypothesis



Table 3 above is the result of the test of the relationship between service

quality of restaurant and customer satisfaction in Barangay Tibal-og. This

relationship was tested at the 0.05 level of significance. The data above revealed an

r- value of 0.250, which implies that there is a low positive correlation between

service quality of restaurant and customer satisfaction in Barangay Tibal-og. Since

the p- value is below the 0.01 level of significance that leads to the rejection of the

null hypothesis. Therefore, there is a significant relationship between service quality

of restaurant and customer satisfaction in Barangay Tibal-og. The service quality of

restaurant affects the customer satisfaction in Barangay Tibal-og.

This chapter contains discussions on the online shopping usability, customer

satisfaction, and the correlational between online shopping usability and customer

satisfaction, its analysis, the conclusion, and recommendation based on the

researcher’s findings.

Findings of the Study

After analyzing and computing the data, the researchers obtained the

following results:

The service quality exhibited a mean score of 2.26 and a standard deviation

of 0.450 which is equivalent to low and interpreted as sometimes observed by

students. When online shopping, the study revealed that online shopping experience

relatively affect their buying decision. Online shopping experience and online

shopping motivation can lead to purchase intention (Pappas, et. al, 2017). Moreover,

exploration affects buying decisions on online shopping.

The Customer Satisfaction exhibited a mean of 2.35 and a standard deviation

of 0.584 which is equivalent to low and interpreted as sometimes observed by the

students. When expectations and experience are compared, consumer satisfaction

results; in other words, the customer is happy when the delivery matches or

surpasses their expectations (Khristianto, Kertahadi & Suyadi, 2012).

The significant relationship between service quality of restaurant and

customer satisfaction shows an overall computed r-value of 0.25 with a p- value of

0.00. This shows that there is significant relationship between service quality of

restaurant and customer satisfaction. Furthermore, buying decisions significantly

influenced customer satisfaction. There is a relationship between continuance

intentions and satisfaction (Osatuyi, et. al, 2020). Filipinos are most likely to
continuously shop online if they are satisfied with the previous satisfaction (Prasetyo

and Dela Fuente, 2020).


The results from data gathered made the researchers conclude that the

relationship between online shopping usability and customer satisfaction of Grade 12

senior high school students in Sto. Tomas National High School is relatively low.

However, the data gathered reveals that stating information availability impacts

customer satisfaction. Internet has made access to information easier (Vasic, et. al,



To further improve the study, the researchers recommend to use other

questionnaires to arrive with more relevant results. Also used a different research

design is highly recommended to determine the more specific factor that could affect

the online shopping usability and customer satisfaction of Grade 12 senior high

school students.


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