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Name: Cuntapay, Phoebe Marieghile A. Section: St.

Genevieve of Paris

Activity 1. Determine an Outdoor Recreational Activity 2. Choosing an Outdoor Recreational activity

Activity Given a chance, what outdoor activity would you
Football or soccer are activities done outdoor like to try? Why? Where? Who do you like to be with?
and on grass. Are they outdoor recreational Research, surf the internet, and read blogs. Print a picture
activities? Why or why not? Defend your answer. or cut out a picture then write something about it.

Outdoor recreational activity is the

There are many outdoor activities just like boating,
angling, hunting, jeep touring, backpacking, alpine
mountain climbing, camping, trips utilizing pack animals,
dog sled trips, white water float trips, rafting trips, drift
boat trips, kayak trips, inflatable canoe trips and canoe
trips that can help us feel happy and let stress leave in
our body.
Soccer or football is a recreational activity because first, in
playing soccer or football it can help you to make you
What? Why? Where? With whom? What benefits
bodyhealthier._______________ Second is it can help you
can I get from it? Write your description here:
to have a strong relationship among other people,
because a soccer or football is a team sports, so you need
to have a good and harmonious relationship with your If I had given a chance to experience one
team mates to have a good outcome of the game. Third is outdoor recreational activity I will choose camping
you can help you forget all you problems and stress inside a forest. Simply because camping I haven’t
because you are enjoying at the same time you are not experience sleeping in the wilderness and I want feel
thinking of some other things that can make you stressful the true beauty of nature. In that camping I will
or problematic. Lastly is it can help to strengthen our accompanied by my family, friends, relatives and
spiritual values. It helps us connect with nature and let us other people who are close and not so close to me.
appreciate its beauty. In camping it is not only for the betterment of my
body with the activities that I will be experiencing
but also it will help me to tighten my relation to
other people. Participating on a team will help me to
form lasting friendships with people who share same
passion for outdoor recreation. It can also help me to
be fit and relax, because according to studies that
people who exercise regularly experience longer,
deeper, more restful sleep it allows better
concentration and ability to think on higher levels.
Along with better rest and rejuvenation for your
body during the night, regular physical activity that
reduces stress, anxiety and symptoms of depression
will help me to concentrate more during the day.

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