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I. Translate into Ukrainian:
Зручний продукт; спеціальний продукт; торговий продукт; товар; одиничний товар;
магазини; особливості продукту; бренд; сировина; послуга; виробнича діяльність;
прилади; технологічні матеріали; виробнича діяльність; нематеріальний продукт;
юридична послуга; промислова послуга; послуга прибиральника; магазини (продуктів);
купівля; мета; індивідуальний покупець; особливості продукту; кінцеве використання;
інструмент; недорогий; загальноприйнятий; визначати: порівнювати; приймати;
наймати; виконувати; витрачати дозволяє; володіти.

II. Find the English equivalents:

Consumer goods; everyday goods; goods of preliminary choice; goods of special demand;
unique; company's work; product; separate product; specific type; end use; purchase;
available (in stock); guarantee; product properties; product characteristics; auxiliary
equipment; raw materials; services; legal service; marketing research service; cleaning
service; production and technical service; compare; accept; own; perform.

III. Fill in the blanks:

1. Products can be grouped into two general categories — consumer and industrial.
2. A product bought for use in a firm’s operations or to make other products is an
industrial product.
3. A single item can be both a consumer and an industrial product.
4. The traditional system of classifying consumer products consists of three categories:
convenience, shopping and specialty products.
5. A shopping product is an item for which buyers are willing to expend considerable
effort on planning and making the purchase.
6. A convenience product is a relatively inexpensive, frequently purchased item for
which buyers want to exert only minimal effort.
7. A specialty product possesses one or more unique characteristics for which a
significant group of buyers is willing to expend considerable effort.
8. A raw material is a physical material that actually becomes part of a physical product.
9. Major equipment includes large tools and machinery used for production operations.
10. An industrial service is an intangible product that an organization uses in its

IV. Translate into English:

1. Goods can be grouped into two main categories - consumer and industrial.
2. Goods that are bought to meet personal and family needs are called consumer goods.
3. The traditional system of classification of consumer goods consists of three categories:
everyday goods, pre-selected goods and speciality goods.
4. Industrial goods can be classified into the following categories: raw materials, main
equipment, auxiliary equipment, components, materials for the technological process,
production and technical services.
V. Find out to what category these consumer products refer according to the
following examples.
Examples include:
1) Bread, gasoline, newspapers, soft drinks, and chewing gum are convenience products.
2) Unique sport cars, a specific type of antique dining table, a rare imported beer, and
special handcrafted stereo speakers are specialty products.
3) Appliances, upholstered furniture, men's suits, bicycles, and stereos are shopping

VI. Find out to what categories these industrial products refer according to the
following examples.
Examples include:
1. Lathes, cranes, and stamping machines are major equipment.
2. Clocks, tires, and switches are component parts and materials.
3. Industrial glue and food preservatives are raw materials.
4. Paper, pencils, and cleaning agents are industrial supplies.
5. Financial, legal, marketing research, and janitorial services are industrial services.
6. A basic material that actually becomes a part of a physical product is a raw material.

VII. Questions and assignments:

1. What are the two general categories of products? The two general categories of products
are consumer products and industrial products.
2. State (укажите) the main difference between a consumer product and an industrial
product? The main difference between a consumer product and an industrial product is that a
consumer product is bought for personal consumption, while an industrial product is bought
for use in a firm’s operations or to make other products
3. Can a single item be both a consumer and an industrial product? Yes, a single item can
be both a consumer and an industrial product
4. Name the three categories of consumer products. The three categories of consumer
products are convenience, shopping, and specialty products
5. Name the seven categories of industrial products. The seven categories of industrial
products are major equipment, accessory equipment, component parts and materials, raw
materials, industrial supplies, business services, and industrial services
6. Define the term «a convenience product.» A convenience product is a relatively
inexpensive, frequently purchased item for which buyers want to exert only minimal effort
7. Define the term «a shopping product.» A shopping product is an item for which buyers
are willing to expend considerable effort on planning and making the purchase
8. Define the term «a specialty product.» A specialty product possesses one or more
unique characteristics for which a significant group of buyers is willing to expend
considerable effort
9. Which, do you think, is the most important consumer category of the three above
mentioned ones? It depends on the industry and the product in question. Each category has its
own significance depending on the context
10. What is a basic material that actually becomes a part of a physical product? A basic
material that actually becomes a part of a physical product is a raw material.
11. Where does it usually come from? It usually comes from natural resources or is
produced through manufacturing processes
12. What does major equipment include? Major equipment includes large tools and
machinery used for production operations
13. Can we say that an industrial service is also a product? Yes, an industrial service is
also a product, albeit an intangible one
14. Give some examples of an industrial service. Examples of industrial services include
financial, legal, marketing research, and janitorial services.

VIII. Agree or disagree with the statements. Use the following phrases:
That,s wrong. That's (quite) right. That's not quite true to the fact. According to the text
1. A shopping product is a relatively inexpensive, frequently purchased item for which
buyers want to exert only minimal effort. That's not quite true to the fact. According to the
text, a shopping product is an item for which buyers are willing to expend considerable effort
on planning and making the purchase
2. A specialty product possesses one or more unique characteristics for which a significant
group of buyers is willing to expend considerable effort. That's quite right. According to the
text, a specialty product possesses one or more unique characteristics for which a significant
group of buyers is willing to expend considerable effort
3. A convenience product is a relatively inexpensive, frequently purchased item for which
buyers want to exert considerable effort. That's wrong. According to the text, a convenience
product is a relatively inexpensive, frequently purchased item for which buyers want to exert
only minimal effort
4. A raw material is a basic material that actually becomes a part of a physical product.
That's quite right. According to the text, a raw material is a basic material that actually
becomes a part of a physical product
5. Examples of major equipment are hand tools, typewriters and calculators. That's wrong
6. Examples of accessory equipment are hand tools, typewriters, cranes and calculators.
That's not quite true to the fact. According to the text, examples of accessory equipment
include smaller tools and machinery used for production operations, such as hand tools and
7. Examples of industrial services include financial, legal, marketing research, and
janitorial services. That's quite right. According to the text, examples of industrial services
include financial, legal, marketing research, and janitorial services

IX. Abstract:
This text discusses the classification of products into two general categories - consumer
and industrial products - based on the buyer's intent or ultimate use of the product. A product
purchased to satisfy personal and family needs is a consumer product, while a product bought
for use in a firm's operations or to make other products is an industrial product. After
classification, a consumer product can be further categorized into convenience, shopping, and
specialty products, while industrial products can be classified into raw materials, major
equipment, accessory equipment, component parts, process materials, supplies, and services.
The text provides detailed explanations and examples for each of these categories.

X. Retelling:
The text discusses the classification of products into two general categories - consumer
and industrial products. Consumer products are purchased to satisfy personal and family
needs, while industrial products are bought for use in a firm's operations or to make other
products. Further classification of consumer products includes convenience, shopping, and
specialty products, while industrial products can be classified into raw materials, major
equipment, accessory equipment, component parts, process materials, supplies, and services.
The text provides detailed explanations and examples for each of these categories.

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