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Fixed-Commitment Calendar

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

5 a.m. Go for a jog Go for a Go for a Go for a Go for a Go for a Go for a
jog jog jog jog jog jog
6 a.m. solat solat solat solat solat solat solat
7 a.m. Meditate Meditate Meditate Meditate Meditate Meditate Meditate
and have and have and have and have and have and have and have
breakfast breakfast breakfast breakfast breakfast breakfast breakfast
8 a.m. class class workout workout workout workout workout
9 a.m. class class workout workout class workout workout
10 a.m. workout workout class class class study study
11 a.m. workout workout class class class study study
Noon Take a nap Take a Take a nap Take a nap Take a Take a Take a
nap nap nap nap
1 p.m. Lunch and Lunch and Lunch and Lunch and Lunch and Lunch and Lunch and
solat solat solat solat solat solat solat
2 p.m. class class class class class relax relax
3 p.m. class class class class class relax relax
4 p.m. class class class class class relax relax
5 p.m. Buy food Buy food Buy food Buy food Buy food Buy food Buy food
then solat then solat then solat then solat then solat then solat then solat
6 p.m. Play Play Play Play Play Play Play
outside outside outside outside outside outside outside
7 p.m. Solat and Solat and Solat and Solat and Solat and Solat and Solat and
eat dinner eat dinner eat dinner eat dinner eat dinner eat dinner eat dinner
8 p.m. study study study study study study study
9 p.m. study study study study study study study
10 p.m. study study study study study study study
11 p.m. Get reasy Get reasy Get reasy Get reasy Get reasy Get reasy Get reasy
to sleep to sleep to sleep to sleep to sleep to sleep to sleep
Midnight sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep
1 a.m.
- - - - - - -
2 a.m.
- - - - - - -
3 a.m.
- - - - - - -
4 a.m.
- - - - - - -
Hours available for study _3 hours___ Hours needed for study _5 hours___

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