Phy 1st Lesson Notes

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gers 06 Sara) hen + bel pigeon es tn vector frm tangs soc ve maptude of 9 vey ae mation. pers | i ‘as the diction of |_| geapiNG BETWEEN THE LINES SB sry nat 8 a eer | | ie ny om nn oe, ens along the tangent that pon — | anon raematcal equations ofmotion? | f ad Marts} | | i = 4 ‘Ans: Kinet equations of motion . vt i, The wel \ centripetal fw. For UCM ¥ ae Here, 5 = tangential velocity, ae ys alway -[.nenoin ere Tae unes a. a His nee of circular mote) | vi, Example |v Final nerve t fan oti | (7. Name and explain there sed nace O10 fs Lar deme the direction of angular velocity» ! 0 Angular displacement, fa | et: Pe ate oe | |! > rotational quantities: ring Hear and Displacement ir : rc ‘li Acceleration: B Marks} ‘the corresponding. angular . ‘changing at every instant. This 18 due fo the angular acceleration = 92 “Though the mation is nonaniinm, the particles ‘seal ate same pane Hee, be dion of 1 isl along the ais of ration. For ineensing spect itis slong the dicctin of & while ding 13 Marks ‘the help ofan example. 2 uring circular motion ifthe speed of the ertcle remains constant, i scaled Uniform Grealr Motion (UCM, cresng ped, oposie t tao : z $e cr ' poe pa = Increasing speed Decreasing speed | In UCM, only the direction of ts velocity | Example: When fis itched ON or OFF changes al every instant in such a way that the eo eee elocity is sways tangential to the path ® send of te sari Ohi Sala | fi The acteleration sponsible for UCM. i the nan croatia Reread eel clsios 07 hour wejosorcs During ts Gin, 1 ik te FOrUCM,isiapnind incontancanditis | —_pefoming nomnifor eal mation vs 11. What is the liference beoneen_siform 7 Crear motion and. non-uniform rear Tes always directed towards the cent of the oe 7 cirular_ ution (alg ~7), hence called | Ans coupe = . vi, Bompl Coeur motion of my parce o« | [STEN a fan rotating uniformly. 0. jst Pee su . Cision wah Cheor man Wl . _ eo ‘constant angular variable angular spec mation withthe help of an example, speed i toown as |is called non| i cee) wif) ealar im | || motion sootonlas During circular motion ifthe speed of the particle vais, its called non-uniform eireular motion fi In case of non-uniform circular motion, the | ii velocity is sill tangential, the centripetal o [fora =o | romeo Tn UCM, work done] In now U.CM, work ty tngemial force is | done by wna radial acceleration, is still there, However, for on-unifom circular motion, the magnitude of tho enna 4 isnot constant Ls Mreplone ofrtaion Tos sila! ‘linear occeleraion 3 perpendicular 10 linear sy changing only ts direction. Jon ot aes a be the ion of ane Om Mpemen d gaa vety Hanl iin constant and sig the 3 rasa? irs ‘Ans: If the angular acceleration a is constant and is sige wi fit hen al 8,3 and wile reed age ane 14. Can you recall? (Fexvok pase no 1) Do you inow real and pseudo forces, their Deed ertcsion? (2 Marks} uns: A force which is produced due to interaction between the objects is ale real fore Example: [Be er eles etn be sin in cua le to gravitational free of attraction betweenthesinandtteeart, A relative motion between two solid surfaces in Contact gives rise toa force of fiction, A pseudo force is one which arises due tothe centripetal acceleration ofthe observer's frame af reference. i al READING BETWEEN THE LINES revolved in a ‘centripetal fring provides te necessary Cen fre, cree acing on parte. performing Foret gmton along the rads of cre rivera towards the centre ofthe Cres cad conripeta orc. I is given by Fee = where, = radius of cirular path. The word centripetal is NOT the name or |) pe ofthat force (like gravitational fore, property ofthat force. \ White performing circular or rotational |) ‘motion, the resultant of all the real forces | acting upon the body is (or, must be) towards the centre, hence we call this resultant force to be centripetal fore. \ \ i) Under the action of this resultant force, the | direction of the velocity is always |) @ ‘maintained tangential tothe circular rack The vice versa need not be true, ie, the resultant force directed towards the centre |) Ai ‘may not always result into a circular ‘motion Fora motion to be circular, correspondingly ‘matching tangential velocity is also essential 1 occurs in an inertial frame of reference in which we are observing that the body is Performing a circular motion, 1 i 1 1 i ' i ' 1 I ii tis» preudo force arising dv tothe centripetal seceleation ofthe fame of reference ty Example: A bucket fll of water rotated in @ ‘eral ctcle ata patil speed, so that water doesnot fil. Thies because, weight of water is ‘alanced by centritaga ore acung 0 | READING BETWEEN THE LINES Se + +The force acting on a particle performing UCM which is clone. the radius and directed away fom centre of circle is called t af 217. Distinguish between centripetal force and centrifugal force, [2 Marks) [Mar 18] Ans: Difference between centripetal force and centrifugal force: force Centripetal force is | Centifga directed along. the | directed slong the radius towards the | dius away trom centreofacirele, the centre. of a | Wisa eal i, | 1 is considered in ree. | Itis a peeudo force. It is considered in inertial frame of | non-inerial frame of |__| reference. reference iv, [In vector form, Wis | In vector form, itis sven by given by hime i. with usual notations. | with usual notations. Q18. Explain. the concept of centrifugal and centripetal force with the help of, ‘merry-go-round illustration, [2 Marks] i, In memry-go-round rotating with uniform speed, ifoe closes his ys then he/she el hat he she is at rest. This is due to centrifugal force. Before merry-go-round reaches its uniform Speed, one experiences an outward pull as the centrifugal force is greater than the resultant force towards the centre. ‘cenrifugal free mens the ‘net pseudo fore! fad cepa force means the “resstat of all the el forces ‘0.19. Mateh the column. i Mark | Resultant ofall he | | real forces [imaginary fs | Cenuifugal force Ans: (=), (ii-a) 020. State the wo ways of writing force equation fora circular motion, [1 Mark] Ans: Ways of writing force equation for a circular i, Resultant force =-ma*? ii, -ma®e + al forees)=0 READING BETWEEN THE LINES. esultant of all real © Conmipetal 1 fr eee force sum of contifugal and centripetal Qa. Activity. (7: Attach a suitable mass to spring balance so that itstretches by about hats capacity. Now whit] the spring balance so hat the mass performs a horizontal motion. You will notice that the balance now reads more mass for the same ‘mass, Can you explain this? Ans i, When the spring balance performs horizontal ‘motion, the mass attached to the spring balance experiences centrfygal fore. ii, Thus, the net force ating on the mass isthe sum ‘of centrifugal force and its weight Hence, the spring balance rexds more mass when set in horizontal circular motion. Be em ree S= ns Fatma i 28> oe bs ince ef s09.0-9) | = 1s ‘ans: Time taken by fi tops 28» ime: One can cso se the nit revolation‘or are | We amid In thi cose, 2) ~ 15 rps and | = 21 reoluions | fs stack to the rim of a ameter 1 m. While the Pemaees Fire ody ot rs agar sien Cane Member et ae capi by ‘in these 10 seconds, zs Tine ey ts omplerlton and the last complete rev : plete revolution. (3 Mars) Given: a D=Imr=05m,%"0,0)=0rad 1S, 0= 2an=4r nds, t= 10 Total number of revolutions in 10s(N) fi, Time taken for first revolation Tofind: 5 and the last revolution (1) *Q.24.Coeficient of sta Solu Given: = 205 = 10 rev, ‘oral revolutions, N= 3 or 1 revelation, @= 28 From frm 1(z meeconrt (Ze aol ts eon, 0 9 2k From ors (28) a 9x2n= 00+ 35/5 y= V5 s= NiO =9.4868 s ‘Time taken for last revolution =tyynty = 109.4868 =0.5132 i. Number of revolutions completed by the antinis 10. ii, Time taken by it 10 complete fint revolution is 10 s and to complete last (e.10") revolution is 5132s, friction between a coin and a gramophone dise is 0.5. Radius of the disc is 8 cm. Initially the centre of the coin 2 cm away from the centre of the dise. AL what minimum frequency will it. start slipping from there? By what factor will the answer change if the coin Is almost at the Fim? (Use gm mis) 15 Marks M05, Radius of gramophone dise, } Sot Gi To Fo AWN ik Remote From formula () a, coo amg=mo'r Cs N=mg) rom formula) and Gi, BN= ole “ y= oR @) Equating (1) nd), hee oR {AS msi const] ie a gee le (Sar, '6e VR “Yano 2 Minimum frequency at which coin stars slipping is 2.5 revs ii, Factor by which frequeney changes if «coin js placed at rim 05. {Q25.A coin placed on a revolving dis with its centre at a distance of 6 cm from the axis of tation just slips off when the speed of the revolving dsc exceeds 45 rpm. What should be the maximum angular speed ofthe dis, s0 fat when the coin in at» distance of 12 em from the axis of rotation, it does not [2 Marks} ‘Solution: Given: 1y=Gemn= I2em.n) = 45 rpm Tofind: Maximum angular speed (n2) Formula MaxCF= mo oe | a ‘Ams: The maximum angular speed of he diss sould beep (026 area with pet 95 rn placed at 4 em and enire of record Ifthe ea-eficent of friction Hpeween the cone andthe record is 01S; Inhich of the coins wil revolve with the record? [9 Naria] XCERT) Solution: “The coin will eolve with ecard ifthe free of FHton i enough to provide centripetal free tf this force i nt eno, then the coin will sp ote esr ‘To prevent sipping, the condton jug 2 mros? ve ys For te first coin, r= 4 om = 0.04 m, 4 = 22 evinin= 2 revnin= ps feos pg 0.15 «9.8 = 1.47 mis? ‘And 10 = 0.08 x{ 122) =0.488 ms? ® ‘ r “AS p> 1100", the coin will evolve with the record, For the second eon, spo? = 014 (22) = 1.706 mit } ‘As ryo? > way the coin ill not revolve with the record an £ Bede t Ee ina cgi vest ori ot eninge ae fe Se Ets lana ronal yd of hiner M6 ead (038 Derive an expresion fr maximum possible ed fora vehicle to move on horizontal cake oem Fe es: ee ees ; | Fores sting 01 the ear oe (onside 1 be a ih verily downwarty reaction (\), " the weight Yerically ypwards thy rack, radius Fi8 constant, For gig constant. Thus, 8 the speeg ff static fiction f ag ee as ee te Oa sien te ons ot a [From ecuations (2) and (3) This is an expression for maximum possible speed for a vehicle to move on a horizon uunbanked roa. -Q.29.While driving along an unbanked cireular road, a two-wheeler rider has to lean with the vertical. Why is it so? With what angle ‘the rider has to lean? Derive the relevant expression. Why such a leaning is. nol necessary for a four wheeler? [3 Marks While going round a curve, the rider provide Sima the necessary centripetal force Df sng inward ona horizontal track. Consider a rider of weight mg taking a tun radius with velocity y : Qs hy rey A, Ti “ o a ave to (4. The rider is under he action ofthe fetowing forer: ‘The weight ‘mg’ acting verily downvant at the conte o graity of wo weler and the ier The moma ection °N" of the pod on ale It alg line making angle with che ver ‘The vercal component Neos of the normal reaction N will tance the weight ofthe eli, ilete horizontal componer Ni wil wove theneesary cepa force othe lst Nina = Neos =m @ ie Dividing equation (1) by equation Therefore, the rider shoul bend through an ange, =n ii In cae of foursheeler the normal reactions on | & the pair of iner wheels and outer wheels prodice 4 net restoring tore which oppor the overuming torque due to fiona forces, 0.30. Use your brain power: 1. Obtain the condition for not toppling for a foursmbecler. On what factors doc t depend id In what way? Think about the normal ‘eactons ~ where are those and how much are those! What isthe recommendation on loading the vehicle for not toppling easily? If 8 vehicle topples while turning. which wheels leave the contact? Why? How docs it affect the tyres? What is the recommendation for this? When s four-wheeler takes s tum on a curve tanked red then it has tendency to skid ay from centre of the rad Let weight ofthe ar = ng Speot ofthe car Radio the curved ph = DDntance between he cee of wheel of theca = 2a Height of the centre of grit (G) ofthe car ftom the oud evel = Reaction onthe ier whee a the car by the round R Reaction onthe outer wheel of the ea by the ‘When 2 car moves in a crcl pth brine fictional fore F provides the required F o For rwational eguitrum, by taking the forces, Rs and Fabout G we get, Fit Ra=Ro @ Asthere ino verical motion, Ri + Re=mg ° By solving (1), (2) and) we get, R= tly (4) and R= tn[ “ From equation (4), if v increases, value of Ry decreases and for Ry = 0, vh = ot gory= |B ie. the maximum speed of 2 car without ‘overturning ona flat road is given by -# Ve Toran banked road thor an per ii Teen that ry (20-90), te | Nera wel he er eee ref atin 5 nt ay HE he Now Seaver |" corn maisie i mie we ait tala te a force of static ret Sanat sme] ca a, ‘vehicle and the ro tinue te horizontal 080. oe enripetal Frce ‘enc gi = mee inns . “aie § on | oe eo ee . oe Roeaiietie orem |. ym! =e a y, This is called ban eal nt said o be banked. wn safet vl vi When the road pean ‘he mii e ‘Se ‘wat de yu do ier vehicle stapes 9m. in well of death is, ¥ “necessary centrip ee oct of a body t mee oe acme eran uns [ES]-—-——-) a8 evade fo Meni geo ts | {once 5 obey img cient | | + nck WN s wali onty fr te) Ame: Yesa6w0 whe are, 0.36, Derive expres Qa a meaty wal eah? Where can Tact ira mn venice on = Bape as | Seared ak Tat ets vet itil wt of | Micirem arses 1 Bea iach crite aren | | ane sic Ne |B se sei Piieeerierimiame ||,» | rafrai te wring rons in sich a we | aoe a ‘hou st helen wheter is meer | dydtabeyiemmcinwttiean, | | che hetrqudhato weg wl ope | Maris] | | + The ort har Blancos the orgue de ® | th eh tional fren thse = 2 Nin [Saou cn conte adcom OR |p oe | a with the aid of a linked ‘Soper as well asthe lower limit “iq Why ae curved roads banked? (2 Marks] ‘While taking 2 turn on a horizontal road, the {roe of static ction between the tyes ofthe Aehicle and the road provides the necessary Cenripetal force (or balances the centrifugal fore. ii However the fietonal free i having 20 upper Timit, Also, it vale i usually nt constant as the rad surface is not uniform. fi, ‘Thus, in real life, we should not depend upon it as itis nt reliable. iv. For this purpose, the surfaces of curved roads are tilted withthe horizontal with some anal @ 'y. This is called banking of road or the roud is said to be banked. vic When the road is banked, the horizontal component of the normal reaction provides the ovestary centripetal force required for eirular ‘motion of vehicle 2.35, Dowe need a banked rond fora two-whedler? Explain. B Marks} ‘Yes, a two wheeler also needs a banked road. Reason: Refer 0.29 0.36, Derive expression for angle of banking when vehicle (consider to be a point) moves along, 4 curved banked road neglecting friction. [3 Marks! Ans: ji The vertical section of a vehicle on a curved road of radius banked at an angle “0” with the horizontal s shown inthe figure Ny Neos? force, mst be the necessary ‘balance the centrifugal free). Nain i) Diving equation (2) by eqution (1, ono = ebay \s. ‘This isan expression for angle of banking when fr vehicle moves along 2 curved banked road reaectng friction, for f) most safe speed fand (i) banking angle for a vehicle moving ‘on curved banked road, 12 Marks} Ans: For particular road, when rand @ are fixed, then i. Most safe speed, 37, State an expression aad ji. Banking angle, = tar|— | \re) (38. What is the need for lower and upper speed limit for a vehicle moving on a banked road? Derive expression fo [4 Marks} | Ans: | 2" tee vice ming eal te seed so “fz he forces ating onthe vehicle a. weight mg acing verily downwards Tonal reaion N act perpendicular 10 the tus et te etn of re 0 ee Go toc od ol OT ee ince tt on Sa area eyo (| Sale gan | ve Fee tere of be mo Pec ees or es be cei! = 2 =n snd cost ) ‘ihe veal components News anf, sin is hala by weit me, sme=Noos + find e) i Foe minimum posi see, x maximum sndeqal oN, From eu (1) and (2), Beret eco | : ffermgh rods tanked at smile ang fa READING BETWEEN THE LINES S a tie cs, ci fete, ca ewe iu soe oat at component (e060 whet care of the hese two, frees: tak Te) fe (or balan te ea i ays reo? se senza component cos teas eat sn dan weight me Noms nl m8 tng Neos © 38 “ Pe ecinom posible speed, malay SareqaleN Fromesusins @) and inclination of he @ anv (nV fT rae Ie ps = ot, Yan, = BUC (ia = 1 Th 6 245%, van =». However, for heavily band road, minimum limit may be important Explanation for point (ii: Dividing equation (1) by equation (2) amir _N ind —fo08 NeosO > fain 7 SE, Neinb—p.Neoso ME NomO+ p.Nsind 2 =a) Dividing sbove equation by °N cos8 For a safe | onal every time a | oily or wet in Qa. Use your! i I frletion road? No, vehi ‘onthe 108 A Why ar deriving angle? ‘Ans: Frictions high spe What a road an Ans: Refer Q Q.42, State th i. Pendul __ i, Conica Nala Ne Seek TAN Dividing above equation by "N cos8” (930. Esplin wll death om the Basi of ost se ped, banking ange speed iis (4 Marks] Refer 032 and 0.33 | ‘Use your bran power (Textook pe no.) | IAs a hil engioer, you ae given contact 10 ‘onaryet a curved road in a hat. In order 1 Simin the Banking angle @, you need to decide the apecd limit How will you decide the values speed van radius 7? UU Mark x Fora contain value of the vale of fe sped Ans eae. You nce ans aor eved road ina ghat wit banking ange | 4% Derive expression forthe period of» canal aan aer | endl (saris willbe, = Vir =e | _reaowe serween eunes [ZS ————> | | | Ror a sofer side, ftona foe | eomidered aw tir mot enous and wn when road becomes | | 1 Gnery Hime ait changes | or et in rain eon ‘bathe! 4, tse your brain power. (Textbook pa Hes A ee ec vehicle mae mH rout! TMs naan tice wil kid inh bes ion | 1 Said | |. wy are we wot comeing the ftion | Ware ream for the bake | | mae iment | | Ams: Pricional force is not ‘enough and unreliable at » | Fumes on shar ms | a ii, What about the kinetic friction between the | fond anther? tia | ame: Reger 010) ls | qa sae he fatlowing terms: i Pendulum Simple pendulum | Bia_| ik, Conical pendulum Chater -Oseilitons srl study i detail about simple pendula Consider the vertical section of a con ‘Stuhr having bob (point ase) of ass nding of gt" Hoe, the angle made bythe sing with the venta. at any positon Gemi-verieal angle of the cae) Tr aien potion B te fores acting the bobare Te weiaht mg’ directed vertealy downveards the force Ty? de to the tension in whe srs, “Greced along the string, towands the suppor A. {na inertial frame ‘As the motion ofthe bob isa horizontal inet ‘must be horizontal motion, the resultant force iecula and directed towards the centre C ofthe mation, oe a Test eBay Tn = 0 eT oe si tO ee ary reat eats in) oon Dwi @) cs Frome ss set rose From ein 8) 208005 triste pdf eon ofthe ob the Tews | (lea Period, T=24, a +Q.4L0n what factors does the frequency of ‘coil pendalum depen? I independent tame cor? [a Marks ane 1b regasy of conical pendulum depends on ‘owing ets 4% Length of pendulum (1): Fsqeney of conical Pend nents with decreze in length of endi iene bAcctertion due onal pend in iene Anti of nctaation 0: As nee, Pendulum incre wi xvi (9) Feauency of TESS with increase in 8 increases, cos 6 ffegeney of conical hincrease in, or0<0<3) ron eer cert Tae pedals 8 edule Shd_sate the Saat mt fefernce ieee force on contig aes £249. motor ee 1s to undert «india» Cocticien fand the speed and this stunt tna won- inertial frame 72m Tofind: Lower speed imit (au) ii, Upper speod iit (Yaa) Velocity of abject at banked road, sy oe na Pres From foil » ef (aes) ons 88 kmph Now @ = tan’? (5)> A502 45% vam = The lower speed mit fr banked 08 van 8 kph ii AsO > 45 the i mo upper seed ‘Ans i Formal: Calculation: emis 8.69" Ans: i limit, Tes = m8 o-ew : nen by MER ae above shows vertical section of ae in which the “initially vertical a eed wih the vertical 9 0~ 37 pt ee a eee Caran oe en a ce ar evolution of he mer) A sete tbe 1 a: The feguney of s aoe Fy rounds 0.25 rev § oat fame 7 uy | “@stSemiverta angle ofthe cone sci 0 pe ‘a funnel is 37°, There is a small ball kept ve Stn: inside the fannel, On rotating the faa ™ the brine, ee the maximum speed thatthe Dall can baw © ee im order to remain in the funmel iy 2 mn, Soluto aise, Calculate inner radius of the brim of thy &° vor funnel. Is. there any limit upon ia 72/nd frequency of rotation? How much is it? Ist lower or upper limit? Give a logiell forma reasoning, (Use g = 10 mis" and sin 37 [3 Maris) Cateul Solution: Using trigonometry, Using tigonometry, tang 200 og cer ao ee! ite + us of he tider, bovaontal circular ‘motion of the = Lt Lysin 37° =21+015%06) =30m | Tht Ts the tension slong the nctined rod att Bn : a Now, y=10= 2am Forte we i fe ped rhe ong tamu Tosti oe aes feaweey Tos Be pal to epee ection oor in ts este ee, fa ets ta me Ti nr Td of bin 03 dt gay stone rr (0.62, A string of length 0.5 m carries «bob of mass 0.1 kg at Hs end. It is used as tension inthe string. [3 Marks} Solution: Given: = 0Sm,m=0.1kg, T= 1415 Tofind i, Angle of inclination (0) fi, Tension inthe string (T°) cose Formiloe: i. T=2n,/ °° Ve ii, Tension, T= Caleulation: From formula (i), (os x08 1at=2% 3342 fF, Lat_Y'_ od (seat) ~ ire iat ons (sara) 0s 8 = 0.9868 = cos" (0.9868) Solution: Given Tofnd Formula a Caleulation: 120 em is ised at mass of 150 gat free em IF the reveled in '@ horizontal circle of radius (02 m around a vertical axis calculate tension inthe sting. (= 9.8 mi) [Marks] {Oct 13) ‘esion in the sting) enson, T= ‘Tension, T= hy Pythagoras theorem, P=? HP ? (1.2 = ay= 14 he 1183 m ‘The weight of bob is balanced by ‘vertical component of tension T: eos = me ” From figure, cos = ar ‘Substituting in formula, male oh 15-98% u(%) 491 N ‘Tension in the sting is L491 N. O_O mare sos 5x2e = 55 mds on 7 coe ote Se a ses et we edge ®) xe- ioe a Formulae ral ®) ‘p.£. = mg (1 6050) “Tension ince supporting tread ii o pee = Spetotnb 0) ; sno (il0ay = 06 Pome bere OE patsiod 206 Cation By yap to esr poe? From formula, ae" | Seigpe te Seiah(® Frm frm, | ; ] ano 93 =0.75 apie eae | 0075) | tees } ay From rma i | Be weg tb is talnced ty | APE~0.1x10*02x(1-08) | see componet of tesa T 044 it, Toos = mg Ans: i. Kinetic energy of the bob is 0.045 J. ii Change in gravitational potential eos ‘of the bob is 0.04 J. iw | [Note:The given solution is modified consider) ee tie given values in he question] 1 : 64 See no pe fecal cela mil e observed in practice, (2 Marlil| Tale Se orig treat i | * inte vera cicaar motion ach 8) ® ‘Speed ofthe bobs 1.488 a, Spt ir ape ches, i ae kept constant or NOT ea controlled by object. ‘Consider a bob (treated as point mass) ted toa {prastialy) massless, inextesible and flexible Sie a 4 tes slong» veri cl 50a te 1 areca ota ad abepesio vet pe 1 feeer * | fi Ax any position of the bob, thee are only 10 | forces acting on the bob: a. weight (mg), vertically downwards, which 18 | be. the force due to the tension (T), directed slong | the string and towards te centre. (ts magnitude changes periodically with ime and location.) jv, As the motion is non uniform, the resultant of these two forces is not directed towards the eae except at the uppermost and the Towermost positions of the bob. Atal the other positions, part of the resultant s tangential and is used to change the speed vi Uppermost position (A) 3 Both, weight (mg) and force due to tension (*4) are downwards, Le, towards the centre. In this fase, their resultant is used only as (he centripetal force. rn ee ee Xo img tn ths coe, ther rutlant 6 the ore. Tv the speed atthe Fowermest it Ty-mg= ME 0) “While coming down from he wo the lowermost pont the vertical placement is 2 tnd the motion is governed only by eavis- Hence the corresponding decrease i trviaional potential energy i conversa int the kinetic ener w= Sa oyna From equation (2) and (4). vi narg tre (alan 58 ro) Positions when the string it horizontal (© a4 Dy Force duc to the tension is the only foes towards the centre as weight mg i perpendicular to the tension. : “Thus, force due to the tension i the centipetal fore sed to change the direction of ‘the velocity and weight mis used nly to change the sped, ‘At midway position (C), while coming down from the midway point t¢ the lowermost point, the vertical displacement i“ Hence, the cortespondng decrease in the gravitational PE, is converted into KE. y ons mer= 4 mv,—bmv =2er Since, vax 5 vie Seg-2 aa 8 Similarly (¥p) win = V3 Similarly, T. el Feat depends ony o0 Wei eADING BETWEEN THE LINES ‘apa for poet i dirt mate From equation (1) and above equation Te-mp—Tan = | asi igand v= 4 i { | ss aaron _ 09. yi nt pol te deerine he sine Pere equeny oferta coag ni Mark Poin ves vekiy a ny nt cin "be demine “onte ie coneraton. Buta he melon o be eso i mt inane inte nea ‘not possible), theoretically itis not Possible i detmie the period or fequey oe ® spook page, 12) hie ‘event in comnon ving this ride, al the pa parks. Dat ‘motion described ti during various Parts of th teperienced by 0s during sn oon] aera is meant by mass tht a rod? How it different from mass tied to a string? (2 Marks}, | Ans: A bob (point mass) tied to a (practically massless and rigid) rod and whirled along a vertical circle The basic difference between the rod and the string is that the string needs some tension atall the poins, including the uppermost point while mass tied to a rod doesn't need tension at amj point Q.72. State the expression for difference in tension at the lowermost and uppermost point when sd to a rod, (1 Mark] ya Tees Ans: a Q73. Match the columns, For miss ted to-rod performing veri circular motion, {1 Markl imental the period canbe meay r with small © eventually perform circles. horizontal cies, they_| revolutions along vera ‘The dynamics of this vert ciclar motion th sew ato he pot mast oe sing excep that the fare di to trion Ts replaced by the normal reaction force N ‘The linear speed is more fr larger ccles but angular speed (fequene) is more for salle isles (while Staring oF stopping). This is a5 perthe theory of conical pendlum, (0.0.75. Explain the expression for upper limi on the speed when vehicle is at the top of a convex overbridg. 13 Marks} iL Consider a vehicle at the top of « convex aver bridge as shown inthe figure. * convex override During its motion (part of vertical circular motion), forces acting onthe vehicle are weight (mg) noma ructon force (N), both along he tera Tne ops! pston fi The resulant of these two must prvi ce ocearycetietalforce (eral onwards) i the veil 6a the uppemos poston, ix. Thus i isthe speed athe uppennos Pin gn ‘As the speed is increased, N goes 0” decreasing, Normal reaction i a indeation of contact, Thus, for just maininining contact, N= 0. Tt Jmposes an upper limit onthe speed as Yu = Sten rie change who» vice bridge change when 2 ‘raveling on with constan speed? [2Maria} 4: When a vehicle moves on aconeave brid, : ie ri | A | Namatiose = mgs BF ‘me ‘As changes, normal reaction wil lso change. (Sotveo exameues Je | 40.774 tiny stone of mass 20 g is thed toa [oO practically massless, inextensible, Mlexble String and whirled” abng_yertical_ circles. Speed of the stone ® 8 mls when the centripetal force is exactly equal to the foree due to the tension, Caleulate minimum and ‘maximum kinetic energies ofthe stone during. ‘the entire circle. Let @ = 0°be the ang | position of the string, when the stone is at the lowermost position, Determine the angular position of the string when the force due to tension is numerically equal to weight of the stone, [Use g = 10 m/s? and length of the string (Exam _— | Migrate me a’ KE n= mer 140.02x8-KE. motores (a8 # particle) is undergoing ‘eral ice inside sphere of death. The speed of the motorcycle varies between 6 ms ‘and 19 mis. Calelate ameter ofthe sphere (death, What are the minimum values are Possible orthese wo speeds? (3 Mar ‘Solution: Given: Ya" 10m v4 = bes Toft i, Diameter of sphere of death it Oabnand ee Formise: ive tg Ones Ba a Va Caleuiion m= S0kg ‘Velocity at highest pit (vy) Tofind —\, gla velocity at highest pol 1 a vy SAR ms Using formal om Ls rads Ans: The least velocity with which the sil cyclist must pass the highest is $42 mi the angular velocity at the highest poll Ls rads MOA stone of mass 2 kg tied to 2 WO Inextensible string of length 3.6 m is whit im a circular path of rac ius 3.6 mn in a vert Plane. If the ratio of the maxims tease {he string to the minimum tension is 3:94 the speed of the stone ighest point of the circle, Make g=10 mis —_— of rotati of each distance and is § particle from ax ai. ' ‘Ans: : “Lint = Soe ame ie, Soi ee ‘Moment of inertia of rigid body about an axis ofrotaion is defined asthe sum of product ofthe mass Sreach particle end tho equare of its perpendicular tistane from the axis of rotation. Its denoted by “T Some where, mis mass of ands given by, 1 parcle and x = perpendicular distance of i” particle fiom axis of rotation | motion in linear (2 Marks} Q81. How moment of inertia in rotation is an analogous quantity for mass motion. Ans: i. Angular displacement, angular velocity and fangular acceleration respectively replaces finear displacement, linear velocity and linear eeeleretion, for” various... kinematical equations. fi, Also, torque is an analogous quantity for free. Expressions of linear momentum, foree (or & fixed mass) and kinetic energy include mass 28 © ‘common term, fii, lene, in order to have their rotational analogyes, Ml acs as analogues quantity for mass Consider rigid object rating with a constant fngular speed! © about an axis perpendicular 0 the plane of pape. |Avbody of N particles For theoretical simplification, lt us consider the Object to be consisting ef N particles of masses im my, omy at respective perpendicular fistances fy ot from the axis of rotation ‘As the object rotate, a these particles perform UCM with the same angular speed o, but sith different linear speeds, “Translational KE. ofthe firs particle is (KEN = bavi} Similar will be the case of al the other particles. Rotational KE. of tke object, is the sum of jndvigual translational kinetic energies. ‘Thus, Rotational KE. = 1 Amato +toye’ Sogo! zm fant ea ake’ : paatoul X= pul=$m eee Rotational KE, ‘end by trgron 081 = Ines cvrioin 801 KO ities pose to obait thot thereat, but #00 ‘eine experiment ota | ‘sete sort note om moment of inert cal | on | sion for moment of inertia of through centre ‘and perpendiclar othe plane (2 Marks} ‘An oj scaled niform ring if ts mass is fees) aed eliely fee "| Hh Tso denn! ate of neue | ticks Momento Teri of in ee — i if 8 MS PE rm ane OURO ese of HE iy ay “grea of aise — som aise of mass M30 rad ie xs, which & the lg Sole "ane and passitg Cu consider» Bi touting about its perpendicular 10 1 rtace density of dis circular object it can ‘ing of @ number Sncresing fam As it is onsidered 10 be consist ot red (practically) 20 0B. ‘One of sich rings of mass anv 8 shown (1.6 Radius shaded portion in the figure = Q.88. Why isi ‘Wid ofthis ring is “8 the entire ring can be considered to be nese ee Area of this ring, A= (2ar)dr —_ aol mas ~ a Qrorydr at ising is ctre assis sa | — from the axis of rotation, Thus, the mor Tretia ofthis ring, 1, = dm (F) 1 1 practical sense, db less than the least Count of the instrament that measures 7 30 ‘hari constant for tha ing ((soweD exametes 6 -QH7A meta ring of mas 1g has momen of ee neti tm when rotating about one ots 1s molten and remould into 8 its-moment of ine tated about its own ass. sation y= the = am ee <> ee ' Vr | In both case, mass and radius would be same Hence, b= po bet ken? 1.6. Radius of Gyration (88. Why nit useful to define radius of gyration? i Caleulation of moment of inertia is possible only for mathematically integrable 5 shapes. ii. However, experimentally one can determine the ‘moment of inertia of any abject. fit Tt depends upon mass of that object and how that mau is distributed from or around the given ani of rotation iv. Mone is terested in knowing only the mass istibution around the axis of oation, we <8 express momen of inertia of any object T=? where M is mass ofthat obec ion eve efeamtions 6:3 Hone svi in hie case, K 6 dened ag the ri tration of the object abou he given ast of si voter words, i K i radi of gyation for 38 (bjs MK i the moment fini Ft object . (89, state whether rae or fake If fle rewrite ‘the corre statement. Larger the vale of radius of gyration, nearer {she mas from the a Mack ‘Am False ‘arprthe value of aus of gyration fries the mus fom the axis. 90. Compare the radias of gyration of» uniform fing and uniform is. What can yeu. eo consider a uniform ring and a eiform dis ‘thf the some mass Mand same ais fi Let and be their respective moment of sod Ky are thee respective rai of and (2 From Keck, i. Teshows mathematically that Kis decided bythe distribution of mss. Ina ring the ere mass is distributed at the distance R, while for a de, its mass is distributed between O and R. vic Among any objets of same mass and rads, ing has the largest rads of gration and hence ‘maximum MLL 0.91, Can you recall? ‘What isthe concept of centre of mass? ‘Ans: Centre of mass of body is x point about which the summation of moments of masses in the system is 20 M=6kg, R=2™ Gm adius of gration (K) Tofind concent yh radius of gyration ithe rt J ean aquure tance of th obec farts fF Formula: cae 2, vA Rado & mn y Sn cron of es of tbody Coteultion: Since, M1 of soli sphere, 1= 3 - 2 poston af axis of ion From formula, a 13, shape and size of the body Pe Bee cpacen a boty independent ‘of total mass of the body. 2 vi IK ~Ke 5 eM ad MK! Pei | MR) = MX and a8) = | " ‘Ke= Rand Ky= Be coer : ae | K=126m | : my | Ane: Te ni of gron of e pherataea R= ER | - i, Rad of die is equal to JF tines he ; ees eau the ‘Theorem of Perpendicular an er __g | 095:How is theorem of paral and perpen & aes seta? 2 Ma A torque of 400 N m acting on a body of ee 40 kg produces an angular acceleration ot | ° Expresso fecal tec en of ee - ‘moment of inertia of be and radius of gyration, ent of inertia "metrical shapes are about their axis nt rau of gration ofthe boa 2 Nara Symmetry and ate derive by ingrtion oe ik However ore every time the axis need nt an ke, a= 20 rads? axis of symmet pie ee envi my paomnety In sinple transforma micetsmen tao be pant or perpen 1 a Hh For cami " can is rotated about on Smee, 1 psallel wis a 1096. State Me conditions under v theorems of parallel nres and pevrendictes ance are applicable State the respective iathematical expressions. [2 Miri 2 note apy paral axes hoe w any objet, we need tw ats purl och oe with one of them passing through the centre mass of the object, OnE _ Gi Parpenllela os thoy eles he moment of teria of «linn bjt soa hee Srtialyperpendiclar and concrete, {ho af them in the plane of the object and ie thin pepeniclr othe object Lain bet is ke ea, or any to dimensional tearing adn, any pane shee fi Matra expressions fart anes thoren: 1-1 Berend nes hore I. (Q.97. State and prove the principle of parallel axes Inrotational motion. (4 Marks [Feb 20] Statement: The moment of inertia (L) of an object about any aie i the sum of its moment of Inertia (le) about an axis parallel tothe giver ‘ras ond passing through the cone of mast andthe product ofthe mass ofthe object andthe square of the distance Between the (80 ars. Mathematically, l= I+ Mi Prov i. Consider an object of mass M. axis pasting through point ©. ii, Axis ACB is passing through the centre of mast C of the object, parallel tothe axis MOP, and at A distance h from it(-. h= CO). ‘Axis MOP is any “Theorem of parallel <5 fii, Consider a mass element dyn located at point (produced) from point = ff(ocy 28cm Yen sng Pthagortheore in DNC) = (0c) m9 feds fo ow, (06) dm =I. and [n= 1. NCis the distance ofa pit fom he ene trss Any mass ition symmetric bout the cone of rst Ths, om te definton of tn cenfeof as, fC =0 bake ‘hiss the mathematical em of the theorem of panel anes. (098. Use your bran power (Tbk page m2 15) Init fg Even bso he pot Di chosen Sisk te we have 10 extend OC for the pervendiular DN tol ob Wht will app tothe fn! expesion of ly f pint D is 30 ‘Shonen thatthe pependiclat DN falls ety onoc {UMarkl Ans: There will be o change in the expression of pression wil be same as T= Le MA READING BETWEEN THE UNES. { "4 du Pe H al | mm soc, op’ = 0c + cbt Multiply above equation by dm dn OD? = dmOC: + dnc? Tntegrating both sides, D. Perpendicular on OC pet

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