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Term (English) Definition (English)

property left behind intentionally and permanently when it

appears that the former owner does not intend to come back, pick
it up, or use it. One may have abandoned the property of contract
abandoned property rights by not doing what is required by the contract. However, an
easement and other land rights are not abandoned property just
because of nonuse. Abandoned land is defined as land not being
used at the present time but that may have utilities and
infrastructure in place.

vegetation that is not native to a particular region but that has

adapted plant  characteristics that allow it to live in the area. Adapted plants do
not pose the same problems as invasive species.

a substance added to a product (e.g., paint, flooring) to kill or

inhibit the growth of microorganisms. Some products, such as
linoleum, exhibit natural antimicrobial properties. Despite current
added antimicrobial practice, science has not proven that antimicrobial treatments
treatment reduce infection transfer in building finishes more effectively than
standard cleaning procedures. Also known as added microbial
agent. See U.S. EPA factsheet, Consumer Products Treated with
Pesticides ( factsheets/treatart.htm).

a site having at least a continuous 25% of its boundary bordering

parcels that are previously developed sites. Only consider
adjacent site bordering parcels, not intervening rights-of-way. Any fraction of the
boundary that borders a water body is excluded from the

material other than earthen material placed on the surface of the

active face of a municipal solid waste landfill at the end of each
alternative daily cover operating day to control vectors, fires, odors, blowing litter, and
(ADC) scavenging. Generally these materials must be processed so they
do not allow gaps in the exposed landfill face. (CalRecycle)

low-polluting, nongasoline fuels such as electricity, hydrogen,

alternative fuel propane, compressed natural gas, liquid natural gas, methanol, and

nonpotable water from other than public utilities, on-site surface

sources, and subsurface natural freshwater sources. Examples
alternative water source include graywater, on-site reclaimed water, collected rainwater,
captured condensate, and rejected water from reverse osmosis
systems (IgCC).

a metric that describes the potential for visual discomfort in

annual sunlight exposure interior work environments. It is defined as the percentage of an
(ASE) analysis area that exceeds a specified direct sunlight illuminance
level more than a specified number of hours per year.

a built-in, nonstructural portion of a roof system. Examples include

appurtenance skylights, ventilators, mechanical equipment, partitions, and solar
energy panels.

reports the percentage of sensors in the analysis area, using a

maximum 2-foot spacing between points, that are found to be
ASE1000,250 exposed to more than 1000 lux of direct sunlight for more than 250
hours per year, before any operable blinds or shades are deployed
to block sunlight, considering the same 10 hour/day analysis period
as sDA and using comparable simulation methods

a product formulated from multiple materials (e.g., concrete) or a

assembly product made up of subcomponents (e.g., a workstation)

attendance boundary the limits used by school districts to determine what school
students attend based on where they live

the illumination output for light-emitting diode lamps, as specified

average LED intensity (ALI) in the International Commission on Illumination Standard 127–
materials and products that make up the building or are
base building permanently and semi-permanently installed in the project (e.g.,
flooring, casework, wall coverings)

baseline building the annual energy cost for a building design, used as a baseline for
performance comparison with above-standard design

before the LEED project was initiated, but not necessarily before
any development or disturbance took place. Baseline conditions
baseline condition describe the state of the project site on the date the developer
acquired rights to a majority of its buildable land through purchase
or option to purchase.

a calculated projection of building water use assuming code-

baseline water consumption compliant fixtures and fittings with no additional savings compared
with the design case or actual water meter data

the information necessary to accomplish the owner’s project

requirements, including system descriptions, indoor environmental
basis of design (BOD) quality criteria, design assumptions, and references to applicable
codes, standards, regulations, and guidelines

a continuous network consisting of any combination of the

following 1) off street bicycle paths or trails at least 8 feet (2.5
bicycle network meters) wide for a two-way path and at least 5 feet (1.5 meters)
wide for a one-way path 2) physically designated on-street bicycle
lanes at least 5 feet (1.5 meters) wide 3) streets designed for a
target speed of 25 mph (40 kmh)

the distance that a bicyclist must travel between origins and

bicycling distance destinations, the entirety of which must be on a bicycle network.

commercial or industrial products (other than food or feed) that

are composed in whole, or in significant part, of biological
bio-based material products, renewable agricultural materials (including plant, animal,
and marine materials), or forestry materials. For the purposes of
LEED, this excludes leather and other animal hides.

wastewater containing urine or fecal matter that should be

discharged to the sanitary drainage system of the building or
blackwater premises in accordance with the International Plumbing Code.
Wastewater from kitchen sinks (sometimes differentiated by the
use of a garbage disposal), showers, or bathtubs is considered
blackwater under some state or local codes.

the removal of makeup water from a cooling tower or evaporative

blowdown condenser recirculation system to reduce concentrations of
dissolved solids
Term (English) Definition (English)

real property or the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which

brownfield may be complicated by the presence or possible presence of a
hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant.

a luminaire classification system that classifies luminaires in terms

BUG rating of backlight (B), uplight (U), and glare (G) (taken from IES/IDA
Model Lighting Ordinance). BUG ratings supersede the former
cutoff ratings.

the portion of the site where construction can occur, including

land voluntarily set aside and not constructed on. When used in
buildable land
density calculations, buildable land excludes public rights-of-way
and land excluded from development by codified law.

a structure’s primary and secondary weatherproofing system,

building exterior including waterproofing membranes and air- and water-resistant
barrier materials, and all building elements outside that system

building interior everything inside a structure’s weatherproofing membrane

an enhanced bus system that operates on exclusive bus lanes or

bus rapid transit other transit rights-of-way. The system is designed to combine the
flexibility of buses with the efficiency of rail.

a unit of carbon dioxide equivalent that is reduced, avoided, or

carbon offset sequestered to compensate for emissions occurring elsewhere
(World Resources Institute)

a procedure that tracks a product from the point of harvest or

chain of custody (CoC) extraction to its end use, including all successive stages of
processing, transformation, manufacturing, and distribution

an intensive, multiparty workshop that brings people from

charrette different disciplines and backgrounds together to explore,
generate, and collaboratively produce design options
a fluid, containing hydrocarbons, that absorbs heat from a
chlorofluorocarbon (CFC)- reservoir at low temperatures and rejects heat at higher
based refrigerant temperatures. When emitted into the atmosphere, CFCs cause
depletion of the stratospheric ozone layer.

the point in time in the morning (dawn) or evening (dusk) when

the center of the sun is geometrically 6 degrees below the horizon.
civil twilight Under good weather conditions, civil twilight is the best time to
distinguish terrestrial objects clearly. Before civil twilight in the
morning and after civil twilight in the evening, artificial illumination
normally is required to carry on ordinary outdoor activities.

a space that is regularly occupied and used for educational

classroom or core learning activities. In such space, the primary functions are teaching and
space learning, and good speech communication is critical to students’
academic achievement. (Adapted from ANSI S12.60)

clean waste nonhazardous materials left over from construction and

demolition. Clean waste excludes lead and asbestos.
glass that is transparent and allows a view through the
clear glazing fenestration. Diffused glazing allows only daylighting.

a system that acts as a heat sink for heat-rejecting building and

medical equipment by recirculating water. Because the water is
closed-loop cooling sealed within the system, some closed-loop cooling systems use
nonpotable water (such as recycled process water harvested from
an air handler's cooling coil condensate).

a measurement from 0 to 100 that indictes how accurately an

artificial light source, as compared with an incandescent light,
displays hues. The higher the index number, the more accurately
the light is rendering colors. Incandescent lighting has a color
color rendering index rendering index above 95; standard high-pressure sodium lighting
(such as orange-hued roadway lights) measures approximately 25;
many fluorescent sources using rare earth phosphors have a color
rendering index of 80 and above. (Adapted from U.S. ENERGY

combination oven discharge water released from an oven that includes a steam cycle or option

an integrated system that captures the heat, otherwise unused,

combined heat and power generated by a single fuel source in the production of electrical
power. Also known as cogeneration. (Adapted from U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency)
building waste streams that are combined on the project site and
commingled waste hauled away for sorting into recyclable streams. Also known as
single-stream recycling.
the process of verifying and documenting that a building and all of
its systems and assemblies are planned, designed, installed, tested,
commissioning (Cx) operated, and maintained to meet the owner’s project

the individual designated to organize, lead, and review the

completion of commissioning process activities. The CxA facilitates
commissioning authority communication among the owner, designer, and contractor to
(CxA) ensure that complex systems are installed and function in
accordance with the owner’s project requirements.

the measurement of the level of dissolved solids in water, using

conductivity the ability of an electric current to pass through water. Because it is
affected by temperature, conductivity is measured at 25°C for

a region’s most common system for providing water to plants by

nonnatural means. A conventional irrigation system commonly uses
conventional irrigation pressure to deliver water and distributes it through sprinkler heads
above the ground.

the water discharged from a cooling tower typically because

cooling tower blowdown increased salinity or alkalinity has caused scaling. Cooling tower
blowdown may be too saline for use in landscape irrigation.

analysis of a product’s partial life cycle, from resource extraction

cradle-to-gate assessment (cradle) to the factory gate (before it is transported for distribution
and sale). It omits the use and the disposal phases of the product.

an officially designated geographic area that includes both cultural

cultural landscape and natural resources associated with a historic event, activity, or
person or that exhibits other significant cultural or aesthetic values

current facilities the implementation of the owner’s project requirements,

requirements (CFR) developed to confirm the owner’s current operational needs and
Term (English) Definition (English)

a designated area in a building space or a central facility that is

sized and allocated for a specific task, such as the collection of
recyclable waste. Signage often indicates the type of recyclable
waste stored there. Some waste streams, such as mercury-based
dedicated storage light bulbs, sensitive paper documents, biomedical waste, or
batteries, may require particular handling or disposal methods.
Consult the municipality’s safe storage and disposal procedures or
use guidelines posted on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
website, at

a change in electricity use by demand-side resources from their

normal consumption patterns in response to changes in the price of
demand response (DR) electricity or to incentive payments designed to induce lower
electricity use at times of high wholesale market prices or when
system reliability is jeopardized

a specific period of time when the utility or independent service

demand response (DR) operator calls for a change in the pattern or level of use in grid-
event based electricity from its program participants. Also known as a
curtailment event.

a temporary interior wall that can be easily reconfigured. In a

health care facility, acoustical concerns and embedded equipment,
demountable partition
as in a surgery suite, may prevent demountable partitions from
being used

densely occupied space an area with a design occupant density of 25 people or more per
1,000 square feet (93 square meters)

a measure of the total building floor area or dwelling units on a

density parcel of land relative to the buildable land of that parcel. Units for
measuring density may differ according to credit requirements.
Does not include structured parking.

– the floor area of a diagnostic and treatment of clinical

departmental gross area department, calculated from the centerline of the walls separating
(DGA) the department from adjacent spaces. Walls and circulations space
within the department are included in the calculation. This
calculation excludes inpatient units.

the total land area of a project site covered by buildings, streets,

development footprint parking areas, and other typically impermeable surfaces
constructed as part of the project

a state in which two materials with different life spans make up

differential durability one complete component. If one material wears out and cannot be
separated and replaced, the entire product must be thrown away.

a means of entering a space without having to leave the floor or

pass through another patient’s room, dedicated staff space, service
direct access or utility space, or major public space. Patients’ and public
circulation corridors, common sitting areas, and waiting and day
space may be part of a direct access route.

an interior horizontal measurement of 1,000 lux or more of direct

beam sunlight that accounts for window transmittance and angular
direct sunlight effects, and excludes the effect of any operable blinds, with no
contribution from reflected light (i.e., a zero bounce analysis) and
no contribution from the diffuse sky component (Adapted from IES)

a central energy conversion plant and transmission and

distribution system that provides thermal energy to a group of
district energy system (DES) buildings (e.g., a central cooling plant on a university campus). It
does not include central energy systems that provide only

a distinct business or organization that provides goods or services

intended to meet daily needs and is publicly available. Automated
diverse use facilities such as ATMs or vending machines are not included. For a
full list, see the Appendix.

the heating and cooling systems, equipment, and controls located

in the project building or on the project site and associated with
downstream equipment transporting the thermal energy of the district energy system (DES)
into heated and cooled spaces. Downstream equipment includes
the thermal connection or interface with the DES, secondary
distribution systems in the building, and terminal units.

products with a useful life of approximately two or more years and

durable goods that are replaced infrequently. Examples include furniture, office
equipment, appliances, external power adapters, televisions, and
audiovisual equipment.

the flow of long-lasting products from the project building after

they are fully depreciated and have reached the end of their useful
durable goods waste stream life for normal business operations. It includes leased durable
goods returned to their owner but does not include durable goods
that remain functional and are moved to another floor or building.

the conductors, including the ungrounded, grounded, and

equipment grounding conductors, the electric vehicle connectors,
electric vehicle supply attachment plugs, and all other fittings, devices, power outlets or
equipment apparatuses installed specifically for the purpose of delivering
energy from the premises wiring to the electric vehicle. (National
Electric Codes and California Article 625)

discarded office equipment (computers, monitors, copiers,

electronic waste printers, scanners, fax machines), appliances (refrigerators,
dishwashers, water coolers), external power adapters, and
televisions and other audiovisual equipment
mercury in its purest form (rather than a mercury-containing
elemental mercury compound), the vapor of which is commonly used in fluorescent
and other bulb types

emergency lighting a luminaire that operates only during emergency conditions and is
always off during normal building operation

a nonresidential area of at least 5 acres (2 hectares) with a job

employment center density of at least 50 employees per net acre (at least 125
employees per hectare net)

the exterior plus semi-exterior portions of the building. Exterior

consists of the elements of a building that separate conditioned
spaces from the outside (i.e., the wall assembly). Semiexterior
enclosure consists of the elements of a building that separate conditioned
space from unconditioned space or that encloses semi-heated
space through which thermal energy may be transferred to or from
the exterior or conditioned or unconditioned spaces (e.g., attic,
crawl space, basement).
Term (English) Definition (English)
a designation that allows an outside entity, such as USGBC, to
access water and energy usage information that a building
energy service provider management team maintains with ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager
or a similar tool

a substance designed at the molecular (nanometer) level. Because

of its small size, it has novel properties generally not seen in its
engineered nanomaterial conventional bulk counterpart. See the Australian National
Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessment Scheme,

a statement that the item meets the environmental requirements

environmental product of ISO 14021–1999, ISO 14025–2006 and EN 15804, or ISO 21930–
declaration 2007

the combination of evaporation and plant transpiration into the

atmosphere. Evaporation occurs when liquid water from soil, plant
evapotranspiration surfaces, or water bodies becomes vapor. Transpiration is the
movement of water through a plant and the subsequent loss of
water vapor.

measures undertaken by the maker of a product to accept its own

and sometimes other manufacturers’ products as postconsumer
waste at the end of the products’ useful life. Producers recover and
extended producer recycle the materials for use in new products of the same type. To
responsibility count toward credit compliance, a program must be widely
available. For carpet, extended producer responsibility must be
consistent with NSF/ANSI 140–2007. Also known as closed-loop
program or product take-back.

a roof that is covered with plants and typically not designed for
general access. Usually an extensive system is a rugged green roof
that requires little maintenance once established. The planting
extensive vegetated roof medium in extensive vegetated roofs ranges from 1 to 6 inches in
depth. (Adapted from U.S. EPA) exterior vegetated surface area the
total area of vegetation on the project site, including vegetated
roofs and turf grass

a device installed on the outside of a water pipe to record the

external meter volume of water passing through it. Also known as a clamp-on

the density of nonresidential land use, exclusive of parking,

measured as the total nonresidential building floor area divided by
the total buildable land area available for nonresidential structures.
For example, on a site with 10,000 square feet (930 square meters)
floor-area ratio (FAR) of buildable land area, an FAR of 1.0 would be 10,000 square feet
(930 square meters) of building floor area. On the same site, an
FAR of 1.5 would be 15,000 square feet (1395 square meters), an
FAR of 2.0 would be 20,000 square feet (1860 square meters), and
an FAR of 0.5 would be 5,000 square feet (465 square meters).

the water discharged from a subsurface drainage system. If a

foundation drain building foundation is below the water table, a sump pump may be
required. Discharge from the sump may be stored and used for

a cluster of freight-related businesses that include intermodal

transfer operations. Freight villages may offer logistics services,
integrated distribution, warehousing capabilities, showrooms, and
freight village support services. Such support services may include security,
maintenance, mail, banking, customs and import management
assistance, cafeterias, restaurants, office space, conference rooms,
hotels, and public or activity center transportation.

a building opening designed to be used by pedestrians and open

functional entry during regular business hours. It does not include any door
exclusively designated as an emergency exit, or a garage door not
designed as a pedestrian entrance.

the stand-alone furniture items purchased for the project,

including individual and group seating; open-plan and private-office
workstations; desks and tables; storage units, credenzas,
bookshelves, filing cabinets, and other case goods; wall-mounted
visual-display products (e.g., marker boards and tack boards,
furniture and furnishings excluding electronic displays); and miscellaneous items, such as
easels, mobile carts, freestanding screens, installed fabrics, and
movable partitions. Hospitality furniture is included as applicable to
the project. Office accessories, such as desktop blotters, trays, tape
dispensers, waste baskets, and all electrical items, such as lighting
and small appliances, are excluded.

grams per brake metric used to communicate how many grams of emissions (e.g.,
horsepower hour nitrogen oxide or particulate matter) are emitted by an engine of a
specific horsepower rating over a one-hour period

“untreated household waste water which has not come into

contact with toilet waste. Graywater includes used water from
bathtubs, showers, bathroom wash basins, and water from clothes-
washers and laundry tubs. It must not include waste water from
kitchen sinks or dishwashers” (Uniform Plumbing Code, Appendix
G, Gray Water Systems for Single-Family Dwellings); “waste water
graywater discharged from lavatories, bathtubs, showers, clothes washers and
laundry sinks” (International Plumbing Code, Appendix C, Gray
Water Recycling Systems). Some states and local authorities allow
kitchen sink wastewater to be included in graywater. Other
differences can likely be found in state and local codes. Project
teams should comply with the graywater definition established by
the authority having jurisdiction in the project area.

a soil- and vegetation-based approach to wet weather

management that is cost-effective, sustainable, and
green infrastructure environmentally friendly. Green infrastructure management
approaches and technologies infiltrate, evapotranspire, capture
and reuse stormwater to maintain or restore natural hydrologies.
(Adapted from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency)

green power a subset of renewable energy composed of grid-based electricity

produced from renewable energy sources

vehicles achieving a minimum green score of 45 on the American

green vehicles Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE) annual vehicle
rating guide (or a local equivalent for projects outside the U.S.).
Term (English) Definition (English)

greenfield area that is not previously developed, graded or disturbed, and

could support open space, habitat, or natural hydrology

the inanimate elements of the building landscaping. It includes

hardscape pavement, roadways, stonewalls, wood and synthetic decking,
concrete paths and sidewalks, and concrete, brick, and tile patios.

any item or agent (biological, chemical, physical) that has the

hazardous material potential to cause harm to humans, animals, or the environment,
either by itself or through interaction with other factors

the thermal absorption by hardscape, such as dark, nonreflective

pavement and buildings, and its subsequent radiation to
heat island effect surrounding areas. Other contributing factors may include vehicle
exhaust, air-conditioners, and street equipment. Tall buildings and
narrow streets reduce airflow and exacerbate the effect.

a transportation thoroughfare intended for motor vehicles with

highway limited access points, prohibitions on human-powered vehicles,
and higher speeds than local roads. A highway generally connects
cities and towns.

a building or structure with historic, architectural, engineering,

archeological, or cultural significance that is listed or determined to
be eligible as a historic structure or building, or as a contributing
building or structure in a designated historic district. The historic
historic building designation must be made by a local historic preservation review
board or similar body, and the structure must be listed in a state
register of historic places, be listed in the National Register of
Historic Places (or a local equivalent outside the U.S.), or have been
determined eligible for listing.

a group of buildings, structures, objects, and sites that have been

historic district designated or determined to be eligible as historically and
architecturally significant, and categorized as either contributing or
noncontributing to the historic nature of the district

an item that consists of only one material throughout or a

homogeneous material combination of multiple materials that cannot be mechanically
disjointed, excluding surface coatings
hydrozone a group of plantings with similar water needs

the incident luminous flux density on a differential element of

surface located at a point and oriented in a particular direction,
expressed in lumens per unit area. Since the area involved is
differential, it is customary to refer to this as illuminance at a point.
illuminance The unit name depends on the unit of measurement for area:
footcandles if square feet are used for area, and lux if square
meters are used. (Adapted from IES) In lay terms, illuminance is a
measurement of light striking a surface. It is expressed in
footcandles in the U.S. (based on square feet) and in lux in most
other countries (based on square meters).

an area of ground that development and building have modified in

such a way that precipitation cannot infiltrate downward through
impervious surface the soil. Examples of impervious surfaces include roofs, paved
roads and parking areas, sidewalks, and soils that have been
compacted either by design or by use.

an area where an occupant performs distinct tasks. Individual

individual occupant space occupant spaces may be within multioccupant spaces and should
be treated separately where possible.

any water discharged from a factory setting. Before this water can
industrial process water be used for irrigation, its quality needs to be checked. Saline or
corrosive water should not be used for irrigation.

a site where at least 75% of the land area, exclusive of rights-of-

way, within ½ mile (800 meters) of the project boundary is
infill site previously developed. A street or other right-of-way does not
constitute previously developed land; it is the status of property on
the other side of right-of-way or the street that matters.

(HVAC) uncontrolled inward air leakage to conditioned spaces

infiltration through unintentional openings in ceilings, floors, and walls from
unconditioned spaces or the outdoors caused by the same pressure
differences that induce exfiltration. (ASHRAE 62.1–2010)

a value between 0 and 1 (or 0% and 100%) that indicates the

ability of a material to shed infrared radiation (heat). A cool roof
should have a high thermal emittance. The wavelength range for
radiant energy is roughly 5 to 40 micrometers. Most building
infrared (thermal) materials (including glass) are opaque in this part of the spectrum
emittance  and have an emittance of roughly 0.9, or 90%. Clean, bare metals,
such as untarnished galvanized steel, have a low emittance and are
the most important exceptions to the 0.9 rule. In contrast,
aluminum roof coatings have intermediate emittance levels.
(Adapted from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)

inpatient an individual admitted to a medical, surgical, maternity, specialty,

or intensive-care unit for a length of stay exceeding 23 hours

inpatient unit any medical, surgical, maternity, specialty, or intensive-care unit

where an individual receives care for more than 23 hours

an information conveyance system that cannot be easily removed.

For furniture, such labeling may include radio frequency
integral labeling identification, engraving, embossing, or other permanent marking
containing information on material origin, properties, and date of

a method of pest management that protects human health and

integrated pest the surrounding environment, and improves economic returns
management through the most effective, least-risk option

an approach that involves people, systems, and business structures

(contractual and legal agreements) and practices. The process
integrated project delivery harnesses the talents and insights of all participants to improve
results, increase value to the owner, reduce waste, and maximize
efficiency through all phases of design, fabrication, and
construction. (Adapted from American Institute of Architects)
Term (English) Definition (English)

a roof that, compared with an extensive vegetated roof, has

greater soil volume, supports a wider variety of plants (including
shrubs and trees), and allows a wider variety of uses (including
intensive vegetated roof human access). The depth of the growing medium is an important
factor in determining habitat value. The native or adapted plants
selected for the roof should support the site’s endemic wildlife
populations. (Adapted from Green Roofs for Healthy Cities)

all the layers applied over a finished subfloor or stairs, including

stair treads and risers, ramps, and other walking surfaces. Interior
interior floor finish finish excludes building structural members, such as beams,
trusses, studs, or subfloors, or similar items. Interior finish also
excludes nonfull spread wet coatings or adhesives.

all the layers comprising the exposed interior surfaces of buildings,

interior wall and ceiling including fixed walls, fixed partitions, columns, exposed ceilings,
finish and interior wainscoting, paneling, interior trim or other finish
applied mechanically or for decoration, acoustical correction,
surface fire resistance, or similar purposes

a venue for the movement of goods in a single loading unit or road

intermodal facility vehicle that uses successively two or more modes of transportation
without the need to handle the goods themselves

nonnative vegetation that has been introduced to an area and that

invasive plant aggressively adapts and reproduces. The plant’s vigor combined
with a lack of natural enemies often leads to outbreak populations.
(Adapted from U.S. Department of Agriculture)

electricity consumption by information technology and telecom

IT annual energy equipment which includes servers, networking, and storage
equipment over the course of a year
a device emitting light in a fixture, excluding lamp housing and
lamp ballasts. Light-emitting diodes packaged as traditional lamps also
meet this definition.

the useful span of operation of a source of artificial light, such as

bulbs. Lamp life for fluorescent lights is determined by testing three
hours on for every 20 minutes off. For high-density discharge
lamp life lamps, the test is based on 11 hours on for every 20 minutes off.
Lamp life depends on whether the start ballast is program or
instant. This information is published in manufacturers’
information. Also known as rated average life.

a private, nonprofit organization that, as all or part of its mission,

land trust actively works to conserve land by undertaking or assisting in
conservation easement or land acquisition, or by its stewardship of
such land or easements (Adapted from Land Trust Alliance)

materials that are natural (e.g., rock, soil, stone, vegetation).

land-clearing debris and soil Materials that are man-made (e.g., concrete, brick, cement) are
considered construction waste even if they were on site.

landscape water the amount of water that the site landscape area(s) requires for
requirement (LWR) the site’s peak watering month

a label, defined by U.S. EPA regulations under the Safe Drinking

lead-free Water Act, that allows small amounts of lead in solders, flux, pipes,
pipe fittings, and well pumps

a registered pesticide in the Tier III (lowest toxicity) category, using

the San Francisco Hazard Ranking system, or a pesticide that meets
least-risk pesticide the requirements in the San Francisco Pesticide Hazard Screening
Protocol and is sold as a self-contained bait or as a crack-and-
crevice treatment used in areas inaccessible to building occupants.
Rodenticides are never considered least-risk pesticides.

length of stay the amount of time a person remains in a health care facility as an
admitted patient

an evaluation of the environmental effects of a product from

life-cycle assessment cradle to grave, as defined by ISO 14040–2006 and ISO 14044–2006

a database that defines the environmental effects (inputs and

life-cycle inventory outputs) for each step in a material’s or assembly’s life cycle. The
database is specific to countries and regions within countries.

waste light from building sites that produces glare, is directed

light pollution upward to the sky, or is directed off the site. Waste light does not
increase nighttime safety, utility, or security and needlessly
consumes energy.

transit service using two- or three-car trains in a right-of-way that

is often separated from other traffic modes. Spacing between
light rail stations tends to be ½ mileor more, and maximum operating
speeds are typically 40–55 mph (65–90 kmh). Light-rail corridors
typically extend 10 or more miles (16 kilometers).

obtrusive illumination that is unwanted because of quantitative,

light trespass directional, or spectral attributes. Light trespass can cause
annoyance, discomfort, distraction, or loss of visibility.

an intentional action by a utility to reduce the load on the system.

load shedding Load shedding is usually conducted during emergency periods, such
as capacity shortages, system instability, or voltage control.

bicycle parking that is easily accessible to residents and employees

long-term bicycle storage
and covered to protect bicycles from rain and snow

an operational improvement, such as a repair, upgrade, or staff

low-cost improvement training or retraining. In LEED, the project team determines the
reasonable upper limit for low-cost improvements based on facility
resources and operating budgets.
Term (English) Definition (English)

an approach to managing rainwater runoff that emphasizes on-site

natural features to protect water quality, by replicating the natural
land cover hydrologic regime of watersheds, and addressing runoff
close to its source. Examples include better site design principles
low-impact development (e.g., minimizing land disturbance, preserving vegetation,
(LID) minimizing impervious cover), and design practices (e.g., rain
gardens, vegetated swales and buffers, permeable pavement,
rainwater harvesting, soil amendments). These are engineered
practices that may require specialized design assistance.

water that is fed into a cooling tower system or evaporative

makeup water condenser to replace water lost through evaporation, drift, bleed-
off, or other causes
to capture and retain a specified volume of rainfall to mimic
manage (rainwater) on site natural hydrologic function. Examples of rainwater management
include strategies that involve evapotranspiration, infiltration, and
capture and reuse.

the limits of a site master plan. The master plan boundary includes
master plan boundary the project area and may include all associated buildings and sites
outside of the LEED project boundary. The master plan boundary
considers future sustainable use, expansion, and contraction.

of a source’s emitted light derived from industry standards, taken

mean lumen output a with an instant-start ballast that has a ballast factor of 1.0 as
measurement measured at 40% of lamp life (except for T-5 lamps, which use a
program-start ballast)

an item of furniture designed for use in health care. Examples

medical furnishing include surgical tables; procedure, supply, and mobile technology
carts; lifting and transfer aids; supply closet carts and shelving; and
overbed tables.
a regulator that limits the flow time of water, generally a manual-
metering control on and automatic-off device, most commonly installed on lavatory
faucets and showers
white and colored paper, envelopes, forms, file folders, tablets,
mixed paper flyers, cereal boxes, wrapping paper, catalogs, magazines, phone
books, and photos

shelving and cabinetry designed to be easily installed, moved, or

reconfigured. In a retail setting, items that are movable but
modular and movable semipermanently attached using mechanical fastening systems for
casework operational use are considered furniture and not base building
elements (e.g., a table or display bolted to the floor, or shelving
attached to a wall).

the distance between ground level (or the workplane) and the
mounting height bottom of the luminaire (light fixture); the height at which a
luminaire is installed. (Adapted from Light a Home)

movable furniture and items that can be moved by the users without the need of tools or
partitions assistance from special trades and facilities management

a site that was master-planned for the development of stores,

multitenant complex restaurants and other businesses. Retailers may share some
services and common areas.

NAED code a unique five- or six-digit number used to identify specific lamps,
used by the National Association of Electrical Distributors

an indigenous species that occurs in a particular region, ecosystem,

and habitat without direct or indirect human actions. Native
species have evolved to the geography, hydrology, and climate of
that region. They also occur in communities; that is, they have
native vegetation evolved together with other species. As a result, these communities
provide habitat for a variety of other native wildlife species. Species
native to North America are generally recognized as those
occurring on the continent prior to European settlement. Also
known as native plants.

a compound that is not manmade and is used for cooling. Such

natural refrigerant substances generally have much lower potential for atmospheric
damage than manufactured chemical refrigerants. Examples
include water, carbon dioxide, and ammonia.

Natural Resources a U.S.-based soil survey that shows the boundaries of different soil
Conservation Service (NRCS) types and special soil features on the site
soils delineation

natural site hydrology the natural land cover function of water occurrence, distribution,
movement, and balance

the sum of all interior areas in the project available to house the
net usable program area project’s program. It does not include areas for building
equipment, vertical circulation, or structural components.

a public space, diagnostic or treatment area, ambulatory unit, or

non-inpatient area any other space in a health care facility that is not for individuals
who have been admitted for care
nonpotable water water that does not meet drinking water standards

an area that people pass through or an area used for focused

activities an average of less than one hour per person per day. The
non-regularly occupied one-hour timeframe is continuous and should be based on the time
space a typical occupant uses the space. For spaces that are not used
daily, the one-hour timeframe should be based on the time a
typical occupant spends in the space when it is in use. 

nonwater toilet systems dry plumbing fixtures and fittings that contain and treat human
waste via microbiological processes

a plumbing fixture having a water flush with a trap that contains a

nonwater urinal layer of buoyant liquid that floats above the urine, blocking sewer
gas and odors
a system or switch that a person in the space can directly access
occupant control and use. Examples include a task light, an open switch, and blinds.
A temperature sensor, photo sensor, or centrally controlled system
is not occupant controlled.

an enclosed space intended for human activities, excluding those

occupiable space spaces that are intended primarily for other purposes, such as
storage rooms and equipment rooms, and that are occupied only
occasionally and for short periods of time (ASHRAE 62.1–2010)
Term (English) Definition (English)

enclosed space intended for human activities, excluding those

spaces that are intended primarily for other purposes, such as
storage rooms and equipment rooms, and that are only occupied
occasionally and for short periods of time. Occupied spaces are
occupied space further classified as regularly occupied or nonregularly occupied
spaces based on the duration of the occupancy, individual or
multioccupant based on the quantity of occupants, and densely or
nondensely occupied spaces based on the concentration of
occupants in the space.

a product that has a low cost per unit and is regularly used and
ongoing consumable replaced in the course of business. Examples include paper, toner
cartridges, binders, batteries, and desk accessories. Also known as
ongoing purchases.
on-site wastewater the transport, storage, treatment, and disposal of wastewater
treatment generated on the project site

pavements that consist of loose substrates supported by a grid of a

more structurally sound grid or webbing. Pervious concrete and
open-grid pavement system porous asphalt are not considered open grid as they are considered
bounded materials. Unbounded, loose substrates do not transfer
and store heat like bound and compacted materials do.

a plan that specifies major system operating parameters and limits,

operations and maintenance procedures and schedules, and documentation
maintenance (O&M) plan methods necessary to demonstrate proper operation and
maintenance of an approved emissions control device or system

a luminaire intended for illuminating portions of the circulation

ornamental luminaire network that also serves an ornamental function, in addition to
providing optics that effectively deliver street lighting, and has a
decorative or historical period appearance

a patient who is not hospitalized for 24 hours or more but who

outpatient visits a hospital, clinic, or associated healthcare facility for diagnosis
or treatment

owner’s project a written document that details the ideas, concepts, and criteria
requirements (OPR) determined by the owner to be important to the success of the

patient position a patient bed, infusion chair, recovery room bay, or other location
where a patient receives clinical care

peak demand the maximum electricity load at a specific point in time or over a
period of time

the month with the greatest deficit between evapotranspiration

peak watering month and rainfall. This is the month when the plants in the site’s region
potentially require the most supplemental water typically a mid-
summer month. (Sustainable Sites Initiative)

a structure that cannot be moved by the user without tools or

permanent interior assistance from special trades and facilities management. Examples
obstruction include lab hoods, fixed partitions, demountable opaque full- or
partial-height partitions, some displays, and equipment.

permanent peak load the transfer of energy consumption to off-peak hours, when
shifting demand for power is lower and energy is therefore less expensive

permeable pavement a paved surface that allows water runoff to infiltrate into the

a substance that poses a long-term risk to both humans and the

environment because it remains in the environment for long
periods, increases in concentration as it moves up the food chain,
persistent bioaccumulative and can travel far from the source of contamination. Often these
toxic chemical substances can become more potent and harmful to ecosystems
the longer they persist. See U.S. EPA’s website on persistent
bioaccumulative toxic chemicals,

an area that connects healthcare patients, visitors, and staff to

place of respite health benefits of the natural environment. (Adapted from Green
Guide for Health Care Places of Respite Technical Brief)

plug load or receptacle load the electrical current drawn by all equipment that is connected to
the electrical system via a wall outlet.
waste generated by households or commercial, industrial and
postconsumer recycled institutional facilities in their role as end users of a product that can
content no longer be used for its intended purpose

water that meets or exceeds U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

drinking water quality standards (or a local equivalent outside the
potable water U.S.) and is approved for human consumption by the state or local
authorities having jurisdiction; it may be supplied from wells or
municipal water systems

the electrical power from a device that allocates power to and

serves information technology (IT) equipment. Power distribution
unit (PDU) output does not include efficiency losses of any
transformation that occurs within the PDU, but it can include
downstream non-IT ancillary devices installed in IT racks, such as
power distribution unit fans. If the PDU system supports non-IT equipment (e.g., computer
output room air-conditioning units, computer room air handlers, in-row
coolers), this equipment must be metered and subtracted from the
PDU output reading. The metering approach should be consistent
with the metering required for the power usage efficiency (PUE)
category (e.g., continuous consumption metering for PUE
categories 1, 2, and 3).

power utilization a measure of how efficiently a data center uses its power;
effectiveness (PUE) specifically, how much power is used by computing equipment
rather than for cooling and other overhead
powered floor maintenance electric and battery-powered floor buffers and burnishers. It does
equipment not include equipment used in wet applications

matter diverted from the waste stream during the manufacturing

process, determined as the percentage of material, by weight.
Examples include planer shavings, sawdust, bagasse, walnut shells,
preconsumer recycled culls, trimmed materials, overissue publications, and obsolete
content inventories. The designation excludes rework, regrind, or scrap
materials capable of being reclaimed within the same process that
generated them (ISO 14021). Formerly known as postindustrial
Term (English) Definition (English)
the parking spots closest to the main entrance of a building
(exclusive of spaces designated for handicapped persons). For
preferred parking employee parking, it refers to the spots that are closest to the
entrance used by employees.

the wearing out or disuse of components or materials whose

service life exceeds their design life. For example, a material with a
premature obsolescence potential life of 30 years is intentionally designed to last only 15
years, such that its remaining 15 years of service is potentially
wasted. In contrast, components whose service life is the same as
their expected use are utilized to their maximum potential.

altered by paving, construction, and/or land use that would

typically have required regulatory permitting to have been initiated
(alterations may exist now or in the past). Land that is not
previously developed and landscapes altered by current or
previously developed historical clearing or filling, agricultural or forestry use, or
preserved natural area use are considered undeveloped land. The
date of previous development permit issuance constitutes the date
of previous development, but permit issuance in itself does not
constitute previous development.

previously developed site a site that, prior to the project, consisted of at least 75% previously
developed land

land that has the best combination of physical and chemical

characteristics for producing food, feed, forage, fiber, and oilseed
crops and that is available for these uses, as determined by the U.S.
prime farmland Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation
Service (a U.S.-based methodology that sets criteria for highly
productive soil). For a complete description of what qualifies as
prime farmland, see U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 7,
Volume 6, Parts 400 to 699, Section 657.5.

a device that measures water flow and is installed downstream

private meter from the public water supply meter or as part of an on-site water
system maintained by the building management team

power resources consumed in support of a manufacturing,

industrial, or commercial process other than conditioning spaces
process energy and maintaining comfort and amenities for building occupants of a
building. It may include refrigeration equipment, cooking and food
preparation, clothes washing, and other major support appliances.

process load or unregulated the load on a building resulting from the consumption or release of
load process energy (ASHRAE)

water that is used for industrial processes and building systems,

process water such as cooling towers, boilers, and chillers. It can also refer to
water used in operational processes, such as dishwashing, clothes
washing, and ice making.

an item that arrives on the project site either as a finished element

ready for installation or as a component to another item assembled
on-site. The product unit is defined by the functional requirement
product (permanently for use in the project; this includes the physical components and
installed building product) services needed to serve the intended function of the permanently
installed building product. In addition, similar products within a
specification can each contribute as separate products.

a system for the provision to the public of water for human

consumption through pipes or other constructed conveyances. To
public water supply (PWS) be considered public, such system must have at least 15 service
connections or regularly serve at least 25 individuals. (Adapted
from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency)

the capture, diversion, and storage of rain for future beneficial use.
rainwater harvesting Typically, a rain barrel or cistern stores the water; other
components include the catchment surface and conveyance
system. The harvested rainwater can be used for irrigation.

the basic substance from which products are made, such as

concrete, glass, gypsum, masonry, metals, recycled materials (e.g.,
raw material plastics and metals), oil (petroleum, polylactic acid), stone,
agrifiber, bamboo, and wood
reclaimed water wastewater that has been treated and purified for reuse
defined in accordance with the International Organization of
recycled content Standards document ISO 14021 – Environmental labels and
declarations – Self-declared environmental claims (Type II
environmental labeling)

reference the amount of water lost from a specific vegetated surface with no
evapotranspiration rate moisture limitation. Turf grass with height of 120 mm is the
reference vegetation.

a soil native to the project site, as described in Natural Resources

Conservation Service soil surveys (or a local equivalent survey
outside the United States), or undisturbed native soils within the
reference soil project’s region that have native vegetation, topography, and soil
textures similar to the project site. For project sites with no existing
soil, reference soils are defined as undisturbed native soils within
the project’s region that support appropriate native plant species
similar to those intended for the new project.

an item that has completed its life cycle and is prepared for reuse
without substantial alteration of its form. Refurbishing involves
refurbished material renovating, repairing, restoring, or generally improving the
appearance, performance, quality, functionality, or value of a

an area where one or more individuals normally spend time (more

than one hour per person per day on average) seated or standing
as they work, study, or perform other focused activities inside a
regularly occupied space building. The one-hour timeframe is continuous and should be
based on the time a typical occupant uses the space. For spaces
that are not used daily, the one-hour timeframe should be based
on the time a typical occupant spends in the space when it is in

a frequently used means of gaining access to a building. Examples

include the main building entrance as well as any building
regularly used exterior entryways attached to parking structures, underground parking
entrance garages, underground pathways, or outside spaces. Atypical
entrances, emergency exits, atriums, connections between
concourses, and interior spaces are not included.

regulated load any building end use that has either a mandatory or a prescriptive
requirement in ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1–2010
Term (English) Definition (English)
an item that has been repaired or adjusted and returned to
remanufactured product service. A remanufactured product can be expected to perform as
if it were new.

energy sources that are not depleted by use. Examples include

renewable energy energy from the sun, wind, and small (low-impact) hydropower,
plus geothermal energy and wave and tidal systems.

a tradable commodity representing proof that a unit of electricity

renewable energy credit was generated from a renewable resource. RECs are sold
(REC) separately from electricity itself and thus allow the purchase of
green power by a user of conventionally generated electricity.

the reemployment of materials in the same or a related capacity as

their original application, thus extending the lifetime of materials
reuse that would otherwise be discarded. Reuse includes the recovery
and reemployment of materials recovered from existing building or
construction sites. Also known as salvage.

the total area of the building structure, core, and envelope that
reused area existed in the prior condition and remains in the completed design

a measurement tool designed to meet strict accuracy standards

required by code or law. Utility meters are often called revenue
revenue-grade meter grade because their measurement directly results in a charge to the

a transit service in which individuals travel together in a passenger

car or small van that seats at least four people. It can include
rideshare human-powered conveyances, which must accommodate at least
two people. It must include an enclosed passenger seating area,
fixed route service, fixed fare structure, regular operation, and the
ability to pick up multiple riders.

a construction component recovered from existing buildings or

construction sites and reused. Common salvaged materials include
salvaged material structural beams and posts, flooring, doors, cabinetry, brick, and
decorative items.

the authority responsible for decision making about school

school authority operations, districts, personnel, financing, and future development.
Examples include school boards, local governments, and religious

Scope 1 emissions direct greenhouse gas emissions from sources owned or controlled
by the entity, such as emissions from fossil fuels burned on site

indirect greenhouse gas emissions associated with the generation

Scope 2 emissions of purchased electricity, heating/cooling, or steam off site, through
a utility provider for the entity’s consumption

the percentage of analysis points across the analysis area that

sDA300/50% meet or exceed this 300 lux value for at least 50% of the analysis

the information technology (IT) load as measured at the point of

connection (e.g., power receptacle) of the IT device to the electrical
server input power system. Server input captures the actual power load of the
IT device exclusive of any power distribution losses and non-IT
loads (e.g., rack-mounted fans).

service life the assumed length of time that a building, product, or assembly
will be operational for the purposes of a life-cycle assessment

a place of congregation, or where occupants pursue overlapping or

shared multioccupant space collaborative tasks

an area designed to be fitted out for future expansion. Shell space

shell space is enclosed by the building envelope but otherwise left unfinished.

short-term bicycle storage non-enclosed bicycle parking typically used by visitors for a period
of two hours or less.

(also known as “building-massing model energy analysis”) a simple

simple box energy modeling base-case energy analysis that informs the team about the
analysis building’s likely distribution of energy consumption and is used to
evaluate potential project energy strategies. A simple box analysis
uses a basic, schematic building form.

an evaluation of an area’s aboveground and subsurface

characteristics, including its structures, geology, and hydrology. Site
site assessment assessments typically help determine whether contamination has
occurred and the extent and concentration of any release of
pollutants. Remediation decisions rely on information generated
during site assessments.

an overall design or development concept for the project and

associated (or potentially associated) buildings and sites. The plan
site master plan considers future sustainable use, expansion, and contraction. The
site master plan is typically illustrated, with building plans (if
applicable), site drawings of planned phased development, and
narrative descriptions.

an area whose functions can be easily changed. For example,

hospital administrative offices could be moved so that this soft
soft space space could be converted to a laboratory. In contrast, a lab with
specialized equipment and infrastructure would be difficult to
the elements of a landscape that consist of live, horticultural
softscape elements

shared solar array or other renewable energy system with grid-

solar garden/ community connected subscribers who receive credit for the use of renewables
renewable energy system using virtual net metering (Adapted from

the fraction of solar energy that is reflected by a surface on a scale

of 0 to 1. Black paint has a solar reflectance of 0; white paint
(titanium dioxide) has a solar reflectance of 1. The standard
solar reflectance (SR) technique for its determination uses spectrophotometric
measurements, with an integrating sphere to determine the
reflectance at each wavelength. The average reflectance is then
determined by an averaging process, using a standard solar
spectrum, as documented by ASTM Standards E903 and E892.
Term (English) Definition (English)

a measure of the constructed surface’s ability to stay cool in the

sun by reflecting solar radiation and emitting thermal radiation. It is
defined such that a standard black surface (initial solar reflectance
0.05, initial thermal emittance 0.90) has an initial SRI of 0, and a
solar reflectance index (SRI) standard white surface (initial solar reflectance 0.80, initial thermal
emittance 0.90) has an initial SRI of 100. To calculate the SRI for a
given material, obtain its solar reflectance and thermal emittance
via the Cool Roof Rating Council Standard (CRRC-1). SRI is calculated
according to ASTM E 1980. Calculation of the aged SRI is based on
the aged tested values of solar reflectance and thermal emittance.

a set of uniformity criteria that ensure consistent intelligibility and

sound-level coverage directionality of audible frequencies for all occupants within a

a decrease in the amount of unnecessary material brought into a

source reduction building in order to produce less waste. For example, purchasing
products with less packaging is a source reduction strategy.

a metric describing annual sufficiency of ambient daylight levels in

interior environments. It is defined as the percentage of an analysis
area (the area where calculations are performed, typically across an
spatial daylight autonomy entire space) that meets a minimum daylight illuminance level for a
(sDA) specified fraction of the operating hours per year (i.e., the Daylight
Autonomy value following Reinhart & Walkenhorst, 2001). The
illluminance level and time fraction are included as subscripts, as in
sDA300,50%. The sDA value is expressed as a percentage of area.

speech privacy a condition in which speech is unintelligible to casual listeners

(ANSI T1.523–2001)

speech spectra the distribution of acoustic energy as a function of frequency for

human speech 

a transit service with small, individual rail cars. Spacing between

streetcar stations is uniformly short and ranges from every block to ¼ mile,
and operating speeds are primarily 10–30 mph (15–50 kmh).
Streetcar routes typically extend 2–5 miles (3-8 kilometers).

elements carrying either vertical or horizontal loads (e.g., walls,

structure roofs, and floors) that are considered structurally sound and

provides the information needed to understand, operate, and

maintain the systems and assemblies within a building. It expands
the scope of the traditional operating and maintenance
systems manual documentation and is compiled of multiple documents developed
during the commissioning process, such as the owner’s project
requirements, operation and maintenance manuals, and sequences
of operation. 

an approach to hydrology in which watersheds are modeled to

calculate storm runoff volume, peak rate of discharge,
Technical Release (TR) 55 hydrographs, and storage volumes, developed by the former USDA
Soil Conservation Service
the ratio of the radiant heat flux emitted by a specimen to that
thermal emittance emitted by a blackbody radiator at the same temperature (adapted
from Cool Roof Rating Council)

three-year aged SR or SRI a solar reflectance or solar reflectance index rating that is
value measured after three years of weather exposure

an arrangement in which customers pay higher fees to use utilities

time-of-use pricing during peak time periods and lower fees during off-peak time

undercover parking vehicle storage that is underground, under deck, under roof, or
under a building

the electricity provided by a unit that keeps information

technology (IT) equipment functioning during a power outage. UPS
output does not include efficiency losses from the unit itself but
does include losses from downstream electrical distribution
components, such as power distribution units, and it may include
uninterruptible power non-IT ancillary devices installed in IT racks, such as fans. If the UPS
supply (UPS) output system supports non-IT equipment (e.g., computer room air-
conditioning units, computer room air handlers, in-row coolers),
this usage must be metered and subtracted from the UPS output
reading. The metering approach should be consistent with the
metering required for the power usage efficiency (PUE) category
(e.g., continuous consumption metering for PUE categories 1, 2 and

hazardous items that are easily purchased and commonly used.

Examples include batteries, pesticides, mercury-containing
universal waste equipment, and light bulbs. See

an area designed for equipment, machinery, or storage rather than

unoccupied space for human activities. An equipment area is considered unoccupied
only if retrieval of equipment is occasional.

a heating or cooling system or control associated with the district

energy system (DES) but not part of the thermal connection or
upstream equipment interface with the DES. Upstream equipment includes the thermal
energy conversion plant and all the transmission and distribution
equipment associated with transporting the thermal energy to the
project building or site.

the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s certification for products that

contain at least 95% ingredients (excluding water and salt)
USDA Organic produced without synthetic chemicals, antibiotics, or hormones.
Any remaining ingredients must consist of USDA-approved
nonagricultural substances or agricultural products that are not
commercially available in organic form.

vertical illuminance illuminance levels calculated at a point on a vertical surface, or that

occur on a vertical plane.

the glass portion of an exterior window that permits views to the

exterior or interior. Vision glazing must allow a clear image of the
vision glazing exterior and must not be obstructed by frits, fibers, patterned
glazing, or added tints that distort color balance.
Term (English) Definition (English)

the distance that a pedestrian must travel between origins and

destinations without obstruction, in a safe and comfortable
walking distance environment on a continuous network of sidewalks, all weather-
surface footpaths, crosswalks, or equivalent pedestrian facilities.
The walking distance must be drawn from an entrance that is
accessible to all building users.

a management activity that disposes of waste through methods

waste diversion other than incineration or landfilling. Examples include reuse and
the conversion of nonrecyclable waste materials into usable heat,
waste-to-energy electricity, or fuel through a variety of processes, including
combustion, gasification, pyrolization, anaerobic digestion, and
landfill gas (LFG) recovery

the surface water of a stream (first-order and higher, including

water body intermittent streams), arroyo, river, canal, lake, estuary, bay, or
ocean. It does not include irrigation ditches.

a project-specific method of calculating the amount of water

required by the building and associated grounds. The budget takes
water budget into account indoor, outdoor, process, and makeup water demands
and any on site supply including estimated rainfall. Water budgets
must be associated with a specified amount of time, such as a
week, month, or year and a quantity of water such as kGal, or liters.

wet meter a device installed inside a water pipe to record the volume of
passing water

an area that is inundated or saturated by surface or ground water

at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under
normal circumstances does support, a prevalence of vegetation
wetland typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Wetlands
generally include swamps, marshes, bogs, and similar areas, but
exclude irrigation ditches unless delineated as part of an adjacent

plant-based materials that are eligible for certification under the

wood Forest Stewardship Council. Examples include bamboo and palm
(monocots) as well as hardwoods (angiosperms) and softwoods
xeriscaping landscaping that does not require routine irrigation
a vehicle used primarily to facilitate the movement of truck trailers
and other types of large shipping containers from one area of a site
yard tractor to another. It does not include forklift trucks. Also known as
terminal tractor, yard truck, utility tractor rig, yard goat, or yard

zero lot line project a plot whose building footprint typically aligns or nearly aligns with
the site limits
Term (English) Definition (English) Term (Chinese) Chinese Definition

property left behind intentionally and permanently when it

appears that the former owner does not intend to come back, pick
it up, or use it. One may have abandoned the property of contract 有意和永久遗留下的财产,且之前的业主似乎并不准备回来
rights by not doing what is required by the contract. However, an 认领或使用之。 未履行合同要求可视为放弃合同财产(物业
abandoned property 废弃物业 )的权益。 但是,地役权和其他土地权益不能只因为未使用
easement and other land rights are not abandoned property just
because of nonuse. Abandoned land is defined as land not being 而视为废弃财产(物业)。 废弃土地被定义为目前未使用的
used at the present time but that may have utilities and 土地,但可能有现成的公用设施和基础设施。
infrastructure in place.

vegetation that is not native to a particular region but that has

adapted plant  characteristics that allow it to live in the area. Adapted plants do 不是特定区域原生的植物,但拥有可以让其在该区域生存的
适应性植物 特性。 适应性植物不会带来与入侵物种一样的问题。
not pose the same problems as invasive species.

a substance added to a product (e.g., paint, flooring) to kill or

inhibit the growth of microorganisms. Some products, such as 添加到产品(如,油漆、地板)中以杀死或抑制微生物生长
linoleum, exhibit natural antimicrobial properties. Despite current 的物质。 某些产品,如油毡,具有天然的抗菌特性。 尽管目
added antimicrobial practice, science has not proven that antimicrobial treatments 前有所实践,科学尚未证明抗菌处理能比标准清洁程序更有效
treatment reduce infection transfer in building finishes more effectively than 抗菌处理添加剂 地减少建筑饰面中细菌的感染传播。 也被称为微生物添加剂
standard cleaning procedures. Also known as added microbial 。 参见美国环保局事实表《经杀虫剂处理的消费类产品》
agent. See U.S. EPA factsheet, Consumer Products Treated with ( factsheets/treatart.htm)。
Pesticides ( factsheets/treatart.htm).

a site having at least a continuous 25% of its boundary bordering

parcels that are previously developed sites. Only consider 至少有 25% 的连续边界与先前已开发场址地块接壤的场址。
adjacent site bordering parcels, not intervening rights-of-way. Any fraction of the 相连场址 仅考虑不干扰道路用地的接壤地块。 计算中不考虑任何与水
boundary that borders a water body is excluded from the 体接壤的边界部分。

material other than earthen material placed on the surface of the 土质材料除外的一种材料,每个运营日结束时,放在城市固
active face of a municipal solid waste landfill at the end of each 体废物填埋场作用面的表面,用于控制病菌、火灾、气味,防
alternative daily cover operating day to control vectors, fires, odors, blowing litter, and
(ADC) 每日覆盖替代材料 (ADC) 止垃圾被吹飞,以及防止人员捡拾垃圾堆里的东西。一般来说
scavenging. Generally these materials must be processed so they 这些材料必须经过处理,这样才不会在裸露的垃圾填埋场表面
do not allow gaps in the exposed landfill face. (CalRecycle) 留下空隙。(CalRecycle)

low-polluting, nongasoline fuels such as electricity, hydrogen,

alternative fuel propane, compressed natural gas, liquid natural gas, methanol, and 替代燃料 低污染非汽油燃料,如电力、氢气、丙烷、压缩天然气、液
ethanol 化天然气、甲醇及乙醇

nonpotable water from other than public utilities, on-site surface

sources, and subsurface natural freshwater sources. Examples 除来自公共设施、场址内地表水源和地下天然淡水水源以外
alternative water source include graywater, on-site reclaimed water, collected rainwater, 替代性水资源 的非饮用水, 包括灰水、场址内再生水、收集的雨水、收集
captured condensate, and rejected water from reverse osmosis 的冷凝水,以及反渗透系统 (IgCC) 的工艺废水 。
systems (IgCC).

a metric that describes the potential for visual discomfort in

annual sunlight exposure interior work environments. It is defined as the percentage of an 一种描述室内工作环境潜在视觉不适程度的指标。 被定义为
(ASE) analysis area that exceeds a specified direct sunlight illuminance 年阳光照射度 (ASE) 分析区域中超出指定阳光直射照明等级的时间超过指定小时数
level more than a specified number of hours per year. 的面积百分比。

a built-in, nonstructural portion of a roof system. Examples include

appurtenance skylights, ventilators, mechanical equipment, partitions, and solar 附属构件 屋面系统内置的非结构部分。 包括天窗、通风装置、机械设
energy panels. 备、隔断和太阳能板。

reports the percentage of sensors in the analysis area, using a

maximum 2-foot spacing between points, that are found to be 使用最大 2 英尺的点间距,考虑将相同的 10 小时/天分析
ASE1000,250 exposed to more than 1000 lux of direct sunlight for more than 250 期作为 sDA,并使用可比的模拟方法,报告分析区域中在安装
hours per year, before any operable blinds or shades are deployed ASE1000,250 活动窗帘或遮阳设备以阻挡阳光之前,每年暴露在超过 1000
to block sunlight, considering the same 10 hour/day analysis period 勒克斯直射阳光下超过 250 小时的传感器的百分比
as sDA and using comparable simulation methods

a product formulated from multiple materials (e.g., concrete) or a 由多种材料组成的产品(例如,混凝土),或者由子部件组

assembly product made up of subcomponents (e.g., a workstation) 组合材料 成的产品(如工作站)

attendance boundary the limits used by school districts to determine what school 教育局用来根据学生居住的地方来确定学生上哪所学校的边
students attend based on where they live 学生活动边界

the illumination output for light-emitting diode lamps, as specified

average LED intensity (ALI) in the International Commission on Illumination Standard 127– 平均 LED 密度 (ALI) 发光二极管灯的照明输出,由国际照明委员会标准 127–
2007 2007 指定

materials and products that make up the building or are

base building permanently and semi-permanently installed in the project (e.g., 基本建筑 组成建筑的,或者永久性和半永久性安装在项目中的材料和
flooring, casework, wall coverings) 产品(如地板、箱柜、墙面)

baseline building the annual energy cost for a building design, used as a baseline for 建筑设计的年能源成本,用于与高于标准要求的设计进行比
performance comparison with above-standard design 建筑性能基线

before the LEED project was initiated, but not necessarily before
any development or disturbance took place. Baseline conditions 在 LEED 项目开始之前,但是不一定要在开发或施工开始之
baseline condition describe the state of the project site on the date the developer 场址基本状况 前。 场址基本状况描述了在开发商通过购买或购买选择权获
acquired rights to a majority of its buildable land through purchase 得大部分可建土地的权利那天项目场址的状态。
or option to purchase.

a calculated projection of building water use assuming code-

baseline water consumption compliant fixtures and fittings with no additional savings compared 用水量基线 与项目设计或实际水表数相比,在采用符合规范且此外不会
with the design case or actual water meter data 节省更多用水的设备及配件时,对建筑用水量的计算预测

the information necessary to accomplish the owner’s project

requirements, including system descriptions, indoor environmental 完成业主项目任务书所需的信息,包括系统介绍、室内环境
basis of design (BOD) quality criteria, design assumptions, and references to applicable 设计基础要求 (BOD) 质量条件、设计假设和对适用条例、标准、规范和指南的参考
codes, standards, regulations, and guidelines

a continuous network consisting of any combination of the

following 1) off street bicycle paths or trails at least 8 feet (2.5 由以下任意组合构成的连续网络 1) 街道外的自行车道或小
bicycle network meters) wide for a two-way path and at least 5 feet (1.5 meters) 径,双车道至少 8 英尺(2.5 米)宽,单车道至少 5 英尺(
wide for a one-way path 2) physically designated on-street bicycle 自行车道网络
1.5 米)宽 2) 在街道上实际指定的至少 5 英尺(1.5 米)
lanes at least 5 feet (1.5 meters) wide 3) streets designed for a 宽的自行车道 3) 设计速度为 25 mph (40 km/h) 的街道
target speed of 25 mph (40 kmh)

the distance that a bicyclist must travel between origins and 骑自行车的人必须在起点和终点之间骑行的距离,整个骑行
bicycling distance destinations, the entirety of which must be on a bicycle network. 自行车骑行距离 过程都必须在自行车道网络中进行。

commercial or industrial products (other than food or feed) that

are composed in whole, or in significant part, of biological 完全或大部分由生物制品、可再生农业材料(包括植物、动
bio-based material products, renewable agricultural materials (including plant, animal, 生物基材料 物和海洋生物)或林业材料构成的商业或工业产品(食品或饲
and marine materials), or forestry materials. For the purposes of 料除外)。 就 LEED 而言,这不包括皮革和其他动物皮。
LEED, this excludes leather and other animal hides.

wastewater containing urine or fecal matter that should be

discharged to the sanitary drainage system of the building or 含有尿或粪便,且应被排放到符合国际管道规范的建筑或住
blackwater premises in accordance with the International Plumbing Code. 房卫生排水系统的废水。 根据某些州或地方法规,厨房水槽
Wastewater from kitchen sinks (sometimes differentiated by the 污水
use of a garbage disposal), showers, or bathtubs is considered 水被视为污水。
blackwater under some state or local codes.

the removal of makeup water from a cooling tower or evaporative

blowdown condenser recirculation system to reduce concentrations of 排放 从冷却塔或蒸发式冷凝器循环系统中去除补给水以降低溶解
dissolved solids 固体的浓度
Term (English) Definition (English) Term (Chinese) Chinese Definition

real property or the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which

brownfield may be complicated by the presence or possible presence of a 因含有或可能含有危害性物质、污染物或致污物而使得扩大
褐地 、再开发或再利用变得复杂的不动产。
hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant.

a luminaire classification system that classifies luminaires in terms

of backlight (B), uplight (U), and glare (G) (taken from IES/IDA 一种光源分级系统,按照背光源 (B)、向上照射的灯 (U) 和
BUG rating BUG 评级 眩光 (G) 对光源进行分级(依据 IES/IDA 照明条例范本)。
Model Lighting Ordinance). BUG ratings supersede the former
cutoff ratings. BUG 评级取代之前的截光评级。

the portion of the site where construction can occur, including

land voluntarily set aside and not constructed on. When used in 可以进行建造的场址部分,包括自愿预留和未建造的土地。
buildable land 可建造土地 在密度计算中使用时,可建造土地不包括公共道路用地和现行
density calculations, buildable land excludes public rights-of-way
and land excluded from development by codified law. 法律禁止开发的土地。

a structure’s primary and secondary weatherproofing system,

building exterior including waterproofing membranes and air- and water-resistant 建筑外构造 建筑的主要和辅助防水系统,包括防水膜以及密封和防水阻
barrier materials, and all building elements outside that system 隔材料,以及该系统外的所有建筑构件

building interior everything inside a structure’s weatherproofing membrane 建筑室内 建筑防水/防潮层以内的所有构件

an enhanced bus system that operates on exclusive bus lanes or 经过改善的公车系统,只在公车专用车道或其他公交道路用
bus rapid transit other transit rights-of-way. The system is designed to combine the 公车快速/专用通道 地上运营。 该系统旨在将公车的灵活性与轨道的效率相结合
flexibility of buses with the efficiency of rail. 。

a unit of carbon dioxide equivalent that is reduced, avoided, or

carbon offset sequestered to compensate for emissions occurring elsewhere 为补偿其他地点的碳排放而减少、避免或隔离的二氧化碳当
碳补偿 量单位(世界资源研究所)
(World Resources Institute)

a procedure that tracks a product from the point of harvest or

chain of custody (CoC) extraction to its end use, including all successive stages of 监管链 (CoC) 用于跟踪产品的程序,从收获或萃取到其最终用途,包括加
processing, transformation, manufacturing, and distribution 工、转化、制造及分销这几个连续的阶段

an intensive, multiparty workshop that brings people from

charrette different disciplines and backgrounds together to explore, 专家研讨会 深入细致的多方研讨会,将不同学科和背景的人聚集到一起
generate, and collaboratively produce design options 来探索、形成和共同制定设计方案

a fluid, containing hydrocarbons, that absorbs heat from a

chlorofluorocarbon (CFC)- reservoir at low temperatures and rejects heat at higher 一种含有氯氟化碳的液体,在低温条件下从储液器中吸热并
based refrigerant temperatures. When emitted into the atmosphere, CFCs cause 氯氟化碳 (CFC) 型冷媒 在高温条件下散热。 排放到大气中以后,CFC 会消耗平流层
depletion of the stratospheric ozone layer. 的臭氧层。

the point in time in the morning (dawn) or evening (dusk) when

the center of the sun is geometrically 6 degrees below the horizon. 早上(黎明)或晚上(黄昏)太阳中心线在地平线以下 6 度
civil twilight Under good weather conditions, civil twilight is the best time to 的时间。 在天气良好的情况下,民用曙暮光是明确区分地面
distinguish terrestrial objects clearly. Before civil twilight in the 民用曙暮光 物体的最佳时间。 早上在民用曙暮光之前,以及晚上在民用
morning and after civil twilight in the evening, artificial illumination 曙暮光之后,一般来说都需要人工照明以进行普通户外活动。
normally is required to carry on ordinary outdoor activities.

a space that is regularly occupied and used for educational

classroom or core learning activities. In such space, the primary functions are teaching and 定期占用并用于教育活动的空间。 在这种空间里,主要功能
space learning, and good speech communication is critical to students’ 教室或核心学习空间 就是教学,良好的语言沟通对学生的学术成就至关重要。 (
academic achievement. (Adapted from ANSI S12.60) 引自 NSI S12.60)

clean waste nonhazardous materials left over from construction and 建造与拆除后遗留的非有害物质。 清洁废弃物不包括铅和石
demolition. Clean waste excludes lead and asbestos. 清洁废弃物
glass that is transparent and allows a view through the 透明且用作窗户时视野良好的玻璃。 散射玻璃只能进行自然
clear glazing fenestration. Diffused glazing allows only daylighting. 透明玻璃 采光。

a system that acts as a heat sink for heat-rejecting building and

medical equipment by recirculating water. Because the water is 使用循环水并作为排热建筑和医疗设备散热器的系统。 由于
closed-loop cooling sealed within the system, some closed-loop cooling systems use 闭环冷却 水密封在系统中,某些闭环冷却系统使用非饮用水(如从空气
nonpotable water (such as recycled process water harvested from 处理装置的冷却盘管冷凝器回收的工艺用水)。
an air handler's cooling coil condensate).

a measurement from 0 to 100 that indictes how accurately an

artificial light source, as compared with an incandescent light,
displays hues. The higher the index number, the more accurately 一种从 0 到 100 的指标,表示人造光源相比白炽灯在显示
the light is rendering colors. Incandescent lighting has a color 色调方面的准确性。 指数越大,灯呈现的颜色就越准确。 白
color rendering index rendering index above 95; standard high-pressure sodium lighting 显色指数 炽灯照明的显色指数高于 95;标准高压钠灯照明(如橙色色
(such as orange-hued roadway lights) measures approximately 25; 调的巷道灯)指数大约为 25;很多使用稀土荧光粉的荧光灯
many fluorescent sources using rare earth phosphors have a color 光源的显色指数为 80 或更高。 (引自美国能源之星
rendering index of 80 and above. (Adapted from U.S. ENERGY (ENERGY STAR))

combination oven discharge water released from an oven that includes a steam cycle or option 组合炉排水 包括蒸汽循环或选件的炉子中排出的水

an integrated system that captures the heat, otherwise unused,

generated by a single fuel source in the production of electrical 一种综合系统,收集发电过程中未使用的、由单一燃料来源
combined heat and power 热电联合 产生的热量。 也被称为热电联产。 (引自美国环保局
power. Also known as cogeneration. (Adapted from U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency) (EPA))

building waste streams that are combined on the project site and
commingled waste hauled away for sorting into recyclable streams. Also known as 混合废弃物 建筑废弃物流在项目场址中混合并运走,之后再分拣成可回
single-stream recycling. 收的废物流。 也被称为单流回收。

the process of verifying and documenting that a building and all of

its systems and assemblies are planned, designed, installed, tested, 检验与记录一幢建筑及其所有系统与组件如何在规划、设计
commissioning (Cx) operated, and maintained to meet the owner’s project 调试 (Cx) 、安装、测试、操作及维护上满足业主项目要求的过程

the individual designated to organize, lead, and review the

completion of commissioning process activities. The CxA facilitates 负责组织、领导和审查调试过程活动是否完成的机构。 CxA
commissioning authority communication among the owner, designer, and contractor to
(CxA) 调试机构 (CxA) 有助于业主、设计人员和承建商之间的沟通,可以确保根据业
ensure that complex systems are installed and function in 主项目任务书安装和运行复杂系统。
accordance with the owner’s project requirements.

the measurement of the level of dissolved solids in water, using

the ability of an electric current to pass through water. Because it is 利用电流在水中传导的能力,对水中溶解固体的浓度水平进
conductivity 导电率 行测量的指标。 由于其受温度的影响,为了标准起见,将在
affected by temperature, conductivity is measured at 25°C for
standardization. 25°C 时测量导电率。

a region’s most common system for providing water to plants by

nonnatural means. A conventional irrigation system commonly uses 某地区最常见的通过非自然方式为植物供水的系统。 传统的
conventional irrigation pressure to deliver water and distributes it through sprinkler heads 常规浇灌 灌溉系统通常使用压力供水,并通过洒水喷头浇洒地面。
above the ground.

the water discharged from a cooling tower typically because

cooling tower blowdown increased salinity or alkalinity has caused scaling. Cooling tower 冷却塔排放 从冷却塔中排放水,一般是由于盐度或碱度越来越高,导致
blowdown may be too saline for use in landscape irrigation. 结垢。 冷却塔排放的水盐度过高,无法在景观灌溉中使用。

analysis of a product’s partial life cycle, from resource extraction 对产品部分生命周期的评估,从资源采集(摇篮)到工厂大

cradle-to-gate assessment (cradle) to the factory gate (before it is transported for distribution 摇篮到大门评估 门(发运经销和销售之前)。 其省略了产品的使用和废弃处
and sale). It omits the use and the disposal phases of the product. 理阶段。

an officially designated geographic area that includes both cultural

cultural landscape and natural resources associated with a historic event, activity, or 文化景观 一个官方指定的地理区域,包括与历史事件、活动或人物相
person or that exhibits other significant cultural or aesthetic values 关,或者展现出其他重要的文化或审美价值的文化和自然资源

current facilities the implementation of the owner’s project requirements,

developed to confirm the owner’s current operational needs and 业主项目要求的实施,经过制定以确认业主的当前运行需求
requirements (CFR) 现有设备要求 (CFR) 和要求
Term (English) Definition (English) Term (Chinese) Chinese Definition

a designated area in a building space or a central facility that is

sized and allocated for a specific task, such as the collection of
recyclable waste. Signage often indicates the type of recyclable 建筑空间或中央设施中的一个专用区域,针对具体任务(如
waste stored there. Some waste streams, such as mercury-based 收集可回收废弃物)确定其大小并加以分配。 标牌往往指示
dedicated storage light bulbs, sensitive paper documents, biomedical waste, or 专用存储区 存放在这里的可回收废弃物的类型。 某些废弃物流,如含汞
batteries, may require particular handling or disposal methods. 灯、敏感的纸质文件、生物医疗废弃物或电池,可能需要特别
Consult the municipality’s safe storage and disposal procedures or 的操作和处理方法。 请参考市政当局的安全存放和处理程序
use guidelines posted on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ,或使用美国环保局网站 上张贴的指南。
website, at

a change in electricity use by demand-side resources from their

normal consumption patterns in response to changes in the price of 需求侧资源为响应电价变化或设计用于在市场批发价较高或
demand response (DR) electricity or to incentive payments designed to induce lower 需求响应 (DR) 者系统可靠性受影响时降低用电量的奖励而作出的与正常消耗
electricity use at times of high wholesale market prices or when 模式不同的用电量变更
system reliability is jeopardized

a specific period of time when the utility or independent service

demand response (DR) operator calls for a change in the pattern or level of use in grid- 公用设施或独立服务提供商呼吁计划参与者改变电网电力使
event based electricity from its program participants. Also known as a 需求响应 (DR) 事件 用模式或使用量的一段指定时间。 也被称为限电事件。
curtailment event.

a temporary interior wall that can be easily reconfigured. In a

health care facility, acoustical concerns and embedded equipment, 可以轻松重新配置的临时内墙。 在注重声学效果的拥有嵌入
demountable partition 灵活隔断 式设备的卫生保健设施中(如手术套房),可能会禁止使用灵
as in a surgery suite, may prevent demountable partitions from
being used 活隔断

densely occupied space an area with a design occupant density of 25 people or more per 设计使用密度为每 1000 平方英尺 25 人或以上的区域(人
1,000 square feet (93 square meters) 人员密集使用空间
均 93 平方米)

a measure of the total building floor area or dwelling units on a

parcel of land relative to the buildable land of that parcel. Units for 地块上的建筑总面积或居住单元相对于该地块可建造土地面
density 密度 积的比值。 测量密度的单位会因得分点要求而有所不同。 不
measuring density may differ according to credit requirements.
Does not include structured parking. 包括结构性停车场。

– the floor area of a diagnostic and treatment of clinical

departmental gross area department, calculated from the centerline of the walls separating – 临床部门诊断和治疗设施的建筑面积,从分隔部门与相邻
(DGA) the department from adjacent spaces. Walls and circulations space 部门总面积 (DGA) 空间的墙壁中心线开始计算。 部门内的墙壁和交通空间将包
within the department are included in the calculation. This 括在计算中。 该计算不包括住院病房。
calculation excludes inpatient units.

the total land area of a project site covered by buildings, streets,

development footprint parking areas, and other typically impermeable surfaces 项目场址(包括作为项目一部分开发的建筑、街道、停车场
开发占地 以及其他常规不渗透的表面)的总占地面积
constructed as part of the project

a state in which two materials with different life spans make up

differential durability one complete component. If one material wears out and cannot be 差异耐久性 使用寿命不同的两种材料组成一个完整组件的一种状态。 如
separated and replaced, the entire product must be thrown away. 果一种材料磨损且无法分离或更换,整个产品必须抛弃。

a means of entering a space without having to leave the floor or

pass through another patient’s room, dedicated staff space, service 一种进入空间的方法,无需离开当前楼面或穿过其他患者的
direct access or utility space, or major public space. Patients’ and public 直接入口 房间、员工专用空间、服务或公用设施空间,或者主要的公共
circulation corridors, common sitting areas, and waiting and day 空间。 患者和公共交通走廊、共同的休息区以及等待和日间
space may be part of a direct access route. 区域都可以是直接入口路线的一部分。

an interior horizontal measurement of 1,000 lux or more of direct

beam sunlight that accounts for window transmittance and angular 室内测得 1,000 勒克斯或更多的直射日光量,计入窗户透光
direct sunlight effects, and excludes the effect of any operable blinds, with no 直射日光 率和角度影响,不包括任何活动窗帘的影响,也不包括反射光
contribution from reflected light (i.e., a zero bounce analysis) and (即,零反射分析)和散射天空元素的影响(引自 IES)
no contribution from the diffuse sky component (Adapted from IES)

a central energy conversion plant and transmission and

distribution system that provides thermal energy to a group of 一种中央能源转换站以及传送和分配系统,为一组建筑提供
district energy system (DES) buildings (e.g., a central cooling plant on a university campus). It 区域能源系统 (DES) 热能(如,大学校园中的中央供冷站)。 不包括仅提供电力
does not include central energy systems that provide only 的中央能源系统。

a distinct business or organization that provides goods or services

intended to meet daily needs and is publicly available. Automated 提供旨在满足日常所需的商品或服务的不同企业或组织,公开
diverse use facilities such as ATMs or vending machines are not included. For a 多样化业态 可用。不包括ATM、或自动贩卖机等自动化设施。如需完整列
full list, see the Appendix. 表,请参阅附录

the heating and cooling systems, equipment, and controls located

in the project building or on the project site and associated with 项目建筑或项目场址中的加热和冷却系统、设备和控制装置,
transporting the thermal energy of the district energy system (DES) 与将区域能源系统 (DES) 的热能输送到加热和制冷空间有关
downstream equipment
into heated and cooled spaces. Downstream equipment includes 下游设备 。下游设备包括与 DES 之间的热连接或接口、建筑中的辅助
the thermal connection or interface with the DES, secondary 分配系统和终端设备、由穿过系统的气流从冷却塔或蒸发式冷
distribution systems in the building, and terminal units. 凝器带来的漂流水滴。

products with a useful life of approximately two or more years and

that are replaced infrequently. Examples include furniture, office 使用寿命大约为 2 到 3 年且不频繁更换的产品。 包括家具
durable goods
equipment, appliances, external power adapters, televisions, and 耐久产品 、办公设备、家用电器、外部电源适配器、电视机,以及视听
audiovisual equipment. 设备。

the flow of long-lasting products from the project building after

they are fully depreciated and have reached the end of their useful 来自项目建筑的已完全折旧且已达到正常业务运营使用寿命
durable goods waste stream life for normal business operations. It includes leased durable 耐久产品废弃流 的耐久产品流。 包括出租并还给所有者的耐久产品,但不包
goods returned to their owner but does not include durable goods 括仍可使用且转移到其他楼层或建筑的耐久产品。
that remain functional and are moved to another floor or building.

the conductors, including the ungrounded, grounded, and

equipment grounding conductors, the electric vehicle connectors, 包括不接地、接地和设备接地导体在内的导体、电动车连接
electric vehicle supply attachment plugs, and all other fittings, devices, power outlets or 器、连接插头和其他所有配件、设备、电源插座或专门为了从
equipment apparatuses installed specifically for the purpose of delivering 电动车供电设备
楼宇电缆向电动车提供电力的用具。 (国家电气规范和加利
energy from the premises wiring to the electric vehicle. (National 福尼亚州 625 条款)
Electric Codes and California Article 625)

discarded office equipment (computers, monitors, copiers,

printers, scanners, fax machines), appliances (refrigerators, 丢弃的办公设备(计算机、显示器、复印机、打印机、扫描
electronic waste 废弃电器 仪、传真机)、家用电器(冰箱、洗碗机、饮水机)、外部电
dishwashers, water coolers), external power adapters, and
televisions and other audiovisual equipment 源适配器、电视和其他视听设备

mercury in its purest form (rather than a mercury-containing

elemental mercury compound), the vapor of which is commonly used in fluorescent 纯汞 最纯形态的汞(而不是含汞化合物),其蒸气通常用于荧光
and other bulb types 灯和其他类型的灯泡

emergency lighting a luminaire that operates only during emergency conditions and is
always off during normal building operation 应急照明 仅在紧急情况下工作的光源,在常规建筑运营期间始终关闭

a nonresidential area of at least 5 acres (2 hectares) with a job

employment center density of at least 50 employees per net acre (at least 125 至少 5 英亩(2 公顷)的非居住区,就业密度至少为每净英
就业中心 亩 50 名员工(每净公顷至少 125 名员工)
employees per hectare net)

the exterior plus semi-exterior portions of the building. Exterior

consists of the elements of a building that separate conditioned
spaces from the outside (i.e., the wall assembly). Semiexterior 建筑外部和半外部结构。 外部包括将有空调的空间与外部相
consists of the elements of a building that separate conditioned 隔离的建筑元素(例如,墙体组件)。 半外部包括将有空调
enclosure 围护结构 的空间与无空调的空间相隔离的建筑元素,或者封闭半加热空
space from unconditioned space or that encloses semi-heated
space through which thermal energy may be transferred to or from 间的建筑元素,热能可以通过该空间与外部、有空调的空间或
the exterior or conditioned or unconditioned spaces (e.g., attic, 无空调的空间(如,阁楼、爬行空隙、地下室)进行传递。
crawl space, basement).
Term (English) Definition (English) Term (Chinese) Chinese Definition
a designation that allows an outside entity, such as USGBC, to
access water and energy usage information that a building 可以让外部实体,如 USGBC 访问建筑管理团队使用能源之星
energy service provider management team maintains with ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager 能源服务供应商 数据管理器或类似工具维护的水和能源使用信息的机构
or a similar tool

a substance designed at the molecular (nanometer) level. Because

of its small size, it has novel properties generally not seen in its 在分子(纳米)水平上设计的物质。 由于尺寸很小,因此具
conventional bulk counterpart. See the Australian National 有其大部分传统竞争对手一般不具有的新颖特性。 参见澳大
engineered nanomaterial 工程纳米材料 利亚国家工业化学品通报和评估计划,
Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessment Scheme, ations/information_sheets/general_information_sheets/
n_sheets/nis_nanomaterials_pdf.pdf. nis_nanomaterials_pdf.pdf。

a statement that the item meets the environmental requirements

environmental product of ISO 14021–1999, ISO 14025–2006 and EN 15804, or ISO 21930– 产品环境声明 声明该物品符合 ISO 14021–1999、ISO 14025–2006 和 EN
declaration 2007 15804 或 ISO 21930–2007 的环保要求

the combination of evaporation and plant transpiration into the

atmosphere. Evaporation occurs when liquid water from soil, plant 进入大气的蒸发和植物蒸腾之和。 蒸发是指土壤、植物表面
evapotranspiration surfaces, or water bodies becomes vapor. Transpiration is the 蒸散 或水体的液体变为蒸气。 蒸腾是指水通过植物转移以及随后
movement of water through a plant and the subsequent loss of 以水蒸气形式散失。
water vapor.

measures undertaken by the maker of a product to accept its own

and sometimes other manufacturers’ products as postconsumer 产品制造商采取的措施,以许诺其自己的、有时还包括其他
waste at the end of the products’ useful life. Producers recover and 制造商的产品在产品使用寿命结束后将成为消费后废弃物。
extended producer recycle the materials for use in new products of the same type. To 生产商将回收材料以用于相同类型的新产品。 为了符合得分
responsibility count toward credit compliance, a program must be widely 生产商延展责任
点要求,必须广泛采用某种方案。 对于地毯,扩大生产商责
available. For carpet, extended producer responsibility must be 任必须与 NSF/ANSI 140–2007 保持一致。也被称为闭环程序
consistent with NSF/ANSI 140–2007. Also known as closed-loop 或产品收回。
program or product take-back.

a roof that is covered with plants and typically not designed for
general access. Usually an extensive system is a rugged green roof 覆满植物且一般并不被设计为可随便出入的屋面。 通常,粗
that requires little maintenance once established. The planting 放型系统是坚固耐用的种植屋面,建造好之后几乎不需维护。
extensive vegetated roof medium in extensive vegetated roofs ranges from 1 to 6 inches in 粗放型种植屋面 粗放型种植屋面中的种植介质厚度从 1 到 6 英寸。 (引自
depth. (Adapted from U.S. EPA) exterior vegetated surface area the 美国环保局 (EPA))外壳种植表面面积,项目场址中植被总面
total area of vegetation on the project site, including vegetated 积,包括种植屋面和草皮
roofs and turf grass

a device installed on the outside of a water pipe to record the

external meter volume of water passing through it. Also known as a clamp-on 安装在水管外部以记录通过的水量的设备。 也被称为钳型表
外部水表 。

the density of nonresidential land use, exclusive of parking,

measured as the total nonresidential building floor area divided by 非居住用地的密度,不包括停车场,计算方法为非居住建筑
the total buildable land area available for nonresidential structures. 总面积除以用于非居住结构的可建用地总面积。 例如,在有
For example, on a site with 10,000 square feet (930 square meters) 10000 平方英尺(930 平方米)可建用地面积的场址内,FAR
floor-area ratio (FAR) of buildable land area, an FAR of 1.0 would be 10,000 square feet 容积率 (FAR) 为 1.0 则表示有 10000 平方英尺(930 平方米)的建筑面积
(930 square meters) of building floor area. On the same site, an 。 在相同的场址中,FAR 为 1.5 则表示有 15000 平方英尺
FAR of 1.5 would be 15,000 square feet (1395 square meters), an (1395 平方米),FAR 为 2.0 则表示有 20000 平方英尺
FAR of 2.0 would be 20,000 square feet (1860 square meters), and (1860 平方米),FAR 为 0.5 则表示有 5000 平方英尺
an FAR of 0.5 would be 5,000 square feet (465 square meters). (465 平方米)的建筑面积。

the water discharged from a subsurface drainage system. If a

building foundation is below the water table, a sump pump may be 从地下排水系统排出的水。 如果建筑地基低于地下水位,则
foundation drain 基础排水 可能需要使用集水坑泵。 从水坑排出的水可以储存起来并用
required. Discharge from the sump may be stored and used for
irrigation. 于灌溉。

a cluster of freight-related businesses that include intermodal

transfer operations. Freight villages may offer logistics services,
integrated distribution, warehousing capabilities, showrooms, and 一群包括联运转移业务的货运相关企业。物流园可提供物流
freight village support services. Such support services may include security, 物流园 服务、集成配送、仓储能力、展示厅和支持服务。这些支持服
maintenance, mail, banking, customs and import management 务可包括安保、维护、邮递、银行、海关和进口管理协助、食
assistance, cafeterias, restaurants, office space, conference rooms, 堂、餐厅、办公场所、会议室、酒店、公共或活动中心运输。
hotels, and public or activity center transportation.

a building opening designed to be used by pedestrians and open

during regular business hours. It does not include any door 设计由行人使用且在正常营业时间开放的建筑开口。 不包括
functional entry 功能入口 任何专门设计作为紧急出口的门,或者并没有被设计为行人入
exclusively designated as an emergency exit, or a garage door not
designed as a pedestrian entrance. 口的车库门。

the stand-alone furniture items purchased for the project,

including individual and group seating; open-plan and private-office
workstations; desks and tables; storage units, credenzas, 为项目购买的独立家具,包括独立和多人座椅;开放式和私
bookshelves, filing cabinets, and other case goods; wall-mounted 人办公室工位;书桌和桌子;存储装置、餐具橱、书架、档案
visual-display products (e.g., marker boards and tack boards, 柜和其他箱柜;壁装式视觉显示产品(如,标志板和布告板,
furniture and furnishings excluding electronic displays); and miscellaneous items, such as 家具和陈设 不包括电子显示器);以及其他陈设,如画架、手推车、独立
easels, mobile carts, freestanding screens, installed fabrics, and 展架、安装的织物和灵活隔断。 根据项目需要,还可包括酒
movable partitions. Hospitality furniture is included as applicable to 店家具。 不包括办公配件,如桌面吸墨纸、托盘、磁带分配
the project. Office accessories, such as desktop blotters, trays, tape 器、废物篮和所有电器产品,例如照明设备和小器具。
dispensers, waste baskets, and all electrical items, such as lighting
and small appliances, are excluded.

grams per brake metric used to communicate how many grams of emissions (e.g.,
nitrogen oxide or particulate matter) are emitted by an engine of a 每制动马力小时克数 用于描述具有特定马力的引擎在一小时内排放的排放物(如
horsepower hour ,氮氧化物或颗粒物质)克数指标
specific horsepower rating over a one-hour period

“untreated household waste water which has not come into

contact with toilet waste. Graywater includes used water from
bathtubs, showers, bathroom wash basins, and water from clothes-
washers and laundry tubs. It must not include waste water from “尚未接触厕卫垃圾的未经处理的生活废水。 灰水包括浴缸
kitchen sinks or dishwashers” (Uniform Plumbing Code, Appendix 、淋浴间与浴室面盆洗涤用水以及洗衣机与洗衣池用水, 但
G, Gray Water Systems for Single-Family Dwellings); “waste water 不包括厨房水槽或洗碗机废水。”(统一给排水规范附录 G,
graywater discharged from lavatories, bathtubs, showers, clothes washers and 灰水 独户住宅灰水系统);“卫生间、浴缸、淋浴间、洗衣机和洗
laundry sinks” (International Plumbing Code, Appendix C, Gray 衣水槽排放的废水”(国际给排水规范附录 C,灰水回收系统
Water Recycling Systems). Some states and local authorities allow )。 某些州和地方当局还将厨房水槽废水纳入灰水范畴。 州
kitchen sink wastewater to be included in graywater. Other 与地方法规中可能存在其它差异。 项目团队应遵循项目所在
differences can likely be found in state and local codes. Project 地区的管辖当局确定的灰水定义。
teams should comply with the graywater definition established by
the authority having jurisdiction in the project area.

a soil- and vegetation-based approach to wet weather

management that is cost-effective, sustainable, and 一种基于土壤和植被的潮湿天气管理方法,具有成本效益、
green infrastructure environmentally friendly. Green infrastructure management 可持续性和环保性。 绿色基础设施管理方法和技术包括渗透
approaches and technologies infiltrate, evapotranspire, capture 绿色基础设施
and reuse stormwater to maintain or restore natural hydrologies. (引自美国环保局 (EPA))
(Adapted from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency)

green power a subset of renewable energy composed of grid-based electricity

produced from renewable energy sources 绿色电力 一部分由可再生能量资源产生的电网电力组成的可再生能源

vehicles achieving a minimum green score of 45 on the American 在美国节能经济委员会 (ACEEE) 的年度车辆等级指南(对于
green vehicles Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE) annual vehicle 绿色汽车 美国以外的项目,可以是当地的同等标准)中至少能得到 45
rating guide (or a local equivalent for projects outside the U.S.). 分绿色分数的车辆。
Term (English) Definition (English) Term (Chinese) Chinese Definition

greenfield area that is not previously developed, graded or disturbed, and 之前未开发、分级或受到干扰,并且可作空地、栖息地或自
could support open space, habitat, or natural hydrology 未开发荒地

the inanimate elements of the building landscaping. It includes 建筑景观中无生命的元素。 包括铺过的路面、道路、石墙、

hardscape pavement, roadways, stonewalls, wood and synthetic decking, 硬景观 木材和合成地板、混凝土路径和人行道、混凝土、砖,以及瓷
concrete paths and sidewalks, and concrete, brick, and tile patios. 砖铺砌的庭院。

any item or agent (biological, chemical, physical) that has the

hazardous material potential to cause harm to humans, animals, or the environment, 有害物质 自身或通过与其他因素相互作用有可能对人类、动物或环境
either by itself or through interaction with other factors 有害的任何物品或媒介(生物、化学、物理)

the thermal absorption by hardscape, such as dark, nonreflective

pavement and buildings, and its subsequent radiation to 硬景观(如黑色非反射路面与建筑)对热量的吸收及其对周
heat island effect surrounding areas. Other contributing factors may include vehicle 热岛效应 边地区的辐射。 其他促成因素还可能包括汽车尾气、空调和
exhaust, air-conditioners, and street equipment. Tall buildings and 街道设备。 高层建筑与狭窄街道减少了气流并加剧了这一效
narrow streets reduce airflow and exacerbate the effect. 应。

a transportation thoroughfare intended for motor vehicles with

highway limited access points, prohibitions on human-powered vehicles, 用于汽车的运输专用通道,只有有限的出入口,禁止人力车
and higher speeds than local roads. A highway generally connects 高速公路
,比地方道路速度更快。 高速公路一般连接城市与城镇。
cities and towns.

a building or structure with historic, architectural, engineering,

archeological, or cultural significance that is listed or determined to
be eligible as a historic structure or building, or as a contributing 具有历史、建筑、工程、考古或文化意义的建筑或结构,列
building or structure in a designated historic district. The historic 为或被认为有资格作为历史结构或建筑,或者在指定的历史街
historic building designation must be made by a local historic preservation review 历史建筑 区中作为有影响的建筑或结构。 “历史”称谓必须由当地历
board or similar body, and the structure must be listed in a state 史保护审查委员会或类似机构给出,结构必须列在州史迹名录
register of historic places, be listed in the National Register of 、国家史迹名录(在美国以外符合当地同等标准),或者被认
Historic Places (or a local equivalent outside the U.S.), or have been 为有资格列在上述名录中。
determined eligible for listing.

a group of buildings, structures, objects, and sites that have been

historic district designated or determined to be eligible as historically and 被认为或者确定有资格具有历史和建筑重要意义的一组建筑
architecturally significant, and categorized as either contributing or 历史街区 、结构、物体和场址,无论对该地区的历史本质是否有影响
noncontributing to the historic nature of the district

an item that consists of only one material throughout or a

homogeneous material combination of multiple materials that cannot be mechanically 同质材料 只包括一种材料或者包括无法以机械方式分离的多种材料组
disjointed, excluding surface coatings 合的物品,表面涂层除外
hydrozone a group of plantings with similar water needs 水电区 具有类似水需求的一组植物

the incident luminous flux density on a differential element of

surface located at a point and oriented in a particular direction, 位于某点且朝向特定方向的表面差异元素上的入射光通量密
expressed in lumens per unit area. Since the area involved is 度,以每单位面积的流明来表示。 由于涉及区域有差异,习
differential, it is customary to refer to this as illuminance at a point. 惯性地将其称为某点的照度。 单位名称取决于区域测量单位
illuminance The unit name depends on the unit of measurement for area: : 如果使用平方英尺作为面积单位,则为尺烛光;如果使用
footcandles if square feet are used for area, and lux if square 照度
平方米,则为勒克斯。 (引自 IES)在专业术语中,照度是
meters are used. (Adapted from IES) In lay terms, illuminance is a 对投射到表面的光量的测量。 其在美国表示为尺烛光(基于
measurement of light striking a surface. It is expressed in 平方英尺),在大多数其他国家表示为勒克斯(基于平方米)
footcandles in the U.S. (based on square feet) and in lux in most 。
other countries (based on square meters).

an area of ground that development and building have modified in

such a way that precipitation cannot infiltrate downward through 经开发和建筑改造过的一块区域,致使降水无法通过土壤向
impervious surface the soil. Examples of impervious surfaces include roofs, paved 非渗透表面 下渗透。 非渗透表面的例子包括屋面、铺设的道路和停车场
roads and parking areas, sidewalks, and soils that have been 、人行道以及因设计或使用而变得坚实的土壤。
compacted either by design or by use.

an area where an occupant performs distinct tasks. Individual

individual occupant space occupant spaces may be within multioccupant spaces and should 住户执行各自不同任务的区域。 个人使用空间可能位于多住
个人使用空间 户空间中,应尽可能区别对待。
be treated separately where possible.

any water discharged from a factory setting. Before this water can
industrial process water be used for irrigation, its quality needs to be checked. Saline or 工业工艺用水 从工厂排出的任何水。 在这种水可用于灌溉之前,需要检查
corrosive water should not be used for irrigation. 其质量。 盐水或腐蚀性的水不得用于灌溉。

a site where at least 75% of the land area, exclusive of rights-of-

way, within ½ mile (800 meters) of the project boundary is 项目边界 1/2 英里(800 米)之内至少 75% 的土地面积(
infill site previously developed. A street or other right-of-way does not 不包括道路用地)是之前已被开发过的场址。 街道或其他道
嵌入式场地 路用地不构成之前已开发的土地;重要的是道路用地或街道另
constitute previously developed land; it is the status of property on
the other side of right-of-way or the street that matters. 一侧物业的状态。

(HVAC) uncontrolled inward air leakage to conditioned spaces

through unintentional openings in ceilings, floors, and walls from (HVAC) 空气从无空调的空间或室外因压力差(此压力差同样
unconditioned spaces or the outdoors caused by the same pressure 渗入 会导致渗出)而不受控制地通过天花板、地板和墙壁上的非人
differences that induce exfiltration. (ASHRAE 62.1–2010) 为开口向内泄漏到有空调的空间。 (ASHRAE 62.1-2010)

a value between 0 and 1 (or 0% and 100%) that indicates the

ability of a material to shed infrared radiation (heat). A cool roof 介于 0 和 1(或 0% 和 100%)之间的一个值,表示一种
should have a high thermal emittance. The wavelength range for 材料散发红外线辐射(热量)的能力。 凉爽的屋面应该具有
radiant energy is roughly 5 to 40 micrometers. Most building 较高的热发射度。 辐射能量的波长范围大体上是 5 至 40 微
infrared (thermal) materials (including glass) are opaque in this part of the spectrum 米。 大多数建筑材料(包括玻璃)在这个光谱区段内是不透
emittance  and have an emittance of roughly 0.9, or 90%. Clean, bare metals, 红外线(或热)发射度 明的,发射度大约为 0.9,或 90%。 干净的裸金属,如未失
such as untarnished galvanized steel, have a low emittance and are 去光泽的镀锌钢,发射度较低,是发射度不为 0.9 的最主要
the most important exceptions to the 0.9 rule. In contrast, 情况。 相比之下,铝屋面涂层具有中等发射度。 (引自
aluminum roof coatings have intermediate emittance levels. Lawrence Berkeley 国家试验室)
(Adapted from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)

inpatient an individual admitted to a medical, surgical, maternity, specialty, 住到医疗、外科、产科、专业或重症监护病房并停留超过 23

or intensive-care unit for a length of stay exceeding 23 hours 住院病人

inpatient unit any medical, surgical, maternity, specialty, or intensive-care unit 任何让患者接受护理超过 23 小时的医疗、外科、产科、专
where an individual receives care for more than 23 hours 住院病房

an information conveyance system that cannot be easily removed.

For furniture, such labeling may include radio frequency 无法轻易删除的信息传达系统。 对于家具来说,这种标签可
integral labeling identification, engraving, embossing, or other permanent marking 内置标签 包括有关材料产地、属性和生产日期的射频识别、雕刻、压花
containing information on material origin, properties, and date of ,或其他包含信息的永久性标记。

a method of pest management that protects human health and

integrated pest the surrounding environment, and improves economic returns 一种虫害治理方法,可保护人类健康和周围环境,并通过最
management 综合害虫管理
through the most effective, least-risk option 有效、风险最低的方案提高经济效益

an approach that involves people, systems, and business structures

(contractual and legal agreements) and practices. The process 一种涉及人、系统和业务结构(合同与法律协议)与实践的
integrated project delivery harnesses the talents and insights of all participants to improve 方法。 该过程利用所有参与者的才能和见解,在设计、制造
results, increase value to the owner, reduce waste, and maximize 整合式工程交付 和建造的所有阶段改善结果、为业主增加价值、减少浪费并最
efficiency through all phases of design, fabrication, and 大程度提高效率。 (引自美国建筑研究院)
construction. (Adapted from American Institute of Architects)
Term (English) Definition (English) Term (Chinese) Chinese Definition

a roof that, compared with an extensive vegetated roof, has

greater soil volume, supports a wider variety of plants (including 这种屋面相比粗放型种植屋面,有更多的土壤量,可种植更
shrubs and trees), and allows a wider variety of uses (including 多种类的植物(包括灌木和树),并实现更多的用途(包括人
intensive vegetated roof human access). The depth of the growing medium is an important 密集种植屋面 类使用)。 生长介质的厚度是决定栖息地价值的一个重要因
factor in determining habitat value. The native or adapted plants 素。 为屋面选择的本地或可适应性植物应能满足场址特有野
selected for the roof should support the site’s endemic wildlife 生动物种群的需求。 (引自 Green Roofs for Healthy
populations. (Adapted from Green Roofs for Healthy Cities) Cities)

all the layers applied over a finished subfloor or stairs, including

stair treads and risers, ramps, and other walking surfaces. Interior 完工的底层地板或楼梯(包括楼梯踏板和竖板、斜坡和其他
interior floor finish finish excludes building structural members, such as beams, 行走表面)上使用的所有面层。 室内面层不包括建筑结构构
trusses, studs, or subfloors, or similar items. Interior finish also 件,如梁、桁架、螺柱或底层地板或类似物品, 也不包括不
excludes nonfull spread wet coatings or adhesives. 完全扩散的湿涂料或粘合剂。

all the layers comprising the exposed interior surfaces of buildings,

including fixed walls, fixed partitions, columns, exposed ceilings, 构成建筑裸露室内表面的所有面层,包括固定墙壁、固定隔
interior wall and ceiling 断、柱子、裸露的吊顶和室内护墙板、镶板、内饰或者通过机
finish and interior wainscoting, paneling, interior trim or other finish 内墙和吊顶面层
applied mechanically or for decoration, acoustical correction, 械方式安装或用于装饰、声学校正、表面耐火或类似目的的其
surface fire resistance, or similar purposes 他饰面

a venue for the movement of goods in a single loading unit or road

intermodal facility vehicle that uses successively two or more modes of transportation 联合运输设施 先后使用两种或更多运输模式来移动单个装载装置或道路车
without the need to handle the goods themselves 辆中的货物,而无需处理货物自身的设施

nonnative vegetation that has been introduced to an area and that

aggressively adapts and reproduces. The plant’s vigor combined 被引进到某地区且有侵略性地适应和繁殖的非本地植物。 植
invasive plant
with a lack of natural enemies often leads to outbreak populations. 入侵植物 物的活力加上缺少天敌往往会导致数量激增。 (引自美国农
(Adapted from U.S. Department of Agriculture) 业部)

electricity consumption by information technology and telecom

IT annual energy equipment which includes servers, networking, and storage 信息技术和电信设备(包括服务器、网络和存储设备)的年
IT 年能耗 耗电量
equipment over the course of a year
a device emitting light in a fixture, excluding lamp housing and
lamp ballasts. Light-emitting diodes packaged as traditional lamps also 灯 在灯具中发光的设备,不包括灯罩和镇流器。 以发光二极管
meet this definition. 作为光源的传统灯也符合此定义。

the useful span of operation of a source of artificial light, such as

bulbs. Lamp life for fluorescent lights is determined by testing three 人造光光源(如灯泡)的有效工作寿命。 荧光灯使用寿命的
hours on for every 20 minutes off. For high-density discharge 确定方法是:每关闭 20 分钟后打开三小时。 对于高密度放
lamp life lamps, the test is based on 11 hours on for every 20 minutes off. 灯寿命 电灯,测试方法为每关闭 20 分钟后打开 11 小时。 灯寿命
Lamp life depends on whether the start ballast is program or 取决于启动镇流器是程序式的还是瞬时的。 这些信息公布在
instant. This information is published in manufacturers’ 制造商信息中。 也被称为额定平均寿命。
information. Also known as rated average life.

a private, nonprofit organization that, as all or part of its mission,

actively works to conserve land by undertaking or assisting in 一种私有的非营利组织,其全部或部分使命是,通过从事或
land trust
conservation easement or land acquisition, or by its stewardship of 土地信托 帮助保护地役权或土地收购,或者管理这些土地或地役权,积
such land or easements (Adapted from Land Trust Alliance) 极致力于节约土地(引自土地信托联盟)

materials that are natural (e.g., rock, soil, stone, vegetation). 天然材料(如,岩石、土壤、石头、植被)。 即使在场址中
land-clearing debris and soil Materials that are man-made (e.g., concrete, brick, cement) are 土地清理碎片和土壤 ,人造材料(如,混凝土、砖块、水泥)也会被认为是营建废
considered construction waste even if they were on site. 弃物。

landscape water the amount of water that the site landscape area(s) requires for
requirement (LWR) the site’s peak watering month 景观用水要求 (LWR) 场址景观区域在场址峰值用水月份所需的用水量

a label, defined by U.S. EPA regulations under the Safe Drinking 由美国环保局 (EPA) 在《安全饮用水法》( Safe Drinking
lead-free Water Act, that allows small amounts of lead in solders, flux, pipes, 无铅 Water Act) 中规定的标签,允许在焊料、焊剂、管道、管件
pipe fittings, and well pumps 和井泵中出现少量铅

a registered pesticide in the Tier III (lowest toxicity) category, using 一种使用旧金山危险等级制度 (San Francisco Hazard
the San Francisco Hazard Ranking system, or a pesticide that meets Ranking System) 登记过的三级(最低毒性)杀虫剂,或者符
least-risk pesticide the requirements in the San Francisco Pesticide Hazard Screening 合“旧金山杀虫剂危险筛查协议” (San Francisco
Protocol and is sold as a self-contained bait or as a crack-and- 最低危害杀虫剂
Pesticide Hazard Screening Protocol) 的要求,且作为在
crevice treatment used in areas inaccessible to building occupants. 建筑住户无法接近的区域中使用的独立诱饵或者裂缝和裂隙处
Rodenticides are never considered least-risk pesticides. 理剂出售的杀虫剂。 灭鼠药从未被视为最低风险杀虫剂。

length of stay the amount of time a person remains in a health care facility as an
admitted patient 住院时长 个人作为住院患者在卫生保健设施中逗留的时间

an evaluation of the environmental effects of a product from 对产品整个生命周期中环境影响的评估,符合 ISO 14040–

life-cycle assessment cradle to grave, as defined by ISO 14040–2006 and ISO 14044–2006 生命周期评估 2006 和 ISO 14044–2006 的定义

a database that defines the environmental effects (inputs and

life-cycle inventory outputs) for each step in a material’s or assembly’s life cycle. The 生命周期清单 一个定义材料或构件生命周期中每个步骤环境影响(输入和
database is specific to countries and regions within countries. 输出)的数据库。 该数据库视具体国家和地区而异。

waste light from building sites that produces glare, is directed

upward to the sky, or is directed off the site. Waste light does not 是指来自建筑场址、照向天空或投射到场址外的会产生眩光
light pollution 光污染 的废光。 废光并不会增加夜间安全性或利于保安工作,不具
increase nighttime safety, utility, or security and needlessly
consumes energy. 有实用性,并且还会不必要地消耗能源。

transit service using two- or three-car trains in a right-of-way that 使用 2 节或 3 节车厢的列车在道路用地中提供的公共交通

is often separated from other traffic modes. Spacing between 服务,通常与其他交通模式分隔开。 站间距离倾向于 1/2 英
light rail stations tends to be ½ mileor more, and maximum operating 轻轨 里或更远,最大行驶速度一般为 40–55 英里/小时(65–90
speeds are typically 40–55 mph (65–90 kmh). Light-rail corridors 公里/小时)。 轻轨线路一般为 10 英里(16 公里)或更长
typically extend 10 or more miles (16 kilometers). 。

obtrusive illumination that is unwanted because of quantitative,

light trespass directional, or spectral attributes. Light trespass can cause 光侵扰 因为数量、方向或光谱属性而显得刺眼且不必要的照明。 光
annoyance, discomfort, distraction, or loss of visibility. 侵扰可造成烦扰、不适、注意力分散,或使视力受损。

an intentional action by a utility to reduce the load on the system.

load shedding Load shedding is usually conducted during emergency periods, such 切负荷 公用事业公司为降低系统负载的特意执行措施。 切负荷通常
as capacity shortages, system instability, or voltage control. 在紧急时期进行,如在容量不足、系统不稳定或电压控制时。

bicycle parking that is easily accessible to residents and employees 便于居民和员工使用的自行车停放处,有顶篷以防止自行车

long-term bicycle storage 长效自行车存放
and covered to protect bicycles from rain and snow 受到雨雪影响

an operational improvement, such as a repair, upgrade, or staff

training or retraining. In LEED, the project team determines the 一种运营改进,如维修、升级、员工培训或挽留。 在 LEED
low-cost improvement
reasonable upper limit for low-cost improvements based on facility 低成本改进 中,项目团队根据设施资源和运营预算来确定低成本改进的合
resources and operating budgets. 理上限。
Term (English) Definition (English) Term (Chinese) Chinese Definition

an approach to managing rainwater runoff that emphasizes on-site

natural features to protect water quality, by replicating the natural
land cover hydrologic regime of watersheds, and addressing runoff 一种管理雨水径流的方法,强调场址内自然特点,以通过恢
close to its source. Examples include better site design principles 复流域内的自然土地植被水情和处理靠近源头的径流来保护水
low-impact development (e.g., minimizing land disturbance, preserving vegetation, 质。 示例包括更好的场址设计原则(如尽量减少土地破坏、
(LID) 低冲击开发 (LID)
minimizing impervious cover), and design practices (e.g., rain 保留植被、尽量减少非渗透表面),以及设计实践(雨水花园
gardens, vegetated swales and buffers, permeable pavement, 、植被洼地和缓冲区、透水路面、雨水收集和土壤改良)。
rainwater harvesting, soil amendments). These are engineered 这些都是工程实践,可能需要专业设计辅助。
practices that may require specialized design assistance.

water that is fed into a cooling tower system or evaporative

makeup water condenser to replace water lost through evaporation, drift, bleed- 补充水 送入冷却塔系统或蒸发式冷凝器的水,用于替换通过蒸发、
off, or other causes 漂流、溢流或其他原因流失的水

to capture and retain a specified volume of rainfall to mimic

manage (rainwater) on site natural hydrologic function. Examples of rainwater management 收集和保留指定量的雨水,以模拟自然水文功能。 雨水管理
include strategies that involve evapotranspiration, infiltration, and 场址内雨水管理 的范例包括涉及蒸散、渗透、捕获和再利用的策略。
capture and reuse.

the limits of a site master plan. The master plan boundary includes
the project area and may include all associated buildings and sites 场址总平面图的界限。 总平面图边界包括项目区域,还可包
master plan boundary
outside of the LEED project boundary. The master plan boundary 总平面图边界 括 LEED 项目边界以外的所有相关建筑和场址。 总平面图边
considers future sustainable use, expansion, and contraction. 界考虑了未来场址的可持续使用、扩张和收缩。

of a source’s emitted light derived from industry standards, taken

mean lumen output a with an instant-start ballast that has a ballast factor of 1.0 as 源自行业标准的一种对光源发出的光进行测量的指标,与镇
measurement measured at 40% of lamp life (except for T-5 lamps, which use a 平均流明输出 流器因数为 1.0 的瞬时启动镇流器一起在 40% 的灯具使用寿
program-start ballast) 命下测得(T-5 灯除外,它使用程序启动镇流器)。

an item of furniture designed for use in health care. Examples

include surgical tables; procedure, supply, and mobile technology 设计用于医疗保健的家具。 其中包括手术台;手术推车、耗
medical furnishing
carts; lifting and transfer aids; supply closet carts and shelving; and 医疗陈设 材推车和移动设备推车;升降和转移辅助装置;耗材柜推车和
overbed tables. 架子,以及跨床桌。

a regulator that limits the flow time of water, generally a manual-

metering control on and automatic-off device, most commonly installed on lavatory 定量调节器 限制水流时间的调节器,一般是一种手动打开和自动关闭的
faucets and showers 设备,最常安装在卫生间的水龙头和淋浴器上

white and colored paper, envelopes, forms, file folders, tablets,

mixed paper flyers, cereal boxes, wrapping paper, catalogs, magazines, phone 混合纸 白纸和彩色纸、信封、表格、文件夹、写字板、传单、麦片
books, and photos 盒子、包装纸、目录、杂志、电话簿和照片

shelving and cabinetry designed to be easily installed, moved, or

reconfigured. In a retail setting, items that are movable but 被设计为可以轻松安装、移动和重新配置的货架和橱柜。 在
modular and movable semipermanently attached using mechanical fastening systems for 零售环境中,可以移动但使用机械紧固系统半永久性固定以便
casework operational use are considered furniture and not base building 模块化(可移动)台柜
elements (e.g., a table or display bolted to the floor, or shelving 螺栓固定到地板上的桌子和展架,或者固定到墙壁的货架)。
attached to a wall).

the distance between ground level (or the workplane) and the
mounting height bottom of the luminaire (light fixture); the height at which a 安装高度 地平面(或工作面)与光源(灯具)底部之间的距离;光源
luminaire is installed. (Adapted from Light a Home) 安装的高度。 (引自 Light a Home)

movable furniture and items that can be moved by the users without the need of tools or 用户无需工具或特殊行业和设施管理人员的协助即可移动的
partitions assistance from special trades and facilities management 可移动家具和隔断

a site that was master-planned for the development of stores,

multitenant complex restaurants and other businesses. Retailers may share some 为开发商店、餐馆和其他业务而总体规划的场址。 零售商可
多租户综合体 以共享某些服务和公共区域。
services and common areas.

a unique five- or six-digit number used to identify specific lamps, 一个唯一的 5 位或 6 位数,用于确定具体的灯具,由全国
NAED code NAED 代码 电气分销商协会 (National Association of Electrical
used by the National Association of Electrical Distributors
Distributors) 使用

an indigenous species that occurs in a particular region, ecosystem,

and habitat without direct or indirect human actions. Native
species have evolved to the geography, hydrology, and climate of 没有人类直接或间接活动的特定区域、生态系统和栖息地中
that region. They also occur in communities; that is, they have 出现的本地物种。 本地物种随着该地区的地理、水文和气候
native vegetation evolved together with other species. As a result, these communities 本地植物 而进化。 它们还会出现在社区中;即,他们与其他物种一同
provide habitat for a variety of other native wildlife species. Species 进化。 因此,这些社区可为多种其他本地野生动物提供栖息
native to North America are generally recognized as those 地。 北美本地的物种一般被认为是早于欧洲移民出现在北美
occurring on the continent prior to European settlement. Also 大陆上。 也被称为本地植栽。
known as native plants.

a compound that is not manmade and is used for cooling. Such

natural refrigerant substances generally have much lower potential for atmospheric 一种非人造的制冷化合物。 相比人造化学制冷剂,这种物质
damage than manufactured chemical refrigerants. Examples 天然制冷剂
不大可能对大气造成破坏。 包括水、二氧化碳和氨。
include water, carbon dioxide, and ammonia.

Natural Resources a U.S.-based soil survey that shows the boundaries of different soil 自然资源保护局 (NRCS)
Conservation Service (NRCS) types and special soil features on the site 一项基于美国的土壤调查,显示场址内不同土壤类型的边界
soils delineation 土壤描绘 和特殊土壤特性

natural site hydrology the natural land cover function of water occurrence, distribution,
movement, and balance 自然场址水文 水的出现、分布、移动和平衡的自然土地覆被作用

the sum of all interior areas in the project available to house the
net usable program area project’s program. It does not include areas for building 净可用计划区域 项目中可用于容纳项目计划的所有内部区域之和。 不包括用
equipment, vertical circulation, or structural components. 于建筑设备、垂直循环或结构组件的区域。

a public space, diagnostic or treatment area, ambulatory unit, or

non-inpatient area any other space in a health care facility that is not for individuals 非住院病人区域 公共空间、诊断或治疗区域、门诊部,或卫生保健设施中不
who have been admitted for care 用于已接受住院护理的个人的其他任何空间
nonpotable water water that does not meet drinking water standards 非饮用水 不符合饮用水标准的水

an area that people pass through or an area used for focused

activities an average of less than one hour per person per day. The 人们经过或用于重点活动的区域,持续时间平均每人每天不
non-regularly occupied one-hour timeframe is continuous and should be based on the time 到一小时。 一小时的时间范围是连续的,且应基于典型住户
space a typical occupant uses the space. For spaces that are not used 非常规使用空间 使用该空间的时间。 对于不是每天使用的空间,这一小时的
daily, the one-hour timeframe should be based on the time a 时间范围应基于典型住户在该空间开放使用时在其内消耗的时
typical occupant spends in the space when it is in use.  间。

nonwater toilet systems dry plumbing fixtures and fittings that contain and treat human 容纳人类排泄物并通过微生物方式进行处理的干燥卫生器具
waste via microbiological processes 无水马桶系统 和装置

a plumbing fixture having a water flush with a trap that contains a

nonwater urinal layer of buoyant liquid that floats above the urine, blocking sewer 无水小便器 不用水冲洗的卫生器具,防臭瓣中有一层浮液浮在尿液上面
gas and odors ,阻隔下水道气体和异味

a system or switch that a person in the space can directly access

and use. Examples include a task light, an open switch, and blinds. 空间中的人可以直接接触和使用的系统或开关。 包括工作照
occupant control
A temperature sensor, photo sensor, or centrally controlled system 住户控制装置 明、开启式开关和百叶窗。 温度传感器、光电传感器或中央
is not occupant controlled. 控制系统无法被住户控制。

an enclosed space intended for human activities, excluding those

spaces that are intended primarily for other purposes, such as 用于人类活动的封闭空间,不包括主要用于其他用途的空间
occupiable space 可使用空间 ,如储藏室和设备间,以及仅偶尔占用或短期占用的空间
storage rooms and equipment rooms, and that are occupied only
occasionally and for short periods of time (ASHRAE 62.1–2010) (ASHRAE 62.1–2010)
Term (English) Definition (English) Term (Chinese) Chinese Definition

enclosed space intended for human activities, excluding those

spaces that are intended primarily for other purposes, such as
storage rooms and equipment rooms, and that are only occupied 用于人类活动的封闭空间,不包括主要用于其他用途的空间
occasionally and for short periods of time. Occupied spaces are ,如储藏室和设备间,以及仅偶尔占用或短期占用的空间。
occupied space further classified as regularly occupied or nonregularly occupied 使用空间 使用空间根据使用时间可进一步划分为经常使用或不经常使用
spaces based on the duration of the occupancy, individual or 的空间,根据住户数量可分为单人空间和多住户空间,根据空
multioccupant based on the quantity of occupants, and densely or 间中的住户密度分为密集使用和非密集使用空间。
nondensely occupied spaces based on the concentration of
occupants in the space.

a product that has a low cost per unit and is regularly used and
replaced in the course of business. Examples include paper, toner 单位成本较低且在业务经营期间定期使用和补充的产品。
ongoing consumable
cartridges, binders, batteries, and desk accessories. Also known as 持续消耗品 包括纸张、碳粉、粘合剂、电池和办公用品。 也被称为持续
ongoing purchases. 采购品。

on-site wastewater the transport, storage, treatment, and disposal of wastewater

treatment generated on the project site 场址内污水处理 运输、存放、处理和处置项目场址产生的废水

pavements that consist of loose substrates supported by a grid of a

more structurally sound grid or webbing. Pervious concrete and 松散材料组成的路面,由结构更加结实的网格或网带提供支
open-grid pavement system porous asphalt are not considered open grid as they are considered 开放链式铺装系统 撑。 透水混凝土和多孔沥青不被认为是开放式网格,而是有
bounded materials. Unbounded, loose substrates do not transfer 边界材料。 无边界的松散材料不像有边界的紧实材料那样传
and store heat like bound and compacted materials do. 递和储存热量。

a plan that specifies major system operating parameters and limits,

operations and maintenance procedures and schedules, and documentation 指定主要系统运营参数和限制、维护程序和安排,以及为说
maintenance (O&M) plan methods necessary to demonstrate proper operation and 运营和维护计划 明正确操作和维护所获准的排放控制设备或系统所需的记录方
maintenance of an approved emissions control device or system 法的计划

a luminaire intended for illuminating portions of the circulation

ornamental luminaire network that also serves an ornamental function, in addition to 用于循环网络照明部分的光源,除了提供有效的街道照明,
providing optics that effectively deliver street lighting, and has a 景观照明
decorative or historical period appearance

a patient who is not hospitalized for 24 hours or more but who

outpatient visits a hospital, clinic, or associated healthcare facility for diagnosis 门诊病人 在 24 小时或更长时间内没有住院,但是期间去过医院、诊
or treatment 所或相关医疗机构进行诊断或治疗的患者

owner’s project a written document that details the ideas, concepts, and criteria
determined by the owner to be important to the success of the 由业主确定的,详述了对项目成功十分重要的想法、理念和
requirements (OPR) 业主项目要求 (OPR) 条件的书面文件

patient position a patient bed, infusion chair, recovery room bay, or other location 病床、输液椅、康复室开间,或病人接受临床护理的其他位
where a patient receives clinical care 病人位置

peak demand the maximum electricity load at a specific point in time or over a
period of time 峰值需求 特定时间点或某个时期的最大电力负荷

the month with the greatest deficit between evapotranspiration

and rainfall. This is the month when the plants in the site’s region 蒸散和降雨量之间出现最大亏缺的月份。 场址区域内的植物
peak watering month 峰值用水月份 最需要补充水分的月份,一般是盛夏中的月份。 (可持续场
potentially require the most supplemental water typically a mid-
summer month. (Sustainable Sites Initiative) 址措施)

a structure that cannot be moved by the user without tools or

permanent interior assistance from special trades and facilities management. Examples 在没有工具或特殊行业和设施管理人员的帮助下,用户无法
obstruction include lab hoods, fixed partitions, demountable opaque full- or 永久室内阻碍 移动的结构。 包括实验室罩、固定隔断、可拆卸的不透明全
partial-height partitions, some displays, and equipment. 高或半高隔断、一些展架和设备。

permanent peak load the transfer of energy consumption to off-peak hours, when 将能耗转移到能源需求较低且因此能源费用较便宜的非高峰
shifting demand for power is lower and energy is therefore less expensive 永久性峰值负载转移

permeable pavement a paved surface that allows water runoff to infiltrate into the
ground 可渗透铺装 可以让雨水径流渗入地下的铺设表面

a substance that poses a long-term risk to both humans and the

environment because it remains in the environment for long 对人类和环境带来长期风险的物质,因为会长期存留在环境
periods, increases in concentration as it moves up the food chain, 中,并且浓度会随着食物链层级的增加而增加,可以转移到距
persistent bioaccumulative and can travel far from the source of contamination. Often these 永久性生物累积毒素 离污染源很远的地区。 往往存在时间越长,这些物质的浓度
toxic chemical substances can become more potent and harmful to ecosystems (PBT) 就越高,对生态系统的破坏也越大。 有关永久性生物累积毒
the longer they persist. See U.S. EPA’s website on persistent 素的信息,请参见美国环保局 (EPA) 网站
bioaccumulative toxic chemicals,。

an area that connects healthcare patients, visitors, and staff to 可以使医疗保健病人、访客和员工受到自然环境健康益处的

place of respite health benefits of the natural environment. (Adapted from Green 疗养区 区域。 (引自 Green Guide for Health Care Places of
Guide for Health Care Places of Respite Technical Brief) Respite Technical Brief)

plug load or receptacle load the electrical current drawn by all equipment that is connected to 插座负荷 所有通过墙壁插座连接到电气系统的设备消耗的电流。
the electrical system via a wall outlet.
waste generated by households or commercial, industrial and
postconsumer recycled institutional facilities in their role as end users of a product that can 消费后回收物质含量 家庭或商业、工业和机构设施作为产品最终用户产生的,不
content no longer be used for its intended purpose 可再用于其原有用途的废弃物

water that meets or exceeds U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

drinking water quality standards (or a local equivalent outside the 符合或超出美国环保局饮用水水质标准(美国以外为当地同
potable water U.S.) and is approved for human consumption by the state or local 饮用水 等标准),且经州或地方管辖当局批准用于人类消费的水;可
authorities having jurisdiction; it may be supplied from wells or 通过水井或市政供水系统供给
municipal water systems

the electrical power from a device that allocates power to and

serves information technology (IT) equipment. Power distribution
unit (PDU) output does not include efficiency losses of any 来自为信息技术 (IT) 设备分配电能以及为其服务的设备的
transformation that occurs within the PDU, but it can include 电能。 配电装置 (PDU) 输出不包括 PDU 中任何转换的效率
downstream non-IT ancillary devices installed in IT racks, such as 损失,但可以包括安装在 IT 机架中的下游非 IT 辅助设备,
power distribution unit fans. If the PDU system supports non-IT equipment (e.g., computer 如风扇。 如果 PDU 系统支持非 IT 设备(如,计算机房空调
output room air-conditioning units, computer room air handlers, in-row 配电装置输出 装置、计算机房空气处理装置、行级制冷器),必须计量该设
coolers), this equipment must be metered and subtracted from the 备的用电量并从 PDU 输出读数中减去。 计量方法应与用电效
PDU output reading. The metering approach should be consistent 率 (PUE) 类别要求的计量方法一致(如,PUE 类别 1、2 和
with the metering required for the power usage efficiency (PUE) 3 的连续消耗计量)。
category (e.g., continuous consumption metering for PUE
categories 1, 2, and 3).

power utilization a measure of how efficiently a data center uses its power;
specifically, how much power is used by computing equipment 数据中心电源使用效率指标;尤其是,由计算设备而不是冷
effectiveness (PUE) 电力使用有效性 (PUE) 却或其他开销使用的电量
rather than for cooling and other overhead
powered floor maintenance electric and battery-powered floor buffers and burnishers. It does 电动和电池供电的地板减振垫和磨光器。 不包括湿应用中使
equipment not include equipment used in wet applications 电动地板维护设备

matter diverted from the waste stream during the manufacturing

process, determined as the percentage of material, by weight.
Examples include planer shavings, sawdust, bagasse, walnut shells, 在制造过程中由废物流转化而成的物质,由材料(重量)百
preconsumer recycled culls, trimmed materials, overissue publications, and obsolete 分比确定。 例如:刨花、锯屑、甘蔗渣、核桃壳、下脚料、
content inventories. The designation excludes rework, regrind, or scrap 消费前回收物质含量 修剪材料、过量发行的出版物及陈旧存货, 不包括可通过与
materials capable of being reclaimed within the same process that 生产材料相同的过程予以回收的返工、粉碎再生材料或废料
generated them (ISO 14021). Formerly known as postindustrial (ISO 14021)。 之前被称为工业用后含量。
Term (English) Definition (English) Term (Chinese) Chinese Definition
the parking spots closest to the main entrance of a building
(exclusive of spaces designated for handicapped persons). For 最靠近建筑主入口的停车位(指定的残疾人车位除外)。 对
preferred parking employee parking, it refers to the spots that are closest to the 优先车位 于员工停车,是指最靠近员工使用的入口的停车位。
entrance used by employees.

the wearing out or disuse of components or materials whose

service life exceeds their design life. For example, a material with a 弃用或停用使用寿命超出设计寿命的构件或材料。 例如,潜
premature obsolescence potential life of 30 years is intentionally designed to last only 15 在寿命为 30 年的材料被特意设计为只使用 15 年,这样其剩
years, such that its remaining 15 years of service is potentially 过早废弃
余 15 年的使用寿命就有可能会被浪费掉。 相反,使用寿命
wasted. In contrast, components whose service life is the same as 与预期使用相同的构件可以发挥出最大使用潜力。
their expected use are utilized to their maximum potential.

altered by paving, construction, and/or land use that would

typically have required regulatory permitting to have been initiated
(alterations may exist now or in the past). Land that is not 通过铺装、建设和/或土地使用而经过改变,一般都有所需的
previously developed and landscapes altered by current or 监管启动许可(现在或过去存在改变)。 先前未开发的土地
previously developed historical clearing or filling, agricultural or forestry use, or 先前已开发 ,以及被当前或历史上的清理或填埋、农业或林业用途改变的
preserved natural area use are considered undeveloped land. The 景观,或者保留的天然区域均被视为未开发的土地。 之前开
date of previous development permit issuance constitutes the date 发许可发放的日期构成了先前开发的日期,但是许可发放本身
of previous development, but permit issuance in itself does not 并不构成先前开发。
constitute previous development.

previously developed site a site that, prior to the project, consisted of at least 75% previously
developed land 先前已开发场址 场址在项目之前包括至少 75% 的先前已开发土地

land that has the best combination of physical and chemical

characteristics for producing food, feed, forage, fiber, and oilseed
crops and that is available for these uses, as determined by the U.S. 由美国农业部的自然资源保护局确定(一种基于美国的方法
Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation ,为高产土壤制定标准)的具有生产食物、饲料、草料、纤维
prime farmland 基本农田 和油料作物所需最佳物理和化学特性组合,并可用于这些用途
Service (a U.S.-based methodology that sets criteria for highly
productive soil). For a complete description of what qualifies as 的土地。 有关基本农田标准的完整说明,请参见美国联邦法
prime farmland, see U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 7, 规第 7 部,第 6 卷,400 到 699 部分,657.5 小节。
Volume 6, Parts 400 to 699, Section 657.5.

a device that measures water flow and is installed downstream

private meter from the public water supply meter or as part of an on-site water 私有水表 一种测量水流的设备,安装在公用水表的下游,或者作为由
system maintained by the building management team 建筑管理团队维护的场址内供水系统的一部分

power resources consumed in support of a manufacturing,

industrial, or commercial process other than conditioning spaces 为了支持生产、工业或商业流程而消耗的电能,而不是为建
process energy and maintaining comfort and amenities for building occupants of a 筑住户提供空调空间及保持舒适所消耗的电能。 可包括制冷
building. It may include refrigeration equipment, cooking and food 工艺用能 、烹饪和食物准备、衣物洗涤设备以及其他主要辅助电器。
preparation, clothes washing, and other major support appliances. (ASHRAE)

process load or unregulated the load on a building resulting from the consumption or release of
load process energy (ASHRAE) 工艺负荷或非常规负荷 由于工艺用能消耗或释放而产生的建筑负荷 (ASHRAE)

water that is used for industrial processes and building systems,

such as cooling towers, boilers, and chillers. It can also refer to 工业流程及建筑系统(如冷却塔、锅炉和冷却器)用水。 此
process water 工艺用水 外,也可以指操作流程中使用的水,如洗碗、洗衣服,以及制
water used in operational processes, such as dishwashing, clothes
washing, and ice making. 冰。

an item that arrives on the project site either as a finished element

ready for installation or as a component to another item assembled 作为准备好安装的成品元素或者在场址内组装的其他物品的构
on-site. The product unit is defined by the functional requirement 件到达项目场址的物品。产品单位由项目中使用的功能要求定
product (permanently for use in the project; this includes the physical components and 产品(永久安装的建筑产
installed building product) 义;这包括物理构件和为永久安装的建筑产品的预期功能服务
services needed to serve the intended function of the permanently 品) 所需的服务。此外,对于规范中的类似产品,每种都可作为一
installed building product. In addition, similar products within a 个单独的产品。
specification can each contribute as separate products.

a system for the provision to the public of water for human

consumption through pipes or other constructed conveyances. To 通过管道或建造的其他运输工具为公众供水以便用于人类消
public water supply (PWS) be considered public, such system must have at least 15 service 费的系统。 若要被视为公共系统,这种系统必须有至少 15
公共供水 (PWS) 个服务连接或者为至少 25 个人提供定期服务。 (引自美国
connections or regularly serve at least 25 individuals. (Adapted
from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency) 环保局 (EPA))

the capture, diversion, and storage of rain for future beneficial use.
Typically, a rain barrel or cistern stores the water; other 雨水的收集、转移和存储,以便将来用作有利用途。 一般来
rainwater harvesting 雨水收集 说,雨桶或蓄水池用于储水;其他构件包括集水区表面及运输
components include the catchment surface and conveyance
system. The harvested rainwater can be used for irrigation. 系统。 收集的雨水可用于灌溉。

the basic substance from which products are made, such as

concrete, glass, gypsum, masonry, metals, recycled materials (e.g., 制作产品的基本物质,如混凝土、玻璃、石膏、砖石、金属、
raw material plastics and metals), oil (petroleum, polylactic acid), stone, 原材料 再生材料(如塑料和金属)、油(石油聚乳酸)、石材、农业
agrifiber, bamboo, and wood 纤维、竹子和木材

reclaimed water wastewater that has been treated and purified for reuse 再生水 经过处理和净化以便重复利用的废水
defined in accordance with the International Organization of
recycled content Standards document ISO 14021 – Environmental labels and 根据国际标准组织文档,ISO 14021 — 环境标志和声明 —
declarations – Self-declared environmental claims (Type II 回收物质含量
自我环境声明(II 类环境标志)进行定义
environmental labeling)

reference the amount of water lost from a specific vegetated surface with no
moisture limitation. Turf grass with height of 120 mm is the 没有水分限制的特定植被表面失去的水量。 高 120 mm 的草
evapotranspiration rate 参考蒸散率 皮是参考植被。
reference vegetation.

a soil native to the project site, as described in Natural Resources

Conservation Service soil surveys (or a local equivalent survey 按照自然资源保护局土壤调查(美国以外地区为当地的同等
outside the United States), or undisturbed native soils within the 调查)的描述,为项目场址本地的土壤,或者项目区域内未受
reference soil project’s region that have native vegetation, topography, and soil 干扰、有原生植被、地形且土壤纹理与项目场址相似的原生土
textures similar to the project site. For project sites with no existing 参考土壤 壤。 对于无既有土壤的项目场址,参考土壤被定义为项目区
soil, reference soils are defined as undisturbed native soils within 域内未受干扰,且为与新项目预期物种类似的适当原生植物物
the project’s region that support appropriate native plant species 种提供支持的原生土壤。
similar to those intended for the new project.

an item that has completed its life cycle and is prepared for reuse
without substantial alteration of its form. Refurbishing involves 已完成其生命周期并准备在不大幅更改其形态的情况下再利
refurbished material renovating, repairing, restoring, or generally improving the 翻新材料 用的物品。 翻新包括整修、修复、恢复,或通常为改善外观
appearance, performance, quality, functionality, or value of a 、性能、质量、功能或产品价值。

an area where one or more individuals normally spend time (more

than one hour per person per day on average) seated or standing
as they work, study, or perform other focused activities inside a 一个或多个人在建筑中工作、学习或进行其他重点活动时经
building. The one-hour timeframe is continuous and should be 常(平均每人每天超过一小时)坐立的区域。 一小时的时间
regularly occupied space 常用空间 范围是连续的,且应基于典型住户使用该空间的时间。 对于
based on the time a typical occupant uses the space. For spaces
that are not used daily, the one-hour timeframe should be based 不是每天使用的空间,这一小时的时间范围应基于典型住户在
on the time a typical occupant spends in the space when it is in 该空间开放使用时在其内消耗的时间。

a frequently used means of gaining access to a building. Examples

include the main building entrance as well as any building 常用是指进入建筑。 包括主建筑入口以及与停车场、地下停
regularly used exterior entryways attached to parking structures, underground parking 车场、地下通路或外部空间相连的任何建筑入口通道。 不包
entrance garages, underground pathways, or outside spaces. Atypical 常用外部入口 括非典型入口、紧急出口、中庭、广场之间的连接以及内部空
entrances, emergency exits, atriums, connections between 间。
concourses, and interior spaces are not included.

regulated load any building end use that has either a mandatory or a prescriptive 在 ANSI/ASHRAE/IES 标准 90.1–2010 中有强制性或指令性
requirement in ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1–2010 调节负载
Term (English) Definition (English) Term (Chinese) Chinese Definition
an item that has been repaired or adjusted and returned to
remanufactured product service. A remanufactured product can be expected to perform as 再制造产品 经过维修或调整并退回进行检修的物品。 再制造产品预计可
if it were new. 以和新产品一样使用。

energy sources that are not depleted by use. Examples include

renewable energy energy from the sun, wind, and small (low-impact) hydropower, 可再生能源 不因使用而耗尽的能源。 例如:太阳能、风能、小型(低影
plus geothermal energy and wave and tidal systems. 响)水力发电,以及地热能与潮波系统。

a tradable commodity representing proof that a unit of electricity

renewable energy credit was generated from a renewable resource. RECs are sold 证明单位电量是源自可再生资源的一种可交易商品。 REC 与
(REC) separately from electricity itself and thus allow the purchase of 可再生能源认证 (REC) 电力本身分开而单独出售,从而使传统电力的用户得以购买绿
green power by a user of conventionally generated electricity. 色电力。

the reemployment of materials in the same or a related capacity as

their original application, thus extending the lifetime of materials 按照与原始应用相同或相关的功能重新使用材料,从而延长
reuse that would otherwise be discarded. Reuse includes the recovery 再利用 了材料的使用寿命,避免被丢弃。 再利用包括回收和重新使
and reemployment of materials recovered from existing building or 用从既有建筑或施工场址回收的材料。 也称为重新利用。
construction sites. Also known as salvage.

the total area of the building structure, core, and envelope that 项目原始状况中既有且仍会包括在最终设计之内的建筑结构
reused area existed in the prior condition and remains in the completed design 再利用面积 、核心以及外围护结构的总面积

a measurement tool designed to meet strict accuracy standards

required by code or law. Utility meters are often called revenue 设计用于满足法规或法律要求的严格精确度标准的测量工具
revenue-grade meter grade because their measurement directly results in a charge to the 收费等级表 。 公用事业计量表通常被称为收费等级表,因为其测量直接
customer. 导致对客户收费。

a transit service in which individuals travel together in a passenger

car or small van that seats at least four people. It can include 一种公共交通服务,是指多人乘坐一辆至少能坐 4 个人的乘
rideshare human-powered conveyances, which must accommodate at least 用车或小货车出行。 可包括人力运输工具,必须容纳至少 2
two people. It must include an enclosed passenger seating area, 共乘
个人。 必须包括封闭的乘客座位区、固定路线服务、固定费
fixed route service, fixed fare structure, regular operation, and the 用结构,保持日常运营,以及能够搭乘多人。
ability to pick up multiple riders.

a construction component recovered from existing buildings or

construction sites and reused. Common salvaged materials include 从既有建筑或施工现场回收并重复使用的建筑构件。 常见的
salvaged material structural beams and posts, flooring, doors, cabinetry, brick, and 废旧利用材料 可重新利用的建筑构件包括结构梁柱、地板、门、橱柜、砖及
decorative items. 装饰构件。

the authority responsible for decision making about school

school authority operations, districts, personnel, financing, and future development. 负责有关学校运营、地区、人员、财务和未来发展等决策制
Examples include school boards, local governments, and religious 学校当局 定的机构。 包括学校董事会、当地政府和宗教机构。

Scope 1 emissions direct greenhouse gas emissions from sources owned or controlled 从实体拥有或控制的来源直接排放温室气体,如场址内化石
by the entity, such as emissions from fossil fuels burned on site 第 1 范围排放 燃料燃烧产生的排放

indirect greenhouse gas emissions associated with the generation

Scope 2 emissions of purchased electricity, heating/cooling, or steam off site, through 第 2 范围排放 与从公用事业供应商购买以供实体使用的电力、加热/制冷或
a utility provider for the entity’s consumption 场址外蒸气的产生相关的间接温室气体排放

the percentage of analysis points across the analysis area that

sDA300/50% meet or exceed this 300 lux value for at least 50% of the analysis sDA300/50% 在至少 50% 的分析期中,整个分析区内满足或超过 300 勒
period  克斯的分析点的百分比

the information technology (IT) load as measured at the point of

connection (e.g., power receptacle) of the IT device to the electrical 在将 IT 设备连接到电力系统时(如,电源插座)测量的信
server input power system. Server input captures the actual power load of the 服务器输入 息技术 (IT) 负载。 服务器输入收集 IT 设备的实际功率负
IT device exclusive of any power distribution losses and non-IT 载,不包括配电损失和非 IT 负载(如,安装在机架上的风扇
loads (e.g., rack-mounted fans). )。

service life the assumed length of time that a building, product, or assembly 为了生命周期评估,假设建筑、产品或组合材料可使用的时
will be operational for the purposes of a life-cycle assessment 使用寿命

a place of congregation, or where occupants pursue overlapping or

shared multioccupant space collaborative tasks 共享多住户空间 集会地点,或者住户追求重叠或协作任务的地点

an area designed to be fitted out for future expansion. Shell space 设计用于在将来进行扩建的区域。 壳体空间被建筑外围护结
shell space is enclosed by the building envelope but otherwise left unfinished. 壳体空间 构封闭起来,但是无涂层。

short-term bicycle storage non-enclosed bicycle parking typically used by visitors for a period 非封闭式自行车停车,一般由访客使用,持续 2 个小时或更
of two hours or less. 短时自行车存放

(also known as “building-massing model energy analysis”) a simple

simple box energy modeling base-case energy analysis that informs the team about the 情况能源分析,告知团队建筑可能的能耗分配,用于评估潜在
analysis building’s likely distribution of energy consumption and is used to 简单箱体能源模拟分析
evaluate potential project energy strategies. A simple box analysis 的项目能源策略。 简单箱体分析使用基本、示意性的建筑形
uses a basic, schematic building form. 式。

an evaluation of an area’s aboveground and subsurface

characteristics, including its structures, geology, and hydrology. Site 评估一个场址地上和地下的特性,包括其结构、地质和水文
site assessment assessments typically help determine whether contamination has 特性。 场址评估通常有助于确定是否已发生污染,以及任何
occurred and the extent and concentration of any release of 场址评估
污染物排放的程度和浓度。 补救决定依靠场址评估期间生成
pollutants. Remediation decisions rely on information generated 的信息。
during site assessments.

an overall design or development concept for the project and

associated (or potentially associated) buildings and sites. The plan 项目以及相关(或潜在相关)建筑和场址的整体设计或开发
site master plan considers future sustainable use, expansion, and contraction. The 理念。 总平面图考虑了未来场址的可持续使用、扩张和收缩
site master plan is typically illustrated, with building plans (if 场址总平面图
。 场址总平面图通常以建筑规划(如适用)、计划的各阶段
applicable), site drawings of planned phased development, and 的场址图纸和叙述性描述进行说明。
narrative descriptions.

an area whose functions can be easily changed. For example,

hospital administrative offices could be moved so that this soft 功能可以轻易改变的区域。 例如,医院行政办公室可以移动
soft space space could be converted to a laboratory. In contrast, a lab with 软空间 ,从而这个软空间可以变为实验室。 相反,具有专业设备和
specialized equipment and infrastructure would be difficult to 基础设施的实验室很难改变位置。
the elements of a landscape that consist of live, horticultural
softscape elements 软景观 包括活的园艺元素的景观元素

shared solar array or other renewable energy system with grid- 使用虚拟净测量值的共享太阳能电池阵列或其他可再生能源
solar garden/ community connected subscribers who receive credit for the use of renewables 太阳能花园/社区可再生能 系统,拥有连接了电网的用户,这些用户因使用可再生能源而
renewable energy system using virtual net metering (Adapted from 源系统 获得得分点(引自

the fraction of solar energy that is reflected by a surface on a scale

of 0 to 1. Black paint has a solar reflectance of 0; white paint 被表面反射的太阳能所占的比例,范围为 0 到 1。黑色油漆
(titanium dioxide) has a solar reflectance of 1. The standard 的日光反射系数为 0;白色油漆(二氧化钛)的日光反射系数
solar reflectance (SR) technique for its determination uses spectrophotometric 为 1。其测量使用的标准技术是分光光度测量法,通过积分球
measurements, with an integrating sphere to determine the 太阳能反射 (SR)
来确定每个波长的反射。 然后按照 ASTM 标准 E903 和 E892
reflectance at each wavelength. The average reflectance is then 的要求,使用标准太阳光谱,通过平均处理来获得平均反射率
determined by an averaging process, using a standard solar 。
spectrum, as documented by ASTM Standards E903 and E892.
Term (English) Definition (English) Term (Chinese) Chinese Definition

a measure of the constructed surface’s ability to stay cool in the

sun by reflecting solar radiation and emitting thermal radiation. It is 用于测量建筑表面通过反射太阳辐射并发出热辐射,在阳光
defined such that a standard black surface (initial solar reflectance 下保持凉爽的能力。 定义标准为,标准黑色表面(初始太阳
0.05, initial thermal emittance 0.90) has an initial SRI of 0, and a 能反射率为 0.05,初始热反射率为 0.90)的初始 SRI 为
solar reflectance index (SRI) standard white surface (initial solar reflectance 0.80, initial thermal 太阳能反射指数 (SRI) 0,标准白色表面(初始太阳能反射率为 0.80,初始热反射率
emittance 0.90) has an initial SRI of 100. To calculate the SRI for a 为 0.90)的初始 SRI 为 100。若要计算指定材料的 SRI,需
given material, obtain its solar reflectance and thermal emittance 通过凉屋面评级委员会标准 (CRRC-1) 获取其太阳能反射率和
via the Cool Roof Rating Council Standard (CRRC-1). SRI is calculated 热反射率。 SRI 根据 ASTM E 1980 计算。老化 SRI 的计算
according to ASTM E 1980. Calculation of the aged SRI is based on 基于太阳能反射率和热反射率的老化测试值。
the aged tested values of solar reflectance and thermal emittance.

a set of uniformity criteria that ensure consistent intelligibility and

sound-level coverage directionality of audible frequencies for all occupants within a 音量覆盖范围 一组统一标准,用于确保对空间中所有住户一致的可闻频率
space 清晰度和方向

a decrease in the amount of unnecessary material brought into a

source reduction building in order to produce less waste. For example, purchasing 减少资源消耗 减少带进建筑的不必要的材料数量,以产生更少的废弃物。
products with less packaging is a source reduction strategy. 例如,购买包装更少的产品就是一种减少资源消耗的策略。

a metric describing annual sufficiency of ambient daylight levels in

interior environments. It is defined as the percentage of an analysis 一种描述室内环境中环境日光水平年充分性的指标。 被定义
area (the area where calculations are performed, typically across an 为在每年指定的一段运营时间内符合最低日光照度水平的分析
spatial daylight autonomy entire space) that meets a minimum daylight illuminance level for a 区域(执行计算的区域,一般横跨整个空间)的百分比(即,
(sDA) specified fraction of the operating hours per year (i.e., the Daylight 空间日照自足指数 (sDA) 符合 Reinhart & Walkenhorst, 2001 的日照自足值)。照度
Autonomy value following Reinhart & Walkenhorst, 2001). The 水平和时间部分作为下标包含在内,与 sDA300,50% 中一样。
illluminance level and time fraction are included as subscripts, as in sDA 值被表示为面积百分比。
sDA300,50%. The sDA value is expressed as a percentage of area.

speech privacy a condition in which speech is unintelligible to casual listeners

(ANSI T1.523–2001) 话语私密性 话语让被动听者难以听懂的状态 (ANSI T1.523–2001)

speech spectra the distribution of acoustic energy as a function of frequency for

human speech  语谱 对于人类语言来说为作为频率函数的声能分布

a transit service with small, individual rail cars. Spacing between 一种使用小型、独立轨道车辆的公共交通服务。 站间距离一
streetcar stations is uniformly short and ranges from every block to ¼ mile, 致且很短,范围从每个街区到 1/4 英里,运行速度一般为
and operating speeds are primarily 10–30 mph (15–50 kmh). 有轨电车
10–30 英里/小时 (15–50 公里/小时)。 有轨电车路线一般
Streetcar routes typically extend 2–5 miles (3-8 kilometers). 长达 2–5 英里(3-8 公里)。

elements carrying either vertical or horizontal loads (e.g., walls,

structure roofs, and floors) that are considered structurally sound and 建筑结构 承载垂直或水平负载,且被认为架构稳定、无危险的构件(
nonhazardous 如墙、屋面和地板)

provides the information needed to understand, operate, and

maintain the systems and assemblies within a building. It expands
the scope of the traditional operating and maintenance 提供了解、运营和维护建筑中的系统及组合材料所需的信息
systems manual documentation and is compiled of multiple documents developed 系统手册 。扩展了传统运营与维护文件的范围,包括多个在调试过程中
during the commissioning process, such as the owner’s project 制定的文件,如业主项目要求、运营与维护手册和运营顺序。
requirements, operation and maintenance manuals, and sequences
of operation. 

an approach to hydrology in which watersheds are modeled to

calculate storm runoff volume, peak rate of discharge, Technical Release (TR) 由前美国农业部水土保持局 (USDA Soil Conservation
Technical Release (TR) 55 hydrographs, and storage volumes, developed by the former USDA 55 Service) 开发的一种水文测定方法,通过对流域建模以计算
Soil Conservation Service 暴雨径流量、峰值排水率、水位图和储存量

the ratio of the radiant heat flux emitted by a specimen to that

thermal emittance emitted by a blackbody radiator at the same temperature (adapted 热发射率 相同温度下,样品发出的辐射热通量与黑体辐射源发出的辐
from Cool Roof Rating Council) 射热通量的比值(引自凉屋面评级委员会)

three-year aged SR or SRI a solar reflectance or solar reflectance index rating that is 在露天条件下三年之后测得的太阳能反射率或太阳能反射指
value measured after three years of weather exposure 三年期 SR 或 SRI 值

an arrangement in which customers pay higher fees to use utilities

time-of-use pricing during peak time periods and lower fees during off-peak time 按时段计价 一种让客户在高峰时期支付较高的价格来使用公用设施,反
periods 之在非高峰时期支付较低价格的规定

undercover parking vehicle storage that is underground, under deck, under roof, or
under a building 非露天停车场 位于地下、露天平台下、屋面下或建筑下方的停车场

the electricity provided by a unit that keeps information

technology (IT) equipment functioning during a power outage. UPS
output does not include efficiency losses from the unit itself but
does include losses from downstream electrical distribution 由一种可以在停电时保持信息技术 (IT) 设备正常工作的装
components, such as power distribution units, and it may include 置提供的电能。 UPS 输出不包括来自装置本身的效率损耗,
non-IT ancillary devices installed in IT racks, such as fans. If the UPS 但包括下游配电组件的损耗,这些组件包括配电装置,还包括
uninterruptible power 安装在 IT 机架中的非 IT 辅助设备,如风扇。 如果 UPS 系
supply (UPS) output system supports non-IT equipment (e.g., computer room air- 不间断电源 (UPS) 输出
conditioning units, computer room air handlers, in-row coolers), 统支持非 IT 设备(如,计算机房空调装置、计算机房空气处
this usage must be metered and subtracted from the UPS output 理装置、行级制冷器),必须计量该用电量并从 UPS 输出读
reading. The metering approach should be consistent with the 数中减去。 计量方法应与用电效率 (PUE) 类别要求的计量方
metering required for the power usage efficiency (PUE) category 法一致(如,PUE 类别 1、2 和 3 的连续消耗计量)。
(e.g., continuous consumption metering for PUE categories 1, 2 and

hazardous items that are easily purchased and commonly used.

Examples include batteries, pesticides, mercury-containing 很容易就能买到且常用的危险物品。 包括电池、杀虫剂、含
universal waste equipment, and light bulbs. See 常见废弃物 汞设备和灯泡。 参见。

an area designed for equipment, machinery, or storage rather than

unoccupied space for human activities. An equipment area is considered unoccupied 非人员使用空间 一种设计用于设备、机械或储存而不是人类活动的区域。 设
only if retrieval of equipment is occasional. 备区域只有在偶尔取放设备的情况下才会被认为是未使用的。

a heating or cooling system or control associated with the district

energy system (DES) but not part of the thermal connection or 与区域能源系统 (DES) 相关的加热或冷却系统或控制装置,
upstream equipment interface with the DES. Upstream equipment includes the thermal 但不是与 DES 之间的热连接或接口。 上游设备包括热能转化
energy conversion plant and all the transmission and distribution 上游设备 厂,以及在将热能运送到项目建筑或场址期间所有的传输和分
equipment associated with transporting the thermal energy to the 配设备。
project building or site.

the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s certification for products that

contain at least 95% ingredients (excluding water and salt) 美国农业部为所含成分中至少 95%(不包括水和盐)是使用
USDA Organic produced without synthetic chemicals, antibiotics, or hormones. 非合成化学物质、抗生素或激素生产的产品授予的认证。 其
Any remaining ingredients must consist of USDA-approved USDA 有机认证
他成分必须由经过 USDA 批准的非农业物质或不以有机形式市
nonagricultural substances or agricultural products that are not 售的农业产品组成。
commercially available in organic form.

vertical illuminance illuminance levels calculated at a point on a vertical surface, or that 在垂直表面上的一点,或出现在垂直平面上的一点计算的照度
occur on a vertical plane. 垂直照度

the glass portion of an exterior window that permits views to the

exterior or interior. Vision glazing must allow a clear image of the 外部窗户中可以看到外部或内部的玻璃。 观景窗必须能够清
vision glazing exterior and must not be obstructed by frits, fibers, patterned 视野眩光 晰地看到外面,并且不得被扭曲色彩平衡的玻璃料、纤维、有
glazing, or added tints that distort color balance. 图案的玻璃或添加的色彩遮挡。
Term (English) Definition (English) Term (Chinese) Chinese Definition

the distance that a pedestrian must travel between origins and

destinations without obstruction, in a safe and comfortable 行人必须在安全舒适的环境中,在出发点和目的地之间无障
walking distance environment on a continuous network of sidewalks, all weather- 碍地在连续的人行道网络上、露天人行道、人行横道或类似的
surface footpaths, crosswalks, or equivalent pedestrian facilities. 步行距离
行人设施上行走的距离。 步行距离必须从所有建筑用户都可
The walking distance must be drawn from an entrance that is 进入的入口开始算起。
accessible to all building users.

a management activity that disposes of waste through methods

waste diversion other than incineration or landfilling. Examples include reuse and 废弃物转化 通过焚化炉或填埋场以外的方式处理废弃物的一种管理活动
recycling. 。 包括再利用和回收。

the conversion of nonrecyclable waste materials into usable heat,

electricity, or fuel through a variety of processes, including 将不可回收的废料通过多个流程转换为可用的热能、电能或
waste-to-energy 从废物到能量 燃料,这些流程包括燃烧、气化、热裂解、厌氧消化、垃圾填
combustion, gasification, pyrolization, anaerobic digestion, and
landfill gas (LFG) recovery 埋气 (LFG) 回收

the surface water of a stream (first-order and higher, including

water body intermittent streams), arroyo, river, canal, lake, estuary, bay, or 水体 溪流(一级或更高,包括间歇性河流)小溪、河、运河、湖
ocean. It does not include irrigation ditches. 、出海口、海湾或者海洋的地表水。 不包括灌溉水渠。

a project-specific method of calculating the amount of water

required by the building and associated grounds. The budget takes 用于计算建筑和相关地面所需水量的项目特定方法。 预算考
water budget into account indoor, outdoor, process, and makeup water demands 虑室内、室外、工艺和补充水需求,以及任何场址内供应,包
and any on site supply including estimated rainfall. Water budgets 用水预算 括预计的降水。 用水预算必须与具体的时段(如周、月或年
must be associated with a specified amount of time, such as a )和水量(如 kGal 或升)相关。
week, month, or year and a quantity of water such as kGal, or liters.

wet meter a device installed inside a water pipe to record the volume of
passing water 水表 一种安装在水管内部以记录流过的水量的设备

an area that is inundated or saturated by surface or ground water

at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under
normal circumstances does support, a prevalence of vegetation 足以维持以一定的频率和持续时间被地表水或地下水淹没或
wetland typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Wetlands 湿地 渗透,以及在正常环境下能够维持众多适应饱和土壤条件的植
generally include swamps, marshes, bogs, and similar areas, but 物生存的区域。 湿地一般包括沼泽、湿地、泥沼以及类似的
exclude irrigation ditches unless delineated as part of an adjacent 区域,但不包括灌溉水渠(除非划定为相邻湿地的一部分)。

plant-based materials that are eligible for certification under the

Forest Stewardship Council. Examples include bamboo and palm 基于植物且符合森林管理委员会认证条件的材料。 包括竹子
wood 木材 和棕榈(单子叶植物)以及硬木(被子植物)和软木(裸子植
(monocots) as well as hardwoods (angiosperms) and softwoods
(gymnosperms) 物)

xeriscaping landscaping that does not require routine irrigation 旱生园艺 无需常规灌溉的景观
a vehicle used primarily to facilitate the movement of truck trailers
and other types of large shipping containers from one area of a site 主要用于方便卡车拖车和其他类型大型集装箱从场址的一个
yard tractor to another. It does not include forklift trucks. Also known as 堆置场牵引车 区域移动到另一个区域的车辆。 不包括叉车。也被称为牵引
terminal tractor, yard truck, utility tractor rig, yard goat, or yard 车、堆场拖车、多用途拖拉机装置、牵引头、堆场搬运车或堆
hustler. 场拖车。

zero lot line project a plot whose building footprint typically aligns or nearly aligns with
the site limits 零红线项目 建筑占地通常或几乎与场址边界一致的地点

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