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Estoconing, Vircan Angelo M.

VE021 A21


For my reflection paper I came up with a scenario where sense of urgency and discipline can be
exhibited. Way back 2020 when I was studying in Senior Highschool, I was a member of a group
where we are conducting a research project for one of our subjects. I was tasked to make our
group project’s report on our research. The groups project is complex, and there are several
parts that need to come together to ensure the quality of the outcome.

As the deadline approaches, the sense of urgency becomes more acute. Me and the other
group members are aware that any mistake could have a serious consequences not mentioning
that our group research projects values 60% of our grade and we all feel the weight of
responsibility our shoulders.

And at the same time, discipline plays a crucial role for us in ensuring that the research is
delivered on time and to the highest possible standard. Each of us has a specific role and set of
responsibilities, we worked hard together with a clear understanding of what needs to be done
and when.

Throughout our project, there are challenges and setbacks that we have faced, but our groups’
sense of urgency and discipline enables us to overcome these obstacles and stayed on track.

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