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OECD Communications Outlook

Questionnaire on Telecommunications
Data Section
Please complete the following information form:



This questionnaire will be used for the preparation of the

Please return the completed questionnaire by

by e-mail to:

For further information please contact Agustin Diaz-Pines or Frédéric Bourassa at the O

Agustin Diaz-Pines
Tel: +33-1 4524 1962

Frédéric Bourassa
Tel: + 33-1 4524 8142
OECD Communications Outlook 2013
Questionnaire on Telecommunications
Data Section
se complete the following information form:

questionnaire will be used for the preparation of the OECD Communications Outlook 2013.

se return the completed questionnaire by 9 July 2012.

urther information please contact Agustin Diaz-Pines or Frédéric Bourassa at the OECD in Paris:

stin Diaz-Pines
+33-1 4524 1962

déric Bourassa
: + 33-1 4524 8142
Questionnaire to prepare the OECD Communications Outlook 2013
Please read the notes below before filling in data 1996

1 Standard telephone access lines
2 Total access lines
3 ISDN subscriptions - basic rate
4 ISDN subscriptions - primary rate
5 Total mobile cellular subscriptions
6 Mobile cellular subscriptions using prepaid services
7 Third generation mobile (3G) subscriptions
8 3G mobile networks coverage (percent of population)
9 Number of M2M/embedded mobile cellular subscriptions NEW!
10 Number of Dial-up Internet subscriptions
11 Fixed (Wired) Broadband subscriptions
12 Number of DSL/vDSL Internet subscriptions
13 Number of Cable Modem Internet subscriptions
14 Fiber-to-the-premises/home
15 Fiber-to-the-building
16 Other broadband access technologies :
17 Wireless Broadband access
18 Satellite subscriptions
19 Terrestrial fixed wireless subscriptions
20 Terrestrial mobile wireless
20a Standard mobile broadband subscriptions
20b Dedicated mobile data subscriptions
What percentage of all broadband subscriptions in your country
has an advertised speed greater or equal to :
21 - 2 Mbits (%)
22 - 10 Mbits (%)
23 - 30Mbits (%) NEW!
24 - 100 Mbits (%)
25 - from 100 Mbits to 1000 Mbits (%)
26 Number of Public payphones
27 Availability of digital subscriber lines (DSL)
28 Availability of Fibre to the home/fibre to the building
29 Number of cable TV subscribers
30 Households passed by cable TV networks (%)
31 Households passed by cable modem enabled networks (%)
Number of subscribers to telephony services provided by cable
33 Total staff in telecommunications services
34 Total staff in mobile telecommunications services
Total staff employed by Internet Service Providers (ISPs). Please
35 indicate whether this includes all ISPs or only the incumbent PTOs'
ISP: All ISPs ( ) or Incumbent PTO's ISP ( )
36 Total telecommunications revenue
37 Revenue from fixed lines services
38 Revenue from mobile telecommunication services
39 Revenue from mobile data services (incl. SMS)
40 Revenue from cable services
41 Revenue from wired broadband services
42 Revenue from wireless broadband services
Total Investment in telecommunication (Fixed, cellular mobile and
other wireless)
44 1. Investment in fixed infrastructure: NEW!

45 1.1. Investment in fixed telephone service; NEW!

46 1.2. fixed (wired) broadband service; NEW!

47 1.3. multichannel video distribution service. NEW!

48 2. Investment in mobile wireless infrastructure: Modified!

49 2.1. Investment in mobile communication service; NEW!

50 2.2. Investment wireless broadband services NEW!


51 Outgoing Minutes of International Telecommunications Traffic (MiTT)

52 Domestic fixed telephone traffic

53 Cellular Mobile voice Traffic
54 Traffic from fixed lines to mobile networks
55 Traffic from mobile networks to fixed lines
look 2013 - Data Section

1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Column for qualitative response

2011 data are for the end June 2011

2011 data are for the end June 2011
2011 data are for the end June 2011
2011 data are for the end June 2011
2011 data are for the end June 2011
2011 data are for the end June 2011
2011 data are for the end June 2011
2011 data are for the end June 2011
2011 data are for the end June 2011
2011 data are for the end June 2011
2011 data are for the end June 2011
2011 data are for the end June 2011


1 Standard telephone access lines

2 Total access lines
3 ISDN subscriptions - basic rate
4 ISDN subscriptions - primary rate

5 Total mobile cellular subscriptions

6 Mobile cellular subscriptions using prepaid services

7 Third generation mobile (3G) subscriptions

8 3G mobile networks coverage (percent of population)

9 Number of M2M/embedded mobile cellular subscriptions

10 Number of Dial-up Internet subscriptions

Broadband subscriptions
11 Fixed (Wired) Broadband subscriptions
12 Number of DSL/vDSL Internet subscriptions
13 Number of Cable Modem Internet subscriptions
14 Fiber-to-the-premises/home
15 Fiber-to-the-building
16 Other broadband access technologies

17 Wireless Broadband access

18 Satellite subscriptions

19 Terrestrial fixed wireless subscriptions

20 Terrestrial mobile wireless

20a Standard mobile broadband subscriptions

20b Dedicated mobile data subscriptions

What percentage of all broadband subscriptions in your country has an

advertised speed greater or equal to :
21 - 2 Mbits (%)
22 - 10 Mbits (%)
23 - 30 Mbits (%)
24 - 100 Mbits (%)
25 - from 100 Mbits to 1000 Mbits (%)

26 Number of Public payphones

27 Availability of digital subscriber lines (DSL)

28 Availability of Fibre to the home/fibre to the building

29 Number of cable TV subscribers

30 Households passed by cable TV networks (%)
31 Households passed by cable modem enabled networks (%)
32 Number of subscribers to telephony services provided by cable networks


33 Total staff in telecommunications services

34 Total staff in mobile telecommunications services

Total staff employed by Internet Service Providers (ISPs). Please indicate

35 whether this includes all ISPs or only the incumbent PTOs' ISP: All ISPs ( ) or
Incumbent PTO's ISP ( )

36 Total telecommunications revenue

37 Revenue from fixed lines services

38 Revenue from mobile telecommunication services

39 Revenue from mobile data services (incl. SMS)
40 Revenue from cable services
41 Revenue from wired broadband services
42 Revenue from wireless broadband services

43 Total Investment in telecommunication (Fixed, cellular mobile and other wireless)

44 1. Investment in fixed infrastructure:

45 1.1. Investment in fixed telephone service;

46 1.2. fixed (wired) broadband service;

47 1.3. multichannel video distribution service.

48 2. Investment in mobile wireless infrastructure:

49 2.1. Investment in mobile communication service;

50 2.2. Investment wireless broadband services
51 Outgoing Minutes of International Telecommunications Traffic (MiTT)
52 Domestic fixed telephone traffic
53 Cellular Mobile voice Traffic
54 Traffic from fixed lines to mobile networks
55 Traffic from mobile networks to fixed lines
56 Local Access (%of access lines)
57 Fixed telephony market
58 Broadband Subscribers (% of total)
59 Number of Pre-Selected lines
60 Number of Unbundled lines
61 The number of ISPs offering commercial IPv6 service
62 The number of subscribers using dual IPv4/IPv6 service

A standard telephone access line is an analogue telephone line connecting the subscriber's terminal equipment to the public switched network and has a dedicated port in the telephone exchange equipment. Excludes ISDN subscribers.
The sum of "standard telephone access lines" and the total number of ISDN subscriptions (basic + primary). This is not the number of telecommunication channels.
The number of subscriptions to the basic rate interface of the Integrated Services Digital Network.
The number of subscriptions to the primary rate interface of the Integrated Services Digital Network.
Subscriptions to an automatic public mobile telephone service which provides access to the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). Subscriptions to public mobile data services, private trunked mobile radio, telepoint or radio paging services should not
be included.
The number of mobile subscribers using prepaid cards (this excludes post paid subscribers that have monthly subscriptions).
Subscriptions to third generation (3G) mobile services which are defined as a group of mobile technologies that have been approved by the ITU as IMT-2000. These technologies allow voice, data and video communications. Currently, five standards have
been specified as IMT-2000 based on various combinations of mobile technologies: CDMA Direct Spread (WCDMA), CDMA Multi-Carrier (CDMA2000), CDMA Time division (TD-CDMA), TDMA Single-Carrier and FDMA/TDMA and OFDMA TDD WMAN
(IEEE 802.16).

The percent of total population that have access to a 3G mobile communication network.

Machine to machine on mobile networks is defined as:

- The number of SIM-cards that are assigned for use in machines and devices (cars, smart meters, consumer electronics) and are not part of a consumer subscription.
- Dongles for mobile data and tablet subscriptions should be counted under mobile broadband data
- SIM-cards in personal navigation devices, smart meters, trains, automobile etc should be counted under M2M.

The number of subscriptions accessing ISPs over the PSTN (includes ISDN access).

Sum of 12. Number of DSL/vDSL Internet subscriptions, 13. Number of Cable Modem Internet subscriptions, 14. Fiber-to-the-premises/home , 15. Fiber-to-the-building and 16. Other broadband access technologies
Includes all DSL lines (ADSL, VDSL, etc.) offering Internet connectivity which are capable of download speeds of at least 256 kbit/s. The DSL line is excluded if it is not used for Internet connectivity (e.g. leased lines).
Includes all cable modem subscribers at download speeds greater than 256 kbit/s.
Includes all fiber-to-the-premises/home subscribers (e.g. to the house or apartment) at download speeds greater than 256 kbit/s.
Includes all fiber-to-the-building subscribers (e.g. Apartment LAN) using fiber-to-the-building but Ethernet to end-users. NOTE: This counts only the number of actual subscribers to the provider, not end users.
Other fixed (wired) broadband subscriptions (only connections with speeds faster than 256 kbit/s to end users): Power-line-communications and Leased lines (circuits) with Internet connectivity.

Sum of 18. Satellite subscriptions, 19. Terrestrial fixed wireless subscriptions and 20. Terrestrial mobile wireless
Satellite (includes only connections with speeds faster than 256 kbit/s or faster to end users).
Terrestrial fixed wireless (includes only connections with speeds faster than 256 kbit/s or faster to end users): i. Includes fixed wireless technologies: LMDS, MMDS, Fixed WiMAX, Other fixed-wireless transport technologies; ii. Does not include: 3G mobile
technologies, Wi-Fi. Exceptions: included in rare case that Wi-Fi/3G is the transport mechanism of a fixed-wireless provider.

Sum of 20a. Standard mobile broadband subscriptions and 20b. Dedicated mobile data subscriptions
Standard mobile subscriptions (only included with active use): Includes mobile subscriptions which advertise data speeds of 256 kbit/s or greater and which have been used to make an Internet data connection via IP in the previous 3 months. To be counted,
the subscription must allow access to the greater Internet via HTTP and must have been used to make a data connection using the Internet Protocol in the previous three months. Standard SMS and MMS messaging do not count as an active Internet data
connection even if they are delivered via IP.
Dedicated data subscriptions: Subscriptions to dedicated data services over a mobile network which are purchased separately from voice services either as a stand-alone service (modem/dongle) or as an add-on data package to voice services which
requires an additional subscription. All dedicated mobile data subscriptions with recurring subscription fees are included as “active data subscriptions” regardless of actual use. Pre-paid mobile broadband plans require active use if there is no monthly
subscription. Services such as mobile WiMAX and modem using a USB dongle would fall into this category.

Theoretical maximum speed advertised by provider.

Theoretical maximum speed advertised by provider.
Theoretical maximum speed advertised by provider.
Theoretical maximum speed advertised by provider.
Theoretical maximum speed advertised by provider.
Public telephones refer to the total number of all types of public telephones including coin and card operated and public telephones in call offices. Public phones installed in private places should also be included. Where the national definition of pay phone
differs from that above this should be noted.
Please report the actual coverage of access lines upgraded with DSL capability (as a % of total households).
The percentage of residences where broadband Internet access is available over a fibre-based connection. This includes fibre-to-the-home, fibre-to-the-building and apartment LAN. VDSL and cable networks using copper-based delivery mechanisms for the
final distribution are not included.
Number of subscribers to cable television services.
The number of households which are passed by a CATV network, as a percentage of the total number of households.
The number of households which are passed by a cable network enabled to provide cable modem services, as a percentage of the total number of households.
Number of subscribers obtaining a telephone voice subscription provided by a cable company (e.g. excludes third-party providers such as Skype, Vonage, etc.).

Full time staff employed by telecommunication network operators in the country for the provision of public telecommunications services. Part-time staff should be expressed in terms of full-time staff equivalents. Excludes postal workers.

Full time staff employed by telecommunication network operators (including independent mobile infrastructure operators) in the country for the provision of mobile telecommunications services. Part-time staff should be expressed in terms of full-time staff
equivalents. This refers to facilities based mobile operators and not staff employed by resellers.
Full time staff employed by Internet Service Providers. Part-time staff should be expressed in terms of full-time staff equivalents.

Revenue (turnover) consists of telecommunications service earnings during the financial year under review. This should not include: revenues from non-telecommunications services; monies received in respect of revenue earned during previous financial
years; monies received by way of loans from governments or other external investors; nor monies received from repayable subscribers' contributions or deposits.
Revenues from fixed lines services includes : Revenue received for the connection (installation) of telephone service (this may include charges for transferring or cancelling a service); Revenues from recurring charges for subscription to telephone,
broadband and Internet access including equipment rentals where relevant and Revenue from local, national and international calls.
Revenues from the provision of mobile communications services including all voice and data services.
Revenues from the provision of mobile communications services including data services and SMS only.
Revenues from the provision of cable communications services including all voice and data services.
Revenues from the provision of high-speed data connectivity and related services over wired infrastructure.
Revenues from the provision of high-speed data connectivity and related services over wireless infrastructure.

The expenditure associated with acquiring the ownership of property (including intellectual and non-tangible property such as computer software) and plant. These include expenditures on initial installations and on additions to existing installations where the
usage is expected to be over an extended period of time. Excludes expenditures on research and development and fees for operating licenses and for the use of radio spectrum. Also referred to as capital expenditure. Sum of 1 and 2 sub-sections below.

Sum of 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 or total Investement in fixed telephone infrastructure if breakdowns are not available.
Investment in fixed telephone service refers to investment in fixed telephone service for acquiring property and network within the country. This indicator refers to annual investment in fixed telephone networks. It should exclude investment in fixed broadband
networks and multichannel video distribution services (see questions below). It refers to annual investment and not to fixed assets or to investments made by operators in other entities. It may be difficult to distinguish capital expenditure on fixed telephone
networks and fixed broadband networks.
Investment in fixed (wired) broadband service refers to investment in fixed (wired) broadband service for acquiring property and network within the country.
Investment in multichannel video distribution service for acquiring property and network within the country.
The expenditure associated with acquiring the ownership of property (including intellectual and non-tangible property such as computer software) and plant in order to conduct cellular mobile telecommunication activities. These include expenditures on initial
installations and on additions to existing installations where the usage is expected to be over an extended period of time. Excludes expenditures on research and development and fees for operating licenses and for the use of radio spectrum. Also referred to
as capital expenditure. Sum of 2.1 and 2.2 if breakdowns are available.
Investment in mobile communication service for acquiring property and network within the country.
Investment in wireless broadband services for acquiring property and network within the country.

Effective (completed) traffic originating in a given country to destinations outside that country, measured in minutes.
Domestic fixed telephone traffic consists of completed fixed local and national long-distance calls. Please report the indicator in minutes if possible; otherwise, please indicate the measure.
Total outgoing mobile voice minutes
Total minutes of calls from fixed lines to mobile networks.
Total minutes of calls from mobile networks to fixed networks.

Market share of the largest telecommunication operator for local access services, as percent of total access lines.
Market share of the largest provider of fixed telephony services (all types of calls by minute of traffic)
Market share of the largest provider (or their ISP) of fixed (wired) broadband services, as percent of total fixed (wired) broadband subscribers.

Number of subscribers obtaining telephone services from alternative operators using their existing main line owned by the incumbent.
Unbundled lines are the local segment of telecommunications networks between the user's premises and the telecommunications operator's main distribution frame that incumbent operators have leased, wholly or in part, to new entrants.
Internet access providers who can provide commercial native IPv6 to their customers. These exclude hosting providers and transit providers who do not provide end-user connectivity directly. It also excludes tunnels brokers.
These are estimates by ISPs who support IPv6 on how many subscribers have opted in to using IPv6 (or have been opted in by default).

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