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BA Training Materials and Courses Suggestion

 BA General trainings
o BA documents and best practices
o Requirement gathering and related processes
o Backlog Grooming, Greening and User Stories Creation Best Practices
o Jira and reporting
o Confluence
o Timeline management and reporting
o Milestone Management and reconciliation
o Production deployment playbooks
o Governance models
o Vendor Management overview
o Account Intelligence and lead generation
o Technology Stack Analysis
o Market Share analysis
o Brand Strategy and Design Guidelines
o BPMN ( Business Process Modeling Notation )
o Stakeholder management
o Customer Experience & Customer Journey orchestration for visualization for Customers
o Add more here......

 Technology Specific Trainings

o Generic Technology
 Application Servers
 Web servers
 Caching
 Clustering
 Cloud
 Machine learning and AI
 Content Management Systems (CMS)
 Digital Asset Management (DAM) – Standardapproach plan?
 Translation Management System (TMS)
 High Level Architecture understanding (CDN, API and Application integration specially
in Global vs Chinese ecosystems)
 Product Inventory Management
 Development Frameworks (When to use various Front end (Angular/React/Vue )and
server side Frameworks)
 eCommerce platforms ( High level knowledge and in-depth understanding of operations,
support )
 Email Marketing and Best Practices
 Social Management Strategies
 Website ecosystems (Web Pages, templates, CSS, JS, UX/UI, Analytics, SEO )
 Marketing strategy (Digital Advertising)
 Data strategy (Data gathering and interpreting)
 Cookie
 Innovation and Industry 4.0
 Sustainable Technology

o Adobe
 UX/UI development for Adobe CMS and CIF systems and best practices
 Campaign
 Marketo
 Personalization@Scale(Targeting)
 Workfront
 AEP & Applications
 AJO (Adobe Journey Optimizer)
 Commerce /Magento
 Internet Product Management Systems (IPMS)
 Adobe Analytics (Reporting & Analytics Systems )
 CJA (Customer Journey Analytics)
 Add more here......
 C4C
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o Salesforce
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o Microsoft
 Azure Cloud (Cloud Frameworks )
 Power BI (Reporting & pulling reports from Analytics Systems )
 Microsoft Dynamics 365
 Offerings
o Global Connected Marketing offering
o Customer Data Hub
o Global B2B Offering
o Project costs estimation
o Project proposal
o Add more here....

Capgemini internal:
 it is currently still inhabited, although there is no furniture, but the contract continues.

 BA Kickstarter: MyLearning : 2 Day course about BA Basics

 Requirements Engineering: MyLearningRE (No specific date available)

Capgemini Documents:

 Agile Design Applied Method ADAM Sharepoint

 Business Modeling Method: Sharepoint
 User Stories Explanation: PDF Sharepoint

Capgemini internal BA Certification:

 Find info here: Sharepoint Overview

Online learning course

 Agile Business Analysis Techniques:

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