4TH Quarter - Science Mock Test

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Lesson 28

A. Read each question carefully. Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. What do you call the shaking of the Earth’s crust?

a. earthquake b. tsunami c. erosion d. landslide

2. What is the inner most layer of Earth’s crust?

a. crust b. mantle c. moho d. core

3. What do scientists refer to when they observe the effects of earthquakes?

a. epicenter b. intensity c. magnitude d. surface waves

4. What instrument measures the magnitude of an earthquake?

a. seismogram b. seismograph c. barrograph d. scale

5. What do scientists use to describe the strength of earthquakes?

a. scales b. charts c. diagrams d. graphs

6. What was the first intensity scale used by scientists?

a. Mercalli Scale b. Richter Scale c. Modified Richter Scale

7. Which of the following are the effects of an earthquake?

I. loss of lives III. fire
II. destruction of properties IV. tsunamis

a. I, II, III b. I, II, IV c. I, III,IV d. I, II, III, IV

8. Which of the following best describes tsunamis?

a. seismic waves along the seashores
b. giant ocean waves caused by earthquakes
c. giant ocean waves beneath the faults
d. giant seismic waves on Earth’s crust
9. Earthquakes cause changes on the Earth’s surface. Which of the following
are observed in the environment after an earthquake?
I. landslides III. dried land
II. fissures on the ground IV. fallen trees

a. I only b. I and II c. I, II, III d. II, III, IV

10. Which of the following is true about the magnitude of earthquake?

a. Higher-magnitude earthquakes cause widespread damage
b. Higher-magnitude earthquakes cause lesser damage
c. Higher-magnitude earthquakes can be felt by only a few
d. Higher-magnitude earthquakes have slow seismic waves

B. Match the words from column A to their definition in column B. Write the
letter of your answer on the blank.
_____1. seismology a. scientists who study about
Earth’s structure
_____2. fissures b. solid part of the Earth’s
_____3. geologists c. “the weak layers”
_____4. epicenter d. it is where people and other
living things live
_____5. litosphere e. the scientific study of
_____6. Pacific Ring of Fire f. earthquakes that result from
the faulting of rocks
_____7. tectonic earthquakes g. earthquakes that result from
erupting volcanoes
_____8. crust h. the point on Earth’s surface
vertically above the focus of an
_____9. volcanic earthquakes i. large cracks that are formed in
the ground
_____10. asthenosphere j. a circle belt along the Pacific
Ocean where the plate
boundaries are and
where a lot of earthquakes
Lesson 29
Read and analyze each statement carefully. Write B in the blank if the statement
tells of a precautionary measure that should be observed before an earthquake, D
if it is to be observed during an earthquake or A if after an earthquake.

______1. Make up a plan of where to meet your family after an earthquake.

______2. Check yourself and others for injuries. Provide first aid for anyone
who needs it.
______3. Check water, gas, and electric lines for damage.
______4. Stay calm! If you're indoors, stay inside. If you're outside, stay
______5. Don't use elevators (they may shut down).
______6. Learn first aid.
______7. If you're in a car, stop the car and stay inside the car until the
earthquake stops.
______8. Stay out of damaged buildings.
______9. Make sure you have a fire extinguisher, first aid kit, a battery-
powered radio, a flashlight, and extra batteries at home.
______10. If you're outdoors, stay in the open away from power lines or anything
that might fall.

Lesson 30
Read and analyze each statement carefully. Write B in the blank if the statement
tells of a precautionary measure that should be observed before an eruption, D if
it is to be observed during an eruption or A if after an eruption.

______1. Check electric wires at home.

______2. Prepare nonperishable food and clean water.
______3. Cover your nose with a damp cloth when there is heavy smoke.
______4. Remove ash and rock fragments from the roof of the house.
______5. Evacuate from your house to a safer place, if necessary.
______6. Stay tuned to the radio for further instructions or advice from
______7. Check if the source of drinking water is safe.
______8. Wait for instructions to go home if you are in an evacuation center.
______9. Keep your eyes closed if volcanic ash falls in your surroundings.
______10. Be alert of the signs of volcanic activity.

Lesson 31
Read the following sentences then answer each question correctly. Circle the
letter of the correct answer.

I. Mang Gerry dries his crops under the sun

II. The streets are floode
III. Farmlands and other areas are dry with few grasses and plants
IV. Farmers prepare the field ready for planting

1. Which tells you that it is dry season in the country?

a. I and II b. II and III c. III and IV d. I and III

2. Which tells you that wet or rainy season has come?

a. I and II b. I and III c. III d. III and

3. Which is an advantage of the wet season?

a. I b. II c. III d. IV

4. What happens when typhoons come during the months of July to December?
I. Frequent flooding occurs in low-lying areas.
II. Landslides occur in some places.
III. Crops are destroyed.
IV. People earn extra income.

a. I and II only b. I, II, III c. II and III d. I, II, III, IV

5. What phenomenon is characterized by excessive rainfall and floods?

a. El Nina b. La Nina c. tropical cyclone d. both a and b

6. What brings heavy rainfall throughout the country from May to October?
a. northeast monsoon c. mountain ranges
b. southwest monsoon d. all of the above

7. Which of the following influences the climate of the Philippines?

a. area of the country c. population of the country
b. location of the country d. size of the country

8. Why does the Philippines have generally warm temperature throughout the
a. it is near the sun c. it lies near the equator
b. it has many volcanoes d. it has many islands

9. Which wind blows from Asiatic mainland to our country from October to
a. Northeast Monsoon c. North Wind
b. Southwest Monsoon d. South Wind

10. Which wind blows from the West Philippine Sea that brings rain throughout
the country?
a. Northeast Monsoon c. North Wind
b. Southwest Monsoon d. South Wind

Lesson 33
Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following is true?

a. Earth rotates on its axis as it revolves around the Sun
b. The Sun revolves around the Earth while Erath is rotating
c. Earth rotates once a month as it revolves around the Sun
d. Earth completes one rotation in 365 days

2. How long does Earth complete its revolution around the Sun
a. 24hrs b. 24days c. 365 days d. 365 ¼ days

3. When do places everywhere on Earth experience the same length of day and
a. every 21st or 22nd of June and December
b. every 21st or 22nd of September and December
c. every 21st or 22nd of December and March
d. every 21st or 22nd of September and March

4. Which of the following is/are caused by Earth’s rotation?

I. day and night III. climate changes
II. wind deflection IV. differences of time and day
a. I only b. I and II c. I, II, III d. I, II, IV
5. Which of the following is not true?
a. rotation of Earth causes day and night
b. revolution of Earth causes day and night
c. revolution of Earth causes differences in the length of daytime and
nighttime in different places
d. revolution of Earth causes different climate in different regions

6. When is the longest daytime in the Northern Hemisphere?

a. June 21 or 22 c. December 21 or 22
b. September 21 or 22 d. March 21 or 22

7. Why is there 24-hour nighttime in the South Pole on June 21 or 22?

a. the Sun’s rays directly strike the area
b. the Sun’s slanting rays do not reach the area
c. the Sun does not emit light on that day
d. the Sun’s vertical rays strike the equator

8. What is the season in the Northern Hemisphere when the Earth’s axis is
tilted toward the Sun?
a. summer b. autumn c. spring d. winter

9. Which part receives the vertical rays of the Sun in December?

a. Equator b. Tropic of Cancer
b. Tropic of Capricorn d. North Pole

10. What causes the deflection of the wind from the poles to the equator and
a. rotation of Earth c. tilting of Earth’s axis
b. revolution of Earth d. vertical rays of the Sun

Lesson 34
Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following statements best describes the planets?

a. they move around the Sun c. they are bright and light
b. they are made of gases d. they possess a life-sustaining

2. Why does Mercury have the shortest period of revolution?

a. it is small c. it is nearest to the Sun
b. it is hot during the day d. it rotates and revolves fast

3. Neptune has the biggest orbit of all eight planets. Which statement does not support
this statement?
a. it has the longest year c. it is the smallest planet
b. it is the farthest in the solar system d. it has the longest revolution

4. Earth is unique of all planets. Why is this so?

a. it can support life c. it rotates from east to west
b. it is made of solid, liquid and gas d. it has only one natural satellite

5. Why did Neptune become the farthest planet?

a. the orbit of Neptune expands
b. Neptune moves faster than all the planets
c. Neptune has the biggest orbit
d. the orbit of Uranus is bigger than Neptune’s

6. Which group of planets are the giant planets?

a. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
b. Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Mars
c. Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Venus
d. Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn

7. What makes Venus the hottest and brightest planet?

a. its size and shape c. nearness to the Sun
b. the very thick atmosphere d. similarity of its feature to Earth

8. Which group of astronomers made a declaration that Pluto is no longer an official planet?
a. New Horizon Mission c. Astronomical International Union
b. National Aeronautics and Space d. International Astronomical Union

9. Which statement best describes our solar system?

a. it is the Sun and all the space objects traveling around it
b. it is the Sun and the eight official planets revolving around it
c. it is the Sun and all the heavenly bodies above us
d. it is arrangement of all heavenly bodies above us

10. Five of the eight planets can be seen by the naked eye. Which of the following is NOT one
of them?
a. Mercury b. Venus c. Mars d. Neptune

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