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The passage I read is all about dust.

Dust is
everywhere and in fact, we can find dust in our home
no matter how often we. sweep our floor. These
particles stay on any object like in bookshelves,
furniture or any other objects found in our

Dust been found to be mix of different things like

dead skin. The common ingredients of dust particles
include animal fur, dead insects, food, fiber from
clothes, bedding, soil and other chemical most dust
found in home come from outside. As I continue
reading the passage I found out that dust depends on
four things based on scientist discovery the climate,
age of the house, number of person who live their, the
cooking, cleaning and even smoking habits.

We want to make our home free from dust which

is not possible but we can lessen the amount of dust in
our home by cleaning it everyday. We should make our
house clean and keep away from dust to avoid possible
allergies and it allows us to breath freely. Remember
that “A clean home is a happy home.”

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