Curriculum Reform

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1. Introduction...........................................................................................................................2
2. The concept of curriculum.....................................................................................................3
2.1. Curriculum reform in the history of Korea.....................................................................3
2.2. Korean curriculum reform Vs. Mozambican curriculum reform....................................5
3. References.............................................................................................................................6


The present assignment is about curriculum reform meanly in Korean and

feather more we also talked about Mozambique. This work has as the main objective to
talk about the concept of curriculum in the different stages in the history of Korea,
starting from the ancient time until in nowadays, father more, I discussed about the
mainly features that lead to the curriculum reform in both countries.


General objective

 To Analyze the curriculum reform in Mozambique and Korea

Specifics objectives

 To identify the concept of curriculum;

 To describe how the curriculum reform happened in Mozambique and Korea;
 To find out the problems related to the curriculum reform in Mozambique and


The methodologies used to write this assignment were to relay on the different sources,
which some of this sources were found in the internet and the other were provided by
the lecturer.

2.1.Curriculum reform in the history of Korea

1. Before the colonial period (1910)

Before the arriver of foreigners, Korea curriculum was based on almost 5000
years of written history. Their tradition was based in humanity and considered technical
and pragmatics as vulgar. They had their own education system which consisted of
preparing the students to write the state exam to become a government officer. Some of
the secondary school and all the primary school were created and managed by private
identities and the other secondary school were managed by the government as well as
the higher education (LEE, 1995). However, this education system started to the change
when in 1905 the feudal dynasty decided to invite the foreign to visit there land.
Perhaps they did not came alone, they brought together their believes and culture and
just like this, the first modern schools were established, where they taught foreign
languages and practical technologies.

2. In the colonial period (1910̠ 1945)

LEE (1995, p. 7) states that “during this period the Korean education system can
be summarized as Japanization and mobocracy.”
Sustaining the point that it was called Japanizetion or
assimilation, because in this period the education consisted of educating the people
loyal to the Japanese emperor, whereas, mobocracy meant that schools should educate
people to become good workers. In this period the education where based in
stigmatizing the Korean people as they there education were separated from the
Japanese’s one, all the material written in Korean were banned and the aim of the
education system was to make the Korean people loyal to the Japanese emperor. The
Korean people were forbidden to have higher education and they had to learn Japanese
as their mother tongue. They had to do a vocational training and the humanities subjects
were reduced do minimum amount in the school curriculum and many of the private
school were closed.

3. Period of American military governmentː

on August15, 1945 japan was defeated, therefore it announced their
unconditional surrender to allied forces and Korea was libered from Japanese

colonialism however, this liberation was incomplete because regardless of the Korean
people’s will, the Potsdam declaration said that Korea was going to be under the
trusteeship of the U.S. and Russia. From the U.S military captain F.L. Lockard were
appointed to become the education administrator (LEE, 1995)
Specifically, he was a professor in College of Chicago, and he created Korean
committee on education, where, 10 members or this council were Korean. They had as a
priority to replace the Japanese people who were working in education department.
Those teachers and people who were fluent in English or studied in U.S. had a priority
to be chosen as a worker. In addition, in this period the Korean teachers had the freedom
of choosing what they wanted to transmitted to their students as there were not external

4. Period of subject ̠ centered curriculum (1948 ̠ 1962)

On August 15, 1948 Korea started its new history as a republic, despite of that
the situation of the education did not improve immediately, the country continued to
face the problem of lack of teachers, lack of materials to use as guidance and so many
other problems. Nevertheless a law was created to emphasize that from them on all the
issues related to education were going to be decided by the government, meaning that
all the text books from primary and few from secondary school had to be examined and
published by the government, and Lee (1995, p.20) States that curriculum meant to be
defined as "organization of subjects and other educational activities of schools.”

5. Period of experience –centered curriculum (1962-1973) ː

On 1963, the curriculum was reorganized, and contents justifying the coup in
humanities text books were included in the new curriculum and the Deweyan theory of
education as a experiences was officially adapted. In addition , in this period, Lee (1995,
p.20) defined curriculum as “all learning activities that the students experienced under
the guidance of the school.”

6. Period of discipline – centered curriculum (1973 - 1981) ː

In this period, the curriculum was also revised and defined as structure of the
discipline. In this new curriculum, J.Brouner’s theory of the structure of knowledge

and J. Piaget ˈpsychological achema were accepted, this author also explained that
this curriculum has to be composed by certain stepsː

1. The objectives should be pre-determined;

2. The scope of the contents of each subject should be defined to
achieve efficiently those aims and objectives;
3. The contents should be organized in a spiral form by the specialist;
4. Teachers should measure, rather than evaluate the degree of students'
achievement according to the prespecified aims and objectives; Lee
(1995, p.25)

7. period of humanistic curriculum (1981-1995)

in this period the curriculum were revised again, and in this new curriculum one or two
hours’ lesson were reduced and the extra curriculum lessons were emphasized, with this
the students were more relieved as they were not suffering much on entrance exams
preparation. Lee (1995, p. )

The most noticeable feactures between the curriculum reform in Mozambique and
the curriculum reform in Korea are:

1. Political changes

It is proved that both countries faced curriculum reforms after a major changes on the
politics, In addition, Lee (1995, p. 34) Argues that “ One of the most noticeable
features in the history of curricular reform in Korea is that the reforms always followed
major changes in the political situation. This is especially conspicuous after 1945.

It is not difference for Mozambique, According to CAP(2010, p. 151) the curricular

reform in 2004 was justified in the other hand, by the transformation happened in the
politics, social and economy.

2. External influence

The both countries curriculum reform was also influence by outsider, as for Korea since
they have declared themselves as republic, their curriculum has been always influenced
by foreign theories and for that reason, some scholars discussed that it was necessary to

have their own indigenous theory or local theory which were going to help the country
to create a better curriculum. Lee (1995, p.37 )

Mozambique is not that different, as it had its curriculum reform influence bu the

Curriculum have been differently defined by many other. Some for instance as Albert Oliver,
define “curriculum as the educational program of the school “ where those authors explain
that the curriculum have as the Basic elements three program: the program of the studies,
the program of service, program of experience and hidden program. Each of this program Will
help the students to achieve the nevel of knowledge requered by the society he is in.

In addition, some as smith, Stanley and shores who difines curriculum as a “sequence of
potential experience set up in school for the purpose of disciplining the children and youth in
group ways of thinking and acting “ and others like Caswell and Campbell who viewed
curriculum as “all experiences that children have under the guidance of the teacher “ what i
also agree with, because i do not think that students just learn in the classroom.

Therefore curriculum reform are the process where a certain society update the education
system which was being used before, so that they adjust to the society needs in the moment.


CAP, Economia, Politica e Desenvolvimento, UEM- CAP, Impressa

academica.LDA, Volume 1,2010, 109 p.

Lee,Yonghwan, Toward a new concept of local curriculum, (1995). LSU Historical

dissertation abd theses. 5921,


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