Practical Navigation - Current Leeway Tidel Stream

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Directorate General of Shipping


Coastal Navigation > Passage Planning > Define - Current, Leeway, Tidal st…

Define - Current, Leeway, Tidal stream, Set, Drift

Is the movement of the surface of sea water due to seasonal causes such as wind, gradient, salinity,
etc. In open sea, the direction and rate of current is fairly constant over long periods and over long
distances. However, near land, it can vary drastically due to changes in the shape of the coastal

Simple explanation of leeway
Leeway is the angle between the course steered and the angle of progress of the ship.

Tidal stream
In coastal waters, a combination of current and tide is called a tidal stream. This changes in strength
and direction every hour and can be computed, at a given location, for a given time, by use of tidal

Set & drift of current

Set & drift of current is the offset from the DR Position to the fix at that time. See accompanying

Drift is expressed in nautical miles and is the value for the whole day. If you need the rate of current
experienced in knots, divide the drift by the period – 24 hours in this case.


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