Phy Unit3

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PART – A and PART – B

1. What is a projectile?
2. Define velocity of projection.
3. Define angle of projection.
4. Define trajectory of a projectile.
5. Define maximum height of a projectile.
6. Define time of flight of a projectile.
7. Define range of a projectile.
8. Give the condition for maximum range of a projectile.
9. What is a circular motion?
10. Define radian.
11. Define angular velocity.
12. Define normal acceleration.
13. Define centripetal force.
14. What is centrifugal force?
15. Define angle of banking.
16. Why does the outer rail is raised over the inner rail along a curved railway track?
17. Define Newton’s Law of motion
18. Explain fundamental equation of motion
19. What are the condition for maximum range
20. Derive the relation between angular velocity and linear velocity
21. Explain centripetal force and centrifugal force
22. Explain the banking of curved path

1. Derive an expression for the time of flight of the projectile.
2. Derive an expression for the horizontal range of the projectile.
3. Show that the range is maximum when the angle of projection is 45o for a given velocity of
4. Derive the relations between angular velocity, period and frequency.
5. Obtain expressions for the normal acceleration and centripetal force of a body executing uniform
circular motion.
6. Derive an expression for the angle of banking.


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