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Słowotwórstwo angielskie

Z podanych w nawiasie słów utwórz odpowiednie formy i umieść je w lukach.

1. They won the comptetition in a .............................. (spectacle) way.

2. We waited for them for almost an hour but they .............................. (event) arrived. 3. Some
people believe that Paul is a tough, .............................. (break) man, but I know he is very

4. His disappearance was a great .............................. (mysterious).

5. You can continue only if you get the letter of .............................. (accept).

6. His .............................. (act) look proved that he was worried.

7. She got the job only because she had some useful .............................. (connect) in the

8. If you buy another trousers, you will get .............................. (add) bonuses.

9. Your instructions are just not .............................. (apply). There is no way we can introduce

10. His brother was beaten to .............................. (die) 2 years ago.

11. The situation isn't just bad. It's .............................. (hope).

12. After his debut in a popular TV series, John received .............................. (end) amount of

13. To form the plural, you just have to add the .............................. (end) 's'.

14. The evidence was .............................. (conclude) and Mark was arrested.

15. Those two machines work .............................. (concurrent).

1. Hamburgers are said to be very .............................. (health).

2. We still don't know which team will be first. Tomorrow's game will

be .............................. (decision).

3. My new shoes are very nice, but unfortunately they are

extremely .............................. (comfort) too.

4. In my .............................. (child) we didn't have any TV-sets, let alone computers. Times were

5. I didn't intend to hurt you. I did it .............................. (accident).

6. Working with small children is a very .............................. (stress) job.

7. It was very .............................. (politeness) of you to call him a liar.

8. When applying for a job, you should put forward your CV and all

needed .............................. (enclose).

9. It's all your fault! Your .............................. (stupid) led us here.

10. The Internet is .............................. (increase) popular all over the world.

11. .............................. (Fortune), today's play has been called off.

12. I can't stand their mood any longer. I'm on the brick of .............................. (mad). 13. I was
trying to persuade him, but he was very .............................. (friend) and I had to give up. 14.
Her .............................. (refuse) to join the party surprised everyone.

15. All the thieves that took part in yesterday's robbery were

caught, .............................. (arm) and arrested.

1. Your .............................. (behave) at the party was unacceptable.

2. Many young British bands make .............................. (ground) music.

3. If he hadn't .............................. (estimate) his rival, he would have won that fight. 4. I saw Peter's
girlfriend yesterday. She's very pretty. Yes, she's .............................. (envy), indeed.

5. These documents are .............................. (importance) so you don't have to read them.

6. I owe you big time Frank. Your help was .............................. (price).

7. Jack isn't enjoying his new job. He finds it very .............................. (monotony).

8. I wish you had seen Kate yestreday. Her beautiful dress and new haircut - it's
beyond .............................. (express).

9. In .............................. (compare) to other European countries, Poland is rather a big one. 10.
'What the hell are you doing here?!' she said .............................. (kind). 11. Be ..............................
(care). The weather is awful today.

12. Sue doesn't like wearing any shoes when it's hot, so she

walks .............................. (foot) in summer.

13. I think that you .............................. (treat) your wife. You should be more delicate. 14. Sue trust
me a lot and she tells me about all her .............................. (intimacy) secrets.

15. The way you live and act is .............................. (appal).

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