12 May 23 GNLM

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Vol. X, No. 25, 9 th Waning of Kason 1385 ME www.gnlm.com.mm Friday, 12 May 2023

The Republic of the Union of Myanmar State Administration Council: Five-Point Road Map
1. Priority will be given to fully realizing peace, stability and rule of law throughout the Union to safeguard the socioeconomic life of the people.
2. People-centred development work that enhances socioeconomic well-being will be undertaken to ensure the country’s prosperity and food security.
3. Processes will further continue to consolidate a genuine, disciplined multiparty democratic system and build a Union based on democracy and federalism.
4. Priority will be accorded to work aligned with the agreements set out in the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement, in order to achieve enduring peace for the entire
5. Upon accomplishing the provisions of the state of emergency, free and fair multiparty democratic elections will be held in line with the 2008 Constitution, and further
work will be undertaken to hand over State duties to the winning party in accordance with democratic standards.

Kengtung Airport must be improved to admit direct

landing and taking off of aircraft which stretches aviation
transport to Laos, China and Thailand: Senior General

State Administration Council Chairman Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing views the upgrading of Kengtung Airport in eastern Shan State on 11 May 2023.

HAIRMAN of the State Quartermaster-General Lt-Gen hill station as well as various The Senior General inspect- water supply and drainage of the
Administration Council Kyaw Swa Lin and Director of tourist destinations. Currently, ed the upgrading of the runway lake, pumping out of silt without
Prime Minister Senior Military Engineers Brig-Gen jets are used in aviation trans- at Kengtung Airport and gave harming the lake, least impact
General Min Aung Hlaing in- Zaw Naing Oo reported on the port to far distant areas of the necessary instructions to offi- on the environment in the work
spected the situation of upgrad- brief history of Kengtung Air- country. Hence, the Senior Gen- cials. process, and systematic dredg-
ing Kengtung Airport and con- port, situation to upgrade the eral pointed out that airports The Senior General inspect- ing of silt through the sonic wa-
struction of Kengtung Saopha runway and the airport and fu- must be upgraded for heavy ed the progress in the construc- ter level meter presented by the
Palace Replica in Kengtung of ture plans. aeroplanes. The Senior General tion of the Kengtung Saopha Director of Military Engineers
Shan State (East) yesterday After hearing the re- stressed that Kengtung Airport Palace Replica in its area near and officials.
afternoon. ports, the Senior General said must be improved to admit di- Nawngtung Lake and attended In response to the reports,
At the airport lounge, Dep- Kengtung is blessed with a rect landing and taking off of to the needs. the Senior General gave neces-
uty Prime Minister Union Min- beautiful natural environment aircraft which stretches aviation In looking into the mainte- sary guidance and inspected the
ister for Transport and Commu- in addition to the Buddha Park transport to Laos, China and nance of Nawngtung Lake, the work progress along the circular
nications Admiral Tin Aung San, in Pankwe Village and Loimwe Thailand. Senior General heard reports on lake lane. —MNA/TTA



DMC holds meeting Delay in China Customs DMH urges domestic flights,
on clarification of its clearance affects quality vessels along Myanmar coasts
work operation of mango to prepare, watch weather
12 MAY 2023


Heads of Service Organizations

Public Notice for Elimination of Violence
confirmed and appointed 1. Declaring themselves to be “for the people”, the so-called CRPH, NUG and PDF terrorist
1. The State Administration Council has confirmed the ap- groups are lawlessly killing Buddhist monks, civil servants including schoolteachers,
pointment of U Soe Tun Naing, Director-General of the and members of the general public, as well as looting and robbing.
Department of Rural Road Development under the Ministry
of Cooperatives and Rural Development, after the one-year 2. Not encouraging, supporting, or assisting “CRPH”, “NUG”, and “PDF” terrorists, who
probationary period. are intimidating and killing people and committing destructive activities, is to protect
2. The State Administration Council has appointed Dr Yin Myo the lives and property of the general public.
Thu, Deputy Director-General of the Department of Higher
3. Giving information secretly to the authorities on terrorists and on the possession and
Education under the Ministry of Education, as Rector of
transport of weapons/ammunition is tantamount to protecting the lives and property
Mawlamyine University on probation from the date she
of innocent people.
assumes charge of her duties.

Those from organizations with various titles including PDFs in armed

struggle line invited to return to legal fold
9 May 2023
1. The State Administration Council is discharging large number of Buddhist monks, State service their crimes under the law.
the State responsibilities under the Constitution personnel and innocent people lost their lives in 4. If they return to the legal fold, necessary assis-
(2008) of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar the terror attacks. These terror acts hindered tance will go to them, and cash awards will be
while implementing the Five-Point Road Map the development of the nation. given to those who bring arms and ammunition
and 12 Objectives to build a Union based on 3. As the strength of the nation lies within, the na- as follows:-
genuine, disciplined democracy and federal- tion will reach its goal in a short time only when (a) K5 million per gun from the rifle types
ism. Meanwhile, as those wishing to politically the development of the nation and construc- (b) K2 million per gun from pistol types
indoctrinate the people and make attempts to tion of the Union based on genuine, disciplined (c) K3 million per shotgun
cause the utter devastation of the State un- democracy and federalism can be carried out (d) K7.5 million per mortar, launcher, RPG
lawfully formed the Committee Representing with concerted efforts of the people through (e) K500,000 per homemade shotgun, homemade
Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH), the National Unity might and main. Hence, now is the time to mortar, homemade gun
Government (NUG) and their subordinate Peo- make cooperative efforts to build the State by (f) K300,000 per homemade mine and grenades
ple’s Defence Forces (PDFs) and committed struggling free from the indoctrination of those (g) K200,000 per other equipment except for
armed terror acts, the government declared who attempt to cause utter devastation to the arms and munitions, (e.g., walkie-talkie)
them as the terrorist groups under the Coun- country, and those involved in terrorist groups (h) K5 million per drone which can be used in
ter-Terrorism Law. including PDF for various reasons and illegal bombing
2. These terrorist groups persuaded innocent organizations are invited to return to the le- 5. As such, those wishing to return to the legal
people to join the terror organizations with gal fold for participation in the nation-building fold are invited and urged to contact district
indoctrination based on frightening, sending tasks. If those who returned to the legal fold and township administration bodies, military
them to the areas of ethnic armed organiza- committed crimes such as murder, rape and camps and police stations.
tions for attending the explosives courses and harming others, they would face trials at the
participate in the ethnic armed organizations to court under the law and the government would Information Team
commit murders in terrorist acts and attacks. A ease any restrictions over them depending on State Administration Council

Notice on licence applications for illegally owned arms and munitions

9 May 2023
1. It is learnt that people illegally carry arms and conformity with the law. Therefore, the State Ad- the applications, it will review as per the policy
munitions for their concerns about personal ministration Council will manage to grant licences of carrying arms and munitions and licences
security due to the lethal attacks of terrorists systematically as per the policy of carrying arms will be granted to those who meet the specific
on innocent people today. Although the original and munitions. requirements. Action will be taken against those
intention is for personal security, one’s mind can 2. In applying for the licence to carry arms and who do not apply for licences together with arms
change at any time when in possession of arms munitions, applicants will not be asked how they and munitions during the fixed period.
and munitions. Moreover, it can cause firearm get the gun, but they must apply for it together Information Team
misuse for possessing illegally and it is not in with the arms that they want to carry. Upon State Administration Council

168 new cases of COVID-19 reported on 11 May, total figure registers 636,810
MYANMAR’S COVID-19-positive cases rose to 636,810 after 168 new cases were reported on 11 May 2023 according to the Ministry of Health.
Therefore, a total of 10,483,406 laboratory samples were examined and the confirmed COVID-19 cases reached 636,810. The total number of patients who have
recovered from COVID-19 in the country reached 615,630 including 116 new recoveries. The death toll from COVID-19 in the country remained unchanged at 19,493
on 11-5-2023 with no new death reported from the pandemic.— GNLM
12 MAY 2023

Kengtung Airport must be improved to admit direct landing and taking off of aircraft
which stretches aviation transport to Laos, China and Thailand: Senior General

The Senior General hears the report on the maintenance of the Nawngtung Lake in Shan State (East) yesterday.

The Senior General inspects the construction of the Kengtung Saopha Palace Replica in Shan State (East) yesterday.

DMC holds meeting on clarification of its work operation

ing to the weather forecast of curity measures in townships
Cyclone Mocha, it has already of Rakhine and Chin states
known about the regions where that the storm is likely to hit,
the storm is likely to hit closely emergency communication
and so it is in a certain situation systems, manpower, vehicles
to jointly conduct the measures and machines for emergency
for the period of emergency. The recuse work, Cyclone Shelter
DMC should compile the data and evacuation of people and
regarding the preparations materials, installation of satel-
in the townships of Rakhine lite phones, international coop-
and Chin states and complete eration, mobile water treatment
evacuation processes and make transportation to Rakhine State,
the rehabilitation operations as Rapid Response Team (RRT)
quickly as possible with the min- for emergency healthcare ser-
imum of losses. vices, distribution of medicines,
Then, NDMC Vice-Chair 2 water purification tablets, bailey
Union Minister Dr Thet Thet bridge, relief items, shelters and
Khine reported on emergency other matters.
response, distribution of 10,000 Then, the representative
tonnes of reserve rice and coop- of the Office of the Command-
The meeting of the Disaster Management Centre (DMC) in progress yesterday, chaired by SAC Member Deputy
eration work with region/state er-in-Chief (Navy), a member
Prime Minister MoHA Union Minister Lt-Gen Soe Htut.
governments. of DMC, explained the situation
THE meeting on the clarifica- yesterday. ministration Council Member The officials of the working after high tide.
tion of the work operation by the First, National Disas- Deputy Prime Minister Union committee also discussed the Finally, NDMC Vice-Chair 1
Disaster Management Centre ter Management Committee Minister for Home Affairs Lt- current situation of Cyclone and Vice-Chair 2 made proper
(DMC) was held at the centre (NDMC) Vice-Chair 1 State Ad- Gen Soe Htut said that, accord- Mocha, its path, strength, se- instructions. — MNA/KTZH
12 MAY 2023

Ensuring per acre high yields needed for regional rice sufficiency
IT is necessary to ensure per acre high yields for regional rice sufficiency. Local farmers need to grow high-yield paddy strains with high consuming quality.

(Excerpts from the speech by State Administration Council Chairman Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing at a meeting with
departmental officials and town elders in PutaO Township on 13 December 2022)

MoFA Union Minister

receives FCCJ
former president
UNION Minister for Foreign developments of Myanmar and
Affairs U Than Swe received efforts to ensure peace and sta-
former president of the Foreign bility of the country, matters re-
Correspondent Club of Japan lated to media development and
(FCCJ) Mr Khaldon Azhari at international media. — MNA
the Parlour of the Minister’s of-
fice, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The FCCJ ex-president calls
yesterday morning. on Union Minister
At the meeting, they frankly U Than Swe in
exchanged views on the latest Nay Pyi Taw yesterday.

MoSYA Union Minister, XXXII SEA Games medallists come back home
MYANMAR sports contingent Youth Affairs, presidents from and Physical Education Depart- Team which has earned one gold, Han, Shun Lei Wai, Thaw Wai
which participated in the XXXII the Myanmar sports federations, ment and 16 sports administra- Petanque Team which has won Zin, Nyein Ei Mon, and Sai Zaw
Southeast Asian Games which and the public at Yangon Inter- tion members. one gold medals, Lethwei Team Zaw from Chinlone Men’s and
is being held from 5 to 17 May national Airport. The sports contingent in- which has collected one silver, Women’s Linking Event-3, Lin
returned to Yangon via chartered The Myanmar sports team cludes 158 athletes and coaching and one bronze medals, Chess Thitsar Aung, Khant Wai Hein,
aircraft at 5:30 pm yesterday. was led by Chairman of the My- staff from Vovinam Team which Team which has picked two Wai Yan Phyo, Yawai Aung,
The sports team were wel- anmar Olympic Committee U has won four gold, three silver, bronze medals, and Track and Zaw Lin Maung, Kaung Myat
comed back by Yangon Region Min Thein Zan, Union Minister and 17 bronze medals, Chinlone Field Team, Volleyball Men’s Thiha, Min Khant Win, and Du-
Chief Minister U Soe Thein, Yan- for Sports and Youth Affairs, Team which has secured one Team, Badminton Team, Sepak wun Kyaw form Chinlone Men’s
gon Region ministers, officials team leader and Director-Gen- gold, two silver, and six bronze Takraw Team, and Boxing Team. Event-4 event, Aye Aye Thant,
from the Ministry of Sports and eral U Tun Myint Oo of the Sports medals, Vovinam (Kun Bokator) Gold medallists included in May Phoo Han, Thel Thel, Yin
the team are Khine Wah Phoo Min Thwe, Su Twetar, Khine Kh-
and May Honey Aung Lwin from ine, Tin Nilar Win, and Hmon
Vovinam Women’s Double Event, Natha from Chinlone Women’s
Aung Khaing Lin, Hein Htet Event-4, and Khin Cherry Thet
Aung, Kyaw Thu Soe Aung, Yar from Women’s Single Shooting
Zar Tun from Vovinam 4-Men’s event of Petanque Sport.
Performance Event, Mana Kui, Myanmar has won 64 med-
and Tin Htoo Zaw from Vovinam als in total (14 gold medals, 13
Men’s Double Event, Aik Soe Lin silver medals, and 37 bronze
from Men’s Sword Event, Paing medals) until the morning of 11
Zeyar Phyo, Arnt Bwe Nyein, May.
and Nilar Soe Oo from 1+2 Vo- Myanmar broke the previ-
vinam (Kun Bokator), Aye Aye ous XXXI SEA Games’ record of
Thant, Su Twetar, May Phyo San, 62 medals including (nine golds,
Thel Thel, Tin Nilar Win, Yin 18 silvers, and 35 bronzes) this
Min Thwe, Khine Thazin Phyo, year.
and Khine Khine from Women’s The remaining Myanmar
Same Stroke Event of Chinlone, sports teams in Cambodia are
Lei Wati Zaw, Aung Myint Myat, still competing in the XXXII SEA
Union Minister U Min Thein Zan and Myanmar sports contingent including gold, silver and bronze medallists
are seen on their arrival at the Yangon International Airport yesterday. Hnin Wutyi Bo, Aung Naing Phyo Games. —MNA/KZL


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12 MAY 2023

FCCJ ex-president
calls on Union
Information Minister
UNION Minister for Informa- mar English newspaper.
tion U Maung Maung Ohn re- The meeting was attended
ceived the delegation led by by Permanent Secretary U Myo
Mr Khaldon Azhari, former Myint Maung and heads of de-
president of the Foreign Cor- partments.
respondent Club of Japan-FC- In the afternoon, the FCCJ
CJ, yesterday morning in Nay ex-president and party visited
Pyi Taw. the Gems Museum and paid
Both sides discussed coop- homage to the Maravijaya Bud-
eration in the media sector, the dha Image in the Buddha Park
reformation and upgrading of in Dekkhinathiri Township of Union Minister U Maung Maung Ohn receives Mr Khaldon Azhari, ex-president of the Foreign Correspondent
The Global New Light of Myan- Nay Pyi Taw. — MNA/TS Club of Japan-FCCJ yesterday.

MoI Deputy Minister inspects Myanmar Sports Team

storm preventive measures in leaves for 32nd Southeast
Ayeyawady Region Asian Games
DEPUTY Minister for Sports and responsible personnel.
and Youth Affairs U Myo One invited person, a
Hlaing, who is also General member of the administra-
Secretary of the Myanmar tion team, the president and
Olympic Committee, and the two administrative members
Myanmar Sports Team left of the Myanmar Rowing &
Yangon by Myanmar Nation- Canoeing Federation, five
al Airlines (chartered plane) coaches, six male athletes,
yesterday afternoon at the and seven female athletes
invitation of the XXXII South- (Judo sports), two coaches,
east Asian Games in Cambo- two male athletes, and two
dia. They were seen off at the female athletes (weightlift-
Yangon International Airport ing sports), and five coaches,
by the principal of the Insti- eight male athletes, and six
tute of Sports and Physical female athletes (Vovinam
Education (Yangon), the di- sports) are reportedly in-
Deputy Minister U Ye Tint meets evacuees in Ayeyawady Region yesterday. rector of the Sports and Phys- cluded in the sports team.
ical Education Department, — MNA/CT
DEPUTY Minister for Infor- and members, staff, and village dhist ethics multiplier train-
mation U Ye Tint inspected the and ward administrators at the ing launched by the General
newly constructed the Com- Myaungmya Township General Administration Department
munity Centre and Library of Administration Department. under the Ministry of Home
Pantanaw IPRD in Pantanaw During the meeting, he high- Affairs. The multiplier course
Township on 10 May. lighted the storm preventive will be conducted from 8 to 12
At noon, he visited the measures, support to storm May and a total of 240 students
Einme IPRD Office and evacuees from Laputta, edu- joined it.
Myaungmya District office and cating programmes and cover- Then, the deputy minister
instructed the officials staff to ing of news in a timely manner. and party went to a temporary
conduct an awareness cam- He then paid homage to a shelter for storm evacuees on
paign and information release member of the Central State Myasein Hill and comforted
in a timely manner. Sangha Working Committee 960 evacuees. He handed over
Then, he met with the Agga Maha Pandita Alel Tawya K500,000 donated by the Min-
Ayeyawady Region Ethnic Sayadaw Bhaddanta Pannasi- istry of Information for storm
Affairs Minister U Saw Lin ha at Alel Tawya Monastery evacuees to the in charge of The Myanmar sports contingent are seen at the Yangon International
Khel, Myaungmya District and comforted the students temporary shelter. — Myaung- Airport before leaving for Cambodia.
and Township administrators who attended the basic Bud- mya (IPRD)/KTZH

Daily newspapers available online

FOR those who would like to read the Myanma Alinn, the Kyemon and the Global New Light of Myanmar, published daily by the Ministry of Information,
please visit www.moi.gov.mm/mal, www.moi.gov.mm/km, www.moi.gov.mm/nlm and www.gnlm.com.mm/e-paper.
News and Periodicals Enterprise
12 MAY 2023

Disaster preparedness rehearsals conducted in regions/states

THE low-pressure area over and adjoining the south Anda- intensify into a cyclonic storm Myanmar. Therefore, the re- The chief ministers of re-
the southeastern Bay of Bengal man Sea persists. It is likely to and is likely to move towards hearsal exercises for emer- gions and states and command-
gency management, response, ers of respective commands
recuse, cooperation, readiness inspected them and provided
and rehabilitation processes relief items and materials.
are being conducted in respec- Moreover, officials make
tive regions and states. preparations like recuse teams
On 10 and 11 May, the Tat- prepared in advance, storing
madaw members, members of the relief items and materials,
militia units, Myanmar Police cyclone shelter construction
Force, Fire Brigade, Myanmar and storage of five types of ra-
Red Cross Society, social wel- tions and drinking water.
fare teams and residents made Moreover, the coordination
rehearsals at No 1 BEHS in meeting of the Ayeyawady Re-
Myitkyina Township of Kachin gion Disaster Management
State, Thayagon monastery in Committee was held on 10 May
Paung Township of Mon State, at the meeting hall of South-
local military unit in Mingala- West Command HQ. Command-
don Township of Yangon Re- er Brig-Gen Kyi Khine attended
gion, local battalions of Pathein the meeting and made proper
Township of Ayeyawady Region. instructions. —MNA/KTZH

Precautionary measures are underway in Kachin State, Mon State, Yangon and Ayeyawady regions (top and above photos.)

Preparedness measures underway in various states, regions

Precautionary measures are underway in districts and townships in Taninthayi Region, Mon State and Ayeyawady Region (above and below photos.)

THE Department of Fire Servic- states and regions. in Kachin State; Kawthoung myaythazan township in Man- Region and Pathein, Labutta
es under the Ministry of Home Preparedness activities township, Pulaw township dalay Region, Mudon township townships in Ayeyawady Re-
Affairs is accelerating its pre- such as rehearsal exercises are in Taninthayi Region, Kawa, in Mon State, Pauktaw, Rath- gion. People are informed and
paredness activities for relief, being conducted at fire brigades Thanetpin townships in Bago edaung, Ponnagyun townships notified of well-preparedness
rescue and first-aid operations in Moegaung, Mohnyin PutaO Region and Yenangyoung town- in Rakhine State, Dagon Myo- measures against any possible
in the event of a storm in various townships and Mohnyin district ship in Magway Region, Aung- thit (North) township in Yangon incoming storm. — MNA/TS
12 MAY 2023

Precautionary measures underway in Rakhine State

RAKHINE State Chief Minister to house the local people in the
U Htein Lin, together with the event of a storm. In addition, he
state ministers and state-level met the residents of Basaya of
departmental officials, closely West Sanpya ward and discussed
supervised the arrangements for the situation of the evacuation of
the movement of the residents in people from the storm.
some areas of Sittway township Next, the Rakhine State
where the storm is likely to hit. chief minister visited the Sit-
Rakhine State Chief Minis- tway University and inspected
ter U Htin Lin and party first met the arrangements being made
the residents who live on Mizan for the relocation of the people
Strand Road in Sittway township who live in the Thechaung IDP
and discussed the situation of camp. In the evening, he met the
the storm and preventive activ- local people vendors near Yanp-
ities, movement of the elderly, yay Manpyay Pagoda in Sittway
children and pregnant women and advised them to move to a
to safe places. safe place.
Afterwards, the Rakhine In addition, the Rakhine
State chief minister and party State chief minister viewed the
Rakhine State Chief Minister U Htein Lin and party view round the precautionary measures in Rakhine State
met with the vendors at the Sit- passenger vessels, trawlers
tway Myoma Market and called and ferries as taking shelter at
for the movement of foodstuffs storm. cials, also inspected the Govern- Sittway and the principal of the the risk of storms in the Myole
and perishable goods to move The Rakhine State chief ment Technical High School in school and officials explained Creek and the Satyoekya Creek.
to a safe place in the case of a minister, accompanied by offi- Basaya of West Sanpya ward in the arrangements being made — Tin Tun (IPRD)/MKKS

Precautionary measures underway in

villages of Gwa Township
UNDER the supervision of the Datkhina monastery for shelter visses of edible oil, 500 visses
Chairman of the Gwa Township yesterday afternoon. of salt, and 50 visses of fish
National Disaster Management Village administrators paste for the displaced people
Committee, pre-evacuation ac- and social organizations in to consume. The Township Na-
tivities and relief and rescue the village helped relocate 20 tional Disaster Management
operations for villages that may households and 30 residents Committee already stored 16
be affected by storms are being from the Kywaychai village in items for 18,117 households,
carried out in a timely man- the Kywaychai village-tract and the township social asso-
ner in Gwa Township, Rakhine to the monastery, and the Ra- ciations are also working to
State. Residents in Kywaychai khine State Government has provide support. — Shwe Yee
village moved to the Dhamma stockpiled 500 rice bags, 1,500 Win Kyaw/CT Evacuees are seen in Gwa Township in Rakhine State yesterday.

Precautionary measures Precautionary measures un-

underway in Myebon Township derway in Buthidaung
THE preventive activities households and 6,640 res-
and rescue activities are idents that may be affected
being implemented by strongly by a natural dis-
the township-level depart- aster and they are being
ments and social rescue moved to safe places.
groups led by the Town- Rakhine State govern-
ship Natural Disaster ment stored basic food-
Management Committee stuffs including rice, and
to conduct operations in palm oil for evacuated res-
time and systematically in idents and the Township

Precautionary awareness case of a natural disaster

in Myebon Township, Ra-
Natural Disaster Manage-
ment Committee stocked
raised in Maungtaw Township khine State. 16 kinds of goods for 1,675 THE preventive measures were being taken by the
There are ten villages, households. — Myint Soe township-level departments and social rescue groups
OFFICIALS in Maungtaw Township of Rakhine State nine village-tracts, 1,675 (IPRD)/MKKS led by the Township Natural Disaster Management
reminded the residents about the natural disaster in Committee in order to systematically launch rescue
downtown areas and village-tracts. operations in time in case of a natural disaster in
The Fire Services Department under the super- Buthidaung township, Rakhine State.
vision of the District Natural Disaster Management There are ten village-tracts, 128 households and
Committee and relevant departmental officials issued 806 residents that may be affected severely by a nat-
the announcement for local people to protect them- ural disaster.
selves in the event of floods, and landslides caused Rakhine State government stored up basic food-
by the storm. stuffs including rice, and palm oil for evacuated res-
Moreover, the local people are urged to listen to idents and the Township Natural Disaster Manage-
disaster news officially announced by the government. ment Committee stocked up 16 kinds of goods for 200
— Thet Lwin Soe and Aung Kyaw Sein (IPRD)/MKKS households. — Township IPRD/MKKS
12 MAY 2023


Change mindsets
Boiling The Water Systematically and
Severe Cyclonic Storm Warning,
No.9, 2023
before ageing in the 11th May, 2023 21:30 MST Today

Tasting Its Benefits

Severe Cyclonic Storm Condition

vicious circle According to the observations at (20:30) hrs MST today,

the Cyclonic Storm “MOCHA” over Southeast Bay of Bengal
has moved Northwards and intensified into a Severe Cyclonic
Storm “MOCHA”. It is centered at about (335) Nautical miles

West-Southwest of CoCo Island, (435) Nautical miles West-South-
VERYBODY cannot see and know their future. In line

west of Hainggyigyun, (550) Nautical miles South- Southwest of
with the preaching of the Lord Buddha, the sermon de- LMOST all of us have it, oblivious to our observations,
By Yin Nwe Ko Sittwe, (465) Nautical miles West-Northwest of Nicobar Islands
fines that everybody knowingly or unknowingly embraces known that “Unless the for longer than we know. I rec- (India), (285) Nautical miles West of Port Blair (India) and (590)
infirmness and impermanence on a daily basis but it is sure that teacher shows, the work ommend heating a great deal of Nautical miles South-Southwest of Cox’s Bazar (Bangladesh).
the nature of death is firm and permanent. is not methodical.” Many people it, covered if you’re in a rush be- It is moving towards Bangladesh-Myanmar Coasts, the
In the world, human is the most intelligent among other living might think boiling the water is cause it will boil faster that way, present stage of the Cyclonic Storm “MOCHA” is coded orange
beings. It is because humans can analyze everything whether it just a trifle. However, in practi- or uncovered if you need time to stage.
is good or bad. Hence, the Lord Buddha preached sermons to all cal work, a guide or a teacher is figure out what you want to boil. Position of Severe Cyclonic Storm “MOCHA”, center pres-
living beings about the nature of a vicious circle because the future quite essential. Once, one of my As long as it’s a big pot and the sure and wind
is unexpected. intimate friends who is a senior water in it gets hot, whichever Severe Cyclonic Storm “MOCHA” is located at Latitude
Living beings are grad- engineer told me that he often technique you choose and how- (12.3) degree North and Longitude (87.9) degree East, centre
ually getting older and older. said to his workers to do the ever you time your addition of pressure of Cyclonic Storm “MOCHA” is (992) hPa and maxi-
Everybody should So, their intelligence quotient work as he instructed because ingredients, the world — which mum wind speed near the center is (60-70) miles per hour at
set goals to is lesser and lesser. Gener- they could only be able to do the began with some assessments (20:30) hrs MST today.
During next (4) days forecast
thoroughly attain ally, if so, their capacity is on work but they did not know the with a lot of water at a rolling
Severe Cyclonic Storm “MOCHA” is likely to move nearly
the downtrend to analyze the theory. He had been a student at boil — will not come to an end.
enlightenment on impacts of the vicious circle an engineering institute and so Julia Child, an American
Northerly during next (12) hours and intensify into a Very Severe
Cyclonic Storm“MOCHA” over Central Bay of Bengal around
four noble truths and to accumulate the Dham- he had studied a lot of theories cooking teacher, author, and
(12.5.2023). Itrecurve gradually North-Northeastwards and 
preached by the Lord ma knowledge so as to attain of engineering subjects. After he television personality, instructs forecast to cross Southeast Bangladesh and Northern Rakh-
enlightenment of Dhamma went back to his house, I thought tasting water periodically as it
Buddha namely, the leading to Nibbana. Based on his words were perfectly right,
ine Coast between Cox’s Bazar (Bangladesh) and Kyaukphyu
climbs toward 212 degrees to (Myanmar) near Sittwe (Myanmar) around (14.5.2023).
truth of Suffering, the unprecedented endeavours in and in every work, a good guide get used to its temperature at General caution
truth of the Cause of past and present lives, some or a good teacher is essential. each stage. Her advice might be 1. Due to the Cyclonic Storm “MOCHA”, rain or thundershow-
noble persons are able to There are as many ideas overzealous, but it teaches an
Suffering, the truth of ers will be fairly widespread to widespread in Nay Pyi Taw,
overcome the challenges of about how to best boil water invaluable lesson, not about boil- Sagaing, Mandalay, Magway, Bago, Yangon, Ayeyawady, Tanin-
the End of Suffering the vicious circle and how to as there are about how to cure ing, but about learning to cook: thayi Regions and Kachin, Shan, Chin, Rakhine, Kayah, Kayin,
and the truth of the take meditation for attaining hiccups. Some people say you if there is anything that you can Mon States with regionally heavyfalls in Lower Sagaing,
enlightenment for Nibbana. must use cold water, explaining learn from what is happening, Mandalay, Magway, Bago, Yangon, Ayeyawady Regions and
Path leading to the It is true that drinking hot water has
Chin, Rakhine States and isolated heavy falls in Nay Pyi Taw,
Actually, everybody needs that hot water sits in the pipes, learn it. You don’t need to know benefits for your health.
End of Suffering with to take meditation from a daring bacteria to inoculate it; how the properties of water differ Upper Sagaing Region and Kachin, Shan, Kayin States from
making relentless young age with might and others say to use hot, arguing at 100 degrees and at 180, but by tonight to (15.5.2023).
main. If so, they are able to that only a fool wouldn’t get a tasting it at those temperatures 2. From tonight to (14.5.2023), frequently squalls with rough to
efforts from their very rough seas will be experienced in Deltaic, off and along
overcome any difficulties in head start. Debates rage as to you may learn something about Add salt by hand so that you You don’t need to know what it’s water told me about his health It is true that drinking hot
young age. So, they meditation and keep tolerance whether olive oil added to water your pot, your stove, or the spoon start to get a feel for how much supposed to taste like; what any- status after practising the habit water has benefits for your
Rakhine Coasts. Surface wind speed in squalls may reach
(80-100) m.p.h and Wave height will be about (13-16) feet in
have to understand and patience along the days serves any purpose (it only does you like best for tasting. savouring takes, and as you do, thing is supposed to taste like, at of drinking hot water for three health, but you must be careful
Deltaic, off and along Rakhine Coast and occassional squalls
now is the best of taking meditation. As the if you are planning to serve the Once your water reach- taste the water repeatedly. This any point in its cooking, is good. months, I gradually realized it. when drinking it. If the water
with rough seas will be experienced in Gulf of Mottama, off
future is unexpected for all, water as soup, which you may, es a boil, salt it well. The best may at first feel ridiculous, and This is as true for water as for The followings are the benefits is too hot it can lead to severe
time for making although it is unpredictable but it makes sense to wait to add comparison I can make is too then it will start to seem so use- other ingredients. that my friend has explained to damage to the oesophagus and
and along Mon-Tanintharyi Coasts. Surface wind speed in
squalls may reach (40-45) m.p.h. Wave height will be about
preparations for for all to attain enlightenment the oil until you decide). pleasant seawater. The water ful you’ll stand by the pot feeling Almost all people get used me recently. taste buds and scald the tongue. (9-12) feet in Gulf of Mottama, off and along Mon-Taninthayi
their lives. leading to Nibbana, persons Potatoes should be started needs to be this salty whether it’s quite ingenious. Even though the to drinking normal (cold) water. It is important to check the tem- Coasts.
with the capacity can endure in cold water, as should eggs. going to have pasta cooked in it water is boiling, you can test it Some people who own refrig- o Having Better Digestion perature before drinking. 3. Due to the Severe Cyclonic Storm “MOCHA”, maximum wind
any difficulties in meditation But sometimes I find myself dis- or the most tender spring peas. with your finger. If it’s well sea- erators can have colder water. o Relieving Achalasia Besides, if you live in a hot speed may reach (35-40) mph in Bago, Yangon, Ayeyarwaddy
even if they cannot attain enlightenment yet. tractedly adding them to water It must be salted until it tastes soned, just tapping the surface Those people do not like the taste o Breathing Better country or are going to exercise Regions and Rakhine State around (13.5.2023).
Nibbana is intangible but actual. As such, everybody should that’s already boiling, and both good because what you’re doing will leave enough on your skin of normal water as the tastes of o Making One Calm or go through intense physical 4. Due to the Severe Cyclonic Storm “MOCHA”, maximum wind
not delay to prepare relevant vicious circle if they are not sure to turn out fine. Green and leafy isn’t just boiling an ingredient for you to taste. the two kinds of water; one is o Reducing Pain effort you should not drink hot speed may reach (100-105) mph in Rakhine State and (40-60)
spend their last lives. They all do not spend their lifetime facing vegetables should be dropped but cooking one thing that tastes When you find yourself tast- normal and the other is refrig- o Hydrating water since it makes you less mph in Nay Pyi Taw, Lower Sagaing, Mandalay, Magway,
ageing, encountering suffering and leading to death. Time is inval- into a bubble as big as your fist at good in another, which requires ing your water, you are doing the erated; are rather different. We o Helping In Losing Weight thirsty although you need more Bago, Yangon, Ayeyawaddy Regions and Chin State during
uable for all. Every second is very important. Only when everybody the last second. Pasta, similarly, that they both taste like some- most important thing you ever have to admit and accept that o Preventing Premature Ag- water, leading to a bigger risk of (13.5.2023) to (15.5.2023).
efficiently utilizes every second will they enjoy good results along should only be added when a pot thing. All ingredients need salt. can as a cook: the only way to the taste of refrigerated water ing by Elimination of Toxins dehydration. 5. When crossing the Cyclonic Storm, storm surge height will
their lifespans as well as vicious circles. If they understand it, they is rollicking and stirred once or The noodle or tender spring pea make anything you’re cooking makes one good. In almost ur- o Decreasing Stress Levels If you are having any fre- be (10)ft to (14)ft in Estuary and Tributaries at Sittwe District,
all need to start their meditation as part of accumulating property twice. Ecclesiastical writers on would be narcissistic to imagine taste good, whether it’s water or ban houses, people can afford Be careful of one thing! quent medication talk to your Maungdaw District Rakhine State and (7)ft to (10)ft in Estuary
to be used in the life circle before having enlightenment. the subject point out that in the something more substantial, is to buy a refrigerator and put He recommends you start doctor to be sure that drinking and Tributaries at Kyaukpyu District, Rakhine State.
it already contained within its
to make sure all its parts taste drinking a cup of hot water every hot water will not interfere with
Everybody should set goals to thoroughly attain enlightenment beginning there was water, all cell walls all the perfection it water and other foodstuffs in it.
Under the influence of the Cyclonic Storm “MOCHA”,
on four noble truths preached by the Lord Buddha namely, the life proceeded from water, there would ever need. We too seem good along the way. There are Therefore, those people have morning in the beginning, when the medication effects. May
people should be awared of strong wind, heavy rain, flash flood
truth of Suffering, the truth of the Cause of Suffering, the truth was water in Eden, water when to fear that we are failures at moments in cooking when com- never heard that drinking hot you start to get used to doing it everyone grasp the health ben-
and landslide in the hilly areas and near small rivers and also
of the End of Suffering and the truth of the Path leading to the we fell, then the slate got cleaned being tender and springy if we mon sense dictates not to taste water offers uncountable bene- and start also drinking one at efits as their own.
domestic flight, trawlers, vessels and ships off and along My-
End of Suffering with making relentless efforts from their young with it. Water breaks, and out need to be seasoned. It’s not so; — biting into a dirty beet or raw fits to human beings. As for me, night. If you don’t like the taste anmar Coasts. Therefore, people should watch the forecasts of
age. So, they have to understand now is the best time for making we come. it doesn’t reflect badly on the pea potato — but do taste anything I was amazed when I first knew of water, you can also drink it Reference: Reader’s Digest The Department of Meteorology and Hydrology and make the
preparations for their lives. As far as I can tell, the or person that either needs help else from a few minutes after you about it. However, when one of with tea and get all the benefits Jan 2023 necessary preparations.
point is that water has been at to be most itself. start cooking it until it’s done. my friends who always drink hot of polyphenols or coffee.
12 MAY 2023

Basic, advanced maritime & aviation courses 2023 conducted

in relevant townships
BASIC and advanced mar- Youth Camp in Myeik, Tanin-
itime training courses of the thayi Region.
Tatmadaw (Navy) and the basic A total of 115 trainees from
aviation youth course (senior the Maritime Youth Camp in
level) and the basic aviation Kyunsu Township and, 50 train-
youth course (junior level) of ees from the Maritime Youth
the Tatmadaw (Air) started at Camp in Pathein, Ayeyawady
the same time in the respec- Region are being trained by
tive townships on 24 April to trainers from the respective ar-
develop the knowledge of the eas, and 712 trainees are being
young generation during the trained at 11 Tatmadaw (Navy)
summer school holidays and to Youth Training Camps in the
bring forth a future generation respective townships.
of young people with maritime Similarly, the Tatmadaw
and aviation expertise. (Air) is conducting training in
Yesterday, the Tatmadaw 17 training camps at the Fly-
(Navy) organized basic and ad- ing Training Base and Ground
vanced maritime courses for Training Base in Meiktila.
43 trainees from the Maritime A total of 680 trainees of the

Student trainees are pictured being trained practically (above and left below photos).

Basic Aviation Youth Course They also conducted RC Grob 120TP, Flying in Y-12 IV
(Senior Level) and Basic Avia- simulator driving and basic mil- aircraft and H-120 helicopters,
tion Youth Course (Junior Lev- itary training. conducted by instructors from
el) studied at the Myanmar Air In the afternoon, six at- the pilot school.
Force Aeromedical Centre at tendees who won first, second, The commanders and offi-
Flying Training Base yesterday and third prizes from two sen- cials from the relevant military
morning. ior-level training camps, and headquarters visited the train-
They practically piloted RC 30 attendees who claimed first, ing courses and coordinated the
aircraft, helicopters and drones and second prizes from 15 jun- necessary matters. — MNA/
at the Ground Training Base. ior-level training camps used KZL

Illegal industrial materials, Plans underway to prevent saltwater flows,

consumer goods, foodstuffs, drinking water shortage in Yangon Region
auto parts and vehicles seized regional department.
The region has nine dams,
ON 9 May, an on-duty combined tainer checkpoint. The action 49 flood prevention and saltwa-
team conducted inspections was taken under Customs pro- ter prevention dikes, 160 sluice
at the Kawkareik (Tadakyoe) cedures. gates, and 22 river water pump-
combined checkpoint and con- Similarly, a combined team ing stations developed by the
fiscated 50 rolls of PVC flooring led by officials from the Office of government and is benefitting
sheet worth K2.25 million from a the Commander of the Dawei 1,014,776 acres of farmlands of
vehicle heading to Yangon from District Police Force captured the region. The 27 saltwater
Myawady and 76 Sailun tyres 230 cartons of Thai-made palm oil prevention dikes – 292 miles
worth K12,141,988 from a Nis- worth 6.2 million without official in total in Thanlyin, Kyauktan,
san diesel (approximately K30 documents from a Dyna truck Thongwa, Kayan, Kungyangon,
million) near No 2 Highway Junc- (approximately K 25 million) near THE Irrigation and Water are ready at the dams and Kawhmu, Twantay and Dala
tion on Myawady-Hpa-an-Yangon Bogyoke Street in Dawei town- Utilization Management De- dikes to stop the salt water. prevent the inflow of seawater.
Road. The action was taken un- ship. The action was taken under partment of Yangon Region is The heavy machines are also The department makes proper
der Customs procedures. Customs procedures. working together with Yangon getting ready to preserve the plans to ensure drinking water
In addition, an on-duty team Therefore, six arrests (es- Region Development Commit- dams due to the disasters. stocks for Yangonites and pre-
captured 7,390 pieces of window timated value of K290,591,988) tee to supply irrigation water, All the dams and dikes are in vent the entry of saltwater into
automotive glass worth K215 mil- were made on 9 May, according conduct flood preventive meas- good condition,” said Assistant the fields and wards. — Nyein
lion that exceeded the 61 days of to the Illegal Trade Eradication ures and distribute drinking Director U Nyan Soe of the Thu (MNA)/KTZH
Valid for Prior Arrival-VPA from Steering Committee. — MNA/ water to Yangon. It also ar-
a container at the Hteedan con- MKKS ranges to ensure drinking wa-
ter stocks in urban cities and
curb salt water flows into fields
and wards in lower parts of the
Yangon Region.
“Our department makes
arrangements not to occur
Confiscated flows of seawater and drinking
illegal tyres in water shortage if the natural
Kayin State.
disaster occurs. The patrol
units and essential materials
12 MAY 2023

Delay in China Customs clearance affects quality of mango
THE delay resulting from tation every year. Last year, low
changes in China’s Customs use of cultivation input brought
clearance system deteriorates down quality, causing posthar-
the fruit quality and the price vest diseases such as stem end
plummets, fruit traders engaged rot and black spot in fruit.
in the Muse trade zone stressed. Some traders did not even
At present, China has com- cover the cultivation cost due to
menced customs duty payment the inferior quality of Seintalone
with a 2.0 system for fruit im- mango.
ports via normal trade, caus- Of about 200 mango varie-
ing delays. Therefore, we need ties that originated in Myanmar,
to closely observe whether it Seintalone, Shwehintha, Pad-
brings a negative influence on amyar Ngamauk, Yinkwe, and
the quality of perishable fruits Machitsu varieties are primarily
or not, Sai Khin Maung from the grown. The foreign market pre-
Khwanyo fruit Depot said. fers Seintalone varieties.
“China’s authorities are Ayeyawady Region pos-
planning to go with the system sesses the largest mango
exercised in border trade after plantation acres, having about
Ayeyawady Region possesses the largest mango plantation acres, having about 46,000 acres.
they ran a system used for sea 46,000 acres. Bago Region is the
Bago Region is the second-largest producer with 43,000 acres and Mandalay has 29,000 acres of
trade,” Sai Khin Maung elab- mango. Mangoes are being sorted out in the plantation (above photo). second-largest producer with
orated. 43,000 acres and Mandalay has
On 7 May, mango trucks mango quality as they have been basket, while fresh ones fetched toms procedures play a pivotal 29,000 acres of mango. There
were stuck at the checkpoint loaded on the trucks for five 100-130 yuan per basket. role in mango exports to China, are over 24,000 acres in Kayin
on China’s side for two days, ac- days. Consequently, poor quality Last early April, Seintalone Sai Khin Maung continued. State, over 20,400 acres in Shan
cording to the Khwanyo Depot. brings down the prices. The ripe touched the highest price of 120- The growers are battered State and over 20,000 acres in
On 9 May, the trade channel Seintalone mango was priced at 180 yuan per basket. by the high cost of cultivation Sagaing Region, according to
was eased. However, it affects 60-100 yuan per 16-kilogramme The transportation and cus- input, harming the market repu- the association.— NN/EM

200 companies fail to submit AR in April Prices of fuel oil, gold and
A total of 200 companies failed to 2022, the DICA stated. submit ARs in the prescribed dollar on 11 May 2023
submit annual returns (AR) on The registration and re-reg- format on MyCO within 28 days
the online registration system istration of companies on the of the financial year ending, under
Fuel Oil Price (Yangon)
(MyCO) in April 2023, according MyCO website commenced on 1 Section 53 (A-1) of the Myanmar
to the Directorate of Investment August 2018 under the Myanmar Companies Law 2017. Octane 92 K1,930
and Company Administration Companies Law 2017. As per DICA’s report, thou-
Octane 95 K2,020
(DICA). All registered companies sands of companies were sus-
The DICA has notified any need to submit AR on the MyCO pended for failing to submit AR Diesel K1,890
registered company which fails to registry system within two forms before the due date. Newly Premium Diesel K1,970
file its AR on MyCO is to be struck months of incorporation, and at established companies are re-
off the register from the date of least once every year (not later quired to submit ARs within two All of the prices are based on per litre.
the directive, under Section 430 than one month after the anniver- months of incorporation or face
(F) of the Myanmar Companies sary of the incorporation) under a fine of K100,000 for filing late Gold Price
Law, according to the DICA’s no- Section 97 of the law. returns.
tification. Under Section 266 (A) of the The DICA has notified that The reference price of high-purity
K2,385,700 per tical
gold set by YGEA
Five hundred companies in Myanmar Companies Law 2017, any company which fails to sub-
January and 400 each in February public companies must submit mit its AR within 13 months will High-purity gold in the K3,005,000 per tical
and March did not file the AR annual returns and financial be notified of its suspension (I- gold market
on the MyCO. Additionally, 5,000 statements (G-5) simultaneously. 9A). If it fails to submit the AR
companies failed to submit AR in All overseas corporations must within 28 days of receiving the
notice, the system will show the US Dollar Vs Kyat
company’s status as suspend-
A US dollar set by
ed. Companies can restore their K2,100
the Central Bank of Myanmar
status only after shelling out a
fine of K50,000 for the AR fee, A US dollar in the forex market K2,850 to K2,865
K100,000 for restoration of the
company on the register, and The above prices may change from time to time.
K100,000 for late filing of docu-
ments, totalling K250,000. If a
company fails to restore its sta-
tus within six months of suspen- w it h u s / Ho t L i n e :
sion, the registrar will strike its Advertise
name off the register, according 0 9 9 74 4 2 4 8 4 8
The Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (DICA). to the DICA notice. —NN/EM
12 MAY 2023

YRTC readies 110 vehicles for emergency use as Cyclone Mocha brews
THE Yangon Region Public the committee to deliver food south-southwest of Sittway, 445
Transport Committee (YRTC) and goods to the areas affected nautical miles west-northwest
makes 110 vehicles ready for by the storm. of Nicobar Islands (India), 285
emergency use in the event of According to the obser- nautical miles west of Port Blair
a storm. vations of the Department of (India) and 630 nautical miles
Fifty trucks, 10 Faw light Meteorology and Hydrology south-southwest of Cox’s Bazar
trucks, and 50 mini buses are at 4:00 pm MST today, the cy- (Bangladesh).
readied for emergency use by clonic storm Mocha over the The Global Disaster Alert
southeast Bay of Bengal has and Coordination System has
moved to north-northwest- issued a red alert level warn-
wards. It is centred at about ing that two million people will
The picture shows the position of
the cyclonic storm Mocha in the 345 nautical miles west-south- be affected by a cyclone with a
southeast of the Bay of Bengal. west of Cocogyun, 460 nautical maximum wind speed of 167
miles west-southwest of Haing- kilometres (103.7 miles per
gyikyun, 580 nautical miles hour) in Myanmar. — TWA/CT

DMH urges domestic flights, vessels along

Myanmar coasts to prepare, watch weather
THE Department of Meteorolo- San also posted on her Face- aware of strong winds, heavy
gy and Hydrology urged domes- book page that the storm can rain, flash flood and landslide in
tic flights, trawlers and ships off move into Sittway of Rakhine the hilly areas and near small
and along Myanmar coasts to State at 12:30 pm on 14 May rivers and also domestic flight,
make the necessary prepara- and the wind speed in squall trawlers, vessels and ships off
tions by watching the weather may reach 109 miles per hour and along Myanmar coasts.
forecast of the department dur- (95 knots) and 132 miles per Therefore, people should
ing the period of Cyclone Mocha. hour (115 knots) and the wave watch the forecasts of the De- The photo shows a ferry running for the delta region.
According to the observa- height may reach 23 feet with partment of Meteorology and
tions at 6:30 am on 11 May, the
deep depression over the south-
the reference of JTWC Cyclone
Mocha at 14:42 on 2 May.
Hydrology and make the nec-
essary preparations. – TWA/ Delta region ferry
operations to be
east Bay of Bengal has moved Under the influence of Cy- KTZH
north-northwestwards and in- clone Mocha, people should be
tensified into Cyclone Mocha. It
is likely to intensify into a very
severe cyclonic storm (Cyclone
temporarily suspended
Mocha) over the central Bay
of Bengal around 12 May. Cy-
from 12 May
clone Mocha is forecast to cross
southeast Bangladesh and the ACCORDING to the Cyclone the decrease in the number of
northern Rakhine coast between The photo Mocha warning issued by the purchases from shops in Yan-
Cox’s Bazar (Bangladesh) and shows the Department of Meteorolo- gon and the temporary suspen-
Kyaukphyu (Myanmar) around development gy and Hydrology on 11 May, sion of shipments to the delta
14 May, according to the depart- of Cyclone services of ferries that run be- region until 14 May because
ment. Mocha. tween Yangon and the delta there are no ferry services on
Weather watcher Su Su region will be temporarily sus- 12 and 13 May.
pended on 11 May in the region Despite the temporary
and on 12 May in Yangon, the suspension of ferry services
2023-2024 academic year info issued for traders stated.
The Patheinthu ferry will
to the delta region, goods can
still be exported by truck these
all academic staff during enrolment make its last run from Yan-
gon to Mawgyun on 11 May.
days. However, the orders are
decreasing due to fewer pur-
THE Ministry of Education an- over, teachers are to collabo- teachers have to work together Thus, people who wanted to chases and transactions from
nounced on 10 May that all the rate with parents for students’ to prevent the use of drugs, al- deliver goods from Yangon to the delta region, according to
teaching staff avoid collecting cooperation skills, regular at- cohol, beer, cigarettes and teach Mawgyun, including from the some depots in the Bayint-
any fees or charges during en- tendance and daily homework. students how to live healthily Nyaungpinlay market in Lan- naung market.
rolment for the 2023–2024 aca- Teachers are to evaluate ac- and make sure that they are madaw, were seen rushing to The neighbouring town-
demic year. cording to the instructions and not addicted to playing games. load their goods, a trader told ships, including Mawgyun,
It is mentioned in the state- work in cooperation with par- Finally, teachers are to the Global New Light of Myan- Laputta, and Bogale townships,
ment that any fees or charg- ents to ensure that there are no cooperate with the relevant mar (GNLM). suffered the most casualties
es are not to be collected, any school dropouts and students Public Health Department so Dealers in the Nyaung- and damage to their residents
money or gifts are not to be can continue studying up to the that students who have passed pinlay market and Thanzay as a result of the powerful Cy-
accepted, and the class badge, middle school and high school the age of 12 can complete 100 market said that there will be clone Nargis that hit on the
the school badge, or any other levels per cent vaccination against the almost no transactions due to night of 2 May 2008. — TWA/CT
things are not to be sold. More- In addition, parents and COVID-19 virus. — TWA/CT
12 MAY 2023

Google to show off AI and Pixel China’s NEV sales surge

gadget innovations 85.6% in April
GOOGLE is expected gadgets, including a fold- grammes — including the
to enrich its popular on- able smartphone, and re- Bing chatbot — that have RETAIL sales of new en-
line services with more veal additions to its Pixel put the company founded ergy vehicles (NEVs) in
artificial intelligence on line of devices. by Bill Gates back on the China jumped 85.6 per cent
Wednesday as it scram- Most attention will map as a big tech disrup- year on year in April, data
bles to catch up with rival focus on Google’s expect- tor. from the China Passenger
Microsoft despite fears ed release of a more mus- The services have Car Association (CPCA)
that AI poses a threat to cular version of its Bard been enhanced with the showed Tuesday.
society. generative AI being put to ability to work with im- A total of 527,000 NEVs
Leaks ahead of the work across the platform. ages as well as text, and were sold in China last
internet titan’s annual Microsoft upped the Microsoft intends to add month, down 3.6 per cent
developers conference pressure last week by video to the mix, accord- from March, according to
have revealed that Goog- expanding public access ing to executives. the CPCA.
le will also show off new to its generative AI pro- Google is expect- NEV sales of major do-
A new energy vehicle on display at a department store in
ed to follow suit in AI mestic brands accounted Yantai, Shandong province.  PHOTO: TANG KE/ CHINA
announcements at its for 70.5 per cent of the total DAILY
annual “I/O” software NEV sales in the country,
developers conference the data revealed. ing 1,028.5 per cent year on sales of NEVs in China rose
held a short walk from its China exported 91,000 year and up 29.4 per cent 36 per cent year on year to
headquarters in the Sili- new energy passenger from March. In the first four top 1.84 million units, the
con Valley city of Moun- vehicles last month, jump- months of the year, retail CPCA said.—Xinhua
tain View.
A more powerful
large language model Japan okays GPS tracking for bail after
built into the heart of
Bard will likely be un- Ghosn case
veiled, along with expand-
ed use of the AI powers JAPAN on Wednesday for after the dramatic 2019 Wednesday will enable
An annual Google I/O gathering of software developers
near the internet giant’s headquarters in Silicon Valley in Gmail, work software, enacted a law authoriz- escape of former Nissan courts to order the place-
should showcase AI and smartphone innovations search and more, accord- ing courts to use GPS for boss Carlos Ghosn. ment of GPS devices on de-
aimed at keeping it competitive with rivals Apple and ing to media reports.— tracking defendants on The revised criminal fendants to prevent them
Microsoft.   PHOTO: AFP AFP bail, a measure pushed proceedings law approved from fleeing Japan. —AFP



Consignees of cargo carried on M.V ISEACO Consignees of cargo carried on M.V MSC
GREENPEACE Italy is areas of Italy severely af- WISDOM VOY.NO. (088N) are hereby notified that the FORTUNE F VOY.NO. (SB318A) are hereby notified
suing Italian energy giant fected by extreme weath- vessel will be arriving on 12-5-2023 and cargo will be that the vessel will be arriving on 12-5-2023 and cargo
ENI for its contribution er events, Greenpeace discharged into the premises of AWPT where it will lie will be discharged into the premises of AWPT where it
to global warming, it said said in a statement. at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the will lie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject
Tuesday, in the latest in The suit was “for byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon. to the byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon.
Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am
a raft of climate lawsuits past and potential future to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now
around the world. damages resulting from declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo
The environmental its contribution to climate from the Vessel. from the Vessel.
organization and fel- change, of which ENI was No claims against this vessel will be admitted after No claims against this vessel will be admitted after
low green campaigner well aware but chose to the Claims Day. the Claims Day.
Phone No: 2301185 Phone No: 2301185
ReCommon filed the suit ignore for decades”, it
Shipping Agency Department Shipping Agency Department
along with 12 citizens from said.—AFP Myanma Port Authority Myanma Port Authority
Agent For: Agent For:


The Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in Yangon (Myanmar) invites sealed Tenders from reputed
companies/ showrooms for purchase of Furniture & Fixture, Machinery & Equipment and necessary repair/
maintenances of its office/ work place. The list of the items and Tenders documents containing all relevant
details/ measurements can be obtained from the accounts section of the Embassy of Pakistan, Yangon on

any working day. The Tender notice is valid for 15 days from the date of its publishment.
The contact details for any further query and inquiry are as under:
Contact No. +95-1-222881

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Fax No: +95-1-221147
Greenpeace Italy is suing Italian energy giant ENI for its
contribution to global warming.  PHOTO: AFP
Email: parepyangon1@mofa.gov.pk 09974424848
12 MAY 2023

Russia lifts visa regime, flight ban with Georgia

PRESIDENT Vladimir Putin travel with Georgia. ties with the Kremlin.
has lifted a flight ban and visa The two nations share a Georgia’s r uling par-
regime with Georgia, against complicated history, and Mik- ty insists it is committed to
which Russia fought a brief heil Saakashvili, Georgia’s for- Georgia’s EU and NATO mem-
war in 2008, the Kremlin said mer president who is now in bership bid, enshrined in the
on Wednesday. jail, is seen as one of Moscow’s constitution and supported —
According to a decree re- top enemies. according to opinion polls — by
leased on Wednesday, Putin In 2008, after years of ten- 80 per cent of the population.
has introduced a 90-day vi- sions over Saakashvili’s efforts Georgia’s pro-EU pres-
sa-free regime for Georgian to forge closer ties with the ident immediately slammed
citizens from 15 May. West, Moscow fought a brief Moscow’s decision.
Another decree resumed but bloody war with Georgia. “Another Russian prov-
air travel between Russia and However, the cur rent ocation!” the country’s fig-
Georgia. In response to an- Georgian authorities have, in urehead president, Salome
ti-Moscow rallies in Georgia, recent years, been accused by Zourabichvili, said on Twitter. Travellers at Tbilisi’s Shota Rustaveli International Airport.  PHOTO:
Russia had in 2019 banned air the opposition of forming close — AFP WIKIWAND

Pakistan calls out army to quell WORLD: TOP HEADLINES

riots over ex-PM Khan’s arrest G7 finance ministers discuss crises from
Ukraine to banking
was ousted in April last year,
has waged an unprecedented SUPPORT for war-torn Ukraine will top the agenda as G7 finance
campaign against the country’s talks start Thursday, but ministers and central bankers will also
powerful military. weigh concerns ranging from banking uncertainty to US debt
“If they think that the ar- default fears.
rest of Imran Khan will demor- The three-day meeting of the Group of Seven developed
alize us, then they are hugely nations comes with the global economy still unsteady after years
mistaken,” said supporter Niaz of pandemic woes compounded by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
Ali in Peshawar, where several So the talks in the coastal city of Niigata in central Japan are a
monuments and government chance to set out a vision for financial stability before G7 leaders
buildings have been torched. get together next weekend in Hiroshima.—AFP
“We stand with Imran
Khan and will support him till
Motorists ride past burnt vehicles in front of the Zaman Park, a day after death.” Mauritanians vote in key test ahead of
protests by Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party activists and supporters
of former Prime Minister Imran Khan, in Lahore on 10 May.  PHOTO:
The cabinet Wednesday presidential contest
approved deployment of the
army in two provinces and VOTERS in the conservative West African state of Mauritania head
PAKISTAN’S political turmoil day during a routine hearing the capital to restore peace, a to the polls on Saturday for legislative and local elections that will
intensified late Wednesday in the capital Islamabad and statement from Prime Minister serve as a key test ahead of presidential elections next year.
with violent nationwide pro- whisked away to an unknown Shehbaz Sharif ’s office said. Twenty-five parties are vying for the backing of some 1.8
tests swelling and the govern- location overnight before ap- In Pakistan’s largest city million voters in the first election since President Mohamed Ould
ment deploying the military as pearing behind closed doors in Karachi, security forces fired Ghazouani in 2019 took over the vast, arid West African country,
former prime minister Imran a specially convened anti-graft tear gas to disperse supporters known as one of the few poles of stability in the troubled Sahel.
Khan was remanded in cus- court at police headquarters. of Khan’s Pakistan Tehreek-e- Mauritanians are due to elect 176 members of parliament, as
tody for eight days on fresh The upheaval, including Insaf party, while PTI backers well as 15 regional councils and 238 municipal councils.
corruption charges following mass arrests of protesters, clashed violently with police in A second round is scheduled for 27 May for half of the 176 seats
his dramatic detention. follows months of political cri- Islamabad and other cities.— in the National Assembly. —AFP
Khan was arrested Tues- sis during which Khan, who AFP

Russia seizes tugboats from Danish

shipper Maersk unit
RUSSIA has seized four tug- dered the tugboats cannot Maersk tried unsuccess-
boats belonging to a subsidi- leave Russia and also trans- fully to divest the operation for
ary of Danish shipping giant ferred custody of the tugboats a year before abandoning its
Maersk in Russia’s far east, to a third party,” Maersk said efforts in mid-April and sus-
according to the group, which in a statement on Wednesday. pending its services.
ceased operations in the coun- The four vessels, owned by But port authorities or-
try after Moscow’s invasion of Maersk unit Svitzer, were oper- dered the local crews and tug-
Ukraine. ating on a long-term contract boats to continue to operate, be- The four vessels, owned by Maersk unit Svitzer, were operating on a
“On 25 April we were in- for the Sakhalin-2 oil and gas fore seizing the vessels, Maersk long-term contract for the Sakhalin-2 oil and gas project in Russia’s far
formed a local court has or- project in Russia’s far east. said.—AFP east.  PHOTO: MAERSK SUPPLY SERVICE/AFP
12 MAY 2023

UK scraps deadline to ditch Chile’s far right

EU laws re-emerges after
presidential defeat
CHILE’S far right may have publican Party Kast founded
received a bloody nose in a in 2019 overwhelming sway in
deeply divisive presidential drafting the document that will
race in 2021, but elections Sun- shape Chile’s new identity.
day for a body that will rewrite “The most likely is that
the country’s dictatorship-era something very similar to the
constitution have shown it to 1980 (constitution) will come”
be an enduring force. from the drafting process, said
Led by conservative law- Claudia Heiss of the University
yer Jose Antonio Kast, an apol- of Chile.
ogist for deceased military dic- This would, in effect, main-
tator Augusto Pinochet, Chile’s tain the status quo in the South
Republican Party took 23 of 51 American country which had
seats on the council that will appeared to be on a leftward
design a new framework for trajectory ever since anti-gov-
the country’s future. ernment protests broke out in
The outcome of Sunday’s 2019 against deep social ine-
Britain published plans to override some post-Brexit trade rules for Northern Ireland by scrapping checks.
vote does not alter the balance quality. The protests led to a
A file photo of the Stormont Parliament Buildings in Belfast, Northern Ireland 13 June 2022.  PHOTO:
REPRESENTATIVE IMAGE/ P. FAITH/AFP/FILE of power in the Chilean parlia- referendum in 2020 in which
ment, where the far right is a 80 per cent voted for replac-
THE UK government on “Regrettably the prime identified a “growing volume” minority. ing the Pinochet-era constitu-
Wednesday scrapped an end-of- minister (Rishi Sunak) has of retained EU law still in force. But it does give the Re- tion.—AFP
year deadline to ditch remain- shredded his own promise rath- Rather than meeting its
ing European Union-era laws er than EU laws,” tweeted sen- pledge to scrap 4,000 items of
from the statute book — anger- ior Tory MP Jacob Rees-Mogg, EU legislation, the government
ing Brexiteer Conservatives. a leading ally of Sunak’s prede- will only revoke around 600
London had promised a cessor Boris Johnson. laws, Badenoch said, insisting
post-Brexit “bonfire” of Brus- Business Secretary Kemi the plan is “about more than a
sels legislation when it left the Badenoch said the govern- race to a deadline”.
bloc, after a 2016 referendum on ment had already “revoked or There are “risks of legal
whether to remain a member. reformed” more than 1,000 EU uncertainty” by proceeding
“Take back control” of laws since the UK’s EU depar- with wholesale change so soon,
British sovereignty was a cam- ture took full effect in 2020. she said, after UK business
paigning slogan for Brexiteers, But she said in a written groups had expressed alarm at
and right-wing Conservatives statement to parliament that more Brexit-related upheaval.
viewed the U-turn with dismay. government departments had —AFP
People pass a poster for Chilean presidential candidate José
Antonio Kast in Santiago on 9 November 2021.  PHOTO: MARTIN
Australian minister heads to China BERNETTI/AFP/FILE

seeking ‘unimpeded’ trade

stricted commerce with China,
Australia’s largest trade partner Viet Nam to demand social media users
with a healthy appetite for iron verify identities
ore and coal resources.
“During my visit, I will be VIET NAM plans to ask all social media users on platforms such
advocating strongly for the full as Facebook, YouTube and TikTok to verify their identities, citing
resumption of unimpeded Aus- the need to combat online scams.
tralian exports to China -- for all The Southeast Asian nation has one of the highest online
sectors,” he said in a statement fraud rates in Asia, with financial, identity and romantic scams
on the eve of Friday’s meeting. particularly common, according to the Global Anti Scam Alliance.
Farrell, who is to meet with “Unidentified social network accounts will be dealt with,”
China’s commerce minister, said Nguyen Thanh Lam, deputy minister of information and
Wang Wentao, said fully reo- communications, without elaborating.
pening trade would benefit both A new government decree on online information scheduled
Australian Trade Minister Don Farrell is aiming secure “unimpeded” countries. to be issued later this year will make the measure mandatory,
commerce with China, Australia’s largest trade partner.  PHOTO: AFP The meeting represents Lam said, according to a report published Monday on the min-
a “significant breakthrough” istry’s website.
AUSTRALIA’S trade minister punishing sanctions and unof- in rebuilding the relationship, Lam added that there were times authorities could not track
flew to Beijing on Thursday on ficial bans. said Australia China Business down social media users who violated the law because they used
a mission to demolish Chinese Trade Minister Don Farrell Council president David Olsson, cross-border platforms.—AFP
import barriers after years of said he aimed to secure unre- who is with the delegation.—AFP

UK scraps
deadline to
ditch EU laws

The Republic of the Union of Myanmar State Administration Council:

Twelve Objectives
1. Political affairs (c) To assure support for the sustainability of Micro-, Small- and Medium-Sized
(a) To build a Union based on democracy and federalism, through a disciplined Enterprises (MSMEs) that prioritize import substitution, export production,
and genuine multiparty democratic system that is fair and just. and the use of domestically produced raw materials, in order to increase
(b) To prioritize the achievement of enduring peace for the entire nation in line domestic production and generate employment opportunities.
with the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA). (d) To advance the socioeconomic life of the people, in order to ensure the
(c) To continue implementing the principle of peaceful co-existence among country’s prosperity and food security.
countries through an independent, active, and non-aligned foreign policy.
(d) To ensure peace, stability, rule of law, and the safe and smooth functioning 3. Social affairs
of transport networks across the Union. (a) To ensure a strong and dynamic Union spirit, the genuine spirit of patriotism.
(b) To respect and promote the customs and traditions of all National people
2. Economic affairs and preserve and safeguard their faiths, beliefs, culture, and characteristics
(a) To enhance development based on agriculture and livestock using modern of patriotic nationalism.
production techniques and to strengthen all-round development in other (c) To strengthen basic health care in order to achieve the emergence of a
sectors of the economy. health system that enhances the longevity and health of the entire nation.
(b) To develop a stable market economy and promote international investment (d) To comprehensively promote the education sector to make it capable of
in order to enhance the economic development of the entire National people. producing the human resources necessary for building a modern, developed,
and progressive democratic nation.

XXXII SEA Games: Myanmar grabs two Women’s Football

golds for Sepak Takraw, one for Billiards Semifinal: Myanmar to
MYANMAR teams won more Maung (alias) Bhone Myint Kyaw and Viet Nam.
play Thailand today
gold medals as SEA Games secured one more goal for Myan- Similarly, Kun Khmer events
sports events were continued in mar as he beat Singapore (silver were held at Morodok Elephant
Phnom Penh, Cambodia on 10, medalist), and Viet Nam (bronze Hall 1, and Myanmar’s May
and 11 May. medalist) in the Men’s Single – Thazin Htoo won the silver at the
Sepak Takraw competitions 9-ball Pool Event. Women’s 40-kg event and Hein
were held at Basketball Hall In turn, Wushu events were Thu Aung garnered the bronze
NSTC, and the Myanmar men’s held at Chroy Changvar Conven- at Men’s 54-kg event.
Hoop Takraw team won a gold tion Centre, Hall A and Sandi Oo Likewise, Badminton events
medal with 680 points by passing and Aye Thitsar Myint picked one were held at Morodok Techo Bad-
silver medalist the Philippines, silver medal for Myanmar with minton Hall, Myanmar team won
and the bronze winner Cambodia. 9.403 points after competing with the silver medal at the Men’s
In the Women’s Hoop Takraw Cambodia, Singapore, Thailand, and Women’s Mixed Badminton
event, team Myanmar secured Malaysia, and Indonesia in the Events.
one more gold with 750 points by Women’s Taolu (Duilian) Event Myanmar Cricket Women’s
beating the silver medalist the of Wushu. Team also picked the bronze with Myanmar women’s team players sing the national anthem during
Philippines and bronze medalist Next, Myanmar’s Aye Thitsa 24 points at the Six a Side Cricket the SEA Games Group A match against Malaysia on 9 May.  PHOTO:
Cambodia. Myint earned the bronze med- Event held at AZ Group Cricket MFF
Next, Billiard competitions al with 9.143 points during the Oval, Hun Sen Boulevard.
were continued at Aeon Hall, Women’s Nanquan event against On the same day, Myanmar MYANMAR women’s football ponents and reached this level.
Aeon Mall Sen Sok and Maung Indonesia, Malaysia, Cambodia, men’s football team also beat the team will take on Thailand Thailand is a good team, and
Philippines team 1-0 at the Smart women’s team in the semifinal very strong. We will compete
RSN Stadium. match of the XXXII SEA Games with respect and have prepared
On 10 May, Myanmar com- Women’s Football Event at RSN the best for this match.”
peted in Petanque, Sepak Takraw, Stadium, Phnom Penh, Cambo- Next, the Myanmar team’s
Badminton, Tennis, Billiard, Leh- dia today. Captain Khin Mar Lar Tun said,
wei, Kun Khmer, Volleyball, Foot- A pre-match press confer- “The Thai team is powerful
ball, Track and Field, and Cricket ence was held yesterday after- in ASEAN. We watched their
and won three golds, three sil- noon at Hotel Phnom Phen in matches. Together with our
vers, and three bronzes. Phnom Penh, Cambodia, and team members and the coach-
On 11 May, Myanmar teams the head coach and captains ing staff, we will compete for the
also participated in Wushu, of the Myanmar and Thailand best in the semifinal match.”
e-Sports, Volleyball, Kun Khmer, teams were present. The Team Myanmar match
Cricket, Sepak Takraw, Track and During the press confer- will begin at (6:30 pm Myanmar
Field, and Billiard. ence, Myanmar head coach Standard Time), and Cambo-
In the XXXII SEA Games, Uki Tetsuro said, “I am happy dian Media will broadcast the
Myanmar collected 56 medals that my team made it to the match live on social media, the
so far (14 golds, 11 silvers, and semi-finals. In the group stage, Myanmar Football Federation
A Myanmar Billiards player is seen enjoying victory. 31 bronzes) to date. — MNA/KZL they competed against good op- stated. — KZL

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