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Parameters deduced from the pressuremeter test

A. Fawaz, M. Boulon, and E. Flavigny

Abstract: This paper presents a study of the pressuremeter test and the results that can be obtained from this test.
Hostun’s fine sand was chosen as the material upon which to perform the experimental study of the pressuremeter. Nu-
merical simulations of the pressuremeter tests have been made with the commercially available PLAXIS software. The
numerical results have been compared with the experimental ones. The variation of the parameters resulting from an
applied surcharge was studied experimentally and numerically. Finally, the relationship between the magnitude of the
deformation and the pressuremeter modulus was analyzed.

Key words: sand, pressuremeter, triaxial, pressure, modulus, deformation, numerical simulation.
Résumé : Cet article présente une étude de l’essai pressiométrique et les principaux résultats qui peuvent être obtenus
de cet essai. Le sable fin d’Hostun a été choisi comme matériau pour réaliser l’étude expérimentale sur le pressiomètre.
Une simulation numérique de ces essais a été effectuée avec le logiciel PLAXIS. Les résultats numériques ont été com-
parés à ceux de l’expérience. Les variations des paramètres qui peuvent être déduits de l’essai en fonction de la sur-
charge appliquée ont été étudiées expérimentalement et numériquement. On étudie finalement, la relation entre
l’amplitude de déformation et la mesure de module pressiométrique.
Mots clés : sable, pressiomètre, triaxial, pression, module, déformation, simulation numérique.

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Introduction tempted to include the effects of volume change in their

analysis. Hughes et al. (1977) proposed a method of deter-
The information that can be deduced from the pressure- mining both the friction angle and the dilatation angle from
meter test (such as the limit pressure and the pressuremeter the pressuremeter test, which deals more rigorously with the
modulus) is considered to be the basis for foundation calcu- dilatant behavior of sand.
lations. (Baguelin 1982, Gambin 1979)
To further enhance the knowledge of these subjects, the
The pressuremeter and its use has been described by
results of a series of pressuremeter tests carried out at the 3S
Ménard (1957, 1976) and Gibson and Anderson (1961). To
Laboratory in Grenoble, France are presented in this study.
interpret the pressuremeter test and to derive some of the nu-
The variations of the parameters deduced from these
merical parameters that describe the stress–strain relation of
pressuremeter tests versus the applied surcharge was studied.
the soil, Ménard has assumed the soil to be elastic-perfectly
Hostun’s fine sand, whose behavior and mechanical parame-
plastic and has proposed some empirical formulas for foun-
ters have been studied through a series of triaxial tests, was
dation calculations, using the limit pressure and the
the material chosen for the tests. The variation of these pa-
pressuremeter modulus derived from the test. He compared
rameters with the average stress is presented in this paper.
Young’s modulus to the pressuremeter modulus and studied
the influence of the deformation on the measurement of the A numerical simulation of the pressuremeter tests was
pressuremeter modulus. This problem has also been reviewed carried out using the PLAXIS software, and the mechanical
by Gambin et al. (1996). parameters of the sand used in the calculations are deduced
Gibson and Anderson (1961) presented a method for from triaxial tests. The numerical results have been com-
determining the angle of internal friction from the pressure- pared with the experimental ones, and the variation of pa-
meter test. The method is based on the assumption that rameters deduced from the pressuremeter test with the
shearing takes place under conditions where there is no vol- applied surcharge on the surface of the sand have been studied.
ume change. Both Ladanyi (1963) and Vesic (1972) at-

Experimental study
Received 4 September 2001. Accepted 21 August 2002.
Published on the NRC Research Press Web site at Triaxial tests on 6 November 2002.
The material used in the pressuremeter tests is fine
A. Fawaz.1,2 Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble, quartzic sand, extracted from Hostun’s quarry in Drôme,
Laboratoire “Sols, Solides, Structures”, Grenoble, France. France. This sand is frequently used in the 3S Laboratory in
M. Boulon and E. Flavigny. Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble as a typical material for testing. (Colliat-Dangus
Laboratoire “Sols, Solides, Structures”, Grenoble, France. 1986, Fawaz 1993, Mokrani 1991, Renoud-Lias 1978).
Present address: Université Libanaise, Institut Universitaire Moreover, a series of triaxial tests were performed to im-
de Technologie, Saida, Liban. prove the knowledge we had about the variation of the me-
Corresponding author (e-mail: chanical parameters with the average stress.

Can. J. Geotech. 39: 1333–1340 (2002) DOI: 10.1139/T02-099 © 2002 NRC Canada
1334 Can. J. Geotech. Vol. 39, 2002

Fig. 1. Variations of the internal friction angle with the confining Fig. 2. Variations of the initial tangent modulus of the triaxial
pressure. curve with the confining pressure.

This series of triaxial tests was carried out on samples Fig. 3. Variation of Poisson’s ratio with the confining pressure.
with a H/D ratio close to 2 (i.e., diameter, D, is 100 mm and
height, H, is 210 mm). The average specific weight was be-
tween 15 and 16 kN/m3, while the confining pressure ranged
between 10 and 400 kPa.
The results obtained from these triaxial tests are the varia-
tion of the angle of internal friction (Fig. 1), the initial tan-
gent modulus (Fig. 2), and Poisson’s ratio (Fig. 3) versus the
confining pressure (for more details concerning the triaxial
tests see Fawaz 1993).
Figure 1 shows that the angle of internal friction ϕ de-
creases with an increase in the average confining pressure;
on the other hand, the initial tangent modulus E increases
when the confining pressure increases (Fig. 2). Values of the
parameters of these tests are comparable to the ones found
by Colliat-Dangus (1986).
The relationship E = K(σ 3)n (Biarez 1962) between the
elastic modulus E and the average stress σ 3 is verified with
n = 0.83 and K = 398 (E and σ 3 are in MPa).

Pressuremeter tests

Experimental device
The sand pit used to perform the pressuremeter tests is a
cylindrical iron tank, 575 mm in diameter and 892 mm in placements in the soil during the pressuremeter test (Fawaz
height. The filling and the gutting were done manually. The et al. 2000).
compaction was done with an iron rod having a 214 mm di-
Results and parameters obtained from the tests
ameter metal disk at one of its ends. To surcharge the sur-
face of the sand, a rubber tube was rolled between the sand Pressuremeter curves
surface and fixed plates. Then air was blown into the tube so Thirty-six expansion tests were conducted by imposing an
that pressure was applied (Fig. 4). increase in volume of the probe at least equal to the initial
The pressuremeter probe used was a monocellular type volume V0. The average specific weight of sand γ is calcu-
20 cm in length, L, and 4 cm in diameter, D, which means lated for each test according to the weight and volume of
that the L/D ratio is equal to 5. This L/D ratio is commonly sand in the tank. The average specific weight was found to
used in practice (Gambin 1990). The experimental device vary between 15 and 16 kN/m3. The load on the surface var-
(Fig. 4) was designed to allow the measurement of the dis- ied between 13 and 32 kPa.

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Fig. 4. General layout of the experimental device (dimensions in cm).

For an average specific weight of the sand of about heavy vertical surcharge reaching 500 kPa, the two authors
15.5 kN/m3, the evolution of pressuremeter curves with the found a parabolic variation of Pl with the surcharge.
applied vertical surcharge is shown in Fig. 5.
Initial horizontal pressure Po
Conventional limit pressure To reduce sample disturbance, the probe was installed be-
The pressuremeter tests were conducted until the cell vol- fore filling the tank. However, the zone of soil close to the
ume became more than twice the initial volume, so that the probe displayed a different density from the rest of the tank
conventional limit pressure could be read directly from the because the probe influences the repartition of sand and its
expansion curve. compaction.
For an average specific weight of sand of about 15.5 kN/m3, In addition to the above remarks, the corrections applied
the variation of the conventional limit pressure Pl according to the basic expansion curve, mainly due to the membrane
to the simulated depth is shown in Fig. 6. (The simulated inertia, can significantly modify the initial shape of the
depth is not a real depth but the vertical stress at the probe curve. These reasons hinder the determination of Po with a
level, which is equal to the summation of the surcharge on high precision.
the surface and the weight of the sand over the probe level). For every pressuremeter test the initial portion of the
This variation with the vertical load is nearly linear. In com- pressuremeter curve was drawn using a large scale, and gen-
parison with the results found by Renoud-Lias (1978) and erally, an inflexion point can be observed on the curve that
Mokrani (1991) for the same material, it is noticed that, un- reflects the existence of a zone around the probe with a den-
der the same vertical surcharge, the Pl values shown here fall sity lower than the density of the global sand. Before this
in the range of values found by these two authors. But for a point the slope dP/dV is less than that after this point, which

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Fig. 5. Experimental pressuremeter curves. Fig. 7. Variation of the in situ pressure at rest with the simulated

Fig. 6. Variation of the conventional limit pressure with the sim-

ulated depth.
Fig. 8. Variation of the distortion modulus with the simulated depth.

allows the pressure Po corresponding to this inflexion point

to be determined.
A plot of the variations of Po against the simulated depth 0.37 and 0.41. When using the Jaky formula Ko = 1 – sinϕ,
for an average specific weight of sand of about 15.5 kN/m3 Ko varies between 0.37 and 0.45. Hence, the values found
(Fig. 7) shows that this variation is linear. for Ko are in the range of values found by Mokrani and are
The transmission of the vertical surcharge is studied in a slightly higher than the values given by Eissautier and the
later section. In this study, it was found that the applied sur- Jaky formula.
charge on the surface transmits about half of its value to the
probe level, so the values obtained from Fig. 7 for the coeffi- Distortion modulus G and pressuremeter modulus Ep
cient of earth pressure at rest Ko ranged between 0.41 and The variation of the distortion modulus G with the simu-
0.51. For the same type of sand in a dense situation, lated depth is shown in Fig. 8. This variation, which is
Mokrani (1991) found values of Ko varying between 0.25 almost linear, has already been presented by Renoud-Lias
and 0.53. Eissautier (1986) found values varying between (1978) for the same type of sand.

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Fig. 9. Transmission of the vertical surcharge. Fig. 10. Mesh and boundary conditions in the probe (dimensions
in cm).

The values found here are comparable to those found by

Renoud-Lias. For an average value of the Poisson coefficient
ν close to 0.35, the pressuremeter modulus is
[1] Ep = 2(1 + ν)G = 2.7G
From Fig. 8, the pressuremeter modulus Ep can be calcu-
lated in relation to the average stress σm at the middle of the
probe. The pressuremeter modulus is compared with the the transmission of the vertical load was about 20% at 20 cm
triaxial modulus for the same density of sand and for the from the tank wall and about 80% in the middle of the tank.
same average stress. Ménard has suggested dividing the
modulus Ep by a factor α to obtain the Young’s modulus.
This factor α is situated between 0 and 1 (for ν = 1/3) and Numerical study
depends on the nature of the soil and its degree of consolida-
tion (Gambin et al. 1996). In the range of low average pres- The PLAXIS software was used to numerically simulate
sures (between 7 and 15 kPa) and for an average specific the pressuremeter test and to compare the numerical calcula-
weight of the sand close to 15.5 kN/m3, a value of α = 0.75 tions with the experimental results. PLAXIS treats
was found. hydromechanical bidimensional boundary value problems
using the finite element method for continuous media and
Transmission of the vertical surcharge for several types of loadings, where the displacements or the
It is noted that the vertical stress transmitted at the probe surface forces or the volume forces are imposed. It operates
level is likely lower than the stress applied at the surface due in plane strain and in axisymmetric deformation and for
to friction on the walls of the tank. A simple experimental small strains in this case. (Vermeer and De Borst 1984)
method was adopted to estimate the degree of transmission PLAXIS uses 15-noded triangular elements, which allows
of the vertical load. It consists of a small rounded thin galva- for predicting with high precision the classical plastic limit
nized steel plate connected to a wire. Some steel plates were loads in soil mechanics. The method of integration used is
put horizontally into the tank at small distances from the the Gauss method, utilizing 15 points of integration for each
surface of the sand and others were placed at the mid-level element in axisymmetry. The soil behavior is modelled by an
of the probe. For each load application, some of the steel elastoplastic model of nonassociated Mohr-Coulomb type.
plates were pulled up near the surface with a dynamometer
to deduce the coefficient of friction between the sand and Numerical simulation
the steel. This operation was repeated for the steel plates at A numerical simulation was made for the pressuremeter
the probe level. The results are shown in Fig. 9, indicating test carried out in the tank of sand with the same conditions
that the estimated degree of vertical stress transmission is as in the experiment. The position of the probe in the tank is
about 50%. shown in Fig. 4. The probe axis is a revolution axis, hence a
For comparison purposes, Renoud-Lias (1978) has used study of the radial section of the tank only is sufficient due
Hostun sand in a tank of large dimensions (150 cm in diam- to the axisymmetry of the problem. The half tank is
eter and 200 cm in height). He found that at 94 cm depth, discretized according to the mesh shown in Fig. 10. On this

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mesh of 24 elements, OE is the probe axis, and the segment Fig. 11. (a) Measured and calculated pressuremeter curves (high
BC represents the pressuremeter membrane. surcharge: 13–300 kPa). (b) Measured and calculated
pressuremeter curves (low surcharge: 13–32 kPa).
Mechanical parameters for the sand in the calculations
The specific weight value taken for the sand in the calcu-
lations is 15.5 kN/m3, a value adopted in several of the ex-
periments. The sand cohesion is equal to zero; the other
mechanical parameters of the sand were chosen according to
their variations with the average stress obtained from the
triaxial tests discussed previously in the section titled
“Triaxial tests”. The internal friction angle ϕ ranged between
40° for low average stresses and 34.5° for an average stress
of 180 kPa. The Young’s modulus E varied between
8500 kPa and 100 MPa. For the dilatancy angle, the empiri-
cal formula ψ = ϕ – 30° and ψ ≥ 0 was adopted. Poisson’s
ratio ranged from 0.35 to 0.3. The coefficient of lateral earth
pressure at rest, was taken as equal to 0.41.

Results of the calculations

Pressuremeter curves and conventional limit pressure
In the experiments, the vertical load was less than 32 kPa.
Therefore, a first calculation was made with a vertical load
of 13 kPa and another one with a load of 32 kPa. The calcu-
lated pressuremeter curves are close enough to those mea-
sured experimentally (i.e., they show the same trend).
However, from a quantitative point of view, for the same
given volumetric deformation, the calculated pressure is
greater than the measured one. This difference is probably
due to the fact that during the experiment, the transmitted
vertical stress near the probe is about half of the applied sur-
charge, whereas the calculation accounts for the total load.
From other runs for loads going up to 300 kPa, the evolution
of both calculated and measured pressuremeter curves are
reported in Fig. 11.
Figure 12 shows the variations of the conventional limit
pressure Pl versus the simulated depth, compared to the ex-
perimental results of Mokrani (1991) for the same sand. The
same curve trend was found, but the calculated conventional
limit pressures are greater than those measured probably for
the same aforementioned reason regarding the transmission
of the vertical load.

Angle of internal friction

The angle of internal friction ϕ is a parameter that cannot
be deduced directly from the expansion pressuremeter curve.
To determine this parameter, a yield criteria for the soil
could be used. The studies about this problem confirm that
usage of the simple elastoplastic model of soil does not give
realistic values of ϕ. Combarieu (1995) developed a formula
from the elastic–plastic model, but it takes into consideration
the dilatancy of the soil.
For Ko < :
1 + sin ϕ
1 − sin ϕ sin ψ
 P1(1 + sin ϕ) 
[2]  
 qo 
(1 + sin ψ ) sin ϕ
π  E
=  − 2 sin ϕ sin ψ   
2   P1 

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Fig. 12. Variations of the conventional limit pressure with the Fig. 13. Variation of the distortion modulus with the average
simulated depth. stress.

By using the above-presented numerical simulations, it

where ψ is the dilatancy angle, Pl is the limit pressure, E is was verified that the distortion modulus G introduced in the
the Young’s modulus, and qo is the vertical stress. computations, can be back-calculated by considering the soil
This formula was applied on the pressuremeter curves elasticity with a lower bound deformation magnitude equal
shown here. It was adopted for E values (the initial tangent to 10–3. On the numerical pressuremeter curves, the moduli
modulus) lying between 8500 kPa for Psu= 13 kPa and tangent to the origin Gp were computed as if they were mea-
100 MPa for Psu = 300 kPa. (Psu is the surcharge on the sur- sured in real tests. They correspond to a deformation magni-
face). It was found that the angle of internal friction lies be- tude ranging between 10–2 and 10–1. The variations of the
tween 42.5 and 44.5°. In this way, ϕ was overestimated by distortion modulus G and Gp versus the average stress are
about 4–8°, but this result is more realistic than the one reported in Fig. 13.
given by the simple elastoplastic model. These results agree with those of Gambin et al. (1996)
and with the adoption by Ménard of a coefficient that ties
Pressuremeter modulus the Young’s modulus to the pressuremeter modulus and with
The influence of the deformation level in measuring the the influence of the deformation on the measurement of the
modulus was revealed by Ménard in 1961. This subject pressuremeter modulus.
needs to be revisited often (Gambin et al. 1996).
There is a threshold beneath which the deformations are
elastic, and the measured modulus within this range of de- Conclusion
formations is the elastic modulus.
Ménard was interested in the Young’s modulus, which The triaxial tests that were carried out have shown the
varies according to the deformation magnitude, and he de- variations of Hostun sand’s mechanical parameters with the
fined an E+ modulus for the compression stresses and an- confining pressure. The internal friction angle and the Pois-
other E − modulus for the tensile stresses, as well as a son ratio’s decrease when the confining pressure increases.
pressuremeter modulus Ep = (E+ E − ) 0.5. He formulated a re- Conversely, the initial tangent modulus increases when this
lationship between the pressuremeter modulus and the pressure increases. The experimental pressuremeter tests car-
Young’s modulus (E = Ep/α with 0 < α < 1, α = 2/3 for the ried out have shown that the horizontal at rest earth pressure,
overconsolidated clays and α = 1/3 for sands). Ménard also the conventional limit pressure, and the distortion modulus
compared the elastic modulus (called the microdeformation increase nearly linearly with the applied surcharge.
modulus E) to the pressuremeter modulus Ep by proposing: By comparing the measured curves to the calculated ones,
3Ep < E < 12Ep. it was found that the numerical simulation with the PLAXIS
Gambin et al. (1996) used the PLAXIS software to nu- software gave satisfactory results. From this simulation, it
merically simulate the pressuremeter test. They ran a com- was possible to get the parabolic increase of the conven-
putation of the pressuremeter modulus Ep as if it were done tional limit pressure with the important load applied on top
from real results. They compared the Ep modulus to the E of the sand.
modulus used for the calculations. This introduced modulus, The measured modulus is indeed influenced by the defor-
E, in the calculation can be back-calculated by considering mation magnitude, and the pressuremeter modulus should be
an elastic ground. They find Ep values five to seven times divided by a coefficient α to obtain the elastic modulus. The
lower than the introduced modulus. values found for α were between 1/3 and 1/4.

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© 2002 NRC Canada

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