Notes For Economics

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1. This test booklet contains 150 test questions. Examinees shall manage to use the 3
2. Read INSTRUCTIONS TO EXAMINEES printed on your answer sheet.
3. Shade only one (1) box to each question on your answer sheets. Two or more boxes
shaded will invalidated your answer.


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1. Participation in governance, including the right to vote and seek public office is secured
within the citizenry’s _______.
A. Right to due process C. Political rights
B. Right to suffrage D. Socio-civic rights
2. The right to search for information is invoked through the ______.
A. Writ of habeas corpus C. writ to habeas data
B. Writ of certiorari D. writ of amparo
3. Which condition contradicts the social justice mandated in the 1987 Constitution?
A. Creation of economic opportunities for all
B. Sense of dependency among citizens
C. Elimination of cultural inequalities
D. Equitable distribution of wealth
4. Which is the fundamental law of the Philippines?
A. The Philippine Constitution C. The Ten Commandments
B. The Civil and Criminal Codes D. The Bill of Rights
5. The fundamental right invoked by filling the “writ of amparo” is _____. A. The right to
self-defense C. The right to life, liberty and security B. The right to due process D. The
right to be defended by a public attorney
6. The biggest of the seven continents of the world is ______.
A. Asia B. Australia C. Africa D. Europe
7. Which band played the Marcha National Filipino or the national anthem on June 12,
1998 during the declaration of Philippine Independence?
A. Malabon Band C. PAngkat Kawayan ng Pateros
B. Kawit Cavite BandD. San Francisco Del Monte Band
8. The province in the Philippines which was called “Ma-I” by the Chinese in the 14th
century is _____.
A. Ilocos B. Mindoro C. Cavite D. Palawan
9. Through the Galleon Trade (1565-1815), the Philippines had extended contacts with
A. Mexico B. Spain C. China D. Spice lslands
10. Which religious missionary order first arrived in the Philippines?
A. Augustinian B. Jesuit C. Dominican D. Franciscan
11. Which law set a full free trade policy abolishing the quota limitation on Philippine export
to the United States?
A. Payne-Aldrich act C. Bell Trade
B. Underwood-Simmons Act D. Hare-Hawes Cutting
12. Which power of the state enables it to impose charge of burden upon persons, property
of property rights for the use and support of the government in its discharge of
appropriate functions?
A. Eminent Domain C. Value added Tax
B. Expropriation D. Taxation
13. Which best describes the division of the Legislature in the Senate and the House of
A. Unicameralism C. Co-legislative powers
B. Bipartisanship D. Bicameralism
14. What kind of cooperative system sells farmers’ agricultural produce?
A. Service cooperative C. Marketing cooperative
B. Producers cooperative D. Multi-purpose cooperative
15. The economic policy that good action is one that helps the greatest number of people is
called ______.
A. mercantilism B. colonialism C. capitalism D. utilitarianism
16. Which contradicts the Filipino family value of sacrifice?
A. Willingness to forgive C. Inability to forgive
B. Delayed satisfaction of desires D. Tolerance of pain and mistakes
17. The smallest unit of society is the _______.
A. church B. family C. purok D. government
18. Is it correct to say that “Bahala na “is a Filipino negative trait? A. Yes, it is tantamount to
leaving one’s fate to another.
B. It depends on the situation of the persons saying it.
C. It depends on the intention of one’s action.
D. No, “Bahala na”is an attitude of daring combined with genuine concern.
19. Birth place of Jose Rizal
A. Intramuros, Manila C. Malolos, Bulacan
B. Calamba, Laguna D. Kawit,Cavite
20. One instance of taking away the life of another person without due process is _______.
A. salvaging B. suicide C. capital punishment D. euthanasia
21. What was the first term given by Marcelo H. del Pillar to the hidden control and
domination by Spanish religious priests over the colonial government?
A. las suerte partidasB. pase regionC. frailocracia D. complace
22. What does a professional code of conduct prescribe?
A. Civic conduct for all C. Moral and ethical standards
B. Professionals traditions and more D. Stricter implementation of laws
23. Due to close family ties, Filipino families are generally ______.
A. secular B. nuclear C. extended D. divided
24. The Philippine President who was known as “the man of the masses” was _______.
A. Fidel Ramos C. Manuel Quezon
B. Ramon Magsaysay D. Manuel Roxas
25. A recently awarded national artist for sculpture was _____.
A. Blanco B. Abueva C. Alcantara D. Luna
26. The stage actress who brought fame to her country through her international awards for
her stage performance was ______.
A. Isay Alvarez B. Geneva Cruz C. Lea Salonga D. Sharon Cuneta
27. Those who advocate the revival of the classics in art and literature are called _______.
A. humanists B. rationalist C. reformists D. existentialist
28. Which characterizes psychologically healthy people?
A. Pre-occupied only their interest C. feels superior over others
B. Concerned with goals beyond themselves D. can’t accept others as they are
29. The study of human behavior
A. Ethics B. Philosophy C. Morality D. Psychology
30. The sum total of the person’s effort to cope with stressful situations in life is called
A. reactions B. anger C. defense mechanism D. emotion
31. “While attempting to explain the role of imitation in language acquisition, investigators
studied the different aspects of language development”. An inference which parents will
make from this passage is that they should: A. be connected when a child imitates their
B. should be unconcerned as imitation is to complex
C. realize that their talking may over-stimulate their child’s activities
D. realizes that their child imitations may reflect several aspects of language
32. “Values education is integrated in the curriculum of all levels”. Which of the following
supports this statement?
A. Values education is stressed in all subjects at all levels
B. There is a need for training of teachers to teach
C. Additional classroom will be needed
D. New teacher will be hired
33. Whose values are most evident in children before they go to school?
A. the maid or yaya value C. Mother-father value system B. peer value system
D. Teacher-classmate value system
34. Respect and reverence is in these lines. Choose one:
A. I have but one life to give C. I die just when I see the dawn break
B. Have faith in Divine Providence D. Love your country. It’s the home of your people
35. A blind mother was allowed to work in a place where her fingers could be productive.
Why is this possible?
A. the disabled and handicapped are given equal protection of the law
B. blind individuals are discouraged from begging
C. disabled person are given special attention
D. blind individuals can still be productive 36. National surveys are conducted to
A. gets the population of the country
B. estimate the political gains of presidents
C. guide presidents whom to appoint in the cabinet
D. assesses the perception of the people on cultural issues.
37. A young girl left her baby at the household of a monastery. The child grew up without
knowing her mother and father. What rights is deprived of the child?
A. self-defense B. survival trait C. self-assertion D. denial trait
38. During the census, the family was asked on the languages used at home. The
response was:
A. we are fluent I Spanish C. we communicate only in Ilocano B. we are fluent in
English D. we cannot communicate Tagalog, English
39. During the national census each household member is asked to give:
A. his reason for staying in these house C. his earnings for ten years
B. his data-age, sex, language, etc. D. his nationality and religious
40. A child was turned over to an orphanage requesting confidentiality of her parents. One
day, the child demanded the full disclosure of the mother’s name, she went to court.
What was the right asserted in this case?
A. right of parents to keep the confidentiality of the child’s parental name
B. right of an individual to have a real mother
C. right of individual to proper identity
D. right of individuals to have parents
41. Children of obese parents have natural tendencies to be obese. Doctors advise parents
on maintaining the right weight of children age 0-12 by:
A. reducing milk intake
B. encouraging more intake of soda drinks
C. giving balance diets with accompanying exercise
D. reducing intake of chocolates, candies and pastries
42. After an airplane crash, passengers who choose a flight would say:
A. A middle aisle seat would allow easy escapeC. I want a reservation on the back seat
B. A seat closest to the cockpit is given to me
C. I want a reservation on the back seat
D. A front seat would be safest
43. Lately, students are exposed to a series of achievement tests. Parents observed that:
A. test are indices of teacher’s competencies
B. children learned through periodic teaching
C. test were used for teaching
D. teaching was for tests
44. Foreign students in the Philippine International Schools are required courses in
Philippine culture and languages. This make possible:
A. provides comparison of cultural differences C. international understanding
B. allows racial prejudices among foreigners D. promotion of nationalism
45. Maternity leaves are extended to woman. What legal provision extends this?
A. Article XIV Education C. Article XII Bill of rights
B. Article XIII Sec 14 Women D. Article XIII Role & rights of People’s
46. The value of education, deference to authority and final piety in the Philippines is an
A. Buddhist C. Taoist tradition
B. Hindu tradition D. Confucianism tradition
47. Which of the following runs counter to the development of honesty and accountability?
A. payment of just wages to workers and employees
B. equal payment of government employee’s productivity pay
C. being vigilant about weights and measures used in the market
D. transparent in operation of the barangay and other organization through public
48. Which of the following statements defines ethics?
A. the study of being general
B. the science of correct thinking
C. the study of the nature of human knowledge
D. the study of the rightness or wrongness of human action
49. Which type of justice implies the duty of one individual to give another what he is due?
A. Social justice C. Commutative justice
B. International justice D. Distributive justice
50. In moral life, responsibility defends on one’s knowingly and freely doing an act. In which
of the following situations would you attribute responsibility? A. A person unknowingly
passes counterfeit money
B. An insane person strikes someone’s head with a hammer
C. A four year old fires a loaded gun killing his own father
D. A nurse administers a medicine despite strong doubts about it
51. In the Philippine government, the earliest and smallest service of governance is the:
A. Barrio B. Poblacion C. Barangay D. Municipality
52. Hospitals usually require blood transfusion to patients in need of blood. There are
religious sets that refuse bloodletting and transfusion. They are the:
A. Baptists C. Buddhists
B. Catholic Groups D. Seventh Day Adventists
53. Democracy refers to the involvement of all the citizens in the control of government,
while an oligarchy relegates control of government to:
A. The mother country C. A religious group
B. An autocrat D. A select few
54. An aspect of Philippine culture that does much to promote interpersonal communication
beyond the community boundary is the:
A. Fiesta celebration C. Tagalog movies
B. Television D. Zarsuela
55. Through the process of socialization, the individual is able to:
A. function as a contributing member of the group
B. learn to dialogue with peers and adults
C. satisfy his personal needs and drives
D. become and adult member of society
56. Which human rights violation is a deliberate and systematic extermination of an ethnic
or national group?
A. Genocide B. Parricide C. Homicide D. Politicide
57. To what classification of rights does the right to live and to love belong?
A. Political B. Natural C. Statutory D. Constitutional
58. From which does NOT the exercise of human rights flow?
A. Exercise of person’s duty C. Fundamental law of the land
B. Dignity of the human person D. Various philosophies of man
59. Which peace effort are most government engaged in when they have representatives in
other counties to promote international cooperation and harmony?
A. Diplomacy C. International organization
B. Disarmament D. Collective security
60. Every right has a corresponding duty. This means that rights and duties are:
A. Different B. Absolute C. Reciprocal D. Related
61. Which is the system of maintaining peace through an even distribution of military and
economic power among nations?
A. Balance of power C. International relation
B. Diplomacy D. Collective security
62. The EDSA 1 in our history as a people prove the power of:
A. Information C. Preference of the poor
B. Armed violence D. People power
63. The advice of the invitation was found. Who failed to get the message?
A. Denims pants are all right C. Come in coat and tie
B. No barong tagalog pleaseD. Polo barongs with denims are OK
64. Drug addiction has been found rampant in schools. The initial signs of addiction are in:
A. Shabby and unkempt appearance C. Red nose and checks at noon B.
Sleeping during recitation D. Abusive language and behavior
65. A child wanted to use her father’s family name. Why did she insist on this?
A. Every child should have a father
B. Every individual has a right to be baptized
C. Every individual has a right to proper identity
D. Every child should be called by her paternal name
66. A man was imprisoned for ten years. After five years, he was found innocent. What can
this man demand?
A. Compensation for the years under detention
B. Punishment of the arresting officer
C. Retaliation against the accusers
D. Sanction against the judge
67. A child was left alone by her mother under the care of her stepfather. Layer, the child
complained for being rape. What crime was committed?
A. Child harassment C. Sexual harassment
B. Rape or heinous crime D. Abuse of minors or incest
68. A society is healthy if the citizens are healthy physically and mentally. One approach to
solve mental illness is:
A. The maintenance of mental health centers
B. Isolation in asylum cases of mentally disturbed persons
C. Allowing mental cases to return at home environment and care
D. Conducting periodic visits of mental and physical therapist in homes of patients
69. Students and teachers stand at attention during flag ceremonies. School principals
assign guards on the street to stop vehicles during the ceremonies. How does the
public take this practice?
A. Only school children should be controlled in this ceremonies
B. Only military or policeman should stop and salute the flag
C. The flag is for all citizens: it’s symbols of the nation
D. Stopping traffic is not the job of the school
70. The ask from the Mt. Pinatubo has been found to have gold content of only 20 parts per
billion which is far below commercial levels. As such, officials have warned against
hopes of a new “gold rush”.
A. there is a new hope for boosting the economy of the Philippines
B. there is a need to explore what else lies beneath Mt. Pinatubo
C. there is possibility of existing gold mines beneath Mt. Pinatubo
D. the gold content of the ash from Mt. Pinatubo does not have commercial value
71. Delegates to the political convention found difficulty to choose a candidate from among
the few nominated:
A. it difficult to choose C. it difficult in making the choice of B. no change D.
making a choice difficult in selecting
72. In the Count of Monte Cristo, Edmond Dante was wrongfully imprisoned in:
A. Castle of Chillon C. the Bastille B. the Conciergerie D. the Devil’s Island
73. All of the following correctly describes the ballad, except:
A. a ballad uses dialogue C. a ballad is a narrative poem B. a ballad often rhymes a,
b, c, d D. a ballad often uses learned language
74. The Nibelungenlied is a:
A. Russian folk song C. Medeival German Epic
B. Latin Myth D. Chinese legend
75. The government has control of many government corporations and industries. What
was deregulated and allowed to raise prices without control?
A. Oil industry B. Mining industry C. Fishing industry D. Water source
76. A group of Filipino works in a foreign land. Which sad situation has been reported by
the Office of Overseas Workers?
A. The men and women felt lonely and got entangled in due time
B. The men did a lot of overtime to maintain their new wives
C. There was observed relationship between sexes
D. A group engaged in drinking
77. Philippine economy indices are closely related to the rise and fall of the:
A. London Pounds B. German Mark C. US Dollars D. Japanese Yen
78. Watching TV is controlled by parents; children below 18 are discouraged to view this
type of film.
A. Violence and Sex C. Historical battles and
B. Discovery in Science D. Adolescent stories
79. A child discovered a new formula for decreasing the population of ants. She submitted
the research to a teacher who claimed the research as hers. The teacher:
A. Right to choose C. Right to intellectual property
B. Violated human right D. Right to live within one’s means
80. The opening of the cement plants requires getting a DENR clearance. Which of this
clearance are required?
A. Waste disposal C. Environmental Clearance (ECC)
B. Air Pollution Clearance D. Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR)
81. What is meant by this statement? The hostages are free. They paid their way!
A. The kidnap victims family negotiated peacefully
B. The kidnap victims were freed after a ransom
C. No ransom was demanded of the victims
D. The kidnap victims were safe
82. The reporter was accused in court because of his new story. The story was:
A. Full of distorted facts C. Tainted with malice
B. A narration of facts D. Too personal to take
83. Cultural differences and signals may cause miscommunication. Normally, other families
go for kissing one another. But this is taboo to some families who:
A. Takes as an affront C. Believes its unsanitary
B. Disrespect to elders D. Losing virginity
84. Children are fond of pets. One time pet dog growled and bit a child. How will the owner
handle the situation?
A. Kill the dog
B. Tie the dog and feed it regularly
C. Use the dog’s brain to treat the wound
D. Allow the dog to be observed for 10-18 days before giving anti-rabies injection
85. The weather bureau gave this warning during thunderstorms. Which comes first? A.
Thunder follows all lightning C. Lightning and thunders are simultaneous
B. Thunder sound spread fast D. Lightning flashes first
86. Local peace negotiations should be the primary concern of what office?
A. Church hierarchy C. Philippine marine SWAT force
B. Philippine National Police D. Local municipal and provincial executive 87.
Conducting PRC examinations abroad to OFC in different countries are perceived as
A. Service to earn dollars C. A pleasure trip for PRC officer
B. Propaganda of government D. Service to overseas workers
88. The hostage victims were heard asking the rescuers to hold on to the fort. What was
the message?
A. Surrender in arms C. Keep on with the fight B. Rescue them fast and early D.
disregard the peace negotiations
89. The crimes were considered serious because the penalty was:
A. To die in jail C. A life sentence
B. Lethal injection D. A total exile in a foreign land
90. There is several advertisements’ that encourage people to take this supplement so that
they can grow three to five inches more even after the age of twenty.
A. This is true because of the protein content
B. This is true because the AD would not have been allowed
C. This is not true because there are not no specific individuals mentioned D. This is not
possible: there is definite pattern of growth of bones and muscles

91. The impeachment led Filipinos to:

A. Listen to the proceedings
B. Hate Administration trials
C. Understand the judge’s comments
D. Appreciate the democratic process of government
92. Why do nurses and doctors use gloves when injecting patients with AIDS?
A. AIDS is transmitted by touch
B. AIDS can be cured by injections
C. AIDS virus easily enter open wounds and pores
D. A pick of a needle from an AIDS patient is dangerous
93. In one drug rehabilitation center most inmates who were found deep in prohibited drugs
A. Children wanting a parental love and care
B. Children who have no identity to speak up
C. Children who have so much to spend
D. Children who were lazy and vicious
94. After two pregnancies some of these mothers loose a pair of teeth or so. What could be
the cause?
A. Lack of iron and other minerals in diet during pregnancies.
B. Diet during pregnancy lacks sulphur
C. Too much sweets in the diet
D. Poor brushing habits
95. The carabao is the working animal of farmers. However, these herds were converted
for meat purposes. How did the government respond to the lack of carabaos?
A. Imported buffalos from Australia
B. Put up a carabao project in CLSU
C. Distributed tractors and other machinery
D. Converted farms into subdivision and housing areas
96. A patient underwent a surgery. The anesthesia hardly had an immediate effect on him.
Where was the case traced? To his:
A. Being allergic B. Physical weakness C. Being an alcoholic D. Heredity
97. Food remnants, plants and other animals wastes should be separated in waste disposal
A. These hardly decay C. These can be converted to organic fertilizer
B. These invite flies D. These are easy pray to rodents
98. Tomatoes come in abundance at certain times of the year. How can the supply be
A. Plant during rainy season C. Use substitute to tomatoes B. Avoid using tomatoes
D. Encourage preservation of tomatoes
99. How many grams of shabu will not allow bonds for culprits.
A. 200 grams B. 250 grams C. 300 grams D. 1000 grams

100. Since the Philippines is a republic, it elects its president directly. What is the
smallestelectoral unit of the government?
A. Electoral Tribunal C. Commission on
B. Election Precinct D. Representative district
101. How do the Philippines show its identity in airlines?
A. Pilots wearing Philippine ensign C. Stewardess dressed in
Philippine Costume the
B. Displaying the Philippine flag in carriers D. Playing Filipino songs in
Philippine Airlines plane
102. Which of the following lines is an example of lambic pentameter?

A. And this alas is more than we would do. C. She loves the way I hold her hand
B. Her desk once red with heroes blood. D. I will lament and cry
103. There was a tourism promo. All students bought tickets for the trip. The promotion was:

A. Done systematically C. Motivated well and costly

B. Understood and acceptedD. Educational and affordable

104. The committee discussed the issues and everyone at the end seemed ____ to
A. reluctant to accept C. amendable to
B. ignorant and civil D. negative gets open
105. The housing program for all these years did not succeed because:

A. Squatters are spoiled by politicians

B. Squatters sell their allotted houses to merchant
C. Squatters return to the squatters area
D. Squatters is a form of livelihood

106. Squatters according to law cannot be ejected for their present places of
residenceunless _____.
A. They are given disturbance fees C. There is livelihood in the relocation
B. They are assure a place to go D. They are paid for their old houses
107. “What you did will be on you and your children.” The line tells on the effect of crime so:

A. Crime does not pay C. Death will finish all

B. Revenge will be easy D. Evil will come sooner

108. Students and teachers stand at attention during flag ceremonies. School
principalsassign guards on the street to stop vehicles during the ceremonies. How does
the public take this practice?

A. The flag is for all citizens; it’s a symbol of the nation

B. Stopping traffic is not the job of the school
C. Only military or policemen should stop and salute the flag D. Only school children
should be controlled in this ceremony.

109. A society is healthy if the citizens are healthy physically and mentally. One approach
tosolve mental illness is:

A. Allowing mental cases to return to home environment and care

B. Conducting periodic visits of mental and physical therapist in home of patients.
C. Isolation in asylum cases of mentally disturbed persons.
D. The maintenance of mental health centers.

110. Which of the following teaching-learning process demonstrate the action

learningapproach to values education?

A. Teacher and students debate actively on moral issues

B. Students engage in role playing of different characters
C. Teachers assigns groups to discuss different national moral issues
D. Students and teachers participate in a community immersion program
111. The Filipino wants to be accepted by his fellowman for what he is and to be
treatedaccording to this status. He can achieve this by:

A. Being obedient to all demands that come his way

B. Offering his service in whatever form that suits him
C. Participating in group activities that interest him
D. Socializing with his fellowmen within the norms of society.

112. Who of the following Romans was never emperor?

A. Caligula B. Catullus C. Claudius D. Julius
113. The poetry of Ezla Pound is best described as:
A. Romantio B. Imagist C. Philosophical D. Metaphysical
114. The press is referred to as the Fourth Estate because it:

A. Is a powerful political force C. Acts as the fourth branch of government

B. Is an adversary of government D. Checks all branches of government

115. At present, a patient fights cancer either by surgery or by drug treatment called:

A. Chemotherapy B. Irradiation C. Viral treatment D. Immune therapy

116. Which principles states that no man in the country is above the law and the laws
mustbe obeyed by all and applied to everyone rich or poor, lowly or powerful, without
fear or favor?
A. Social justice C. Separation of church and
B. Rule of law D. Rule of the majority
117. What was the first book published in the Philippines?

A. Pasiong mahal C. Del superior Govierno

B. Doctrina Christiana D. Barlaame Josaphat

118. Among the developing Asian nation, which of the following is widely promoted to be
thebetter solution to poverty and unemployment?

A. Importation B. Urbanization C. Privatization D. Industrialization

119. One of the major functions of taxes is to finance real government expenditures.
Thisfunction can simply be stated as to:
A. Raise revenues C. Raise national
B. Secure price stability D. Promote development
120. The Philippines is dominantly a Christian country in the Orient, yet according to survey
itis on the top 5 as the most corrupt nation in Asia. What does this point to in Philippine
A. Prevalence of xenocentrism C. Presence of cultural
B. Lack of cultural Integration D. Prevalence of ethnocentrism
121. Teacher should be encourage to teach folk knowledge because:

A. It is a mandate of DepEd
B. It is keeping with curriculum change
C. It is crucial in facing the basics of daily living
D. It is included in the National Achievement Test

122. How do you describe a typical social structure which describes a pattern through
whichrelationships at work are ordered?

A. Communistic B. Capitalistic C. Bureaucratic D. Technological

123. Which family obligation is specially valued?

A. Sending relatives in remove barrios to college

B. Supplying groceries to relatives in remote barrios
C. Keeping immediate family member out of trouble
D. Providing health assistance to relatives living in the same locale.

124. Which human right violation is a deliberate and systematic extermination of an ethnic
ornational group?

A. Genocide B. Pollticide C. Homicide D. Parricide

125. In psalm otherwise known as Psalm of David. Which meaning is closest to the line?
“He makes me to lie down in green pastures: he leaded me beside the still waters.”

A. HE will be given riches and mercy

B. He will be known throughout the land
C. He will be provided peace and prosperity
D. He will always obey his master for His Glory

126. Man is always interested in asking questions. He is also very eager to find the
answersto his questions, what scientific attitude is he displaying?

A. Wonder B. Rationality C. Curiosity D. Absence of prejudice

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