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THE CURSED BLOODLINES The greatest Soulblight dynasties and legions are mighty beyond measure. You must pick 1 of the following subfactions for your army (core rules, 27.2.1), All SOULBLAGHT GRAVELORDS units in your army gain the keyword of the subfaction you picked, and you can use the allegiance abilities for that subfaction. Ifa unit already has different subfaction keyword on its warscroll,it cannot gain another one. This does not preclude you from including the unit in your army, but you cannot use the allegiance abilities for its subfaction. NAGASH cannot gain a subfaction keyword + LeGiox oF BLOOD (pg 58-59) + LeGIon oF Nicur (pg 60-61) + VyRxos (pg 62-63) + Kasreat (pg 64-65) + AveNcorit (pg 66-67) ENDLESS LEGIONS To the Soulblight aristocracy, the dead are mere chattel to be raised and expended, At the end of the movement phase, you can pick 1 friendly SOULBLIGHT GRAVELORDS SUMMONABLE unit that has been destroyed and roll a dice. Add I to the roll iit is your movement phase. Ifyou pick a SUMMONABLE unit that is nota HERO, ‘ona 4+, anew replacement unit with half of the ‘models from the unit that was destroyed (rounding up) isadded to your army, That unit must be set up wholly within 12" ofa friendly SoutmuigH Gnaveronns Heno or gravesite and more than 3° from all enemy units, and it cannot attempt a charge or make pile-in moves in the same turn, Each destroyed unit can only be replaced once eplacement units cannot themselves be replaced, Ifyou pick SUMMONABLE HERO, on a4 you can Set up that Heno wholly within 12" of friendly SOULBLIGHT GRAYELORDS HERO or gravesite, more than 3" from all enemy units and with 3 wounds allocated o it. That Hewo cannot attempt irge of make a pile-in move in the saime turn, the same Hixo to benefit from this ‘once per battle ALLEGIANCE ABILITIES SOULBLIGHT GRAVELORDS BATTLE TRAITS THE UNQUIET DEAD Animated by necromancy, the undead rise from their _graves, balefire eyes blazing with dark purpose. ‘Afier territories are determined, you can pick up to2 points within your territory and up to 2 points anywhere on the battlefield outside your territory to be gravesites. Each gravesite must be more than. 1' from all terrain features and objectives. If both players can set up gravesites at the same time, or if cone player can set up faction terrain features at the same time as the other player can set up gravesites, they must roll off, and the winner chooses who sets up their faction terrain features or gravesites first. During deployment, instead of setting up a SOULBLIGHT GRAVELORDS SUMMONABLE unit on the battlefield, you can place it to one side and say’ that it is set up in the grave as a reserve unit. You can’ set up 1 unit in the grave for each unit you have set. up on the battlefield. At the end of your movement phase, you can set up 1 or more of the reserve units in the grave on the battlefield, wholly within 12" ofa {gravesite and more than 9" from all enemy units. DEATHLY INVOCATION Powerful practitioners of death magic are able to summon hordes of undead minions in battle. Inyourhhero phase, you can pick up to 3 friendly SOULBLIGHT GRaVELORDS SUMMONABLE units wholly within 12° ofa friendly SounpLiGT Gravetonps HeRo. You can either heal up to3 ‘wounds allocated to that unit or if no wounds have been allocated to that unit, you can return a number of'slain models to it that have a combined Wounds characteristic of 3 or less. Add 1 to the number of slain models that are returned to that unit ifit is wholly within 12° of a gravesite, You cannot pick the same unit to benefit from this ability more than once. per phase, DEATHLESS MINIONS The undead are oblivious to injury and empowered by their masters’ presence, Friendly SouLsLicHt Gavetonns units havea ward of 6+, L LORE OF THE, VAMPIRES Soulpike: Should the foe move too forcefully, they risk impaling their souls on a forest of purple-black spears conjured by the caster. le Transference: rence: The caster siphons the aninus fom near m nearby enemies and uses it to rejuven, their ageless form. vente Soulpike isa spell that has a casting value of 6 and a range of 24”, If successfully cast, pick 1 enemy unit within range and visible to the caster. Until your next hero phase, if that unit makes a charge move, roll a number of dice equal to the charge roll for that charge move, For each 4+, that unit suffers 1 mortal wound. Vile Transference isa spell tha hasacantngvaluceleende ange of 9" If successfully cat, Pick 1 enemy unit within range and visible to the caster, Roll number of dice equal to that unit's Wounds characteristic, For each 5+, that unit suffers 1 mortal Wound and you can heal 1 wound allocated to the caster. Ifthe unmodified casting roll for second time. Ifthe unmodified casting roll __this spell i 9+ aa re 2 for this spell is 9+ and this spell__not unbound, the target suffers 1 is not unbound, you can pick mortal wound and you can heal 1 2 different enemy units within wound allocated to the caster for range instead of 1 each 4¢ instead of each 5+. LORE OF THE DEATHMAGES ‘Morraneus and DeatHM aces Wizakps (including Unique units) only. Fading Vigour: The wizard saps Prison of Grief: Victims of the vitality from the foe until they curse relive their tragedies, their can barely raise their weapons. will to fight replaced by self-pity. Fading Vigour is a spell that has__ Prison of Griefisa spell that has casting value of 6andarange _acasting value of 6 and a range of 18". If successfully cast, pick of 12”. If successfully cast, pick enemy unit within range and enemy unit within rangeand visible to the caster. Subtract 1 __Visible to the caster. Until your from the’Attacks characteristic _next hero phase, the strike-last ofthat unit’s melee weapons (to _effect applies to that unit. minimum of 1) until your next hero phase, Ifthe unmodified casting roll for this spell is 9+ and this spell is not vinbound, the range of thisspll is ff ing roll for Ifthe unmodified casting rol 24" instead of 12". this spell is 9+ and this spell is not unbound, subtract 2 from the Attacks characteristic instead of 1 (oa minimum of 1), ME WIZARDS (including Unique uni ) onl units) only. Spirit Gale: The wizard calle Jorth spectral winds that tear the souls of the foe from their bodies cw OR Uae kd Spirit Gale isa spell that hhas a casting value of 7. If successfully cas, each enemy unit on the battlefield suffers 1 ‘mortal wound. Ifthe unmodified casting roll for this spell is 9+ and this spell isnot unbound, after the effect of this spell has been resolved, you can immediately resolve the effect ofthis spell for a Waste Away: The wizard causes the muscles of the foe to atrophy, robbing thems of ther strength. Waste Away isa spell that has a casting value of 6 and a range of 18" Ifsuccessfully cast, pick ‘enemy unit within range and Visible to the caster, Until your next hero phase, subtract 1 from ‘wound rolls for attacks made with melee weapons by that unit and subtract 1 from the Damage characteristic of that unit's melee ‘weapons (toa minimum of ‘the wamodifed casting roll for this spell is 9 and this spell isnot unbound, you an pick 2 different enemy units within: yay AN Wa Niban: WiVSahS \ \ “it Twa vA LED EXPERTISE excel in all manner of disciplines, be NL er circle are expected 10 Tre courtiers of Queen Neferata and her inner CIC they martial or mystical: itis bloodthirsty. Ifa js within 3” of any enemy units, 1 HERO raat 3° from all enemy units, itis empowered. Lxcrox oF BLoop VAMP! Hero is more than Ifa friendly oop VAMPIRE friendly LEGION oF BL 4 unit that is bloodthirsty. Add 1 to casting, aa 1 to the Attacks characteristic of melee weapons used PY dispelling and unbinding rolls fora unit that is empowered, THE COVEN OF NULAHMIA ‘A foe marked for death by the Legion of Blood cannot hope to escape thei fates Neferata’s agents will have prepared hexes and curses against them far in advance, rendering thelr demisea certainty. tthe start of the hero phase, ou can carry out 1 of the heroic actions below with a friendly LEGION OF Buoop Vamerne Hero instead of any other heroic action you can carry out with that HERO; Premeditated Bloodshed: Pick | friendly LeG1on or BLoop VAMPIRE HERO. Until the end of this turn, ward rolls cannot be made for wounds and mortal ‘wounds caused by attacks made by this HERO. eee Majesty: Pic | fiendly LuGion oF Boop VamPire Hexo. Until is turn, your opponent must spend 2 command points instead of 1 to issue the All-out Defence i z taste All out Defence and Inspiring Presence commana enemy nis * MMAND TR AITS INSTRUMENTS OF NEFERATA‘ Tailored Downfall: Everything, ing or dead, has its weaknesses, and Neferata’s generals excel in exploiting these vulnerabilities. After deployment but before the first battle round begins, you can pick 1 enemy HERO on the battlefield. The strike-last effect applies to that unit while itis within 3” of this general. Lx6i0w oF oon gene ons Game Hunter: ch jr: Charged with lying ow abet sane is general ian instrament of monstrous death After deployment but before the first battle round begins, you can pick 1 enemy Monster thatis not a HERO, The Attacks characteristic of that unit's melee ‘weapons is 1 while that unit is within 3° ofthis general. ARTEEACTS OF POWER TREASURES OF THE BLOODY COURT ‘Amulet of Screams: The bearer ofthis amulet can flood the foe's mind with the tormented howling of damned souls, leaving them exposed to their sorcery. Roll a dice each time an enemy unit within 18” of the bearer successfully casts a spell that is not unbound. On a 3+, that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds: after the effect of that spell has been resolved. LEGION oF BLoop Heo only. ‘Orb of Enchantment: To glance into the swirling depths of this crystal orb isto become hypnotised by alluring visions and half-glimpsed futures. ‘Once per battle, a the start of the combat phase, you can pick enemy HeRo within 3" of the bearer and roll a dice. Ona 34, that Hemo cannot be picked to fight in that phase. ‘S WILL Doomed Minions: The tactics af the enemy have been studied extensively by this general and ‘appropriate ripostes devised. After deployment but before the first battle round begins, you can pick up to D3 enemy units that are not Heroes or Mowsrers. Attacks made with melee weapons that target that unit score a hit on an unmodified hit roll of 2+ while that unit is within 3” of this general Cloak of Mists and Shadows: Woven with dark magic, this cloak endows the wearer with ‘ethereal form. Ignore modifiers (positive and negative) to save rolls for attacks that target the bearer LEGION ¢ BATTLE TRAITS AGELESS CUNNING creatures oferel opportunism. Upon cen i reais ica erin ie Nel gnaseiad’ rae, emerging from a pall of midnight fo ay waste to e willstrike from an unexpected angle after an enemy unit finishes a charge move, You can pick my unit and more than 3" from all enemy units, i hase, ‘Once per turn, during the enemy charge phase, friendly Leoton oF Nrcwr unit within 12" of that ene unit can attempt a charge. ae SWIET FORM 3 : # Whether transforming into a bestial creature or dissipating into dark mist, this vampire can cover ground with terrible swiftness. heroic action with a friendly LEGION OF NIGHT ‘At the start of the hero phase, you can carry out this Hero. ‘Vanprne Hero instead of any other heroic action you can carry out with that Swift Form: Pick I friendly Lec1ow oF Nicur Vamprre Hero more than 3” from all enemy units. Remove that unit from the battlefield and set it up again on the battlefield more than 9" from all enemy units. That HERO cannot move in the following movement phase. INTO THE JAWS OF DEATH The undead behemoths of Mannfred’s legion are chosen not only for their fury bi ir pred instincts and penchant for dealing honouressdeathe. Riamcs aaeeek Atthe end of the charge phase, you can carry out this monstrous r: it > ampage with a friendly LEGION Nicur Zompir DRAGON or LEGION OF NIGHT TERRORGHEIST nen aca the ea you can carry out with that unit i Pj nto the Jaws of Death: Pick 1 enemy unit within 6" of this unit that made a charge pemne sis ase sr oll 2D6. Add 3 to the roll if that enemy unit is within rolls greater than the unmodified charge roll for that charge ; ‘move, this unit can attack with its Pestile a ee Lk is Pestilential Breath or Death Shriek in this phase © OMMAND TRAITS Above Suspicion: This general is almost trusted by the Mortarch of Night and given greater leniency for enacting their wicked schemes, During deployment, instead of setting up this general on the battlefield, you can place them to one side and say that they are set up in ambush as a reserve unit. If you do so, at the end of your movement phase, you can set up this general on the battlefield more than 9" from all ‘enemy units. RULERS OF 1) HE NI Lciow or ent gnc ‘The Bait: When this general ‘marches to war, ranks of Tevenants are raised to do their Bidding. These undead are expected to distract the enemy's attention long enough for the vampires to strike. While this general is on the battlefield, add 1 to save rolls and ward rolls for attacks that target friendly Lecton oF Nicnt SUMMONABLE units in the first battle round. ARTEEACTS OF POWER Shard of Night: This black leather brigandine was crafted from the hide of an abyssal stalker and grants the wearer that creature's shadowy aura. Ignore negative modifiers to save rolls for attacks made with missile weapons that target the bearer. THE VAULTS OF CARSTINIA. ‘LEGION OF NGut HERO only. Chiropteran Cloak: This bat- winged cloak is covered with razor-sharp claws. Feasting upon blood drives it into a frenzy, causing it to lash and tear at nearby foes. Ifthe unmodified hit rol for an attack made with a melee weapon that targets the bearer is 1 the attacking unit suffers 1 mortal wound after all ofits attacks have been resolved, Unbending Will: This general 4nd their minions are a force of unliving conquest like no other. Models in friendly LeGion oF Nicitr SummonaBte units count as 2 models instead of 1 for the purposes of contesting objectives while they are wholly within 12° ofthis general. Morbheg’s Claw: This blackened talon is said to belong to ‘Morbheg, father of Terrorgheists. In your hero phase, ifthe bearer is more than 3" from all enemy ‘units, you can say that they will carve sigils into the ground using Morbheg’s claw. If you do so, add 2 to casting rolls for friendly LEGION OF Nigut WIZARDS wholly within 12" ofthe bearer ‘until your next hero phase, However, the bearer cannot make anormal move, run, retreat oF attempt a charge until your next hero phase, Soul alts VYRKOS VD BATTLE TRAITS WOLE IS THE PACK aay Se ae eras wand animalistic curse threaded through their souls, a tr ‘The Vyrkos are renownec he arcane an ‘ i appears magnified nthe presence of their aster , Hero has fought for the first time in that phase, you in that combat phase, that is within 3° of an enemy init fights immediately. aftera friendly V¥RKOS has not yet fought at friendly VrRKos Hero. That ui Inthe combat phase, 1 friendly VeRKos unit that that is wholly within 12" of th pick o fight immediately isa VeRKos Heo, afer that unit has fought, you designer's Note: Ifthe unit you ERO, afi u Be ricies a 2enick another friendly VeRKos unit to fight immediately. ‘ cannot then use this ability to pil AN INFAMOUS LINEAGE © The Vyrkos area close-knit brood, and the most powerful and charismatic of their number are legends amor the dynasty. The formidable will ofthese vampires is as a beacon to lesser undead, drawing them to fight. [At the start of your hero phase, you can carry out 1 of the heroic actions below with a friendly VrRxos. ‘VaMprre Hero instead of any other heroic action you can carry out with that HERO. F Pack Alpha: Pick 1 friendly VyKos Vamprre HERO. ‘Then, pick | friendly ‘Verkos DEADWALKERS unit within 12” of that Hero and visibl y can add D3 models to that unit ee , Designer's Note: This ability allows a fr : This ability a riendly VvrKo: taken above its maximum unit size. et eae Kin of Pi Hof the Wolf: Pick 1 friendly VyaKos VaMPreE HERO. If you do s0, you can add 1 unit of 10 Di Cf 10 Dire Wolves to your army. The unit must be set up wholly within 9 of the HERO cart - ‘ 'rying out thi £5 BS units, That Dire Wouves aie “rol action and more than 9° from all enemy Vrrkos gener Driven by Deathstench: This general's predatory instincts have been instilled in their kin, driving them on with terrifying ferocity. You can re-roll charge rolls for friendly V¥RKOS units wholly ‘within 9” of this general AMAND TR AITS ALPHA PREDATORS Hunter's Snare: Like a wolf Prowling at the ed he edge of the freight, this general bides their time await aiting the perfec pportunitytoattie For the purposes of contesting objectives, this general counts asa number of models equal equal to their Wounds characteristic. ARTEFACTS OF POWER ‘Vurxos Hero only (including Unique VyRKOS units) Ulfenkarni Phylactery: Crafted by the chamberlain Torgillius, this item allows the bearer’s minions to shrug off even terminal blows. ‘Add 1 to ward rolls for friendly VyRKos SUMMONABLE units for the purposes of the Deathless Minions battle trait (pg 56) while they are wholly within 9° of the bearer, TROPHIES OF THE HUNT ‘Terminus Clock: Created by a ‘mad clockwright of Ulfenkarn, this bizarre cogwork piece ticks without rhyme or reason. Whenever its eclectic count ends, however, the power of magic ‘seems to deaden across the field. ‘At the start of the enemy hero phase, you can say thatthe bearer ‘will stop the Terminus Clock. Ifyou do so, rolladice. Ona 34, until the end of that phase, Subtract 1 from casting rolls for ‘enemy WIZARDS: alonly (including Unique Vreicos units) Spoor Trackers: So potent is this ‘general's bestial soul that even shambling Deadwalkers act with increased haste in thetr presence. Atthe start of your hero phase, friendly VrRKos DEADWALKERS Units wholly ‘within 9 ofthis general can make a normal move of up to 3 Standard of the Ulfenwatch: This now-tattered banner was once the pride ofthe Ulfenkarn city guard. To look upon its twisted glory is to be reminded of the conquests of the Vyrkos Ifthe bearer is on the battlefield, you can roll adice each time your ‘opponent spends a command point, Ona 4+ you receive L extra command point sa7anwd ANUV ARMY RULES wT MIEN, KASTELAI DY! BATTLE TRAITS KEEP CRIMSON 7 MIGHT Oe alisplaying their marti bloodied Strength: Add 1 to the Damage Kast vompies easing as more foes fall a aracteristic ofthat unit’s melee weapons ee ce {excluding those of ts mounts) fore the Ifthe slain model was a HieRo or MonsreR; the combat a ee the slain model had a Wounds characteristic of3 ttheend of alee i trod were sain by attacks made 9 ICT gr more and was nota Hexo or Montage edly KASTELAL ‘weapons bya friendly ce yorum pick relevant ability OPP ; aid hat phase Yo pend nit forthe rest oF the Seized Fervour: ae wwapply to that friendly unt opposite would characteristic ofthat unit sax aaa te than 1 ofthe abilities opP0s : Sea se dems pick which ability that (excluding those of its mounts). apply that uni, you mu i ss “A unit cannot gain the same ability more than once per battle. or less: Absorbed Speed: Add 1" to that unit's ‘Move characteristi MASTERS OF RETALIATION To many Kastelai, the finest way to test their worth is by deliberately placing themselves in danger a savagely fighting their way clear. Atthe start of the hero phase, you can carry out this heroic action with a friendly KASTELAt VA Heno instead of any other heroic action you can carry out with that HERO. pass pata Pick | friendly Kastetat Vampire HERO. Until the end of Be ena = De ifany wounds or mortal wounds were allocated Unit within ofr etase and that Hino was not slain, rol dice foreach enemy hat HERO, On a 2+, that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. BATTLE-CRAZED The warlike fu i the fury ofthe Kastelai runs deep in their reanimated, monstr Atthe end of the charge ‘Phase, ee ala Fe YOU can carry out thi of Any other monsious rampage eee anaLA th sen Kasretat with that MoxsteR. Battle-crazed: Add 1 to unitin the af folowing coeur for ata ted ks made with melee weapons by this COMMAND TRaITs L ORDS OF THE CRIMSON KEEP Kasrenat general only swift and Deadly: Nothing delights this general more than seeing their undead riders crash into the foe You can re-roll charge rolls for friendly Kas: yTELAL units while they are wholly within 12" of nn this general. Undead Bladelord: This undead warrior-lord need only observe a martial technique in order to be able toemploy it. Once per turn, if this general is on the battlefield when a friendly KasreLat VAMPIRE unit gains an ability with the Might of the Crimson Keep battle trait (pg 64) that this general has not already gained, this general gains the same ability. ‘The Shifting Keep; Crimson Keep will Appears, be total Ae can predict where the tanifest next, but wherever it the carnage this general will wreak will During deployment, if this i deployment, if this general ison the battlefield instead of setting up a Kasrexat Boop KwreHts unit on the battlefield, you can place it to one side and say that it is et up in the Crimson Keep as a reserve unit. You can set up 1 unit in the Crimson Keep for each ‘unit you have set up on the battlefield. At the end ‘of your movement phase, you can set up 1 or more of the reserve units in the Crimson Keep on the battlefield, wholly within 6” of the battlefield edge and more than 9" from all enemy units ARTEFACTS OF POWER RELICS OF RED CONQUEST KasrELAt Hexo only. Grave-sand Shard: By crushing this gem of vitrified grave-sand between the fingers, a Kastelai sampire can draw upon a surge of death magic to reinvigorate their resurrected warriors, Once per battle round, at the end of the battleshock phase, youcan return 1 slain model to-each friendly KASTELAT SummoNapLe unit wholly within 18" of the bearer. Subtract attacks m the bearer. Fragment of the Keep: Kastelai warriors dispatched on ie ranging errantry quests wil ea eed a single brick from the Crimson Keep, increasing their speed in hand combat tenfold. 1 from wound roll ade with melee weapons by enemy units Wi ‘The Red Casket: Only the most battle-crazed vampire knights seek to be sealed into this cursed ‘uirass, as it transforms them into a whirlwind of mindless, fo-hand feothing death. ‘Add 3to run rolls and charge Isfor rolls for the bearers ithin 3° of weet Ad ON F a | ‘sal ‘varhost and more a menagerie of frenzied necrotic horrors. ‘Tae Avengori dynasty ils 4 he combat phase, you ca? P tt ofthat phase, use the top Fow oO” U ick | friendly AVENGORII MONSTER within 3 nce perturn, atthe start of nly AVEC the ent any enemy units. Until many wounds it has suffered. VE : SO an realms forthe ferocious undead creatures they bring to battle ngorii are feared across a i yout 1 of the monstrous rampages below with a friend 1c end of the charge phase, you can carr) Seeiierar mei ‘an carry out with that ‘Avenconit MoNsTER instead of any other monstrous rampage You C Maddening Hunger: Pick up to D3 different enemy models within 1” of this unit and roll a dice (roll separately for each model). If the roll is greater than that model’s Wounds characteristic, itis slain. ‘Unstoppable Nightmare: Until the end of the following combat phase, the first time a different friendly AveNGorut unit within 6" of this unit is destroyed, this unit can fight immediately aft i i aes ly after the last slain model in the destroyed unitis OMMAND TRaITs TWISTED PARAGONS AVENGonm general only, Monstrous Might: So crazed and blood-hungry are the beasts under this general’s command that only the most titanic blows can hope to faze them, Torment-driven Throes: 1 I sn Throes: Twisted Limbs an tals ash out ashi ‘general hs Seneral fights killing cores and Secs them close onthe ener Abiitatng how whose. withuhetaton Unhinged Rampager: This Subtract 1 fromieandtells Oe e os es ie pee phase, You can re-roll charge rolls for sracks mune ales eae ceeg aces oC ech ener thls general Tn adton, othe aia wholly within 12" of wound and the strike-ast effect located Cueto that . applies to that unit until theend phase, and this general is more of that phase. than 9" from all enemy units, this general can move up to DS ARTEFACTS OF POWER MONSTROUS SPOILS AVENGORII Hero only. Breath of the Void Maw: Ghorvar’s Collar: The enchanted The Furious Crown: Taken from ‘These black shards, saidtobe _flesh-stitched ruff belonging ‘a champion of Chaos slain on the Gpptllisedrmotes frmagicthat 10 Ghorvar the brutal former orders ofLauka Vai this crown escaped through the realmgate patriarch of the Avengorii, seeks to dominate the wearer by at the heart of the Avengorii’s Filowed him to cow any beast. _inundating them with waves of stronghold, can be shattered wwith but aglance. Such did not fury. For the bestial Avengorii ‘against the ground to suramon a save him fom the Mother of ‘however tis is little impediment gale of killing Shyishan energies. Nightmares’ cold wrath, but histo harnessing its power most famous relic remains @ powerful tool of dominion. Once per battle, at the start of yf ‘Once per battle, at the start of Pant cargepouse, you kD ay ana pee ‘Once per battle, at the start of the that the bearer will unleash the bearer that is visible to them crab phe, you can sy that furyofthe crown. 1F7ou 40.50, Serta Oneantat amet, tam . t so, the strike- move , you ean pic unit suffers a number of mortal ee Fs Thebearer enemy uni within 1 of the _ wounds equal to the roll. 1 the end of that phase bearer and roll a number of dice 4 ansil the en equal tothe charge tol for that charge move. For each 4, that unit suffers | mortal wound, ms x i RL you must Ifthe battlepack you are using says that can pick from the following lists as well After you have picked your army, you can p Lust for Domination: When the battle ends, you complete this grand strategy if you control more gravesites than your opponent. Control of gravesites is determined in the same way as control cof objectives. Empire of Corpses: When the battle ends, you complete this grand strategy if you replaced 3 ‘or more friendly SUMMONABLE units that were destroyed during the battle. BATTLE TACTICS more than once per battle. Callous Overlord: Pick | friendly SUMMONABLE uunit more than 3" from all enemy units, You ‘complete this tactic if that friendly unit is destr during this turn. ae Cursed Unlife: You complete this tactic ifany wounds allocated to your general or to 2 other friendly Vampune units are healed using The Huunger ability during this turn, ‘The ‘Grasping Dead: Pick | friendly SuMMoNamLE unit within 3 ofany enemy units, You complete © thistactic if that unitis within 3" of any, enemy sat the end of this turn, : pick gr fas those found in the bat At the start of your hero phase, you can pick 1 battle tactic from the lst below. Your opponent, and if your battle tactic instructs you to pick something, Pick. You have until the end of that turn to complete the battle tactic, You ad strategies and battle tactics for your army, you r {tlepack you are using. GRAND STRATEGIES egies below and record it on your army rost sick 1 ofthe grand strategies below and re y vitae VAMPIRIC CONQUERORS Soulblight Gravelords army only. ‘The Danse Macabre: When the battle ends, you complete this grand strategy if there are more friendly SUMMONABLE units than enemy units wholly within enemy territory. Crimson Larder: When the battle ends, you complete this grand strategy if there are no Heros from your opponent's starting army on the battlefield and the only friendly Heroes on the battlefield are VAMPIRES. r. You must reveal your choice to you must tell your opponent what you 1u cannot pick the same battle tactic TERROR OF THE UNDEAD Soulblight Gravelords army only, ‘The Choicest Vintage: Pick 1 enemy HERO on the battlefield. You complete this tactic if that enemy Heo is slain during this turn by an attack made by ‘friendly VaMPme Hero, Expand the Graye-empires: You complete this factic if you control 2 or more objectives wholly Outside your territory and each of those objectives {§ contested by a friendly SumMONABLE or VAMPIRE unit, Pick 1 friendly SourstieHt MONADLEUnitonthe complete this tactic if6ormore are returned to that unit during.» Endless Nightmare; Gnavetonns Sun battlefield, You slain models MELEE WEAPONS Alakanash Zefetnebtar spectral Claws and Dagers jo ‘Wounds Suffered 09 0-12 1345 16+ ead, agesh, Supreme Lod ofthe Und aged wih Alakanash and Ze WIZARD: The amber spl his phase determined using he Nine Books ef Nagath abit oppose. Ths mitea tempt unbind any number ofspes in the enemy hero phase, this nis part a Nighthauny,Flsh-ater Courts Osiarch Boneeapers or Soalblgh Gravelrds ray, tows al ofthe spl fom the spel lore in that faction allegiance bltesin addon tothe ote pels iknow WARMASTER: This unit can be includedin a Nighthaunt, Flesh-eater Courts, Ossiarch Bonereapers or Soulblight Gravelords army. Ifitis, itis rated as a general even ifitis not the ‘model picked tobe the army's general Inaddition, you can still use the army's allegiance abilities even though this unit isnot from the army's faction; hhowever, this unit does not benefit from them, FLY: This unit can ly, COMPANION: This unitis PIP companied bya host of spirits armed Ewe) ith Spectral Claws and Daggers Undead and maste “f einen ng ine ‘ 5 4 at 4+ 6 _DAMAG ‘The Cast up to 8 spells Cast up to 6 spells Ca Cast up to 4 spells up to5 spells ‘Alakanash, the Staff of Power: This staffs capped with gems of purest Shyishan realmstone. Add 3 to casting, unbinding and dispelling rolls for this unit. Invocation of Nagash: With but a thought, Nagash can call forth fresh ‘minions to assal his foes. Atthe start of your hero phase, for each friendly SuMMONARLE, MORDANT or OsstAncH BONEREAPERS tnit ‘wholly within range ofthis unit, you can either heal up to 3 wounds allocated to that unit or, ifno wounds have been allocated to that unit, you can return a number of slain models to it that have a combined Wounds characteristic of 3 orless, The range ofthis ability is shown on this unit’ damage table. Morithane This enorceled armour channel he necromanicpowerofthe Dah Gad this sevens anclopng them na auf death protec Feendly Drasa ants wholly within Wofthisunithaveaardoter Supreme Lordof the nde undead creatures, vee ela Aes etre pase you air indy Sunol Morpanr or Osstancn : Hovetrarias nit Wounds lrdtiodand a a aren ew Feplacement unit with half sient ome a desoral (undng ana “0 wiih wine am mstipina wonemen pa Py teplaced ‘To Hit_To Wound Rey ‘Nine Books of Nagash 3 4 4 Invocation of, 7g 18" a x potent tomes with him at alle The number of spells this unitcan attempt to cast is shown on this ani, damage table, Hand of Dust: It issaid tha te och Vagash can wither and age any moral turning them to little more than pie dusty bones in mere moments. Hand of Dust is a spell thathasa casting value of 8 and a range ofS.E successfully cast, pick | enemy model within range and visible tothe cate ‘Then, take a dice and hide itinone of your hands or under one oftxo appropriate containers. Your oppose must pick one of your hands ot containers. If they pick the one bald the dice, the spell has no effect. fey pick the empty hand or contains tbe enemy model is slain Soul Stealer: Nagash can siphons from the living to heal his own Soul Stealer i spel that basa casting vale of andarang successfull cast pik Lene “That unt suffers D3 mortal the unmodified casing ole is 9+ and this spells aotunbouae ‘unit suffers Dé mortal woun i ‘of D3, You can heal up to WOU he has been allocated to the castet mortal wound caused by his 2am Is not negated. Gheistvor Sickle-glaive Ebon Claws Spectral Claws and D, 8.9) 10-1 Ie Mannfred von Carstein, Mortarch of Night, is armed with Gheistvor and. a Sickle-glaive, WIZARD: This unit can attempt to cast 2 spells in your hero phase and attempt to unbind 2 spells in the enemy hero phase WARMASTER: If this unit is included in a Soulblight Gravelords army, itis treated as a general even ifit is not the model picked to be the army’s general, FLY: This unit can fly. MOUNT: This unit’s dread abyssal, Ashigaroth, is armed with Ebon Claws, COMPANION: This unit is accompanied by a host of spirits armed with Spectral Claws and Daggers aggers Range Attacks 2 5 Y 6 4 ToHit To Wound Rend * 4 Damage in ‘ ? E 1 Move Tein Ebon Claws 13" S 10" 5 ‘ Armour of Templehof: This suo) gothic armour isladen wth many fl enchantment, designe to protec paranoid beaerfiom hare ‘The first wound or mortal wound caused to this unitin each phase is negated, : ‘Sword of Unholy Power: This unholy blade drinks deep ofits victims’ souls, bolstering Manned’ power and thao Each time this unit fights, any wounds ‘caused by this unit's Ebon Claws, Sickle-glaive and Spectral Claws and Daggers must be allocated first, followed by any wounds caused by this unit's Gheistvor. Ifany enemy models are slain by wounds caused by this unit’s Gheistvor, until the end of the phase, add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of melee weapons used by friendly Lecton or Nigu ‘SUMMONABLE units while they are ‘wholly within 12" of this unit, Mortarch of Night: Manfred’ cunning and tactical nous is legendary, huis ability to exploit even the briefest af opportunites rightly infamous throughout the realms ‘The strikectrst effect appl fit makes a charge move in the same ten, nation thwni ee Ur edeploy command ican ate thee ang sD in the same ies to this unit. ting upon their foes Each time this unit fights, after all of attacks have been resolved, you ca this unit equal to the nun and mortal wounds cause attacks that were allocated to ‘units (1o a maximum of 5 Wind of Death: gust of spect from the chilling bite Win casting value of 7 and a range Death is. spell If successfully cast, pick within range and visible to the Roll a dice for that unit and each oth enemy unit within 6" ofthat unit. Om 34, the unit being rolled for suffers D3 mortal wounds ‘To Hit To Wound Rend 3 7 Mite WEAPON 5 3 4 thar ‘! sit ; of ‘i Aken-seth 1 ‘ 4 skeletal Claes 6 4 Claws and Dagee’s spectral Cl ‘Wounds Suffered 07 1011 sarmed Neferata, Mortarch of Blood, is swith Akmet-har and Aken seth WIZARD: This unit can attempt 0 cast 2 pellsin your hero phase and tempt to unbind 2 spells in the enemy hero phase [WARMASTER: If this units included ina Soulblight Gravelords army itis. general even ifitis not genera the model picked tobe the ‘army's general FLY; This unt can fy MOUNT: This unit's dread abyssal, Nagadron, is armed with Skeletal Claws. COMPANION: This unit isaccompanied by ahost of spirits armed with Spectral Claws and Daggers eT _ Move 16 1 10 Dagger of Jet: The dagger Akret- har has been employed in many of Nulahmia’s rid blo id is capable of killing wit terest scratch, ast sordid bl ‘Atthe end of any phase, if any wounds ‘caused by this unit's Akmet-har were allocated to an enemy Ho in that phase and that enemy Hero has not been slain, roll a dice. On a 5+, that enemy HERO is slain. Twilight's Allure: Neferata cloaks her minions in a penumbral gloom, shrouding the progress of her insidious schemes until itis too late to halt them, Subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks ‘made with melee weapons that target friendly LeGton oF BLoop units wholly within 12" ofthis unit. ‘Mortarch of Blood: Neferata has millennia of experience in analysing and unpicking a foe's ploys. Few strategies can hope to catch her unprepared. fo tener container Sater alee toon hen rieceacaceeta ee icc i ero winsome en ly » LEGION oF BLoop, MORTARCH ‘The Hunger: Those who bear the a Soulblight curse constantly cae Hag and are empowered by feasting yp their foes. "7 Each time this unit fights, aferallots attacks have been resolved, you cag up to a number of wounds allocitedig this unit equal to the numberof and mortal wounds caused by those attacks that were allocated to enemy units (to a maximum of) Dark Mist: Muttering an ancient incantation, Neferata summons tends of penumbral mist to coil around her ‘minions, rendering thei corporal fms 4s insubstantial as smoke, Dark Mists a spell thathas. casting value of 6 and a range of 12° If successfully cast, pick I friendly LEGION oF BLOOD unit wholly wii range and visible to the caster Ino negative modifiers to saverallsfoe attacks that target that unit untlyour next hero phase. ek” Lee artes oA Ter Pas er MVC ee PRINCE MISSILE WEAPONS Pestilential Breath Range Attacks To Hit EM Saees Dome Bloodlance Range Attacks To Hit Snapping Maw P 5. Sword-like Claws zi eM Meats 4 Venn DAMAGE TABLE e : 1012 2 ibe i Prince Vhordrai is armed with BAe WIZARD: This unit can attempt to cast I spell in your hero phase and tempt to unbind 1 sp hero phase. a in the enemy WARMASTER: Ifthis unit is included ina Soulblight Gravelords army, itis treated asa eral even ifit is not the ‘model picked to be the army's general FLY: This unit can fy MOUNT: This unit’s Zombie Dragon, Shordemaire, is armed with Pestilential Breath, a Snapping Maw and Sword-like Claws. Fist of Nagash: To the Kastelai, Vhordrai isthe Saint Slaughter a peerless warlord in whose shadow they fight all the harder. ‘Once per turn, ifthis unit ison the battlefield when a friendly KaSTELAT Vampire unit gains an ability with the Might ofthe Crimson Keep battle trait, Vamtne unit wholly within 24° of this unit that has not already gained that ability and that has not gained any other abilities with the Might of the Crimson Keep battle trait in that turn That unit gains the same ability Bloodlance Charge: This ancient lance is even more deadly when wielded on the charge. ‘This unit’ Bloodlance has a Rend characteristic of 3 and a Damage Characteristic of 3 if this unit made a Charge move in the same (0 VAMPIRE, Kas GRAVELORDS) TH, SOULBLIGE VHORDRAI you can pick 1 other friendly Kastexat GRVHORORAD Oe ToWound Rend Damage 5 1 3 ToWound Rend Damage 4 a 2 ++ 5 3 + 1 2 Fach time this unit fights, afterall oft attacks have been resolved, you can he up toa number of wounds allocated to this unit equal to the number of woun and mortal wounds caused by those attacks that were allocated to enem Quickblood: Prince Vhordrai calls up curse running through his veins, lending strength anc Quickblood isa spell that has a castin value of 7 If sucessfully cast, the strike-fist effect applies to until your ne! hero phase ELA, HERO, MONSTER, WIZARE MELEE WEAPONS Askurga Rapiet Talons Gore-dreneh g Tail Impaling. y Nightmares is a Vai, Mother of Nightmares i ‘an Askurga Rapier, Go ae g Tal ling drenched Talons ai be 4 in your hero phase and hae, WARMASTER IF ne jeral even if it is not the abe he army's genera isincluded model pic FLY: This unit can fly a bate rage Coreen Cnet tn ae ae Davi cerns anna NT Gray; Var “AVELORDS, y Aitacks 7 4 D6 i A Queen Amongst Monsters: her of Nightn ous undeai turn, atthe end of the aes pick 1 friendly Moxsren wholy within diferent monstrous rampages wit that Moxeren in that phase instead of Nightmares Miasma: The strange curse fhe Vera oe shining Wades r presence. While an enemy unit is within 3” of any friendly units with this ability, worsen the Rend characteristic of that unit's melee weapons by 1 (to a minimum of ’, AMPIRE, » AVEN Yo Hit To Wound Rend ype. GORML, HERO, MONSTER 3 2 2 24 2 4 A+ 1 4 The Hunger: Those who bear she Soulblight curs constantly cae gy ‘and are empowered by fe, their foes. ast pon Each time this unit fights, af attacks have been resolved yore up toa number of wounde din thi unit equal othe numbers and mortal wounds caused by thyes attacks that were allocated fo enemy units (toa maximum of 6) The Queen’s Dictat: Gesturing wisp her blade, Lauka channels her beset rage and uses it to mark a foe, cuffs them with an arcane blood-stnk thare intoxicating to the beasts ofthe gue The Queen's Dictat is a spell thathas a casting value of 6 and a range of2¢- If successfully cast, pick 1 enempunie within range and visible tothe aster Until your next hero phase, friendly AVENGORIT MonsTERS are cligilets fight in the combat phase iftheyare Within 6" of that enemy unit insteadat 3°, and they can move an extra "when they pile in. RN Corony VENGORIAN LORD MELEE WEAPONS: Nightmare Sabre Gore-drenched Tak Impali Range “Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage 1 1 4 Me 1 V D6 4 4+ 1 t A Vengorian Lord is armed with a Festering Feast: Vengorians bid their ‘The Hunger: Those who bear Nightmare Sabre, Gore-drenched rmonstr is indulge in gory feasts Soulblight curse Talons and Impaling Tail. leven as battle rages. “end dt their f WIZARD: This unit canattemptto Once per turn, atthe end ofthe pick Ifriendly Ea ORDS MONSTER att atis wholly within up 12" ofthis unit and that desteo his unit equal to ‘enemy units in that phase. meee woundsalloatetothat Moxsre, attacks that were allocated cast 1 spell in your hero phase and attempt to unbind I spell in the enemy hero phase FLY: This unit can fy htmare’s Miasma: The s arsed While an enemy units within 3" ofany — jehemoth friendly units with this ability, worsen unger the Rend characteristic ofthat unit’s oe: nieee wesponsby (oaminimum of Cursed Reflections ’ casting succe SouLBLIGHT GRavELORDS MOST re Rarer tn Hace eet MELEE WEAPONS Vyrkos Barrow-blade Radukar the Wolfs armed with a Vyrkos Barrow-blade WIZARD: This unit can attempt to cast I spell in your hero phase and unbind 1 spell inthe enemy aera eenen eae Berens Sore prrraerny Deatn, SouLBLIGHT Gravs RADUKAR THE WoLE Neen Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage » 5 34 3+ 1 Z 1 5 Those wh Loyal tothe Last: Radukar caring empowered by feasting upon Each time this unit fights, afterall ofits attacks have been resolved, you can heal up toa number of wounds allocated 0 this unit equal to the number of ‘wounds and mortal wounds caused by those attacks that were allocated to Call to the Hunt: With an exultant howl, Radukar leads the charge that tears the throat from an enemy host. In the combat phase, if this unit made ‘charge move in the same turn, add 1 io the Attacks characteristic of melee weapons used by friendly VrRKos SUMMONABLE Units while they are Wholly within 12" of this unit, Werfil Vampire i npire ‘lf and his sen loyalty from the ogors of Ko promises of meat and loo. death ay are bound to the vampire nonetheless A If this unit is within 3” of afeiendly Kosanct NIGHTGUARD unit, bef you allocatea wound of mortal wound to this unit, or instead of making award roll for a wound or mortal wound that would be allocated to this unit, olla dice. On a3+, that wound or mortal wound is allocated to that friendly nit instead of this unit ‘LORDS, VAMPIRE, VYRKOS, HERO, WIZARD, Radukar. For long deca a "long decades, ACen RADUKAR OO ie 3 yey MELEE WEAPONS Blood-slick Claws Piercing Blades Attacks To Hit ToWound Rend Damage Radukar the Beast is armed with eens d with Supernatural Reflexes: Radukar COMPANION: This unitis mpanied by 2 Vyrkos B ned with Piere ng Blades, ach time this unit fights, afterall of its attacks have been resolved, y up toa number of wounds a Bounding Charge: Th east’ form forwards at speed, this unit equal tothe number of wounds This unit can run and still charge later and mortal wounds caused by those inthe turn, attacks that were allocated to enemy bominat units (to a maximum of 6) Call to the Hunt: W howl Radukar leads the Charge at Unleashed Ferociy:n bat P ears the throat from an enemy host. Beast that ay sia meriegieen “ Inthe combat phase if this unit made ot pase and a charge moveinthesameturn add Iftheunmodifed it roll fran attack tha ‘ rh to the Attackscharactersticofmelee ade wth his unis Blood lick Claws can move upto De pons used by fricadhy Vvniae., 156 the target suflers2 mortal wounde Sas ge ea and the attack sequence ends (do n make a wound cll or save al) SUMMONABLE units while they are wholly within 12° ofthis unit Sere PERM 2207 soessicnr cxsvstonos, vinmns, Vonnon Hono Ravens Be Seas prrmexe ene Shricking Swarm: Wherever lvya an He COMPANION: This u with Needling Fa ct | from hit rolls for attacks rget this unit, In addition, if this unit has any wounds allocated to it, the Atacks characteristic ofthis unit's Needling Fangs is 12 instead of 2D6. ights, afterall ofits red, you can heal number of wounds allocated this unit equal to the numberof wounds and mortal wounds caused by those attacks that wee allocated to poe td DEATH, SOULBLIGHT GRAVELORDS, VAMPIRE, IVYA VOLGA ©) Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Daj LEE WEAPONS Range Attack 7 aa a r 5 2 Heirloom Axe } aoe i i ; g triumphed over some of the most hinow beasts imaginable Ifany enemy Moxsrers 3" of this unit, this unit cou models for the purposes of con objectives. In addition, while an enemy MonsTeR is within 3” ofthis it, the Attacks characteristic ofthat Monster's melee weapons is | » VYRKOS, HERO, IvvA VoLGA Timeworn Scimitar Lupine Fangs and Claws Belladamma Volga, First of the Vyrkos, is armed with a Timeworn Scimitar, WIZARD: This unit can attempt to ells in your hero phase and tempt to unbind 2 spells in the enemy hero phase WARMASTER: If this unitis included in a Soulblight Gravelords army, itis treated asa general even ifit is not the model picked to be the army's general MOUNT. This unit's wolves are armed with Lupine Fangs and Claws. See ety MELEE WEAPONS Corry AMMA VOLGA See Ree Tey First of the Vyrkos:Belladamma wields all manner of strange and potent sorceries known only tothe elders ofthe Vyrkos. She uses these to bind packs of Dire Wolves to her service, creatures that will unthinkingly sacrifice thems rotect ther savage mistress Add 1 to casting, dispelling and ‘unbinding rolls for this unit. In addition, ifthis unit is within 3 of any friendly Vrrxos Dine Wotves Units, before you allocate a wound or mortal wound to this unit, or instead of making ward roll for a wound or mortal wound that would be allocated to this unit, roll dice, On a3s, that wound or mortal wound is allocated to 1 of those friendly units instead of this unt “The Hunger: Those who bear the Soulblight curse constantly crave blood ‘and are empowered by feasting upon their foes. Each time this unit igh, ater allie stacks hav been resoived you canbe Sp toanuimber of wounds located to is ult equal othe number of wounds nd mortal wounds cased by those Macks hat were allocated t enemy Gril (oa maximum of) Vampire, V¥ ‘Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend v 4 rs v 6 t+ ‘RKOS, HERO, WIZARD, Damage 7, curse: Singling out a choice foe. damma's gnarled ond conte a re crushed and warpes That unit suffers by this spell, befor slain model, you can add I unit of Di Wolves to your army models in the new unit must Under a Killing Moon is spell that has ‘casting value of 6 and a range of 24 I successfully cas, until your next hero phase if the unmodified hit rll for aa, tack made with a melee weapon by a friendly Vraxos unit wholly within Scores 2 hits on the target imaeas of Make a wound oll and save rol for cach bit Vankos Dianwatxbh ZOMat stat wound to this unit, or instead oan ha would be allocated {othisuni lla dice. Ona 2 that {ol ofthos friendly ants instead of font To Wound Rend 4 1 Damage Arise! Arise!: With a rasping cry. Gravekeeper beckons his freshly bung fo arise as undead and defen Js of Ulfenkarn Once per turn, at th end of you movement phase, you can pick | friendly V1RK0s DeADWALKeR Zomntes unit that has been destroyed ‘A new replacement unit with halfoe he models from the unit that was destroyed (rounding up) is added i your army. Replacement up wholly within 9” of re than 9” from all enemy unit, Fach destroyed unit can only be replaced ‘once - replacement units cannot themselves be replaced. arenes peers Seer as oer) Sete amr pecan MISSILE WEAPONS. Necrotising Bolts MELEE WEAPONS: Claws and Fangs Torgllius the Chamberlain is armed with Necrotising Bolts, WIZARD: This unit can attempt to ‘ast | spell n your hero phase and attempt to unbind phase COMPANION: This unit is accompanied by vermin armed with Claws and Fangs, TPs pai omseperat sateen at] eae Dearit, Sou Toxsiiius. pony TY it RCo On TORGILLIUS THE CHAMBERLAIN Range Attacks To it 19H 8 2D BRA rs 1 Range Attacks To Hit To W v 1 4 Trusted Lieutenant: Radukar has ranted Torgillius the resources with ih to continue his research, In return, ‘he Chamberlain offers his necromantic nd the secret gathered for him by his vermin spies. - havea ward of 54 while they ewe within 12° of this unit. on THE Cian ODS, VvRKOS, HERO, GORSLAV THE GRAVEKEEPER To Wound Rend Damage nd__Rend Damage 1 ny 2 OXes es: Loy:a) MELEE WEAPONS Pierci Range Attacks To Hit Each model in a Vyrkos Blood. born ; ; To Wound Rend Damag armed with a Pi Shadowfasts Vyrhos iercing Blade. ELITE: Models in this unit can vil ands to their own unit. ae 1d-born savage swifine don the wind. After dep! yment but befor bat fi bara nis unt ght afterall of unit upto 10" both plas steve Be round begs before the first le P 6 a ted Tound begins, they must roll off an sant 9 the nube the winner choose ei 4 : rol le Vampiric Agility: With quic speed, upon their prey When this unit makes a move, itcan pass across terrain features inthe same nannerasa unit that can fy eer pereaetten meter bse trot een een ern Oe PeD AOU DEATH, SOULBLIGHT GRAVELORDS, VAMPIRE, VYRKOS, VYRKOS BLOOD-BORN Rend CAPTAIN HALGRIM MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage Cursed Halberd 2 3 SION 36 . : Disciplined Advance: In life, Halgrim Jin Halgrim is armed with Cursed Halberd: Foul necrotic sorcery aes raaae clings to this ancient weapon. a Cursed Halberd. emer Ifthe unmodified hitroll foran attack they have become even mort rade with a Cursed Halberd is 6, that attack causes 2 mortal wound the target in addition to any damag itinficts This unt can issue the At the Double 1s friendly command up to ‘Vvnxos DEATHRATTE: me phase apt the second anthind ‘yRKOS, HEKO, SUMMONABLE, maps, DEATHRATTLE® V GH GRAVELO! DEATH, SOULBL cma ‘Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Mage 3+ 1 mae MELEE WEAPONS 3+ 24 2 Talons 7 i) Gaping Maw The Hunger: Those who bear the ght onstantly crave Blood and are empowered by feasting upon their foes. med with Talons and a Each time this unit fights aterallofts ir ekin 18" ofan enemy unit attacks have been resolved, you cane se nadiion al906_ spies nme wouns Oe ea tnd mortal wounds casey oa ue attacks that were allocated to enemy units (to a maximum of 6) eee rey feces erent nig ceeoer eaten tted ‘LORDS, VAMPIRE, VYRKOS, VARGSKYR PAUSetead I NIGHTGUARD Bardiche it To Wound Rend Damage aT Bu 2 Each model ina Kosargi Nightguard unitis armed with a Bardiche. iBour: The thick, rotting flesh Deathly ¥ =z d A Pact Maintained: The undead of he Nihiguardcan shrug of the most mercensries of Kos ances tapalt Srievous wounding strikes Radukar in death as they were life Add 1 to the Attacks characteristical this unit's Bardiches while itis wholly Within 12° ofa friendly RADUKART#® WoLr or RADUKAR THE BEAST This unithas a ward of 5 ORDS, Deap ae —_APWALKERS, Vi RKOS, KosARGI NIGHTGUAR amongst the Soulblight pen Cs eae err a AeA I per erereet perpen ere rian be ieee MELEE WEAPONS Blade Probosci MLAS D RSE TET) on Ra NIKA an ase ; acks To Hit To Wound Rend Damag ; onstantly erave blood Manic agility grantee ating te and pel does The dee vered by feasting upy ty oe A for g scratched This unit has a ward of 44, Durin uldering point ‘ ‘ ployment, instead of setting ug th ch time tis unitfights, after aloft Y8lton the battlefield, you ae nd of any phase, f any wound en resolved, you can he 1M side and ay tha ican i with th >a number of wounds allocated ambush asa reserve unit. Ifyoute nit’ Blade P an in that pha this unit equal to the number of at the end of your movement phase yoy na toa Hero MELEE WEAPONS Gnawblade , the Rat Prince, is armed with Reece KRITZA revue ents GHT GRAVELORDS, VAMPIRE, VRKOS, HERO, LADY ANNIKA Ioan eA To Weed eae ! ET 1 : eee, ee Fach time this unit fights, afterall of ts attacks have been resolved, you can heal up toa number of wounds allocated ‘ 4 sed wounds and mortal wounds c py those attacks that were allocated to enemy units Retreat; Just wher a foe red, Kriteatransfigures seurry i lise elsewhere and ali ive his lade into his enemy's back inthe combat phase when YUPIK thin fight youn fea scurrying io ri erga instead of ANN LigHT GRAVELORDS: ‘VaMPrnt; VYRKOS: At the start ofthe combat phase, your ‘an pick 1 enemy unit within 1" ofthis unit that has an artefact of power and power can no longer be used Git was {ised to enhance a weapon, that weapon Hexo, SUMMONABLE, KRITZA Pestilential Breath Deathlance Vampirie Sword Snapping Maw Sword:-like Claws Wounds Suffered 0.6 oan + Soon Sart DEATH, Sou, Zan BLIGHT G BIE Deacon, Wao N VAMPIRE MISSILE WEAPONS MELEE WEAPONS Range _ Attacks rr D6 Range Attacks ri 5 ; 3 2 * A Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon is armed with 1 ofthe following ‘weapon options: Deathlance; or Vampiric Sword, WIZARD: This unit can attempt to cast | spell in your hero phase and attempt to unbind | spell in the enemy hero phase, FLY: This unit an fly. MOUNT: This unit's Zombie Dragon isarmed with Pestilential Breath, a Snapping Maw and Sword: like Claws, The Hunger: Those who bear Soulblight curse constantly 4nd are empowere their fos. the crave blood d by feasting upon Lory VAMPIRE, Hono, To Hit To Wound To Hit_ To Wound — + 3 3 34 3+ 2 4 3+ Deathlance Charge: This ancien lane is even more deadly when wielded og the charge. This unit's Deathlance has aRend characteristic of-3 and a Damage characteristic of3 if this unit madea charge move in the same turn Terror: This terrifying monstrosity strikes fear into the hearts of ts foes Enemy units cannot receive the Inspiring Presence command while they are within 3° of any friendlyunts with this ability. Curse of Exsanguination: Speaking {an incantation from the Sixth Book of Nagash, the vampire commandsan ‘enemy's blood to burst from their body ® ‘an explosive shower of gore Curse of Exsanguination isa spelltht thas a casting value of 7 and. rangeat 18° If successfully cast, pick 1 enemy unit within range and visible tothe caster, That unit sufers | morta Ifthat mortal wound is allocated!0® ‘model in that unit and the modeliso% slain by thet mortal wound, rade Ona 3+, that model suffers L mot wound, and you can lant dS ifthat mortal wound is allocated’ the mod isnot ain, Kp allings in this way until no mortal wounds caused, the mortal wound isnegaed the moclel is slain, reer os Pee end peices pean e parece Pee rs penetra peer tony cere cf Nagas i pire Lordsare elder pre oe wo dark powers Peace tied Pence eet Poteet ea rune eariten seer MELEE WEAPONS the Holtow King with an Bzechiarian Greatsword. He cannot gain a subfaction keyword. WIZARD: This unit can attempt to cast 1 spell in your hero pha unbind 1 spell in ‘ The Hunger Each time this unit fights, afterall ofits attacks have been resolved, you can heal up to a number of wounds allocated 0 this unit equa wounds and mortal wounds caused by those attacks that were allocated to MELEE WEAPONS Dynastic War-relic A Vampire Lord is armed with a Dynastic War-relic WIZARD: This unit can attempt to cast I spellin fo unbind | spell in the enemy hero phase, PLY: This unit can fly fo peasrlily your hero phase and attempt Srey STM ION one Range Atiacks The ‘ouet of the Lost 1h Spirit ofthe Steed: Spirit ofthe Tutor: Add | to unbinding and dispelling roll for this unit, Spirit ofthe Fallen: fan attack made this unit wounds the target, that attack causes a number of mortal wounds to the target equal tothe we characteristic and the attack sequenc tends (do not make a save roll Ryerss VAMPIRE LORD ToHitToWound Rend a Range ‘Attacks rv 5 The Hunger Thos who bear the, Soulbligh ‘and are empowered by feasting their foes fights, after all of its ach meth unit ibs, afer af cee ‘wounds allocated 0 the number of tal wounds caused TT up toa number to this unit equa wounds and mor by those attacks t hat were allocate ; ons, VAMPIRE: uc GRAVE ECHIAR To Hit Heno, WARD: To Wound Rend Damage Retributio ti Scmmowante ui (Crimson Feast: The Var Once pert combat friendly SOUEALIGNT GRAVELORDS othe At Vampire LORD (ee ay Pyucetatt VARGHEISTS ASKURGAN Roe MELEE WEAPONS X Attack a Anke Attacks ToHit To Wourd Rend Damage Creed ofthe Beast: URSEBLOOD: si Kight eg ye ee ae a oi | MER PALANQUIN Auacks Toit To Wound Rang MUELEE WEAPONS Sie ie Weae ce 4 Wades . DAMAGE TABLE _ Wounds Suffered Move Wail of the Damned Toad tales \GNANT, MORTIS ENGINE q AVG TEM Se ctod MISSILE ange Attacks To Mit To Wound Rend Damage MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks ToHit To Wound Rend Damage . DAMAGE TARLE Wounds Suffered Move Sword-like Claws Toit To Wound Rend Damage os _ DAMAGETARLE = Se — =m Gaping Maw Infested: W MELEE WEAPO} N . Range Attacks Toltit To Wound Rend 4 Shambling Ronee In K FARE carn, soutmucwr Gravetonns, DEATHRATTLE, HERO, SUMMONARLE, Wicwr K 'WARSCROLL WIGHT KING prerenineee) MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To HAC To Wound Rend Damage Tomb Lance Skeletal Hooves and Teeth Lord of Trampling Bones: The high A Wight King on Skeletal Sted is The King's Charge: Arm hha arsed lance nd the omentum ‘armed with a Tomb Lance. stata teed a mounted Wight King etal steed is resand Teeth. MOUNT) This units skel emed with Skeletal Ho After this unit makes a charge move, un pick | enemy anit within I" of nid tla die. On a2 that difers D3 mortal wounds thicunit mone wholly within 12° f thi wit the tffect of ts Deathly Charge abi friggered on each 4 Instead exch ons, DEATHRATTL ks To To Wound Rend Bama CHAMPION: STANDARD BEARER Biack Kwrewrs Guavitonns, DEATHRATTLE, SUMMONA WARSCROLL GRAVE GUARD MULEH WEAPONS Range Ai To Hit_To Wound Rend Pamast Wight Blade v 1 Great Wight Blade 2 ‘ % 1 Each model in a Grave Guard unit STANDARD BEARER armed with {of the following weapon Hsin this unit can b Wade options Wight Blade and Crypt Shield; Wearer,Youcan ecscl cee “ 1 for this unit forthe purpa e Deathles Minions batdletraitifthis, the uni Unit ncludes any Standard Rearers, attack orl {his uti 6 at attack causes 5 MUSICIAN) in every 10 Pert ‘hisunit can bea Hornblawn charge mage inti Tess than 6for this unit as iit includes any Hornblower rte NECROM ONS Mic ZOMBIES ao Apart Croan aoa Auacks To Mit To Wound Rend Bama WARSCROLL FELL BATS MELEE WEAPONS ‘vith Elongated FLY: Thicun 4 LTS SY Autack Pecan THE SEPULCHRAL GUARD cks ToHit To Wound Rend Damage een MELEE WEAPONS UZAY GAA Ve). 3.) Wad . a os Range Au oN To Wound amar tha Weheading Suri Deadly Sommand: King Morlak friendly Tax Sone ee ond eee) dain the Caarhweod King peice freerestntord err adalah peer [ar as ST RRR De occ Gunna ; ete OF VELMORN To Wound Rend Damage HangeAtiacksToHl MELEE WEAPONS Wight Blade 1 : ; Great Wight Blade z 1 “ ’ : Great Tomb Blade r s ” ” ; Wight Axe Y 2 “ % j i Fiend aie ath ae irarmed with a Wil AT oomage it inlets Saris and rola die. On ade that rena smouiph Sabena un SDPEINTALOS THE EXILE Kange Attache To Hit To Wound Rend MISSILE WEAPONS lupe Ailacks To Mit To Wound Rend MELEE WEAPONS Te Ext Channelled Dynamise Crackling Field nit asa ward Tue Exrurp Drab unit w EY DEATH, SOULBLIGHT GuavELORDS, VAMPIRE, HERO, WIZARD, DEINTALOS THE EXILE Sie THE EXILED DEAD MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damast ‘The models in The Exiled D Marcov, Regulus, Inarmed witha Bonesaw, Regul farmed with a Pitted Halberd Baul ind Coylare each armed the unmodi ‘lecrle Weapon, made with an 6 the target sulle theattack ound ll M ELEE WEAPONS aa Ray aT To Wit Yo Wound found Rand The Hunger Tue Catmson. nen rs pe eeernes arr) ameter WARSCROLL THE CRIMSON COURT MELEE WEAPONS ge Naas Toit ToWo Teniboand Mac ———_ | Paired Blades Honed Bludgeon ‘empire Agility: With quicker The models in The Crimson Court are Gvath the Enforcer, Vellas von Faint cer tnnlas Curse-born. Gorath the with a Soulbound safer aloft vine ame armed witha Honed Buds” number of wound aloe! Pasar eva unitthat can fy Enforcer has ® Gorath the Fparacteristic 4 PROFILEs 1s this batthetome and + tig PITCHED BA I sneha Bate pole 0 of the core rabes bor furthey a Soutblight Gearelon's arch 2023 Fai nto est efalies that cam be ahem A information about Pit ras TLR iw ROLE ies and al Bb attleline Deathratie Skeletons r Behemoth Mortis Engine Single. Battleline ia as Behemoth yan Zombse Dragos Leader Single. Unique Cado Eaechiat. the Hollow King (cone the Gevcheeper ngs Usiee «Outs Single, Unique. These ants it King Morak Velmora taken a8 set. Although takes aut The Sons of Velmorn set. cach is a separate anit Lady Annika. the Thirsting Blade Single, Uniger Se “Sinae faken asa set, Although taken# Radakar the Beast Single. Unique Peele 1 of the same Radukar the Wolt, Single, Unigoe Torgilias the Chamberlain Vengorias Lord (Wight King Mondsecher Palanguin Leader, Behemoth Manfred von Carstein, nol os “a Leader, Bet i reer ime Ld on on Leader, Behemoth tl Leader, Nehemoth sae Leader, Behemoth (Corpse Cart (Geave Guard | he Sepuichral Gaara Ratleline in 20 A sal

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