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077 International Journal of the Society for Underwater Technology, Vol 31, No 2, pp 77–92, 2013

Technical Paper
Subsea system readiness level assessment
Sirous Yasseri
Safe Sight Technology, London, UK

Abstract 1. Introduction
Both the American Petroleum Institute (API) 17N: 2009 and Technology readiness levels (TRLs) were first used
Det Norske Veritas (DNV) RP-A203 (2011) recommend that by NASA in the 1980s as part of an overall technol-
the technologies inserted into subsea installations should ogy risk management process. By the early 1990s,
be assessed during design and manufacturing using a tech- TRLs were routinely used within NASA to support
nology readiness level (TRL) scale. This should be used as
technology maturity assessments and consistent
a measure of maturity of all the individual technologies, for
comparisons of the maturity between different
qualification and readiness assurance. This paper proposes
the creation of a system-based approach for managing
technologies (Mankins, 2002).
the development of subsea systems and making effective The US Department of Defense (USDOD)
decisions to ensure the efficient progress of the project. It adopted TRL for risk assessments in 1999 (USDOD,
recommends complementing TRL with an integration readi- 1998). Current USDOD guidance (2008; 2009)
ness level (IRL) scale, to address IRL between the inserted requires the use of TRL (or an equivalent method-
technologies, along with a system readiness level (SRL) ology) as part of an overall system technical risk
scale to assess the overall project status. It also presents a assessment. These TRLs range from 1 to 9, with
method for combining the current TRL scale and the pro- 9 signifying the highest degree of readiness and
posed new IRL scale to determine an estimate of SRL at all 1 the lowest.
stages of a subsea system development. This provides a In the UK the Ministry of Defence (MOD)
composite metric for determining the system readiness level
adopted TRL to improve technology management
for project delivery. The application of the new proposed
to reduce the project delay. In 2007, the UK MOD
scales is demonstrated using a case example.
updated its TRLs’ section to bring more focus to
Keywords: system readiness level (SRL), technology readi-
the importance of project and sub-project inter-
ness level (TRL), integration readiness level (IRL), subsea action when conducting a TRL assessment (MOD,
technology qualification, subsea production technical risk 2008). The MOD replaced NASA’s broad generic
terms with definitions aligned to specific milestones
Acronym list
(MOD, 2011). Because of the success of TRL, a vari-
ety of other maturity metrics have been proposed
BoD basis of design: This is the system’s engineering
as decision support tools (Bilbro, 2007), such as
DP dynamic positioning design readiness level; manufacturing readiness
DSM design structure matrix level; software readiness level; operational readi-
FAT factory acceptance test ness level; human readiness levels; habitation read-
IRL integration readiness level iness level; and capability readiness levels.
Integration is the combining of separate compo-
Many industries have embraced the concept of
nents into a seamless unit. This is an integra-
tion-specific metric, to determine the integration TRL as a metric for measuring technology matu-
readiness between two or more components, rity. The American Petroleum Institute (API) RP
and/or subsystems (hardware and/or software). 17N (2009) adopted TRL methodology for subsea
SRL system readiness level equipment qualification and Det Norske Veritas
This is a metric that incorporates the maturity (DNV) RP-A203 (2011) followed later. Bureau
level of the integrated system, as well as the
interoperability of the entire system.
Veritas (2010) addresses the same issue using a
SRLest system readiness level estimate risk-based approach. The API recommended prac-
This is the SRL estimate at a review stage, which tice is now written into major petroleum compa-
determines the current state of the system readi- nies’ procedures as a tool to assess the level of
ness. It is a derived metric, which aggregates TRL progress of subsea design, fabrication and com-
and IRL of all components of a system that may
ponents’ qualification. Such policies require con-
be at various levels of development at a given time.
TRL technology readiness level tractors to hold design and manufacturing reviews
This is a metric for determining technology matu- using TRL. Examples of TRL application to the
rity before incorporating into a system. offshore oil and gas can be found in US Mineral
Management Service (MMS, 2010) and Millheim
E-mail address: et al. (2011).

Yasseri. Subsea system readiness level assessment

Undoubtedly, TRL is a useful tool for determining a can provide an assessment of overall system devel-
technology’s maturity before inserting it into a sys- opment and identify problem areas that require
tem. However, TRL was not intended to assess the management attention.
integration of technologies and hence the readiness The following section introduces a methodology
of the complete system comprising them. It was orig- to map a subsea system, and section 3 discusses the
inally used by NASA and later by the USDOD as a current TRL for the subsea component readiness.
tool for tracking contractors’ progress (Gove et al., The paper then introduces the new IRL concept in
2007; Sauser et al., 2008a). Therefore, expecting that section 4 and describes the new concept of SRL in
TRL will be able to monitor the readiness of a sys- section 5. The case example in section 6 demon-
tem comprising a collection of technologies, which strates how a composite scale can be derived and
are individually assessed against TRL, is optimistic. used in conjunction with the SRL table to deter-
If the integration of two pieces of technology fol- mine what has been accomplished to date. Section
lows the same maturation path, just as the technol- 7 discusses issues of the subsea system readiness and
ogies do, then TLR can provide an assessment of section 8 summarises the conclusions of the paper.
integration readiness, which is true towards the
high maturity end of TRL scale. However, TRL is
not always capable of capturing the many small 2. Mapping the subsea system architecture
errors that can occur when two different compo- The system architecture is a relationship map,
nents of software and/or hardware are brought which shows the position of components and/or
tighter to exchange data. modules and their relationship with each other
The need to explicitly address the integration of (Yassine et al., 2003; Yassine and Braha, 2003;
technology is evident from failures of high profile Danilovic and Browning, 2007). Components can
projects. For example, in NASA’s Mars Climate implement one or more functions, and interfaces
Orbiter, the failure of two – independently evaluated between components (i.e. linkages) must be well
– technologies to use the same units (i.e. metric ver- defined. A component is a hardware (or a software)
sus imperial) contributed to the loss of the space- object with clearly defined interfaces, which
craft (Sauser et al., 2008b). Discovering that different embodies specific functionality and interacts with
components designed and fabricated by different other components and/or with the environment to
vendors do not match or were designed for a differ- enable the overall system to function. In this paper
ent set of conditions is not rare. The problem of technologies and components are used inter-
integration becomes more acute when there are a changeably, and it also takes readiness and maturity
feed-back and feed-forward loops between vendors, to be the same entity and uses interchangeably.
as changes in one part affect the other, and hence An effective method of understanding a com-
several iterations may be required to resolve the plex system is to:
interdependent design issues, even though each
•฀ identify the system boundaries, i.e. the terminal
design, on its own, looks complete. TRL, as used,
points and where the system integrates with its
determines where the readiness of a module or com-
environment (or neighbours);
ponent lies on the scale, and integration readiness
•฀ break it down into components (and/or mod-
between modules or the entire system with the envi-
ules), which are easier to understand; and
ronment is only implied or is not assessed.
•฀ identify the interfaces (i.e. dependencies or
This paper presents the new concept of an inte-
relationships) between the components (or mod-
gration readiness level (IRL) scale. Just as a TRL
ules) that enable the system to function as a sin-
has been used to assess the risk associated with
gle entity (Sharman and Yassine, 2004).
developing components, an IRL is designed to
assess the risk associated with integrating these Subsea systems are generally modularised for
components. The introduction of an IRL to the ease of installation and parallel engineering. Mod-
assessment process not only provides a check as to ularising requires specifying the architecture and
where the technology is on an integration readi- interfaces governing the modules’ interactions. In
ness scale, but also presents a direction for improv- a modularised design the system components are
ing integration with other technologies. spilt up and assigned to various modules according
Obviously, at a given review stage components to a formal architectural plan (Eppinger, 1991).
may not be at the same level of readiness. A meth- Modules are distinct parts of a larger system;
odology is proposed to combine TRL and IRL into although designed and produced separately they
one composite index, termed SRLest, which is an must function together.
estimate of a third scale termed the system readi- Modularisation enables managing complexity
ness level (SRL), a third scale. The resultant SRLest and parallel work, such as sourcing from different

Vol 31, No 2, 2013

suppliers and accommodating future expansion. The DSM (Simon, 1962), which is a square
Good architecture enables each individual module matrix, has been used in modelling of a variety of
and its interfaces to be changed out without under- products, processes and organisational structures in
mining the functionality of the system. A failed the past (Browning, 2001; Browning and Eppinger,
module can be retrieved and repaired or replaced. 2002). DSM models can incorporate the concepts
Although in theory modules can be organised in of hierarchy (Eppinger and Browning, 2012), direc-
such a way to minimise the number of interfaces, tion of information flow and dependency. In this
the manufacturer’s specialisation largely deter- paper, a variation of DSM is tailored, for represent-
mines the subsea modules and their interfaces. ing the subsea architecture and is used as a visual
This does not undermine the concept of modulari- aid for decomposition and housekeeping when
sation, as the linear (sequential) nature of the sub- combining TRL and IRL into a single index. How-
sea production system determines the line-up of ever, it has a wider application in grouping together
components into natural modules. components forming modules for enhancing man-
Fig 1 shows the block diagram of a simple system ufacturing flexibility by reducing the number of
consisting of ten components grouped into two interfaces (Eppinger and Browning, 2012).
modules at an advanced stage of development. The block diagram of Fig 1 is mapped into
There are interfaces between components of each design structure matrix (DSM) as shown in Fig 2.
module and between components of the two mod- The DSM maps the elements of a system to each
ules. Interfaces between two components are shown other (like a two-way table), enabling concise rep-
by a double-headed arrow, implying that the readi- resentation and integration analysis. One reads
ness of two components to be integrated is inter- across a row of the matrix to see where the element
dependent. The arrow is not intended to indicate in that row sends its outputs and reads down a col-
the direction of flow, but to show dependency. This umn to see from where the element in that column
paper assumes dependency and interface to be the receives its inputs (Browning, 2001).
same entity. The system matrix is a simple represen- For example, the element E provides an output
tation of a system architecture, which captures the to elements A, D, F and J (reading across row 6)
relationship between different components. This is and receives an input from element A, D, F and J
also a suitable tool for system modelling and analy- (reading down column 6). Hence a component
ses, especially for the purposes of decomposition location is known by its column and row. Informa-
and integration. Matrix-based approaches are used tion about dependency or interface is added by
for managing complex systems and interactions of using a marker in the cells to represent relation-
their elements (Steward, 1981). ships (x in Fig 2). An off-diagonal x signifies the

A to F IRL=6

A to E IRL=5

D to E IRL=5 IRL=4
D to H IRL=6

C to J IRL=5

Fig 1: The block diagram for a system with two modules and 10 components (A to J). The double arrows indicate
the interfaces between connected components

Yasseri. Subsea system readiness level assessment













Fig 2: DSM for the system shown in Fig 1. Components A to J are mapped along the diagonal
and interfaces are indicated by a maker

dependency (interface) of one component on quality control and assurance, and maturity
another. The numerical values of X in Fig 2 are the level assessment. Most organisations successfully
IRL of the interacting components; they may be employ various metrics in project management and
different and thus no symmetry is implied. system engineering. The primary purposes of any
Fig 2 shows that C and B are going to be con- metric are:
nected. The readiness of C to be integrated with B
•฀ identify critical parameters;
is noted at the intersection of column 3 and row 4,
•฀ establish milestones to assess progress;
and the readiness of B to be integrated with C is
•฀ provide direction for risk management/
noted at the intersection of column 4 and row 3,
which are not necessarily equal.
•฀ establish a common understanding of progress;
Matrix-based tools provide some insight into the
internal relationship of a complex system (i.e. a
•฀ establish entry and exit criteria for major
dependency map and their complexity); however,
they do not expose the logic behind these depend-
encies. That is, if component A is shown to relate to TRL satisfies all the requirements listed above.
component F, it is not clear why and how this rela- Given the pragmatic benefits of TRL concept, API
tionship exists and where it originates from. Such (2009) adopted a similar scale. API’s TRL has
information can be represented on block diagrams. 8 levels, starting at 0 being ‘unproven idea’ and
The value of the relationship maps is to be able ending with 7 as the highest level of maturity, which
to show/capture that element A is dependent on F is proven in the field. Table 1 is an adaptation of
through some characteristic of A. In doing so, the API’s TRL, where 0 to 6 (more or less) follows 1 to
analyst would understand better the complexity 7 the NASA’s TRL, and API’s 7 combines NASA’s
of a system and, in turn, has more information 8 and 9. The dependencies between modules and
to manage dependencies and leverage them to the dependency of the system to its environment
improve system performance and mange interfaces are not explicitly addressed by API’s TRL. TRL
between elements (Eppinger and Browning, 2012). does not completely capture the risk involved in
The block diagram of Fig 1 offers an alternative the adopting a new technology, since it does not
method to expand the relationship maps. address the architectural needs related to integra-
tion. Various studies (Mankins, 2002; Shishko et al.,
2003; Valerdi and Kohl, 2004; Dowling and Pardoe,
3. Technology readiness level 2005; Smith, 2005) have discussed the inadequacy
Metrics are an integral part of management activities of TRL to address the technology integration issues.
for performance measurement, risk management, They have also stressed the need for metrics and

Vol 31, No 2, 2013

Table 1: TRL for subsea technology readiness level assessment (API, 2009)
Phase TRL Development stage Development stage definition
System validation 7 Field proven •฀ ฀Production฀unit฀integrated฀into฀intended฀operating฀system,฀
Production system installed and operating in the same environment and
field proven operating conditions for more than 10% of its design life
with acceptable reliability, demonstrating low risk of early
life failures.
6 System installed •฀ ฀Complies฀with฀all฀requirements฀of฀TRL฀5.
Production system •฀ ฀Production฀unit฀or฀full-scale฀prototype฀built฀and฀integrated฀
installed and tested into intended operating system.
•฀ ฀Full฀interface฀and฀functional฀test฀programme฀performed
in intended or closely simulated environment and
operated for less than three years.
•฀ ฀New฀technology฀equipment฀may฀require฀additional฀
support for first 12 to 18 months of operation.
Technology validation 5 System tested •฀ ฀Complies฀with฀all฀requirements฀of฀TRL฀4.
Production system •฀ ฀Designed฀and฀built฀as฀production฀unit฀or฀full-scale฀
interface tested prototype and integrated into intended operating system
with full interface and functional test, but not usually in
intended field environment.
4 Environment tested •฀ ฀Complies฀with฀all฀requirements฀of฀TRL฀3.
Preproduction system •฀ ฀Designed฀and฀built฀as฀a฀production฀unit฀or฀full-scale฀
environment tested prototype and put through qualification programme in
simulated environment (e.g. hyperbaric chamber to
simulate pressure) or actual intended environment
(e.g. subsea environment) but not installed
or operating.
•฀ ฀Reliability฀testing฀is฀limited฀to฀demonstrating฀that
prototype function and performance criteria can be
complied within the intended operating condition and
external environment.
3 Prototype tested •฀ ฀Prototype฀built฀and฀put฀through฀generic฀functional฀and฀
System function, performance tests.
performance and •฀ ฀Reliability฀tests฀are฀performed฀in฀relevant฀laboratory฀
reliability tested testing environment, including reliability growth tests,
accelerated life tests and robust design development
test programme.
•฀ ฀Tests฀are฀performed฀without฀integration฀into
broader system.
•฀ ฀The฀extent฀of฀application฀compliance฀requirements฀
are assessed and potential benefits and risks are
Concept validation 2 Validated concept •฀ ฀Concept฀design฀or฀novel฀features฀of฀design฀validated฀
Experimental proof of by physical model, system mock-up or dummy, and
concept using physical functionally tested in laboratory environment.
model tests •฀ ฀No฀design฀history.฀No฀environmental฀tests.
•฀ ฀Materials฀testing฀and฀reliability฀testing฀performed฀on฀key฀
parts or components in testing laboratory prior to
prototype construction.
1 Demonstrated •฀ ฀No฀design฀history.
concept •฀ ฀Essentially฀desk฀study฀not฀involving฀physical฀models฀but฀
Proof of concept as may include R&D experimentation.
desk study or R&D •฀ ฀Technology฀concept฀and/or฀application฀formulated.
experimentation •฀ ฀Concept฀and฀functionality฀proven฀by฀analysis
or reference to features common with/to
existing technology.
0 Unproven concept •฀ ฀Basic฀scientiic/engineering฀principles฀observed฀and฀
Basic research and reported in papers.
development (R&D) •฀ ฀No฀analysis฀or฀testing฀completed฀available.
in papers •฀ ฀No฀design฀history.

Yasseri. Subsea system readiness level assessment

methodology for the coupling and measuring the For a metric to be useful (Dowling and Pardoe,
maturity of multiple technologies within systems. 2005), it must be:
•฀ unambiguous;
4. Integration readiness level •฀ understood by stakeholders with little effort;
Integration is the process of assembling the system •฀ adequately measure the integration maturity;
from its components (Buede, 2000). This seems to •฀ mirror the TRL for ease of implementation; and
imply that ‘putting together’ a system from its com- •฀ simple to apply.
ponents entails no complication, since components
By drawing upon these studies, this paper
are built from specifications, which are recognisa-
extends the same concept to the subsea technology
ble to any system engineer. However, integration
integration. Table 2 shows the proposed metric to
can be a complex process containing multiple over-
measure the subsea IRL, which moves in parallel
lapping and iterative tasks to create a delivery sys-
with TRL.
tem, built to the user requirements and that will
IRL, as TRL, consists of three stages: (1) concept
function in the marine environment.
validation; (2) technology validation; and (3) sys-
The need for a reliable method becomes more
tem validation (see Table 2). Concept validation is
imperative as a system’s complexity increases and
about deciding if a number of technologies can be
components are sourced from diffident manufac-
brought together to perform a function. Clarity
turers. Water depth and availability of installation
and differentiation are important factors at this
vessel (the deck space for assembling components)
stage. Thus IRL 0–2 are considered fundamental
and crane capacity could demand a specific inter-
to describing the three principles of integration,
face type and hence add to complexity.
namely interface, interaction and compatibility.
A technology can only be successfully inserted
The next stage is technology validation, which
into a system if its functionality, maturity and com-
is defined as a conformance to rules. Thus IRLs
patibility allow it to integrate with the rest of the
3–5 are about assurance that an integration solu-
system. The integration should not pose a problem
tion is in compliance with specifications. The final
if the technology and system evolve along similar
stage is system validation, which relates to practical
maturation paths. However, the core technology
considerations. IRLs 6 and 7 are about the assur-
components of a system receive more attention than
ance afforded by integration testing (in-place test-
the linkages between them. Inadequately conceived
ing and actual performance in service).
linkages can cause the integration of components
There are also three aspects to the readiness
from different suppliers to be problematic.
measure: (1) readiness of components to be inte-
The application of metrics to support integration
grated into a module; (2) readiness of modules to
has been extensively used in the computer industry
be connected together to make an assembly; and
to define coupling of components (Orme et al.,
(3) the readiness of the assembly to be integrated
2006; 2007). Mankins (2002) proposes an inte-
into the marine environment. Both components
grated technology analysis methodology to estimate
and modules are tested at the factory for compli-
an integrated technology index and used it for
ance. The factory acceptance test (FAT) qualifies
a comparative ranking of competing systems.
a module as ready to be transported to the site (i.e.
Mankins highlights the difficulty of using the TRL
IRL exceed 4). The assemblies of a few modules are
index when choosing between alternatives.
leak-tested at the site to assure their interface read-
The USDOD and MOD developed a technology
iness for deployment. IRL must be 5 before it can
insertion metric that includes an integration matu-
be installed.
rity level (Dowling and Pardoe, 2005). Gove et al.
Now that both the technologies and integration
(2007) created an IRL to measure integration
elements can be assessed and mapped along a
maturity on a scale similar to TRL.
numerical scale, the next challenge is to develop a
An IRL metric should be able to:
metric that aggregates TRL and IRL.
•฀ determine the integration maturity between two
or more components and/or modules;
•฀ provide a means to reduce the uncertainty in 5. Systems readiness level
integrating new technology into a system; The application of an IRL in the assessment proc-
•฀ meet the system requirements in terms of deliv- ess provides a check as to where the technology
ery time and functionality; and maturity is on an integration readiness scale. Just as
•฀ provide a common platform for tracking the a TRL has been used to assess the risk associated
system development and maturity assessment with developing technologies, an IRL is designed
(Sauser et al., 2008a). to assess the risk associated with integrating these

Vol 31, No 2, 2013

Table 2: IRL for subsea technology readiness level assessment

Phase IRL Development stage Development stage definition
System 7 Integration is field •฀ ฀The฀integrated฀subsea฀system฀is฀in฀production฀and฀is฀in฀compliance฀with฀all฀
validation proven through its functionality requirements.
successful •฀ ฀Inserted฀components฀are฀fully฀integrated฀and฀comply฀with฀all฀performance฀
operations requirements decided at the outset. All components are maturing
to TRL 7.
•฀ ฀The฀integrated฀subsea฀system฀is฀operating฀successfully฀with฀suficient฀
reliability for more than 10% of its service life.
6 Integration is •฀ ฀All฀interfaces฀meet฀and฀exceed฀all฀requirements฀of฀IRL฀5฀and฀below.
completed and •฀ ฀The฀entire฀system฀is฀installed฀and฀tested฀both฀at฀component฀level
qualified through and at system level. The interfaces of assemblies are proven to
sufficient and be reliable.
rigorous testing •฀ ฀Interfaces฀compatibility฀are฀assured฀by฀testing฀in฀the฀marine
in the marine environment.
environment •฀ ฀The฀installed฀system฀is฀being฀commissioned฀and฀its฀functionality
Technology 5 The integration has •฀ ฀The฀subsea฀system’s฀integration฀meets฀all฀requirements฀of฀IRL
validation been verified and 4฀and฀below.
validated with •฀ ฀Various฀parts฀of฀the฀subsea฀system฀are฀tested฀and฀interactions
sufficient detail for between interfaces are verified through testing in the factory and
the system to be on the site.
deployable •฀ ฀Installation฀contactor’s฀procedures฀and฀tooling฀are฀in฀place฀and฀veriied.฀
Special tools and connectors are on the site and seabed is ready to host.
4 There is sufficient •฀ ฀The฀interfaces฀of฀all฀inserted฀technologies฀meet฀all฀requirements
details to assure of฀IRL฀3.
interoperability •฀ ฀Partly฀assembled฀system฀is฀tested฀on฀the฀site฀and฀the฀compatibility฀of฀
between technologies interfaces is verified for the full design specifications.
necessary to •฀ ฀All฀integration฀issues฀and฀problems฀with฀interactions฀between฀various฀
establish, manage technologies have been teased out.
and assure the •฀ ฀Interface฀requirements฀are฀documented฀and฀interface฀management฀is฀in฀place฀to฀
integration coordinate the flow of information between contactors.
•฀ ฀Quality฀control฀and฀assurance฀are฀in฀place.
3 There is sufficient •฀ ฀All฀requirements฀of฀IRL฀2฀are฀complied฀with.
detail in the control •฀ ฀The฀system฀performance฀requirements฀are฀developed฀and฀translated฀
and assurance of into specifications for interfacing components, modules and assemblies.
the integration •฀ ฀The฀speciications฀include฀performance฀requirements,฀functionality,฀environment฀
between technologies and interface with other systems already in production.
to deliver the required •฀ ฀Technologies฀to฀be฀inserted฀into฀system฀are฀demonstrated฀to฀work
functionality together, either by previous filed proven records or by isolated
factory tests.
Concept 2 There is sufficient •฀ ฀It฀can฀be฀shown฀that฀the฀constituent฀components฀can฀work฀together฀and฀
validation evidence of realistically can perform the required function, but may need future work.
compatibility •฀ ฀An฀interoperability฀check฀is฀made฀on฀the฀components฀of฀the฀system฀to฀
between technologies assure their compatibility.
within the system, •฀ ฀Either฀similar฀assembly฀is฀already฀in฀use,฀or฀proven฀in฀qualifying฀test.
namely they will work •฀ ฀All฀likely฀problems฀can฀be฀solved.฀Special฀tools฀and฀connectors
together and can be are identified.
integrated with ease •฀ ฀Interdependencies฀of฀components฀are฀identiied฀and฀the฀channels฀for฀
two-way flow of information/data are determined. Special needs are known
by now.
1 There is some level of •฀ ฀The฀concept฀has฀taken฀shape฀and฀reined฀to฀a฀point฀where฀the฀basic฀
specificity to the dimension, materials, technology need, interfaces between them etc. have
system functionality been developed.
to allow identification •฀ ฀It฀is฀judged฀that฀all฀needed฀technologies฀can฀be฀made฀into฀a฀seamless฀
of linkage between system. The concept or concepts may not meet all requirements,
technologies but there is a promise to meet all functionality requirements by
additional efforts.
0 The interface, i.e. •฀ ฀The฀linkage฀between฀components฀and฀modules฀have฀been฀characterised฀
the linkage, between and฀are฀judged฀as฀achievable.
technologies can •฀ ฀The฀description฀of฀functionality฀and฀interfaces฀is฀general฀without฀reference฀to฀
be identified/ specific performance.
characterised with •฀ ฀The฀concept฀has฀been฀advanced฀to฀a฀level฀that฀the฀physical฀principles฀can฀
sufficient clarity be communicated though reports and sketches.

Yasseri. Subsea system readiness level assessment

technologies. Table 3 defines a SRL scale that incor- extended horizontally to show the calculation
porates the maturity level of components and the details. Columns and rows are numbered for the
interoperability of the entire subsea system. ease of referencing. The off-diagonal numerical
Sauser et al. (2008a) proposed a method to com- entries are IRL, corresponding to an interface
bine the TRLs and IRLs for a system under devel- readiness between two components. Not every
opment, which involves matrix operation. In the component of the system interacts with every
appendix, a simpler methodology is outlined to other component, but all of the component inter-
aggregate TRL and IRL into a single metric, termed actions that do exist are essential to achieve desired
SRLest. This methodology requires all components functionality.
to be assessed using TRL (Table 1), as well as their IRLs are taken from Fig 3 and entered into DSM
readiness for integration with each other and the of Fig 4. For example, ‘6’ at the intersection of
environment to be assessed using IRL (Table 2). components A (row 3) and F (column 9) is the IRL
The method combines TRLs and IRLs into a sin- of their interface; the same value is entered at the
gle composite metric, yielding a numerical value intersection of components F (row 8) and A (col-
between 0 and 7. The estimated SRLest is used in umn 4), but do not need to be the same value. The
Table 3 to judge what the system readiness is (com- matrix diagonal represents integration of a compo-
pared with what it should be) at the time of assess- nent with itself, which is left blank, assuming read-
ment. Building a spreadsheet (see the case example iness of a component to be integrated with itself
in section 6) will enable the user to regularly review is judged by TRL (column 2).
the state of system readiness and track the project’s Assuring correct integration of components into
progress. modules, and then modules into assemblies, satis-
fies the concept and technology validation stages of
integration. For the system validation, these assem-
6. Case example blies must work together when inserted into the
Fig 3 shows a block diagram of a system with ten marine environment, and hence the interaction
components (A to J) arranged in two modules. The and compatibility of the entire system with its envi-
TRL of each component is judged using Table 1 ronment should be assured.
and is noted on its node. The IRL between two The environmental readiness is somewhat quali-
components is shown by a double-headed arrow. fied during the design phase by proper choice of
The IRLs of components with dependencies are material, corrosion protection, installation proce-
judged using Table 2 and are shown on the double dure, etc. Similarly, it is assured during the first two
arrows. In this example some components of the stages of interfacing, namely concept validation
first module have interface with components of the and technology validation, by complying with
second module. engineering specifications. However, without the
Modules are transported to the site after com- strength test at the factory and the leak tests, envi-
pletion of the FAT, which is a strength test (hydro- ronmental readiness remains subjective. This paper
tested at ~1.5 times of the design pressure). Its does not introduce another scale for the environ-
primary focus is the weld quality. At the site, a few of mental readiness, but assumes that it matures along
these modules are assembled and hydro-tested at the same timeline as modules and hence can be
~1.25 times of the design pressure tested to detect measured using the same scale of 0 to 7.
interface leaks. These two tests determine if a mod- A single value for each module is entered in the
ule is ready for integration into the marine environ- last column of Fig 4 to indicate the module’s envi-
ment. Finally, the entire subsea system is hydro-tested ronmental readiness level. In most cases the envi-
at 1.1 times the design pressure. The intention is to ronment must be prepared (e.g. pre-sweep, seabed
assure no leakage at the assembly interfaces. remediation, sand bag markers, foundation) to
These are the three minimum hydro-tests, with host the subsea modules, which is performed just
the relevant load factors as specified in applicable before installation, when the system reaches matu-
codes. Some codes, e.g. API 17N or ASME B31.8 rity level 4.
(2010), replace the third test with three separate Note that in Fig 4, the part of the seabed where
hydro tests, known as post installation test, inte- a module occupies is not part of the module, but
gration test and operational test. In addition, the module is superimposed on the environment,
sometimes a shallow water test is also performed and the column 14 represents the environment.
by immersing a module into the water to ensure The alternative is to add the associated seabed as a
the centres of gravity and of buoyancy are correct. component to the module.
The components of this system are mapped onto For this case example, it is assumed that two
a DSM as shown in Fig 4. The system matrix is interfacing components could be at different

Vol 31, No 2, 2013

Table 3: SRL for subsea system readiness level assessment

Phase SRL Development stage Development stage definition
System validation 7 Field proven •฀ ฀The฀subsea฀system฀is฀in฀production฀and฀it฀is฀in฀compliance฀with฀
operational all its functionality requirements.
system •฀ ฀The฀subsea฀system฀is฀operating฀successfully฀with฀suficient฀
reliability for more than 10% of its service life.
•฀ ฀Assure฀the฀operation฀support฀will฀meet฀all฀of฀its
expected functions.
6 The system is •฀ ฀The฀entire฀subsea฀system฀is฀installed฀and฀tested฀both฀at฀
installed tested and component level and at the system level, and it is ready for
commissioning its intended operation condition.
in progress •฀ ฀The฀subsea฀system฀is฀being฀commissioned฀with
operation support.
•฀ ฀Any฀remaining฀problems฀being฀rectiied.
•฀ ฀The฀Health฀and฀Safety฀Executive฀(HSE)฀policy฀is฀monitored.
Technology validation 5 Manufacturing •฀ ฀The฀system฀with฀all฀inserted฀assemblies฀will฀meet฀all
and installation requirements฀of฀SRL4฀and฀below.
in progress •฀ ฀Partly฀assembled/installed฀system฀is฀tested฀and฀compliance฀
verified for the full design specifications.
•฀ ฀Operational฀support฀availability฀is฀identiied฀and฀assured.
•฀ ฀HSE,฀pre-commissioning฀and฀handover฀policy฀are฀established.
•฀ ฀Operation฀support฀needs฀are฀established.
4 Detail design and •฀ The฀chosen฀concept฀is฀detailed.
final procurement •฀ ฀Procurement฀date฀for฀long฀lead฀items฀is฀assured.
•฀ ฀Installation฀and฀commissioning฀contactors฀are฀ready.
•฀ ฀Integration฀and฀manufacturing฀risk฀are฀reduced.
•฀ ฀Procurement฀is฀advanced.
•฀ ฀Seabed฀is฀being฀prepared฀to฀host฀the฀system.
3 Front end •฀ ฀The฀irst฀choice฀and฀the฀competing฀option฀are฀moved฀forward฀to฀
engineering, a level that the difference between them becomes obvious.
sourcing long •฀ ฀Vendors,฀installation฀and฀commissioning฀contactors฀are฀selected฀
lead items and appointed, and assurance that they can meet the delivery
dates is made.
•฀ ฀Possible฀integration฀problems฀are฀checked.
•฀ ฀Logistics฀are฀considered.
•฀ ฀The฀concept฀is฀in฀compliance฀with฀the฀demands฀by฀the
marine environment.
•฀ ฀Seabed฀is฀being฀surveyed.
Concept validation 2 Concept selection, •฀ ฀Two฀or฀more฀options฀which฀best฀satisfy฀all฀requirements
where an optimal are identified.
concept has •฀ ฀Technology฀risk฀is฀reduced.
emerged •฀ ฀Aspect฀of฀technologies฀to฀be฀used฀is฀clariied.
•฀ ฀The฀most฀promising฀option฀is฀selected.
•฀ ฀The฀project฀schedule฀is฀determined.
1 Concept •฀ ฀Promising฀concept฀is฀reined฀to฀an฀adequate฀level฀of฀maturity.
refinement •฀ ฀The฀concepts฀are฀priced฀and฀ranked฀according฀to
Two or more their desirability.
competing concept •฀ ฀Technologies฀that฀are฀needed฀are฀researched฀to฀see฀if฀they฀can฀
being considered be procured and at what price.
•฀ ฀The฀available฀infrastructure,฀means฀of฀transportation฀and฀
installation contactors availability are studied.
•฀ ฀Operational฀requirements฀are฀considered.
•฀ ฀Fabrication,฀transportation฀and฀installation฀are฀considered.
•฀ ฀The฀inluence฀of฀the฀marine฀environment฀on฀the฀system฀is฀
studied and written into the basis of design.
0 Concept definition, •฀ ฀Reservoir฀data,฀geotechnical฀data,฀drilling฀requirements,฀
where various ideas distances and existing infrastructure information is collected.
are being considered •฀ ฀Concepts฀are฀developed.
or discounted •฀ ฀Economically฀or฀technically฀unfeasible฀concepts฀are฀
screened out.
•฀ ฀The฀schedules฀are฀established฀and฀checked฀if฀they
are realistic.
•฀ ฀Finance฀is฀considered.

Yasseri. Subsea system readiness level assessment


A to E IRL=5


TRL=5 A to F IRL=6 TRL=5

D to E IRL=5 G


D to H IRL=6


C to J IRL=5

Fig 3: A simple system consisting of 10 components arranged in two modules. Interfaces are shown by double
headed arrow

TRL, but their IRLs are the same and equal to the dependent on each other, which adds to the cost of
less ready component (because of mutual depend- managing the interface and will probably lead to
ency), hence yielding a symmetric matrix. In gen- delays. There are algorithms to collect components
eral, if two components have to come together to into modules in order to reduce the bandwidth
create a connection, there may be different degrees and lower the dependencies.
of integration readiness for each component and Each row of column 15 of Fig 4 is the average IRL
therefore the matrix is not symmetric. Symmetry for the row, determined by summing up of IRLs of
assumption is not necessary for the success of all interfaces across the row and dividing it by the
the method and can be dropped, if it is believed number of interfaces – e.g. (5 + 6 + 5 + 6)/4 = 5.5.
that retaining two different IRL for interfacing Column 16 gives the results of multiplication of the
components would yield useful information. component’s TRL by the average of its IRLs, e.g. in
The distance between the furthest off-diagonal row 3, it is 6 × 5.5 = 33. The square root of column
terms to the diagonal is known as the bandwidth of 16 is given in column 17, giving a composite compo-
the matrix. A narrow bandwidth is an indication nent readiness index. Column 18 is the square root
of a good system line-up (modularisation). A high of mean of squares noted in column 16, which is
bandwidth, as in this example, signifies that too the sum of all squares in column 16 divided by the
many components from different modules are number of components in the module.

Vol 31, No 2, 2013

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
IRL _IRL (Col16)
3 6 A 5 6 5 6 5.50 33.00 5.74
4 5 B 5 5 5.00 25.00 5.00
5 5 C 5 4 5 4.67 23.33 4.83
6 6 D 6 4 5 6 5 5.25 31.50 5.61
7 5 E 5 5 5 5 5.00 25.00 5.00
8 5 F 6 5 5 4 5.00 25.00 5.00
9 5 G 5 4 4.50 22.50 4.74
10 5 H 6 4 5.00 25.00 5.00
11 6 I 4 4 5 4.33 26.00 5.10
12 5 J 5 5 4 5 5 4.75 23.75 4.87

13 4.34

Fig 4: DSM for the example case

The readiness for the first module is calculated as: controlled project ensures that TRL, IRL and SRL
closely follow each other. The derived system readi-
33 + 25.00 + 23.33 + 31.50 ness index of 4.34 indicates that some components
M 1R = = 5.31 (1)
4 are not maturing within the desired time frame. In
this hypothetical example, components with TRL
The denominator of 4 is the number of compo- or IRL lower than 4.34 need to be scrutinised.
nents of the first module. Similarly for the second While this case example is simple, the underlying
module, the readiness is calculated as: methodology is important. It demonstrates how to
use DSM to combine TRL and IRL into a new met-
25.00 + 25.00 + 22.50 + 25.00 + 26.0 + 23.75 ric, which indicates the readiness of the system. In
M 2R =
6 addition to this housekeeping advantage, DSM pro-
= 4.95 (2) vides a visual aid to present the system audit results
to the senior managers. The advantage becomes
Therefore, the readiness of each module to be more evident when dealing with more than
integrated into its environment is judged to be 5 for 200 components manufactures in various locations
both modules of the case example using Table 3. that must mate and work together when assembled.
Hence, the aggregate system readiness index (SRI) is:

(5.31)2 × 5 + (4.95)2 × 5 7. Discussion

SRI = = 4.34
7 ×2 (3) Measuring technology and system maturity is a
multidimensional process that cannot be per-
The denominator of 7 is the highest IRL in Table formed adequately by a one-dimensional metric
2; this number is used to normalise the environmen- such as TRL. Although TRL has been employed by
tal integration readiness level, namely 5/7, which is many industries, it captures only a part of the infor-
the same for both modules in the example. From a mation needed to support stakeholders’ decisions.
metric point of view, SRLest and SRL are meant to TRL was not designed to assess the quality of the
measure the same things on the same scale. How- system architecture, design or integration, but only
ever, SRL is defined (Table 3), while SRLest is derived to measure the readiness of system components
by aggregation of attributes of all components, based on what has been accomplished at the time
which may be at different levels of TRL and IRL. If of assessment.
all components mature simultaneously along the IRL addresses this shortcoming, but it must be
same path, then SRLest reduces to SRL. aggregated with TRL into a single composite index
Entering Table 3 with 4.34, the system must be at to be useful. In turn, there is a need for a scale to be
assembly and installation stage; if the project sched- used with this composite index. It is also proposed
ule requires a different level then this must be justi- to use DSM as a visual aid to bring together all three
fied. This index informs the management when elements of system maturation metrics. Readiness
and where to intervene if the system readiness is lag- of components to be integrated into a module,
ging behind the schedules. The markers in each or modules to be connected together, may be
row identify which other components must be ready assessed by engineering judgment in formal
for the integration to become complete; hence reviews, assisted by measurements, specifications,
interfaces must be adequately managed. A tightly codes and procedures.

Yasseri. Subsea system readiness level assessment

This paper has also introduced the concept of envi- •฀ seabed corrections and remediation, involving
ronmental integration readiness level (i.e. module/ removal of debris, possibly dredging and shoring
assemblies-to-marine-environment) for assemblies up; and
consisting of several modules that are large/heavy •฀ accurate positioning/laying down buoyancy
enough to be installed in a single operation. The markers ballasted with sand bags. These mark-
readiness of all components cannot be assured ers act as visual aids for installation, by for
until the factory acceptance tests, the leak tests at example, identifying the corner locations for
the site and in-place operational tests are per- structures.
formed. It should be kept in mind that by IRL = 5,
all of the technical integration issues must be The linear asset (e.g. pipelines, flowlines) fol-
resolved. Once it reaches this level, the focus should lows a similar path, but is not necessarily in sync
be on confirmations of integration by more testing with the major equipment. Some post installa-
and the actual performance. In the context of this tion interventions, e.g. trenching of pipelines and
work, the integration readiness of modules-to- piling of subsea structures, may be required to
marine-environment may be judged using the avail- secure the asset.
able physical evidences, e.g. tests and compliance The subsea architecture is represented by a
with rules, specifications and codes. component-component (N-square) matrix – the
The root mean square (RMS) method was used DSM – which can describe a system structure with
for determining SRLest (see for example Bissell respect to the relationships between its compo-
and Chapman, 1992). This estimated value incor- nents. The DSM is an effective representation tool
porates not only the current maturation of all for mapping subsea equipment and its linkages.
components, but also the physical properties of DSM provides a platform for communicating about
interfaces, integrations requirements, interaction, quality and alternative architecture, and managing
compatibility, reliability, quality and performance interfaces. Its use can improve understanding of
when assemblies are brought together to deliver a the project progress and communicating this to the
specific functionality. senior managers. Simply building the DSM helps to
The dependency of the system on the seabed is increase overall awareness and understanding the
generally studied at the concept phase, and the relationship between components in the system.
demand of environment, such as geohazards, cor- Integration analysis using a DSM promotes trans-
rosion, unstable and uneven seabed are identified parency by showing all metrics in one picture.
and written into the basis of design (BOD). The DSMs can also address the following types of
compliance of the design with the BOD is reviewed questions:
at all stages of the system development. Thus, the
•฀ Should the components be organised differently
manufactured modules are expected to withstand
to improve interface management and delivery?
the demand of its environment when installed.
•฀ How should those modules requiring too many
However, the readiness of environment to host the
interfaces be reconfigured?
system is considered when the subsea system is
•฀ Where and which integrative mechanisms might
ready to be installed.
be prudent?
Early seabed surveys help to identify suitable
•฀ Are the current choices of integrative mecha-
positions for the subsea system. However, the major
nisms well balanced?
part of making the seabed ready for receiving the
•฀ Are the interactions as shown in DSM correct and
subsea system takes place before installation, when
sufficient for the interface management?
the modules and assemblies readiness exceed
level 4. The major activities for the installation Interfaces between components of one module
preparation are: do not require the same level of management time
as interfaces between components of two or more
•฀ acquisition of the permit (permission) for the modules supplied by different vendors. The goal of
vessel to enter the area; DSM is to analyse the components within a system,
•฀ deployment of ship’s transponder on the and it allows one to re-sequence these in order to
seabed; minimise interface between modules.
•฀ deepwater trials to assure redundancy of the DSM identifies bottlenecks during design, fabri-
deepwater system and also drift off tests; cation and installation. The diagonal entries of the
•฀ as-found survey looking for anomalies, debris matrix do not have any interpretation in describing
and variation of the seabed; the system; they are either left blank, or filled in
•฀ installation of transponders array to obtain a with the component labels. This is done to separate
frame of reference for poisoning; the upper and lower triangles of the matrix and to

Vol 31, No 2, 2013

show the interfaces more clearly. The number of This paper also introduces the DSM for map-
markers in a row determines dependencies, as well ping the subsea architecture, namely all compo-
as the level of demand on the interface manage- nents and their linkages, into a single table (matrix)
ment and the criticality of the component. DSM as a visual aid. DSM shows interdependencies
can become the foundation for the optimal between components and the need for information
resource allocation, monitoring and evaluation flow for the interface management. Consequently,
tool. It can also be a basis for common measure- DSM shows TRL and IRL in a single table. These
ment and language for delivery managers to metrics can identify critical parameters, establish
improve the system development and acquisition milestones to assess progress, offer direction for
process. risk management/mitigation and identify hot spots
The complexity of the interfaces is not shown on requiring management intervention.
the Fig 4, but it can be indicated by colour coding In summary, this paper provides a basis for:
of the relevant cell using a five level designation:
•฀ collective evaluation of component integration
none, minor, moderate, high and very high. No
and system readiness to reduce schedule and
colour implies that there is no specific interface
technical risks;
requirement or, if there is one, that its complexity
•฀ a dynamic assessment tool for tracking the
is negligible. An alternative is to use a scale of 1 to
progress of design, manufacturing and installa-
5 with 5 being the highest.
tion; and
The methodology that is described here is simple
•฀ developing contingency, multiple-sourcing and
enough to be usable in practice, and yet adequately
sparing policy through the comparative analysis
captures all relevant data and gives a clear picture
of multiple technologies.
of the entire system. It provides, with little effort
from the user, a view of the system that is valuable
especially during ongoing development. The con-
cepts described here complement the practice of
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Vol 31, No 2, 2013


Suppose there are J independent components, (X j interfaces with Nj components, and the IRLS are
j = 1, 2, . . . , J ), partitioned into M independent given by IRLjn , for a given n = 1, 2, …, Nj .
modules as shown in Fig 5. TRL of Xi (TRLi) is The average of the integration readiness of Xj
noted next to row Xi. The readiness level of compo- is given by:
nent Xi to be integrated with the component Xk is
shown by an x at the intersection of column Xi with Nj
row Xk. Similarly, the readiness level for Xk to be (X jIRL )Ave =
∑ n =1 IRL jn ,
integrated with Xi is shown in column Xk and row Nj
Xi. It is assumed the mutual readiness levels are the for j = 1,..., j , and for a given j, n =1, ..., N j (A1)
same, hence yielding a symmetric matrix. The
bandwidth of this matrix indicates the success of
modularisation. where Nj is the number of interfaces of Xj
Let TRLj , j = 1, 2, . . ., J to be at the TRL level (e.g. component A of the example has Nj = 4
of Xj j = 1, 2, . . ., J. Component Xj (row Xj) has interfaces);

J components

X1 X2 X3 X4 . . Xi Xj Xk Xl . . . . . . . XJ ENV

N1 dependencies for X1
Module 1


Ni dependencies for X i

Module m

Module M

XJ TRLJ NJ dependencies for XJ


Fig 5: A typical DSM consisting of J components and M modules. Interfaces are shown by x.
TRL of each component are noted in the second column. The last column shows the integration
readiness for each module with the marine environment

Yasseri. Subsea system readiness level assessment

J is the number of components (e.g. for the If there are M modules with different readiness
case study, J = 10 components, which are labelled to be integrated with its environment, then the
using the alphabet); and system’s composite readiness index is given by:
IRLjn, (for a given j, n = 1, …, N) is the interface
readiness as entered in row j. (IRL ENV )1 ×(M 1 )2 + ...

For the component A of the case example:

+ (IRL ENV )m ×(M m )2 + ...

5+6+5+6 + (IRL ENV )M ×(M M )2

(AIRL )Ave = = 5.5 (A2) (SRL )estimate = CR
4 7 ×M
The composite readiness of component Xj is
given by: where (IRLENV)m is the readiness of module m to be
integrated with the environment and m = 1,2, …, M.
X j = TRL j ×(X j )Ave , for j = 1, ..., J (A3) The number 7 in the denominator is the highest
readiness level, which a system can achieve on IRL
scale, and it is used to normalise the readiness of
In this paper, Xj = A,B,C, … J. For the aggregate
each module to be integrated with the marine envi-
readiness, i.e. weighted mean, of component A
ronment (IRLENV). Thus, at the highest level of
of the case example is:
readiness, a value of 1.0 (100%) can be obtained
ACR = 6 × 5.5 = 5.74 (A4) for IRLENV / 7.
For the case example, this is calculated as:
The composite readiness of the module Mi (i =
1, 2, ..., M ) is given by: 5 ×(5.31)2 + 5 ×(4.95)2
(SRL )estimate = = 4.34 (A7)
7 ×2
∑ K =1,(X K CR
)2 This paper assumes that the system is dependent
Mi = (A5) on the seabed, but not vice versa. If it is desirable to
assume that the system and the seabed are inter-
where K is the number of components in Mi. dependent, then the seabed portion of each mod-
This is the RMS (root mean-of-squares), which ule must be added as another component within
gives an estimate the ‘typical’ mean. RMS, also known each module. For example, Fig 4 becomes a 12 ×
as the quadratic mean, is a statistical measure of 12 matrix; 5 elements for module 1 and 7 elements
the magnitude of a variable (Bissell and Chapman, for module 2; the extra element being the seabed.
1992). This is calculated for the first and the second Then, there is no need for the column and row 14.
modules as shown in equation (1) and (2) in the The formulae in this appendix should also be
main text. modified to accommodate such addition.


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