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 Understand why they behave the way they do and have refused to change.

Wet markets act the way they do because local vendors or wet market sellers have
created their own stalls in their different areas in a wet market that has provided
them with enough to live on. Second, shoppers and merchants in a wet market share
a'suki' bond (which supermarket employees and shoppers do not share), providing
both sides with a win-win situation. Finally, sellers in a wet market cannot abandon
what they have begun because selling inside a wet market is what they do for a
living, and perhaps some of the vendors truly find genuine satisfaction there, based
on their smiling faces whenever they approach buyers.

 Identify areas where the wet market will need to improve in order to survive.

Wet marketplaces must improve their sanitation, particularly in the meat section and
similar areas. in order to thrive because a clean environment keeps the freshness,
and buyers will be more patient to buy if they don't smell or see anything bad among
the provided goods.

 Other than the ability to haggle prices, identify areas where your local wet
markets can attract the attention of supermarket shoppers.

They can simply attract shoppers again if they display or merchandise goods on the
best way they can be merchandised, also friendship between sellers and buyers
should really be seen too. Improvement for sunitation is really an eye-catcher for
buyers to prefer products your stall because clean environment reflects the
cleanliness or freshness of your goods inside the wet market.

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