LEA 2 FINALS - Merged

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learning objectives:
At the end of this discussion,
students should be able to:
Enumerate the top 10 highest-
paying states for police officers.
Compare and contrast the 10
countries of the world where the
police forces are extremely
countries with
the highest paid
policemen in the
1. canada
The average salary for a police
officer in Canada is over $100,000 a
year. They earn high amounts due
to services like “Paid duty” whereby
the get a higher rate for standing
guard at construction sites or
private functions. They also get high
amount of overtime hours simply by
waiting around to testify in court.
1. canada
An entry level constable
will make $50,000 at the
start and after 3 years of
service it will jump to
$82,000 a year. A corporal
makes between $86,000 –
$90,000, sergeant $95,000
– $98,000, Inspector
$126,000 and
superintendent $140,000.
2. Switzerland
A police officer
based in Zurich
earns a monthly
salary of CHF
5,600 (CHF
67,200 a year)
3. United States
The median average salary for police
and sheriff patrol officers in the United
States is around $60,000. This amount
varies depending on the state one is
employed in and level of experience.
Some of the highest paying states are
New York (Average – $103,000 Entry
level $62,000), California (Average:
$102,000 Entry Level: $80,000), New
Jersey (Average $100,000 Entry Level
4. United
The national average salary for
police officers in the UK is £31,000
($38,000) a year and their full time
working hours is around 40 hours
per week in 8 hour shifts. Overtime
hours are paid at a higher rate and
the average London officers makes
around £4,000 a year in overtime
The starting salary for the police
constables in England, Wales and
Northern Ireland is between 19,400
pds and 23,000 pds. In around 7
years it rises to around 38,300 pds.
Typical salaries with several years of
experience is £36,900pds – £42,000
for a sergeant; £47,730 to £51,771 for
inspector; and £52,830 to £55,005 for
chief inspector.
5. Australia
The average salary of a police officers in
Australia is around AU$56,000 ($42,000)
per year. An Australian Federal Police is
expected to work for around 40 hours per
week. The salaries vary depending on the
various states. Training salaries vary
between AU$36,000 – AU$52,000 a year
while Constable starting salaries range
between AU$54,000 – AU$66,000.
Overtime hours can cause a huge rise in
their pay.
top-10 highest-
paying states
for police
1. California average police officer
salary: $105,220.
2. Alaska average police officer salary:
3. New Jersey average police officer
salary: $86,840.
4. Washington average police officer
salary: $80,200.
5. Hawaii average police officer salary:
6. Illinois average police officer salary:
7. New York average police officer salary:
8. Colorado average police officer salary:
9. Delaware average police officer salary:
10. Nevada average police officer salary:
Best Policing
g.United Kingdom.
i.United States of America
10 countries of the
world where the
police forces are
extremely corrupt
a) Kenya - 92 percent
civilians of Kenya ranks
their police force as the
most corrupt ones as they
take bribes and also
neglects the law and order
of the country.
b) Burma - Corruption level of the
police force of Burma is troubling the
citizens here. Corruption level of the
police force of Burma is troubling the
citizens here. These police forces
make the victims pay for the criminal
investigation that they take up. They
are known for extorting money from
the civilians of the country in different
ways and for different reasons.
c) Iraq - The history of corruption
among the Iraqi police force goes
a long way back. They participate
in kidnapping, bribery and other
actions through which they earn
good amount of money.
Protecting civilians is not
considered as their responsibility
or duty.
d) Somalia - The police
force of Somalia is
ineffective and is
underpaid because of
which they indulge in
steeling, extortion and
e) Afghanistan - Afghanistan
police force are getting worse
with every passing day as they
are extorting money and
inflicting violence on civilians.
They are releasing the criminals
from the prison and they also
tend to avoid arrest of the
f) Sudan - Corrupt police
force of Sudan has proved
their level of corruption so
many times through
extorting bribes from
civilians and also avoids
ignoring the investigation of
crimes and violence.
g) Russia - Russian government
knows the corruption level of
its police force. Police brutality,
extorting bribes and
developing the problems of the
citizens are all the activities in
which the police forces of
Russia indulge in.
h) Pakistan - The police force of Pakistan also
deserves a well-known rank and position
among the most corrupted police force of the
world. Arresting innocent citizens and taking
bribes from them is the leading task of the
police force of Pakistan. Although police force
is known for managing law and enforcement
of a country. But the policemen of these
above-mentioned countries are taking up to
selfish and criminal activities to earn extra
money by causing deep rooted corruption in
the nation.
i) Haiti - World's most corrupt
police force belongs to Haiti. The
police force of this country has
negatively influenced the society
through their unethical practices.
The lawlessness of the country
and the brutality of the police
have developed a negative
impression on the world.
j) Mexico - Mexico is holding the
second position among the countries
that have most corrupt police forces.
The police here are most troubled
and they are turning to get worse
because of the increasing level of
corruption. They are enforcing drug
trafficking in the country and are also
ignoring the crimes that are
developing in the region.
Safest Countries in
the World
learning objectives:
At the end of this discussion,
students should be able to:
Understand and know the
safest countries in the
world according to Global
Peace Index.
The Global Peace Index ranks the safest
and most peaceful countries in the world. This
report is published annually by the Institute
for Economics and Peace, which defines itself
as "an independent, non-partisan, non-profit
organization dedicated to shifting the world's
focus to peace as a positive, achievable and
tangible measure of human wellbeing and
progress." The report researches countries to
determine which are the safest and which are
the most dangerous.
GPI report ranks each country's
level of safety or danger based upon 23
different indicators. The indicators
used to compile the GPI include the
number of internal and external
violent conflicts, level of distrust,
political instability, potential for
terrorist acts, number of homicides,
and military expenditures as a
percentage of GDP.
These indicators are grouped
into three broad categories:
Ongoing International Conflict,
Societal Safety and Security, and
Militarization, and a score is
calculated for each of the nations
featured in the report. The lower
the score, the higher the nation is
ranked in terms of safety.
Top 20 Safest
Countries in the
World (2022 Global
Peace Index —
lower is better)
1. Iceland — 1.107
2. New Zealand — 1.269
3. Ireland — 1.288
4. Denmark — 1.296
5. Austria — 1.300
6. Portugal — 1.301
7. Slovenia — 1.316
8. Czech Republic — 1.318
9. Singapore — 1.326
10. Japan — 1.336
11. Switzerland — 1.357
12. Canada — 1.389
13. Hungary — 1.411
14. Finland — 1.439
15. Croatia — 1.440
16. Germany — 1.462
17. Norway — 1.465
18. Malaysia — 1.471
19. Bhutan — 1.481
20. Slovakia — 1.49
The Safest
Continent in the World
A majority of the top 25 safest countries
are European countries. Most notable
are the Nordic countries of Europe.
Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, and
Finland are not only among Europe's
safest countries, they are among the top
25 safest countries anywhere on Earth.
As such, this region is considered the
safest in the world.
1. Iceland
According to the Global Peace Index, Iceland
is the safest country in the world for the
14th year in a row. Iceland is a Nordic
nation with a relatively small population of
340,000. Iceland has a very low level of
crime, which is typically attributed to its
high standard of living, small population,
strong social attitudes against crime, a high
level of trust in their well-trained police
force, and a lack of tension between social
and economic classes.
2. New Zealand
New Zealand is the second-safest country
in the world. Like Iceland, New Zealand has
a very low crime rate, and violent crime is
especially rare. Theft is still worth
guarding against, especially in tourist areas
(which holds true in every country in the
world) but overall risk is minimal. Unlike
its neighbor Australia, which is known for
its dangerous wildlife (box jellyfish, taipan
snakes, stonefish, funnel web spiders, and
more), New Zealand has no deadly animals.
3. Ireland
Ireland became notably more peaceful
in 2021 and vaulted from 11th place to
3rd in the 2022 rankings as a result.
Crime is quite low outside of a few
city neighborhoods (and as in any
country, one should be wary of
pickpockets and scammers in tourist-
dense areas), and there is little threat
of cultural violence or terrorism.
4. Denmark
Ranked fourth on the 2022 Global Peace
Index, Denmark is another of the safest
and happiest countries in the world.
Denmark is one of the few countries
where people report feeling safe at any
time of day or night, even children.
Denmark has a high level of equality and
a strong sense of common responsibility
for social welfare — two qualities that
contribute to its citizens' feelings of safety
and happiness.
5. Austria
Austria ranked as the fifth-safest
country in the world for 2022. While
violent demonstrations in the wake of
ongoing social unrest remain a
concern, these are relatively easy to
avoid and otherwise, Austria is a very
safe country to visit. Serious crimes
are uncommon (with the usual caveat
to watch for pickpockets and purse-
6. Portugal
Portugal comes in sixth in the most
peaceful countries rankings for 2022. In
2014, Portugal was ranked 18th globally
and has since made significant strides.
Unlike Iceland and New Zealand, Portugal
has armed police; however, an increased
police presence has resulted in a decreased
crime rate in the country. In recent years,
Portugal has experienced an economic
resurgence, decreasing its unemployment
rate from over 17% to under 7%.
7. Slovenia
One of the former members of
Yugoslavia, Slovenia's high safety
ranking can be attributed to its excellent
scores in not one, but three separate
categories: travel security, medical risks,
and road safety. Like many Slavic states,
Slovenia installed a democratic
government in the mid-1990s and is now
focused upon improving quality of life in
many areas, including safety and
8. Czech Republic
Crime rates in the Czech Republic
have steadily decreased over the
years, with rates of violent crime
in particular dropping
significantly. The Czech Republic
also has a low incidence of
terrorism and natural disasters.
9. Singapore
Singapore ranks ninth on the GPI for 2022.
In a Gallup report from 2018, Singapore
residents felt the highest sense of personal
security and had more positive experiences
with law enforcement than did residents of
any other country. Singapore has one of the
lowest crime rates in the world, possibly due
to the severe penalties that are issued for
even small crimes. The government and
police strictly control guns and other
firearms, and violent and confrontational
crimes are rare in Singapore.
10. Japan
The tenth-safest country in the world for
2022 is Japan. Japan has been in the top
ten countries in the Global Peace Index
for 14 years, consistently receiving high
marks for low crime rates, minimal
internal conflict, and virtually
nonexistent political unrest. Japan's
proximity to potentially hostile
neighbors China and North Korea could
become a threat to its safety at some
point, but has not thus far.
Middle East and Africa
Police System
learning objectives:
At the end of this discussion,
students should be able to:
Know the Middle East
Policing system.
Compare the policing system
of Africa to other countries.
The Israel Police was established in 1948.
It is responsible for public security,
maintaining public order, securing public
events and rallies, dismantling suspicious
objects and explosives (EOD), riot and crowd
control, law enforcement, crime fighting,
detective work, covert operations against
drug networks, investigating suspects, road
traffic control, operating the Civil Guard,
handling civilian complaints, handling youth
violence, educational campaigns.
Israel police
ranking system
Constable - lowest rank which is
equivalent of Patrolman/woman
in the Philippines
Inspector General - highest rank
which is equivalent of Police
General in the Philippines
abu dhabi
Abu Dhabi
It is the primary law enforcement
agency in the Emirate of Abu
Dhabi, one of the United Arab
Abu Dhabi Police was formed in
1957 by the then ruler of Abu
Dhabi, Sheikh Shakbut bin Al
abu dhabi
police ranking system
Commander General -
highest rank
Policeman - lowest rank
Law enforcement in Pakistan is one of
the most elite and prestigious cadre of the
Civil Service of Pakistan. One of the three
main components of the criminal justice
system of Pakistan, alongside the courts
and the prisons.
The service of PSP is very versatile in
nature and officers are assigned to
different districts/Provinces/Stations all
across Pakistan during the course of their
Many of the country's highest profile
positions such as Inspector General’s/
PPO’s of Provinces and DG Intelligence
Bureau, DG FIA & also Superintendents of
FC & NH&MP & Many other important
Police Designations usually belong to the
elite Police Service of Pakistan, PSP.
Officers in this group are recruited through
an extremely highly competitive
examination held once a year by the
Federal Public Service Commission.
pakistan national
police ranking system
Inspector General of
Police - highest rank
Constable - lowest rank
The Afghan police force has its origins in
the Hotak and Durrani empires in the early
18th century, and over the centuries it was
modernized to its current form. In the 1950s
a group of army officers were reassigned to
the police forces to develop a new cadre and
modernize the police organization.
In the early 1960s, five of the top police
students from the Kabul police academy
were sent to Munich Germany to get their
master's degrees in criminology and police
Master General Chief -
highest rank in
Sergeant - lowest rank in
The British army assigned a captain to
the central administration for police
duties in 1898. He commanded 30 British
army officers and helped to organize
provincial police forces.
In 1901, the authorities decentralized
the police to improve efficiency. The
government assumed responsibility for
administrative control of the police in
1908, but provincial governors retained
operational control of the forces.
In 1928 the British established the
Sudan Police Force (SPF) under the
Ministry of Interior. Throughout the
colonial period, the police lacked the
resources and manpower to deploy
officers throughout Sudan.
Instead, the government gave tribal
leaders authority to maintain order
among their people and to enlist a limited
number of “retainers” to help them in
law-enforcement duties.
Inspector General -
highest rank in Sudan.
Lance Corporal - lowest
rank in Sudan.
The National Police of Uruguay is
the police institution of Uruguay
created 18 December 1829, formed
by civil personnel, with complete
attributions of police. It constitutes
the Security Force, is a body of
national and professional nature,
dependent on the Executive Branch
through the Ministry of the Interior.
As administrative police is
responsible for the maintenance
of Public Order and the
prevention of crimes. As an
auxiliary of justice, he is
responsible for investigating
crimes, collecting evidence and
handing off criminals to the

35,000 professional force
70,000 civil guard volunteers

Located at Police Headquarters, Sderot Hayim Barlev 1, Jerusalem

Hotline number #110 or #100
Ministry of Internal Affairs

21 years old to 55 years old

College Graduate

Abu Dhabi
Ministry of Interior
18 years old to 60 years old
Located at North of Al-Hosn Palace in the center of Abu Dhabi City
Guarding Royal location, Market, Banks
College Graduate

Pakistan National Police
Federal Investigation Agency
20 years old to 60 years old
High School Graduate

1. Farouq Barakzai
2. Farouq Yaqobi
3. Assadullah Ahmadzai
4. Sidique Wahidi
5. Saadullah Yusufi

North Atlantic Treaty Organization

18 years old to 58 years old
College Graduate

Secondary School Certification

National Police of Uruguay
Security Force
Ministry of Interior Uruguay
21 years old to 54 years old
Highschool Graduate

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