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Indian Political Science Association


Author(s): Bina Rai
Source: The Indian Journal of Political Science , July - September, 2015, Vol. 76, No. 3,
SPECIAL ISSUE (July - September, 2015), pp. 437-441
Published by: Indian Political Science Association

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The Indian Journal of Political Science
Vol. LXXVI, No. 3, July-September, 2015, pp. 437-441 (ISSN NO. 0019-5510)


Bina Rai
Introduction: “India is the cradle of human race, means of communication and control between the
the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, people and their elected representatives in Parliament
grandmother of legend, and great grandmother of and Government.  Banning of publication in any
tradition. Our most valuable and most instructive newspaper of any matter relating to any particular
materials in the history of man are treasured up in subject or class of subjects would be obnoxious
India only” -Mark Twain to the right of free speech. Freedom of speech can
Democracy in general terms is understood to be restricted only in the interests of the security of
be a form of government which is subject to popular state, friendly relations with the foreign states, public
sovereignty. It is essentially a rule by the people which order, decency or morality, or in relation to contempt
is in contrast to monarchies or aristocracies. One of of court, defamation or incitement to an offence. It
the crowing glories of the democratic system is the cannot, like the freedom to carry on business, be
freedom of expression and the space that is provided to curtailed in the interests of the general public.’
views from different sections of the society. Reliable Media and Indian Democracy: Media came
information resources are an important constituent into existence in 1780 with the introduction of a
of any democratic society (Habermas, 2006). With newspaper  namely  “The Bengal Gazette” and since
flourishing growth of India and largest democracy in then it became the integral part of our life. It is not
world, one of the greatest achievements is its vibrant only the source of information which may affect the
media. Right from the era of independence, where normal human being in his day-to-day functioning,
power of ink was recognized more than bullet, media but also keep them informed of developments,
role was seen as stature to bind people together for national and international. The media can be said to
a common agenda. LalaHardayal started publication promote democracy in four key ways:
of the journal ‘Ghadar’. Within one year, millions of 1- By Fostering Public Debate and Political
copies of this journal were published in Hindi, Urdu, Engagement: The capacity to provide a civic
Punjabi, Gujarati, Marathi and English and sent to forum in which meaningful and serious political
India and to all parts of the world. debate can take place is often viewed as the key
Constitutional Provision: The importance of democratic role of the mass media. The virtue
freedom of expression and speech can be easily of this is that better-informed citizens with
understand by the fact that preamble of constitution more independent and considered views will be
itself ensures to all citizens inter alia, liberty of more politically engaged. The mass media are
thought, expression, belief, faith and worship. therefore agents of political education. Indeed,
The constitutional significance of the freedom of the media may have largely replaced formal
speech consists in the preamble of constitution and representative institutions, such as assemblies,
is transformed as fundamental and human right parliaments and the local councils, as arenas for
in Article 19(1) (a) as “freedom of speech and the dialogue, debate and deliberation that are
expression. It therefore includes the right to propagate the very stuff of democratic politics. The media
one’s views through the print media or through any provide a forum for the expression of a much
other communication channel e.g.; the radio and the wider range of viewpoints and opinion than is
television. Art.19 (1) (a) secures to every citizen the possible within representative’s institutions
freedom of speech and expression.Therefore the press composed only an elected politicians.
keeps and enlightens the citizens to make political 2- By acting as a ‘Public Watchdog’ to Check
decisions, know the opinion of others to weigh Abuses of Power: The ‘watchdog’ role of
them up against each other. It stands as a permanent the mass media is, in a sense, a subset of the

Dr. Bina Rai, Assistant Professor(Political Science), R.G. (P.G.) College, Meerut (U.P.)

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The Indian Journal of Political Science 438

political debate argument. The role of the democracy and politics in general, and more
media, from this perspective, is to ensure that an indication of the failure of the democratic
public accountability takes place, scrutinizing process to keep up to date with how citizens
the activities of government and exposing in an information society wish to participate in
abuses of power. Once again, in carrying out politics and express their views. It overcomes
this role the mass media is supplementing and, the problem of size because people no longer
to some extent, replacing the work of formal need to assemble in large numbers to engage in
representative institutions. Media professionals political activity; it massively enlarges citizens’
such as journalists and TV presenters are access to information and makes possible a
particularly suited to this role because they are truly free exchange of ideas and views; and it
‘outside’ politics and have no interest other than enables citizens to express their views easily and
to expose incompetence, corruption or simply conveniently without having to leave home.
muddled thinking whenever and wherever it can Every citizen is entitled to have free access to
be found. This may not only taint their motives, the knowledge and information they require. The
but it may also discourage them from criticizing democratic political system depends on the efficient,
processes and practices that they may wish to accurate, and complete transmission of social,
take advantage of in the future. However, the political, and cultural information in society. Thus
media can only perform this role effectively. mass media forms an integral part of democracy as
3- By Redistributing Power and Political Influence: it contributes to those factors that are intrinsic to
The mass media promotes democracy by genuine democracy.
widening the distribution of power and political India has the largest democracy in the world
influence in society. This is largely accomplished and media has a powerful presence in the country.
through the ‘new’ media’s capacity to It has now becoming the backbone of a democracy
significantly enlarge access to information which makes us aware of various social, political
exchange. Communications technology ensured and  economical  activities happening inside the
that government knew more than their citizens country and around the world. Media act like a mirror
did, and helped them control the flow of in which we can see the bare truth and harsh realities
information to the public, giving them ability of life clearly. It’s also an eye opener and reminds
to ‘manage’ public opinion. However, the so- politicians about their unfulfilled promises at the time
called third communication revolution, brought of elections time to time. Mass media has become the
about since the 1990s especially by the spread lifeline of country.
of satellite and cable television, mobile phones,
Mass media in its different forms have influenced
the internet and digital technology generally,
human life in the present century. They have primarily
has helped to create what has been called an
provided information and entertainment to people
‘information society’. In addition, the ‘new
across countries. Print media, being the leader over a
media’ have facilitated political participation
considerable period of time has now got competition
and helped to give the politics of protest and
from Television, which is reshaping many of the
popular mobilization greater organizational
social responses. Radio apart from providing news
and views has also developed a flair for entertainment,
4- By Providing a Mechanism Trough Which thereby getting a lot of acceptance. There is also
Democracy Can Operate:The media’s the new media with internet being its flag bearer.
democratic potential is embodied in the Internet has indeed made it possible to disseminate
possibilities that new technology offers for information and ideas in real time across the globe.
expanding citizen participation, through what is Informing the citizens about the developments in the
called electronic democracy, ‘cyber democracy’ society and helping them to make informed choices,
or ‘e-democracy’. From this perspective, the media make democracy to function in its true spirit.
problems that afflict many mature democracies, In India diversity is almost everywhere and it is not
such as declining attendance at political a developed nation. The role of media in India, the
meetings and falling electoral turnout, may be largest democracy of the world is different from
less a reflection of growing disenchantment with merely disseminating information and entertainment.

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Role of Media in Indian Democratic System 439

Educating the masses for their social upliftment that provides citizens with information regarding all
needs to be in its ambit as well. In a country where the current affairs of any area at a large scale. It is
there is large scale poverty, unemployment and unbiased reporting of facts through print, television,
underdevelopment media has a responsibility towards radio or Internet.The most horrendous explosions, that
developmental journalism. It has a role to play behind is, the Mumbai terror attack, commonly abbreviated
formation of public opinion which can force the as 26/11 was an outrageous incident experienced
political parties to address the core issues haunting by India. Media was the one who reported every
the country’s progress. However, public opinion can second of those 63 hours of operation conducted by
be manipulated by vested interests to serve their own the commandos. It’s all due to media that youth is
goals (Corneo, 2005). strongly affected by the NSG commandos, who came
In India public service broadcasting was given into picture with their proud achievement and will
much importance after independence. It was used as always abide our blessings.
a weapon of social change. AIR (All India Radio) The Jessica Lal case ended on a comparatively
and Doordarshan, the public service broadcasters more on a positive note than could have ever been
in the country had the responsibility of providing expected thanks to the media. The media is brought
educational programs apart from information and to the public’s attention forward the real picture of the
entertainment. case.
Positive Role of Media: Media acts as an interface Traditionally and constitutionally, the media
between the common man and the Government. It is a has no defined role in governance. It doesn’t have
very powerful tool with the ability to make and break the power to change any decisions made by the
the opinion of people. If media tells the public that this various arms of a state––the legislature, executive
picture is being demanded as one of the most wanted and the judiciary. Yet, the media plays one of the most
terrorists, people would regard him as one blindly. important roles in the functioning of any society. It
It has the capacity to swing perceptions or evoke amplifies the voice of citizens and communicates
emotions. This is what it has gained – faith of public. their opinions to the lawmakers.
Media through its various means of newspapers, Access to information is essential for a
television and cinema is what rules the heart and democratic society because it ensures that citizens
minds of people. For instance, the advertisements make responsible, informed choices rather than acting
by IDEA Cellular and the TATA group promoting out of ignorance or misinformation and information
education for all, democracy by voting through Short also serves a checking function. It is well known that
Message Service (SMS), the Jaago India slogans are media overlaps other functional areas of democracy
perhaps, not only charming the public but also have a and governance. For example, support for media may
huge impact on their minds. yield results in governance activities, particularly
The media has helped to make our society a those related to decentralization, anti-corruption,
democracy by placing emphasis on issues that at one and citizen participation in the policy process.
point in time would have been considered strictly The rule of law may be further institutionalized by
private such as child birth, homosexuality, child support for an independent media that keeps a check
care, domestic violence, and sexual harassment. on the judiciary, reports on the courts, and promotes
Media has a significant and indispensable place in our a legal enabling environment suitable for press
lives. It brings to us the true face of today’s world freedom. Free and fair elections conducted through
– a face which is usually hidden from the common transparent processes require a media sector which
man. Mahatma Gandhi vested immense power in the gives candidates equal access, and reports the relevant
media, and used it as a platform to unite the people of issues in a timely, objective manner.
the country towards the common cause of freedom.
During all these years the Indian mass media has
That was more than sixty years ago. Later, Indira
successfully performed the following functions:
Gandhi crippled the power of the media when she
declared a state of Emergency. Today, our media has 1- Supporting objective news and informative
arisen from those shackles. But in terms of its role, it programs so that people can make quick
still needs to accomplish its rightful position. Media decisions.
usually refers to mass media, which is any medium 2- Cultivating alternative media, so that multiple

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The Indian Journal of Political Science 440

voices and opinions will be heard. that. The issues discussed become stale and after a
3- Mobilizing popular participation in the transition week a new storyline creeps in bringing in hope and
process. opening up a new avenue. Political parties started
their own channels to highlight their achievements
4- Multiplying the impact of transition activities by
and political news were more about personalities than
disseminating information on successful local
about their ideologies. Even Reporters of various
peace and participatory efforts.
Channels and Newspapershave biased opinions. Most
Democracy and mass media are the two essential of time these channels stand against government. In
components of Indian life. It has accomplished the the absence of serious debate, voters are left with paid
task of transforming the lives of the people. But to political propaganda containing only meaningless
what extent has Indian lives progressed and what slogans making them disinterested and cynical about
advancement has the nation achieved is a matter politics and losing faith in democracy. Forgetting its
of concern. Like every coin which has two sides responsibility to educate the masses media is busy
the effects of mass media in Indian democracy transforming citizens into spectators by offering them
has brought in serious advantages as well as pure entertainment.
disadvantages. We need to understand the role and
What happened in most of the cases is that Global
functions of media in our nation and the significance
Competition and profit motive made media forget
of media in democracy. Television and radio
about democracy. The interests of the advertisers
have made a significant achievement in educating
did not coincide with readers, listeners and viewers.
rural  illiterate  masses in making them aware of all
Advertisements occupied the pages in newspapers.
the events in their language.The media also exposes
Democratic values and principles were to be buried if
loopholes in the democratic system, which ultimately
advertisement rules media Money ruled over morals
helps government in filling the vacuums of loopholes
and media was no more interested in veracity.
and making a system more accountable, responsive
and citizen-friendly. Once upon a time, the media was a solution to
one’s problem. It helped people in getting justice,
Negative Role of Media: Is media really
solved their problem, helped to bring out the problem
fulfilling its social responsibility? Is a booming global
in front of everybody and hence evoke the public
mass media posing threats to the democratic way of
support and so on. But it seems like a dream today.
thinking? In it posing challenges to a country like
The past is gone, and the present is on. Today, the
India where media has a greater role to play rather
most impractical and feeling less is media.The truth
than merely providing information and entertainment?
is that in this competitive world – the media is also
“Tell me, why is the media here so negative. a victim.
Why are we in India so embarrassed to recognize our
There are a number of ways in which the Indian
own strengths, our achievements? We are such a great
media differs from that in the west. For instance, how
nation. We have so many amazing success stories but
many of us know about the scandals our politicians
we refuse to acknowledge them. Why?” -Dr. Abdul
are involved in? In the west, a Carla Bruni or a
Monica Lewinsky can rock the President’s office,
This observation made by our former late but in India, such matters are still kept under wraps.
President is very true. It is a very sad fact that every Another difference would probably be the political
morning we have to begin our day with negative stand adopted by the media. In the west, newspapers
news. Indian mass media often has a tendency to make no bones about declaring which political party
exhibit gossip, scandal and violence.The aim of mass they support, while in India this is still done (not
media is to sensationalize every piece of information so) discreetly. For example, an India Today clearly
rather than sensitizing them. The lack of media supports the Rightists, but doesn’t claim so. HT to be
literacy among the pubic also makes matters worse. pro-Congress, but again, they remain discreet about it.
With the increase in the number of competitors in
Just a week or so back, I was surfing through the
mass media nowadays we find that a wide range
various news channels on TV to update myself with
of topics are being discussed among the public.
what was going around in the world. The convenience
The common man and the celebrities express their
seems to get enhanced day by day with the variety,
opinion, but usually there is no measure taken after

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Role of Media in Indian Democratic System 441

novelty and competition on the rise between media scam to Colgate scam have been discovered due to
houses and news channels which seem to get tougher. the presence of the vigilant media. Media not only
So, while surfing the news channels a week or so have saved the democracy but have saved its total
back, all channels focused on “Sheena Murder extinction.
Case.” These channels and newspapers report their The journey of India from developing nation to
own distorted and manufactured version of the news a developed nation will depend on the role played by
to gain popularity and recognition, even if it means the media in the country. It needs to be focused on the
stooping to extremely low levels. Their news is about real matters, which are mostly social and economic
the rich and the famous and is at the expense of the in nature, instead of trying to divert the attention
common man. to the non-issues. Achieving the good governance
“PIPLI LIVE” was ironic movie on media’s requires the understanding and participation of every
negative role. Hence, probably the question that is member of the society. The media, their significant
as ‘old’ as news itself must be answered again now. roles, channels and contents, are considered to be the
‘What makes news?’ One common argument has most powerful weapon to make this achievement a
been, ‘the usualness or newness of an event that reality. As such, it has to shoulder the responsibility
qualifies it to become news’. The essence and the of presenting what is true, advocate what is necessary
answer were summed up by Charles A. Dama, who and enable the people to sift the essence from material.
said: “If a dog bites a man, that’s not news. But if a As an instrument of social change, economic progress
man bites a dog that is!” and moral development it should uphold certain
But politics unfortunately is hardly about being a values and principles and strengthen democracy.
‘mere’ people’s representative. It is never that simple. References:
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