Super Easy Reading 3rd 1 Transcripts en

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Unit 1 Hi, Mouse! I sing a song.

Hi, mouse! Hi, mouse! I draw a picture.
Two mice, four mice, I am a student.
Six mice, lots of mice!
Unit 4 Arms and Legs
Bye, mice! Bye, mice! Bee has six legs.
Six mice, four mice, Cat has four legs.
Two mice, no mice! Bird has two legs.
Worm has none!
Unit 2 They Are Small!
The bee is small. Spider has eight arms.
The bird is small. Starfish has five arms.
The worm is small. I have two arms.
The spider is small. Worm has none!
The mouse is small.
The box is small. Unit 5 Jimmy’s Toys
They all are small things! Jimmy likes all toys.
Jimmy likes red toys.
Unit 3 A Student Jimmy likes blue toys.
I have a teacher. Jimmy likes all toys.
I have a pen.
I sing a song. Jimmy likes small toys.
I count to ten. Jimmy likes big toys.
Jimmy has lots of toys!
I have a book.
I have a teacher. Unit 6 Butterfly, Butterfly

Super Easy Reading 3rd 1 Transcripts

Fly to the flower. I listen to music.

Fly over the cat. I listen to loud music.
Fly to the toy. I listen to quiet music.
Fly over the water.
Fly to the jar. I listen to music.
Fly to the tree. I listen to old music.
Butterfly, butterfly, I listen to new music.
Fly over me. I like all music!

Unit 7 The Hill Unit 10 Let’s Go!

The fly is on the frog. Dog says, “Let’s go!”
The frog is on the cat. Cat says, “Let’s go!”
The cat is on the horse. Chicken says, “Let’s go!”
The horse is on the grass. Frog says, “Let’s go!”
The grass is on the hill. Spider says, “Let’s go!”
Snail is slow. Snail says, “Where are
Unit 8 My Drone they?”
My drone is small. Snail is alone.
My drone is light. Poor snail!
My drone is strong.
My drone is quick. Unit 11 My Lunch Box
My drone is low. I have milk in my lunch box.
My drone is high. I have an apple in my lunch box.
Oh, no! I have a sandwich in my lunch box.
My drone is in the tree. I have a puppy in my lunch box.
Mom, help! Bad puppy!

Unit 9 I Like Music! Unit 12 Mom and I

Super Easy Reading 3rd 1 Transcripts

Mom and I cook. Cold, cold, go away!

We cook yummy flies.
Mom and I sing. Unit 15 Mouse in the City
We sing a song. Mouse sees a car.
Mom and I dance. The car is fast.
We shake our legs. Mouse sees a bus.
Mom and I knit. The bus is fast.
We knit our web. Mouse sees a train.
The train is fast.
Unit 13 My Mom Mouse sees a city.
My mom washes my hair. The city is busy.
Thank you, Mom.
My mom cuts my hair. Unit 16 Who Has It?
Thank you, Mom. Who has my cap?
My mom dries my hair. Who has my skirt?
Thank you, Mom. Who has my ribbon?
I love my mom. Who has my chicken?
My mom is a hairdresser! Who has my bugs?
Do you have them?
Unit 14 A Cold Winter Day No! The wind has them!
Cold snow, cold winter
Cold boy in the yard.

Cold snow, cold winter

Cold ant in the tree.

Cold snow, cold winter

Cold fish in the water


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