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Clipper and Clamper Circuits

Paper No and Name: PH 301 Physics of Materials and Electronics

Unit No and Name: Electronics
Chapter No and Name: 3. Clipper and clamper circuits

Fellow: Dr. Amit Sehgal, Assistant Professor

College/Department: Hans Raj College, University of Delhi

Author:- Dr. Amit Kumar,Assistant Professor

College/Department :-Bhaskaracharya College of Aplied Sciences

Reviewer: P. Arun, Associate Professor

Collge/Department: Khalsa College, University of Delhi

Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi

Clipper and Clamper Circuits


Diodes are simplest non-linear electronic devices, which have many electronic
applications. In the chapter 2, we studied diode based power supply. The crystal diodes
(pn-junctions) are used in rectifiers circuits and zener diode in regulator circuits. In the
present chapter we will study another important application of diodes i.e. in clipper and
clamper circuits. Clipping circuits are used to transmit a selected range of voltage from
input to the output. These circuits are also referred as voltage (or current) limiters,
amplitude selectors or slicers. Clamping circuits on the other hand, prevents the signal
from certain defined magnitude. Contrary to clipping circuits, the clamper circuits do not
cut the peak-to-peak excursion of the signal rather it moves the signal up or down by a
fixed level.

3.1 Diode as switch

In the section 2.3.1, we discussed the working of a biased pn-junction diode and
elaborated the current voltage characteristics (Figure 2.11). It was clearly understood
why the diodes are unidirectional devices. When diode is forward biased, it conducts and
under reverse biased it does not conduct. This feature enables it to be used as an
electronic switch. Diode to be used as switch should have least possible forward voltage
drop (the knee voltage) so that all voltage input appears at the output when it is in ON
state. Also its reverse saturation current should be lowest such that none of the current
reaches output when it is in OFF state.

3.1.1 Ideal diode

Ideal diode, if possible, has free current flow when it is forward biased such that there is
no voltage drop or series resistance. All of the source voltage drops across the circuit
resistors. When such diode is reverse biased, it offers infinite resistance such that no
current flows through it. These are the required characteristics of ideal electronic switch.
The operation of such ideal diode is illustrated in figure 3.1.

The equivalent of a forward biased ideal diode is a short-circuit with zero voltage drop
and for reverse bias it is an open circuit with zero current flow through it and whole
reverse biased voltage dropped across it.

Thus, a forward biased ideal diode will act as an ideally ON switch and a reverse biased
ideal diode will act as an OFF switch. For an ideal diode, mathematically, we can write
current through diode as

In order to solve circuits containing diodes with the assumption that these are ideal, one
should proceed in following manner:

#1. Assume diode as ON or OFF i.e. short-circuited or open-circuited.

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Clipper and Clamper Circuits

#2. Perform the circuit analysis placing that assumption in circuit and find out
current and voltages.

#3. Compare the values of I and V of each diode with assumption.

#4. Repeat the analysis till the assumption is not true.

Following numeric problems illustrates the above steps.

Numerical problem

Solving ideal diode circuits

Consider a simple diode circuit shown in the figure below:

Let the diode is idea and is conducting then the KVL equations for three loops are:

So three simultaneous equations, involving the loop current, are:

Solving this set of equation for current though I2, is given by

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Clipper and Clamper Circuits

So the current though diode is positive i.e. going a to b, which is physically impossible
as diodes is conducts only through p to n. It means our basic assumption that the diode
is conducting does not hold good. Let us now assume that diode is in OFF state so that
there is an open circuit across the terminal a-b. Now for this case I

Voltage drop at terminal a is, Va - I1 x 10k - 7.5 V

Voltage drop at terminal b is, Va - I3 x 10k - 5 V

So viltage across diode is, Vb - Va - 5 -7.5 - 2.5 V, which is negative. It confirms that the
diode is reverse - biased and so, open- circuited.

Numerical problem

Solving ideal diode circuits

Cinsider another diode circuit shown in the figure below:

Let the diode D1 be non-conducting and D2 conducting so that D1 is open and D2 is

short circuited then KVL equation indicated loop is:

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Clipper and Clamper Circuits

10 I+50I = 10 +010 =>I =20/50 =1.33 mA.

Voltage across the diode D1 Vsb is found as

-10 +10 x 1.33 + Vab = 0

Vab = 10 -10 x 1.33 = - 3.3 V

Which matches with our assumption that diode D1 is reverse biased and diode D2
forward biased. Hence solved

here, n=0,±1, ±2,… and is the modulus of z and is any particular value of arg z. Any
complex number written in polar coordinates is understood to be non-zero as if z=0, q is
undefined. Also for any complex number z¹0 there corresponds only one value of q in .
Further, any other interval of length can also be chosen such as say .

However, any particular choice that is decided in advance is called the principal range
defined by . Usually the principal value of arg z, defined by is a unique value of arg z
such that . Here we can note again that includes the value of , but not . In general for
`n’ being any integer

3.1.2 Real diode models

In previous sections, we arrived at circuit equivalents for ideal diodes are either short
circuit or open circuit depending on weather device is forward biased or reverse biased
respectively. But real diodes characteristics differ from these assumptions. If we take
into account all characteristics of diode while doing circuit-analysis then the things will
become complicated. It is better to ignore some of these characteristics and have a less
complicated situation, which is very much near to the real one. Let us now discuss the
main diode equivalent models.

Resistance model

In this model we only consider the diodes’ forward resistance R, so that its forward
biased model is just an resistance contrary to ideal diode where it was a short-circuit as
indicated in figure 3.3 (a). Reverse characteristics remains the same as earlier i.e. an
open-circuit as shown in figure 3.3 (b). I-V characteristic for this model is illustrated in
figure 3.3 (c).

Figure 3.3 Simple resistance model for pn- junction diode (a) forward bias and
(b) reverse bias

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Clipper and Clamper Circuits

Constant voltage drop model

In this model we only consider the diodes’ forward biased voltage drop i.e. the knee
voltage (VK), so that its forward biased model is just an battery of voltage VK as
indicated in figure 3.4 (a). I-V characteristic for this model is illustrated in figure 3.4

Figure 3.4 Simple resistance model for pn- junction diode (a) forward bias and
(b) reverse bias

Constant voltage drop model

In this model we only consider the diodes’ forward biased voltage drop i.e. the knee
voltage (VK), so that its forward biased model is just an battery of voltage VK as
indicated in figure 3.4 (a). I-V characteristic for this model is illustrated in figure 3.4

Figure 3.4 Simple resistance model for pn- junction diode (a) forward bias and
(b) reverse bias

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Clipper and Clamper Circuits

Resistance with constant voltage drop model is very much resembles the I-V
characteristics of real diode. It also gives a tool to solve the non-linear diode to be
replaced by linear elements, which simplify the circuit analysis.

Numerical problem

Solving real diode circuits using resistance with constant voltage drop

Let us again consider previous two-diode circuit. We will, now solve it considering its
forward resistance say 8W and constant voltage drop, 0.7V.

Again suppose, diode D1 is non-conducting and D2 is conducting so that D1 is open and

D2 is now replaced by resistance in series with voltage drop.

The KVL equation will now become:

10 I+ 0.7 + 0.008 I + 5 I = 10 + 10

=> I = (20 – 0.7)/15.008 = 1.33mA.

Voltage across the diode D1 Vsb is found as

- 10 + 10 X 1.33 + Vab = 0

=> Vab = 10 - 10 X 1.33 = - 3.3 V

which matches with our assumption that diode D1 is reverse biased and diode D2
forward biased.

Above numeric example clearly indicates that ideal diode model is resonablelly good
enough for diode circuit solving. Hence now onwards we will restrict to ideal diode

3.2 Clipper circuits

Clipper circuits are used to clip off a portion of AC signals. Half-wave rectifiers are also
an example of clippers, which eliminates one alterations of an AC signal. There are
several clipping circuits developed but we shall confine to diode based clipper circuits

Clipper circuits can be classified according to:

1. If diode is in series with the load it will be referred as series clipper if it is in the
parallel with load then called parallel clippers.Diode connection:
2. Biasing: If a biasing is employed in clipper circuit then it is referred as biased
one otherwise unbiased.

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Clipper and Clamper Circuits

3. Clipped portion of AC: If clipper clips only positive alteration of the AC input
then it is called positive clipper and if it clips negative portion then called
negative clipper. There are combinations of positive and negative clippers also,
which clips both positive and negative alterations.

Let us now discuss various diode clipper circuits.

3.2.1 Unbiased clipper circuits

Unbiased clipper circuits are illustrated below with input and output waveforms. The
working of these circuits is self-explanatory. Here we assumed the diodes to be ideal but
real diode offers a voltage drop of 0.7V. [At the output this diode voltage drop comes as
0.7V voltage drop at the output waveform when clipper is series type and as 0.7V output
when clipped output comes in the parallel clipper circuit]

Positive series clipper circuit

Negative parallel clipper circuit

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Clipper and Clamper Circuits

Numerical problem

Unbiased clipper circuits with real diode

Consider a series unbiased clipper negative circuit which have been supplied with 18 V
peak-to-peak sine wave. The output voltage for the diode when it conducts for positive
halfcycle is

The peak of the output is

Now consider a paraller unbiased negative clipper circuit having a load resistance RL =

and input resistance R =

During positive cycles diode will be reverse baised and behaves as open so that output
peak voltage is

3.2.2 Biased clipper circuits

When a clipper circuit is biased, diodes’ forward cut-off knee voltage changes. This in
effect changes the waveform shapes.

Biased series clipper circuit

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Clipper and Clamper Circuits

Consider a series clipper circuit shown in figure 3.10, where a battery V, is placed in
series with the diode. The diode will be forward biased (ON state) when (vin + V) > 0
diode will be conducting and output will be (vin + V). When (vin + V) < 0 diode will be
non-conducting (OFF state) and output will be 0V as indicted in output waveform.

Figure 3.10 Baised negative series clipper (battery in series with diode).

Similar clipper circuits with input and output waveforms are shown in figure 3.11. The
working explantion of these is remained as an exercise to the readers.

Figure 3.11 Other biased series clipper (battery in series with diode)

Another way of biasing series clipper circuit is by placing battery in shunt with the diode
as shown in figure 3.12. In this circuit diode will be forward biased (ON state) as long as
vin > -V and the output will be vout = vin. As soon as vin < -V, diode will get reverse
biased and output goes to vout = -V.

There are three other ways of putting battery in shunt with diode in a biased clipper
circuit. These are illustrated in figure 3.13 and their working is similar to above clipper
circuit. Students are encouraged to explain working of these circuits.

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Clipper and Clamper Circuits

Biased parallel clipper circuit

Let us consider a parallel clipper circuit shown in figure 3.14, where a battery V, is
placed in series with the shunted diode. Diode will be in non-conducting (OFF-state) as
long as vin > -V under such conditions output will be equal to vout = vin. As vin < -V, diode
get forward biased and goes to conducting ON state so that output goes to vout = -V.

3.2.3 Zener diode based clipper circuits

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Clipper and Clamper Circuits

Figure 3.16 shows a simple clipper circuit based on a Zener diode.

During the positive half cycle, Zener diode is reverse biased. It will not conduct until the
input voltage is less than its breakdown voltage vin < VZ and it will act as a open switch
so that output voltage is just equal to input voltage. When input reach the Zener
breakdown voltage VZ, Zener diode starts conducting heavily and work as constant
voltage source (section 2.6.2 of chapter2). The output under this period is constant
zener breakdown voltage. During negative input half cycle Zener get forward biased and
conducts like an ordinary diode acts like a closed switch. So the output during negative
half cycle is ideally zero (very small in practice).

Another zener based clipper circuit is shown in figure 3.17.

Readers can verify the output waveform.

3.2.4 Double clipping circuits

The clipping circuits that we have studied so far are called one level clipping circuits
because with these circuits we can remove some portions of one half only i.e. either
positive or negative halves. Sometimes it is required to clip both halves of the input
alterations. The circuits that can clip both positive and negative halves of the input
cycles are called double clipping circuits or two level clippers.

Double clipper circuit employ two diodes connected anti parallel across the supply and
both the diode should be made reverse bias with the help of external batteries. Portions,
which needed to be clipped, are decided by values of batteries. Figure 3.18 shows a
typical double clipper circuit with its input and output waveforms.

During the positive half cycle, diode D1 will be forward biased for the region where vin is
more positive than V1 and diode D2 will be reverse biased throughout the positive half
cycle and will act as a open switch. When vin < V1, the output is same as input. When
input goes more than V1, diode D1 starts conducting and acts like a closed switch and
the output will be equal to V1.

During the negative half cycle, diode D1 is reverse biased throughout and diode D2 get
forward biased if vin > V2. As long as vin < V2, diode D2 will be reverse biased and output
will be equal to vin. When vin increases to V2, diode D2 becomes forward biased so that
the output equals to –V2 as shown in figure 3.18.

Double clipper circuit based on Zener diode

The two batteries used in above circuit, can be replaced by two Zener diodes is shown in
figure 3.19.

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Clipper and Clamper Circuits

During the positive half cycle of input, Zener diode Z1 is reverse biased whereas Z2 is
forward biased. But Z2 cannot conduct until Z1 is not conducting. Z1 will conduct only
when the input voltage equals or more than the breakdown voltage of Z1. In this period
both the Zener diodes remains in non-conducting states and output will be same as

When input voltage is more than the breakover voltage of Z1, it starts conducting along
with Z2. The output will be equal to the breakdown voltage of Z1 (plus forward voltage
drop of Z2).

The operation of circuit during negative half cycle is similar and you are advised to
explain this by yourself.

3.3 Clamper circuits

Electronic circuit which shift either positive or negative peak of the signal at a desired
DC level is called a clamping or clamper circuit. Thus this circuit used to clamp a signal
to a different DC level. A clamper circuit must have a capacitor and a diode and output is
taken across the diode.

RC time constant of the circuit must be large enough to ensure that the voltage across
the capacitor does not discharge significantly during the interval diode conducting.

Interesting fact

Clamper circuits as DC restorer circuits

A clamper circuit does not distort the given input waveform but places the given input to
a specified DC level. Sometimes it is needed to establish the extremity of the positive or
negative signal excursions to some specified level. For example, signal, which passed
though a capacitive coupling network such signals, lose its DC component. In such
cases, the clamping circuit is used to introduce the DC component. That is why clamper
circuits sometimes known as DC restorer circuit.

The process of clamping is categorized into two categories, these are:

(1) Negative clamping: In negative clamping processes, positive excursions of the

waveform are placed at the clamping level. The resulting waveform shift

(2) Positive clamping: In positive clamping processes, negative excursions of the

waveform are placed at the clamping level. The resulting waveform shift upwards.

We will start the analysis of a clamping circuit by first considering that part of input
which forward biases the diode.

3.3.1 Unbiased clamper circuits for square wave

Negative clamping

Consider the clamping circuit shown in the figure 3.20. This will clamps the given input
signal to zero level by adding a DC axis to the waveform. We will discuss the various
clamper circuits under the assumption that signal source is assumed negligible, diode is
ideal and capacitor is uncharged initially.

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Clipper and Clamper Circuits

As the positive half of input cycle comes (0 to T/2 period), the diode gets forward biased
and acts as closed switch (figure 3.20 (a)). The output at this instant will be zero. The
RC time constant becomes very small (ideally zero as diode forward bias resistance is
zero), so that the capacitor C get charges to V volts very quickly through the diode.
Once the diode gets charged, the diode will get reverse biased and no current will flow
through the circuit from 0 to T/2, and the output will be zero for this period.

Now when the negative cycle of input comes (T/2 to T), the diode becomes reverse bias
with –2V (input voltage plus capacitor voltage) and acts as open switch. Under these
conditions the capacitor cannot discharge. Therefore, the output for the period T/2 to T,
will be –2V. During the next cycle, under positive half (T to 3T/2), the net output again
becomes zero and under negative half (3T/2 to 2T) the output becomes -2V.

As can be seen from the figure 3.20, the output signal is clamped to 0V for the interval 0
to T/2 and T to 3T/2, but the total voltage swing still same as that of input i.e. 2V.

Interesting fact

Voltage swing for clampers’ output

In a clamper circuit, the total voltage swing of the output is equal to that for the input
signal. This fact can be used to verify analytically evaluated output waveforms.

Positive clamping

Figure 3.21 shows the positive clamping circuit and input-output waveforms.

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Clipper and Clamper Circuits

When the positive half cycle applied for 0 to T/2 period, the diode get reverse biased so
that the capacitor does not get charged and the output for this period appears to be zero
(figure 3.21 (a)). During the negative half cycle T/2 to T period, diode get forward
biased and current flows through the capacitor and it get charged to +V through the
conducting diode

(figure 3.21 (b)). As soon as capacitor gets charged to +V, diode get reverse biased due
to voltage across the capacitor. Capacitor cannot discharge as long as diode remains
reverse biased and the output therefore will be zero for this cycle. For this half cycle
input voltage and capacitor voltage cancels each other.

When the next positive cycle comes for the period T to 3T/2, the input of +V and voltage
across the capacitor of +V will add together and output will appear as +2V. For 3T/2 to
2T period (i.e. negative half cycle of second cycle), the input voltage and capacitor
voltage cancels each other so that the output becomes zero. Thus, positive clamper adds
a positive DC axis to the waveform. For above stated clamper circuit, +V DC is added to
2V peak to peak waveform. So, the input voltage that was varying from +V to –V now
varies as 0 to +2V with +V as its DC axis.

3.3.2 Unbiased clamper circuits for sine wave

Negative clamping

Basic circuit is same as that used for square wave just working of the circuit is little
different. Figure 3.22 shows negative clamper circuit for sine wave with input and output

During the positive quarter cycle, for the period 0 to T/4 of input, diode is forward
biased and capacitor charges to –V and for this period output is zero (figure 3.22(a)). As
soon as capacitor charges to –V, the diode becomes reverse biased and there is no path
for capacitor to get discharge. Hence capacitor remains charged to the voltage –V
throughout the operation of the circuit. During the next quarter cycle T/4 to T/2, the
input amplitude is decreasing and becomes zero at time period T/2. At that instant t =
T/2, output voltage will be equal to voltage across the capacitor i.e. –V.

During the negative quarter cycle of input i.e. for the period T/2 to 3T/4, the amplitude
increases in negative side and at t = 3T/4, it will be at maximum negative voltage –V.
therefore the output at that instant is –2V (vout = input voltage + capacitor voltage). For
the next negative quarter cycle for the period 3T/4 to T, input increases to zero and at
the instant t = T, output will be -V. in the next positive quarter cycle of input, output
increases to zero.

For the succeeding cycles, diodes never conduct and remains in reverse bias. Thus
positive extremity of signal is clamped to zero as shown in output waveform in figure

Positive clamping

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Clipper and Clamper Circuits

Figure 3.23 shows the effect of positive clamper on a sine wave input. During the
positive half cycle the diode is reverse biased which restrict the capacitor to get charged
and the output for this cycle is zero. During the negative half cycle of input, diode
becomes forward biased and capacitor charges to +V through conduction diode. The
output remains zero until the diode becomes fully charged. After the capacitor get
charged to maximum, the diode always remains reverse biased so that capacitor cannot
discharged and retain a voltage +V across it through out.

During the next positive half cycle of input, the voltage across the output terminal is
equal to +2V (i.e. input plus capacitor voltage). And as the negative half cycle of input
comes voltage across the capacitor and input voltage cancels each other being of
opposite polarity. At the end of quarter cycle the output is zero.

The resultant output waveform is shifted upwards that is negative extremity of signal
get clamped to zero.

3.3.3 Biased clamper circuits

Figure 2.24 shows a positive clamping circuit for sine wave input. The 3V battery in the
circuit used to forward bias the diode.

When the first negative half cycle of input waveform comes, the capacitor gets charged
to 13V through diode because diode is forward biased under this half cycle. Now as the

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Clipper and Clamper Circuits

capacitor is fully charged to 13V the diode remains reverse biased, as the capacitor has
no path to get discharged. During the positive half cycle of input, diode acts as open
switch, so the output decreases to 3V. The output waveform now varies between 3V to
23V as input varies sinusoidally. Thus the output waveform gets clamped so that
negative extremities of input waveform get clamped to +3V.

There are other types of biased clamper circuits possible. For example negative biased
clampers. Their operation can be analyzed in the similar way as the action of clamper
circuit discussed above.

Figure 3.25 shows the input-output waveforms for the other three possible clamper
circuits for sine waves. Readers are advice to name and explain the working of these

Figure 3.26 shows the input-output waveforms for clamper circuits for square wave. As
an exercise you have to name various circuits and explain their working.

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Clipper and Clamper Circuits

Interesting fact

About the diode clamper circuit

Consider a diode-capacitor circuit with capacitor C as the load with no resistive load.

During the positive half cycle diode will get forward biased and it charges capacitor to V
voltage. It will remain charged as it is and acts essentially as battery source of V.

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Clipper and Clamper Circuits

This circuit shows that a capacitor load clamper circuit is impossible.

Interesting fact

Non-ideal output for positive unbiased clamper circuit

Following figure shows ideal and non - ideal output for the positive unbiased clamper
circuite. It should be noted that a voltage drop of 0.7 V occurs when diode is ON and
capacitor voltage cannote remain constant, it will discharge to voltage will drop.

Similary, fort unbiased negative clamper circuit when diode is off, capacitor leaks
through diode due to reverse saturation current flow.

A design rule of thumb is to make RC time constant at least five time the halfperiod of
input signal. This gives result in approximately an 18% error over a half- oeriod due to
capacitor discharge.

3.4 Applications of clipping and clamping circuits

Consider a pulse wave received from transmitter. The top and bottom are distorted and
superimposed with noise signal as shown in figure 3.27 (a). This wave is used to be in
TV receiver circuit for synchronization. If this wave is used as it is for this purpose, the
circuit will be faulty and picture will tend to tear off. However if such wave is clipped at
two independent levels as shown in figure 3.27 (b), it will be able to do line
synchronization successfully. This is achieved by passing distorted pulse waveform from
proper clipper circuit.

Clamper circuits are used to restore DC component, which might have been removed in
a circuit like capacitive coupling.

Animation-Diode characteristics

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Clipper and Clamper Circuits

Animation-Series Biased Clipper Circuit (with biasing battery in series with


Animation-Series Biased Clipper Circuit(with biasing battery in shunt with


Animation-Parallel Biased Clipper Circuit(with biasing battery in series with


Animation-Unbiased positive clamper circuit

Animation-Biased Clamper Circuit


• The device used to make or break the electrical connection is switch.

• A forward biased ideal diode acts as a closed switch while reverse biased diode
acts as open switch.
• The real diodes, however represented by simpler linear circuit components. This
is done under the assumptions to achieve lesser-complicated circuits analysis.
• Various simpler diode models are possible under the different assumptions.
• Simple resistance model take into account, the forward biased resistance,
constant voltage drop model considers the forward voltage drop while resistance
with constant voltage drop model take both forward resistance as well as forward
voltage drop into consideration. Later model is closer to the real diode
• Clipper and clamper circuits bare the examples of non-linear wave shaping
circuits. In such circuits output waveforms are different than the input
• In clipper circuit non-linear device like diode is used with resistor while in clamper
circuit the non-linear device is used with energy storing components like
• In clipper circuit, some portion of input is removed/clipped-off.
• If diode is in series with the load it will be referred as series clipper if it is in the
parallel with load then called parallel clippers.
• If a biasing is employed in clipper circuit then it is referred as biased one
otherwise unbiased.
• If clipper clips only positive alteration of the AC input then it is called positive
clipper and if it clips negative portion then called negative clipper.
• If clipper clips both positive and negative alterations, it referred as double
• Zener diodes can also be employed in clipper circuits to obtain a desired
• Clamper circuits are used to shift positive or negative peaks of the signal to a
desired DC level.
• In negative clappers, positive excursions of the waveform are placed at the
clamping level. The resulting waveform shift downwards.
• In positive clappers, negative excursions of the waveform are placed at the
clamping level. The resulting waveform shift upwards.
• For unbiased clamper circuits, the clapping level is zero level. In order to define
other levels we have to user biased clamper circuits.
• For clamping networks, the total swing of the output is equal to the total swing
of input.

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Clipper and Clamper Circuits


3.1 Compare the characteristics of ideal and real junction diode.

3.2 Why diode modeling is done? Name the different diode models.

3.3 Explain different diode models.

3.4 What are clipper circuits? How these are classified?

3.5 Explain the working of unbiased negative series clipper circuit.

3.6 Explain the working of unbiased positive parallel clipper circuit.

3.7 Draw and explain the working of a biased positive series clipper circuit.

3.8 Draw and explain the working of a biased positive parallel clipper circuit.

3.9 Explain how zener diodes are used in clipper circuits.

3.10 What are double clipper circuits? Explain diode based double clipper circuits.

3.11 Explain working of zener diode based double clipper circuit.

3.12 What are clamper circuits? How positive and negative clamper circuits are

3.13 Explain the working of unbiased negative clamper circuit for square wave input.

3.14 Explain the working of unbiased positive clamper circuit for sine wave input.

3.15 Explain the working of biased positive clamper circuit for square wave input.

3.16 Explain the working of biased negative clamper circuit for sine wave input.

3.17 Explain the effect of non-ideal diode over the output waveform of clamper
circuit. How this can be avoided?

3.18 Can we use a shunt capacitor in a clamper circuit? Explain why?

3.19 Explain the situations where clipper and clamper circuits find applications.

3.20 List the differences between clipper and clamper circuits.


Biased clipper: Clipper circuit, which uses biasing.

Clamper circuit: Electronic circuit which shift either positive or negative peak of the
signal at a desired DC level.

Clipper circuit: Circuit, which clips off some portions of input


DC restorer circuit: Clamper circuit, since it is used to restore the DC component of


Double clipper: Clipper circuit, which clip both positive and negative halves of the input

Ideal diode: Diode with zero forward biased resistance and voltage drop.

Negative clipper: Clipper circuit, which clips negative portion of input signal.

Negative clamper: Clamper circuit, positive excursions of the waveform are placed at
the clamping level.

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Clipper and Clamper Circuits

Parallel clipper: Clipper circuit in which diode is in shunt with the load.

Positive clipper: Clipper circuit, which clips positive portion of input signal.

Positive clamper: Clamper circuit, negative excursions of the waveform are placed at
the clamping level.

Series clipper: Clipper circuit in which diode is in series with the load.


Suggested Readings

Electronic devices and circuits by Allen Mottershead, 17th Indian reprint, Prentice Hall of
India publisher, ISBN 8120301242 (1998)

Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory by Robert L. Boylestad and Louis Nashelesky,
Eighth Edition, Pearson Education, ISBN 8178085909 (2002)

Integrated Electronics: Analog and Digital Circuits and Systems by Jacob Millman and
Christos C. Halkias, Tata McGraw Hill Edition 1991, Eleventh reprint, Tata McGraw-Hill
Publication, ISBN 0074622455 (1997)

Principles of electronics by V. K. Mehta and Rohit Mehta, Tenth Edition, S Chand

publication, ISBN 8121924502 (2006)

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Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi

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