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Megarss, Crodn™ marker Seysaur/Bulbasau Patteur Materials and Tools Yarn: Paintbox Simply Aran For lvysaur, use Washed Teal (232), Soearmint Green (225), and Bubblegum Pink (250) For Bulbasaur use Washed Teal (232) and Lime Green (228) White Yarn Scraps (See Note Below) Black Size 10 Crochet Thread or Embroidery Floss 3.0 mm Crochet Hook Polyester Fiberfill Stuffing Small Yarn/Darning Needle Felt in Black, Red, White, and Blue/Turquoise Sewing Needle and thread to match each felt Stitch Marker Scissors Pins ole: You canuse any type of Size 4/Worsted/Aran Acrylic yarn for this project, it may just turn out a little bigger or smaller! Regardless of the brand you use, try to keep all the yarn the same brand as the thickness can vary between brands! Abbreviations (US Terms) St or Sts - Stitch or Stitches Mc - Magic Circle/Magic Ring Sc - Single Crochet hdc - Half Double Crochet dc - Double Crochet te - Treble Crochet SISt - Slip Stitch Picot - Picot Stitch BLO - Back Loop Only Inc - Increase Dec - Invisible Decrease Read Me Before You Start - like actually, you'll need this If you want to make Bulbasaur, skip the instructions for the Flower, Petals and Leaves, and only complete the Bulb. If you would like to make lvysaur, skip the instructions for the Bulb. This pattern is worked in the round and using US terminology, and is always worked in continuous rounds. The single crochet stitch that is used is the yarn under, yarn over method. This makes the stitches tighter and the project smaller. You can use standard single crochet yarn over, yarn over stitch which will give you a bigger stitch. On page 21, there are templates you can use to cut out your felt pieces. You can sew in the pieces like | have or you can glue them on using fabric glue. Stitch markers are helpful to mark the end of your round. Mc# indicates the amount of stitches to place in your magic circle. Ex: Mc 6 is a magic circle with 6 stitches in it. # - Indicates round number. Ex. R3 means round 3 When instructions are followed by a number, you repeat the instruction the number indicated after the “x”. Ex: (Sc, Inc) x2 means Sc, Inc, Sc, Inc. At the end of each round [#] indicates the amount of stitches you should have at the end of your round. Picot stitch is as following: Sc into next stitch, Ch 3, Sist in 2nd Ch from hook then Sc into next Ch. The next picot will work into the next stitch over This pattern uses ONLY invisible decreases. Make sure you do not decrease as a single crochet two together, as it will create gaps in your work! Head Using Washed Teal (232), Mcé RI: Inc xé [12] R2: (Sc, Inc) x6 [18] R3: (Sc 2, Inc) x6 [24] R4: (Sc 3, Inc) x6 [30] R5: (Sc 4, Inc) x6 [36] Ré6: (Sc 5, Inc) x6 [42] R7-16: Sc around [42] R17: (Sc 5, Dec) x6 [36] R18: (Sc 4, Dec) x6 [30] R19: (Sc 3, Dec) x6 [24] R20: (Sc 2, Dec) x6 [18] Stop here and stuff the piece firmly R21: (Sc, Dec) xé [12] Stuff the piece a little extra if needed R22: Dec xé [6] Cut the yarn leaving about 4 inches to finish off the piece. Using a darning needle, pick up the front loops only of the remaining stitches and and pull tight. Hide the yarn tail through the piece and trim the excess yarn. oat : \ 4 e (® Ear (Make 2) Using Washed Teal (232) Mc 6 R1: (Sc, Inc) x3 [9] a R2: (Sc 2, Inc) x3 [12] R3: (Sc 3, Inc) x3 [15] R4: (Sc 4, Inc) x3 [18] R5: (Sc 5, Inc) x3 [21] Ré: (Sc 6, Inc) x3 [24] Cut the yam leaving enough for sewing in, about 5 inches. Back Leg (Make 2) Using Washed Teal (232), Mc 6 RI: Inc x6 [12] R2: Sc in BLO around [12] R3-4: Sc around [12] RS: Sc 6 do not sc the rest. Cut the yarn leaving enough for sewing > in, about 5 inches. Front Legs (Make 2) Using Washed Teal (232), Mc 6 Ri: Inc xé [12] R2: In BLO Sc around [12] R3: Inc, Se 11 [13] R4: Sc around [13] R5: Sc, Inc, Sc 11 [14] R6: Sc around [14] R7: Sc 2, Inc, Sc 11 [15] Cut the yarn leaving enough for sewing in, about 5 inches. Petals (Make 3) Using Bubblegum Pink (250) and leaving along tail (about 5 inches), Mc 6 RI: Inc xé [12] R2: (Sc, Inc) x6 [18] Stop here and use the darning needle to place the starting tail on the outside of the piece. R3: (Sc 2, Inc) x6 [24] R4-6: Sc around [24] R7: (Sc 2, Dec) x6 [18] R8: Sc around [18] R9: (Sc, Dec) x6 [12] ) p Petals Continued R10: Sc around [12] R11: Dec x6 [6] Cut the yarn leaving enough for finishing off (about 4 inches). Do not stuff. Using the darning needle, pick up the front loops only of the remaking 6 stitches. Pull the yarn tight to close the opening. Hide the yarn tail through the piece and trim the excess. Flower Using Bubblegum pink (250) and leaving along tail (about 5 inches), Mc 6 Ri: Inc x6 [12] R2: (Sc, Inc) x6 [18] R3: (Sc 2, Inc) x6 [24] R4-7: Sc around [24] R8: (Sc 2, Dec) xé [18] R9: Sc around [18] R10: (Sc, Dec) x6 [12] R11: Se around [12] Stop here and stuff the piece firmly. Flower Continued R12: Dec x6 [12] R13: Picot stitch in every stitch [6] Slip stitch to finish off the piece. Cut the yarn leaving about 6 inches for finishing off. Place a knot near the opening of the piece. Pick up 6 stitches around the inside of the opening and pull tight to close up the small opening of the flower. Place a knot and pull the yarn out the bottom where the magic circle was. Do not trim the excess! Body Using Washed Teal (232), Mcé R1: Inc x6 [12] R2: (Sc, Inc) x6 [18] R3: (Sc 2, Inc) x6 [24] R4: (Sc 3, Inc) xé [30] RS: (Sc 4, Inc) xé [36] R6-18: Sc around [36] R19: (Sc 4, Dec) x6 [30] R20: (Sc 3, Dec) xé [24] Body Continued Cut the yarn leaving about 4 inches and pull the loop throuh to fasten off. Go back 8 stitches and attach the yarn in the stitch by placing a Ch. In the same stitch, Sc. Sc 14 more stitches, you will overlap the starting stitch of the round. Continue over the stitch as if it isn't there. Do not finish the round. j \ Cut the yarn, leaving enough for sewing in, about 7 inches. Stuff the piece firmly. Stuffing will also be added later when sewing the body to the head. Leaf (Make 4) For the leaves, make sure you crochet loosely. If you tend to crochet tightly, go up a crochet size Using Spearmint Green (225), make a slip knot leaving a starting tail of about 4 inches and Ch 10 R1: crocheting down the one side of the piece, Sc 8, Inc in last stitch, do not turn the piece, work down the other side of the chain, Sc 9 [19] R2: Sc, in next stitch (hdc, de, te, de, hdc), Sc 2, in next stitch (hdc, de, te, de, hdc), Sc, SIst, in next stitch (Sc, hdc, de, hde, Sc), Slst, in next stitch (sc, hdc, sc), Sist, in next stitch (Sc, hdc, de, hde, Sc), Slst, Sc, in next stitch (hdc, de, te, de, hdc), Sc 2, in next stitch (hdc, de, tc, de, hdc), Sc. yal Bulb Using Lime Green (228) and leaving a long tail (6 inches), Mcé RI: Inc x6 R2z: (Sc, Inc) x6 [18] R3: (Sc 2, Inc) x6 [24] R4: (Sc 3, Inc) x6 [30] R5: (Sc 4, Inc) x6 [36] Stop here and take a tapestry needle to sew the starting tail through the center magic circle so it is on the outside of your work. R6: (Sc 5S, Inc) x6 [42] R7-11: Sc around [42] R12: (Sc 5, Dec) x6 [36] R13: (Sc 4, Dec) x6 [30] R14: Sc around [30] R15: (Sc 3, Dec) x6 [24] R16: (Sc 2, Dec) x6 [18] R17: Sc around [18] Stop here and stuff the piece semi-firm. R18: (Sc, Dec) xé [12] R19: Dec xé [6] R20: Sc around [6] R21: Picot stitch in each stitch around. (See “Read me first" and flower pictures for instructions on pictot stitch) Bulb Contiunued Finish off the piece with an additional Slst, then cut the yarn leaving a long tail, about 10 inches. Using the darning needle, sew the inside of the remaining opening closed by picking up 6 stitches of the inside opening and pull tight, place a knot to secure. Sew down the center of the piece and out the starting Mc. Place a knot here to secure. Create four vertical lines in the piece using the end tail and sewing it from the bottom to the top of the piece and pulling tight with each “slice”. (OR) BD Make a knot at the bottom to secure and then hide the yarn through the piece. Cut the excess thread. a & Assembly Using the templates found on page 21, cut out the felt pieces. Layer the pupil on top of the iris and then iris on top of the eye. Sew each of these pieces together in this order using a whip stitch and matching yarn. If you do not want to sew, you can use fabric glue to adhere these pieces to each other and then the crochet piece. Begin sewing together the head to the body. The longer edge of the body will be on the bottom. Pins are helpful to position. Stuff a little extra before completely closing up the piece. Riek’ Place all the legs as shown with pins. The front legs should be overlapping the seam of the body and the head with the higher side of the leg on the outside of the body. Assembly Stuff the legs, and sew in the front legs first. Stuff a little extra before finishing sewing up. Reposition the back legs if needed to make sure it stands up straight. Then sew in the back legs, making sure to stuff a little extra before seaming up if needed. Stuff the ears and then position it on the top of the head. Secure with pins and then sew in. Stuff a little extra before finishing seaming up. Assembly Begin sewing in the felt pieces as shown. The body spots can be placed wherever you would like! Position and pin the felt. Sew in the felt using a whip stitch. Sew in the ear patches first, then the eyes then the body spots. If you would like to skip the sewing, you can use fabric glue to attach the pieces. Assembly Sew the details of the face on with the black crochet thread and the darning needle. The details take some time and patience to place. See reference pictures below for positioning. After the mouth is placed, use some white yarn scraps and place 2 “v" shaped stitches on the outer side of the of the mouth for the teeth. Assembly If you are making the Bulbasaur, skip these next instructions and sew in the bulb in the same way the flower is sewn in to the body. Sew the flower together by pinning and placing the petals around the center piece. Using the long starting strand, sew the petal to the flower until about halfway up and then sew back down the next petal to the previous petal down until the next starting strand of the next petal. Place a knot to secure the first petal yarn tail. Continue this to the last petal, then sew the last petal to the other side of the first petal. Assembly Knot the yarn tail and hide the petal tails through the piece. Trim the excess. You should have one yarn tail left from the middle flower piece. Next, take each of the leaves and using the darning needle sew down the center of the leaf to bring the starting yarn tail to the ending yarn tail. See pictures below for reference. Assembly Begin sewing the flower to the body. Position and pin. Follow the same instructions to attach the bulb. Using the yarn tail, Sew around the outer edge of the flower to the body. Create a knot at the end to secure then hide the yarn through the piece and trim the excess yarn. Pin the leaves around at the base of the flower. Sew on the leaves using both yarn tails just at the “flat” part of the leaf. Create knots at the end to secure. If you would like, make a knot at the middle of the left and right leaves slightly higher on the flower to make the leaves come upwards more. Hide the yam tails through the piece. Trim the excess yarn ions! Congratulations You made your owt Ivysaur/Bulbasaur! 20 Stencils Stencil Amount — Colours Eye Eye 2 White Iris 2 Red Iris Pupil 2 Black Ear 2 Black Spots 9 Blue-Turquoise Pupil Body Spots Lg Head Spot C Sm Head Spot <> QD QO Read Me Thank you for working through my pattern! | hope you enjoyed it! If you have any issues, comments or concerns, let me know using any of my socials or pop into the discord! This pattern is designed and created by Megan's Crochet Market. You may use the pattern to make your own amigurumi. This pattern may not be used to mass produce plushies. These characters do not belong to Megan's Crochet Market. You may not duplicate, reprint, redistribute or sell this pattern. FalseBubbles e+e meganscrochetmarket wv megscrochetmrkt 4) 22

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