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ESB Entry Level Certificate in ESOL

International All Modes (Entry 3) – (B1)


B1 – Listening Test Transcript

In the unlikely event that both the Listening CD and the spare CD
should fail, this transcript may be read out to the candidates.

ESB B1 2017B 1
Narrator’s text is in boxes.
Highlighted words in italics with square brackets [example] should not be spoken.

Female Narrator: This is the ESB Entry 3 Certificate in ESOL Examination B1.

Section One Listening.

I’m going to give you the instructions for this part of the test. You
will hear this sound [BLEEP] at the start of each piece. Remember
to transfer your answers to the optical mark form before the end of
the exam. Now open your question paper and look at Part One of
the listening test.

Listening Part One.

You will hear people talking in ten different situations.
For questions 1 – 10, choose the correct answer A, B or C.
You will hear each passage TWICE. You have one minute to read the
questions for Part One.

[Wait one minute]


Female Narrator: Part One. Passage One.

Pat: Oh no, Jim! How can we go on holiday tomorrow if the car’s broken down?
I was really looking forward to driving through France.

Jim: I know, Pat, but the car won’t be ready until next week. We’ll have to
cancel the holiday.

Pat: But we’ve booked all the hotels! We might not get our money back.
Perhaps we could hire a car for two weeks.

Jim: Well, I don’t know about that. It’s very expensive. Our neighbours paid
nearly 400 euros to hire a car for a week.

Pat: Well, we can’t travel through France by train or bus, can we? It’ll take far
too long! I’ll be so disappointed if we can’t go.

Jim: Would your brother lend us his car? He never goes anywhere in it.

Pat: Oh, Jim! I don’t think we can borrow his car for two weeks! [stress]

Jim: Okay. I’ll make some phone calls and ask how much it is to hire a car.

[Pause three seconds]

ESB B1 2017B 2
Female Narrator: Now Listen Again.

[Replay Passage One]

[Pause three seconds]


Female Narrator: Passage Two.

Sasha: My mum’s finally agreed I can have a pet. I’ve wanted one for so long.

Neil: That’ll be nice for you, Sasha. What kind of pet do you want?

Sasha: I’m not sure, Neil. A bird would be nice, but I couldn’t really play with it.

Neil: [laughs] That’s true and it might fly away if you open the window!

Sasha: Mum says get a fish, because they’re easy to look after, but I think a fish
would make a boring pet. Fish are very pretty to look at, but they don’t do
anything. I want a pet I can hug and play with.

Neil: Well, what about a dog or a cat? They make playful pets and dogs love
being hugged.

Sasha: I’m not sure Mum will let me have a dog, but a cat’s a good idea. Thanks,

[Pause three seconds]

Female Narrator: Now Listen Again.

[Replay Passage Two]

[Pause three seconds]


Female Narrator: Passage Three.

Ruth: I read a really good book last week, Jack. It was an adventure story, set
in Japan.

Jack: Oh, that sounds interesting. I don’t have much time to read, Ruth.
Sometimes I read on my mobile phone, usually when I’m on the train.

Ruth: Do you like reading on your mobile? I find the screen’s too small.

ESB B1 2017B 3
Jack: I understand what you mean, Ruth. I find reading on the computer screen
is much [stress] better. Anyway, I don’t read books. They seem so old-
fashioned nowadays.

Ruth: Oh, I don’t agree, Jack. Books are so nice to touch and hold. I’d rather
read a book than look at a mobile or a computer screen any day.

Jack: Would you, Ruth? No, I don’t think books are the best way to get
information! Anyway, what are you doing now?

Ruth: I’m going home to start reading my new book! See you later, Jack.

[Pause three seconds]

Female Narrator: Now Listen Again.

[Replay Passage Three]

[Pause three seconds]


Female Narrator: Passage Four.

Dave: Are you going out, June?

June: Yes, Dave. I’m going to the college to find out the times of the exercise
classes. I want to get fit and be healthy.

Dave: Really? What class do you want to join?

June: I was going to do yoga, but I think it could be a bit boring so I’ve decided
to do a dance class instead.

Dave: Well, running’s a good way to get fit. Why don’t you try that? I might even
join you!

June: I can’t run in the college gym, and I don’t want to go running in the
streets. People will stare at me!

Dave: Well, why don’t you just look at the website instead of going to the

June: Because I’m meeting Kathy. We’re going to the college together. See you

[Pause three seconds]

ESB B1 2017B 4
Female Narrator: Now Listen Again.

[Replay Passage Four]

[Pause three seconds]


Female Narrator: Passage Five.

[Telephone conversation]

Ava: [phone rings] Steve, it’s you! Where are you? I’ve been waiting over an
hour for you! Why are you always late?

Steve: [apologetically] I’m so sorry, Ava. Are you still in the café?

Ava: Yes. What’s happened? I thought you’d had an accident or hurt yourself.
Were you in a meeting at work or something?

Steve: No, I didn’t have any meetings today.

Ava: [annoyed] Why are you so late, then?

Steve: Well, when I got to the bus stop, the bus had already gone so now I’m
waiting for the next one.

Ava: That’s not a good reason, Steve. In future, I’m only going to wait fifteen
minutes for you and then I’m going! Now hurry up and get here or I’m
leaving! [phone click]

[Pause three seconds]

Female Narrator: Now Listen Again.

[Replay Passage Five]

[Pause three seconds]


Female Narrator: Passage Six.


ESB B1 Sample 3 5
Store [enthusiastically] Good morning, customers! We’ve some great offers
Announcer: for you today before our big summer sale starts in a couple of weeks’
[female] time. Go along to our Beauty Department, where there’s ten per cent off
all perfumes and make-up. On the first floor, there is fifteen per cent off
all kitchen products and if you’re going on holiday, we’ve got twelve per
cent off all swimwear on the second floor. These offers are only available
until the weekend. Don’t forget our great summer sale which starts in two
weeks’ time, when you’ll find even more bargains in store. Happy

[Pause three seconds]

Female Narrator: Now Listen Again.

[Replay Passage Six]

[Pause three seconds]


Female Narrator: Passage Seven.

Carla: Hi, Rob. How are your guitar classes going?

Rob: Hi Carla. Erm…I’ve stopped the guitar lessons.

Carla: Oh, I thought you really enjoyed them. Didn’t you like the new teacher?

Rob: He was okay when I got used to him. I just think I’d prefer to learn
another instrument. My friend plays the drums and he’s really good at it! I
think I’d enjoy that much more, so I’m saving up for a drum kit but they’re
very expensive.

Carla: Yes, it’s much cheaper to play the guitar, and you’ve had quite a few
lessons now, it’s a shame to stop. And drums are so noisy! Your
neighbours might complain.

Rob: Yes, I know, Carla, but I don’t think the guitar is for me. I’ll just have to
practise on my friend’s drum kit until I can afford to buy my own.

Carla: [ironically] Well, let’s hope that happens soon!

[Pause three seconds]

Female Narrator: Now Listen Again.

[Replay Passage Seven]

ESB B1 Sample 3 6
[Pause three seconds]


Female Narrator: Passage Eight.

Nadia: Hi, Adam. Guess what! My parents want to go to a photographer’s studio

to have some family photographs taken. My grandparents and cousins
will be coming as well. It’ll be so nice to have all the family together.

Adam: That’ll be great for you, Nadia. When are you going?

Nadia: Well, it’s difficult to organise a time. My father and my brothers work, so
they can’t go during the week.

Adam: Why don’t you all go at the weekend?

Nadia: We could, but this weekend my grandparents are going on holiday and
I’m going to stay at Sophia’s house.

Adam: Oh, I see. It’s a bit difficult to make an appointment, then.

Nadia: Yes, Mum will probably arrange an appointment in a few weeks’ time.

Adam: I’m sure she’ll sort things out. Mums always do!

[Pause three seconds]

Female Narrator: Now Listen Again.

[Replay Passage Eight]

[Pause three seconds]


Female Narrator: Passage Nine.

[Telephone conversation]
Assistant: Hello. Birmingham Railway Station. Lost Property Department. Can I help
[male] you?

Mrs Walker: Oh, I hope so. You see, I was travelling from Birmingham to York on
Sunday and I think I left a bag on the train. My name’s Mrs Walker, by the

ESB B1 Sample 3 7
Assistant: What time did you arrive at York station, Mrs Walker?

Mrs Walker: Around four o’clock in the afternoon. The train left Birmingham at one

Assistant: Did you change trains during your journey?

Mrs Walker: Yes, I changed at Manchester at about three o’clock. Oh dear, I’m sure I
won’t get my bag back. It could be anywhere now.

Assistant: Well, I have no information here about any lost bags. There’s nothing
showing on the computer system so I’ll give you the telephone number of
York station and you can phone to see if your bag’s there.

[Pause three seconds]

Female Narrator: Now Listen Again.

[Replay Passage Nine]

[Pause three seconds]


Female Narrator: Passage Ten.

[Answerphone message]
Sally: Hi, this is a message for Helen’s Flower Shop. My name’s Sally Ashton.
[answerphone] You tried to deliver a bouquet of flowers to my home this morning, but I
was out so I’m phoning to arrange another delivery time. I’ll be at home
tomorrow morning until 12 o’clock. After that time, my neighbour, Mrs
Wilson, who lives at number 22, will be able to take the flowers and she’ll
be at home all afternoon. I’ll arrive home early in the evening, so you can
deliver the flowers to my home after six. I hope those times are
convenient. Thank you. Bye.

[Pause three seconds]

Female Narrator: Now Listen Again.

[Replay Passage Ten]

[Pause three seconds]

ESB B1 Sample 3 8
Female Narrator: That is the end of Part One of the listening test.
Now turn to Part Two.

[Pause five seconds]

ESB B1 Sample 3 9
Female Narrator: Listening Part Two.
Listen to a talk about the seaside.
For questions 11 – 20, decide whether the sentences below are
True or False. You will hear the recording TWICE.
You have one minute to read the questions for Part Two.

[Wait one minute]


Male Voice: We spent a lot of time at the seaside when I was a child and I have many
happy memories of those days. We lived only a short drive from
Blackpool, a famous seaside town, so we regularly went there for a day
out. I think this is the reason why I spend all my free time at the seaside
now, even though I’m much older.

I remember the excitement of getting ready to leave for Blackpool. We

had an old car that didn’t go very fast. In Blackpool, there is a very tall
tower made of iron next to the beach which can be seen for miles around.
As we got nearer to Blackpool, I used to try and see Blackpool Tower
before my brother did. It was a kind of competition, but there was never
a prize for the winner.

The beach at Blackpool was lovely when I was a child, and next to it was
a fantastic amusement park. There were always so many tourists. The
sea was so blue and many people used to swim all day. I didn’t because
I couldn’t swim until I was older. One of my favourite things was to go
horse riding and I remember riding a beautiful white horse up and down
the beach. My father used to film us. I wish I still had those films today
so I could watch them again.

Of course, Blackpool is very different now. The beach is much quieter,

although there are more theatres than when I was a child and the
amusement park is a lot bigger. In the past, you didn’t need much money
to enjoy the funfair, but that’s not true today. A ticket now costs about
twenty-five euros per person which is a lot of money for a family day out.

[Pause three seconds]

ESB B1 Sample 3 1
Female Narrator: Now Listen Again.

[Replay Part Two]

[Pause three seconds]

Female Narrator: That is the end of the listening test. Do not forget to transfer your
answers to the optical mark form before the end of the
examination. You will not be given extra time to do this. You may
now continue with the rest of the exam.

ESB B1 Sample 3 1

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